Friday, November 10, 2023

MIT's Administrative Jim Crow and Anti-Semitic "Green Book"/ Letter

Today, on the 9th of November, on the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, which marked the beginning of the Holocaust, Jews at MIT were told to enter campus from back entrances and not to stay in Hillel for fear of their physical safety. We are seeing history repeating itself and Jews on MIT’s campus are afraid.

Meanwhile, Hamas begins herding/ shooting at their own Human Shields


  1. Remember when you loons sent over Jane Fonda to climb atop the Vietnamese Tankto protest the US being in the war? Looking back, she was not advocating peace, she was advocating the Viet Cong to destroy the US military.
    t was NEVER about peace.
    Then, when American soldiers came home from giving their lives and sanity for their country, you Loons spat on them and accused them of being war criminals
    But today is no different. As Hamas takes US prisoners, the Left marches in protests all across the US about how Israel needs to be destroyed.
    Where do these Collage kids come up with this crap?
    We have a large number of democrat Congressmen that refuse to condemn the Hamas attack and are ok with targeting Women and Children and Taking Hostage American Citizens.

    We have Professors from our best Collages all across the country saying Jewish citizens are Valid Targets.
    Why? And the people on the LEFT ignore it! Why?
    Even Jane Fonda has apologized for earning her the nickname “Hanoi Jane” And has apologized for her actions !
    But the Lefties in America seem to side with the Terrorist and are protesting against the Innocent Jews. WHY?
    Today is no different. As Hamas KILLED AMERICANS. And took American Hostage as prisoners, the Left marches in protests all across the US about how Israel needs to be destroyed.

    Don't forget they tried to put Kerry in the White House after He Bashed Our Great Troops for Years, and threw his Purple Heart Medal that he never even deserved over the White House fence.

  2. ...and why should I care about what happens outside of America's borders? Sparta only sent two generals to Syracuse, Sicily to deal with the Athenian invaders? why does it take us so many more generals, and billions in weapons to deal with Russians or Arabs?

  3. Those damn "Collage kids" and professors at our "best collages". LOL!

  4. Oh... this one -- Hawk. Looks authentic.

    Well, he was writing here before too.

  5. ChatGTP needs to change identities?

    See, people DO like to rant/scream. When they stop using their words, THAT is when the violence begins.

  6. Hawk looks like an authentic crazy person. But, as a crazy person himself, Qtard can't recognize crazy when it sees it. It cannot recognize how crazy it is itself. It projects it's mental illness onto people who are sane, such as myself. It imagines these sane people writing things they never did and then, mocks said person, repeating "never said it?" over and over.

    Only because the sane person pointed out that they never said what Qtard claims they did. And it's seriously mentally ill brain comes up with crazy explanations as to why the person is denying writing something they never did. Like multiple personalities and "histerical" blindness. Which apparently explains why I can't see Qtard's delusions.

  7. Minus: When they stop using their words, THAT is when the violence begins.

    "Stop the Steal" are words that lead to violence.

  8. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...
    Hawk looks like an authentic crazy person. But, as a crazy person himself, Qtard can't recognize crazy when it sees it. It cannot recognize how crazy it is itself. It projects it's mental illness onto people who are sane, such as myself.

    Sane :-))))

    Babbling bullshit... and completely forgeting about it. Thinks it "somebody else" said it.

    Asylums FULL of such "sane". :-)))))

    Oh... I forgot.

    And imagining oneself to be another person. Like "honorary judge". ;-P

    \\Only because the sane person pointed out that they never said what Qtard claims they did. And it's

    Only... that "sane" freakingly CANNOT proove its words with any QUOTE.

    While "crazy"... doing it every time. ;-P

    \\Like multiple personalities and "histerical" blindness. Which apparently explains why I can't see Qtard's delusions.

    Derpy just conmfirmed having split personality anf histerical blindness. ;-P

  9. "Stop the Steal" are words that lead to violence.

    Only because you continue stealing.

  10. Acta non verba, Derv. Words are NOT violence, no matter what Zizek says.

  11. ...and you've had your warning. My conscience is clear.

  12. Qtard: Babbling bullshit... and completely forgeting about it. Thinks it "somebody else" said it. Asylums FULL of such "sane".

    So why haven't you been committed yet? Or do they let you use the internet at the asylum where you reside?

    Qtard: Oh... I forgot. And imagining oneself to be another person. Like "honorary judge".

    Ok. So all those times previously when you babbled about an "honorary judge", you were talking about yourself. I got it.

    Qtard: Only... that "sane" freakingly CANNOT proove its words with any QUOTE.

    Insane person cannot ever remember what it said. Thinks a quote will remind it. But then still cannot remember.

    Qtard: While "crazy"... doing it every time.

    No. Though at least you know who is sane and who is crazy. For now. Surely you will forget, though.

    Qtard: \\Like multiple personalities and "histerical" blindness. Which apparently explains why I can't see Qtard's delusions\\ Derpy just conmfirmed having split personality anf histerical blindness.

    Your alter ego "Derpy". Yeah. And you too.

    Minus: Only because you continue stealing.

    Preparing to make the false accusation again? Like, in 2024 when Joe Biden is reelected?

    Minus: Acta non verba, Derv. Words are NOT violence, no matter what Zizek says. ...and you've had your warning. My conscience is clear.

    Yup. Minus knows Joe Biden will win again. And is promising false stealing accusations followed by magaturd violence.

    Surely committed by "patriots" who, exactly like the "fathers founders" will rise up to overthrow a tyrant. But fail.

    The National Guard will be ready, Minus. To arrest more "patriots". Kill them if necessary.

  13. \\So why haven't you been committed yet? Or do they let you use the internet at the asylum where you reside?

    Now... when I know for sure, that you have disorder that makes you saying "you" instead of "I".

    Your words start making sense.

    So... which of alter-egos will answers to this questions IT asking to itself? ;-P

    \\Ok. So all those times previously when you babbled about an "honorary judge", you were talking about yourself. I got it.

    Yet one self-revealing blurt, which reveals a lot behind that you-I bulshit. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Only... that "sane" freakingly CANNOT proove its words with any QUOTE.

    \\Insane person cannot ever remember what it said. Thinks a quote will remind it. But then still cannot remember.

    My condolences.

    To Your Insanity Dervish Sanders. ;-P


    \\No. Though at least you know who is sane and who is crazy. For now. Surely you will forget, though.

    Oh, I see. You even accustomed to your histerical blindness.

    \\Your alter ego "Derpy". Yeah. And you too.


    Just substitute "you" with "I"... and it starts make some sense. ;-P

    \\The National Guard will be ready, Minus. To arrest more "patriots". Kill them if necessary.


    Totalitarian Derpy planning armed revolution. With killing opponents.

  14. Qtard: Now... when I know for sure, that you have disorder that makes you saying "you" instead of "I".

    In your delusions you "know for sure".

    Qtard: Your words start making sense.

    Said "your" instead of "my"? But your words rarely make sense. Continue to get crazier.

    Qtard: So... which of alter-egos will answers to this questions IT asking to itself?

    I dunno. Maybe you will tell us? Which alter ego of yours answers?

    Qtard: \\Ok. So all those times previously when you babbled about an "honorary judge", you were talking about yourself. I got it\\ Yet one self-revealing blurt, which reveals a lot behind that you-I bulshit.

    Sure thing, "honorary judge Qtard".

    Qtard: Only... that "sane" freakingly CANNOT proove its words with any QUOTE\\ insane person cannot ever remember what it said. Thinks a quote will remind it. But then still cannot remember\\ My condolences. To Your Insanity Dervish Sanders.

    You feel sorry for insanity? To be inflicted with Qtard? Poor insanity...

    Qtard: \\No. Though at least you know who is sane and who is crazy. For now. Surely you will forget, though\\ Oh, I see. You even accustomed to your histerical blindness.

    See. Forgot already.

    Qtard: \\Your alter ego "Derpy". Yeah. And you too\\ Just substitute "you" with "I"... and it starts make some sense.

    To someone who is insane?

    Qtard: \\The National Guard will be ready, Minus. To arrest more "patriots". Kill them if necessary\\ Yap. Totalitarian Derpy planning armed revolution. With killing opponents.

    But you will be arrested. Or killed. When you try to revolt against the far-far away government. If you disappear we will assume that's what happened. Either that or you got constrained by a straightjacket and taken away. Locked up in an asylum. For your protection. As well as the protection of others you wish to harm.

    Voices in your head telling you to kill. Like gay people. As you have revealed here.

  15. Qtard: Totalitarian Derpy planning armed revolution. With killing opponents.

    Because that is your alter ego Totalitarian Derpy's "human right", yes? Or so your delusions tell you.

  16. Perfect Cringing! ;-P

  17. Qtard's delusions are causing it to see imaginary cringing again. Or maybe it's talking about itself? Who knows how its crazy mind works.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. It get's better with every cringe.

  20. Young AmericanJ ewish Students in Harvard, and many other American Collages are calling for a cease-fire in the Middle East, thay are UN-Lawfully shutting down the bridge near Boston University.... Is this what our Tax-Payers are paying for” Is this what are sending our children to the best Schools in the country for?
    There Pro-Palestinian protesters are blocking traffic on bridges in Boston and San Francisco during rush hour in the morning traffic to call for a cease-fire in Gaza as Israel continues to target the Hamas leadership more than a month after the militant group’s deadly incursion into Israel. These IGNORANT “students” were climbing up buildings to Tear Down American Flags, and wave Palistinians Flags instead. !

    On the Boston University bridge, the group “IfNotNow”, which says it represents members of Boston’s Jewish community, chanted “Cease-fire now!” and demanded that Sen. Elizabeth Warren, support a immediate cease-fire and use her influence to stop the Israeli government’s military retaliation in Gaza.

    The protest slowed traffic to a trickle on the bridge, which connects Boston and Cambridge, as the group held signs that said, “Let Gaza Live,” and unfurled a banner across the roadway that read, “Jews say: Ceasefire now.”

    “We care about Palestinian lives; we only want to hurt Hamas,” one protester on the bridge told NBC Boston, while another said, “There can’t be peace for Jews unless there is peace for Palestinians.”
    These violent, and Savagely Hamas face an existential threat at the hands of the Israeli Defense Forces and desperately needs a cease-fire to escape, re-group, and re-arm. The American Progressive Communists are trying desperately to keep the conflict alive, but the .Israeli Defense Forces will hear NO part of it. Not after the Disgusting Attack that they performed on Oct. 7th.
    The blinders are off. The Progressive Socialist Democratic party is mostly openly “Antisemitic” and openly champions genocide against the Israeli ’s. and they will feel the consequences of what they had done. Jamaal Bowman of New York.
    Al Green of Texas, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.
    Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and especially Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, among others will feel the Wrath, and the indignation, of the October 7th attack. .They are the New Nazi Party of the Modern World. And it won’t be forgotten. This Party is Despicable! Those are the people of the Democratic party who declined to endorse a resolution to Condemn the “Barbaric War” launched by the Hamas Terrorists against Israel.

  21. "Nothing spoils a good story more than the arrival of an eye witness." --Mark Twain

  22. These students are being radicalized by the administration in these universities around the country.

  23. A Proud Member of the FJB CommunityNovember 17, 2023 at 7:51 AM


  24. These students are being radicalized by the administration in these universities around the country.

    Tell me something new. I read the SDS' Port Huron Statement of 1962. I believed that they intended to do what they said. Didn't you?

  25. Minus: I believed that they intended to do what they said.

    Do you know what they intended to?

    The 25,700-word statement issued a non-ideological call for participatory democracy, based on non-violent civil disobedience and the idea that individual citizens could help make the social decisions which determined their quality of life.

    How are you getting "radicalized" from that? You oppose participatory democracy? Maybe support it if only trumpturds are allowed to vote?

    You do want to stop as many people from voting as possible. And for donald tRump to be president for life.

    Is there a section of the document that expresses support for Hamas?

  26. Their "Calls"" were "non-ideological"? Just statements of facts, I suppose? LOL!

    Try reading the part about "The University and Social Change"

    Tell me there's not a plan to seize power and implement an ideology in it.

  27. To turn these mythic possibilities into realities will involve national efforts at university reform by an alliance of students and faculty. They must wrest control of the educational process from the administrative bureaucracy. They must make fraternal and functional contact with allies in labor, civil rights, and other liberal forces outside the campus. They must import major public issues into the curriculum--research and teaching on problems of war and peace is an outstanding example. They must make debate and controversy, not dull pedantic cant, the common style for educational life. They must consciously build a base for their assault upon the loci of power.

    As students for a democratic society, we are committed to stimulating this kind of social movement, this kind of vision and program in campus and community across the country.

    Nope... no ideologies there... @@

  28. Someone can think that it would benefit democracy for everyone to participate -- and still have your own idealogical point of view. That does sound like something you would not understand though.

  29. \\Qtard: Now... when I know for sure, that you have disorder that makes you saying "you" instead of "I".

    \\In your delusions you "know for sure".



    That everybody can see in this blog. ;-P

    What an utterly screwed brains De-Ru-Pun... gonna on a sprea of DENYing own words... EVEN JUST SAID.

    Or that is just a sore loser state of it's rotten coconut? :-)))))

    \\Said "your" instead of "my"? But your words rarely make sense. Continue to get crazier.


    And you as sane and smart person, can analise em and show with facts and logic -- where and how that words are insane?


    Because you are idiot. And crazy bonker... who can only cringe and scream in high pitch at some smart ace doing it with your words. ;-P


    \\Qtard: So... which of alter-egos will answers to this questions IT asking to itself?

    \\I dunno. Maybe you will tell us? Which alter ego of yours answers?


    Because all ALL of your alter-egos is same dumb asses as you are... naturally, because they sharing same rotten coconut -- your brain. Brain of a body that going by Dervish Sanders nickname. ;-P

    But it will start screaming: "noooo, it's not true!!! Derivsh sanders it YOUR alter-ego!!!"

    YES???? :-)))))))

    To make it EVEN MORE insanely stooooooopid.

    Please. DO IT! :-)))))))))

    \\Sure thing, "honorary judge Qtard".


    Now you admitting that "Qtard" as your own alter-ego?

    As there is ONLY YOU... was one calling itself "honorary judge". ;-P

    \\You feel sorry for insanity? To be inflicted with Qtard? Poor insanity...

    I dunno how your alter-ego "Qtard" inflicted insanity in you... but, you are free to elaborate it here.

    And well, obvioiusly, state of insane people are pitifull.

    So normal people do pity em. Trying to make em get well. Placing in asylums.

    Are youa sking me to report you, this way? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\No. Though at least you know who is sane and who is crazy. For now. Surely you will forget, though\\ Oh, I see. You even accustomed to your histerical blindness.

    \\See. Forgot already.


    You already forgot bein crazy? Or what? :-)))))

    \\To someone who is insane?

    I dunno. You tell. You are ONLY ONE who are qualified here -- to tell what insane people seeing as "sane". ;-P

    Like here.

    \\But you will be arrested. Or killed. When you try to revolt against the far-far away government. If you disappear we will assume that's what happened. Either that or you got constrained by a straightjacket and taken away. Locked up in an asylum. For your protection. As well as the protection of others you wish to harm.

    You revealed your delusions about revolting. ;-P

    Or that is your fear. Reason you do not like to come out of your basment? :-)))))

    \\Voices in your head telling you to kill. Like gay people. As you have revealed here.


    That was your self-revelations. YOUR OWN WORDS.

    That was not based on anything discussed here before. Just out of the blue Dervish Samders started talking about killing gays... ;-P

    Showing with it... what's on it's rotten coconut mind. :-))))))

  30. Qtard: As there is ONLY YOU... was one calling itself "honorary judge".

    Never did.

    Qtard: I dunno how your alter-ego "Qtard" inflicted insanity in you... but, you are free to elaborate it here. And well, obvioiusly, state of insane people are pitifull. So normal people do pity em. Trying to make em get well. Placing in asylums.

    So why aren't you in one?

    Qtard: Are youa sking me to report you, this way?

    Go ahead.

    Qtard: \\No. Though at least you know who is sane and who is crazy. For now. Surely you will forget...\\ Oh, I see. You even accustomed to your histerical blindness\\See. Forgot already. You already forgot bein crazy? Or what?

    I dunno that you have ever been aware of your insanity. Therefore how could you "remember" being crazy?

    Qtard: I dunno. You tell. You are ONLY ONE who are qualified here -- to tell what insane people seeing as "sane".

    Asking yourself?

    Qtard: Like here...\\But you will be arrested. Or killed. When you try to revolt against the far-far away government. If you disappear we will assume that's what happened. Either that or you got constrained by a straightjacket and taken away. Locked up in an asylum. For your protection. As well as the protection of others you wish to harm\\ You revealed your delusions about revolting.

    No. Qtard has delusions about revolting. It keeps comparing the J6 insurrectionists to the Founding Fathers. Even though the Founding Fathers revolted against monarchy. While the J6 insurrectionists were revolting against democracy. Because they didn't like the results of a fair election that they voted in (or could have).

    Qtard: Or that is your fear. Reason you do not like to come out of your basment?

    I'm not in a basement. Or a "basment". Building I live in does not have a basement.

    Qtard: \\Voices in your head telling you to kill. Like gay people. As you have revealed here\\ Yap. That was your self-revelations. YOUR OWN WORDS. That was not based on anything discussed here before.

    It was. We were discussing human rights. The right to life being the most important one. I pointed out that that human right is violated in countries where being gay is a crime. And you can be executed for being gay. But Qtard does not care. Because Qtard does not care about human rights.

    Qtard: Just out of the blue Dervish Samders started talking about killing gays...

    No. I didn't discuss it out of the blue. Maybe "Dervish Samders" did? In your delusions? How should I know?

  31. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: As there is ONLY YOU... was one calling itself "honorary judge".

    \\Never did.

    Such a stooopid lie. :-)))))

    Buit you are I-D-I-O-T not for nothing. :-))))))

    \\So why aren't you in one?

    Definitely, you are crazy. That's why you asking such a question?

    \\I dunno that you have ever been aware of your insanity. Therefore how could you "remember" being crazy?

    And why you asking? Trying to compare with own experience?

    Too bad. Cannot say anything to you.

    Not an expert. ;-P

    \\Qtard: I dunno. You tell. You are ONLY ONE who are qualified here -- to tell what insane people seeing as "sane".

    \\Asking yourself?


    Im sitting like that. Saying "I dunno". And then asking empty space "You say"... oh, shit. But. That is NOT empty space. That is a public blog. And there's some Derpish Sadners which listening and answering.

    While trying to play it like it not... because it crazy? Or thinking that playing crazy is good tactics to show own intellectual superiority???


    What a bona fide crazy dummy. :-)))))

    \\No. Qtard has delusions about revolting. It keeps comparing the J6 insurrectionists to the Founding Fathers. Even though the Founding Fathers revolted against monarchy.

    Consitutional Monarchy, Derp.

    Against the rules instituted by the We the People and for the We the People.

    \\I'm not in a basement. Or a "basment". Building I live in does not have a basement.


    And we MUST believe to your mere words... though we saw it so DEMN often that you LYING. Absolutely rediculously. Counter-factually. ;-P

    \\It was. We were discussing human rights. The right to life being the most important one.

    Naaah. Right to have Freedom. Own body autonomy. Right to decide for yourself.

    Slaves... can have "right to life" garantied. But have no freedom.

    Your words here -- is the Subversion of what Human Rigts is.

    And why I am not surprised???

    Because you are crazy religious bonker and totalitarian wannabe.


    \\No. I didn't discuss it out of the blue. Maybe "Dervish Samders" did? In your delusions? How should I know?




    There is NOT, NEVER, NOWHERE all that writings recorded. And easily accessible, to be re-read.

    And they was not written under nickname and account Dervish Sdners.

    And this is not shallow lie and idiotic pretence of crazy dude Derpy... who using that nickname and account...


  32. Qtard: Naaah. Right to have Freedom. Own body autonomy. Right to decide for yourself.

    Qtard thinks someone who is dead cares about any other right? Says, "I am dead, but at least I have my other rights"?

    Qtard: Slaves... can have "right to life" garantied. But have no freedom.

    So Qtard thinks slave (if given the choice) between no freedom and freedom that comes with death would choose death? Every time?

    Qtard: Your words here -- is the Subversion of what Human Rigts is.


    Qtard: And why I am not surprised???

    Because you are an idiot.

    Qtard: Because you are crazy religious bonker and totalitarian wannabe.

    Your alter ego?

    Qtard: \\No. I didn't discuss it out of the blue. Maybe "Dervish Samders" did? In your delusions? How should I know?\\ Yap. Sure. HOW??? There is NOT, NEVER, NOWHERE all that writings recorded. And easily accessible, to be re-read. And they was not written under nickname and account Dervish Sdners.

    There are no comments on this blog authored by "Dervish Snders".

    Qtard: And this is not shallow lie and idiotic pretence of crazy dude Derpy... who using that nickname and account...

    I never used the nickname "Dervish Snders".

  33. \\I never used the nickname "Dervish Snders".

    Perfect Cringing. ;-P

    \\There are no comments on this blog authored by "Dervish Snders".

    Yet One Prefect Cringing. ;-P

    \\So Qtard thinks slave (if given the choice) between no freedom and freedom that comes with death would choose death? Every time?

    Go ask Spartacus. Or Jewish Zealots. Or... well, many-many people, through ages.

    \\Qtard thinks someone who is dead cares about any other right? Says, "I am dead, but at least I have my other rights"?


    Exactly what totalitarian despots like liliPut and Xi COUNT on.

  34. Derpy gone consulting with his liliPut? :-)))

  35. Qtard likes the idea of "freeing" people by killing them. Qtard and Putin are on the same page. Putin is "freeing" Ukrainians from Nazi rule by killing them.

    Qtard supports "freeing" Palestinian "accomplices" by killing them. Or them killing themselves -- by trying to arrest Hamas fighters.

    Qtard pretends to support human rights. Except for the right to life. Qtard openingly opposes that one.

  36. What a nasty fellow that your delusional alter-ego "Qtard".


  37. And how's your consulting with liliPut?

  38. Qtard: What a nasty fellow that your delusional alter-ego "Qtard".

    Which of your alter egos are you telling? About the nastiness of your "Qtard" alter ego?

    Qtard: And how's your consulting with liliPut?

    Google says "LiLiPUT, initially known as Kleenex, were a Swiss punk rock band formed in Zürich in 1978".

    You are a big fan? You talk about them ALL the time. I have never heard any of their music. Never consulted with them.

  39. Perfect Cringing! :-)))))

  40. Self encouragement. Yawn.

  41. :-)))))))) = Qtard cringing.

  42. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

  43. Qtard cringes MOAR!

  44. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue dumb ass. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

  45. More cringing. Yawn.

  46. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  47. Yet more cringing!

  48. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  49. The cringing never ends!

  50. Yep. Continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  51. The cringing is boring me. Just insane laughter.

  52. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000
