Sunday, January 28, 2024

Border Crisis 2024 - Convoy Time???

Take Our Border Back - Real or more Government PsyOps to Sow Discord?  Only time will tell.


  1. Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla: It is interesting, Republicans, four months ago, would not give funding for Ukraine, for Israel and for our southern border because we demanded changes in policy. So we actually locked arms together and said, "We’re not going to give money for this. We want a change in law"...

    And now, it’s interesting, a few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end, they’re like, "Oh, just kidding, I actually don’t want a change in law because of presidential election year"...

  2. Donald Trump Wants to Keep the Border Open for Nakedly Cynical Political Reasons ... Donald Trump and House Republican leaders are actively trying to thwart any potential legislation in the name of “nakedly cynical” politics. ...

    Joe Scarborough noted ... “That is his new excuse to stab Ukraine in the back and let fentanyl flood across the border"... the bill, as reported, would be “the toughest border security deal ever.

    Yet Trump is opposing the conservative deal, just like he hopes the economy crashes, as he said, because he wants there to be a depression before he is president".

  3. Sure, Trump wants us to make "the best border deal ever" by allowing 3 million more immigrants into the country every year and then putting them up at the NY Plaza. So what if they put them up at Trump Tower, think he'd change his position? Would Democrats be on board?

  4. Why should anyone care what the future inmate thinks? And he might be forced to sell tRump tower soon. To pay for all the judgments against him. LOL!

    E Jean Carroll says that, if donald tRump continues to defame her, she will sue him a third time. LOL!

  5. Who'll pay her legal bills this 3rd time? LOL!

  6. She doesn't need to worry about legal bills. She has 88 million of donald tRump's money coming her way.

  7. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  8. ...with her legal expenses for the lawsuit completely paid for by a billionaire Biden donor right before an election. How convenient for her.

  9. Will she file the next suit in 2027/8?

  10. Minus: ...with her legal expenses for the lawsuit completely paid for by a billionaire Biden donor...

    donald tRump is a Biden donor?

  11. It would be clever of dRump... to pay with check... from RFia's bank. ;-P

  12. No, the rubles would be worth so much more than dollars...

  13. Bleh.

    Do you know how many dollars are on hand in RFia? ;-P

    Idea was -- for her to go there, and try to take it. ;-)

  14. Minus: Sure, Trump wants us to make "the best border deal ever" by allowing 3 million more immigrants into the country every year...

    That's the deal? According to who? What I've heard about the deal is that it is very conservative and gives republicans a lot of what they want.

    Minus: Has she received any money yet?

    She WILL receive what dotard donald owes her PLUS interest. Her lawyers aren't going to jump ship for not getting paid. They know a big payday is coming. dotard dotard's lawyers are the ones who have to worry about not getting paid.

    Qtard: Do you know how many dollars are on hand in RFia? Idea was -- for her to go there, and try to take it.

    How much money does dotard donald have in the bank of Russia? So, Qtard acknowledges that dotard donald is Putin's puppet? I thought it was denying this fact? I thought it claimed that calling dotard donald Putin's puppet is political feces throwing? Did it accidentally acknowledge it knows what the obvious truth is?

    Minus: Argentina? ;)

    Yeah, that's where Nazis fled after WWII. I agree with you that dotard donald might have money stashed there. He might flee there after he is convicted in the upcoming Jack Smith trials.

  15. \\How much money does dotard donald have in the bank of Russia?

    Is it important for giving check? ;-P

    \\So, Qtard acknowledges that dotard donald is Putin's puppet?

    Naaah. It only mean that you are cretin.

    Not a news any more.

    \\ I thought it claimed that calling dotard donald Putin's puppet is political feces throwing?

    And you can find adequate quote???



    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  16. Again Qtard pretends to not remember what it said previously. It probably doesn't remember bringing up Mark Twain running for governor (many times) either. Why does it play such imbecile games? I dunno nor do I give a shit.

  17. What I've heard about the deal is that it is very conservative and gives republicans a lot of what they want.


  18. So what's the "real" skinny? And HOW do you know it? I heard that republiturds are going to be voting NO without reading it. Though it has not been released yet, as far as I know. Yet Minus knows word for word what it contains?

    Your linked image = tinfoil hat nuttery.

  19. 5,000 per day x 7 days a week =35,000 per week= 1,820,000 illegals per year... before starting any border enforcement actions

    another 50,000 legal immigrant visas annually

    billions for sanctuary cities

    ...and more undisclosed... like legal numbers being increased.

  20. \\Again Qtard pretends to not remember what it said previously.

    Clearly, cretin talking about its alter-ego "Qtard".

    How'd I know???

    Because cretin said it... itself.

    \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\Anyway, I said from the start that I didn't remember ever writing "I believe in facts".

    \\Yet you kept claiming I did without giving a quote. So I (naturally) assumed you were lying.

    \\January 19, 2024 at 5:06 PM

    Clearly self-revealed that it: do not remember (and do not care to remember) about previously said and (naturally... for cretin) assume ANY brainless babbling of itself being true, and other being false.

    And that. That's sums it up. Flawlessly. ;-P

    \\Mark Twain running for governor (many times) either.

    And have it read it? ;-P

    Cretinism of one certain cretin.

    \\Why does it play such imbecile games? I dunno nor do I give a shit.

    I. Already know the answer -- because it is cretin.


    I say.

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Especially... as you it seems do not care about showing itself cretin. Well... natural thing... for cretins. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  21. Qtard: Clearly, cretin talking about its alter-ego "Qtard".

    How is MY comment YOU talking about yourself?

    Qtard: How'd I know??? Because cretin said it... itself. Dervish Sanders said...

    That's my comment, not the cretin's (your) comment.

    Qtard: \\i didn't remember ever writing "I believe in facts".

    I didn't remember writing that sentence and including the word "in". That is ONE time when I accidentally wrote "in" when I didn't mean to.

    While I absolutely do remember writing that I believe facts. So it is a lie to say I don't remember what I write. Or that I ever "said it... itself". I did not.

    Qtard (you) doesn't remember what it writes. How do *I* know?

    IT said so itself. Many times. Every time I refer to things we both know you said -- and you ask for a quote. Implying I would not be able to find one because you did not say the thing we both know you did say.

    Qtard: Clearly self-revealed that it: do not remember (and do not care to remember) about previously said and (naturally... for cretin) assume ANY brainless babbling of itself being true, and other being false.

    Self referencing talks.

    Qtard: And that. That's sums it up. Flawlessly.

    "Flawless" bullshit.

    Qtard: \\Mark Twain running for governor (many times) either\\ And have it read it?

    You tell me if it read it or not. I thought yit did. But it might not remember.

    I do know the cretin thinks it is a true story. Instead of fiction.

    Qtard: Cretinism of one certain cretin.

    Yeah. The cretin that called itself "Q" and described itself as a foreigner from far far away. That cretin.

    Qtard: \\Why does it play such imbecile games?\\I. Already know the answer -- because it is cretin.

    I agree. Being the cretin -- you would know.

    Qtard: But. I say. Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: Especially... as you it seems do not care about showing itself cretin.

    Yeah. It seems you (the cretin) doesn't.

  22. \\How is MY comment YOU talking about yourself?

    Yeah. Cretin unable to speak/write in decent English. ;-P

    Not surprising. Cause... it's cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\I didn't remember writing that sentence and including the word "in". That is ONE time when I accidentally wrote "in" when I didn't mean to.


    Thing that constantly happen with cretin...

    Because it is cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\While I absolutely do remember writing that I believe facts. So it is a lie to say I don't remember what I write.

    And that... that IT... just sentence away ADMITTED "I didn't remember writing that sentence" do not devalue it??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... Thank you for CONFIRMING it -- that ITS claims that IT do not remember something -- is a lie -- "So it is a lie to say I don't remember what I write." -- YET ONE words cretin "I do not remember saying"??? ;-P

    \\Qtard (you) doesn't remember what it writes. How do *I* know?

    \\IT said so itself. Many times.


    IT... just said "I didn't remember writing that sentence".


    As IT also ADMITTED... swiftly... that was "So it is a lie to say I don't remember what I write."

    \\I agree. Being the cretin -- you would know.

    Of course I am. Because as much smarter dude... it's easy for me, as a pie -- to admit levels of cretinism... of certain cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a wise observation this certain one cretin did.

    But... it will start screeching that IT do not remember it -- admitting being cretin. Though... as IT admitted it too... it will be just YET ONE miserly lie.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  23. Qtard: Yeah. Cretin unable to speak/write in decent English. ... Not surprising. Cause... it's cretin.

    Yes. I agree with your admission.

    Qtard: Thing that constantly happen with cretin... Because it is cretin.

    Again, I agree. It happens constantly with you. Infrequently with me.

    Qtard: And that... that IT... just sentence away ADMITTED "I didn't remember writing that sentence" do not devalue it???


    Qtard: But... Thank you for CONFIRMING it -- that ITS claims that IT do not remember something -- is a lie...

    Not confirmed. Denied.

    Qtard: -- "So it is a lie to say I don't remember what I write." -- YET ONE words cretin "I do not remember saying"???

    Qtard thinks it has a photographic memory? It remembers every word it writes? Why does it continually ask for quotes then? Even when we are discussing things we BOTH know it said?

    Qtard: As IT also ADMITTED... swiftly... that was "So it is a lie to say I don't remember what I write."

    Yes. Thank you for admitting your lie.

    Qtard: Because as much smarter dude...


    Qtard: What a wise observation this certain one cretin did.

    You are incapable of making a wise observations. Because you are a cretin.

    Qtard: But... it will start screeching that IT do not remember it -- admitting being cretin.

    You? Yeah, you've admitted your cretinism. Like right below...

    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    See, the admitted cretin just encouraged itself to "continue-continue".

    Though maybe it swiftly forgot?

  24. \\Qtard: And that... that IT... just sentence away ADMITTED "I didn't remember writing that sentence" do not devalue it???


    Obvious NewSpeak "Yes".


    Because... that is fact that cretin babbled/written that "I didn't remember writing that sentence".

    But IT trying to lie about FACT.

    \\Qtard: But... Thank you for CONFIRMING it -- that ITS claims that IT do not remember something -- is a lie...

    \\Not confirmed. Denied.

    Oh, yes. Denials of a liar... they are SO TRUTHFUL.

    Naaaaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: -- "So it is a lie to say I don't remember what I write." -- YET ONE words cretin "I do not remember saying"???

    \\Qtard thinks it has a photographic memory? It remembers every word it writes? Why does it continually ask for quotes then? Even when we are discussing things we BOTH know it said?


    If you really NOT remember -- you can consult with Google Search. Or make some memos. Or, as for quotes. Or... whatever. For a smart dude even problems with memory -- not that big problems. ;-P

    But... cretin OPENLY admitted -- that IT doesn't care about OWN words being truthful.

    Just ASSUMES that they are.

    Why opponent's words, IT assumes as ALWAYS a LIE.


    Because IT IS CRETIN. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And also... a liar. That's why it have such a problem with memorizing all its lies.

    Yawn. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: As IT also ADMITTED... swiftly... that was "So it is a lie to say I don't remember what I write."

    \\Yes. Thank you for admitting your lie.


    Using "you" instead of "I".


    Because it's easy to double-check it -- with Ctrl-F -- I inserted that sentence "So it is a lie to say I don't remember what I write." -- pressed "Search".

    And found that that is words of cretin.



    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You are incapable of making a wise observations. Because you are a cretin.


    And YET ONE. Use of "you" instead of "I". ;-P

    And self-admission being cretin and liar. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  25. Qtard: Obvious NewSpeak "Yes".

    Obvious NO.

    Qtard: Because... that is fact that cretin babbled/written that "I didn't remember writing that sentence". But IT trying to lie about FACT.

    No. Lie. I did not.

    Qtard: But... Thank you for CONFIRMING it -- that ITS claims that IT do not remember something -- is a lie...\\Not confirmed. Denied\\ Oh, yes. Denials of a liar... they are SO TRUTHFUL.

    That was the denial of a truth teller.

    Qtard: For a smart dude even problems with memory -- not that big problems.

    Yeah? What about dumb dudes like you?

    Qtard: But... cretin OPENLY admitted -- that IT doesn't care about OWN words being truthful.

    No admission was necessary. I already knew you don't care about your own words being truthful.

    Qtard: Just ASSUMES that they are.

    I do, yes. Why wouldn't I? Given that I always try to be truthful.

    Qtard: Why opponent's words, IT assumes as ALWAYS a LIE.

    Only when the opponent has proven itself to be a liar, as you have.

    Qtard: Because? Because IT IS CRETIN.

    Yes. IT (you) are

    Qtard: And also... a liar. That's why it have such a problem with memorizing all its lies.

    Well, I surely am not sorry about this problem you have as a liar.

    Qtard: As IT also ADMITTED... swiftly... that was "So it is a lie to say I don't remember what I write."\\ Yes. Thank you for admitting your lie\\ Using "you" instead of "I".

    No, I have never done that.

    Qtard: Because? Because it's easy to double-check it -- with Ctrl-F -- I inserted that sentence "So it is a lie to say I don't remember what I write." -- pressed "Search".

    It is also easy to see you said I ADMITTED that. "Admit" means it is true. So that was a true statement according to you.

    Qtard: And found that that is words of cretin.

    No. Those are my words, not your words.

    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    The cretin encourages itself to "continue-continue" again. Yawn.

    Qtard: \\You are incapable of making a wise observations. Because you are a cretin\\ Oh. And YET ONE. Use of "you" instead of "I".

    Zero uses. Because I never do that.

    Qtard: And self-admission being cretin and liar.

    Yeah, your admission.

  26. \\Qtard: Obvious NewSpeak "Yes".

    \\Obvious NO.

    Yeah. NewSpeak "Yes".

    Thank you for confirmation.

    \\That was the denial of a truth teller.

    "Truth teller" that denies... FACTS? ;-P

    \\Yeah? What about dumb dudes like you?

    Yet one "you" instead of "I".


    How should I know??? Try to resort for itself. ;-P

    \\No admission was necessary. I already knew you don't care about your own words being truthful.

    Yeah. You are right.

    As they are based on Facts and sound Logic... they are always truthful.

    Congrats, congrats... for understanding it. ;-P

    \\I do, yes. Why wouldn't I? Given that I always try to be truthful.


    Because you are liar. Having your lies to look "truthful"... is very dearly needed need. ;-P

    Congrats, congrats... for admitting that. ;-P

    \\Only when the opponent has proven itself to be a liar, as you have.

    One little problem... it was not "proven"... but "assumed" -- was what was said there -- truthfully. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    And "proven".

    Liar NEVER was able to prove anything.

    Because "proven" -- it's when it based on facts and logic.

    Impossible thing... for such cretinic liar.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Yes. IT (you) are

    \\Well, I surely am not sorry about this problem you have as a liar.

    And who said it... itself... that it do not remember??? I??? :-)))))))


    Just ANOTHER examples of use "you" instead of "I" -- CONFIRMED!


    \\No, I have never done that.

    Just couple sentences BEFORE this one.

    And that mean -- that that is just YET ONE obvious lie of a cretin. ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\It is also easy to see you said I ADMITTED that. "Admit" means it is true. So that was a true statement according to you.


    And you can QUOTE it??? That "where I said it"???

    And build up some sound logic -- while it MEAN, and CONFIRM... what such an cretin trying to say it mean???

    Naaaaah. ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: And found that that is words of cretin.

    \\No. Those are my words, not your words.


    Just as *I* said -- words of cretin -- you. :-))))))))))))))))))0

    Cretinic liar -- which trying to lie about own cretinism. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    Which makes it SO hilarious.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    \\The cretin encourages itself to "continue-continue" again. Yawn.

    Continuing showing itself cretin?

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Use of "you" instead of "I".

    \\Zero uses. Because I never do that.

    \\Qtard: And self-admission being cretin and liar.

    \\Yeah, your admission.


    In one sentence claiming "I NEVER DID IT".

    Just to DO that... in very NEXT sentence.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  27. Qtard: Thank you for confirmation.

    I didn't give one.

    Qtard: "Truth teller" that denies... FACTS?

    That is how you see yourself?

    Qtard: \\Yeah? What about dumb dudes like you?\\ Yet one "you" instead of "I".

    No. I wrote "you" because I meant "you".

    Qtard: How should I know??? Try to resort for itself.

    You don't know.

    Qtard: \\No admission was necessary. I already knew you don't care about your own words being truthful\\ Yeah. You are right. As they are based on Facts and sound Logic... they are always truthful.

    But your words aren't based on facts or logic.

    Qtard: Congrats, congrats... for understanding it.

    Thank you. I do understand your narcissistic delusion.

    Qtard: \\I do, yes. Why wouldn't I? Given that I always try to be truthful\\ Yap. Because you are liar.

    Wrote "you are" instead of "I am". Due to being a foreigner and not understanding English?

    Qtard: Having your lies to look "truthful"... is very dearly needed need.

    But your lies don't look truthful at all. They are transparently absurd.

    Qtard: Congrats, congrats... for admitting that.

    Thank you.

    Qtard: \\Only when the opponent has proven itself to be a liar, as you have\\ One little problem... it was not "proven"... but "assumed" -- was what was said there -- truthfully.

    Assumed (re the example you refer to) because it was proven so many times previously.

    Qtard: And "proven". Liar NEVER was able to prove anything.

    No. Just MOST of the time you (the liar) are not able to prove anything.

    Qtard: Because "proven" -- it's when it based on facts and logic.

    Yeah. Why you struggle to prove anything. Because you have problems identifying facts and applying logic.

    Qtard: Impossible thing... for such cretinic liar.

    Congrats for admitting that about yourself.

    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement #1.

    Qtard: And who said it... itself... that it do not remember??? I???

    Yes, constantly. Over and over. Asks me it remind it what it said by giving a quote. Because it does not remember. Even regarding many times discussed things.

    Qtard: Just ANOTHER examples of use "you" instead of "I" -- CONFIRMED!


    Qtard: \\No, I have never done that\\ Just couple sentences BEFORE this one.


    Qtard: And that mean -- that that is just YET ONE obvious lie of a cretin.

    Yeah, you obviously lied.

    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement. AGAIN! #2

    Qtard: It is also easy to see you said I ADMITTED that. "Admit" means it is true. So that was a true statement according to you\\ And you can QUOTE it??? That "where I said it"???

    See? It forgot what it JUST said.

    Qtard: And build up some sound logic -- while it MEAN, and CONFIRM...

    Admit, definition: confess to be true or to be the case...

    Qtard: what such an cretin trying to say it mean???Naaaaah.

    "Admit" doesn't mean "confess to be true". Yeah, it appears you are trying say it doesn't mean that. But Naaaaah, you can't say it means something else.

    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    Why do you need so much self encouragement? #3

    Qtard: And found that that is words of cretin\\ No. Those are my words, not your words\\ Yeah. Just as *I* said -- words of cretin -- you.

    Non cretin.

    Qtard: Cretinic liar -- which trying to lie about own cretinism.

    Yeah, you are.

    Qtard: Which makes it SO hilarious.

    Not in my view. I say it is annoying.

    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement. Again. And again. And again. And again. Yawn. #4

    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.\\The cretin encourages itself to "continue-continue" again. Yawn\\ Continuing showing itself cretin?


    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    5th instance of self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\Use of "you" instead of "I"\\ Zero uses. Because I never do that\\ Qtard: And self-admission being cretin and liar\\ Yeah, your admission.

    Qtard: Yeah. In one sentence claiming "I NEVER DID IT".


    Qtard: Just to DO that... in very NEXT sentence.


    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    6th instance of self encouragement 👎👎👎👎👎👎

  28. \\No. I wrote "you" because I meant "you".

    And who care what you -- cretin, deem in its cloud mind as "I mean it"??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You can "mean" whatever you like.

    But (smart) people... will be looking at FACTS... not at your miserly cretinic OPINIONS. ;-P

    \\Qtard: How should I know??? Try to resort for itself.

    \\You don't know.


    I do not know how to be stupid... that's why I observing your cretinic behavior.

    You -- gotcha. ;-P

    \\But your words aren't based on facts or logic.

    And how'd you -- cretin could know something like that? ;-P

    Maybe you know some facts? Naaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Maybe you know some logic? Naaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    You only claiming "I assume whatever my opponent saying as being lie".

    Which is absolutely anti-factual and a-ligical.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    \\Thank you. I do understand your narcissistic delusion.


    You will not remember it next time.


    Because you -- cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Qtard: Having your lies to look "truthful"... is very dearly needed need.

    \\But your lies . They are transparently absurd.

    Then... it should be easy as pie... to you to SHOW it. With FACTS. ;-P

    How my words "don't look truthful at all".

    But you can't. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    Because you -- cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    \\Qtard: Congrats, congrats... for admitting that.

    \\Thank you.


    It's my pleasure.

    To observe how you confirming being cretin -- totally what cretin would do -- say "thank you", for being called cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    \\Assumed (re the example you refer to) because it was proven so many times previously.


    But how you can remember it? If you constantly saying that you don't.

    Isn't because that claim that you do not remember this or that -- is just a miserly lie? ;-P

    \\No. Just MOST of the time you (the liar) are not able to prove anything.


    Obvious use of "you" instead of "I".

    How can I know it?

    Because ONLY that way it makes sense and are in according with FACTS.

    Certain cretin really "Just MOST of the time I (the liar) are not able to prove anything." -- correct and factual claim.

    One with Newspeak-substituted "No" instead of "Yes" and "you" instead of "I" -- not.

    \\Yeah. Why you struggle to prove anything. Because you have problems identifying facts and applying logic.


    Miserly cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000

    Go ask me. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    And why I laughing??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    Because... that is just EMPTY words.

    You -- cretin, CANNOT neither point to a FACT, or make LOGICAL inference... to prove anything of said. ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    You doing EXACTLY what makes me laughing.

    So... continue-continue... cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000

  29. \\Qtard: Impossible thing... for such cretinic liar.

    \\Congrats for admitting that about yourself.


    Go. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    Ask me. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    An why I laughing? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    That's because... miserly cretin SHOWED YET ONE time how miserly and cretinic IT is...

    All it can do to oppose to a much smarter opponent -- it's devise such a miserly trick of cutting quote out of place -- and say that it was "about yourself".

    What a cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    To make me laughing.

    \\Yes, constantly. Over and over. Asks me it remind it what it said by giving a quote.

    That is how you -- cretin understand it??? ;-P

    Yeah, of course. Cause you -- cretin.

    And do not understand, do not remember all my previous explanations.

    That PROPERLY CITED QUOTES are NEEDED for making FLAWLESS logical conclusion.


    Cretin will not understand that, ever. Because... it is cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))000


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    To make me laughing.

    \\Qtard: Just ANOTHER examples of use "you" instead of "I" -- CONFIRMED!


    No need to be so hot, with confirming.

    But well... if you insist SO MUCH.

    I'll praise it too -- YET ONE and pAsSioNATe CONFIRMATION.

    With NewSpeak "YES!".

    Here. ;-P

    \\See? It forgot what it JUST said.

    Naaah. ;-P

    I just CONFIRMED. YET ONE time.

    That you -- cretin.

    Unable to base its claims on FACTUAL quotes and BASED on em logical conclusions.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    To make me laughing.

    \\Admit, definition: confess to be true or to be the case...

    \\Qtard: what such an cretin trying to say it mean???Naaaaah.

    \\"Admit" doesn't mean "confess to be true". Yeah, it appears you are trying say it doesn't mean that. But Naaaaah, you can't say it means something else.


    Cretin citing DEFINITION.

    Just to start babbling that it not true.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    To make me laughing.

    \\Non cretin.

    NewSpeak "Yeah Cretin! And proud of it!"? ;-P

    \\6th instance of self encouragement 👎👎👎👎👎👎


    You might think that cretinic retort is so smart thing to do?

    Though it only confirms your cretinic narrow-mindness -- inability to devise something new and fresh, and stingy for an opponent.

    Only what makes me laughing.


    For at least. It confirms that cretin is aware of concept of numbers and numbering...

    so, now we can observe it, how it will show being cretin in that regard too.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    To make me laughing.

  30. Yeah.

    As predicted.

    There is 7 (SEVEN) of that "Continue-continue, cretin" in that comment.

    And certain one cretin are cretin which cannot count too. ;-P


  31. Qtard: You can "mean" whatever you like.

    Not according to you. According to you I can only mean what you say I mean.

    Qtard: But (smart) people... will be looking at FACTS... not at your miserly cretinic OPINIONS.

    Wrote "your" instead of "my". How do I know? It is definitely cretinism to say it is a "fact" that a cretin can tell a smart person "what you REALLY mean". And it's the exact opposite of what the smart person actually said.

    Qtard: How should I know??? Try to resort for itself\\ You don't know\\ Yap. I do not know how to be stupid...

    You just said QUOTE "How should I know???". Now you say "Yap. I do not know...". So your first comment was an admitted lie. Also you second comment. Because you DO know how to be stupid. You do it here constantly.

    Qtard: that's why I observing your cretinic behavior.

    Wrote "your" instead of "my".

    Qtard: \\But your words aren't based on facts or logic\\ And how'd you -- cretin could know something like that?

    Wrote "you" instead of "I".

    Qtard: Maybe you know some facts? Naaaah.

    I know lots of facts. Real ones. Unlike you, a cretin who says lies it likes are "facts". It also calls opinions "facts". As long as it likes them.

    Qtard: Maybe you know some logic? Naaaah.

    Some. Unlike you.

    Qtard: You only claiming "I assume whatever my opponent saying as being lie".

    No. I never said that. Not "whatever". Only your claim that I used the word "in". And it was a logical assumption, given your history of being a liar. And your failure to quote. Not until quite awhile later.

    Qtard: Which is absolutely anti-factual and a-ligical.

    Factual and logical.

    Qtard: You will not remember it next time.

    Used "you" when you meant "I". It will ask for a quote because it does not remember.

    Qtard: Why? Because you -- cretin.

    Wrote "you" instead of "I".

    Qtard: \\But your lies. They are transparently absurd\\ Then... it should be easy as pie... to you to SHOW it. With FACTS.

    FACT that I have never wrote "I never said it" about anything just said. That is an absurd lie. Easy to see it is a lie too. This started when I wrote that I never said I denied people have human rights but I do deny that people have an imaginary "human right" that YOU made up. You called this a contradiction and that I WAS denying human rights. Right after saying I didn't

    But I did not. I was only denying the fake "human right" you invented. But the cretin will probably now say I just did it again.

    Qtard: How my words "don't look truthful at all". But you can't.

    I can. Easily. You're continually telling absurd lies -- like I say "I never said it" about things I just said. When I never have.

    Qtard: Because you -- cretin.

    Wrote "you" instead of "I" again.

    Qtard: Congrats, congrats... for admitting that\\ Thank you\\ No. It's my pleasure. To observe how you confirming being cretin...

    Wrote "you" instead of "I".

    Qtard: totally what cretin would do -- say "thank you", for being called cretin.

    You called yourself a cretin and then thanked yourself?

    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    "Continue-continue" is you thanking yourself?

    Qtard: \\Assumed (re the example you refer to) because it was proven so many times previously\\ Proven?


    Qtard: But how you can remember it? If you constantly saying that you don't.

    Cretin thinks something said ONCE is "constantly". Because it is a cretin.

  32. Qtard: Isn't because that claim that you do not remember this or that -- is just a miserly lie?

    Your claims of not remembering? Yeah, I think most of the time you're lying. You ask for a quote about things we both know you said.

    Qtard: \\No. Just MOST of the time you (the liar) is not able to prove anything\\ Yeah. Obvious use of "you" instead of "I".


    Qtard: How can I know it?

    Your imbecility?

    Qtard: Because ONLY that way it makes sense and are in according with FACTS.

    Only way it makes sense (replacing "you" with "I") is if we are talking about your delusions.

    Qtard: Certain cretin really "Just MOST of the time I (the liar) are not able to prove anything." -- correct and factual claim.

    The certain cretin's admission. I agree.

    Qtard: One with Newspeak-substituted "No" instead of "Yes" and "you" instead of "I"...

    I don't make such substitutions. Or use NewSpeak.

    Qtard: \\Yeah. Why you struggle to prove anything. Because you have problems identifying facts and applying logic\\ **moronic laughter followed by cretinic drools** Miserly cretin Go ask me. And why I laughing???

    I don't need to ask. I know why it laughs. Because it is a cretin.

    Qtard: Because... that is just EMPTY words. You -- cretin, CANNOT neither point to a FACT, or make LOGICAL inference... to prove anything of said.

    The cretin's own words prove what I said.

    Qtard: Impossible thing... for such cretinic liar\\ Congrats for admitting that about yourself\\ **moronic laughter followed by cretinic drools** Go. Ask me. An why I laughing?

    No. Don't need to. I already know why (see above).

    Qtard: That's because... miserly cretin SHOWED YET ONE time how miserly and cretinic IT is...

    Yeah, you did.

    Qtard: All it can do to oppose to a much smarter opponent -- it's devise such a miserly trick of cutting quote out of place -- and say that it was "about yourself".

    Yes. Your cretinic trick. Which I throw back in the cretin's face.

    Qtard: What a cretin.

    Forgot "I am" at the end that sentence. Must be implied.

    Qtard: That PROPERLY CITED QUOTES are NEEDED for making FLAWLESS logical conclusion.

    Because you don't remember what you said? Or pretend not to. Because it bets I won't be able to find the quote. But, even if I do, it will screech "my words meant something else". So why should I bother?

    Qtard: But. Cretin will not understand that, ever. Because... it is cretin.

    I absolutely understand. I just explained your game.

    Qtard: Just ANOTHER examples of use "you" instead of "I" -- CONFIRMED!\\NO!\\ No need to be so hot, with confirming.

    "No" is a refutation, not a confirmation.

    Qtard: I'll praise it too -- YET ONE and pAsSioNATe CONFIRMATION. With NewSpeak "YES!".

    I don't use NewSpeak.

    Qtard: Cretin citing DEFINITION. Just to start babbling that it not true.

    No. *I* cited a definition. Not the cretin (you). Now you're babbling that it isn't true? Figures.

    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin. To make me laughing.

    Qtard's own moronity makes it laugh. Well, that isn't new. It laughs at its own moronity all the time. Yawn.

    Qtard: \\Non cretin\\ NewSpeak "Yeah Cretin! And proud of it!"?

    Self referring talks. Obviously.

    Qtard: only confirms your cretinic narrow-mindness -- inability to devise something new and fresh, and stingy for an opponent.

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: For at least. It confirms that cretin is aware of concept of numbers and numbering...

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: so, now we can observe it, how it will show being cretin in that regard too.

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: There is 7 (SEVEN) of that "Continue-continue, cretin" in that comment.

    One is a quote from a prior comment. I was only counting the new ones said in the last comment.

    Qtard: ...certain one cretin are cretin which cannot count too.

    I'm sorry counting is hard for you. But you did come close.

  33. \\Not according to you. According to you I can only mean what you say I mean.


    Meanings provided in dictionaries.

    That's how your words will be dechiphered. ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    Claiming that your words can have some other, open only to IT... meaning.


    Another word -- do continue being cretin.


    And making me laughing from ITS cretinism.

    \\ It is definitely cretinism to say it is a "fact" that a cretin can tell a smart person "what you REALLY mean".


    Words of definite cretin. This sentence are perfect example of. ;-P

    Cretin that opposing to definitions of words given in dictionaries.


    \\Qtard: How should I know??? Try to resort for itself\\ You don't know\\ Yap. I do not know how to be stupid...

    \\You just said QUOTE "How should I know???". Now you say "Yap. I do not know...". So your first comment was an admitted lie.

    I LIKE level of cretinism in you growing... so much. :-))))))))))

    I just said tautological TRUTH.

    First, that I DUNNO thing that I have NO MEANS to know (like about content of your rotting brains).

    Second, was just confirmation of that same fact -- logical -- I have NO MEANS to know, therefore I don't know.

    But... cretin trying to call obviously grounded in Reality and Common Sense claim -- a lie.

    Easy to see why -- because that cretin DEMONSTRATED many times -- that IT is miserly NewSpeak liar. ;-P

    As follower of DEMN and liliPut's propaganda... which based on that same defining principle -- lying against all known facts and common sense. With claiming TOTALLY OPPOSITE.


  34. \\Qtard: Maybe you know some facts? Naaaah.

    \\I know lots of facts. Real ones.

    Obvious lie of a cretin.



    Because if IT would know some Real Facts -- it would BE ABLE to REFER to em.

    But... IT -- NEVER able. ;-P

    \\Unlike you, a cretin who says lies it likes are "facts". It also calls opinions "facts". As long as it likes them.


    Like my "opinions" that sky is blue? That Sun rising in the morning? and dRump are not in jail? ;-P

    YET ONE confirmation that cretin is NewSpeak liar. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: You only claiming "I assume whatever my opponent saying as being lie".

    \No. I never said that. Not "whatever". Only your claim that I used the word "in". And it was a logical assumption, given your history of being a liar. And your failure to quote. Not until quite awhile later.

    And that is NOT PERFECT QUOTES of your lying words? ;-P

    \\Anyway, I said from the start that I didn't remember ever writing "I believe in facts".

    \\Yet you kept claiming I did without giving a quote. So I (naturally) assumed you were lying.

    \\I believe facts. And I have certainly written that more frequently than "I believe IN facts".

    And before that you tried to claim: "
    I didn't say "I believe in facts". You lie. And your lie is obvious. Given that your words (the ones you claim I said) DO NOT MATCH the words I admit saying.

    To which I gave PERFECT QUOTE above.

    In which you ADMITTED... that your claim "I didn't say "I believe in facts". You lie. And your lie is obvious." -- is OBVIOUS LIE.

    You tried to placate with cretinic "I have certainly written that more frequently".


    ps You cretin drowning in own cretinic lies. ;-P

  35. \\But I did not. I was only denying the fake "human right" you invented.


    "Fake" human rights -- to go by streets as free people of free country, to come into public buildings as free people of free country, to decide for themself what to do and to what and and in what way to oppose to as free people of free country -- that is all you DENIED. ;-P

    With open and obvious... and emphasized "I *DO* deny..." -- writing of which cretin tried to DENY too. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    With cretinic "I NEVER said it". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because you are Totalitarian Cretin.

    That DUNNO what Human Rights and Democracy mean (hint: The word "democracy" (Greek: dēmokratia, δημοκρατία) combines the elements dêmos (δῆμος, traditionally interpreted "people") and krátos (κράτος, which means "force" or "power"), and thus means literally "people power".)


  36. \\Qtard: How my words "don't look truthful at all". But you can't.

    \\I can. Easily. You're continually telling absurd lies -- like I say "I never said it" about things I just said. When I never have.


    Like "never ever"?

    Like definition in dictionary?

    What is the full meaning of never?
    1. : not ever : at no time. I never met her. 2. : not in any degree : not under any condition.

    Never Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Merriam-Webster › dictionary › never

    Is it???

    Of course not. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That is -- just a miserly lie of cretinic NewSpeak liar. ;-P

    As in THIS thread. Couple comments above.

    Where I gave cretin's words PERFECT QUOTE: "I didn't say "I believe in facts". You lie. And your lie is obvious."


    After PERFECT QUOTE of that "I believe in facts" was provided by me.

    Cretinic liar stepped back from that cretinic claim. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    Because... even cretin feels itself NOT IN POWER to ignore such open and obvious FACTS... even though it TRIED with ALL ITS CRETINIC MIGHT. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And that is EXACT reason why FACTS are so SUPERB thing. ;-P


  37. \\Qtard: totally what cretin would do -- say "thank you", for being called cretin.

    \\You called yourself a cretin and then thanked yourself?

    Aha. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    Thank you.

    \\ February 5, 2024 at 4:16 PM

    YET ONE confirmation that impaired brains of cretin make it think that ITS OWN WORDS was written by somebody else. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Assumed (re the example you refer to) because it was proven so many times previously\\ Proven?


    NewSpeak "No"? ;-P

    \\Qtard: But how you can remember it? If you constantly saying that you don't.

    \\Cretin thinks something said ONCE is "constantly". Because it is a cretin.

    Because you -- one who admitted not remembering.

    Just do not remember.

    Yeah? ;-P


    \\Qtard: Isn't because that claim that you do not remember this or that -- is just a miserly lie?

    \\Your claims of not remembering?

    Use of "your" instead of "my"?

    Because -- whose words is this -- "Anyway, I said from the start that I didn't remember ever writing "I believe in facts"."????? (HIGHLIGHTED for cretin ;-P)


    \\Only way it makes sense (replacing "you" with "I") is if we are talking about your delusions.

    Yeah... crazy people like to say it -- that Reality, it's delusion. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And you are crazy cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: Certain cretin really "Just MOST of the time I (the liar) are not able to prove anything." -- correct and factual claim.

    \\The certain cretin's admission. I agree.

    Self-admitted admission of certain cretin.

    To which it will be crying, as ever. "I NEVER said it". As demonstrated with PRECISE FACTUAL QUOTES of WORDS of that certain cretin. ;-P

    Yeah, certain cretin -- that will be your retort? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    As you cretinic impaired mind CANNOT come up with any other retort. :-)))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Making me laughing.

    \\I don't make such substitutions. Or use NewSpeak.


    As anybody CAN believe to such a based on nothing words of cretinic liar.

    Which first said that IT never have said "I believe in facts"...

    and then, when PRESSED with facts... stepped back from that FALSE claim with only that IT do not do it "frequently". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    WHY *I* should believe that IN THIS CASE... that was Truth???

    IF DEMN cretinic LIAR... ALREADY admitted LYING. ;-P

    Like that ITS "never" in Reality, on the base od FACTS... can mean "maybe", or even "frequently".


    As it ITSELF admitted... that DICTIONARY DEFINITIONS have NO power... over such crazy cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



  38. \\Qtard: Because... that is just EMPTY words. You -- cretin, CANNOT neither point to a FACT, or make LOGICAL inference... to prove anything of said.

    \\The cretin's own words prove what I said.


    It's good that IT was able to formulate it. At last.

    That IT sees own words as "proof" of what it said.

    I... confirmed it long ago. And pointed to it many times -- that words of cretin, especially when it cryes "I PROVED"... is just an empty baseless babbling.


    And that is sad truth... this cretin will forgot its own words... and will start crying "I NEVER said it". Just in its next comment? ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: All it can do to oppose to a much smarter opponent -- it's devise such a miserly trick of cutting quote out of place -- and say that it was "about yourself".

    \\Yes. Your cretinic trick. Which I throw back in the cretin's face.

    On the base of "The cretin's own words prove what I said."??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    "Proving" OWN words with EVEN more words??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-contunue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Confirming HOW cretins UNABLE to get meaning of word FACT.

    Thinking that it means "more and more empty babbling".


    \\Forgot "I am" at the end that sentence. Must be implied.


    That is what you "implying"??? And constantly forgetting to add??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    That's... quite believable.

    As you already admitting being brain impaired cretin that constantly forgetting things. ;-P



    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

  39. \\Qtard: That PROPERLY CITED QUOTES are NEEDED for making FLAWLESS logical conclusion.

    \\Because you don't remember what you said?

    Because you cretin UNABLE to provide facts. ;-P


    And... yeah, you already admitted forgetting things. Constantly. ;-P

    Or... sorry, you probably ALREADY forget it??? :-)))))))))))))))))

    That you keep forgetting things?????

    Poor thing. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Because you don't remember what you said? Or pretend not to. Because it bets I won't be able to find the quote. But, even if I do, it will screech "my words meant something else". So why should I bother?


    Brain impaired cretin KEEP attributing its own mental problems on other.


    Just yet one factual confirmation of its cretinic substance.

    \\I absolutely understand. I just explained your game.

    Parroting MY words. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\"No" is a refutation, not a confirmation.

    Only for those who HONOR Dictionary Definitions of words. ;-P

    But, you declared that your cretin's words "mean" something else. Each time. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Cretin citing DEFINITION. Just to start babbling that it not true.

    \\No. *I* cited a definition. Not the cretin (you). Now you're babbling that it isn't true? Figures.

    Yeah. Cretin do not recognize OWN WORDS. AGAIN!!! :-))))))))))

    \\Admit, definition: confess to be true or to be the case...

    \\Qtard: what such an cretin trying to say it mean???Naaaaah.

    \\"Admit" doesn't mean "confess to be true".

    See??? ^^^^^^OWN WORDS^^^^^^^

    WHAT streak of cretinism made cretin write it???

    Who knows. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

  40. What I originally wrote: "Admit" doesn't mean "confess to be true". Yeah, it appears you are trying say it doesn't mean that.

    Then you tore out of context my words: \\"Admit" doesn't mean "confess to be true".

    *I* never said that I think "admit" does not mean "confess to be true". I said that YOU were trying to say that. LOOK at what I originally wrote, liar! appears YOU are trying say it doesn't mean that.

    "Admit" absolutely DOES mean "confess to be true". That was my WHOLE point.

    Qtard: See??? ^^^^^^OWN WORDS^^^^^^^

    TORN OUT OF CONTEXT by a liar to make it look like I was saying it. When I was saying that's what YOU are saying.

    Another lie... According to you, my "thank you" was me saying "thank you", for you calling me a cretin.

    I wrote: But your lies don't look truthful at all. They are transparently absurd.

    Then you wrote: Congrats, congrats... for admitting that.

    Then I said "Thank you". NOT for you calling me a cretin, but for ADMITTING (confessing to be true) that YOUR lies don't look truthful and are transparently absurd.

    Cretin (YOU) couldn't follow along. Got confused. About what I was admitting. Also about what the word "admit" means. Because it is a cretin.

    Qtard: \\"No" is a refutation, not a confirmation\\ Only for those who HONOR Dictionary Definitions of words.

    So, not YOU.

    Qtard: But, you declared that your cretin's words "mean" something else. Each time.

    Never did. Well, my NON cretin's words. Qtard says its cretins words mean something else. Other than what dictionaries say. Like "Cherry pick" and "escalate". It changed the definition of those words by adding to what the dictionaries say.

    Also "human right". It MADE UP one -- it said it is a "human right" for citizens of a democracy to overthrow democracy because their candidate lost. They could "decide for themselves" (be duped into believing) that the election was "stolen". Then they could exercise their "human right" to violently oppose the installation of the legitimate winner.

    Google: Is the right to democracy a human right? (answer) The human right to democracy bases the choice of government on the will of the country's citizens.

    Democracy is a human right. OVERTHROWING democracy is NOT a human right.

    Qtard: And... yeah, you already admitted forgetting things. Constantly.

    No. I said YOU forget things constantly.

    Qtard: Or... sorry, you probably ALREADY forget it??? That you keep forgetting things?????

    No. That would be impossible. For me to forget that I forget things constantly. Because *I* don't. That is what YOU do. Just recently you FORGOT calling Palestinians "accomplices". You denied saying it.

  41. \\Then you tore out of context my words: \\"Admit" doesn't mean "confess to be true".

    CONTEXT THERE is apparent.

    \\Qtard: And build up some sound logic -- while it MEAN, and CONFIRM...

    \\Admit, definition: confess to be true or to be the case...

    \\Qtard: what such an cretin trying to say it mean???Naaaaah.

    \\"Admit" doesn't mean "confess to be true".

    CRETIN cited definition -- correct thing to do, though OUT of CONTEXT (context -- is MY words cited, and there was NO word "Admit" AMONG MY words cited)

    CRETIN OPPOSED to that definition... it just cited. SAID it "doesn't mean".

    Why cretin have such a cretinic mind -- which do not allows to it to present its thoughts in any logically intelligible way -- who knows. ;-P

    But, it is DEFINITELY not my problem. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000000

    That is -- ENTERTAINMENT. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  42. \\ appears YOU are trying say it doesn't mean that.

    In your rotten mind of a cretin?

    Yeah, it seems self-evidant to be the Truth.


    \\"Admit" absolutely DOES mean "confess to be true". That was my WHOLE point.


    You presented with words.

    I remind you... cretin that KEEP forgetting things.

    With TOTALLY OPPOSING to that idea words.

    \\"Admit" doesn't mean "confess to be true".

    Or... maybe CRETIN thinks that "absolutely DOES mean" AND "doesn't mean" -- MEAN THE SAME THiNG???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Is it that mystical occurance of which CRETIN keep accusing me -- that I cannot grasp "what CRETIN really mean"??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And instead provide some "wrong-wrong-untrue" (though, based on dictionaries, logic and factually true facts) re-translations... from cretinic NewSpeak cretin seems like using, into any intelligible verses. ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  43. \\TORN OUT OF CONTEXT by a liar to make it look like I was saying it. When I was saying that's what YOU are saying.

    Well... and how it could be concluded that way????

    \\Admit, definition: confess to be true or to be the case...

    \\Qtard: what such an cretin trying to say it mean???Naaaaah.

    \\"Admit" doesn't mean "confess to be true".

    SEE... there was NO word "admit" in my words cited. ;-P


    There is "admit"... in cretin's words.

    Well... you habitually butchering my words OUT OF CONTEXT. And same habitually, ACCUSE me in doing something you cretin doing.


    That is NOT my problem... that you cretin cannot talk logically. ;-P

    It's... MY entertainment.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    To entertain me. ;-P

  44. \\I wrote: But your lies don't look truthful at all. They are transparently absurd.

    \\Then you wrote: Congrats, congrats... for admitting that.

    Ou'Key. Ctrl-Fing.


    Here it is. CONTEXT of MY words.

    \\\\I do, yes. Why wouldn't I? Given that I always try to be truthful.


    \\Because you are liar. Having your lies to look "truthful"... is very dearly needed \\need. ;-P

    \\Congrats, congrats... for admitting that. ;-P

    EASY to see what I "Congrats, congrats" you for -- for admitting being liar. (and cretin too).

    And HERE...

    is YOUR "Thank you" CONTEXT

    \\Qtard: Congrats, congrats... for admitting that.

    \\Thank you.



    Here's a freebee.

    You cretin will not be able to make use of anyway.


    \\I wrote: But your lies don't look truthful at all. They are transparently absurd.



    \\Qtard: Having your lies to look "truthful"... is very dearly needed need.

    \\But your lies don't look truthful at all. They are transparently absurd.

    >>> padding for cretin to see the truth ;-P <<<

    \\Qtard: Congrats, congrats... for admitting that.

    \\Thank you.

    SEE??? IT RELATES TO **PREVIOUS** quote (torn out of CONTEXT, by cretin, habitually) of MY words.



    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  45. \\Then I said "Thank you". NOT for you calling me a cretin, but for ADMITTING (confessing to be true) that YOUR lies don't look truthful and are transparently absurd.

    Thank you for revealing to me that -- how you "confirm" your empty babbling with some more of your factless baseless babbling.

    I know it for very long time, already.

    But your ADMISSION of it... is good thing too.

    And I will be using it further. ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    Producing MOAR of such self-referential self-revealing babbling. ;-P

    Entertain me MOAR!!!

  46. \\Cretin (YOU) couldn't follow along. Got confused. About what I was admitting. Also about what the word "admit" means. Because it is a cretin.


    You are cretin.

    And that is NATURAL for cretins to not be able to present their burrish mashup pf a thoughts in any intelligible way.

    And IT even take its cretinic pride in it -- that it made "confused" much more smarter opponent.

    Trait of a totally cretinic being... that is. ;-P


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\"No" is a refutation, not a confirmation\\ Only for those who HONOR Dictionary Definitions of words.

    \\So, not YOU.


    Definite use of "YOU" instead of "ME".

    As we confirmed that Factual Truth HIGHER -- that cretin citied Definition from Dictionary... just to claim something ABSOLUTELY OPPOSITE to it. ;-P

    Totally cretinic... that cretin... is.

    And KEEP using "YOU" instead of "I", and "No" instead of "Yes".

    NewSpeak LIAR. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

  47. \\Qtard: But, you declared that your cretin's words "mean" something else. Each time.

    \\Never did.

    Never ending cretinic lies... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  48. \\Qtard: Or... sorry, you probably ALREADY forget it??? That you keep forgetting things?????

    \\No. That would be impossible. For me to forget that I forget things constantly. Because *I* don't.


    And you DO remember saying THAT????

    \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\Anyway, I said from the start that I didn't remember ever writing "I believe in facts".

    Or... that was some alter-ego saying??? So, now YOU do not remember...

  49. Qtard: ...your ADMISSION of it... is good thing too.

    Yes. I did admit your lies don't look truthful at all because they are transparently absurd.

    Qtard: \\Anyway, I said from the start that I didn't remember ever writing "I believe in facts"\\ Or... that was some alter-ego saying??? So, now YOU do not remember...

    No, I do not "remember" saying it constantly. Because remembering things that didn't happened is impossible.

    Maybe you think one of your "alter egos" said it constantly?

    Qtard: As we confirmed that Factual Truth HIGHER -- that cretin citied Definition from Dictionary... just to claim something ABSOLUTELY OPPOSITE to it.

    No. That didn't happen. That isn't a truth, it is a lie. A transparently absurd one.

    Qtard: And KEEP using "YOU" instead of "I", and "No" instead of "Yes".

    Yeah, YOU do that. Constantly.

  50. \\Yes. I did admit your lies don't look truthful at all because they are transparently absurd.


    Cretinic liar sees words of others as lies... while own empty babbling, as truth.

    Thank you for admitting being cretinic liar, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Qtard: \\Anyway, I said from the start that I didn't remember ever writing "I believe in facts"\\ Or... that was some alter-ego saying??? So, now YOU do not remember...

    \\No, I do not "remember" saying it constantly. Because remembering things that didn't happened is impossible.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: As we confirmed that Factual Truth HIGHER -- that cretin citied Definition from Dictionary... just to claim something ABSOLUTELY OPPOSITE to it.

    \\No. That didn't happen. That isn't a truth, it is a lie. A transparently absurd one.


    Cretinic NewSpeak liar calling Truth a lie.

    Factual QUOTE of ITS own words... being something that "didn't happen".

    LYING AGAINST direct and open FACT.

    That just in this thread are its comment with THAT words:

    Dervish Sanders said...
    Admit, definition: confess to be true or to be the case...

    Qtard: what such an cretin trying to say it mean???Naaaaah.

    "Admit" doesn't mean "confess to be true".
    February 5, 2024 at 4:16 PM

    That... "truth teller". ;-P


  51. Qtard: Cretinic liar sees words of others as lies... while own empty babbling, as truth.

    Your confession.

    Qtard: Thank you for admitting being cretinic liar, cretin.

    Thanking yourself.

    Qtard: \\Anyway, I said from the start that I didn't remember ever writing "I believe in facts"\\ Or... that was some alter-ego saying??? So, now YOU do not remember...\\No, I do not "remember" saying it constantly. Because remembering things that didn't happened is impossible\\ Yeah. Continue-continue, cretin.

    Yeah? You admit that never happened? No. You go on to repeat the same lie.

    Qtard: As we confirmed that Factual Truth HIGHER -- that cretin citied Definition from Dictionary... just to claim something ABSOLUTELY OPPOSITE to it\\ No. That didn't happen. That isn't a truth, it is a lie. A transparently absurd one\\ Yeah. Cretinic NewSpeak liar calling Truth a lie.

    You did, yes. And you keep doing it. Over and over.

    Qtard: Factual QUOTE of ITS own words... being something that "didn't happen".

    You gave no "factual quote".

    Qtard: LYING AGAINST direct and open FACT.

    Yes, that is what you did. Keep doing.

    Qtard: That just in this thread are its comment with THAT words: Admit, definition: confess to be true or to be the case... "Admit" doesn't mean "confess to be true".

    You omitted my next sentence... "Yeah, it appears you are trying say it doesn't mean that".

    Meaning I never said that is what I think... "Admit doesn't mean confess to be true".

    Because that IS what it means. I was saying that is what you think. Because you said I admitted your lies are transparent. And I thanked you for your admission.

    Qtard: That... "truth teller".

    Thank you. Yes, unlike you I try to always tell the truth. Because lying constantly (as you do) is a bad debate tactic. People catch on. See who is a liar. And that would be YOU.

    And no, I did not write "you" when I meant "me". And, no, my "no" is not a NewSpeak "yes".

  52. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Cretinic liar sees words of others as lies... while own empty babbling, as truth.

    \\ Your confession.

    Yeah??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And WHOSE words are THIS? ;-P

    \\Yet you kept claiming I did without giving a quote. So I (naturally) assumed you were lying.

    \\January 19, 2024 at 5:06 PM

    Or... you just DO NOT remember that ONE time when you said it... while "remembering" all other times? ;-P


    Just confirm that you are brain-danaged cretin... with just anything you'd be able to retort it with. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Yeah? You admit that never happened? No. You go on to repeat the same lie.


    Based on facts. And presented in for of Perfect Factual QUOITES.

    But still "the same lie"???

    And you TRYING to claim that you are NOT NewSpeaking LIAR??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    And how credible is this -- as you JUST NOW showed that you are cretinic liar that trying to oppose immediate facts. ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You did, yes. And you keep doing it. Over and over.

    And NOW... you confirming using "you" instead of "I".

    Yawn. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You gave no "factual quote".




    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: LYING AGAINST direct and open FACT.

    \\Yes, that is what you did. Keep doing.

    YET ONE confirmation of using "you" instead of "I".


    \\Meaning I never said that is what I think... "Admit doesn't mean confess to be true".

    Yeah... yeah... yeah.

    Like you EVER do say what you really think... and not some NewSpeak lies. ;-P


    \\Because that IS what it means. I was saying that is what you think. Because you said I admitted your lies are transparent. And I thanked you for your admission.

    Unintelligible babbling. You produced here.



    \\Thank you. Yes, unlike you I try to always tell the truth. Because lying constantly (as you do) is a bad debate tactic. People catch on. See who is a liar. And that would be YOU.

    \\And no, I did not write "you" when I meant "me". And, no, my "no" is not a NewSpeak "yes".

    Just above you said that FACT/QUOTE are "You gave no "factual quote"."


    That is obvious lie.


    Why I should believe to mere words... of such a cretinic liar????

    While FACTS telling totally opposite.

    And FACTS -- are Truth itself. ;-P
