Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Victoria Nuland's "Retiring" - I wonder "why"?

Michael Crowley, "Victoria Nuland, Veteran Russia Hawk, to Leave the State Department"

A hard-charging diplomat and determined advocate of supporting Ukraine will step down from the department’s No. 3 post.

Victoria J. Nuland, the third-ranking official at the State Department and a determined advocate of tough policies toward Vladimir V. Putin’s Russia, will retire this month after more than 30 years of government service.

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken announced Ms. Nuland’s departure from the post of under secretary for political affairs on Tuesday in a statement noting her “fierce passion” for freedom, democracy and human rights, and America’s promotion of those causes abroad.

Mr. Blinken singled out her work on Ukraine, which he called “indispensable to confronting Putin’s full-scale invasion” of the country.

Ms. Nuland held numerous State Department positions, including spokeswoman, and once served as deputy national security adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney. But she made her mark as a Russia specialist who long argued for marshaling strong resistance to Mr. Putin’s territorial ambitions and foreign political influence.

As the State Department’s top Russia official during the Obama administration, she argued unsuccessfully for arming Ukraine with antitank missiles, and during the Biden administration has been among the biggest proponents of sending Ukraine more and better U.S. weapons.

A skilled bureaucratic operator, she delivered her arguments with sharp wit and a bluntness that drew a mixture of admiration and fear from colleagues. “She always speaks her mind,” Mr. Blinken’s statement gently noted.

She became more widely known in 2014 after referring with an expletive to the European Union in a phone call about Ukrainian politics that was recorded and leaked, in what U.S. officials believe was the work of Russia.

During the Biden administration, Ms. Nuland became a lightning rod for skeptics of U.S. support for Ukraine. “Nobody is pushing this war more than Nuland,” the Tesla co-founder Elon Musk wrote on the social media site X last February.

She was reviled in Moscow as an avatar of a Washington establishment that was seen as conspiring to undermine Russia and even overthrow Mr. Putin. Russian officials and media outlets constantly recall the way Ms. Nuland, then the U.S. assistant secretary for European and Eurasian affairs, distributed food to protesters in Kyiv’s central square in early 2014 who eventually toppled Ukraine’s Kremlin-backed leader.

“A coup against the government happened in Ukraine in 2014 after under secretary of state Victoria Nuland handed out cookies to terrorists,” the Russian foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, said last year. (Ms. Nuland has said she passed out sandwiches, not cookies.)

Ms. Nuland’s departure was treated as major news by the Kremlin-backed, English-language news site RT, which featured a red banner across its home page and the headline “NULAND QUITS.”

RT quoted Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, as attributing Ms. Nuland’s departure to “the failure of the anti-Russian course of the Biden administration.” She charged that “Russophobia, proposed by Victoria Nuland as the main foreign policy concept of the United States, is dragging the Democrats to the bottom like a stone.”

Ms. Nuland spent much of the past year doubling as the acting deputy secretary of state following the retirement of Wendy Sherman, who had held the job for the first two and a half years of the Biden administration.

She had been considered a natural candidate to replace Ms. Sherman on a full-time basis. But Mr. Blinken tapped Kurt Campbell, previously the top National Security Council official for Asia, for the post. Mr. Campbell was confirmed by the Senate on Feb. 6.

Mr. Blinken said the department’s under secretary for management, 
John Bass, would assume Ms. Nuland’s duties on an acting basis until a replacement was confirmed.
Some analysts interpreted the choice of Mr. Campbell as a sign that President Biden and Mr. Blinken consider managing America’s relationship with China to be their top priority, despite the way Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has consumed much of Mr. Biden’s foreign policy.

Ms. Nuland spoke publicly last month about the future of Ukraine, the country in which she had invested many hundreds of hours of her life.

“If Putin wins in Ukraine, he will not stop there, and autocrats everywhere will feel emboldened to change the status quo by force,” she warned in remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Mr. Putin “thinks he can wait out all of us,” she said. “We need to prove him wrong.”


  1. Vickie Nuttland knows that she'll be headed to GITMO if she doesn't retire now. The Powers That Be gave her a choice to retire or go to prison. Nuttland is saving her flea ridden stinky rotting carcass by retiring and possibly turning state's evidence against the Biden Crime Clan.

    1. Oh, by the way, you can bet that Phony Tony Blinkerfluid will be following Nuttland's lead soon.

  2. When Trump wins in November, the USIC paper-shredders and burners will be going faster and hotter then the gas chambers and ovens in German WWII death camps all the way until his Inauguration.

  3. Biden is going to win in November. Or "steal" it again. tRump couldn't stop the steal when he was in charge of the Executive branch, so how is and he and his magaturds going to stop it now? Can't we just print up truckloads of fake ballots to counteract all the vote suppressing you're going to do?

    dotard donald is going to be inaugurated? Or hung? The Liberal storm is coming! I call on Democrats to exercise their human right to decide for themselves and walk by streets and enter a free admission building to stop the electoral vote count if that happens.

    1. WOW ∆$$£∆¢€! That's quite a confession you have. Election theft bears the charge of treason, ∆$$£∆¢€.

    2. Exercising a "human right" is treason, Mystere? So why were the J6 insurrections not charged with treason? Why is your side calling them "political prisoners"?

    3. "Human Right" in libtardese is code for usurping rights and inflicting tyranny upon those who refuse to bow down to far left wing extremist libtards

  4. Honest elections??? And where they see it??? :-)))))))

    \\The Liberal storm is coming!

    Yeah. Whole storm of "not my business". :-)))))))))))))))))))))T

  5. Qtard laughed so hard it pooped its pants? Is that what the "T" represents -- "T" for Turd?

    What's the joke, Qtard? Why do you think I'm always saying things aren't my business? Your alter you "Derpy" told you? Whispered in your ear, "Derpy says it isn't it's business"?

  6. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Something more about your concentration on feces, especially. ;-P

  7. I was only trying to guess what the "T" meant. YOU typed it.

    Now you are back to a "0" to conclude your moronic laughing outburst. I previously guessed that represented a puddle of drool. Drool has nothing to do with feces.

    No reply to my question about this "not my business" BS that you think I say about things all the time. Maybe I said it once in regards to something that isn't my business. Then Qtard decided (due to it's delusions) that I say it all the time. Like the "Never said it" phrase the imbecile thinks I'm saying (again) all the time. When I only write it in response to Qtard claims that I've said something I DID NOT.

    Well, I didn't expect an explanation. Because the only one IT could give is "I imagined it". Then maybe say "I'm sorry, I forgot to take my anti-psychotic medications".

    I doubt Qtard ever takes these medications IT CLEARLY needs. IT will likely respond to this comment by asking me if my reference to "Qtard" is a reference to "my alter ego". Because the cretin thinks IT "knows" Qtard is me. A "fact" IT deduced using "facts and logic"... that IT knows nothing about.

  8. Quote: "Nobody is pushing this war more than Nuland" the Tesla co-founder Elon Musk wrote on the social media site X last February.

    Question: Is Elon Musk the founder [or co-founder] of Tesla?

    Answer: No. Tesla Inc. was founded in 2003 by entrepreneurs Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, according to several sources, including Britannica,, CNN and Benzinga financial news service. link

    Nobody is pushing this war more than Nuland? What about Putin?

  9. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ I was only trying to guess what the "T" meant. YOU typed it.


    And you can QUOTE it? ;-P


    That just YET ONE of your silly attempts of gaslighting.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No reply to my question about this "not my business" BS that you think I say about things all the time.

    And you not??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Ah... yes-yes, that ALWAYS samebody else saying... some YET OTHER alter-ego.

    Which babbling YET OTHER alter-ego -- which is CURRENTLY at helm under your rotting scull cupola and control over fingers typing cretinic bullshit... CANNOT REMEMBER, yes? ;-P

    \\When I only write it in response to Qtard claims that I've said something I DID NOT.

    Though... as *I* demonstrated... many-many times.

    There IS words... written under "Blogger Dervish Sanders" account.


    that's JUST ANOTHER confirmation... that samebody of that "Blogger Dervish Sanders" owner... have alter-egos. ;-P

    Surely confirmed. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Well, I didn't expect an explanation. Because the only one IT could give is "I imagined it". Then maybe say "I'm sorry, I forgot to take my anti-psychotic medications".

    You alter-ego? ;-P

    Or your samebody... of dweller of an azylum. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I doubt Qtard ever takes these medications IT CLEARLY needs.


    Self-revelation. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You, samebody of "Blogger Dervish Sanders" owner... keep postponing intaking your medicine.

    Which are prescribed to fix your split-personality disorder.

    That's why your alter-egos surges are so irregular, yes? ;-P

  10. Qtard: \\ I was only trying to guess what the "T" meant. YOU typed it\\ Yeah??? And you can QUOTE it?

    What a dumbass. It is right above.

    \\The Liberal storm is coming!

    Yeah. Whole storm of "not my business".

    Not your comment? "Never said it"? "Out of context"?

    Yet more proof that your request for "quotes" is just a cretinic game.

    Qtard: Which are prescribed to fix your split-personality disorder.

    YOUR split personality disorder. One personality typed the "T". Another personality replied and denied that was IT's comment. Because it was some other personality that wrote that comment.

    Qtard: \\No reply to my question about this "not my business" BS that you think I say about things all the time\\ And you not???

    No. Not all the time. I'm not saying I never said it. I think you might have brought up something previously that I said that in reply to. But I certainly do not say it as often as you think I do. Almost never for sure.

    Qtard: Ah... yes-yes, that ALWAYS samebody else saying... some YET OTHER alter-ego. that's JUST ANOTHER confirmation... that samebody of that "Blogger Dervish Sanders" owner... have alter-egos.


    fyi, the bone that surrounds your brain is a SKULL, not a "scull".

  11. \\Yeah. Whole storm of "not my business". :-)))))))))))))))))))))T

    \\Not your comment? "Never said it"? "Out of context"?

    Oobvious mistyping?

    Ough... but you are cretin.

    That can come up ONLY WITH SUCH cretinic retorts -- trying to read something out of obvious mistypings. ;-P


    continue-contiunue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))hbfckjdcidgic


    I added some DELIBERATE mistyping.

    Go... try to suck up something out of em too. ;-P

    \\Yet more proof that your request for "quotes" is just a cretinic game.


    That is "game" devised to unleash your cretinism to the fullest.

    So... yeah... it could be called that way. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Which are prescribed to fix your split-personality disorder.

    \\YOUR split personality disorder.


    \\No. Not all the time. I'm not saying I never said it.


    Some OTHER alter-egos of samebody DID IT. ;-P

    \\I think you might have brought up something previously that I said that in reply to. But I certainly do not say it as often as you think I do. Almost never for sure.

    And what alter-ego plead that... this time????

    So I could try to destinguish and account it (more correctly?). ;-p

    \\fyi, the bone that surrounds your brain is a SKULL, not a "scull".


    Google shows a TON of white eye-less bones... in response to "scull". ;-P

    And Google -- are DEFINITELY more wise then you lying definite cretin.

  12. Well... Google just demonstrated KNOW TO LINGUISTS FACT -- how meanings of words are generated and preserved -- by the frequence of use.


    Less and less people raw in a boat.

    But... image of bare human scull... is more and more frequent in modern culture.

    And NO amount Grammar-Nazism can FIX it. ;-P


    you continue-continue opposing to Obvious Reality, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  13. If the "T" was a mistyping, then why didn't you say so? Instead of asking me to quote? You couldn't see your own comment RIGHT ABOVE? Due to hysterical blindness? Thought I lied? Or you thought *I* wrote that? Remembered it was you after I gave the quote?

    HOW should I know it was a "mistyping"? You also end your laughter with "0". But that isn't a mistyping (I guess). Because you've done it multiple times. Even confirmed (when I guessed) that the "0" represents a puddle of drool. So I think my guess that the "T" represented a turd was a good one. You laughed and pooped yourself.

    Google makes guesses and corrects misspellings. Because Google guessed that you mean SKULL when you spell it incorrectly as "scull" -- that does not make your misspelling correct.

    Imbecile thinks "frequence of use" makes his incorrect spelling somehow correct spelling? Over time some spellings do change. But (for now, at least) SKULL is spelled with a K and not a C.

    But people ROW in a boat. The spelling of ROW will never change to RAW. Because that is a different word with a different meaning. RAW is uncooked. While ROW is "a verb meaning to paddle".

    But YOU can "continue-continue" opposing obvious reality, cretin.

  14. .

    \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ If the "T" was a mistyping, then why didn't you say so? Instead of asking me to quote? You couldn't see your own comment RIGHT ABOVE? Due to hysterical blindness? Thought I lied?


    You gotcha!

    You cretin LIED so much, so many times... that I CANNOT believe to any you claim -- NOT supported by some FACTUAL QUOTE...

    And well... as you cretin DENY need of quoting IN GENERAL.

    And OFTEN, practically EVERY TIME making some FALSE/FAKED/gaslighting QUOTES.

    \\Remembered it was you after I gave the quote?

    After *I* double-checked it, YES!

    You gotcha!

    I, after your screaming insistence, DOUBLE-CHECKED it.

    And found that THIS TIME... yeah, that was correct quote... of something UNIMPORTANT.


    And something... you tried to GASLIGHT into being something that are. Important.

    So... JUST YET ONE stark confirmation... that you are lying cretin and cretinic liar.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  15. \\HOW should I know it was a "mistyping"?

    Of course you can't... cause you are cretin. ;-P

    \\You also end your laughter with "0". But that isn't a mistyping (I guess).


    Your cretinic guess AKA cretinic delusion. ;-P

    What you'd do to make keyboard print many characters??? Hold a key.

    But... to print ")" one need to press Shift too. ;-)

    \\Even confirmed (when I guessed) that the "0" represents a puddle of drool.


    You "confirmed" it with your own babbling. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    As ever. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, crein. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\So I think my guess that the "T" represented a turd was a good one. You laughed and pooped yourself.


    Good cretinic one. Signifying true delirious definite cretin... that can think only about poop -- and that is what I admitted right away. ;-P

    \\Over time some spellings do change. But (for now, at least) SKULL is spelled with a K and not a C.

    And what is FACTUAL base for claiming that???

    Oh, yes, none. ;-P

    Just your cretinic delusion.

    \\But YOU can "continue-continue" opposing obvious reality, cretin.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You -- gotcha! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And you will continue opposing that Reality... that there is MUCH MORE people in the world that talk English... in their own way. ;-P

  16. Qturd: \\If the "T" was a mistyping, then why didn't you say so? Instead of asking me to quote? You couldn't see your own comment RIGHT ABOVE? Due to hysterical blindness? Thought I lied?\\Yeah. You gotcha! You cretin LIED so much, so many times... that I CANNOT believe to any you claim -- NOT supported by some FACTUAL QUOTE...

    Ha! When I assumed you lied (about me writing "I believe in facts") you attacked me. I don't recall exactly what you said, but after that you started claiming that I was constantly forgetting. Probably called me a cretin as well.

    Qtard: And well... as you cretin DENY need of quoting IN GENERAL.

    Of course. Because (unless someone genuinely forgets) REMEMBERING should suffice.

    Qtard: And OFTEN, practically EVERY TIME making some FALSE/FAKED/gaslighting QUOTES.

    Me -- I do not do that. You -- yes, you do. Like your fake quote, "I do deny em their rights".

    Qtard: \\Remembered it was you after I gave the quote?\\After *I* double-checked it, YES!

    It was RIGHT above. You could have double checked it initially. Instead of denying it.

    Qtard: I, after your screaming insistence, DOUBLE-CHECKED it.

    Big deal. It was RIGHT ABOVE.

    Qtard: And found that THIS TIME... yeah, that was correct quote... of something UNIMPORTANT.

    Then why didn't you just check it when I brought it up? Then you could have said it was a "mistyping". Instead of denying it when it was RIGHT ABOVE?

    Qtard: And something... you tried to GASLIGHT into being something that are. Important.

    It was important in that it demonstrated that your request of "quotes" is a cretinic game.

    Qtard: So... JUST YET ONE stark confirmation... that you are lying cretin and cretinic liar.

    YOU lied. Denied writing something -- and moronically asked for a QUOTE of something you JUST wrote.

    Qtard: \\HOW should I know it was a "mistyping"?\\Of course you can't... cause you are cretin\\You also end your laughter with "0". But that isn't a mistyping (I guess).Yeah.
    Your cretinic guess AKA cretinic delusion. ;-P What you'd do to make keyboard print many characters??? Hold a key. But... to print ")" one need to press Shift too. ;-)

    There is also a backspace key which could be used to get rid of a "0" or any other "mistyping". Delete key would also work.

    Qtard: \\Even confirmed (when I guessed) that the "0" represents a puddle of drool. Yeah.
    You "confirmed" it with your own babbling. **moronic laughter** As ever.

    But you didn't claim "mistyping". So I assumed it was on purpose.

    Qtard: \\So I think my guess that the "T" represented a turd was a good one. You laughed and pooped yourself\\ Yeah. Good cretinic one. Signifying true delirious definite cretin... that can think only about poop -- and that is what I admitted right away. ;-P

    Like when I said I know more about Navalny than you. To you that is EVERYTHING. Now I say a "T" stands for "turd", and to you that means I "can ONLY think about poop".

    Two perfectly cretinic conclusions.

    Qtard: \\Over time some spellings do change. But (for now, at least) SKULL is spelled with a K and not a C\\And what is FACTUAL base for claiming that???


    Qtard: Oh, yes, none. ;-P

    Dictionaries. Check it out.

    Qtard: Just your cretinic delusion.

    Yeah, to you a dictionary is a "cretinic delusion".

    Qtard: And you will continue opposing that Reality... that there is MUCH MORE people in the world that talk English... in their own way.

    These other people talk about the bone that protects your brain being a "scull" like a rowing oar? Or "raw" as you wrote previously. "Raw in a boat"?

    These other people are wrong. Are they your fellow citizens of "far far away" where people speak qtardese?

  17. \\Ha! When I assumed you lied (about me writing "I believe in facts") you attacked me. I don't recall exactly what you said, but after that you started claiming that I was constantly forgetting. Probably called me a cretin as well.

    Of course you LIED.

    Because you claimed it AFTER that *I* provided PERFECTLY CORRECT FACTUAL quote of YOUR OWN WORDS.

    And that is... behavior befiting cretin -- lying about such Obvious Apparent Transparent Directly Visible TRUTH!!!


    all is perfectly logical, in my assessment of your cretinism.

    Or what... maybe you'd try to persuade me here -- that you just PLAYED to be cretin?

    What for??? ;-P

    \\Qtard: And well... as you cretin DENY need of quoting IN GENERAL.

    \\Of course. Because (unless someone genuinely forgets) REMEMBERING should suffice.

    Definitely NOT our case. ;-P

    As you tend to (pretend?) not remember EVEN YOUR OWN WORDS *JUST*WRITTEN*... served to you as PERFECTLY FACTUAL quote.


    \\Qtard: And OFTEN, practically EVERY TIME making some FALSE/FAKED/gaslighting QUOTES.

    \\Me -- I do not do that. You -- yes, you do. Like your fake quote, "I do deny em their rights".

    Direct and MANY-MANY times revealed LIE of yours.

    MY quote was "I *DO* deny..." -- PERFECTLY FACTUAL EXCERPT(and it SHOWED PROPERLY that that is just an excerpt, of most important verse... with "..." sign) of words you KNOW that you said -- and that is NOT me ASSUMING that you know and remember it... that is FACTUALLY confirmed... with YOUR OWN admitting it -- rephrasing all talking points around that verse, with your own words and perfectly the same way.


    You JUST CONFIRMED my claim that you cretin "practically EVERY TIME making some FALSE/FAKED/gaslighting QUOTES."


    \\Qtard: And found that THIS TIME... yeah, that was correct quote... of something UNIMPORTANT.

    \\Then why didn't you just check it when I brought it up?


    you NOT attributed it CORRECTLY, obviously.

    \\Qtard: I, after your screaming insistence, DOUBLE-CHECKED it.

    \\Big deal. It was RIGHT ABOVE.

    Lie as ever.

    That comment where you mentioned that "T"-question was

    \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard laughed so hard it pooped its pants? Is that what the "T" represents -- "T" for Turd?

    March 7, 2024 at 12:24 PM

    And MY post with that INSIGNIFICANT "T" you self-arrosed ITself so much... by seeing evidance of your precious "turds" in it.


    \\ Anonymous said...

    \\The Liberal storm is coming!

    Yeah. Whole storm of "not my business". :-)))))))))))))))))))))T

    March 7, 2024 at 12:39 AM


    TWO MORE in-between.

    HOW is that "right above"????

    Only crazy cretin could call it that way.

    By implying that it repeats words of MUCH SMARTER opponent.

    But... only showing own cretinism -- how it UNABLE to grasp meaning even of MOST SIMPLE WORDS like "right above".

    And comment where you rised that "T"-question... is EVEN more far away.

    What a cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You cretinism showing itself only more and more hilariously. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. \\It was important in that it demonstrated that your request of "quotes" is a cretinic game.



    When you worked your butt out to find that PERFECTLY FACTUAL QUOTE about "Mockingjay"... that was because YOU ARE CRETIN????? ;-P

    I KNEW IT! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\YOU lied. Denied writing something -- and moronically asked for a QUOTE of something you JUST wrote.


    And you can PROVIDE quote?

    And EXPLAIN... where and how I "lied"???

    Naaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because you are CRETIN. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    All you can: either repeating after MUCH SMARTER opponent or just produce some cretinic quips from itself. ;-P

    Nothing smart. Nothing factual.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\There is also a backspace key which could be used to get rid of a "0" or any other "mistyping". Delete key would also work.


    Why should *I* care to DO that??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    While it facilitates producing of such a laughing cretinism from your side.

    Do *I* not want to laugh more, MORE, MOAAAAARRRRR!!!! ;-)

    \\But you didn't claim "mistyping". So I assumed it was on purpose.


    Because U R CRETIN.

    And that is funny. ;-P

    \\Like when I said I know more about Navalny than you. To you that is EVERYTHING. Now I say a "T" stands for "turd", and to you that means I "can ONLY think about poop".

    \\Two perfectly cretinic conclusions.


    And both is yours. ;-P

    Qtard: \\Over time some spellings do change. But (for now, at least) SKULL is spelled with a K and not a C\\And what is FACTUAL base for claiming that???



    Urban Dictionary › ...

    Humorous name for oral sex.

    Dictionaries -- only follow to a use of words. With delay, of course.

    There is good movie, mentioned here before(?).

    "Crazy and genius". Exactly about creation of dictionaries.

    \\Dictionaries. Check it out.

    There is no revisions in dictionaries???

    No new words added? ;-P

    Meaning changed?

    \\Yeah, to you a dictionary is a "cretinic delusion".


    Obvious usage of "you" instead of "I". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\These other people are wrong.


    Yeah??? An what you'd do about em? ;-P

    You storm of "not my business"? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  19. Qtard: Because you claimed it AFTER that *I* provided PERFECTLY CORRECT FACTUAL quote of YOUR OWN WORDS.

    No, asshole. That is a BIGLY lie. You claimed it multiple times. FINALLY you gave a quote.

    Qtard: And that is... behavior befiting cretin -- lying about such Obvious Apparent Transparent Directly Visible TRUTH!!!


    Qtard: all is perfectly logical, in my assessment of your cretinism.

    It is a perfectly logical conclusion that you are a lying POS.

    Qtard: Or what... maybe you'd try to persuade me here -- that you just PLAYED to be cretin? What for??? ;-P

    Not a cretin at all. I surely never "played" one.

    Qtard: And well... as you cretin DENY need of quoting IN GENERAL\\ of course. Because (unless someone genuinely forgets) REMEMBERING should suffice\\ Definitely NOT our case. ... As you tend to (pretend?) not remember EVEN YOUR OWN WORDS *JUST*WRITTEN*... served to you as PERFECTLY FACTUAL quote.

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: LIKE! HERE! \\Qtard: And OFTEN, practically EVERY TIME making some FALSE/FAKED/gaslighting QUOTES. \\Me -- I do not do that. You -- yes, you do. Like your fake quote, "I do deny em their rights". Direct and MANY-MANY times revealed LIE of yours. MY quote was "I *DO* deny..." -- PERFECTLY FACTUAL EXCERPT(and it SHOWED PROPERLY that that is just an excerpt, of most important verse... with "..." sign) of words you KNOW that you said -- and that is NOT me ASSUMING that you know and remember it... that is FACTUALLY confirmed... with YOUR OWN admitting it -- rephrasing all talking points around that verse, with your own words and perfectly the same way.

    I never "admitted". HOW could I "admit" something that didn't happen?

    Qtard: ...and it SHOWED PROPERLY that that is just an excerpt...

    Yes. Then you ADDED to it. "What Derpy really mean". But that was NOT what I meant. Hence... you lied. But call your lie "rephrasing".

    Qtard: \\Then why didn't you just check it when I brought it up?\\Because... you NOT attributed it CORRECTLY, obviously.

    Obviously? I was referring to a comment you JUST made. Still, you denied it.

    Qtard: I, after your screaming insistence, DOUBLE-CHECKED it\\ Big deal. It was RIGHT ABOVE.
    Lie as ever.


    Qtard: TWO MORE in-between.

    Oh no! TWO in between!

    Qtard: HOW is that "right above"????

    HOW is it not? ALL comments in the same thread are ABOVE.

    Qtard: Only crazy cretin could call it that way.

    I never said it was ONE comment above. I said it was "right above". Which IT IS. Still right above.

    Qtard: But... only showing own cretinism -- how it UNABLE to grasp meaning even of MOST SIMPLE WORDS like "right above".

    Obviously you are NOT. Due to cretinism.

    Qtard: And comment where you rised that "T"-question... is EVEN more far away.

    SAME thread.

    Qtard: What a cretin [I am]

    FORGOT to add "I am" to conclude your sentence. Make it accurate.

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    You cretinism showing itself only more and more hilariously. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Self encouragement.

  20. \\No, asshole. That is a BIGLY lie. You claimed it multiple times. FINALLY you gave a quote.

    That confirmed that claims being Truth.


    OPPOSITE to your lying tactics... of a total cretin.

    You doing false claim, then again false claim... and in the end referring to your previous FALSE claims... like it em being true... and calling that PROVED. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And that is... behavior befiting cretin -- lying about such Obvious Apparent Transparent Directly Visible TRUTH!!!


    Yeah. In short. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Thank you for correct summary... of what you cretin do. ;-P

    \\It is a perfectly logical conclusion that you are a lying POS.

    Blah-blah-blah... said lying cretin. Trying to pretend that its lying BS is same meaningful as words of MUCH SMARTER opponent, who CONFIRM own words with FACTS. ;-P

    \\Not a cretin at all. I surely never "played" one.


    You are NATURAL one. ;-P

    \\I never "admitted". HOW could I "admit" something that didn't happen?


    "Never happened"... but FIXED as your own words in this blog? ;-P


    \\Yes. Then you ADDED to it. "What Derpy really mean".


    And... YOU CONFIRMED... that that's EXACTLY what you mean.

    With your egregious "I deny em HAVING such rights".


    \\ But that was NOT what I meant. Hence... you lied. But call your lie "rephrasing".

    Whatever what you "trully mean".

    Nobody CARE about what you wanna "trully mean"... in your NewSpeak or around your circle of DEMN liars.


    Because ONLY FACTS -- speak Truth.

    While people -- oftenly lie or err.

    \\Obviously? I was referring to a comment you JUST made. Still, you denied it.


    Quote it! ;-P

    \\Qtard: I, after your screaming insistence, DOUBLE-CHECKED it\\ Big deal. It was RIGHT ABOVE.
    Lie as ever.


    Yeah. NewSpeakean for "Lie". ;-P

    \\Qtard: TWO MORE in-between.

    \\Oh no! TWO in between!


    That's what ruining that "just above" bullshit claim!

    (mockingly) ;-P

    \\Qtard: HOW is that "right above"????

    \\HOW is it not? ALL comments in the same thread are ABOVE.

    Yeah. "Above" and "Just Above"... doesn't ring a bell??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Obviously, for such a cretin as you are, it doesn't. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I. Agree. ;-P

    \\I never said it was ONE comment above. I said it was "right above". Which IT IS. Still right above.

    Still... insisting being cretin? ;-P

    Suit ITself. ;-P


    Continue-continue, confitming being cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
