Thursday, December 14, 2023

USIC's American-Theater Media PsyOps Shift into High Gear to Prevent Congressional Funding Disaster and Revelation of the Ukraine War Truth

Katie Bo Lillis, "Russia has lost 87% of troops it had prior to start of Ukraine war, according to US intelligence assessment"
Russia has lost a staggering 87 percent of the total number of active-duty ground troops it had prior to launching its invasion of Ukraine and two-thirds of its pre-invasion tanks, a source familiar with a declassified US intelligence assessment provided to Congress told CNN.

Still, despite heavy losses of men and equipment, Russian President Vladimir Putin is determined to push forward as the war approaches its two-year anniversary early next year and US officials are warning that Ukraine remains deeply vulnerable. A highly anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive stagnated through the fall, and US officials believe that Kyiv is unlikely to make any major gains over the coming months.

The assessment, sent to Capitol Hill on Monday, comes as some Republicans have balked at the US providing additional funding for Ukraine and the Biden administration has launched a full-court press to try to get supplemental funding through Congress.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is in Washington on Tuesday, meeting with US lawmakers and President Joe Biden in desperate bid to secure the military and economic aid he says is vital to Ukraine’s ability to maintain the fight against Russia.

Russia has been able to keep its war effort going despite the heavy losses by relaxing recruitment standards and dipping into Soviet-era stockpiles of older equipment. Still, the assessment found that the war has “sharply set back 15 years of Russian effort to modernize its ground force.”

Of the 360,000 troops that made up Russia’s pre-invasion ground force, including contract and conscript personnel, Russia has lost 315,000 on the battlefield, according to the assessment. 2,200 of 3,500 tanks have been lost, according to the assessment. 4,400 of 13,600 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers have also been destroyed, a 32 percent loss rate.

“As of late November, Russia lost over a quarter of its pre-invasion stockpiles of ground forces equipment,” the assessment reads. “This has reduced the complexity and scale of Russian offensive operations, which have failed to make major gains in Ukraine since early 2022.”

CNN has reached out to the Russian Embassy in Washington for comment.

But it is the political environment in Washington that presents perhaps the greatest peril for Ukraine. Some Republicans are stiffly rejecting any additional funding and Senate Republicans are insisting on making it part of a broader spending package to include money for Israel, Taiwan and the US southern border. The Biden administration is warning that the US will soon be out of money for Ukraine.

“The idea that Ukraine was going to throw Russia back to the 1991 borders was preposterous,” Sen. J.D. Vance, a Republican from Ohio, said on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. “So what we’re saying to the president and really to the entire world is, you need to articulate what the ambition is. What is $61 billion going to accomplish that $100 billion hasn’t?”

Other newly declassified intelligence previously reported by CNN suggests that “Russia seems to believe that a military deadlock through the winter will drain Western support for Ukraine and ultimately give Russia the advantage despite Russian losses and persistent shortages of trained personnel, munitions, and equipment,” according to a National Security Council spokesman.

“Since launching its offensive in October, we assess that the Russian military has suffered more than 13,000 casualties along the Avdiivka-Novopavlivka axis and over 220 combat vehicle losses-the equivalent of 6 maneuver battalions in equipment alone,” NSC spokesperson Adrienne Watson told CNN.

Before the invasion, Russia had a total standing military of approximately 900,000 active-duty troops, including ground troops, airborne troops, special operations and other uniformed personnel, according to the CIA. Since the start of the invasion, Russia has announced plans to increase the size of the armed forces to 1.5 million. The Russian Ministry of Defense has announced several rounds of conscription, including its regular fall conscription cycle on October 1.

Russia has also leaned heavily on convicts marshaled to the fight by the Wagner Group and has increased the age limit for certain categories of citizens to remain in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


  1. Oh... I not commented on this.

    Tinsy lil problem with it all.

    So, let's assume -- liliPut WON in Ukraine.

    What will be the next day?

    He'll say "oh, I'm stuffed, need to sit on a diet... for a next 10 years", yes??? :-)))))))))

    And will declare disband of most of his troops... to which he not paid their salary even -- with having in mind that most of em will die in next battle anyway.

    He will stop all military-industrial complex... while it alone and ONLY thing that allowed him to brag about "see, how good RFia's numbers of GDP growth are".

    And will try to find peaceful conclusion with all in-country and outside economical and juridical opponents, of which he: robed their investments in RFia, breached contracts, destroyed facilities(North Streams).

    Will come to the court(s)... and will peacefully fight in em only with lawyers sleaziness alone??? And if somehow/somewhere will lose -- peacefully and out of free will come to jail??????? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or even on a tumbrel... as Saddam Husein? :-))))))))))))))))))))0

    PS You screwed it. BIG TIME.

    First. You lost chance to make it "not our business" -- give up Ukraine to RFia. Well, he'd try to attack NATO immediately after that... but that'll be another story.

    Second. When with giving VERY little help to Ukraine -- instead of swift crashing defeat (which was VERY NEAR... around Progozin's uproar) -- you gave liliPut time and chance to pump-up his strength and readiness... basicly have built a railroad, leading to Hot-Cold War.

    Do you really WANT ICBMs start flying THAT MUCH, I wonder?

    From TWO sides now... as China speeding up to reach M.A.D. levels ASAP.

    Instead of fighting ONE enemy at a time you basicly pushing em to became ALLIES.

  2. Qtard: Second. When with giving VERY little help to Ukraine -- instead of swift crashing defeat...

    Thanks to Putin's allies, the republiturds.

  3. Yeah. That nasty republiturd POTUS and republiturd Senat... that DISCARDED Land Lease, while DIDN't sent EVEN ONE SINGLE bullet by it.

    And that same republiturd POTUS that said "Ukraine? They do not airplanes".

    And Etc, Etc, ETc...

  4. Qtard: Yeah. That nasty republiturd POTUS and republiturd Senat...

    Qtard confirms it dunno what it is talking about. Or it failed to mention the Republican controlled House -- on purpose. It is House republicans blocking further aid, dummy.

    Qtard: DISCARDED Land Lease...

    There never was any land lease to discard. What land does the imbecile think the US was supposed to lease to Ukraine? This should be good for a laugh. If the imbecile answers.

    Qtard: And that same republiturd POTUS that said "Ukraine? They do not airplanes".

    You're right. No doubt tRump does not want Ukraine to have F16s. While Joe Biden does.

  5. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Derpish SADners -- master of imbecilic backbites! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  6. The imbecile was too afraid to answer my questions.

  7. Try to call your alter-egos by name. ;-P

    Maybe they just DONNO whom of em IT asking? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
