Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Why Today's College Degrees (and the Scientific Peer Review Process) Have Become Worthless...

Ross Pomeroy, "X Users Didn't Like a Paper's Tone and Findings, So They Got It Rejected"
At Frontiers in Psychology, it seems that users on X are now part of the peer review process.

On January 4th, the paper "Meta-analysis: On average, undergraduate students’ intelligence is merely average," was accepted to the journal. That same day, the abstract was published with the notice that the "final, formatted version of the article will be published soon."

Soon thereafter, the paper went viral, quickly accruing over 54,000 views, wide discussion on X and Reddit, and coverage in popular media (including RCS). It garnered this attention for its intriguing yet simultaneously obvious finding: over the past 80 years, as a far greater proportion of North Americans attended college, the average IQ of college undergraduates dropped from around 120 to 102, just slightly above the average of 100.

As the authors, Bob Uttl, a psychologist and faculty member at Mount Royal University, and his students Victoria Violo and Lacey Gibson, noted, "The decline in students’ IQ is a necessary consequence of increasing educational attainment over the last 80 years. Today, graduating from university is more common than completing high school in the 1940s." College students no longer come solely from the ranks of the highly intelligent and privileged, they come from all corners of society. Uttl and his colleagues noted that this has implications. For example, academic standards and curricula might have to be adjusted. Moreover, employers can't assume that applicants with university degrees are more capable or smarter than those without degrees.

A little over a month after Uttl, Violo, and Gibson's paper was accepted and the abstract published, they were abruptly notified by email that it was rejected. They were apprised that Specialty Chief Editor Eddy Davelaar, a Professor of Psychology and Applied Neuroscience at Birkbeck, University of London, overrode the three peer reviewers who approved the paper and even his own handling editor. His reasons were subsequently forwarded to Uttl and his colleagues.

While Davelaar raised a couple of issues with the paper's methods, the vast majority of his focus was on its tone. He wrote that the use of the word "merely" in reference to college students' just-above-average IQ was "demeaning." He also noted that the authors' critiques of other scientists' works "could have been packaged more sensitively." He also called unfounded the authors' opinion that the widening participation policies of universities were the cause of undergraduates' falling IQs.

In emails viewed by RealClearScience, Uttl extensively refuted Davelaar's issues the same day the paper was rejected (Feb. 6), to which he received no reply from Davelaar or Frontiers for six days. On February 12, Frontiers replied saying that Davelaar's concerns remained. If they were addressed, "the manuscript could be reconsidered for publication."

Uttl subsequently published his refutations of Davelaar's methodological criticisms online. Lending strength to his arguments is that fact that three peer reviewers and even Davelaar's own handling editor did not find fault with Uttl's paper.

Davelaar's problems with the paper's tone and conclusions were harder to address, because they were his opinions. It seemed strange that an editor's opinions should supplant those of the paper's authors. It's not his paper, after all.

In response to a request for comment, Frontiers stated that an article can be rejected at any stage before official publication. A public relations manager then quoted their editorial process, “...if a manuscript does not meet our editorial criteria and standards for publication, or if peer-review or research integrity concerns are raised by any review participant or reader (abstracts are published online ahead of official publication), the journal's chief editors and Frontiers' Chief Executive Editor will investigate these concerns, regardless of peer review or acceptance stage.”

Frontiers added:
The Speciality Chief Editor (SCE) reviewed the paper in line with our clearly stated editorial process when concerns were raised about the abstract, particularly about underlying bias. The SCE assessment concurred with some reviewers’ judgements, identifying substantive flaws in the meta-analysis and bias in the tone of the paper. The authors were given further opportunities to revise the paper in line with reviewer and SCE comments. These requested revisions were not made but once again disputed. 
RealClearScience reached out directly to Davelaar for comment, but he has not replied 
Uttl was curious what brought on the sudden rejection of his already accepted paper, so he asked representatives at Frontiers. He was told that “several posts” on X triggered Dr. Davelaar’s review. As readers were only able to view the abstract, and thus weren't able to assess the authors' methodology, it seems clear that they complained purely about the authors' tone and provocative conclusions. Davelaar only found 'problems' with Uttl, Violo, and Gibson's methods afterwards.

Uttl and his co-authors were not apprised of the content of the X posts.

"I think an editor or whoever owes it to us to tell us what the issues are, allows us to respond, before rejection," he told RCS in an email.

Uttl, Violo, and Gibson have since had their publication fees refunded and have submitted the paper for publication at another journal.

...I don't like your tone, Mister! 


  1. Hmm... Dervish hasn't come here yet to wheeze🦡 and fart🦨 for his slave masters? 😆😆😆😆😆

  2. Why? IT wholeheartedly agree with such "science". ;-P

  3. I am so horny for you, Mystere 😘💋😘💋😘💋

    Mystere makes my pecker so hot! 🔥🔥🔥

    1. You want to hook up, Flarpy? I'm a married man, but it is ok with my husband if I get a little on the side!

    2. b>Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! February 29, 2024 at 8:24 PM
      Dervish Sanders February 29, 2024 at 6:36 PM
      "Mystere isn't going to claim that is a "fake" comment? Even though it has his name attached to it? And the link goes back to his blog?"

      I said in the other post, "Dervish confesses to writing vulgar pornographic retorts retorts by faking Mystere? OH MY! Dervish Sanders must be drinking his Tennessee Moonbat Moonshine Hooch again."

      Dervish in his drunken stupor is fixated on faking Mystere. It's not going to go well for Dervish. And ‽€₹√¡$‡ ß¡Π §∆+∆Π ~ §∆Π¿€₹$666's groupie Flarpy Blunderguff is showing what kind of psychopath Flarpy really is.

    3. Oh Flarpie! Du bist so heiß, wenn wir spielen! Ich fühle mich so geil, wenn ich Mystere vortäusche und mit meinem Schwanz von Bäumen schwinge.

    4. Oh Dervish! 😚😚😚😚😚 You are SOOOOO SEXY when you speak in German. Your high pitched grovelling voice is a big turn on especially when you sniff me all over and squeal "OH—HOH-HOH OH—HOH-HOH OH—HOH-HOH OH—HOH-HOH!"

    5. Я з нетерпінням чекаю дня, коли моя комуністична партія візьме повний контроль над країною і керує нашим життям від народження до смерті. Америка буде найбільшою нацією з усіх, коли моя партія візьме під повний контроль.

  4. Re the topic of this post, that donald tRump was predisent and that he is a presidential candidate again is PROOF that IQ scores are falling.

    Take Mystere, for example. The imbecile thinks that a comment he wrote is (somehow) my "confession". We know he wrote it because it has his name attached to it. And the comment links to his blog. And he himself said this was proof that the comment was written by whoever's name is attached to it.

    The "vulgar pornographic retorts" referenced were unquestionably written by Mystere.

  5. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  6. donald tRump was predisent and that he is a presidential candidate again is PROOF that IQ scores are falling.

    Indeed. If the people were smart, they'd never have elected Joe Biden over a time tested stable genius.

  7. Minus: Indeed. If the people were smart, they'd never have elected Joe Biden over a time tested stable genius.

    Your admission that the 2020 election was not "stolen"?

    I don't know of any "time tested stable genius" who ran against Joe Biden. Joe Biden thumped an Orange moron. Beside Biden and tRump, 34 other people were 2020 candidates for the presidency. Which of those other 34 people do you think is the "time tested stable genius" the American people should have elected president?

  8. 2020 was most definitely stolen. The only question is, will you get away with again in 2024?

  9. If dRump is moron... what it makes out of DEMNs... which UNABLE to win from moron. ;-P




  10. Qtard: If dRump is moron... what it makes out of DEMNs... which UNABLE to win from moron.

    DID win. Joe Biden beat the Orange Turd moron in 2020.

    You know the outcome of the next potus election? Qtard says Joe Biden will lose and donald tRump will return to the White House?

    This is more "facts" that you "know"?


    Qtard: Imbeciles? Cretins?

    No, Democrats didn't force tRump supporters to be imbeciles and cretins. Qtard is always blaming Democrats for what rightturds do.

  11. \\DID win. Joe Biden beat the Orange Turd moron in 2020.

    Because of being smart???

    Or just because COVID bleeded out support of dRump biggly?

    \\You know the outcome of the next potus election? Qtard says Joe Biden will lose and donald tRump will return to the White House?

    Numbers are open.

    dRump leads.

    And he is not acting POtUS. So there is not much that bleed his rating. ;-P

    That's why that cretinic trials was devised. :-))))))

    \\No, Democrats didn't force tRump supporters to be imbeciles and cretins. Qtard is always blaming Democrats for what rightturds do.

    Cretin showed comprehension peoblems. AGAIN!.

    Well, I'll be patient. And will EXPLAIN yet one time.

    As cretin said -- dRump are idiot.

    But... what it makes out of DEMNs... that CANNOt OUTsmart even idiot.



    Means -- people with even LESS intellectual ability. ;-P

  12. Minus: 2020 was most definitely stolen. The only question is, will you get away with again in 2024?

    I surely hope the 2024 election is "most definitely stolen". And that we (Democrats) "get away with it".

    Qtard: Or just because COVID bleeded out support of dRump biggly?

    His incompetent handling of it that resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths... YES. That definitely was a bigly factor in him losing.

    Qtard: Numbers are open. dRump leads. And he is not acting POtUS. So there is not much that bleed his rating.

    Being an insurrectionist. That should bigly bleed his rating. But, yeah, the polls should not be so close. When the choice is so easy. But rightturds strongly desire totalitarianism.

    Qtard: That's why that cretinic trials was devised.

    "Cretinic" to you, a totalitarian-loving cretin.

    Qtard: \\No, Democrats didn't force tRump supporters to be imbeciles and cretins. Qtard is always blaming Democrats for what rightturds do\\ Cretin showed comprehension peoblems. AGAIN!.

    Says the imbecile who is constantly failing to comprehend WHO I'm talking to. Cretin thinks comments I am directing at IT are me talking to an "alter ego".

    Qtard: Well, I'll be patient. And will EXPLAIN yet one time. As cretin said -- dRump are idiot. But... what it makes out of DEMNs... that CANNOt OUTsmart even idiot.

    Because the can't convince tRump's supporters. Because THEY are imbeciles and cretins.

    Qtard: Means -- people with even LESS intellectual ability.

    Yes, that accurately describes tRump's supporters.

    And what are Democrats supposed to do about that? Give them all "Charlie Gordon" pills?

  13. I surely hope the 2024 election is "most definitely stolen". And that we (Democrats) "get away with it".

    So you admit, you've got no problem with stolen elections, just so the outcome results in your favour.

  14. No wonder Democrats do nothing to fix the broken election system. It's broken "by design".

  15. \\His incompetent handling of it that resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths... YES.

    Yeah... "incompetent"? Like speeding up development of vaccines? ;-P

    Ah... no... that was Bi-den glorious solution.

    Because it MAGICALLY created vaccines IN ONE DAY. Day of its inauguration, yes? ;-p


    \\Being an insurrectionist.


    Go shut him, if you so sure. ;-P

    Became a hero.

    Who saved USA from nasty "insurrectionist".

    Like I care.

    \\That should bigly bleed his rating.


    And that was whole plan behind all that sham trials.

    But... "one cannot full all of the people... all of the time".

    \\"Cretinic" to you, a totalitarian-loving cretin.

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Says the imbecile who is constantly failing to comprehend WHO I'm talking to.

    Failing? ;-P

    More like seeing through all your miserly cretinic lies. ;-P


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Cretin thinks comments I am directing at IT are me talking to an "alter ego".


    Because we agreed that IT... that is you. ;-P

    \\Because the can't convince tRump's supporters. Because THEY are imbeciles and cretins.

    Or... they just MUCH SMARTER... and such miserly trick of DEMN propaganda do not work on em. ;-P

    \\Yes, that accurately describes tRump's supporters.

    \\And what are Democrats supposed to do about that? Give them all "Charlie Gordon" pills?

    You wanted to say "continue playing Charlie Gordon"? ;-P

    That DEMN-rats. ;-P

    Because, it seems, that's only thing that cretins can do. ;-P


  16. Qtard: ...because COVID bleeded out support of dRump biggly?

    Qtard (contradicts itself): ...speeding up development of vaccines.

    So, according to you, tRump sped up the development of the vaccines, and because of that he lost support? Does that make sense? Well, maybe to an imbecile it does.

    Qtard: Go shut him, if you so sure. ;-P Became a hero.

    If I "shut" donald tRump I will "became" a hero? How?

    "Became" is past tense. So, if I "shut" tRump, I will immediately be a hero? It will have happened already?

    I assume you mean "shoot"? But I don't know how I could. I am not a professional assassin. I think the Secret Service would stop me easily.

    Anyway, it certainly is telling that you frequently babble about assassin and killing. Obviously due to your totalitarian mindset. Your thoughts go to killing to get your way -- immediately.

  17. \\So, according to you, tRump sped up the development of the vaccines, and because of that he lost support? Does that make sense? Well, maybe to an imbecile it does.


    IF he'd be able to REPORT that vaccines READY... BEFORE elections. Would it help him to win?

    That is SO-O-O complex and impossible idea???


    It damn SIMPLE.

    But... cretin showing that it DO NOT get it.

    Even thought it PRAISED Bi-den... that *MAGICLY* created vaccines IN ONE DAY... just in day of his inauguration. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I assume you mean "shoot"? But I don't know how I could. I am not a professional assassin. I think the Secret Service would stop me easily.

    Hah... "Not my business", again? ;-P


    \\Anyway, it certainly is telling that you frequently babble about assassin and killing. Obviously due to your totalitarian mindset. Your thoughts go to killing to get your way -- immediately.


    It is NOT USA... where shooting and mass-shooting are DEMN too usual.

    And NOT americans... who DEMN too usually scream about shooting, hanging or putting in jail ANYBODY.

    Like you itself...

    What a cretinic gaslighting. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. Qtard: \\So, according to you, tRump sped up the development of the vaccines, and because of that he lost support? Does that make sense?\\ Yeah. IF he'd be able to REPORT that vaccines READY... BEFORE elections. Would it help him to win? That is SO-O-O complex and impossible idea???

    Let me guess, Bi-den, despite not being president, "stalled" the availability of the vaccines? Maybe it was also Bi-den who had no plan to distribute the vaccines? Why did tRump "speed up" the development of the vaccines only to have no plan to distribute them? Means... what the hell difference would it have made?

    Trump White House made "deliberate efforts" to undermine Covid response, report says... In August of last year, for example, Trump hosted a White House meeting with people who promoted a herd immunity strategy pushed by White House special adviser Dr. Scott Atlas. ...
    ...Atlas and other Trump officials "purposely weakened CDC's coronavirus testing guidance in August 2020 to obscure how rapidly the virus was spreading across the country,” the report said. The altered guidance recommended that asymptomatic people didn't need to get tested, advice that was "contrary to consensus science-based recommendations"... link

    Qtard: Naaaah. It damn SIMPLE. But... cretin showing that it DO NOT get it.

    Yeah, you cretin definitely don't get it. The tRump administration PURPOSEFULLY helped spread the virus. Because they thought "herd immunity" was the answer. Someone in the administration suggested throwing money into "Operation Warp Speed" but did tRump believe vaccines were the answer? Obviously NOT.

    Qtard: Even thought it PRAISED Bi-den... that *MAGICLY* created vaccines IN ONE DAY... just in day of his inauguration.

    Lie. I never did that. I praised Biden for hitting the ground running with a vaccine distribution plan.

    Qtard: \\I assume you mean "shoot"? But I don't know how I could. I am not a professional assassin. I think the Secret Service would stop me easily\\ Hah... "Not my business", again?

    Sure, "again". Your NewSpeak for something I never said. Like the Secret Service could not stop me easily. Because I would have no idea what to do to successfully assassinate someone guarded around the clock by professionals. What an idiot. You think you can convince me to make an attempt by "shaming" me with your bullshit?

    Qtard: \\Anyway, it certainly is telling that you frequently babble about assassination and killing. Obviously due to your totalitarian mindset. Your thoughts go to killing to get your way -- immediately\\ Yeah. It is NOT USA... where shooting and mass-shooting are DEMN too usual.

    Repub too usual. Republicans are against gun control legislation.

    Qtard: And NOT americans... who DEMN too usually scream about shooting, hanging or putting in jail ANYBODY. Like you itself...

    Your delusions again. I am for leniency. I think we have far too many people in prison and we need to drastically reduce mass incarceration.

    Qtard: What a cretinic gaslighting.

    Yeah. Your attempt to gaslight is definitely cretinic. Just throw in "Demn" when talking about a problem. Every problem that exists is a "Demn" problem. Without Demns screwing everything up constantly the world would be a perfect utopia!

  19. \\Let me guess, Bi-den, despite not being president, "stalled" the availability of the vaccines?

    PERFECTLY CRETINIC "guess". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    you ARE cretin, not for nothing.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\The tRump administration PURPOSEFULLY helped spread the virus. Because they thought "herd immunity" was the answer.


    If there is NO vaccines.

    It is not only perfectly scientifical answer.

    It is ONLY POSSIBLE answer.

    That was the NATURAL way as humans and any other animals do react on epidemic diseases...

    \\Someone in the administration suggested throwing money into "Operation Warp Speed" but did tRump believe vaccines were the answer? Obviously NOT.

    Mind-reading? ;-P

    \\Lie. I never did that. I praised Biden for hitting the ground running with a vaccine distribution plan.


    Vaccines his predecessor and political SPEEDUP development of...

    but gained NO credits... for that.

    \\Sure, "again". Your NewSpeak for something I never said.


    Never-ever. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You think you can convince me to make an attempt by "shaming" me with your bullshit?


    I shaming you with OBVIOUS demonstration -- that your DEEDS are NOT where you mouth. ;-P

    With is behavior of totally dishonest and stoooopid person. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    you are cretin, and don't get it. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    How SHAMEFUL such behavior is. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Your delusions again. I am for leniency. I think we have far too many people in prison and we need to drastically reduce mass incarceration.


    DEMN propaganda talking point.


  20. \\Without Demns screwing everything up constantly the world would be a perfect utopia!


    It COULD be utopia... if DEMNs would have ALL power to make ALL their great and benevolent deeds: fix climate, save children of Ukraine, Build Back Better and etc...

    If only... there'd be NO nasty-nasty "republiturds"... which constantly rival and oftenly WIN in elections... just to DESTROY all that GOOD DEEDS of DEMNS.




    Means... if there'd be NO elections.

    Or there'd be NO chance... to win in em, except DEMNs.

    Like it is... in RFia. And in China.

    And many-many other shitho... err, great countries, that are growing closer and closer... to being utopias... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  21. No cretin's retorts here? ;-P
