Thursday, March 7, 2024

London Bridges Falling Down...

Leaked communications involving high-level German government and military figures appear to confirm that British army personnel are engaged on the ground in Ukraine. An unencrypted telephone call intercepted and leaked to Russian broadcaster RT suggested British troops were helping the defending forces in the use of Storm Shadow cruise missiles the UK has supplied to help Kyiv’s war effort.

In response, the UK prime minister, Rishi Sunak, confirmed that there are a “small number” of British army personnel “supporting the armed forces of Ukraine”. But he added that “we haven’t got any plans for large-scale deployment”.

There have also been unconfirmed reports that British special forces personnel were operating inside Ukraine shortly after the beginning of Russia’s invasion in the spring of 2022. Again, this has not been confirmed by the UK ministry of defence.

Russia has consistently maintained that any non-Ukrainian military personnel training troops to operate weapons systems in-country would be legitimate military targets for Russia – as would the factories producing those weapons systems in third-party countries.

The episode raises some important questions as to whether training Ukrainian troops on the battlefield comprises an act of war – and whether this means Britain risks being designated a co-combatant alongside Ukraine.

Konstantin Kosachev, the deputy speaker of Russia’s federation council, was reported by Russia’s state-run news agency Tass as saying that by supplying weapons to Ukraine, Nato countries were progressing along a path towards direct confrontation. Sending troops to Ukraine, he said, “can be interpreted as the alliance’s direct involvement in hostilities, or even as a declaration of war”.

What international law says

The day after Russia invaded Ukraine, as Kyiv’s allies scrambled to find a response, it was reported that the US government was reviewing the legality of providing arms to help with the country’s defence.

Within days, Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, had declared that even imposing economic sanctions would be an “act of war”. His defence ministry released a statement that if third-party countries allowed Ukraine to use their bases as a safe haven for Ukrainian aircraft, then “subsequent use against the Russian armed forces can be regarded as the involvement of these states in an armed conflict”.

Since the second world war, the laws of neutrality have been interpreted so that states can provide weapons and other support to a state unjustly attacked by a belligerent country, to enable it to defend itself. According to this definition, third-party countries would become co-combatants only if they resort to armed force against Russia.

Russia’s incursion into Ukraine has been ruled as a flagrant breach of Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, which prohibits the “use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state”. Russia’s war in Ukraine has been denounced as an act of aggression by the UN general assembly and the International Court of Justice.

Moreover, it is claimed that Russia has been implicated in breaches of international humanitarian law through its apparent indiscriminate bombing and other violent attacks, and crimes against civilians. This would mean that anyone supplying Russia – the belligerent in this conflict – with arms is in breach of international law.

But the question remains, if it is legal to supply Ukraine with weapons to help defend itself, would actually helping the Ukrainian military use them to hit Russian targets make the UK a co-combatant?

While the law is not settled, legal scholars believe supplying Ukraine with the means to defend itself against Russia does not in itself constitute a breach of international law – and nor does it make the UK a co-combatant. Any action by UK forces would only constitute a combat operation if these actions, carried out by UK personnel without any further action by Ukrainians, would launch a missile or any other kind of attack on Russian forces.

Risk of escalation

But there remains the question of escalation. Whatever the legal situation – and Russia has shown itself willing to ignore the rules of warfare by violating Ukraine’s territorial integrity since the incursions of 2014 and in the full-scale invasion in February 2022 – Putin and his senior ministers have regularly warned Kyiv’s western allies that their aid may constitute an escalation to which it would respond with all available means, including nuclear weapons.

Accordingly, to prevent a direct confrontation with Russia, Nato countries have been wary about the kinds of weapon they will supply to Ukraine. The guiding principle has been that western-supplied weapons should not be used in attacks against Russian territory.

But this may change. Germany has, up to now, been very reluctant to supply Ukraine with its Taurus missiles, which have a range of 500km and could be used against targets deep in Russian territory. However, recent reports suggest the German government is considering supplying these missiles to Ukraine.

The German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, was quick, though, to insist that “German soldiers must at no point and in no place be linked to targets this system reaches”, making it absolutely clear that Germany would not risk its involvement being interpreted as a direct act of escalation.

And despite the Kremlin’s repeated threats, it is not eager to engage Nato militarily. So, despite all the strong words being exchanged by both sides, there has been no sign that Nato and Russia will face each other on the battlefield in Ukraine – for the moment, at least.


  1. Quote: Germany has, up to now, been very reluctant to supply Ukraine with its Taurus missiles, which have a range of 500km and could be used against targets deep in Russian territory.

    That has got to be the fault of the Putin puppet the "holy Bi-den". He sends aid so Ukraine isn't defeated to swiftly. The longer the war goes on the more babies and other innocents can be killed. Bi-den, the evil demon, loves to see innocent Ukrainian babies killed๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

  2. That's the whole idea, give them weapons to fight with, not WIN. Fight!

    If America has to fight the world's forever wars, why not Ukraine?

  3. liliPut just cannot admit defeat from Ukraine... but, if that'll be NATO... or even better -- USA itself.

    it can "sell" it to his public as "swift victory" even if it'll be total defeat.

    but, nasty-nasty USA (and NATO)... do not want to come on that battlefield.

    Uvalde Syndrome

  4. \\The longer the war goes on the more babies and other innocents can be killed. Bi-den, the evil demon, loves to see innocent Ukrainian babies killed๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

    Yeah... seems like it.

    What is Holmes's best quote?
    “How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?”

  5. The BEST part of last night’s State of the Union speech was the look on Speaker Mike Johnson’s face during all those Lies by Joe Biden.

  6. I thought the best moment came when Angry Joe finally left the podium.

  7. Qtard: What is Holmes's best quote? “How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?”

    Qtard explains how it "knows" it delusions are "truth".

  8. Minus: #ActanonVerba

    WHO is refusing to pass aid?

    Minus: #deadukarinianbabies

    Yes, republiturds are responsible for Ukrainian dead babies.

    Qtard will argue otherwise, say it's "Demns" who are responsible.

    Because? As per Qtard, "Truth ... it's lies".

  9. WHO is refusing to pass aid?

    Did the Speaker make the promise? So where's the "lie"?

  10. Minus: Did the Speaker make the promise? So where's the "lie"?

    The lie is that Democrats are to blame. Qtard's qtarded argument. Your lie too. Attempting to blame Democrats for dead Ukrainian babies? Unless the hashtag is for tweeting about how great Ukrainian dead babies is. Maybe make a joke about it and include that hashtag. I didn't Google to see if it is being used and for what purpose.

  11. \\Because? As per Qtard, "Truth ... it's lies".

    Your alter-ego?

    Because that is what you chanting. Just in neighbour post comments thread. Well... samebody that writing under "Blogger Dervish Sanders" .

    But... now YOU saying that that is some "Qtard" saying???

    \\Attempting to blame Democrats for dead Ukrainian babies?

    Didn't Bi-den said: "Ukraine? They DO NOT need planes"????

    Or... I know, I know... Bi-den is secret closet republiturd -- covering insurrectionist and helping dRump to became "president for life". ;-P

    \\WHO is refusing to pass aid?


    Which is DEMN party POTUS!

    Who HAVE for at least 4 BILLIONS in his presidential purse AND/OR can ORDER to Pentagon to dispense some of USA weapon...


    NOT DOING it.


    When liliPut burgeoning on low amount of shells for Ukrainian artillery. AND... gaining more and more grounds.

    WHICH... is VERY helpful. To liliPut before its faked forged "reelections".

    So... do Bi-den helping its puppet-master liliPut??? OR... it "helping" Ukraine -- that much that MORE Ukrainian children, elder and dying to protect em soldiers...

    \\Yes, republiturds are responsible for Ukrainian dead babies.

    Secret closet "republiturds" in White House? ;-P

  12. The "lie" was that Victoria Nuland and Joe Biden made promises to the Ukrainians that their sorry asses couldn't keep. And Joe made those promises to get his sorry drug addled son a paycheck.

  13. Qtard: Your alter-ego?

    No, you aren't my alter ego. You dispute your own existence? Why do you want so much to be my alter ego?

    Qtard: Because that is what you chanting. Just in neighbour post comments thread.

    No. I was reminding Minus of your chant.

    Qtard: Well... samebody that writing under "Blogger Dervish Sanders" . But... now YOU saying that that is some "Qtard" saying???

    No. What you say.

    Qtard: \\Attempting to blame Democrats for dead Ukrainian babies?\\ Didn't Bi-den said: "Ukraine? They DO NOT need planes"????

    Saying "send Ukraine planes". And planes being sent. Training of Ukrainian pilots taking place now.

    Qtard: Or... I know, I know... Bi-den is secret closet republiturd...


    Qtard: -- covering insurrectionist and helping dRump to became "president for life".

    No. Definitely not.

    Qtard: \\WHO is refusing to pass aid?\\ STATE POWER of USA. Which is DEMN party POTUS!

    republiturds control the House. That is where aid is being blocked. You don't understand this because you are a moron.

    Qtard: Who HAVE for at least 4 BILLIONS in his presidential purse AND/OR can ORDER to Pentagon to dispense some of USA weapon... BUT... NOT DOING it. NOW.

    Republicans not bringing their "plan for victory in Ukraine" to the House floor for a vote.

    Qtard: So... do Bi-den helping its puppet-master liliPut??? OR... it "helping" Ukraine -- that much that MORE Ukrainian children, elder and dying to protect em soldiers...

    tRump helping it's master Putin by instructing his republiturds to block aid.

    Qtard: \\Yes, republiturds are responsible for Ukrainian dead babies\\ Secret closet "republiturds" in White House?


    btw, in regards to the last time Biden sent aid using the presidential drawdown (in December), White House national-security spokesman John Kirby said, "When that one's done... we will have no more replenishment authority available to us and we're going to need Congress to act without delay".

    Means, they have 4 billion in authority remaining, but no ability to replenish anything sent.

    Although (as of Feb 28) "The Pentagon is weighing whether to tap into the last remaining source of funding it has for military aid to support Ukraine’s war effort against Russia even without guarantees that those funds will be replenished by Congress".

    The reason they haven't used the rest of the drawdown as of right now?

    "...because taking from DoD stockpiles with no plan to replenish that equipment could impact US military readiness".

    Minus: And Joe made those promises to get his sorry drug addled son a paycheck.

    No. That's a debunked lie. Which was JUST debunked again.

  14. \\No, you aren't my alter ego. You dispute your own existence? Why do you want so much to be my alter ego?


    Gibberish. Delusional. Babbling.

    Of a total cretin. ;-P


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. What you say.

    And you ATTRIBUTED it as such? ;-P


    Cause you are total(itarian) cretin.

    And NEVER able to do that.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Saying "send Ukraine planes". And planes being sent.


    Where is AT LEAST ONE F-16... in Ukraine????

    Where RFia's planes SHUT by it????


    And that is just YET ONE LIE of total(itarian) liar and cretin LYING AGAINSt obvious facts.



    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Or... I know, I know... Bi-den is secret closet republiturd...


    NewSpeak "Yes!"?

    \\Qtard: -- covering insurrectionist and helping dRump to became "president for life".

    \\No. Definitely not.


    where's his Executive Order to STOP insurrectionist from coming to power? ;-P

    While that is his DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY. As POTUS.

    As in OATH said. "To protect union from enemies... inner and outer".

    Are he OATH BREAKER?????? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\republiturds control the House. That is where aid is being blocked. You don't understand this because you are a moron.


    And "control of the House" MEAN that they control EVERYTHING???

    Like special presidential funds???

    Special secret Pentagon account???

    EVEN POTUS Executive Orders as "Commaner in Chief"???

    You are... either stunning cretin... or you are totalitarian liar.

    Well... both.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Republicans not bringing their "plan for victory in Ukraine" to the House floor for a vote.

    Of Course.

    Because that is just a PLAN.

    noun: plan; plural noun: plans

    a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.
    "the UN peace plan"


    Legislation to proceed in accordance with that plan -- mentioned INSIDE that plan...

    but, blocked by DEMNs.


    DEMNs are Ruling Party TODAY.

    THEY control executive branch. And IMPERSONATE State Power in USA.

    NOT RESPs!!!!!!!!

    But... you are lying total(itarian) cretin that trying to proliferate totalitarian DEMN lies and propaganda.



    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\tRump helping it's master Putin by instructing his republiturds to block aid.


    Presidential funds. POTUS executive orders.

    That is ALL "republiturds" control.

    Because "republiturds" that is hidden deceptove calling of DEMN totalitarians in Whit House. ;-P


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\The reason they haven't used the rest of the drawdown as of right now?

    \\"...because taking from DoD stockpiles with no plan to replenish that equipment could impact US military readiness".

    Just MOAAAR of DEMN lies.


    SAME... as they SIGNED Lend-Lease... but NOT sent EVEN ONE BULLET by it.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  15. What???

    No more Double-Thinking LIAR LIES here? ;-P

  16. Qtard: No more Double-Thinking LIAR LIES here? ;-P

    What? You FORGOT you wrote, "Legislation to proceed in accordance with that plan -- mentioned INSIDE that plan... but, blocked by DEMNs".

    HOW could Democrats "block" it? It would need to be put up for a vote first.

    That is absolutely a liar lie. From the liar Qtard.

  17. \\HOW could Democrats "block" it? It would need to be put up for a vote first.


    You INVESTIGATED it???

    And found that such legislation was PROPOSED... and was thrown out, by DEMNs??? ;-P


  18. Qtard: You INVESTIGATED it?? And found that such legislation was PROPOSED... and was thrown out, by DEMNs???

    And HOW could I investigate and confirm something that only happened in your delusions?

  19. Qtard: You INVESTIGATED it??? And found that such legislation was PROPOSED... and was thrown out, by DEMNs???

    But that did not happen. So HOW could I investigate and find that it did happen?

  20. And you know it, because???



    You -- Not.

    You in your cretinic delusion just ASSUMED. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  21. \\And HOW could I investigate and confirm something that only happened in your delusions?


    Earlier... you cretin said that there was NO such plan... until I gave you link... to GOVERNMENT website. Means, only authorities can upload documents here.

    But... you cretin tried to OPPOSE it.


    Now you trying to oppose other OBVIOUS things.

    And *I*... by your cretinic logic... SOMEHOW are obligated to find proof, even if it obvious and under your nose.

    And you will continue cretinicly OPPOSING... that Obvious Factual Reality... as SOMEHOW NOT obvious, not factual and not reality at all.

    What fan in it??? None.

    So.. I'll better call you cretin and laugh at you, from all your merry cretinism...

    instead of trying to pretend that I am talking with sane intelligent person here. ;-P

    As you trying to propose.

    And... I doing it for more then a year here.

    But you cretin... still not get it.

    How laughable and cretinic your behavior is.

    Trully Total Cretin(s) Behavior.

    Of IT.

    :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0^%*&%&^$^#% (added exclusively for you cretin to find what to comment on here ;-P)

  22. Qtard: Earlier... you cretin said that there was NO such plan... until I gave you link... to GOVERNMENT website. Means, only authorities can upload documents here.

    No. I didn't. I said there was no legislation based on this "plan for victory in Ukraine". No vote on this legislation.

    Qtard: But... you cretin tried to OPPOSE it.

    No, I support it. I say they should vote on it ASAP.

    Qtard: Cretinicly. Now you trying to oppose other OBVIOUS things.

    Such as?

    Qtard: And *I*... by your cretinic logic... SOMEHOW are obligated to find proof, even if it obvious and under your nose.

    Proof of what?

    Qtard: And you will continue cretinicly OPPOSING... that Obvious Factual Reality... as SOMEHOW NOT obvious, not factual and not reality at all.

    Impossible. I can't "continue" doing something I've never done.

    Or did you use (as is your habitual habit) "you" in place of "I"?

    Qtard: What fan in it??? None.

    ??? Nonsensical.

    Qtard: So.. I'll better call you cretin and laugh at you, from all your merry cretinism...

    Use of "you" instead of "me"?

    Qtard: instead of trying to pretend that I am talking with sane intelligent person here. ;-P

    But you say I don't talk to you. According to you, I'm mostly (always?) replying to "alter egos".

    Qtard: As you trying to propose.

    I never proposed that you are sane or intelligent.

    Qtard: And... I doing it for more then a year here.

    Yeah. And beg me for more comments when I don't respond. Write cretinity like "no cretin retorts here?" or "Derpy is silently agreeing" (trying to goad me into writing a response).

    Qtard: But you cretin... still not get it. How laughable and cretinic your behavior is. Trully Total Cretin(s) Behavior. Of IT.

    Yeah, your alter ego "IT".

    Qtard: :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0^%*&%&^$^#% (added exclusively for you cretin to find what to comment on here ;-P)

    I have no comment re your mashing of keyboard buttons.

  23. \\Qtard: Earlier... you cretin said that there was NO such plan... until I gave you link... to GOVERNMENT website. Means, only authorities can upload documents here.

    \\No. I didn't.


    YET ONE "I NEVER said it"?


    And what if I'll provide PERFECTLY FACTUAL quote? AGAIN!


    \\Qtard: And you will continue cretinicly OPPOSING... that Obvious Factual Reality... as SOMEHOW NOT obvious, not factual and not reality at all.

    \\Impossible. I can't "continue" doing something I've never done.

    Like your "I NEVER said it"???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or... like you claimed "NEVER lying".

    But then ADMITTED... that YOU DO. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))



    I see.

    You'll NEVER stop lying. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But you say I don't talk to you. According to you, I'm mostly (always?) replying to "alter egos".

    Well... if I'd be closer up. To see your face. To track your behavior.

    I could read some MORE clues of your craziness. ;-P

    But... communication through texts... leave only that much possibility to assess it... your cretinic behavior -- by spotting and accounting IRREGULARITIES of your cretinic behavior.

    And try to guess what they mean. ;-P

    \\Yeah. And beg me for more comments when I don't respond. Write cretinity like "no cretin retorts here?" or "Derpy is silently agreeing" (trying to goad me into writing a response).


    So what???

    I EXpLAINED it properly -- how entertaining it is for me. ;-P

    To observe your cretinism. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: But you cretin... still not get it. How laughable and cretinic your behavior is. Trully Total Cretin(s) Behavior. Of IT.

    \\Yeah, your alter ego "IT".


    Like THIS one.

    YOU REALLY ARE CRETIN -- if you think that such a throwing MY MUCH SMARTER opponent BACK at me...

    can IMPRESS me, somehow...

    or can make me feel injured, offended...

    ONLY MOAAAAR entertained.


    Repeat it! Repeat it MOAAAR!!!

    That stark and definite behavior of a definite C-R-E-T-I-N. ;-P

    \\I have no comment re your mashing of keyboard buttons.

    Why noT?

    Ah, I know...

    see no precious To you Turds in it. ;-P


    Go, comment! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))TTTTTT

  24. Qtard: Earlier... you cretin said that there was NO such plan... until I gave you link... to GOVERNMENT website. Means, only authorities can upload documents here\\ No. I didn't. Yawn.
    YET ONE "I NEVER said it"?

    Because YOU keep claiming I write things that I don't. Or that what I've written means something else -- Qtard tells me what I meant. And it is something other than what I actually meant. YAWN.

    Qtard: And what if I'll provide PERFECTLY FACTUAL quote? AGAIN!

    Can't. Because there isn't one. Because I never referred to "plans". Only legislation is important. And you ADMITTED there is none from republicans. None they are pushing for the Speaker of the House to bring to the floor for a vote.

    Qtard: And you will continue cretinicly OPPOSING... that Obvious Factual Reality... as SOMEHOW NOT obvious, not factual and not reality at all\\ Impossible. I can't "continue" doing something I've never done\\ Like your "I NEVER said it"???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Yes. Things never said can't be quoted. And things never did once can't be done "again". Nor can I "continue" to do them.

    Qtard: Or... like you claimed "NEVER lying". But then ADMITTED... that YOU DO.

    No. That didn't happen. I did the opposite.

    Qtard: I see. You'll NEVER stop lying.

    "You'll" written when you meant "I'll".

    Qtard: \\But you say I don't talk to you. According to you, I'm mostly (always?) replying to "alter egos"\\ Well... if I'd be closer up. To see your face. To track your behavior. I could read some MORE clues of your craziness.

    Look in a mirror. You will DEFINITELY see more craziness.

    Qtard: But... communication through texts... leave only that much possibility to assess it... your cretinic behavior -- by spotting and accounting IRREGULARITIES of your cretinic behavior.

    Self referring talks? But you are with yourself. You can observe in person your cretinic behavior. But you obviously you can't see it. So what makes you think you could in regards to me?

    Qtard: And try to guess what they mean. ;-P

    Make up some BS-- more like it. "What Derpy behavior really mean".

    Qtard: \\Yeah. And beg me for more comments when I don't respond. Write cretinity like "no cretin retorts here?" or "Derpy is silently agreeing" (trying to goad me into writing a response)\\ Yeah. So what??? I EXpLAINED it properly -- how entertaining it is for me. ;-P
    To observe your cretinism.

    What you mean is -- how I respond to your cretinism -- that is what entertains you.

    Qtard: But you cretin... still not get it. How laughable and cretinic your behavior is. Trully Total Cretin(s) Behavior. Of IT. \\Yeah, your alter ego "IT"\\ Yeah. Like THIS one.
    YOU REALLY ARE CRETIN -- if you think that such a throwing MY MUCH SMARTER opponent BACK at me... can IMPRESS me, somehow...

    What do I care about "impressing" you?

    And, like it is my fault -- that you project so much? Things you accuse me of, those are clearly your admissions. But I shouldn't point that out.

    Qtard: or can make me feel injured, offended...

    Of course not.

    Qtard: ONLY MOAAAAR entertained.

    I don't care.

    Qtard: So. Repeat it! Repeat it MOAAAR!!! That stark and definite behavior of a definite C-R-E-T-I-N. ;-P

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\I have no comment re your mashing of keyboard buttons\\ Why noT? Ah, I know...
    see no precious To you Turds in it. ;-P Here... you have iT.... TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Go, comment! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))TTTTTT

    On your cretinity? That will entertain you? Clearly you are very proud of your cretinity. You want to be praised for it.

  25. \\Because YOU keep claiming I write things that I don't.


    Then HOW I can Ctrl-F em and copy-paste as PREFECTLY FACTUAL quotes????

    Some "blakk magic" AGAIN?????!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Or that what I've written means something else

    Yeah... in your NewSpeak... it really mean "something else". ;-P

    I get it.

    Really, I do. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\And it is something other than what I actually meant. YAWN.


    In your lying deceptive twisting Reality DEMN NewSpeak -- like Orwell described in "1984" -- those who control HOW people will speak, WILL control how they think.

    I get it.

    Really, I do. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And what if I'll provide PERFECTLY FACTUAL quote? AGAIN!

    \\Can't. Because there isn't one. Because I never referred to "plans". Only legislation is important. And you ADMITTED there is none from republicans.

    Legislation mentioned INSIDE that plan document. ;-P

    \\None they are pushing for the Speaker of the House to bring to the floor for a vote.

    And you INVESTIGATED it???

    Like reading that plan document... and then searching for mentioned there legislation being proposed "to the floor"???????


    You didn't.

    You just babbling fact-less BS.

    As ever. ;-P


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yes. Things never said can't be quoted.

    UNTIL... they do.

    Because... that is PLAIN CRETINIC lie.



    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\And things never did once can't be done "again". Nor can I "continue" to do them.


    In your cretinic delusion you have that crazy idea -- that things you WRITTEN here... NEVER happened. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or... that's just because some other of SAMEBODY Derpish SADners have written it? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Or... like you claimed "NEVER lying". But then ADMITTED... that YOU DO.

    \\No. That didn't happen. I did the opposite.


    And that is NOT your words???

    \\In my entire life? I have lied.

    \\Look in a mirror. You will DEFINITELY see more craziness.

    Suggesting from OWN experience? ;-P


    What signs of craziness you see when looking in the mirror?

    Or... let me guess -- YOU NEVER do... to not see crazy ITself in it. ;-P



  26. \\Self referring talks? But you are with yourself. You can observe in person your cretinic behavior. But you obviously you can't see it. So what makes you think you could in regards to me?


    You saying it from OWN experience, ah, cretin??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Make up some BS-- more like it. "What Derpy behavior really mean".


    Sewer bs from facts. ;-p

    But... it's something IMPOSSIBLE... for such a cretin as you are, isn't it??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\What you mean is -- how I respond to your cretinism -- that is what entertains you.


    \\What do I care about "impressing" you?


    there is FACTS of your behavior -- you never-ending trying to call back "you are cretin" at me.

    Do you REALLY think THAT can IMPRESS me??? As MUCH SMARTER opponent??? ;-P

    Surely you think that way -- why else you DOING it -- because U R CRETIN.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\And, like it is my fault -- that you project so much? Things you accuse me of, those are clearly your admissions. But I shouldn't point that out.



    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: or can make me feel injured, offended...

    \\Of course not.

    Obvious lie.

    a stupid person
    The English language has no shortage of cruel names for people, and one of them is cretin, which is what you'd call someone who is very, very dumb in the head. Back before cretin meant “a stupid person,” it was a medical term for a physical deformity that came from a specific disease.

    Cretin - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - › dictionary › cretin

    Or what...

    maybe in NewSpeak you using it means "something else"?????????????????????????????????


    \\Qtard: ONLY MOAAAAR entertained.

    \\I don't care.

    IT's... ABSOLUTLEY... DOESN'T... MATTER. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: So. Repeat it! Repeat it MOAAAR!!! That stark and definite behavior of a definite C-R-E-T-I-N. ;-P

    \\Self encouragement.


    ITself... encouragment. ;-P

    \\On your cretinity? That will entertain you? Clearly you are very proud of your cretinity. You want to be praised for it.



    THAT is your assessment.

    Of what cretinism is.

    Something to be proud of? Something to be praised? ;-P

    Seems like it.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  27. Qtard: Then HOW I can Ctrl-F em and copy-paste as PREFECTLY FACTUAL quotes????

    But you don't. You use partial out of context quotes. Then lie about them.

    Qtard: Some "blakk magic" AGAIN?????!!!!

    Here you lie again. You called your false claim of copying and pasting "perfectly factual" quotes "blakk magic". There is no magic involved. Just lying.

    Qtard: \\Or that what I've written means something else\\ Yeah... in your NewSpeak... it really mean "something else".

    No. In your NewSpeak I mean something other than what I wrote. Proven by your chopping up of my words. Adding to them. Like "em their rights".

    Qtard: I get it. Really, I do.

    Do you? Know you're a huge liar?

    Qtard: In your lying deceptive twisting Reality DEMN NewSpeak -- like Orwell described in "1984" -- those who control HOW people will speak, WILL control how they think.

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: I get it. Really, I do. ;-P

    I think you do. But you will never admit being a huge liar who lies constantly.

    Qtard: And what if I'll provide PERFECTLY FACTUAL quote? AGAIN!\\ Can't. Because there isn't one. Because I never referred to "plans". Only legislation is important. And you ADMITTED there is none from republicans\\ Legislation mentioned INSIDE that plan document.

    That was not written up. Put up for a vote. Because the plan is fake.

    Qtard: \\None they are pushing for the Speaker of the House to bring to the floor for a vote\\ And you INVESTIGATED it???

    KNOW it was NOT voted on.

    Qtard: Like reading that plan document... and then searching for mentioned there legislation being proposed "to the floor"???????

    And then voted on? TRIED to get a vote on? Naaahhhh.

    Qtard: Naaaah.

    Right. There was no vote. No attempt to get a vote.

    Qtard: You didn't.

    Read it? Why should I? Who cares about plans that never get voted on? The Ukrainian people? They are so happy for the Republican "plan" that isn't being voted on? They say, don't vote on it -- the plan existing is enough. The plan simply existing has SAVED Ukraine!

    Qtard: You just babbling fact-less BS.

    "You" in place of "I".

    Qtard: \\Yes. Things never said can't be quoted\\ UNTIL... they do.


    Qtard: Because... that is PLAIN CRETINIC lie.

    Because "Truth... It's lies"... To you. Yes?

    Qtard: \\And things never did once can't be done "again". Nor can I "continue" to do them\\ In your cretinic delusion you have that crazy idea -- that things you WRITTEN here... NEVER happened.

    No. Things I never wrote never happened.

    Qtard: Or... that's just because some other of SAMEBODY Derpish SADners have written it? ;-P

    No "Dervish SADners" has ever written anything here ever.

  28. Qtard: Or... like you claimed "NEVER lying". But then ADMITTED... that YOU DO\\ No. That didn't happen. I did the opposite\\ Yeah??? And that is NOT your words??? "In my entire life? I have lied".

    Partial quote. You chopped it in half to lie about what I said.

    The rest of the quote is "I've told the truth in my discussions with you".

    Qtard has never lied? In it's ENTIRE life? Qtard is the most honest person who ever lived?

    Qtard: \\Look in a mirror. You will DEFINITELY see more craziness\\ Suggesting from OWN experience?

    No. I never looked in a mirror and saw you. That "mirror" would have to be a photo of you.

    Qtard: What signs of craziness you see when looking in the mirror?

    You tell me. I don't know much about your craziness. Aside from the craziness you post here.

    Qtard: Or... let me guess -- YOU NEVER do... to not see crazy ITself in it. ;-P

    Self referring talks? How you avoid seeing your own craziness?

    Qtard: You saying it from OWN experience, ah, cretin???

    How could I say something from YOUR own experience?

    Qtard: \\Make up some BS-- more like it. "What Derpy behavior really mean"\\ Yeah. Sewer bs from facts. ;-p But... it's something IMPOSSIBLE... for such a cretin as you are, isn't it???

    I dunno. I don't know what "Sewer bs from facts" means.

    Qtard: \\What you mean is -- how I respond to your cretinism -- that is what entertains you\\ **cretinic laughter**

    See? Of course you don't.

    Qtard: \\What do I care about "impressing" you?\\ Well... there is FACTS of your behavior -- you never-ending trying to call back "you are cretin" at me. Do you REALLY think THAT can IMPRESS me??? As MUCH SMARTER opponent??? ;-P

    No. I JUST said I don't care about impressing you -- the much dumber opponent.

    Qtard: Surely you think that way -- why else you DOING it -- because U R CRETIN. continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughter**

    You said why. Your cretinity entertains you.

    Qtard: \\And, like it is my fault -- that you project so much? Things you accuse me of, those are clearly your admissions. But I shouldn't point that out\\ **cretinic laughter** continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughter**

    See? Laughing at your own cretinity again.

  29. \\But you don't. You use partial out of context quotes. Then lie about them.


    Because you are NewSpeakean cretin that habitually answering with texts where "I" substituted with "you".

    Because you are such a cretin... that think that such an apparent way of lying... would do you any good. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Would not be seem? Would not be called out(by much smarter opponent)? Not be laughed at? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... naaaaah!

    It will. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. In your NewSpeak I mean something other than what I wrote. Proven by your chopping up of my words. Adding to them. Like "em their rights".


    Confirmed with your adamant: "I deny then HAVING such right"? ;-P

    \\\\ Legislation mentioned INSIDE that plan document.

    \\That was not written up. Put up for a vote. Because the plan is fake.

    And you know it for sure... even though NOT double-checked... SAME as you was adamantly SURE before -- that there was NO such plan? ;-P


    Because you self-delusioned pipsqueak? ;-P

    \\KNOW it was NOT voted on.

    Without double-checking? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Yes. Things never said can't be quoted\\ UNTIL... they do.


    Yeah??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Like it was with "I *DO* deny..."? ;-P

    Or with "I believe in facts"? ;-P

    Or... numerous OTHER such occurrences? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because you are "truth teller".

    Though you DID CONFESSED lying... in your "lifetime". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What? That might be ONE and ONLY of your lies? ;-P




  30. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Or... like you claimed "NEVER lying". But then ADMITTED... that YOU DO\\ No. That didn't happen. I did the opposite\\ Yeah??? And that is NOT your words??? "In my entire life? I have lied".

    \\ Partial quote. You chopped it in half to lie about what I said.

    \\ The rest of the quote is "I've told the truth in my discussions with you".


    You are habitual liar... but "telling truth" her to me. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But well... I know that you are cretin from Cretans. ;-P

    Already. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard has never lied? In it's ENTIRE life? Qtard is the most honest person who ever lived?

    Your alter-ego "Qtard"????


    But I do not see it as impossible... that IT is cretinic liar, that lying while trying to say that it "telling truth". ;-P

    Which is... obvious lie, of course.

    One who caught lying. Many-many times. Can try to cry "but I am telling truth"... but who will believe?

    Do you know about that proverbial story? About "boy who cried wolfs"?

    \\I dunno. I don't know what "Sewer bs from facts" means.

    Never heard "Sewing grain from chaff" saying?

    Most probably. ;-P

    \\No. I JUST said I don't care about impressing you -- the much dumber opponent.

    I JUST said I Don Tcare impressing you -- (then in NewSpeak)the much smarter opponent.


  31. Qtard: \\Qtard has never lied? In it's ENTIRE life? Qtard is the most honest person who ever lived?\\ Your alter-ego "Qtard"????

    Asked many times before. Always answered no, I am talking about IT. But IT still thinks it is funny to play dumb. Pretend I am not talking about IT. Another of ITs cretinic games.

    Well, I don't need an answer. I know the answer. The answer is that Qtard is a bigly liar. IT can't stop lying.

    But IT will likely respond with yet more cretinity. Yawn.

  32. Alter-ego "IT"??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
