Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Case for War in Ukraine

So the key, I think, for Total Defense is for our elected officials president, prime minister, and parliamentarians to be honest with the population, explain the threat, talk to the population as if we are adult, and explain here's what we're going to have to do to deal with the threat. It's going to cost money. People going have to make sacrifice. But if we're serious about the threat then we're going to we're going to have to do what's required. That's the beginning of Total Defense.

We face Global challenges, Russia, Iran, North Korea, China, and I believe they're all connected. They are absolutely all connected, the Hamas attack on Israel in October, that was not a coincidence. Who benefited from that attack? Not the Palestinians. The Kremlin, because it distracted us, distracted resources. So we have to think strategically, which means we have to organize ourself getting organized. If we want to protect Freedom, of navigation, sovereignty, human rights, the international rules-based order that Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea hate. So explaining with Clarity what are our interests, and then set priorities.

In 1942, after 3 years of World War II, nothing but disaster for Great Britain. Nazi Germany, the Empire of Japan, Italy: victory, victory, victory, victory, 3 years then December 1941, Pearl Harbor. Now the United States, after disaster, is in the war. And what happened in January of 42? Churchill came to Washington met with President Roosevelt in what was called the Arcadia conference, and they made the decision, this is three years into it (and people are whining about two years in Ukraine) retired three years of disaster for the allies, and they decide Germany first. They had no reason for optimism, but yet, they made the strategic decision, "we are going to have to defeat Germany first, and then we're going to take care of Japan. This is while US Navy ships are still on fire in Pearl Harbor. So the political courage of President Roosevelt, and his ability to communicate to Americans why we had to do this, that was the first organizing step.

And then they made the decision to put together British and American to combine Chiefs of Staff. Now you have a structure that can plan and execute a war effort. I keep going back though, don't forget this was after three years of disaster. We had no reason to be optimistic. We, the US Army, was number 17 in the world, right behind Bulgaria at that time. And our Navy was on fire, or underwater, most of it. So you see, that's why I get a little impatient when people complain about Ukraine. "Oh there's no way they can win." Thank God Roosevelt did not tell Churchill, "...for the sake of Peace. You can't win. Go ahead and let the Germans have whatever," So yet no, they said, "what we believe in is so important that we're going to fight for it no matter how long it takes. We're going to do whatever it takes."

One year later, 1943, the Casablanca conference. Still January 1943, no reason to be optimistic. But these two guys agreed, "unconditional surrender." So a very clearly defined end state for the the war, not, "we we want to get into a position of strength for negotiating." Hell no, we're going to crush Nazi Germany. We're going to crush the Empire of Japan. We're going to crush Italy. And we're going to do everything necessary to achieve that very clearly defined strategic objective.

All right, and then they're able to talk to their populations and say, "Hey guys, we're at War. Everything we care about is at risk." And remember, most Americans did not want to come to Europe for another War, so we had to explain why. And we ended up with 12 million people in uniform by the end of the war. Great Britain ended up with almost 6 million people in uniform. They got the Congress to pass laws that allowed us to organize our economy so that the president could look at the president of Ford Motor Company and said, "You're not going to make any more cars for the next few years, you're going to make tanks." And then he turned to the president of Westinghouse and said, "You're not going to make refrigerators, you're going to make machine guns. And that's what they did. They organized, and got the potential of our Industries producing what was needed to achieve those strategic objectives. That's what we we need now.

How do we get organized so that all the incredible industrial capacity of the West is captured and put to work to defeat Russia first, not "we want to negotiate with Russia and hope for the sake of Peace." No, we we want to crush them, we body slam the hell out of Russia. And Ukrainians are ready to do it, they just need they need tools, we can do it. And I hear, "oh my God, Russia's 7% of the GDP is on Military. Every German I know told me, "Ben, there's no way Russia will invade Ukraine. Russia has the economy of Italy." Okay, big deal, so 7% of the GDP of Italy that that doesn't sound like so much anymore, but if you add together the economy of all of Germany, Poland, France, Baltic countries, Norway, Netherlands, etc., it dwarfs, it dwarfs, Russia. So the only thing we're missing is the heart, the political will to make the decisions necessary to do what Roosevelt and Churchill did.

Do we have the political will? Of course we have the capacity. And of course we have the military capability. Do we have the political will to get organized to defeat Russia first? And when we defeat Russia, I mean like the old fashioned way, defeat them. I'm not talking about invading Russia, I'm talking about kicking them out of Ukraine. Iran will not have any friends, they will not be able to support their proxies. North Korea will be stuck with a bunch of old ammunition and nobody to give it to. And China will say, "oh [ __ ], the West is serious about freedom of navigation, sovereignty, human rights, respect for international law. The West is serious. we're not going to attack anybody."
- General Ben Hodges

My only question is, "Why total?"  This sounds like a plan for nationalizing the world economy, not defeating an economically insignificant country spending 7% of Italy's GDP on weapons.

And then my next question is, WHEN are you going to actually START being honest?  All you've done up until now is LIE and CENSOR DISSENTING OPINIONS.  

My third, WHO are we "sacrificing" FOR?  Oligarch's?  Corporate Interests?  What's in a war of global conquest for the average American who  isn't even granted the courtesy of national citizenship (protected, NOT open borders)?

My last?  If we defeat "Russia first, who's on "second"?  Third?  Fourth?

There are NO arguments in General Hodges speech that justify fighting a war with Russia in Ukraine even IF Ukrainians do all the dying.  It's just an old unchecked box in a Cold/Hot War list of war plans to implement against the USSR if you ask me.  The beginning of never-ending war in support of global hegemony.


  1. What was Churchill's most famous quote?
    “Never Give In” “This is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

    Famous Quotes and Stories - International Churchill Society › resources › quotes › famou...


    When did Churchill say you were given the choice between war and Dishonour you chose Dishonour and you will have war?
    In the 1930s, he repeatedly warned, in vain, of the threat posed by Hitler's Germany. Thus, when Chamberlain signed the Munich Agreement in 1938, he said, "You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war."

    Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill | Chemins de mémoire › sir-winston-leo...

    Wanna TEST that prophecy? Be my... our all, guest.

    Only... don't dare to whine... about results. ;-P

  2. My FiL was a US Marine in the Korean Conflict. He had a tattoo on his forearm that read "Death before Dishonuor". He also commanded a NYSG unit in Harlem in his later years. We buried him in his Guard "General's" uniform.

    ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς

    "And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again?" - Archilochus of Paros

    Meden agan. (aka- Don't get your panties in a wad, Antigone")

  3. My FiL was part of the Old Guard. Dishonour today is now our favorite past-time. Just ask Victoria Nuland.

  4. Whatever.

    You will have war anyway.

    It's... what you call it? Packed buy? Action buy?

    When you can buy needed... but ONLY with a bunch of useless?

  5. ...which is why we need to minimize needless "wars of choice" like Ukraine.

  6. Minus: He had a tattoo on his forearm that read "Death before Dishonuor".

    That is unfortunate that the tattooist misspelled "dishonor" or "dishonour" as you spell it. Also your FIL, apparently.

  7. btw - Do you speak English? Or American? I speak English. There is no language called "American".

  8. I also speak Spanish, although it's a South American variant close to the Castillian I first learned to speak in Madrid.

  9. Google corrects "dishonour" to "dishonor". But, according to you, your FIL had a tattoo that spelled it "dishonuor".

    I speak (and read/write) American English.

    btw, "Since the late 20th century, American English has become the most influential form of English worldwide".

  10. Frankly, I don't remember how it was spelled on his tattoo. It's still dishonour no matter how you spell it. And as Q had originally spelled it dishonour, I reverted to my childhood default, International English. It only makes a difference to spelling Nazi's like you.


  11. \\...which is why we need to minimize needless "wars of choice" like Ukraine.

    With operation like Iron Dome? ;-)

    \\btw, "Since the late 20th century, American English has become the most influential form of English worldwide".


    That same Russian babble about their Russian... variant of Slavic lang.


    Is it a coincidence.

    That you are totalitarian and cretin too...

  12. Qtard: ...which is why we need to minimize needless "wars of choice" like Ukraine\\ With operation like Iron Dome?

    Israel's iron dome stopped the Hamas attack?

    Qtard: \\..."Since the late 20th century, American English has become the most influential form of English worldwide"\\ Yeah. That same Russian babble about their Russian... variant of Slavic lang. Yawn. Is it a coincidence. That you are totalitarian and cretin too...

    Yeah, acknowledging facts... that's "totalitarian". Well, to a cretin.

    Why are you here reading a blog in English and replying in (broken, misspelled) English? Also frequently babbling about what it saw in Hollywood movies? Like your reference to "Mockingjay".

    Surely Hollywood is in large part responsible for spreading American English around the world. So why isn't Qtard resisting?

    Google... Historical Roots: The Spread of English. The United States' rise to prominence as a global superpower in the 20th century further solidified the reach of English. Hollywood, with its glamorous film industry, became a significant contributor to the global appeal of English-language media and pop culture.

  13. If you wanted to keep up with technology from 1945-90, you needed to learn English or Russian. And THAT is why International English spread, not only the "American" b*stardization of it.

  14. \\you needed to learn English or Russian.

    WAT??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Well, you dunno.

    That half of Russian scientific/tech literature -- is just a translation from English. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: ...which is why we need to minimize needless "wars of choice" like Ukraine\\ With operation like Iron Dome?

    \\ Israel's iron dome stopped the Hamas attack?


    Cretin just cannot help it -- confirming own critinism all of the time.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yeah, acknowledging facts... that's "totalitarian". Well, to a cretin.



    Cretin just cannot help it -- confirming own critinism all of the time.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    you can try to Google about pidjin English. Or hindu variant. Or some African variant.

    Which are completely independent. And have MUCH MORE users... combined. ;-P

    \\ Like your reference to "Mockingjay".

    SURE cretin.

    I NEVER refered to something like that.

    I even needed to ask Google to confirm -- yep, I dunno what it is.

    Some false memories???

    Or just YET ONE try of silly gaslighting?


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Hollywood, with its glamorous film industry, became a significant contributor to the global appeal of English-language media and pop culture.

    And NOT British Empire outreach?

    That made it over its North America colonies too. ;-P

  15. No cretin's retorts here?

  16. There is a cretin's retort right above.

    The cretin wrote...

    \\ Like your reference to "Mockingjay"\\ SURE cretin. I NEVER refered to something like that. I even needed to ask Google to confirm -- yep, I dunno what it is. Some false memories??? Or just YET ONE try of silly gaslighting?

    I can't find the comment, but you previously referenced the Jennifer Lawrence movie. Though you misspelled everything. What I think you wrote was something like "Mokingjay pointed her finger at sno".

    But you will likely claim not to remember.

    MY POINT was that YOU Qtard watch Hollywood movies. I wrote "Also frequently babbling about what it saw in Hollywood movies?".

    I did find some other quotes that proves that to be the case.

    Try to base your assesment on some reality, not moivies. ;-P
    FYI, "Enemy at the gate" was hilarious gimmick to watch. :-))))
    Oh, it's interesting to know what your vets think about "Fury"... or even better "Inglorious Bastards" :-)))))))))))))))

    "Being Malcovich"? ;-)

    "Rub, Forest, run". [Forrest Gump]

    Who know about USA only what I have seen in Hollywood movies.

    More "false memories"? Maybe someone else wrote the comments above?

    FYI, Google "doesn't know" because the Google site search function is broken. It does not work. I confirmed that by searching for items I saw on the page in front of me. Minus has written numerous posts about Julian Assange. Posts that include the name "Julian Assange" right in the title of the post. Yet when I site search this blog for "Julian", Google says there are no results.

  17. \\I can't find the comment, but you previously referenced the Jennifer Lawrence movie.


    And WHY you can't find it???

    Isn't it because THERE WAS NO such comment.

    I DID NOT know what that reference refer to... until checked it up with Google, after your insistence.

    HOW I could refer to it... without knowing??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



    Most surely that is your OWN cretinic delusion -- you either babbled it or thought about it, or was talking about it in some other thread of some other blog... and now, your rotten and delusioned brain -- makes IT think that it was MY comment... refering to something I DUNNO about. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



    With OWN cretin's words. ;-P

    \\What I think you wrote was something like "Mokingjay pointed her finger at sno".


    In your cretinic delusion. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But you will likely claim not to remember.

    Surely... only your other SAMEBODY alter-egos can "remember" such your SAMEBODY delusions.

    *I*... can remember only TRUE FACTUAL quotes of words SAMEBODY but split-personality cretin wrote... here, in this blog, where I observe its merry cretinism. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. \\FYI, Google "doesn't know" because the Google site search function is broken. It does not work.



    When I/Joe/anybody was saying that Google DOING CENSORING. That it is DEMN censure device.

    You tried to lie that that CANNOT be true. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because "Holy Bi-den and DEMNs"... CANNOT doing something SO undemocratic and borderline totalitarian.

  19. \\ Like your reference to "Mockingjay"\\ SURE cretin. I NEVER refered to something like that. I even needed to ask Google to confirm -- yep, I dunno what it is. Some false memories??? Or just YET ONE try of silly gaslighting?

    Yeah. And WHY you can't find it??? Isn't it because THERE WAS NO such comment.

    \\What I think you wrote was something like "Mokingjay pointed her finger at sno".

    Yeah. In your cretinic delusion. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But you will likely claim not to remember.

    Surely... only your other SAMEBODY alter-egos can "remember" such your SAMEBODY delusions.

    *I*... can remember only TRUE FACTUAL quotes of words SAMEBODY but split-personality cretin wrote... here, in this blog, where I observe its merry cretinism.


    That comment is a "false memory", "silly gaslighting" and a "delusion" that "only your other SAMEBODY alter-egos can remember"???


    An ACTUAL Qtard comment?

    Quote: "I NEVER refered to something like that".

    Really? Because I couldn't find it, Qtard denies ever saying it.

    Because the liar it KNOWS Google site search is broken.

    But I found it. HERE.

    Anonymous said...

    \\Dervish Sanders said...
    There was a violent Insurrection. I saw it on TV.

    Oh... I saw it too. That is where Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow, yes? ;-P

    October 22, 2023 at 11:48 PM

    Now what? Qtard will run away? Continue to deny that IT said it?


    NOT a "false memory".

    Your cretinic "quotes" game has been exposed. You ask for quotes because you know it's a fairly safe way to LIE. Make me find a quote. Imply I'm lying if I don't produce one. When we BOTH know what you've said.

    Quote: "I NEVER refered to something like that".


    Quote: "Isn't it because THERE WAS NO such comment".



    \\When I/Joe/anybody was saying that Google DOING CENSORING. That it is DEMN censure device.

    I dunno why site search doesn't work anymore. But it isn't due to tinfoil hat nuttery like Google being a "Demn censure device".

    Why would Democrats want to censure results for "Where is 1978 Oldsmobile windshield washer pump timer circuit located"?

  20. Is Google site search still available?

    Google discontinued Google Site Search in April 2017 in favor of a new solution called Custom Search Engine (CSE). Mar 2, 2023.

    Has Qtard been thinking that it CAN and HAS been using Google site search?

  21. Found nothing better THAN copy-pasting MUCH SMARTER opponent comment as a whole???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  22. \\\\Dervish Sanders said...
    There was a violent Insurrection. I saw it on TV.

    Oh... I saw it too. That is where Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow, yes? ;-P

    October 22, 2023 at 11:48 PM

    \\Now what? Qtard will run away? Continue to deny that IT said it?





    Ahh... yeah.

    NOW I see... to what you referring to.

    And now I understand -- why it was hard for me to recall it.


    I watched that NOT IN ENGLISH... of course.


    I am not American. And not speak in English naturally.


    I back-translated it into that "Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow".

    But I...


    do not REFER to it as "Mokingjay". In English.

    Or as to "Jennifer Lawrence movie."


    I do not give a shit.. whose movie it is.

    I even not watched it properly.

    And just saw that EPISODE... maybe even.



    if you'd be NOT CRETIN... you'd grok how IMPORTANT are... FACTUAL REFERENCES...

    because of SUCH differences in comprehension of different people.


    you ARE cretin...

    and will NOT learn nothing NEW from it.

    And only continue your cretinic screeching.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  23. \\Your cretinic "quotes" game has been exposed. You ask for quotes because you know it's a fairly safe way to LIE. Make me find a quote. Imply I'm lying if I don't produce one. When we BOTH know what you've said.


    Because only "Facts don't lie".

    And you are -- showed itself relentless cretinic liar.


    And this one FACTUAL quote of MY words... cannot free you from burden of all previous your NON-FACTUAL or even COUNTER-FACTUAL... about YOUR OWN WORDS just written. LIES.


    As you trying to dismiss need of FACTUAL QUOTES right away.

    Under your cretinic deceptive quip "we BOTH know what you've said."

    No... surely NOT "we BOTH".

    Especially when it about some CONCOCTED on the whim lie... you NEVER able to confirm with FACTUAL QUOTES. ;-P

  24. \\Quote: "Isn't it because THERE WAS NO such comment".




    YET ONE lying concocted deceptive OUT OF CONTEXT false faked PARTIAL quote.



    \\\\I can't find the comment, but you previously referenced the Jennifer Lawrence movie.


    \\And WHY you can't find it???

    \\Isn't it because THERE WAS NO such comment.


    I NEVER referred to it as to "Jennifer Lawrence movie".


    I was DUNNO about it being "Jennifer Lawrence movie".


    do not give a shit anyway.


    what's your point CRETIN? ;-P

    You DECIDED to reveal what a lying scum you are... YET ONE time???


  25. \\I dunno why site search doesn't work anymore. But it isn't due to tinfoil hat nuttery like Google being a "Demn censure device".


    Even despite that fact... that when I tried to find "compromat" on Zero-bama... you know, that, when it babbled "I will have more free hands (to serve my master) after elections" -- I was NOT able to find it with Google.(and you... could DOUBLE-CHECK it yourself... if you'd not be cretin)

    Though, absolutely SAME search string gave me needed results... in Bing. ;-P



    "Google do not do DEMN censure"... is just a DEMN propaganda.

    And you are cretin from DEMN propaganda babble. ;-P

  26. No cretin's retorts here? ;-P

  27. Qtard: Found nothing better THAN copy-pasting MUCH SMARTER opponent comment as a whole????

    I dunno wtf you're talking about. Cretin's delusions? False memories?

    Qtard: What a cretin [I am].

    Forgot to add "I am" to complete your sentence. And make it accurate.

    Qtard: Hah. SEE! Power of CORRECT FACTUAL QUOTE? ;-P Ahh... yeah. NOW I see... to what you referring to.

    Huh? You said it was my "false memory".

    Qtard: And now I understand -- why it was hard for me to recall it.

    Because it was my "false memory"? Now you (somehow) remember MY "false memory"?

    Qtard: Because... I watched that NOT IN ENGLISH... of course. Because... I am not American. And not speak in English naturally. So... I back-translated it into that "Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow". But I... obviously... do not REFER to it as "Mokingjay". In English.

    But YOU DID. I remembered your misspelling. Yet you said YOUR WORDS were (somehow) MY "cretinic delusion".

    Qtard: Or as to "Jennifer Lawrence movie."

    She is the star of it. What do you call it? "Сойка пересмешница"?

    Qtard: Because... I do not give a shit.. whose movie it is. I even not watched it properly. And just saw that EPISODE... maybe even. So... yeah... if you'd be NOT CRETIN... you'd grok how IMPORTANT are... FACTUAL REFERENCES...

    Factual reference GIVEN. That you previously referred to "Mokingjay". Misspelled that way. Missing a "C".

    Qtard: ...because of SUCH differences in comprehension of different people. But... you ARE cretin... and will NOT learn nothing NEW from it.

    I learned that you are a for sure liar. A liar who lies constantly. About IT's own words, even. "Never said it"... that's your cretinic chant. EVERY time (or almost every time) I bring up anything IT previously said.

    Qtard: And only continue your cretinic screeching.

    Wrote "your" in place of "my".

    Qtard: \\Your cretinic "quotes" game has been exposed. You ask for quotes because you know it's a fairly safe way to LIE. Make me find a quote. Imply I'm lying if I don't produce one. When we BOTH know what you've said\\ Yeah. Because only "Facts don't lie". And you are -- showed itself relentless cretinic liar.

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: And this one FACTUAL quote of MY words... cannot free you from burden of all previous your NON-FACTUAL or even COUNTER-FACTUAL... about YOUR OWN WORDS just written. LIES.

    There is no "burden" for me to be freed from. Because "all previous" is NONE.

    Qtard: As you trying to dismiss need of FACTUAL QUOTES right away. Under your cretinic deceptive quip "we BOTH know what you've said."

    Honest "quip".

  28. Qtard: No... surely NOT "we BOTH".

    Because you constantly forget. Even WORDS JUST SAID. Or characters JUST mistyped. Like your "T" at the end of your moronic laughter.

    Qtard: Especially when it about some CONCOCTED on the whim lie... you NEVER able to confirm with FACTUAL QUOTES. ;-P

    LIE. Just proven to be a lie. With my ACCURATE quote given. When you claimed it was a "cretinic delusion" or a "false memory".

    Qtard: Hah... Even despite that fact... that when I tried to find "compromat" on Zero-bama... you know, that, when it babbled "I will have more free hands (to serve my master) after elections" -- I was NOT able to find it with Google.(and you... could DOUBLE-CHECK it yourself... if you'd not be cretin)

    You could not find it ANYWHERE. Because you refer to words (by Obama, you say) that were NEVER said.

    Qtard: Though, absolutely SAME search string gave me needed results... in Bing. ;-P

    Impossible. Because Obama never said that. btw, Bing is microsoft. Qtard trusts Bill Gates? Bill Gates isn't "Demn propaganda"? Despite being a Democrat?

    Qtard: So. Yeah. "Google do not do DEMN censure"... is just a DEMN propaganda.

    "Google does censure for Democrats" is your rightturd propaganda.

    Qtard: And you are cretin from DEMN propaganda babble. ;-P

    You are cretin from rightturd propaganda babble.

  29. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Found nothing better THAN copy-pasting MUCH SMARTER opponent comment as a whole????

    \\ I dunno wtf you're talking about. Cretin's delusions? False memories?


    Some other alter-ego talking????

    Not remembering writing comment from that same account

    Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    > \\ Like your reference to "Mockingjay"\\ SURE cretin. I NEVER refered to something like that. I even needed to ask Google to confirm -- yep, I dunno what it is. Some false memories??? >Or just YET ONE try of silly gaslighting?
    > Yeah. And WHY you can't find it??? Isn't it because THERE WAS NO such comment.

    March 14, 2024 at 4:39 PM

    which starts with Copy-Pasting of MY comment above????????????????????????????????

    STATE YOUR name Alter-Ego! ;-P

  30. \\Qtard: What a cretin [I am].

    \\Forgot to add "I am" to complete your sentence. And make it accurate.

    You did? ;-P

    Are you that Qtard alter-ego? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Huh? You said it was my "false memory".


    There where you said "it was to Jennifer Lawrence movie"????

    Of course IT WAS ITS false memory. ;-P

    I... became aware that that was episode from "Jennifer Lawrence movie"... ONLY after your nagging insistence. ;-P

    Well... useless piece of information to know. But... Ou'Key! :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Because it was my "false memory"? Now you (somehow) remember MY "false memory"?

    Gobberish BS.

    \\Qtard: Because... I watched that NOT IN ENGLISH... of course. Because... I am not American. And not speak in English naturally. So... I back-translated it into that "Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow". But I... obviously... do not REFER to it as "Mokingjay". In English.

    \\But YOU DID. I remembered your misspelling. Yet you said YOUR WORDS were (somehow) MY "cretinic delusion".


    And what exactly from my EXPLANATION that I back-translated it -- you still DO NOT GET, cretin????? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\She is the star of it. What do you call it? "Сойка пересмешница"?


    That's how I used to know about it. ;-P

    \\Factual reference GIVEN. That you previously referred to "Mokingjay". Misspelled that way. Missing a "C".

    Well... naturally, if so.

    Not my native lang.

    And not my point of interest.


    \\I learned that you are a for sure liar. A liar who lies constantly. About IT's own words, even. "Never said it"... that's your cretinic chant. EVERY time (or almost every time) I bring up anything IT previously said.


    That's what you do, cretin.


    \\There is no "burden" for me to be freed from. Because "all previous" is NONE.


    Cretin in denial being cretin.


    \\Qtard: As you trying to dismiss need of FACTUAL QUOTES right away. Under your cretinic deceptive quip "we BOTH know what you've said."

    \\Honest "quip".


    Your ONLY honest words -- about you DON'T CARE about FACTS. Prefer deceptive lies.


  31. \\Because you constantly forget. Even WORDS JUST SAID. Or characters JUST mistyped.


    And how... some short remark... written like several months ago... SUDDENLY becomes "WORDS JUST SAID"??????? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You pushing it too much, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    To be successful, it need to be BELIEVABLE for at least. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And while you lies is SO APPARENT. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Or characters JUST mistyped. Like your "T" at the end of your moronic laughter.

    Of course I "forgot".

    Because I DID NOT noticed... and therefore NOT corrected that mistyping.

    That's how it happens.

    \\LIE. Just proven to be a lie. With my ACCURATE quote given.


    And what about ALL PREVIOUS??? ;-P

    And well... you just gave CORRECT QUOTE... once here.

    But... labouring hard to rub some lie into it.

    That I "forgot"... something I didn't knew in the first place.

    Or something. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    It's very entertaining... to observe your such labourous tryes. :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\When you claimed it was a "cretinic delusion" or a "false memory".


    That was YOUR cretinic delusion. That that was reference to "Jennifer Lawrence movie".

    And I PROPERLY explained HOW it can be.

    \\You could not find it ANYWHERE. Because you refer to words (by Obama, you say) that were NEVER said.

    Because some lying reporter just said that he heard em? ;-P

    \\Impossible. Because Obama never said that. btw, Bing is microsoft. Qtard trusts Bill Gates?

    Well... after I twickked my query a little... Google showed it too.

    So... maybe Google are "righturd" too??? ;-P

    So, you'd better STOP using Google. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  32. › fact-check › obama-more-flexibility-russia
    Did Obama Suggest 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After the 2012 ...
    Published Dec 13, 2016. A hot microphone picked up President Obama telling Russian President Dmitri Medvedev he would have more flexibility to negotiate on issues such as missile defense after the ... › article › 2019 › nov › 14 › obamas-hot-mic-moment-russian-president-2012-was-u
    Obama 2012 hot mic moment unrelated to Ukraine aid in 2014
    U.S. President Barack Obama, left, and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev chat during a bilateral meeting at the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea, Monday, March, 26, 2012. › article › idUSBRE82P0JI
    Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election
    U.S. President Barack Obama shakes hands with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in a bilateral meeting before they both attend the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit later today in Seoul, South Korea ... › 2012 › 03 › 27 › us › politics › obama-caught-on-microphone-telling-medvedev-of-flexibility.html
    Microphone Catches a Candid Obama - The New York Times
    Mar 27, 2012President Obama found his private moment of political candor caught by a live microphone on Monday as he told President Dmitri A. Medvedev of ... referring to Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin, who ... › news › us-news › what-obama-said-putin-red-phone-about-election-hack-n697116
    What Obama Said to Putin on the Red Phone About the Election Hack
    U.S. President Barack Obama, right, speaks with Russia's President Vladimir Putin during arrivals for the G-20 summit at the Konstantin Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia on Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013.

  33. Barack Obama never said "I will have more free hands (to serve my master) after elections".

    That is a fake quote.

    Qtard: Your ONLY honest words -- about you DON'T CARE about FACTS. Prefer deceptive lies.

    Never said words. You lie. Like you lied about Obama referring to Putin as his master.

  34. Yeah??? Because some lying reporter reported that? ;-P

    And NOT provided factual recordings of it? ;-)
