Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Why the Democratic Party Elites LOVE Illegal Immigration...

....and America is trapped in the Panderverse.
To Dream, the impossible Dream...
... dreamt by a Man of Science.
...and not another, more  obscurantly "ambiguous".

A libation poured unbidden
upon the sun-parched earth
unlocked a seed's potential
for life as well as mirth

For a patch of vibrant color
Emerged from that favoured spot
And as I passed it drew my eye
This new life unleashed by lot

Now examining a life without due regard
for gods or greater matters
Can discern only half the inner thirsts
That leave like minded souls in tatters

And so I thank my G_d today
for unearned graces granted
And overturn my half filled cup
towards errant seeds unplanted
... cuz in the final discursive end (late capitalism), it's ALL about the BOTTOM LINE!


  1. Yep, that goes for the NEVER-Trump (R)s, too.

  2. tRump too. He has a history of hiring illegal immigrants.

  3. After reporters revealed he still (while he was president) employed them.

  4. Perhaps reporters should expose all illegal employers, and not just the ones that threaten them. But then again, that would be the "moral" thing to do. And since they do not, Greed becomes part of the system...

  5. Reporters are great moralizers and public, and sinners in private. So act the cloakers of Gyges.

  6. That a president who claims to be strongly opposed to illegal immigration employs illegal immigrants himself ISN'T newsworthy?

    Reporters are employing illegal immigrants? And tRump was threatening them? So they exposed his employment of illegal immigrants? That got him to back off his threats?

    What were these threats? Why did reporters exposing that tRump hired illegal immigrants get him to back off these threats? I dunno anything about this.

    "And since they do not, Greed becomes part of the system"... so employers hiring illegal immigrants is the fault of reporters? Me, I blame republicans. They could negotiate with Democrats to come up with some comprehensive immigration reform legislation. But they refuse. Because their donors demand cheap labor.

    As far as I know, tRump (as president) only went after the illegal immigrants. Didn't propose doing anything about employers hiring them. Maybe people would stop coming if they knew there was no way for them to earn any money once they got here?

  7. Surely the reporters knew of Trump's employment of illegals before he became President? Isn't that what building contractors are expected to do?

    All my California uncles with businesses used to hire illegals. Maybe you should hire some reporters to go after them, Dervy.

    When my Dad re-landscaped my Step-Mom's place in Aptos, illegals did ALL his landscaping.

    It's an "unwritten rule" of capitalism.

    btw - I wonder how many illegals are on the NYT and WaPo's newspaper disytribution payrolls. :(

    So like I said before, "Don't like it, Dervy? Change the System". Trump's hiring illegals is NOT a "man bites dog" story. It's a "political vendetta" story.

  8. ps - Democratic donors don't want cheap labour? Who knew?

  9. Minus: "Don't like it, Dervy? Change the System".

    So, what you're saying is that tRump likes the system. Given that (as president) he made no effort to change it. By going after employers. He was just pretending for his base, yes?

  10. No, I'm saying that EVERYONE of EVERY POLITICAL PARTY panders to its' base. Even Newspaper Reporters. From The Nation...

    As it happens, this increasingly invisible, underground economy of muscles and sweat, blood and effort intersects in the most intimate ways with those who enjoy the benefits of the virtual world. Of course, our connection to that virtual world comes through physical devices, and each of them follows a commodity chain that begins with the mining of rare earth elements and ends at a toxic disposal or recycling site, usually somewhere in the Third World.

    Closer to home, too, the incontrovertible realities of our physical lives depend on labor—often that of undocumented immigrants—invisible but far from virtual, that makes apparently endless mundane daily routines possible.

    Even the most ethereal of postmodern cosmopolitans, for instance, eat food. In 21st-century America, as anthropologist Steve Striffler has pointed out, “to find a meal that has not at some point passed through the hands of Mexican immigrants is a difficult task.” Medical anthropologist Seth Holmes adds, “It is likely that the last hands to hold the blueberries, strawberries, peaches, asparagus, or lettuce before you pick them up in your local grocery store belong to Latin American migrant laborers.”

  11. (cont)

    The same is true of the newspaper. The invisible links between two mutually incomprehensible worlds were revealed to many in the Boston area at the end of December when The Boston Globe, the city’s major newspaper, made what its executives apparently believed would be a minor change. They contracted out its subscriber delivery service to a new company.

    Isn’t newspaper delivery part of the old economy and so consigned to the dustbin of history by online news access? It turns out that a couple of hundred thousand people in the Boston area—and 56 percent of newspaper readers nationwide—still prefer to read their news in what some dismissively call the “dead-tree format.” In addition, despite major ad shrinkage, much of the revenue that allows newspapers to offer online content still comes overwhelmingly from in-print ads.

    The Globe presented the change as a clean, technical move, nothing more than a new contractor providing newspaper delivery for a lower cost. But like so many other invisible services that grease the wheels of daily life, that deceptively simple task is in fact provided thanks to grueling, exploited labor performed by some of society’s most marginalized workers, many of them immigrants and undocumented.

    In this respect, newspaper delivery shares characteristics with other forms of labor that link the privileged with the exploited. This is especially true in Boston, recently named the most unequal city in the country. Some of the most dangerous, insecure, and unpleasant jobs with the lowest pay and a general lack of benefits provide key goods and services for citizens who undoubtedly believe that they never interact with immigrants or receive any benefits from them.

    In fact, immigrant workers harvest, process, and prepare food; they provide home healthcare; they manicure hands and lawns. In other words, the system connects some of the most intimate aspects of our daily lives with workers whose very existence is then erased or demonized in the public sphere. And all of this happens because these workers are regularly rendered silent and invisible.

  12. (cont)

    To get that “dead-tree” item from the printer to your doorstep requires hundreds of human workers willing to leave home in the middle of the night, 365 days a year, regardless of the weather and the driving conditions (a serious issue in New England). They must drive to a distribution center to receive, fold, and package the papers, load them in their own car, and spend several hours racing through dark streets to finish their route before dawn. Although they pay for their own gas, insurance, and car maintenance, the low piece rate that these “independent contractors” receive per-paper-delivered barely allows them to reach the minimum wage. Many of them are immigrants.

    The Globe’s workers remained invisible to much of the public until December 28, when the paper replaced its long-time delivery contractor with Long Beach–based ACI Media Group. Droves of workers were laid off from the previous company when it lost its Globe contract, and ACI promised to cut costs for delivery by paying its newly hired workers less and making them work more under significantly worse conditions. As a result, ACI had trouble attracting workers, and those they did hire began to quit en masse when confronted with the degrading new working conditions. Thousands of papers went undelivered, day after day. When subscriber complaints flooded in, the media began to take notice. But most of the journalists covering the developing story preferred to look everywhere except at the workers themselves in trying to explain what happened.

    Subscribers may be aware of their paper carriers because they catch a glimpse of them or hear them in the early morning, or they may take seriously those envelopes that the carriers regularly leave, hoping for tips to bolster their meager income. Apparently, however, the Globe’s own reporters never thought to consider how the newspaper arrived at subscribers’ homes until the system went into crisis.

  13. In other words, EVERYONE LOVES THE SYSTEM!!!!!

    The "profitable but illicit" unwritten rules, especially...

  14. Hence the CYNICISM in the report contra Trump.

  15. Why would that be the case?

  16. Isn't that where all your blogging "surplus enjoyment" comes from? Outing the hypocrisies of all your enemies that benefit from it whilst simultaneously cloaking all your friends from exposure that do likewise?

  17. Yap.

    Derpy -- masochist.

    He likes it, because it painful. ;-P


  18. The masochist says, "Beat me, beat me!". The sadist says, "No!"

  19. Qtard's alter ego "Derpy" is a masochist? Why did it feel the need to share that with us?

  20. Are Derpy and Dervy the same alter ego's, or different ones, Derv?

  21. Depy AKA Dervish Sanders... while writing under it's nickname and account Dervish Sandes...

    revealed here that it is don't like enjoyment...

    But... somehow, it claims that all was some anon "alter-ego".

    Which is -- Counter-Factual. MEANS totally OPPOSITE to what visibly happens.

    What conclusion could be? What a mistery... NOT.

    Just a religious bonker split-persinality, rotten brain mokey -- trying to pick up and throw own shit at distant observers.

    But that shit only flyes back on it's head.

    Which enrages that sore monkey even more. :-))))

  22. One of Qtard's alter egos is a "religious bonker split-persinality, rotten brain mokey"? Another of Qtard's alter egos is a monkey?

    Interesting. Why not tell us more about your mental illnesses, Qtard?

  23. \\Interesting. Why not tell us more about your mental illnesses, Qtard?


    I like you cringing.

    Go cringe MOAR!!!

  24. Impossible. I can't do something "more" that I have not done at all.

  25. Prfect Cringing. :-))))))

  26. To someone who doesn't know what "cringing" is.

  27. Yap.

    someone who pretending that it dunno what cringing mean. ;-P

  28. Cringe/ krinj/ verb

    1. bend one's head and body in fear or in a servile manner: "he cringed away from the blow"

    Mind, too, in Dervy's case.

  29. Google knows.

    What does cringy mean in text?
    feel awkward, uncomfortable, or embarrassed
    Cringy is a slang word meaning someone or something that makes you to feel awkward, uncomfortable, or embarrassed.

    Seems I grokked this new word perfectly too.

  30. Then the explanation is that you are delusional. Imagine someone is "cringing" when they aren't. Why would I feel awkward, uncomfortable, or embarrassed? About what? Your obvious issues with mental illness?

  31. Qtard: Seems I grokked this new word perfectly too.

    No. You are clueless as to it's meaning. Even after cutting and pasting a definition. Proven by your incorrect application of it to me. Someone who is definitely not cringing.

    Also, it is not new. It has been around since the 1570s. So over 400 years.

    cringe (v.) 1570s, "to bend or crouch, especially with servility or fear," variant of crenge, crenche "to bend" (c. 1200), from causative of Old English cringan "yield, give way, fall (in battle)...

  32. \\Then the explanation is that you are delusional. Imagine someone is "cringing" when they aren't.

    Saying that your cringy reaction is not cringing???

    But you tend to lie too DEMN often -- so now I should believe to your mere words that you didn't, while it clear to everyone -- from your pwn BEHAVIOR, that you do??? :-))))))

    Am I looking like being an idiot -- to believe to such a flat lies? ;-P


    Google EXPLAINs it in all details:

    What is cringing a response to?
    Cringe is a response to embarrassment or social awkwardness. Cringe may also refer to: Cultural cringe, the feeling of inferiority about one's own culture. Cringe comedy, a comedy genre.
    Cringe - Wikipedia › wiki › Cringe

    What is the psychology behind cringing?
    He says that ​“cringing is essentially a mechanism to deter us from behaving in ways that risk us losing status or gaining the negative judgement of others.” Our bodies consider ​“negative judgement” to be a threat to survival, Burnett explains.
    Why do we find stuff cringe? - The Face › life › why-do-we-find-stuff-cringe

    THAT'S EXPERT saying. NOT me. ;-P

    How do you describe cringing?
    to feel embarrassed and ashamed about something: I cringed when I realized what I'd said. To cringe is also to pull back in fear from someone or something that seems powerful and dangerous: He cringes every time he hears the dentist's drill.
    CRINGE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary › dictionary › english › cringe

    PS BTW here is a site with all FAKEs about Azov revealed --

    But you will not come to check it.

    Cringing from Truth. You are. Always.

  33. Idiot. I never said there are no fakes.

    As for what you posted about cringing -- you bolded the portions that apply to you?

  34. Idiot dunno what the word "excuse" means.

  35. Thanky-thanky for admitting that fact about itself. ;-p

  36. Qtard thanks itself. More self encouragement.
