Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Why Democratic Elites No Longer Focus on Changing Laws...

 ...they now focus on the magical misdirection technique of changing Law Enforcement Practices (ie BLM/ Lawfare) instead.

"If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, 'We're gonna punish our enemies, and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us' -- if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election -- then I think it's going to be harder. And that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd." 

- Barrack Obama, "Univision Interview"


Arbitrage Government . Just look what they've done at FBI and DOJ!  No wonder Trump was indicted four times.  Does the arbitrageur par excelance, George Soros, control America?   Is Elon jealous, or just looking to right a sinking ship?   Barrack Obama & Eric Holder's "Social Justice Doctrine" is so "the Chicago Way"/ gangsta!  "'Ef da LAW, ya gotsta PAY to PLAY!"


  1. He broke many laws. No wonder Trump was indicted four times.

  2. I was talking about donald tRump. You're talking about someone named Donald Joe? I dunno who that is.

  3. No his name is Joe Biden. How else could an innocent man get indicted four times?

  4. Donald Joe is the innocent man? It certainly isn't donald tRump. He's guilty.

    btw, the DOJ is an independent agency. Joe Biden has nothing to do with tRump's indictments. AG Garland appointed Jack Smith to further ensure there was no political influence.

  5. How do you know he's guilty? Do you have direct knowledge, or did your news stories convince you? You must REALLY like those stories. By the way, next time you're in London, try running through the brick wall at the train station. It's the only way to get into Hogwarts.

  6. How do you know Joe Biden is guilty? Do you have direct knowledge, or did your news stories convince you? You must REALLY like those stories.

  7. Touche! But then, I'm not the one challenging the brick wall into Hogwarts. My more skeptical mind can still be changed. And I have patience. I can wait for more "information" upon the actual FACTS to emerge. Because I know that the news cannot EVER be purged of "mis-disinformation" so that only the "truth" remains. I'm not the "true believer" promoting corporate and government censorship against secular or religious heresies. THAT would be you.

  8. Minus: I can wait for more "information" upon the actual FACTS to emerge.

    I don't believe it. Given that the facts are there to conclude that donald tRump is bigly corrupt. And they aren't there to conclude that Joe Biden is. Is the House moving to impeach? Is that going to happen soon?

  9. I don't know. We'll have to wait and see.

    Has Trump been convicted and removed from the ballot? It's a shame that the Constitution doesn't disqualify candidates on that basis.

  10. \\I don't believe it. Given that the facts are there to conclude that donald tRump is bigly corrupt.

    What "facts"???

    FACT are STILL the same -- despite ALL and so loud screams "dRump is Guily!!!"... despite all charges. He still are free man. Not in jail. Not pinned with guilt. Not accused even... with some smoking gun evudances.

    Just smeared with feces.

    As descrived in that seinal text of Mark Twain. ;-P

    \\And they aren't there to conclude that Joe Biden is. Is the House moving to impeach? Is that going to happen soon?

    Like being impeached even mean something... nowaday.

    Maybe DEMNs did that phony impeaching of dRump EXACTLY for that purpose -- to devaluate it? Tp cover for their future misdeeds?

    Well, not that impossible, I'd say.

    That was same Bi-den and same DEMNs.

    \\Has Trump been convicted and removed from the ballot? It's a shame that the Constitution doesn't disqualify candidates on that basis.

    For USA laws to be more in sync with any other babana republic laws? ;-P

    So you would become Latin America...

  11. All information on FACTS are currently released through the cloak of Gyges method of information control/ news reporting, censored in advance by Democrat favoring government officials and social-media company owners.

  12. The "cloak of Gyges method of information control/ news reporting"... is tinfoil hat nuttery.

  13. Yap.

    Because that is what people wanting themself.

    Oups, "victim blaming". ;-P

    But would Derpy admit that it is a victim? Of own moronity?

    What an inrigue... NOT. :-)))))

  14. Dervy, when we want your opinion, we'll give it to you. :)

  15. The United States is a victim of the moronity of dotard donald and his supporters.

  16. And you are smart... cajolers of liliPut... bu-ga-gah! :-))))

  17. "bu-ga-gah" is qtardese for "I just lied bigly".

  18. Yeah... DEMN pressed Reset Button with liliPut... but that is "big lie"... that nothing like that happened.

    Orwel-style lie.

  19. Hillary & partners made a lot of money with that lie. How much of America's Uranium did she sell them again? How much money did the "Clinton Foundation" get?

  20. Minus: How much of America's Uranium did she sell them again?


    Minus: How much money did the "Clinton Foundation" get?

    Zero dollars.

    Shep Smith (when he was employed by Fox) debunked this.

  21. How much money did Bill get from his Russia speeches?

  22. If you believe this BS, I would think it would make you happy. You don't want Putin to have our uranium? I bet you'd spin it positively if tRump had done it. As opposed to Hillary (not) doing it.

  23. As ever. Derpy AVOIDING to answer to obviously unpleasant to DEMNS questions. ;-P

  24. What questions? I don't see any unanswered questions. Qtard still thinking I can see it's delusions.

  25. Look, Hillary's agenda was to promote Green Energy w/o nuclear. She totally doesn't understand the needs of progress as defined in the 1700's by Lazare Carnot vis "energy density". She watched "The China Syndrome" too many times. As for me, I've no problem with Peach Bottom or TMI.

  26. Minus: She [Hillary Clinton] totally doesn't understand the needs of progress as defined in the 1700's by Lazare Carnot vis "energy density". She watched "The China Syndrome" too many times.

    In a candidate questionnaire published in the September 13 [2016] issue of Scientific American, she said that addressing climate change is “too important to limit the tools available in this fight. Nuclear power . . . is one of those tools.” She went on, pledging to make sure that the “climate benefits” of existing plants are “appropriately valued,” adding that she will “increase investment in the research, development and deployment of advanced nuclear power". Link

    I don't support nuclear energy. It is far to dangerous. But it looks like you've confused HRC's position with mine.

    Or maybe you confused HRC's position with Bernie Sander's (correct) position...

    Bernie Sanders: "Transitioning toward a completely nuclear-free clean-energy system for electricity, heating and transportation is not only possible and affordable, it will create millions of good jobs, clean up our air and water, and decrease our dependence on foreign oil," Sanders wrote on his website. He has long voiced concerns about the risks of nuclear power and advocated moving away from it (Greenwire, March 11, 2009).

  27. \\What questions? I don't see any unanswered questions. Qtard still thinking I can see it's delusions.

    Thanky-thanky for confirming your histerical blindness. ;-P

    Now you must replay "What histerical blindness, I don't see it?" :-)))))

    To make a perfect roundtrip. :-)))))

    \\I don't support nuclear energy. It is far to dangerous.


    And Rush'A and China stockpiling more and more Nukes and means of delivery LIKE CRAZY... is NOT dangerous.

    Cause DEMN propaganda did not enlighted this miserly schmik Derpy, and it do not know. :-))))))

    IT still thinks that "Climate Change" is the biggest threat... to USA DEMN-Ok-ratsy.

    Because Pelosi in his wet dream sells such a "hope", to it. :-))))))

    Basment junky DeRuPun. :-))))

    Totlally clueless lowlife.

  28. Qtard: Thanky-thanky for confirming your histerical blindness.

    Thanky for confirming there were no unanswered questions. If there were, you could tell me what they were. But you cannot.

    Qtard: \\I don't support nuclear energy. It is far to dangerous\\ Yap. And Rush'A and China stockpiling more and more Nukes and means of delivery LIKE CRAZY... is NOT dangerous.

    You say?

    Qtard: Cause DEMN propaganda did not enlighted this miserly schmik Derpy, and it do not know.

    "Miserly schmik Derpy" is one of your alter egos?

    Qtard: IT still thinks that "Climate Change" is the biggest threat... to USA DEMN-Ok-ratsy.

    Nothing threatens "DEMN-Ok-ratsy". There is no such thing.

    Qtard: Because Pelosi in his wet dream sells such a "hope", to it.

    Is that why you "fap" on a poster of her?

    Qtard: Basment junky DeRuPun. Totlally clueless lowlife.

    You call your alter ego a "lowlife" because you are ashamed of it's fapping?

  29. \\Thanky for confirming there were no unanswered questions. If there were, you could tell me what they were. But you cannot.


    Yeah. I could cure your histerical blindness... but I better noit to (tm)


    \\Qtard: \\I don't support nuclear energy. It is far to dangerous\\ Yap. And Rush'A and China stockpiling more and more Nukes and means of delivery LIKE CRAZY... is NOT dangerous.

    \\You say?

    YET ONE demonstration of idiocy of De-Ru-Pun. :-))))

    \\"Miserly schmik Derpy" is one of your alter egos?

    Asking itself?

    I doubt any of your alter-egos know what to answer -- they are SAME idiots like you. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Because Pelosi in his wet dream sells such a "hope", to it.

    Is that why you "fap" on a poster of her?

    Qtard: Basment junky DeRuPun. Totlally clueless lowlife.

    You call your alter ego a "lowlife" because you are ashamed of it's fapping?

    Perfect Cringing.

    Please, continue to cringe MOAR!!! :-)))))

  30. Politicians don't sell out their positions for money? Is that why you still trust Sleepy Joe and Zelinsky?

  31. Comment... disappeard?

  32. :-))))))))))))))

    PS Well... I must praise Derpy here. For yhi attempt of cunningness. :-))))))


    But still, IT trying. :-)))))

    We need to encourage IT. MOAR!!!! :-)))))

    Let it do MOAR of such silly tryes. :-))))

    PS Oh. Good picture to depict it, suddenly ;-P

  33. No more cretinism showed here by De-Ru-Pun... what a pity. :-)))))
