Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Cashing in on Emotional Capitalism

The essence of Corporate personhood - "You don't have to love my Products... Just Love my Brand!" ...or "Why Advertisement's no longer make rational "sense".
...or NOT!
RESIST the "Brand/ Influencer"!


  1. Democrats today aren't Socialists. They're Parasocialists. They want to talk, and everyone just has to listen...

  2. Oh, so Budweiser cashed in? I'm happy for them. I'd heard that ad campaign didn't work out for them. Apparently I heard wrong 😊😊

  3. Won't he tell me to go f*ck myself? Apparently that's what he does when people point out how he's screwing Twitter.

  4. Sounds like he he might have good reason, then. You know more about Twitter than its' owner does? You must be super-smart. Why aren't you a billionaire, then?

  5. Why has the value of Twitter gone down dramatically? As opposed to up? Having a rich daddy is a big boon. dotard donald knows that.

  6. Is it? It's no longer a publically traded corporation... and being privately held, can set it's stock price and valuation wherever it wants. Like Trump Corp.

  7. LOL! So how many trillions is Twitter worth now?

  8. As far as I'm concerned... much like Free Speech itself, it's "priceless".

  9. Nobody would offer "priceless" to buy it.

    X, the company formerly known as Twitter, handed out stock grants to employees on Monday that showed it was worth about $19 billion, down about 55 percent from the $44 billion that Elon Musk paid to buy the firm a year ago, according to internal documents seen by The New York Times.

  10. If it was worth $44b for censoring the news and making it worthless, think what it will be worth offering priceless uncensored news.

  11. \\Blogger Thersites said...

    \\ Democrats today aren't Socialists. They're Parasocialists. They want to talk, and everyone just has to listen...

    Like something new.


    AngSoc is just that -- yammering till no end. ;-P

  12. Minus: ...think what it will be worth offering priceless uncensored news.

    Fake news, antisemitism and racism. That's why advertisers are fleeing. And why it's value is plummeting.

  13. 90% of people are fools. and fools -- do not like truth and fear freedom

  14. Qtard is talking about itself.

  15. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Yeah??? And you can show on what facts you based this silly claim?

    Naaah. You are just a miserly idiot, and that is your lame backbite. :-)))))))))))))))))

    But. Continue-continue. :-)))))))))))))))))0

  16. Qtard: And you can show on what facts you based this silly claim?

    Fact-based claim. Facts like your many times repeated anti democracy screeds. Screeds in which you cry about Putin's puppet dotard donald being prosecuted for attempting a coup. Along with his minions who (according to you) were exercising their "human right" to overthrow democracy.

  17. \\Fact-based claim.


    Burrish lie.

    Yawn. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Facts like your many times repeated anti democracy screeds.

    Then... quote em. ;-P

  18. LOL! I need to give quotes because you never said it?

    You're in favor of donald tRump being prosecuted for trying to illegally retain the presidency? You acknowledge people can have a personal opinion about tRump's guilt and that isn't a denial of his presumption of innocence in court? You didn't say you think the charges will go poof?

    You never said anything about J6 insurrectionists exercising their human rights by violently attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 election?

    You didn't agree with Putin when he said the J6 insurrectionists were only asking questions?

    I'm misremembering all of that?

  19. \\ Dervish Sanders said...
    \\ LOL! I need to give quotes because you never said it?

    Naaah, imbecile.

    Because that is basic rule of rational discussion.

    1) One providing some facts.

    2) One providing some explanation why they facts matter and how they related to the topic of discussion.

    3) One basing his conclusions on that facts.

    *) One stays ready to respond to counter-arguments and additional or critiques of presented facts and logic... at all times.

    \\I'm misremembering all of that?


    And you'd be able to see it... if you'd keep track of REAL WORLD facts -- quotes of my words.

    And not just base its claims on flimsy delusions of itself and wishful thinking of itself.

    But for that... it would need to NOT BE an I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E.

    Which is Mission Impossible -- cause you are one. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  20. Qtard: \\I'm misremembering all of that?\\ Yes.

    Definite NewSpeak NO.

    I didn't misremember anything. How could I? These are all arguments you've made over and over. Yet you deny making any of them. "Never said it"... Again!

  21. Obviously that same case -- Derr Punn talking about OWN babbling... while trying to pretend that that somebody else doing. NewSpeak dumb dummy imbecile Derr Punn. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  22. Is it laughing at itself aka "pulling a Charlie Gordon"? Looks like it to me.

    One alter ego is laughing at another alter ego.

  23. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Imbecile can spew only imbecilic backbites. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Congrats imbecile! For confirmation your imbecility. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))00000

  24. Self encouragement.

  25. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


  26. More self encouragement. Yawn.

  27. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  28. No drool this time?

  29. You say. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  30. I didn't say. That was a question.

    There probably was bigly drooling. It just forgot to type "00000000000000000000".

    Maybe it slipped in the drool. Fell down and hit the "publish" button with its dumb head.

  31. How anybody could know -- is there drool on your keyboard or not? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))00000

    And all other such things you experience often, it seems. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

  32. No imbecilic retorts here???

    Know nothing what to use from my smart ace moves? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000

  33. I see two imbecilic retorts following my last comment. In the second one the imbecil laughably refers to its "smart ace moves".

  34. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue. ;-P

  35. Looks like It pulled a Charlie Gordon and laughed at itself.

  36. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue. ;-P

  37. Pulling a Charlie Gordon again!

  38. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Derpish SADners -- master of imbecilic backbites! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  39. No imbecilic backbites here? :-))))))
