Thursday, February 29, 2024

How Ukrainian Intelligence Helped John Brennan Create 'RussiaGate'

Russell Brand, the Jon Stewart of Indie Media. Snark v. Boojum


  1. "Independent journalism" and "independent journalist" are NewSpeak for Putin propaganda and Putin puppet.

  2. "Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success." - George Soros, "The Alchemy of Finance"

  3. "Unprovoked and Unjustified Putin invasion..." much for the MSM Grand Narrative. LOL!

  4. Yeah, I just saw the video of Ukraine provoking Russia. Surely everyone will agree (after watching the video) that Russia's response was definitely justified.

    1. Я с нетерпением жду того дня, когда моя коммунистическая партия получит полный контроль над страной. Мы сделаем Америку лучшей нацией в мире, когда узурпируем Конституцию США и объявим ее недействительной.

  5. Wasn't Ukraine asking for it? Never heard of an analogy?

    Jodie Foster was an FBI agent. I don't recall her being a CIA agent.

  6. Becoming a CIA operations center conducting assassinations in Russia isn't "asking for it"? Who knew?

  7. I think you have cause and effect reversed.

    The Moscow Times says "Ukraine's CIA-trained intelligence agencies have assassinated dozens of Russians and Ukrainian collaborators since the start of Moscow's invasion".

    "...since the start of Moscow's invasion". Means, the invasion came first, then Ukraine fought back -- and part of that fighting back involved assassinations in Russia.

    Not, Ukraine assassinated Russians, so Putin ordered an invasion to stop them.

    I bet Minus thinks Ukraine should do nothing when Putin orders Ukrainians assassinated? Well, he probably thinks they should be negotiating the terms of their complete surrender.

  8. Really? You believe that the Ukrainians didn't go rogue before the war started? That in the summer of 2016 they didn't send US trained and allied agents into Crimea to assassinate a Russian Commander, but got wiped out, instead? Did you even watch the video?

  9. Replies
    1. "Vladimir Putin has accused Ukraine of plotting terrorist attacks in Crimea and claimed two Russian servicemen were killed"...

      Freedom fighters trying to expel invaders from illegally annexed land are "terrorists"? Yep, that is definitely propaganda.

      ...repeated by Minus the Putin puppet.

  10. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ Really? You believe that the Ukrainians didn't go rogue before the war started? That in the summer of 2016 they didn't send US trained and allied agents into Crimea to assassinate a Russian Commander, but got wiped out, instead?

    Sovereign nation cannot do anything and everything on OWN territory? ;-)

  11. First you wrote about "conducting assassinations in Russia"...

    Then "send US trained and allied agents into Crimea"...

    Means... You see Crimea as Russian territory, yes?

    But you say the Ukrainians went rogue? The imaginary Zero-bama must have been steamed. That Ukraine was fighting to retake land stolen fair and square by his master.

  12. Why don't you ask the Crimeans who they hang with? They voted to hang with Russia. THAT makes the current Ukrainians spies/ terrorists. That goes for the Donbass as well. Maybe the Ukrainians shouldn't have let their former Nazi friends stage a coup and begin persecuting and assassinating ethnic Russian Ukrainians, think?

  13. btw - Don't they all have Russian citizenship now?

    Citizenship: Russian occupation authorities require all residents of Crimea to be Russian citizens. Those who refuse Russian citizenship may be subjected to arbitrary expulsion.

  14. btw - On April 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree establishing a simplified procedure for issuing Russian passports to residents of Russian-occupied parts of Zaporizka, Khersonska, Donetska, and Luhanska regions of Ukraine. The decree states that Ukrainian citizens or those holding “passports” issued by the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic and Donetsk People’s Republic will be considered foreign nationals if they fail to obtain Russian passports by July 1, 2024.


  15. NPR: Government officials in Ukraine, the U.S. and elsewhere say they consider the referendum illegitimate, and the White House released a statement rejecting it. In a call to Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Obama said that the secession vote "would never be recognized" by the United States. 3/16/2014.

    Minus: Maybe the Ukrainians shouldn't have let their former Nazi friends stage a coup and begin persecuting and assassinating ethnic Russian Ukrainians, think?

    No. I don't think that. WHY would I think they shouldn't have done something they didn't do?

    Quote: ...there is no evidence that Russian-speaking or ethnic Russian residents in eastern Ukraine face persecution – let alone genocide — at the hands of Ukrainian authorities. This has been confirmed in reports published by the Council of Europe, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the OSCE. 3/18/2022.

  16. ps - Why would I care about what the American government recognizes or doesn't? Do I recognize Biden as a legitimate American president?

  17. Minus: No evidence except many Ukraininan bans on the use of the Russian language...


    Your link: "The law did not regulate private communication".

    Minus: Why would I care about what the American government recognizes or doesn't?

    Because you are an American citizen?

    Minus: Do I recognize Biden as a legitimate American president?

    Joe Biden cares? NO, unless you plan to do something about it. Maybe after he is reelected. If Minus then joins a paramilitary group and participates in violence to oppose Joe Biden's presidency. But if Minus only blogs about his non recognition of reality -- who cares?

  18. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ Why don't you ask the Crimeans who they hang with? They voted to hang with Russia.

    With guns pointed to their heads?

    \\No evidence except many Ukraininan bans on the use of the Russian language... e-r-r-r-p!

    Yeah... colonies NOT ALLoWED to fight back to their masters... like USA did... oh, shit! :-)))))

    \\ Do I recognize Biden as a legitimate American president?

    Well... you can go to WH and say it THERE. ;-p

    Or... you can go to RFia... and say it FROM there. ;-P

    \\But if Minus only blogs about his non recognition of reality -- who cares?

    Well... you seems like CARE MUCH... if someone dare to support dRump. Or etc...

    \\Quote: ...there is no evidence that Russian-speaking or ethnic Russian residents in eastern Ukraine face persecution – let alone genocide — at the hands of Ukrainian authorities.

    Yeah... they genocided by Russians.

    Oh... oups, they are Russians now... so, that is nothing biggy. :=/

  19. A partial ban on public use isn't a ban? Who knew?

    btw - Maybe they should ban "thinking in Russian". By your definition, that wouldn't be a ban, either.

  20. Qtard: Well... you seems like CARE MUCH... if someone dare to support dRump. Or etc...

    Many idiots support tRump. It is only a problem if too many idiots support him.

    Qtard: Yeah... they genocided by Russians. Oh... oups, they are Russians now... so, that is nothing biggy.

    You say. Your self revelation, yes? Well, IT does want Putin's puppet reinstalled in the US presidency. So Putin can kill more Ukrainian babies.

  21. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    \\ A partial ban on public use isn't a ban? Who knew?

    There like 10 millions of Ukrainian in RFia... are you prudent enough to ask -- how much Ukrainian ALLOWED in RFia?

    Hint: They throwing in jail for just chanting "Glory to Ukraine".

    \\"thinking in Russian"

    That is... BS spread by Russian propaganda.

    Well... if one are MONO-lingual... it can look to it, that it thinks in that lang exclusively.

    But never the less, thinking is not in language.

    \\Many idiots support tRump. It is only a problem if too many idiots support him.

    And many cretins support Bi-den.

    So what?

    That is what Democracy are -- rule of idiots and cretins.

    But still, it better then rule of ONE idiot or even cretin... under totalitarism.


    \\Qtard: Yeah... they genocided by Russians. Oh... oups, they are Russians now... so, that is nothing biggy.

    \\You say. Your self revelation, yes? Well, IT does want Putin's puppet reinstalled in the US presidency. So Putin can kill more Ukrainian babies.


    That was sarcastic remark. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    If you'd really know some facts -- you'd know that people on the East of Ukraine -- is mostly associated with Russia... and bombs and shell falling -- on their heads TODAY.

    But... SAME as with massacred Chechnia... West -- DO NOT care about it.

    Hypocritically treats it as "not our business", because it "inner business of RFia".

    Because West are SAME imperialistic and totalitariant... at heart.

    All babbking about human rights and "values"... is just goodie-goodie DEMN propaganda.

  22. There like 10 millions of Ukrainian in RFia... are you prudent enough to ask -- how much Ukrainian ALLOWED in RFia?


  23. 2014 – the Ukrainian language has been suppressed in Russia-occupied Crimea,[32][33][34][35] so-called Luhansk People's Republic,[36][37] and so-called Donetsk People's Republic[38][39][40][41] (see Occupied territories of Ukraine).

    Sounds like tit-4-tat.

  24. \\Sounds like tit-4-tat.

    300 years of tits?

    The systematic suppression of the Ukrainian language by the Russian Empire began with the conquest of a large part of Ukraine by Russia (Left-bank Ukraine) in 1654–1667, and also after the liquidation of the Cossack Hetmanate and the Zaporozhian Sich in 1764 and 1775.

    Chronology of Ukrainian language suppression - Wikipedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › Chronology_of_Ukrai...

    Well... you dunno history if Ukraine.

    Well... whole Europe, it seems...

  25. @stanisrafu5819
    1 hour ago
    Russian language is not native language of native Russians, their own language suppose to be close to Finno-Ugric folk. Noone in Russian Empire was speaking Russian till 19th century, before that they were speaking, writing on French and German.


  26. Basicly.

    There is no such lang as Russian. And no such ethnicity as Russian.

    Situation is like if... colonists from North America would reconquer British islands... and started thwarting Brits version of English by calling it "incorrect".

    That happened because Kyivan Rus... was destroyed. By so-called "Mongol-Tartars". ;-P

  27. Or... as vid --

  28. Qtard: That is what Democracy are -- rule of idiots and cretins. But still, it better then rule of ONE idiot or even cretin... under totalitarism.

    Why you support donald tRump becoming "president for life"?

    Qtard: Yeah... they genocided by Russians. Oh... oups, they are Russians now... so, that is nothing biggy\\ You say. Your self revelation, yes? Well, IT does want Putin's puppet reinstalled in the US presidency. So Putin can kill more Ukrainian babies\\ Cretin. That was sarcastic remark.

    Like you know what sarcasm is. You wrote "so, that is nothing biggy". Those were YOUR WORDS. Calling the murdering "no biggy". Trying to retract it now? When, in your NewSpeak, "sarcasm" means "I really meant what I said".

    Qtard: If you'd really know some facts -- you'd know that people on the East of Ukraine -- is mostly associated with Russia... and bombs and shell falling -- on their heads TODAY. But... SAME as with massacred Chechnia... West -- DO NOT care about it.

    Your alter ego "West"?

    Qtard: Hypocritically treats it as "not our business", because it "inner business of RFia". Because West are SAME imperialistic and totalitariant... at heart.

    Your alter ego "West" confesses? Well, you have seen Minus FJ confess to same desire for totalitarianism. And you agreed with him, that dotard donald should be president for life. And then attack me when I oppose this totalitarianism. Brand me as a "totalitarian wannabe" (which, in your NewSpeak translates to "Democracy lover").

    Qtard: All babbking about human rights and "values"... is just goodie-goodie DEMN propaganda.

    Yeah. Says you, someone who hates human rights. Laughs at migrants murdered (having their right to life violated) when they swim into razor wire placed there ON PURPOSE. By a republiturd governor who wants them dead.

    And don't forget your attempt to make up a human right to overthrow democracy. Which the liar says is immanent. Then the liar says I'M opposed to human rights because I oppose the FAKE "human right" IT made up.

  29. \\Why you support donald tRump becoming "president for life"?

    Read by my lips. ;-P

    I. Am. Foreigner.

    And therefore.

    I. Cannot. Vote.

    For. Or against. dRump. Or Bi-den. Or whatever Mother Goose would splurt out its back entry. ;-P


    you a cretin, who UNABLE to get FACT. Means... separated from Reality.

    That's why you still trying to haunt me with such silly quips.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Like you know what sarcasm is.

    Self-referential talks.



    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You wrote "so, that is nothing biggy". Those were YOUR WORDS. Calling the murdering "no biggy".


    Because THAT was reaction of the West... to Chechen Massacre. To Attack on Georgia. To Crimea and Donbass in Ukraine...

    AND... all that happened while DEMNS of USA was at helm: Clinton, Zero-bama... and now Bi-den.

    USA DEMNs hypocrisy.


    \\Trying to retract it now? When, in your NewSpeak, "sarcasm" means "I really meant what I said".


    Sarcasm it's...

    As Google says...

    noun: sarcasm; plural noun: sarcasms

    the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

    And, yeah... I contempt hypocrisy of the West. VERY MUCH.

    Like that hypocritical tears about that "poor-little-innocent Palestinians"... while TOTALLY FORGETTING dead Jewish kids. Ones that are also have American relatives. Or are Americans themself.

    That is... disgusting. Bleh. :-((((((((((((((((((((((((

    \\Your alter ego "West"?

    Western countries There had been strong international condemnation of Russia's threat to civilians to get out of the Chechen capital, Grozny, or be considered an enemy target and destroyed. The United States and the European Union denounced the move. There had been speculation about possible economic sanctions.

    International response to the Second Chechen War - Wikipedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › International_response...

    How did the US respond to the Georgian invasion?
    We express our deep concern over Russia's ongoing military presence as well as military exercises and violation of airspace in Georgia's Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions. We also reiterate our condemnation of Russia's ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine.

    Fifteen years since the full-scale military aggression against Georgia ... › fifteen-years-since-the-full-s...

    What was the Western response to the Russian invasion of Crimea?
    International reactions to the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation have largely been condemnatory of Russia's actions, supportive of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and supportive of finding a quick end to the crisis.

    International reactions to the annexation of Crimea ... - Wikipedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › International_reactions...

  30. Qtard: \\Why you support donald tRump becoming "president for life"?\\ Read by my lips. ;-P
    I. Am. Foreigner. And therefore. I. Cannot. Vote.

    My comment said something about voting?

    Qtard: For. Or against. dRump. Or Bi-den. Or whatever Mother Goose would splurt out its back entry. But... you a cretin, who UNABLE to get FACT.

    That means you can't want tRump to be president? Impossible? Don't care? So why do you defend tRump so vigorously?

    I can vote for or against, but it's pretty pointless. Given that I live in a red state and all my state's electoral votes will go to the republican.

    Qtard: Means... separated from Reality.

    Yeah, because a person can't want something like (for example) donald tRump to be president. Even if they can't vote. Wanting or not wanting anyway means they are "separated from Reality". Makes sense. NOT.

    Qtard: That's why you still trying to haunt me with such silly quips.

    Why do you try to haunt me with silly quips about "holy bi-den"? I had nothing to do with him getting elected.

    Qtard: \\Like you know what sarcasm is\\ Self-referential talks.

    No. I referenced you.

    Qtard: \\You wrote "so, that is nothing biggy". Those were YOUR WORDS. Calling the murdering "no biggy"\\ Yeah. Because THAT was reaction of the West... to Chechen Massacre. To Attack on Georgia. To Crimea and Donbass in Ukraine... AND... all that happened while DEMNS of USA was at helm: Clinton, Zero-bama... and now Bi-den.

    Bill Clinton intervened in Yugoslavia. Albanians in Kosovo were very appreciative.

    Now Joe Biden is sending massive amounts of aid to Ukraine. How is that "USA DEMNs hypocrisy"? Who knows. Qtard thinks USA should have mobilized for war? Because policing the world is the responsibility of the US?

    Qtard: \\Trying to retract it now? When, in your NewSpeak, "sarcasm" means "I really meant what I said"\\ Naaah. Sarcasm it's... As Google says... sarcasm the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

    Qtard: And, yeah... I contempt hypocrisy of the West. VERY MUCH.

    Why you want donald tRump to be president? So he can destroy the USA? Because you hate it?

    Qtard: Like that hypocritical tears about that "poor-little-innocent Palestinians"... while TOTALLY FORGETTING dead Jewish kids. Ones that are also have American relatives. Or are Americans themself.

    No, they didn't forget. They are laughing. Trying to get supplies to Gazan accomplices so they can regroup. Then kill more Israelis!

    Qtard: That is... disgusting. Bleh. :-((((((((((((((((((((((((

    Yeah, disgusting "DEMNs" are responsible for all the world's problems. Because they are pure evil. They are demons.

    Qtard: Western countries ... economic sanctions. ... How did the US respond to the Georgian invasion? ... We also reiterate our condemnation of Russia's ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine. ... reactions to the annexation of Crimea ... have largely been condemnatory of Russia's actions...

    So what's your point? The West didn't do enough? "DEMNs" should have said "we must go to war to stop this!" republicans would have gone to war but "DEMNs" stopped them?

  31. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: \\Why you support donald tRump becoming "president for life"?\\ Read by my lips. ;-P
    I. Am. Foreigner. And therefore. I. Cannot. Vote.

    \\ My comment said something about voting?

    And what else could mean "you support donald tRump becoming "president for life""??? :-)))))))

    \\That means you can't want tRump to be president? Impossible? Don't care? So why do you defend tRump so vigorously?

    Your delusion. ;-P

    \\I can vote for or against, but it's pretty pointless. Given that I live in a red state and all my state's electoral votes will go to the republican.

    My condolences. ;-P

    I... in even slimmer relation to it -- even don't care.

    \\Yeah, because a person can't want something like (for example) donald tRump to be president.

    Do you want Gurgugle the Third to became president of Kurguri People's Republic? ;-P


    But, HOW can you not???


    \\No. I referenced you.


    NewSpeak talk.

    \\Now Joe Biden is sending massive amounts of aid to Ukraine.

    Yeah. Like JUST NOW. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a cretin.

    \\Qtard thinks USA should have mobilized for war? Because policing the world is the responsibility of the US?

    Your alter-ego? ;-P

    \\Why you want donald tRump to be president? So he can destroy the USA? Because you hate it?

    Your delusion. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    \\Yeah, disgusting "DEMNs" are responsible for all the world's problems. Because they are pure evil. They are demons.

    You said it. ;-P

  32. Qtard: And what else could mean "you support donald tRump becoming "president for life""???

    That you would like that to happen.

    Qtard: \\That means you can't want tRump to be president? Impossible? Don't care? So why do you defend tRump so vigorously\\ Your delusion.

    You are clearly NewSpeaking. I've seen it with my own eyes. The defending you do. With your words. Here for anyone to see. Yet you call this record my "delusion".

    Qtard: \\Yeah, because a person can't want something like (for example) donald tRump to be president\\ Do you want Gurgugle the Third to became president of Kurguri People's Republic? No????

    This person and country do not exist.

    Qtard: But, HOW can you not??? Bu-ga-gah!!!

    I cannot want or not want. Because no such candidate or country exists.

    Qtard: \\No. I referenced you\\ Yeah. NewSpeak talk.

    Your NewSpeak talk. You insisting I mean YES when I say NO. Or that I mean NO when I say YES.

    When I do not.

    Qtard: \\Now Joe Biden is sending massive amounts of aid to Ukraine\\ Yeah. Like JUST NOW. **moronic laughter** What a cretin.

    Declaring your cretinism?

    Qtard: \\Qtard thinks USA should have mobilized for war? Because policing the world is the responsibility of the US\\ Your alter-ego?

    No. I posed a question to you and you dodged it.

    Qtard: \\Why you want donald tRump to be president? So he can destroy the USA? Because you hate it?\\ Your delusion.

    See the question marks? You dunno what question marks mean? What is my delusion here? That the answer is YES? But I didn't say I think the answer is YES.

    Though you did write, "Because West are SAME imperialistic and totalitariant... at heart".

    So maybe the answer is NO? Because you are also "imperialistic and totalitarian at heart"?

    Qtard: \\Yeah, disgusting "DEMNs" are responsible for all the world's problems. Because they are pure evil. They are demons\\ You said it.

    I summarized what you've said previously.

  33. \\That you would like that to happen.

    Why? I? Should? Care??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You are clearly NewSpeaking. I've seen it with my own eyes. The defending you do. With your words. Here for anyone to see. Yet you call this record my "delusion".


    That it your mere OPINION.

    That based on your PERCEPTION.

    Which are DELUSIONAL. ;-P

    \\This person and country do not exist.

    THAT'S IT!!!!


    That all thing you trying to IMPOSE on me to CARE about... is as good as NON-EXISTING to me. ;-P


    About something non-existing? ;-P


    \\I cannot want or not want. Because no such candidate or country exists.


    SAME as that dRump to me.

    That's just some name. And poster image. Like some President Koopa, from Super Mario Bros. movie.

    \\Your NewSpeak talk. You insisting I mean YES when I say NO. Or that I mean NO when I say YES.

    Because... it corresponds with FACTS. ;-P

    As well as that, that you are LIAR.

    NewSpeak liar.

    That's why you saying "No" in place of "Yes". ;-P


    And now... you LYING

    Easy as PIE, isn't it? ;-p



    For you such SIMPLE thing as "accordance with facts"... is BEYOND your miserly mind of a cretin. ;-p

  34. \\Qtard: \\Now Joe Biden is sending massive amounts of aid to Ukraine\\ Yeah. Like JUST NOW. **moronic laughter** What a cretin.

    \\Declaring your cretinism?


    And you asking why I call such talks of you cretin NewSpeak.

    That is FACT -- Bi-den DO NOT sending aid to Ukraine.

    For more then TWO months ALREADY.

    Even though... as CNN ("righturd" media, isn't it?) reporting words of Pentagon -- that there STILL ARE 4 (four) billions $

    To do that.


    you, cretinicly, trying to LIE against that obvious FACT.

    Trying to babblingly call it "Declaring your cretinism"... while that is OBVIOUS confirmation of YOUR cretinism ONLY -- in a for of CRETINIC inability to comprhend/admit OBVIOUS FACTS. ;-P


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I'm ready to any your cretinic retort here.

    No... I ENCOURAGE you to REVEAL your cretinity more, MORE, MOAAAAAR!!!! here. ;-P

    \\No. I posed a question to you and you dodged it.


    Becauswe they seems like NOT directed to me to answer.

    That is some "Qtard thinks USA..."

    "Qtard"... that you OFTENLY babbling about. And one which saying what YOU said. (though you trying to LIE that that is not fact)

    Like... that is your alter-ego. ;-P

    \\I summarized what you've said previously.

    And... you can CONFIRM it with... any QUOTES???

    And not just MORE of YOUR not based on FACT, but only YOUR delusions babbling?

    Naaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  35. Qtard: \\That you would like that to happen\\ Why? I? Should? Care???

    You explained it previously. You said if the US went "Nazi" then that could spread elsewhere. Possibly effect you. I remember the comment. But no, I'm not going to hunt it down and quote it. No doubt you don't remember.

    Qtard: \\You are clearly NewSpeaking. I've seen it with my own eyes. The defending you do. With your words. Here for anyone to see. Yet you call this record my "delusion"\\ Yeah.
    That it your mere OPINION. That based on your PERCEPTION. Which are DELUSIONAL.

    BULLSHIT. Obvious bullshit and an obvious lie.

    Qtard: \\This person and country do not exist\\ THAT'S IT!!!! YOU GOTCHA!!!
    That all thing you trying to IMPOSE on me to CARE about... is as good as NON-EXISTING to me.

    Then WHY are you here? To discuss things that don't exist to you? What an imbecile.

    Qtard: WHY? I? SHOULD? CARE??? About something non-existing?

    If donald tRump doesn't exist, why are you always ranting about how he's being railroaded with false charges? In Mark-Twain-running-for-governor style?

    Qtard: \\I cannot want or not want. Because no such candidate or country exists\\ Yeah. SAME as that dRump to me. That's just some name. And poster image. Like some President Koopa, from Super Mario Bros. movie.

    Yet you are sure he is innocent of all charges. This person who doesn't exist for you cretin.

    Qtard: \\Your NewSpeak talk. You insisting I mean YES when I say NO. Or that I mean NO when I say YES\\ Because... it corresponds with FACTS.

    As you (incorrectly) see them. Means that it your mere OPINION. Which is based on your PERCEPTION. Which is DELUSIONAL.

    Qtard: As well as that, that you are LIAR. NewSpeak liar. That's why you saying "No" in place of "Yes".

    I never have.

    Qtard: And now... you LYING. Easy as PIE, isn't it? ;-p

    Yeah, anyone that disagrees with you, they aren't just wrong. They know they are wrong yet lie. About EVERYTHING. While I know that is BS. People are often wrong. Even you. Just wrong instead of lying. Though you do a LOT of lying as


    Qtard: For you such SIMPLE thing as "accordance with facts"... is BEYOND your miserly mind of a cretin.

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: \\Now Joe Biden is sending massive amounts of aid to Ukraine\\ Yeah. Like JUST NOW. **moronic laughter** What a cretin\\ Declaring your cretinism?\\ Yeah. And you asking why I call such talks of you cretin NewSpeak.

    Because Biden did not signed legislation providing for $75 billion in aid?

    Qtard: That is FACT -- Bi-den DO NOT sending aid to Ukraine. For more then TWO months ALREADY.

    Because republiturds are blocking it. Won't even vote on their OWN idea of a "plan for victory in Ukraine". Yet Qtard doesn't blame republiturds.

    Qtard: Even though... as CNN ("righturd" media, isn't it?) reporting words of Pentagon -- that there STILL ARE 4 (four) billions $

    I read about it. If that is sent it would be from USA stockpiles and could not be replenished. It has not been sent because we need it. republiturds would SURELY criticize Biden if the USA was short needed arms and armaments.

    That would not last Ukraine that long in any case. WHY won't republiturds just vote on their "plan for victory in Ukraine"? That gives a lot more aid than 4 billion.

    Qtard: But... you, cretinicly, trying to LIE against that obvious FACT.

    Qtard babbles about imaginary lies AGAIN! I never disputed that there is 4 billion in presidential draw down that isn't being sent.

  36. Qtard: Trying to babblingly call it "Declaring your cretinism"... while that is OBVIOUS confirmation of YOUR cretinism ONLY -- in a for of CRETINIC inability to comprhend/admit OBVIOUS FACTS.

    I never said, "no, that isn't happening. Joe Biden IS sending the 4 billion". PROOF that YOU lie.

    fyi, "babblingly" isn't a word.

    Qtard: I'm ready to any your cretinic retort here. No... I ENCOURAGE you to REVEAL your cretinity more, MORE, MOAAAAAR!!!! here.

    Impossible. I can't reveal "moaaaar" of something I've never revealed. Or was that comment directed at itself?

    Qtard: \\No. I posed a question to you and you dodged it\\ Obviously. Becauswe they seems like NOT directed to me to answer.

    Because you are a cretin. Still not answered. Even though I said it IS directed at you to answer.

    I will remind IT... I asked "Qtard [that's you] thinks USA should have mobilized for war? Because policing the world is the responsibility of the US"?

    I've already GIVEN my answer to this question previously. My answer is that is NOT going to happen. And I KNOW my answer. So WHY would I ask myself? WHY would I suddenly start calling myself "Qtard", when I've previously EXPLAINED that I nicknamed YOU "Qtard"????????

    Qtard: That is some "Qtard thinks USA..." "Qtard"... that you OFTENLY babbling about. And one which saying what YOU said. (though you trying to LIE that that is not fact) Like... that is your alter-ego.

    No. YOU are "Qtard". But you are too much of an imbecile to figure that out. Obviously. While you call me "Derpy" and I am smart enough to know you are talking to me. Even though that is NOT my name.

    Though I did MOCK you by saying "Derpy" must be your alter ego. But you IMBECILE thinks that is proof that your cretinic words are "smart". And that explains why I repeat them.

    Qtard: \\I summarized what you've said previously\\ And... you can CONFIRM it with... any QUOTES???

    Qtard dunno what the word "summarize" means?

    Qtard: And not just MORE of YOUR not based on FACT, but only YOUR delusions babbling?

    "YOUR delusions" is one of your alter egos?

    "disgusting DEMNs are responsible for all the world's problems. Because they are pure evil. They are demons"...

    That is an accurate summary of what you've previously said.

    You can refute it if you want. Say, "No, Democrats are not responsible for all the world's problems. Their policies aren't like those of Pol Pot or North Korea".

    But I remember you called Joe Biden a "demon".

    You say you didn't? You never compared "Dems" to Pol Pot or North Korea?

    Of course you did. This is just the cretinic game you play. I said I wasn't going to play that game anymore. Remember?

  37. \\You said if the US went "Nazi" then that could spread elsewhere. Possibly effect you. I remember the comment. But no, I'm not going to hunt it down and quote it. No doubt you don't remember.

    Of course.

    After it was regurgitated out of your rotten mind -- I cannot be sure it is correct reference to ANY of MY words... and not just regurgitation of some your PREVIOUS babblings. ;-P

    Like this "You said if the US went "Nazi" then that could spread elsewhere" surely NOT look like MY words.

    That is YOU are one who babbling Nazi THIS, Nazi THAT... NOT me.

    So... it could be "infused" into my concerns -- yes, that if Democracy in USA would fail... it would be dangerous for WHOLE World.


    That is TRULLY looks like MY concern.

    I stated before.

    And I still have.


    YET ONE example of how you are NewSpeak liar which forging some silly gaslighting and lies...

    under pretence of "I will not be giving quotes... because they not needed".

    NAAAAAAH, CRETIN. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I see it clearly -- that that is just a silly "trick" to perpetuate your cretinic lies.


    do I care about it? Do I cry "please, stop lying"?


    Because I much smarter opponent. And know that there is no use -- you have brain that are SO rotten... that it UNABLE to discern Truth and Lie anymore.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Your cretinic quips... are so funny, so entertaining. ;-P

  38. \\That it your mere OPINION. That based on your PERCEPTION. Which are DELUSIONAL.

    \\BULLSHIT. Obvious bullshit and an obvious lie.


    Your assessment of your opinions, perception and delusions... are quote true. ;-P

    They all full of BS.


    \\Then WHY are you here? To discuss things that don't exist to you? What an imbecile.

    Wasn't I explained it many-many time? ;-P

    It's... entertaining. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    To observe total cretin... that fighting for a chance to be called "imbecile". AGAIN. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\If donald tRump doesn't exist, why are you always ranting about how he's being railroaded with false charges? In Mark-Twain-running-for-governor style?

    WAS Mark Twain REALLY running for governor? ;-P

    \\Yet you are sure he is innocent of all charges. This person who doesn't exist for you cretin.

    Well... there is whole ganre of literature. Detectives.

    Scherlok Holmes? Erqule Puarot? Agata Cristie?

    Are they real people? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Your NewSpeak talk. You insisting I mean YES when I say NO. Or that I mean NO when I say YES\\ Because... it corresponds with FACTS.

    \\As you (incorrectly) see them. Means that it your mere OPINION. Which is based on your PERCEPTION. Which is DELUSIONAL.


    Like I see blue sky (or, Sun rising in the morning)... but, as some cretin trying to quip -- that my perception is incorrect...

    so, it must be wrong? And delusional? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because some cretin's OPINION, pERCEpTiON and DELUSIONAL babbling... MUSt BE more important for me... then my OWN ability to discern reality. To see FACTS. To make logical CONCLUSIONS.


    What a cretin you are.

    Just spectacularly CRETINIC. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: As well as that, that you are LIAR. NewSpeak liar. That's why you saying "No" in place of "Yes".

    \\I never have.



    \\Yeah, anyone that disagrees with you, they aren't just wrong. They know they are wrong yet lie. About EVERYTHING. While I know that is BS.


    I agree.

    You are crertin.

    So, you are DO NOT know that you are wrong.

    Unable to discern Reality... from delusions and lies... unable to know FACTS.

    \\People are often wrong. Even you.


    And I should care about some cretin that dunno LOGIC and FACTS... saying that I'm wrong.


    \\Qtard: For you such SIMPLE thing as "accordance with facts"... is BEYOND your miserly mind of a cretin.

    \\Self referring talks.


    So that is why you writing "Qtard" in the beginning? ;-P

    To claim that is your own words? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: That is FACT -- Bi-den DO NOT sending aid to Ukraine. For more then TWO months ALREADY.

    \\Because republiturds are blocking it.

    Blocking DEMN POTUS EXCLUSIVE EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGES???????!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Like his Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy CONSTITUTIONAL powers???

    What a crap talks.

    \\It has not been sent because we need it.

    For what???

    Is USA in state of war?

    Like with Mexica???

    \\republiturds would SURELY criticize Biden if the USA was short needed arms and armaments.

    So... for Bi-den NOT BEING CRITICIZED... is MORE important THEN lifes of people. Of children.

    \\That would not last Ukraine that long in any case. WHY won't republiturds just vote on their "plan for victory in Ukraine"? That gives a lot more aid than 4 billion.

    Are "republiturds" are State Power in USA????

    \\Qtard babbles about imaginary lies AGAIN! I never disputed that there is 4 billion in presidential draw down that isn't being sent.


    "I NEVER said it". AGAIN! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  39. \\fyi, "babblingly" isn't a word.

    fyi, word is just a bunch letters glued together.

    that is how words ARE. and how NEW words created. ALL OF THE TIME. like this "non-word" "fyi"

    but... it's beyond ability of such a cretin as you, yes? ;-P

    \\Impossible. I can't reveal "moaaaar" of something I've never revealed. Or was that comment directed at itself?


    Because you are cretin.

    And unable to discern Lies from Reality.

    Do not able to perceive own wrongs.

    I know.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Because you are a cretin. Still not answered. Even though I said it IS directed at you to answer.




    \\WHY would I suddenly start calling myself "Qtard", when I've previously EXPLAINED that I nicknamed YOU "Qtard"????????

    Because you are deluded cretin, maybe? ;-P

    But that is... just my educated guess.

    You are much closer... to discern Reality, about itself.


    too bad...

    you are cretin...

    and UNABLE to discern Reality. ;-P

    \\No. YOU are "Qtard".


    And what FACTS, with what LOGIC... can confirm that delusional claim???

    Maybe *I* call myself "Qtard"? No.

    Maybe *I* behave like that "Qtard", demonstrating many times mentioned cretinic behavior? Also, no.

    What else? ;-P

    Only YOUR delusional desire to STICK such a name to me...

    but that is just swearing. Name-calling. Throwing feces at the much smarter opponent, you cretin have NO OTHER ways to try to influence... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Silly stupid and purely CRETINIC tryes.

    But... you are cretin (not name-calling, not swearing, but perfectly factual assessment -- based on your cretinic behavior).

    See??? LOGIC!


    you are cretin.

    So you UNABLE... neither assess it nor replicate. ;-P


  40. \\But you are too much of an imbecile to figure that out. Obviously. While you call me "Derpy" and I am smart enough to know you are talking to me. Even though that is NOT my name.


    Because that nickname... is IN ALL ACCORDANCE with your NATURE. ;-P

    You are derping cretin. Therefore... Derpy. ;-P

    \\Though I did MOCK you by saying "Derpy" must be your alter ego. But you IMBECILE thinks that is proof that your cretinic words are "smart". And that explains why I repeat them.



    Because mocking -- that is what smart people can do ONLY. ;-P

    And your "mocking" is just confirmation that you are cretin. ;-P


    \\Qtard dunno what the word "summarize" means?

    Yeah... like HERE.

    And HOW that "Qtard"... could be reference to me?

    OK, Google

    What is summarize in simple words?
    When you summarize something, you write or tell the general idea and only the most important points. It's a skill we often use in school or at work, but even in our personal lives, we summarize: like when a friend asks what the book you're reading is about, or someone wants to know about your recent vacation.

    See... obvious.

    YOUR use of word "summarize" -- SCREAMING about you DUNNO what it mean.

    Hint: where is your "most important points"??? ;-P

    But... yeah... you DUNNO what I asking you, isn't it, cretin?

    Because learning how to "summarize"... that is skill learned in high schools.

    And you... with your cretinic rotten brains... stuck in pre-school level. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Of kindergarden silly tricks with name-calling and swearing. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\"YOUR delusions" is one of your alter egos?

    Yap cretin. ONLY YOU, with your cretinic brain... can come up with such cretinic quips.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\That is an accurate summary of what you've previously said.

    Like when you admitted that Bi-den are deamon.... because he is great? ;-P

    Or... you already forgot? You "I NEVER said it"? SAMEBODY ELSE said it? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You never compared "Dems" to Pol Pot or North Korea?

    And you can provide QUoTES???? ;-P

    \\Of course you did. This is just the cretinic game you play. I said I wasn't going to play that game anymore. Remember?


    Because you are cretin.

    And unable to play games only smart people can play. ;-P

  41. No cretin's retorts here? ;-P
