Wednesday, February 28, 2024

USIC & Media Partners Ramping Up the BS Pretexts for "Officially" Starting WWIII and ensuring Biden is PotUS for it.

A senseless local proxy war started by the USIC years ago in Ukraine once again serves as pretext to begin to politically re-elect a favoured mentally absent and therefore easily manipulable NATO war 'leader', preserve a geriatric Alzheimer's ridden non-interfering Congress, and retroactively formulate a Casus Belli for involving NATO more directly through an active exercise in parallel construction.  As George Soros famously stated in his "Alchemy of Finance",  "Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success."  Since 1945, the USIC has become the World's leading alchemists.

The resulting Mass Psychosis induced into NATO partners from USIC Propaganda.  It's like some artificially manufactured and induced psychopathy from of a JG Ballard Sci-Fi novel like Super-Cannes or High-Rise.

“The advanced societies of the future will not be governed by reason. They will be driven by irrationality, by competing systems of psychopathology.
― J.G. Ballard, J.G. Ballard: Quotes: Does the Future Have a Future?

Jodi Dean, "Zizek on Law"
What really binds a community, what really tells people that they are members of the same group is not their knowing what laws to follow, but their knowing what laws to break. Attachment to community comes about through identification with the suspension or transgression of the law.44  Zizek’s examples include the ‘nightly’ law of the Ku Klux Klan in the American south, the military’s sadistic hazing rituals, and the excess of violence that underlay the precise rules setting out the procedures of the Nazi extermination camps. His emphasis on ‘nightly’, then, highlights the way that certain practices may be common, well-known, indeed, seen as necessary for the continuation of the community, even as they are not to be exposed to the light of day, even as they are formally disavowed. 
Super Cannes, a recent novel by J.G. Ballard, provides a particularly vivid account of the role of nightly law in the securing of community.45 Ballard describes a perfect executives’ paradise where every need is met so that high-powered scientists and financiers can devote themselves to their work with no distractions. The problem is that the executives start becoming ill, listless, depressed, and distracted. Profits and stock values decline. The solution, introduced by the centre’s psychiatrist, is crime, violence, and cruelty. Prescribing psychopathology, he organizes the executives into ‘therapy groups’ that go out on weekend rampages in which they brutalize immigrants, prostitutes, and local Arabs. Trying to convince the narrator, Paul, that “a controlled psychopathy is a way of resocializing people and tribalizing them into mutually supportive groups”, the psychiatrist, Wilder Penrose, enjoins him to remember childhood.46 all of us you stole from the local supermarket. It was deeply exciting, and enlarged your moral sense of yourself. But you were sensible, and kept it down to one or two afternoons a week. 
The same rules apply to society at large .... A voluntary and sensible psychopathy is the only way we can impose a shared moral order.47 The psychiatrist installs in the community its missing superego injunction to enjoy. He commands – in the contemporary, medical, sense of prescribing – the executives to commit the acts inspiring their most violent and sexual fantasies. This enjoinment to cruelty redoubles that excess of jouissance that attaches the executives to their community. They get to be cruel and violent because they are instructed to – ‘just following orders’...


  1. How much Putin money is in Glenn Greenwald's Cayman account? It should be considerable, given how hard Glenn is working for his master.

    1. How much Soros Loot is in Dervish Sanders' Swiss Bank Account? It should be BIGLY considerable, given how hard Dervish is wheezing & farting for his slave masters.

    2. It's more then you've earned in your entire career as a fluffer, Mystere.

    3. I am in best fluffer in the industry, Assface Dervish. The fact is, I was the head fluffer on "Bidet Butt Lickers". Which is NOT a gay porno, it is a straight porno. Even so, the actor who played "President Bidet" chose me as his primary fluffer (over the chick fluffer they hired). He said the oral pleasure I gave him was the best he ever received. I even had a role in the movie as one of the butt lickers.

      I suggested that the movie be retitled "Bidet Endo Lickers", but the director said no. It still turned out really well and I had a great time fluffing "President Bidet". I gave his huge hotdog top notch service! 😋🌭

    4. Dervish, you made one big mistake, linking my blog to write a smear retort using my good name. No one here believes you anyways. I'm only replying to set the record straight. I must hand it to you that you're good at making a fool of yourself, Dervish.

  2. All the analyst does is explain the Master Discourse to the Hysterics. And Putin isn't the Master.

  3. Mystere isn't going to claim that is a "fake" comment? Even though it has his name attached to it? And the link goes back to his blog? Proof positive Mystere made the comment. According to him that's definitive proof. Must be why he didn't deny making it. Instead he is silently agreeing that is his comment. Even though he said (in another thread) that he does not watch pornos. Well, he does not watch them, he just participates in making them. As per his admission above.

    1. Dervish Sanders February 29, 2024 at 6:36 PM
      "Mystere isn't going to claim that is a "fake" comment? Even though it has his name attached to it? And the link goes back to his blog?"

      Dervish confesses to writing vulgar pornographic retorts retorts by faking Mystere? OH MY! Dervish Sanders must be drinking his Tennessee Moonbat Moonshine Hooch again.

  4. Mystere: Dervish confesses to writing vulgar pornographic retorts retorts by faking Mystere? OH MY! Dervish Sanders must be drinking his Tennessee Moonbat Moonshine Hooch again.

    WHY would I "confess" to writing a comment that YOU wrote, Mystere? Your name is attached to it. Obviously because YOU wrote it. Don't remember? Maybe you wrote it while drunk?

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  6. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
