Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Another $40k "Loan Repayment" (aka bribe/payoff) for the Big Guy...

 The laundered money trail took six steps, the committee said:

  1. July 30, 2017: Hunter Biden put pressure on Zhao for a $10 million payment using the influence of Joe Biden, who was “sitting” in the room, according to a screenshot of a WhatsApp message from an IRS whistleblower in June.
  2. August 8, 2017: Hunter-Biden-linked bank accounts received about $5 million in payments from Zhao within ten days of the text, using proximity to Joe Biden as a cudgel. (Northern International Capital, a Chinese company affiliated with CEFC, sent $5 million to Hudson West III, a joint venture established by Hunter Biden and CEFC associate Gongwen Dong.)
  3. August 8, 2017: On the same day, $400,000 was wired to Owasco, P.C. from Hudson West III, another entity controlled by the president’s son.
  4. August 14, 2017: Hunter Biden then wired $150,000 to Lion Hall Group, an entity owned by Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, and his wife, Sara Biden.
  5. August 28, 2017: Sara Biden withdrew $50,000 in cash from Lion Hall Group. On the same day, Sara Biden deposited $50,000 into her shared personal checking account with James Biden.
  6. September 3, 2017: Sara Biden wrote Joe Biden a check for $40,000 for a “loan repayment,” a method Republicans say is used to launder money.


  1. Joe Biden is going to end up in prison?

  2. With OUR CURRENT "justice" system? Not likely. They're only there to "excuse" his conduct, NOT INVESTIGATE it.

  3. Joe famously asked, "Where's the money?" Now we've seen it. It was in his bank account.

  4. So, donald tRump is NOT going to "win" a second term in 2024 and direct his AG to prosecute the "Biden Crime Clan"? Or the "Bidet Crime Clan" (according to Mystere). Or maybe it's the "Bi-den crime family".

    He only received 40k of the 10 million? Doesn't seem worth the risk to me. And where's the proof about the Ukraine and Israel kickbacks you alleged in a prior post? I would think that should be a lot more money.

    Is Joe Biden the most corrupt president in US history? Or was it Obama? donald tRump's corruption must pale in comparison. Why you rather have him back in the White House?

    Meanwhile the tRump crime family is in bigly trouble re their over valuations of tRump properties. Fraud the judge said occurred. The only thing left is to determine what the penalties will be. Don Jr testified that he doesn't know much about Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP).

    Minus: Joe famously asked, "Where's the money?" Now we've seen it. It was in his bank account.

    He isn't allowed to loan family members money? btw, according to what I've read, Hunter lied about his father being in the room.

    Also, the Hunter Biden gun charges were dismissed. Mystere was convinced Joe would have to pardon Hunter or he'd go to prison. LOL.

  5. Will DoJ suddenly become Trumpers when DJT wins in '24 (like they did in'17)? Or will they remain Billy Barr Institutionalists under Chicago Democrat's protection....AGAIN?

  6. Your problem, Dervy, is that you rely more on the news sector than actual or professional experience sectors for framing your reality.

    "In the news sector, the mass media spread ignorance in the form of facts that need to be constantly renewed so that no one notices." -Luhmann

    News spread ignorance in two ways. First, they report on events as they unfold. The view is much too close to be comprehensive. Second, news can only report a highly selected number of facts. You can be sure that whatever you hear about in the news, you know only superficially. As long as you exclusively rely on news for your information about it, there's always much more going on than what the news have time to inform you about. But since there are always more and newer news, you have no time to reflect on their limitations. It seems that the news are telling you more and more, but in fact, they keep you in a state of perpetual ignorance.

  7. Bill Barr was hired by donny tRump. But he was not a "best person"? donny said he hires the best people. You're saying he lied?

    donny must be lying now when he says "I am your retribution". Given that he will (you just said) hire as AG another deep stater. James Comey has nothing to worry about (despite what you said in a previous post)?

  8. Where am I supposed to get news? From comedians like Jimmy Dore, goat boy, Russell Brand, etc?

  9. DJT is the omniscient employer? Who knew/

    ps - He's going to FIRE the Deep State. His "Apprenticeship" is over. He graduates in 2024.

  10. You'd prefer to get news from the people selling you hemorrhoid cream? "News" (aka- selected/ most recent information about facts) is just a combination of news/advertising/ and entertainment (Infotainment) created and produced by the Culture Industry. So feel free to pick your poison.

    Newspapers don't sell truth, they sell stories.

    Truth in the news can never be the whole truth. Luhmann illustrates this with two examples from literature: Borges’ famous story “On Exactitude in Science,” and Laurence Sterne’s novel Tristram Shandy. Borges’ story is about the absurdity of a map that represents a territory one-to-one: it would cover the whole territory and thus be totally useless. Similarly absurd is Tristram Shandy. The novel is supposed to give a complete account of the protagonist’s life in 9 volumes. By trying to mention all facts of the protagonist's life, the story becomes so convoluted that he's not even born yet at the end of volume two.

    News tells "stories", NOT "the truth". The official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was called Pravda—”The Truth”. The claim in today's mainstream media to combat fake news reminds me of that title. It creates the counterfactual illusion that the elimination of fake news will result in simply THE Truth. The very notion of "fake news" is a media story. The media make fake news "known to be known", but they can never tell us the whole truth about fake news.

    News are often followed commercials. Luhmann says: “After truth comes advertising.”

  11. Minus: DJT is the omniscient employer? Who knew?

    What Donald Trump Knew About Undocumented Workers at His Signature Tower. Trump sought out the Polish workers when he saw them on another job, instigated the creation of the company that paid them and negotiated the hours they would work. ... after things got ugly over unpaid wages, Trump ... threatened ... to call the Immigration and Naturalization Service and have the workers deported. (Time Magazine 8/26/2016).

    Minus: He's going to FIRE the Deep State. His "Apprenticeship" is over. He graduates in 2024.

    HOW? He's going to be either a prisoner or a private citizen and not have any ability to fire the "deep state". After a life of crime he's finally "graduating" to prison.

  12. Did you like that story? Did it make you want to read another one? Did you subscribe? What ads did you get?

  13. The news clearly have no problem with the fact that, for instance, their stories that inform us about the scandal of fake news are framed by advertising. Next to news ,we regard commercials as a perfectly legitimate media program sector. Commercials are everywhere in the media--and we know that we indirectly pay for them, because their costs are added to the prices of the products they make us buy. This makes Luhmann wonder: “How can well-to-do members of society be so stupid to spend so much money on advertising only to confirm their belief in the stupidity of others?” We're perfectly okay with paying companies for manipulating us to buy their stuff. But not only are we that stupid, the cleverer we are, we tend to wrongly convince ourselves that the advertising we pay for only really fools those that are more stupid than we.
    Given this quite paradoxical social and psychological mechanism, Luhmann calls media advertising “the self-organization of folly” But, in Luhmann’s analysis, advertising is not just self-organizing folly, it's also the Jesus Christ of the media. It sacrifices itself to purify the other program sectors. Luhmann writes: “Advertising takes the deadly sin of the mass media upon itself—as if thereby all other programs were saved.” The ad next to the news makes the news more credible--simply by emphasizing that it's different from the news.

    Advertising has another, almost religious feature. According to Luhmann, it resembles ancient divination practices: It only shows you the surface of things, but mystically promises depth: You see a video of a car passing by in a moment— and yet this brief image suggests that if you buy the car, it’s going to give you lasting power and sex appeal. By means of this suggestive power, commercials fulfill a much-needed function in today’s society. Luhmann says: Advertising “supplies people who lack taste with taste.”

  14. Minus: Did you like that story?

    It gave me the facts I was looking for, so yes.

    Minus: Did it make you want to read another one?


    Minus: Did you subscribe?


    Minus: What ads did you get?

    Dunno. I usually ignore ads.

    What do any of these questions have to do with the factual reporting from Time? Nothing. I guess you're conceeding that donald tRump knowingly hired illegal immigrants. Trying to deflect from it.

    donald tRump panders. His bigot base hates immigrants, so he hates them. Was for hiring them previously (because he could pay them less), now he's against hiring them.

  15. Factual reporting? Or "selected information upon FACTS" BY Time. And yes, I admit it. I enjoy confirmation bias'. It makes me think that I'm a better "mind reader" than you. Yet I also know that not even Time Magazine can read minds. It's one of my "fetishes" that I try and hold onto.

  16. ...and yes, ADs love it when they, too, give you some confirmation bias'. Why else would you collect a system of objects that "authenticates" your identity?

  17. OMG, Donald Trump's a sinner? He panders?

    btw - If he HATES immigrants so much, why would he HIRE them? Is THAT a mark of his "hatred"? Or is it a learned behaviour and mark of what the capitalist system "rewards"? And you bring it up so as to make his "base" hate him, while privately applauding his aid for illegal immigrants, one of your "fetish objects".

  18. Luhmann on Mass Media and the News:

    Conclusion 2 is: The mass media make society restless and tense. The restless tension of modern society is very much a moral tension. With an “overpowering insistence,” the mass media constantly “renew” morality. Today, Luhmann says: “Morality needs the mass media, and especially TV.” This is not without dangers, Luhmann warns: “Morality isn’t needed in normal interactions—it is always a symptom of the occurrence of pathologies.”

    Conclusion 3 is: Their preference for moral communication can make the mass media a catalyst of conflict. Like all other contemporary function systems, the mass media operate with second-order observation. In earlier societies, there had already been information on realty based on second-order observation— like the knowledge about Atlantis in ancient Greece that Luhmann mentions right at the beginning of his book. However, the mass media are very different from earlier second-order providers of knowledge such as wise men or priests who enjoyed some sort of privileged status.

    You enjoy the "news". I enjoy the "olds". Much like I enjoy the classics and "primary", as opposed to "secondary" sources of information.

  19. Minus: If he HATES immigrants so much, why would he HIRE them?

    Because it costs less?

    Minus: Is THAT a mark of his "hatred"?

    Yes. He viewed/views them as a group he could easily victimize for his own profit.

    Minus: ...while privately applauding his aid for illegal immigrants...

    I don't applaud breaking the law. And he didn't aid them, he took advantage of them.

    Minus: of your "fetish objects".

    No. They aren't objects, they are people.

  20. So you'd rather Trump didn't hire them, so that they could become wards of the State until deported?

    ps - HATE and GREED are two entirely different vices.

  21. ps -Greed is a product of the system. Don't want trump to be greedy? Change the system.

  22. Does Biden get a pass on his corruption and the sale of his political office because he's just a product of the System? Since Biden works within the System to "corrupt the System", does that make him a part of the "heroic" Progressive Revolutionary Vanguard? Just wondrin'.

  23. It would appear that Trump can be "shamed" into changing the System, but Biden can't, the Cloak of Gyges protects him. How can the System be changed, then?

  24. tRump changed the system? And then Biden changed it back? Who knew?

    "Does Biden get a pass on his corruption"... what corruption? You mean Hunter Biden? I don't really care for that guy. I wouldn't call him heroic at all.

    I'm not aware of any "cloak" protecting Joe Biden. Or a ring.

  25. Biden didn't change the immigration system back? Who knew?

    Hiding Joe's kickbacks from Hunter and Jim are helpful.... how?

    Not covering a news story/ actively suppressing it isn't cloaking/ protecting someone from public opinion/ legal prosecution? Who knew?

  26. Oh, so (under tRump) all the illegal immigrants in the country left because employers were no longer able to hire them? All the already hired ones were fired? So they all self deported? Then Biden told employers they could hire illegal immigrants again, so they all came back? That should have been BIG news, yet I recall Zero coverage. That cloak covered it all up?

    "Hiding Joe's kickbacks from Hunter and Jim are helpful.... how?"

    What "hiding"? You posted an image of the "kickback" check. The impeachment is going to start soon? Unless House republicans decide they don't want to hold him accountable.

    Mike Johnson is mad that the Biden administration is trying to stop hostile foreign governments from misinforming Americans. Mike is working hard for his boss, Putin. Mike wants Vlad to be able to spread disinformation to help get donny back in the White House.

  27. What "hiding"? When were the checks written? Where were they all this time?

    ps Trump built walls and deported illegals and made them stay in Mexico if they wanted asylum. Biden then encouraged them all to "come on in" and get free handouts in sanctuary cities. What a guy!

  28. Oh, so I can go online and see all of tRump's cancelled checks and money transfers? View all his banking information? Where is this website? Or is the information hidden? Why? To hide the kickbacks and payoffs tRump has and is receiving?

    As for tRump's idiotic wall, he built 49 miles of new wall. And (as per Wikipedia) "An unpublished memo from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection leaked in March 2022 revealed that the impenetrable border wall had been breached more than 3,200 times from October 2018 to September 2021". LOL.

  29. You're going to complain about a lack of info about Trump's finances after the IRS ILLEGALLY leaked all his returns?


    Biden sold all the remaining wall material for pennies on the dollar.

  30. A contractor leaked them. He was charged and pled guilty. What about the 2 IRS agents who illegally leaked Hunter Biden's tax returns? Will they be charged?

    “By using his role as a government contractor to gain access to private tax information, steal that information, and disclose it publicly, Charles Littlejohn broke federal law and betrayed the public’s trust,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said.

    If AG Garland is a part of the "witch hunt" to take down tRump, wouldn't he have not prosecuted this guy? Maybe send some money for a job well done? Like you baselessly allege is the case with Ray Epps?

  31. Derpy-Derpy-Derpy... do you watch your USA police serials, for at least.

    They show it pretty open and in details -- how it is possible to recieve consent from persecuted to do nearly anything...

  32. Derpy thinks that IRS contractors aren't the IRS and don't represent them, even when they do all of the IRS's actual work for them. Like those idiot's at the DNC's main contractor with the active NSA-linked workstation that illegally searched the NSA intercepts to find dirt on Trump, or Steele, who attempted to "verify/ validate" them.

    Oh, but "justice was served", wasn't it Dervy?

  33. I worked as a NASA contractor for 30 years, and I never represented or promoted NASA's interests? Only the Civil Servants did? Who knew?

  34. You ask too complex questions, Joe.

    Gramophone Derpy. Or maybe DEMN chat-bot AI Derpy... was not programmed to answer. ;-P

  35. Edward Snowden was a contractor. He represented and promoted the interests of the NSA? He was only fired because he took an extended vacation in Russia? Who knew?

  36. Edward Snowden was a Patriot that understood that he ultimately worked for the American people, not the USIC. ...and the pot shattered so that the flower could regrow in a more fertile soil. Oh wait, the flower in the pot's still dying. My bad.

  37. OK. So you admit he didn't represent and promote the interests of the NSA. In your prior comment you implied that contractors always did.

    And "working for the American people" includes fleeing to Russia and giving Putin US government secrets? Who knew?

  38. You trying to wrap your miserly brains around too big, too incomprehensible thing... here, Derpy. ;-P

  39. Incomprehensible to an idiot like you.

  40. Said De-Ru-Pun to a mirror. ;-P

  41. So you admit he didn't represent and promote the interests of the NSA. In your prior comment you implied that contractors always did.

    He STILL works for them? Who knew?

  42. Not now. He did before. He would not have had access to any information to leak if he had not. So, the leaking he did was in the interest of the NSA? That is what you claimed.

  43. Nope. I claimed the exact opposite. Paid Government Contractors support the Government's agenda, Former No-Longer-paid Contractors do not. They quit, leading to a loss of salary and loss of Government agenda support.

  44. I, myself, am a former beltway bandit. I am not an "emeritus" government supporter.

  45. A $200k "Loan Repayment" (aka bribe/payoff) for James Comer.

    This is a method Republicans say is used to launder money? So James Comer is laundering money. This should definitely be investigated.

  46. Qtard: Said De-Ru-Pun to a mirror.

    Now you're talking to mirrors? Did the mirror answer?

    Minus: Paid Government Contractors support the Government's agenda...

    Which Snowden was when he did the leaking. So you must think the leaking he did was in the interest of the NSA.

  47. Snowden leaked before he left Government Service? Or after, to Glen Greenwald, et al, in Hong Kong?

  48. He submitted his resignation? When asked why (during his exit interview he mad quitting) he said, "I have to because I'm going to leak government secrets"?

    Reality Winner didn't quit. She was still employed by a government contractor when she leaked. She did not quit or flee. So she must have been acting in the interest of the NSA. Why was she charged, convinced and sent to prison?

  49. \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: Said De-Ru-Pun to a mirror.

    \\Now you're talking to mirrors? Did the mirror answer?

    And how often it happens to you??? That mirrirs strt talking to you? ;-P

    Do you see your mom in it? Perhaps. :-)))))

  50. Qtard: And how often it happens to you??? That mirrirs strt talking to you?

    Never. To you they do?

    Qtard: Do you see your mom in it? Perhaps.

    No. You see yours?

  51. \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: And how often it happens to you??? That mirrirs strt talking to you?

    \\Never. To you they do?

    "Never" as in your frequent "I NEVER said it" lying blurts??? ;-P

    Means -- it is OPPOSITE to Reality lie. And mirrors talking with you EVERY TIME??? :-))))))

    \\Qtard: Do you see your mom in it? Perhaps.

    \\No. You see yours?

    Yet one NewSpeak lie???? ;-P

    And the reason that mirrors talking with you -- having halucinations with seeing your mom there? :-)))))))

  52. Derpy silently agreeing. ;-P

  53. Look in the mirror -- do you see "Derpy" nodding it's head in agreement? Take a look -- I bet you do.

  54. Look in the mirror -- do you see "Derpy" nodding it's head in agreement? Take a look -- I bet you do.

  55. Double Cringing here too!!! :-))))))

  56. Aha. NewSpeak this time. :-))))))

  57. And... NewSpeak "Yes". :-)))))))

  58. Definitely NewSpeak "Yes". ;-P

  59. Definitely not.

  60. Definitely NewSpeak "Yes". ;-P

  61. Definitely NewSpeak "Yes". ;-P
