Wednesday, December 13, 2023

From the "Too True" Desk...

The NEW Left's New Golden Calf


  1. There never was such a probe. So how could it be RE opened?

    FYI, ... an investigation by the Republican-controlled Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees shortly before the 2020 presidential election concluded that there was no evidence of improper influence or wrongdoing by Joe Biden.

  2. There never was such a probe.

    So why'd Biden get the Ukrainian Prosecutor fired/

  3. For not investigating Burisma. We've been over this previously.

  4. ...and as always, you were proven a complete idiot.

  5. But your video proves you a complete idiot. Joe Biden got the prosecutor fired for NOT investing Burisma.

  6. CLAIM

    ...the Ukrainian prosecutor Joe Biden had pushed to oust, Viktor Shokin, was "prosecuting" the company where Hunter Biden sat on the board, Burisma.


    Shokin was not prosecuting Burisma.


    While there had been an investigation of the company, Shokin's former deputy, Vitaliy Kasko, has said that it was dormant at the time of Joe Biden's intervention. (The former US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, George Kent, testified in Trump's impeachment inquiry that Shokin was corrupt; the US and its allies had made a coordinated effort to oust him). link.

  7. Indeed. And Biden wants to keep Ukraine from reopening the investigation. Which is what makes the meme "too true".

  8. Minus: ...Biden wants to keep Ukraine from reopening the investigation.


    Republicans say then-Vice President Biden freelanced by withholding a $1 billion U.S. loan guarantee until Ukraine fired prosecutor general Viktor Shokin — and that he did so to protect his son Hunter, who was on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma.

    Protect him from what?

    Minus: Which is what makes the meme "too true".


    Biden is receiving kickbacks? Why are Republicans sitting on the evidence? Your delusions tell you they have it and are going to use it to successfully impeach and remove Biden?

  9. You're in deep denial. The witnesses from Ukraine will all be testifying during the Biden Impeachment inquiry. Looking forward. :)

  10. Sounds to me like it is you who is deep in denial. This is how you think dotard donald is going to get back in office, huh? By bringing in some liars to tell a bunch of lies about our fantastic president? Have they also also cooked up some fake evidence?

  11. Bank records that exhonerate him? I'd be inclined to believe those are real.

  12. Unfortunately for Joe, they reveal his criminal activity.

  13. You've seen them? Are you going to testify?

  14. I haven't. That is what I would testify to. Neither have you. You just confirmed you haven't.

  15. You would testify to not having testified? Yes, I can confirm that I haven't testified either. Somehow I don't think that little tidbit will exonerate Hunter or Joe. The banking evidence will most definitely convict both of them, one in his impeachment trial, the other in his forthcoming Contempt of Congress charges.

  16. I haven't seen any banking records that reveal any criminal activity by Joe Biden. Maybe because I'm not wearing a tinfoil hat?

    The banking evidence will most definitely convict neither of them, as the records prove there was no wrongdoing.

    Impeachment doesn't work. No president has ever been removed via impeachment. Even though the last one certainly should have been.

  17. You can't see what you refuse to look at.

    And yes, Biden won't be convicted and removed from office. There are too many who profit from him in office who are just like him. On the take.

  18. Something that doesn't exist can't be looked at.

  19. btw - Who do you think you're talking to, me? Or your "general peer"? Cuz you've had the evidence before you several times. And you have yet to explain what the loan repayment was for, or indicate when the "loan' referenced was made.

  20. Minus: have yet to explain what the loan repayment was for...

    A personal loan.

    ...banking records reviewed by CNN, which Comer’s committee possesses, provide substantial evidence in support of the Democrats’ assertions that there was indeed a $200,000 loan from Joe Biden to James Biden less than two months before the James Biden “loan repayment” check to Joe Biden for the same amount. link

    Minus: ...indicate when the "loan" referenced was made.

    January 12, 2018. Repaid March 1, 2018.

  21. Sounds like all the committee has to do is subpoena the law firm trust account records, and we can put it all to rest. :)

    Of course, this still doesn't explain why the check I pointed to is "no evidence" and yet the Trust account check to James Biden two month's previously is "substantial evidence." Can you explain it?

  22. ...for even "exculpatory" evidence is still "evidence".

  23. Minus: ...this still doesn't explain why the check I pointed to is "no evidence"...

    What I wrote was there is no evidence of improper influence or wrongdoing by Joe Biden.

    Minus: ...and yet the Trust account check to James Biden two month's previously is "substantial evidence." Can you explain it?

    Maybe because I didn't claim it was "no evidence"? Are you trying to pull a Qtard on me?

  24. Perhaps you should look up the word "evidence" in the disctionary.

  25. \\So why'd Biden get the Ukrainian Prosecutor fired/

    Because of it being corrupt and incompetent?


    \\Something that doesn't exist can't be looked at.

    And it do now that something do not exist, because?

    Because that dumb ass is so DEMN wise??? :-)))))))))))))))))

    Omni-present? Omni-knowing? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    Or just dumb as that log. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Are you trying to pull a Qtard on me?

    Your DEMN alter-ego "Qtard" out of it? :-)))))))))))

    It will com eout on its own... in one, two, three... NOW! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  26. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    \\ Perhaps you should look up the word "evidence" in the disctionary.

    Omni-WISE Derp do not like to consult with dictionaties.

    They always showing something opposite to what it babble. That bastards. :-))))))))))))))

  27. Qtard: And it do now that something do not exist, because?

    It doesn't exist in the public sphere. Maybe it's hidden? Yet to be revealed? I doubt it, but that isn't outside the realm of possibilities.

    Qtard thinks it CAN see something that has not been presented? Well, it is a self-admitted moron. Said it wants to be called "Mr. Moron" in another thread.

    Omni-WISE Derp do not like to consult with dictionaties.

    "Omni-Wise Derp" is another of your alter egos? Well, that's a lie. You frequently quote dictionaries. Yet still get definitions wrong! LOL!

  28. \\I doubt it, but that isn't outside the realm of possibilities.

    And??? :-)))))

    \\"Omni-Wise Derp" is another of your alter egos? Well, that's a lie. You frequently quote dictionaries. Yet still get definitions wrong! LOL!

    Because??? As I said above -- Omni-WISE Derpy thinks that dictionary definitions are wrong? ;-P

  29. Qtard: And??? :-)))))

    The charges will go poof.

    Qtard: Omni-WISE Derpy thinks that dictionary definitions are wrong?

    Talking about yourself again. I know I don't believe that. I never insulted dictionary authors like a certain qtarded moron.

  30. \\The charges will go poof.

    Same as ones against dRump?

    \\Talking about yourself again. I know I don't believe that. I never insulted dictionary authors like a certain qtarded moron.



    That is fact -- reference to reality, open and obvious to everyone -- text written in this blog, on "December 19, 2023 at 11:47 AM" by one under nickname "Dervish Sanders said...".

    And what thoughtful analysis of that claim can give.

    One factual -- that there was some "certain qtarded moron"...

    that was disregarding definitions from dictionaries.


    That "certain qtarded moron" was one who writing under same nickname "Dervish Sanders said...".

    Which gives solid factual base for sound logical conclusion -- there, under that nickname "Dervish Sanders said..." are "certain qtarded moron"...

    that IN ADDITION to being "certain qtarded moron" it also is crazy bonker -- that trying to accuse people for what it exactly doing. ;-P

  31. Qtard: Which gives solid factual base for sound logical conclusion -- there, under that nickname "Dervish Sanders said..." are "certain qtarded moron"...


    Qtard: that was disregarding definitions from dictionaries.

    Yeah, you. Like when you changed the definition of "escalate". Said use of it (saying Russia escalated it's war on Ukraine) was somehow blaming Ukraine.

    Or when you changed the definition of "human rights" by adding a fake one. Said its a "human right" for sore losers to attempt a coup to reverse the results of a free and fair democratic election.

  32. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Which gives solid factual base for sound logical conclusion -- there, under that nickname "Dervish Sanders said..." are "certain qtarded moron"...

    \\ :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    I'm glad that sound logical conclusions make you laughing.

    That YET ONE TIME confirms you being moron. 100% exemplar one. ;-P

    \\Qtard: that was disregarding definitions from dictionaries.

    \\Yeah, you. Like when you changed the definition of "escalate". Said use of it (saying Russia escalated it's war on Ukraine) was somehow blaming Ukraine.

    har-har-har... derpy showing having some good memories.

    Might be reciding in asylum, where intake of medicines by hours, makes em somewhat better. :-))))))))))0

    Though... as ever. IT unable to provide FACTS.

    Just repeating its own previous delusions. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Or when you changed the definition of "human rights" by adding a fake one. Said its a "human right" for sore losers to attempt a coup to reverse the results of a free and fair democratic election.


    Derr Punn just CONFIRMED its inclination to spread some totalitarian re-definition of what Human Rights is -- right to decide for themself, right to ask question, right to demand being accountable from those who are in power...

    Trying to subvert it.


    One cannot wait for anything else from Totalitarian Derr Punn, Putin's sock-puppet.


  33. Qtard: That YET ONE TIME confirms you being moron. 100% exemplar one.

    Used "you" instead of "me".

    Qtard: Though... as ever. IT unable to provide FACTS.

    NewSpeak. Means "unable to provide lies". You are correct. I gave facts, not lies.

    Qtard: Derr Punn just CONFIRMED its inclination to spread some totalitarian re-definition of what Human Rights is...

    Talking to your alter ego Derr Punn. I agree with you. You do have an inclination to spread some totalitarian re-definition of what Human Rights is. Like getting rid of Democracy.

    Qtard: Trying to subvert it.

    Agreed again. You definitely are.

    Qtard: ...Totalitarian Derr Punn, Putin's sock-puppet.

    Your alter ego. And you too. Definitely spreading Putin's propaganda. Defending its Puppet, donald tRump. Defending J6 insurrectionists attempt to keep Putin's puppet in power. Eating Putin's shit and raving about how delicious it is.

  34. \\Used "you" instead of "me".


    And you can provide LOGICAL explanation WHY that is the case???

    Naaah... cause you are lying moron.

    \\Qtard: Though... as ever. IT unable to provide FACTS.

    \\NewSpeak. Means "unable to provide lies". You are correct. I gave facts, not lies.

    Oh... you even started showing such a courtesy -- to provide moniker before you starting talking using NewSpeak?

    No need. I see that you lying all of the time now. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Derr Punn just CONFIRMED its inclination to spread some totalitarian re-definition of what Human Rights is...

    \\Talking to your alter ego Derr Punn. I agree with you. You do have an inclination to spread some totalitarian re-definition of what Human Rights is. Like getting rid of Democracy.


    \\Qtard: Trying to subvert it.

    \\Agreed again. You definitely are.

    Torn out of context quite... to create lie.


    NATURAL thing for natural liar. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: ...Totalitarian Derr Punn, Putin's sock-puppet.

    \\Your alter ego. And you too. Definitely spreading Putin's propaganda. Defending its Puppet, donald tRump. Defending J6 insurrectionists attempt to keep Putin's puppet in power. Eating Putin's shit and raving about how delicious it is.

    Blah-blah-blah, babbling sock-puppet. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  35. Qtard: \\Used "you" instead of "me"\\Yeah? And you can provide LOGICAL explanation WHY that is the case???

    Because you are a moron. You have proven your moronity many times.

    Qtard: Naaah... cause you are lying moron.

    "You" instead of "I"?

    Qtard: Though... as ever. IT unable to provide FACTS\\ NewSpeak. Means "unable to provide lies". You are correct. I gave facts, not lies\\ Oh... you even started showing such a courtesy -- to provide moniker before you starting talking using NewSpeak?

    No. I pointed to your usage of it.

    Qtard: No need. I see that you lying all of the time now.

    Definitely"you" instead of "I" again.

    Qtard: \\You do have an inclination to spread some totalitarian re-definition of what Human Rights is. Like getting rid of Democracy\\ **evil laughter**

    Qtard laughs evilly? Confirming it's desire to get rid of US democracy. Yes?

    Qtard: Trying to subvert it\\ Agreed again. You definitely are\\Torn out of context quite... to create lie.

    In context quote to highlight the truth.

    Qtard: NATURAL thing for natural liar.

    Liar lying about its own quote.

    Qtard: ...Totalitarian Derr Punn, Putin's sock-puppet\\ Your alter ego. And you too. Definitely spreading Putin's propaganda. Defending its Puppet, donald tRump. Defending J6 insurrectionists attempt to keep Putin's puppet in power. ...\\ Blah-blah-blah, babbling sock-puppet.

    Qtard admits it is a babbling sock puppet? I agree.

  36. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: \\Used "you" instead of "me"\\Yeah? And you can provide LOGICAL explanation WHY that is the case???

    \\ Because you are a moron. You have proven your moronity many times.


    But that is NOT logical explanation.

    Just your wishful thinking and name-calling. And lame backbite of an utter moron -- Derr Punn. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    It is not logical -- because DO NOT provide ANY logically sound, or just ANY scheme, veritable or at least plausible -- on what PREMISES it stands.

    Only clear and idiotic desire of certain someone to call opponent "moron". ;-)

    \\Qtard: Naaah... cause you are lying moron.

    \\"You" instead of "I"?

    And what PREMISES it based on? Why in that obvious reference to certain someone who demonstrate own stupidity and never ending desire to lie about everything and anything... might be read that way???

    Apart from obvious reason -- utter moronity of that certain someone -- proved by this, obvious from this quoted text itself, INABILITY to devise own refutations and logical explanations, and just trying to reuse words of much smarter opponent... without understanding why they work, and even what they mean? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Another word.

    YET ONE evidence and confirmation that Derr Punn is a lying moron. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Though... as ever. IT unable to provide FACTS\\ NewSpeak. Means "unable to provide lies". You are correct. I gave facts, not lies\\ Oh... you even started showing such a courtesy -- to provide moniker before you starting talking using NewSpeak?

    \\No. I pointed to your usage of it.

    By placing it BEFORE own words??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... I'm glad that you recognize and approve being called "IT" here. ;-P

    With this you admitting and confirming being brainless dumb dummy -- not having agency. :-)))))

    \\Qtard: No need. I see that you lying all of the time now.

    \\Definitely"you" instead of "I" again.


    In your delusions. ;-)))))))))))))))))

    YET ONE....


  37. \\Qtard: \\You do have an inclination to spread some totalitarian re-definition of what Human Rights is. Like getting rid of Democracy\\ **evil laughter**

    \\Qtard laughs evilly? Confirming it's desire to get rid of US democracy. Yes?

    Not confirmable with Ctrl-F counter-factual LIE.


    And IT trying to say it NEVER lies. :-))))))))))))))))))

    Obvious lie of an obvious self-revealing liar -- which is Derr Punn, IT. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... also, it reveals deep totalitarian disdain of that heinous liliPut's sock-puppet. ITS innermost allergy to all Human Rights and Democratic things.

    Which it trying to project on opponent.


    \\Qtard: Trying to subvert it\\ Agreed again. You definitely are\\Torn out of context quite... to create lie.

    \\In context quote to highlight the truth.

    Easy to double-check.

    Placing that "Trying to subvert it" in Ctrl-F on this page.


    It is part of comment:""
    Derr Punn just CONFIRMED its inclination to spread some totalitarian re-definition of what Human Rights is -- right to decide for themself, right to ask question, right to demand being accountable from those who are in power...

    Trying to subvert it.

    Which is obviously attributed being about IT. ;-P

    And meaningless... if torn out of that context.

    WHO trying to subvert? WHAT trying to subvert? HOW???

    That is clearly as "Hitler when was toddler was saying 'Agu'... so each and every toddler is like Hitler" :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: NATURAL thing for natural liar.

    \\Liar lying about its own quote.


    Factually correct.

    Almost every time. (apart from that time when it idiotically gibberish)

    In Derr Punn's comments here. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: ...Totalitarian Derr Punn, Putin's sock-puppet\\ Your alter ego. And you too. Definitely spreading Putin's propaganda. Defending its Puppet, donald tRump. Defending J6 insurrectionists attempt to keep Putin's puppet in power. ...\\ Blah-blah-blah, babbling sock-puppet.

    \\Qtard admits it is a babbling sock puppet? I agree.

    That you are nearing imbecilic state moron -- having problems with comprehending texts?

    Yeah. Quite possible. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    Highly Likely Even. ;-P

  38. Silent agreement, of Derr Punn. Here too. It seems. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  39. Qtard: Not confirmable with Ctrl-F counter-factual LIE.

    Truth. So you wrote it using emojis. I converted your emojis to English.

    Qtard: And IT trying to say it NEVER lies.

    No, I never said that. I said I don't lie here. Because that would undermine my arguments. Like your lies undermine your arguments.

    Qtard: Obvious lie of an obvious self-revealing liar -- which is Derr Punn, IT.

    I thought we were talking about me. Now, instead of falsely accusing me, you're accusing your alter ego Derr Punn. Say it is a liar. Well, I agree with you. You are a liar.

    Qtard: Well... also, it reveals deep totalitarian disdain of that heinous liliPut's sock-puppet.


    Qtard: ITS innermost allergy to all Human Rights and Democratic things.

    Again I agree with you about this accurate assessment you have made about yourself.

    Qtard: Which it trying to project on opponent. Yawn.

    But it didn't work.

    Qtard: \\in context quote to highlight the truth\\ Easy to double-check... It is part of comment: "Derr Punn just CONFIRMED its inclination to spread some totalitarian re-definition of what Human Rights is ... right to demand being accountable from those who are in power... **LINE BREAK** Trying to subvert it.

    You broke to a new line. Instead of being a part of what came before, it's separated by a line break.

    It's also accurate. Given your defense of Putin's puppet, dotard donald. And echoing of Putin's propaganda re the J6 insurrectionists. You, like Putin, said they came to the Capitol to "ask questions".

    Qtard: Which is obviously attributed being about IT.

    So what? You do that all the time -- accuse me of what you're guilty of.

    "trying to project on opponent".

    Qtard: And meaningless... if torn out of that context. WHO trying to subvert?


    Qtard: WHAT trying to subvert?


    Qtard: HOW???

    By acting as a sock puppet of Putin.

    Qtard: That is clearly as "Hitler when was toddler was saying 'Agu'... so each and every toddler is like Hitler"


    Qtard: NATURAL thing for natural liar\\ Liar lying about its own quote\\ Yeah. Factually correct.

    Thank you for admitting you are a liar.

    Qtard: Almost every time. (apart from that time when it idiotically gibberish)

    You spoke in gibberish not only one time. You have spoke in gibberish many times. Will do so many more times. Almost certainly.

    Qtard: In Derr Punn's comments here.

    There are none. At least (when your alter ego Derr Punn takes over your body) it never enters "Derr Punn" under "comment as".

    Qtard: Blah-blah-blah, babbling sock-puppet\\ Qtard admits it is a babbling sock puppet? I agree\\ That you are nearing imbecilic state moron -- having problems with comprehending texts?

    No. Not at all. You accurately described what you wrote. And you accurately described yourself.

    Qtard: Yeah. Quite possible.


    Qtard: Highly Likely Even.

    Highly unlikely.

    Qtard: Silent agreement, of Derr Punn. Here too. It seems.

    You're silently agreeing with yourself? Like I care.

  40. \\Truth. So you wrote it using emojis. I converted your emojis to English.

    Then, it must be simple to it -- to explain how.

    But, it can't... because that is burrish lie. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  41. Qtard: Then, it must be simple to it -- to explain how.

    wtf are you talking about? Are you saying you keep writing ":-))))))))))" but you dunno what it means?

    I asked you. I thought you were smiling a lot for some reason. You said it means laughing. But now you've forgotten? Keep writing it anyway?

    As for your laughter being evil, I deduced that it was. Based on context.

  42. \\wtf are you talking about?

    Open confirmation of imbecility? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I asked you.

    And where is question mark -- you know, that thing looking as worm pooping -- "?" -- I mean, Derr Punn pooping? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Ah, I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E??? Where is it? So people much smarter then you could for at least be able to make an educated guess... that that incoherent babbling/writing... was deliberated to be a question. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But, this said/written is too hard for imbecile to grasp. So answer will be a ton of incoherent gibberish garbage TOO. :-))))))))))))))))))

  43. \\As for your laughter being evil, I deduced that it was. Based on context.


    Your own cringy feeling from being revealed being I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E.

    That can make people angry, even idiots... well, especially idiots -- idiots that being laughed at, because of their idiocy. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    So. Quite natural. It is. That you attributed as evil laughter.

    Because it's definitely bad... to be such a hopeless imbecile. :-)))))))))))))))))

    Pulling Charlie Gordon. (tm)

  44. \\You broke to a new line. Instead of being a part of what came before, it's separated by a line break.

    Sorry. That was made out of calculation that even for idiotic moron it would be easier to comprehend.

    But you are imbecile.

    My mistake. ;-P

  45. Qtard: And where is question mark ... Ah, I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E??? Where is it?

    I didn't ask a question, dummy. That was a statement. I asked you previously. It was a question then, not now.

    Qtard: Your own cringy feeling from being revealed being I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E.

    There has been no cringing from me because that has never happened.

  46. \\I didn't ask a question, dummy. That was a statement. I asked you previously. It was a question then, not now.

    And you can QUOTE it?

    And EXPLAIN how it all happened -- while BASING it on facts, and not your wimsical delusions?

    Well... that is Mission Impossible for mere idiots... and you are I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E.

    For you it is TOTALLY impossible. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\There has been no cringing from me because that has never happened.


  47. It was quite awhile ago, so... no, I won't quote. For what purpose? You said previously that ":-))))))))" means laughing. I don't give a shit if you forgot. Why do you keep typing it? What does it mean (now)? Does it represent a moron's smiles?

  48. The "000" at the end... That represents pools of drool?

  49. \\no, I won't quote.

    Of course.

    Because you know itself, that it was lie. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\The "000" at the end... That represents pools of drool?

    Try to guess YET ONE time... show your imbecility MOAR!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000000000000

  50. Qtard: Because you know itself, that it was lie.

    Your lie.

  51. Yep.

    Imbecile talking about itself in third person.

    Gaslighters Use The Third Person For Dramatic Effect
    Forbes › sites
    When a gaslighter/narcissist speaks in the third person, his statement is said as if it is coming from a supporter. When his quote is published ...


  52. And how imbecile became scared to provide MOAR of its imbecilic guesses.

    Because that about "pools of drool" happen to be TOO self-revealing.

    Drooling imbecile -- that is so natural, that must be the reason it come to mind of imbecile so swiftly... so it decided to use it.

    But now... it in fear to double-down on it -- to confirm own imbecility.

    Am I right? Drooling I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))




  53. Qtard: Yep. Imbecile talking about itself in third person.

    Yeah, I've noticed that you do that.

    Qtard: Gaslighters Use The Third Person For Dramatic Effect...

    I dunno why you keep trying to gaslight me. It's never going to work. Idiot thinks eventually it might? It just needs to keep it up long enough?

    When a gaslighter/narcissist speaks in the third person, his statement is said as if it is coming from a supporter.

    That explains why you have so many alter egos?

    Qtard: And how imbecile became scared to provide MOAR of its imbecilic guesses.

    Really? Because that looks like an imbecilic guess to me.

    Qtard: Because that about "pools of drool" happen to be TOO self-revealing.

    Idiot thinks me talking about it is somehow "SELF revealing".

    Qtard: Drooling imbecile -- that is so natural, that must be the reason it come to mind of imbecile so swiftly... so it decided to use it.

    Your confession?

    Qtard: But now... it in fear to double-down on it -- to confirm own imbecility.

    Naaah. You can't stop confirming it.

    Qtard: Am I right? Drooling I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E.

    Yes. You are right about yourself. Definitely an imbecile.

    Qtard: :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00000

    The imbecil drools some more. Yawn.

  54. \\Yeah, I've noticed that you do that.

    Ohh??? And it even can quote it? :-)))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\I dunno why you keep trying to gaslight me. It's never going to work. Idiot thinks eventually it might? It just needs to keep it up long enough?

    Gaslight with your own comments??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a crazy imbecile.

    \\That explains why you have so many alter egos?


    \\Qtard: Because that about "pools of drool" happen to be TOO self-revealing.

    \\Idiot thinks me talking about it is somehow "SELF revealing".

    Drooling imbecile cannot get it -- how its own babbling are self-revealing of its own imbecility?

    Well, naturally. Because it's too damn complex thought. For imbecile to grasp. :-))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: Drooling imbecile -- that is so natural, that must be the reason it come to mind of imbecile so swiftly... so it decided to use it.

    \\Your confession?


    \\Naaah. You can't stop confirming it.

    Yes. I cannot stop being amused. From that how imbecile showing its imbecilic belief that its constant INABILITY to say anything except repeating "no, you are fool"... confirming anything else except own imbecility.


    \\Yes. You are right about yourself. Definitely an imbecile.


    You can explain WHY it so?


    You just repeating after much smarter opponent what I said.

    What for???? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    With hopeless hope that I somehow would forget my own words, my assessment of your silly tryes to sting me with my own words and would fell for such an imbecilic trick????:-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well, most surely that is nothing but rhetorical question, as imbecile dunno why it doing it. Just something mother of imbecile tout it to do? Isn't it?

  55. Qtard: Gaslight with your own comments???

    What comments? Can you quote them?

    Qtard: What a crazy imbecile.

    Left off "I am"?

    Qtard: \\That explains why you have so many alter egos?\\ :-))))))))))))))))))))

    Pulling a "Charlie Gordon"?

    Qtard: \\Idiot thinks me talking about it is somehow "SELF revealing"\\ Drooling imbecile cannot get it -- how its own babbling are self-revealing of its own imbecility?

    Looks to me like -- no, you cannot.

    Qtard: Well, naturally. Because it's too damn complex thought. For imbecile to grasp.

    I agree. Why you can't grasp it.

    Qtard: :-))))))))))))0

    More drooling.

    Qtard: Drooling imbecile -- that is so natural, that must be the reason it come to mind of imbecile so swiftly... so it decided to use it\\ Your confession?

    Qtard: :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Pulling a Charlie Gordon again?

    Qtard: repeating "no, you are fool"...

    I've never written that even once .

    Qtard: \\Yes. You are right about yourself. Definitely an imbecile\\ You can explain WHY it so?

    How should I know? Your mother dropped you on your head when you were a baby?

    Qtard: You just repeating after much smarter opponent what I said.

    There isn't a "much smarter opponent" here I could repeat after.

    Qtard: What for? With hopeless hope that I somehow would forget my own words...

    You forget your own words all the time. Why you keep asking me for quotes. You can't remember what you said previously. Even when I accurately summarize what you said.

    Qtard: assessment of your silly tryes to sting me with my own words and would fell for such an imbecilic trick?

    Because your words don't apply to me. In my assessment they clearly apply to you.

    Qtard: Well, most surely that is nothing but rhetorical question, as imbecile dunno why it doing it.

    I don't know why you're doing it either.

    Qtard: Just something mother of imbecile tout it to do? Isn't it?

    That is what your mother "tout" you? Ok. If you say so.

  56. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Gaslight with your own comments???

    \\ What comments? Can you quote them?


    Continue-continue. Doubling-down on own imbecility.


    \\Qtard: repeating "no, you are fool"...

    \\I've never written that even once .

    Its this comment consist nearly completely only of variants of it. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    But it... even didn't noticed it, isn't it? Because such an imbecile it is. ;-P

    \\How should I know? Your mother dropped you on your head when you were a baby?

    Oh, so that is the reason? Of... :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\There isn't a "much smarter opponent" here I could repeat after.

    Yeah. Earthworm cannot measure even grass. Yawn. :-))))))))))))

    \\You forget your own words all the time. Why you keep asking me for quotes. You can't remember what you said previously. Even when I accurately summarize what you said.

    Said silly imbecile that started this comment with self-admitting own imbecilic INABILITY to scroll up and RE-READ previous OWN comment. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Because your words don't apply to me. In my assessment they clearly apply to you.

    Why you cringing than, if it so unimportant? ;-P

    \\I don't know why you're doing it either.

    Natural thing. For imbecile. ;-P

    It cannot grok it even after thorough explanation.

    It even cannot ask thoughtful questions... to request deeper explanations. :-)))))))))))))0

  57. Qtard: What comments? Can you quote them?\\ :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    That's a NO. Well, obviously things that were never said can't be quoted.

    Qtard: \\I've never written that even once\\ Its this comment consist nearly completely only of variants of it.

    You're talking about your own comments, yes?

    Qtard: \\How should I know? Your mother dropped you on your head when you were a baby?\\ Oh, so that is the reason? Of...

    Thanky for the confirmation that your mother dropped you on your head as a baby. I am obviously a very good guesser.

    Qtard: Earthworm cannot measure even grass. Yawn.

    Looks like Qtard saying, "no, you are fool". Which, according to it, confirms it's own imbecility.

    Qtard: ...started this comment with self-admitting own imbecilic INABILITY to scroll up and RE-READ previous OWN comment.

    There was no such admission.

    Qtard: \\Because your words don't apply to me. In my assessment they clearly apply to you\\ Why you cringing than, if it so unimportant?

    I am not "cringing than". There never has been any cringing from me. This "cringing" is only occuring in your delusions.

    Qtard: \\I don't know why you're doing it either\\ Natural thing. For imbecile.

    You wrote, "imbecile dunno why it doing it"... And I agreed with what it wrote about itself.

    Now you write that it is a "natural thing. For imbecile". Talking about yourself again. Again... I agree.

    Qtard: It cannot grok it even after thorough explanation. It even cannot ask thoughtful questions... to request deeper explanations.

    You didn't give an explanation. Only babbled about things it's mother "tout" it. Well, it dunno what "explain" even means.

    Idiot thinks another of its "no, you are fool"... comments is an explanation. Due to its extreme imbecility.

  58. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: What comments? Can you quote them?\\ :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ That's a NO. Well, obviously things that were never said can't be quoted.

    Trying to exculpate itself from being imbecile -- that you STILL understand that "never said can't be quoted"?


    Jist as said, you just doubling down on own imbecility. ;-p


    \\You're talking about your own comments, yes?

    YET ONE doubling down on own imbecility. ;-p


    Well, I skimmed it till the end.

    It all are just doubling down on own imbecility. ;-p


    Congrats! Imbecile. :-)))))))))))))))))

    You really bent on confirming it till the bitter end.

    Vut, continue-continue. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    1. Where's Derpy now?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  59. Gobbling-in "I AM SMART!!!" pills. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000

    His dumb mam make for him... out of colorful chalk. ;-)

  60. \\Qtard: ...started this comment with self-admitting own imbecilic INABILITY to scroll up and RE-READ previous OWN comment.

    \\There was no such admission.

    And what is THIS your words?

    \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: What comments? Can you quote them?\\ :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ That's a NO. Well, obviously things that were never said can't be quoted.

    But, yeah.

    You are right -- that was NOT admission from your side. Just a doubling down on own imbecility.

    As admission, it taking I, as objective outside observer. ;-)

    \\I am not "cringing than". There never has been any cringing from me. This "cringing" is only occuring in your delusions.

    It's better visible to objective outside observer. ;-P

    That's why there is asylums... where crazy imbeciles like IT... observed by rationally trained and experienced personnel.

    \\You wrote, "imbecile dunno why it doing it"... And I agreed with what it wrote about itself.

    FINNALY!!!! IT -- Derpish Sadners, agreed. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Now you write that it is a "natural thing. For imbecile". Talking about yourself again. Again... I agree.

    YET ONE!


    I kidding. ;-P


    That's just Completely Crazy Imbecile... THINKING... that it FOUND its own SMART MOVE against much smarter opponent... even if much smarter opponent EXPLICITLY explained to IT -- how he DELIBERATELY leaved such an "openings" in his words.

    So CCI would feel itself happy. And DEMN smart. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\You didn't give an explanation.


    Go ask questions.

    What exactly was NOT ENOUGH simple to... Your Imbecility? ;-P


    IT CANNOT do that... cause, I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E.

    \\Idiot thinks another of its "no, you are fool"... comments is an explanation. Due to its extreme imbecility.

    No. You are not idiot. You are I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E. ;-P

  61. If this comment you refer to was "right above" you could quote it. But you refuse. Because there was no such comment.

  62. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue. :-))))))

  63. That isn't a quote of anything I wrote.

  64. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue. :-))))))

  65. Pulling a Charlie Gordon? Well, thanky for admitting there was no such comment.

  66. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Derpish SADners -- master of imbecilic backbites! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
