Sunday, January 28, 2024

Joe Biden Represents the Working Man!

I sure hope he's wearing safety shoes!


  1. With the metatarsal guards on top, or under the soles, Dervy? Cuz he hasn't a clue about wearing a hard hat.

  2. President Joe Biden picked up an endorsement from the United Auto Workers union Wednesday, an important boost to the Democratic president's reelection bid as he pushes to sway blue-collar workers his way in critical auto-making swing states such as Michigan and Wisconsin.

  3. Really? As soon as the auto workers see the fool with the backwards hardhat they'll definitely be voting Trump. The Union reps will be the ONLY people foolish enough to think that Slow Joe can do anything more for them than read a teleprompter and cut ribbons at the fast food joints all their workers will soon be employed by.

  4. Congrats, cretin!

    In soviet Union Lenin, Stalin and Co.

    Was endorsed by workers and peasants without failure too... :-))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Really? As soon as the auto workers see the fool with the backwards hardhat they'll definitely be voting Trump.

    That is... not the problem.

    Problem -- neither anyone in his babysitters KNEW that it to be fixed nor anybody around dared to fix it...

    that is... clear Cult of a Person of Totalitarians... symptoms.

  5. Minus: As soon as the auto workers see the fool with the backwards hardhat they'll definitely be voting Trump...

    And why the hell would they do something that dumb? That would surely be a lot dumber than wearing a hard hat "backwards".

  6. Snopes: ...our assumption that wearing a hard hat "backwards" means wearing it with the brim facing to the rear, and "forwards" means wearing it brim to the front. On the basis of that assumption, we originally rated the claim that Biden was wearing a hard hat backwards as false.

    The worker who lent the hardhat to Biden was wearing it backwards.

    Snopes: in one sense, because the bill is in the back, the worker is wearing the hat backwards...

  7. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00000

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  8. This reminds me of the pictures of Kerry in a NASA bunny suit, and Mike Dukakis commanding a tank.

    What a maroon!

  9. Snopes "fact-checker" never wore a hard hat in his life, either.

  10. See the circle (knob) in the middle of the neck-band? That adjusts the size/ tightness. It was too small for his hear, too. All he had to do was spin the knob.

  11. Minus: Trump actually knows how to wear a hard hat. He's worn them before.

    Construction workers wear suits? Who knew?

  12. Nope. But builders inspecting their own projects do.

  13. There are safety regulations, after all. And if anyone gets hurt, who pays the insurance premiums?

  14. Showing itself cretin... it's actually are sneaky elections tactic -- to appease cretins. "I'm one of you!!!" ;-P

    And well... what demands from cretin could be? :-)))))))0

  15. I think... showing itself cretin -- will be top notch election strategy... in this 21st century.

  16. Qtard is running for political office?

  17. Your alter-ego? %))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. How to wear a hard hat backwards...

    ...the bad/ dial still go in the BACK.

  19. The dial is in the front and it is therefore "backward". WHO CARES? Not me. Yet you think autoworkers are so dumb they will see that pic and say "I'm voting tRump". Sure, he is anti-union while Joe Biden is pro-union, but they don't care about that. Just wearing a hardhat "backward".

    United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain: Donald Trump is a scab. Donald Trump is a billionaire and that is who he represents. If Donald Trump ever worked in an auto plant, he wouldn't be a UAW member, he would be a company man trying to squeeze the American worker.

    Minus: Nope. But builders inspecting their own projects do.

    If tRump hired an architect to design the building and a general contractor to construct it, how does that make him a "builder"?

  20. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  21. dotard donald a "master builder"... I agree with your LOL.
