Saturday, November 11, 2023

Got Health? You May not want Free Health"Care".

That which does not kill me simply keeps on tryin'...


  1. US doctors force people to have sex changes? And they're free? I thought that was just in the military. But optional, not mandatory. Who knew?

  2. Is that what you did? How'd that work out for you? How long ago did you start transitioning?

  3. Yes, I no longer take them. I grew up and became the man that G_d had intended me to be.

  4. What you're saying is that you were born female? But knew God intended you to be a man? Don't you still need the hormone blockers then?

  5. No, I'm saying that when you're a child, many hormones are naturally suppressed, but when you reach adolescence, the hormones are no longer blocked. It's called "<a href='">natural human sexual development</a>". And no, you don't need any prescriptions from the medical establishment officials. :)

  6. No, I'm saying that when you're a child, many hormones are naturally suppressed, but when you reach adolescence, the hormones are no longer blocked. It's called "natural human sexual development". And no, you don't need any prescriptions from the medical establishment officials. :)

  7. So, what you think is that (pre-puberty) hormones are present but being blocked? As opposed to hormones not being produced (pre-puberty) and then production of them starting with puberty? Is that an alternate human biology fact?

  8. Ha-ha-ha... trying to explain to an idiot how DNA works? :-)))))

  9. We were discussing hormones, not genes or DNA.

  10. Idiot.

    As I said.

    Hormones working through DNA.

    And DNA and genes it's one and the same thing. ;-P

    As I said... you are know nothing idiot. :-)))))

    But continue-continue.

    It's very entertaining.

    Go say something more.

    Like of what Moon made? What type of cheese? :-)))))))

  11. Qtard: As I said. Hormones working through DNA.

    You didn't. Well, maybe you said it. Out loud. Thought that meant I could hear what you said. I didn't. I can't.

    Qtard: And DNA and genes it's one and the same thing

    No. Genes are DNA segments. If I'm talking about a segment of something that doesn't mean I'm talking about the entire thing.

    Qtard: Like of what Moon made? What type of cheese?

    You tell me. It's your delusions telling you the moon is made of cheese.

  12. \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: As I said. Hormones working through DNA.

    \\You didn't. Well, maybe you said it. Out loud. Thought that meant I could hear what you said. I didn't. I can't.

    FJ said -- ABOVE!

    Repeated THREE TIMES!!!

    That's why *I* reacted to it.

    \\Qtard: And DNA and genes it's one and the same thing

    \\No. Genes are DNA segments. If I'm talking about a segment of something that doesn't mean I'm talking about the entire thing.

    DNA SOLE use is in DMA double-helix -- where our genes stored.

    And all and any genes -- made of DNA.

    One to one correspondence.

    And there is NO gene which cam work ALONE.

    ALL genome needed.

    You use of words just confirmed JUST ONE TIME that you are ignorant I-D-I-O-T. ;-P

    That trying to pose itself being knowledgible.

    And fails. EVERY damn time.

    Which is -- hilarious! As Hell.

    \\Qtard: Like of what Moon made? What type of cheese?

    \\You tell me. It's your delusions telling you the moon is made of cheese.


    Ignorant I-D-I-O-T. :-))))))

  13. Qtard: FJ said -- ABOVE! Repeated THREE TIMES!!! That's why *I* reacted to it.

    I don't see anything repeated three times. Qtard is talking about its delusions again. And since when does anyone react to what someone else has written with "like I said"? Now you think you are Minus FJ? There is nobody here commenting but you and your alter egos?

    Qtard (as it admitted in another thread) even sees me as one of its alter egos. Due to its bigly insanity.

    Qtard: And DNA and genes it's one and the same thing\\No. Genes are DNA segments. If I'm talking about a segment of something that doesn't mean I'm talking about the entire thing\\DNA SOLE use is in DMA double-helix -- where our genes stored. And all and any genes -- made of DNA.

    But all DNA is not made of genes.

    Google says "Do genes make up 100% of DNA? Genes as they've traditionally been understood – as stretches of DNA that code for proteins – are just a small part of an organism's genome. In fact, they make up less than 2% of human DNA.

    Qtard: One to one correspondence. And there is NO gene which cam work ALONE. ALL genome needed. You use of words just confirmed JUST ONE TIME that you are ignorant I-D-I-O-T. That trying to pose itself being knowledgible. And fails. EVERY damn time. Which is -- hilarious! As Hell.

    "knowledgible" Qtard thinks non-gene component of DNA... that's genes too. Somehow. A gene is a segment of DNA that codes for a particular polypeptide or protein. The genes are located on the chromosomes and determine all of our hereditary traits. Humans have approximately 20000 genes. Only about 1-1.5% of the human genome contains protein-coding sequences of DNA, which are the genes. Scientists are studying the purpose of the rest of the 99% of the DNA.

    A fact Qtard dunno. Will never know. Because -- you can lead a Qtard to facts, but you can't get a Qtard to think. Or accept those facts. Like the fact above. To Qtard it is just "listen to me, I'm an expert" babbling.

    Qtard: Like of what Moon made? What type of cheese?\\You tell me. It's your delusions telling you the moon is made of cheese\\ Yeah. Ignorant I-D-I-O-T.

    Calling yourself an ignorant idiot. I agree. Looks like we're not going to find out what type of cheese you think the moon is made of though. Not that I care.

  14. Wasn’t that “Protesting” in Washington DC by the Pro-Palestinians an Insurrection!
    Or is it only an Insurrection! When Republic Trump Supporter do it?

  15. The latter. It's a one-party State.

  16. \\I don't see anything repeated three times.

    Of course.

    Cause you are moron.

    Yawn. ;-P

    \\ Now you think you are Minus FJ? There is nobody here commenting but you and your alter egos?

    Funny ideas come to your crazy mind.

    But, continue-cotinue. ;-P

    \\But all DNA is not made of genes.

    As I said. Idiot.

    DNA it's Desoxy Nucleotic Aminoacid -- CHEMICAL compaund.

    Of course it CANNOT be made of genes.

    Because GENE -- that is LOGICAL element of double-helix.

    While DNA is PHYSICAL.

    That is DIFFERENT facets of SAME THING.

    Seeing it from different side.

    But well... to whom I saying that.

    I-D-I-O-T Derpy UNABLE to grok anything like that -- because it is miserly brain-damaged imbecile.

    \\Google says "Do genes make up 100% of DNA? Genes as they've traditionally been understood – as stretches of DNA that code for proteins – are just a small part of an organism's genome. In fact, they make up less than 2% of human DNA.


    Idiot thinking that excerpts from Google could make it look knowledgible. :-))))))

    \\"knowledgible" Qtard thinks non-gene component of DNA... that's genes too. Somehow.

    Of course they are.

    Ignorant Derpy just trying to pretend that it knows anything about genes and DNA here.

    Through giving excerpts from Google. He... itself, sees first time in his life. Yes, De-Ru-Pun??? :-))))))))))

    \\Calling yourself an ignorant idiot. I agree. Looks like we're not going to find out what type of cheese you think the moon is made of though. Not that I care.

    Go Google... maybe Google will tell you. ;-P

    But you are ignorant imbecile -- and have NO interest to know ANYTHING. ;-P



  17. Qtard: \\I don't see anything repeated three times\\ Of course. Cause you are moron.

    Because nothing was repeated 3 times. You could quote the 3 times if that were the case. But you did not. Just called names.

    Qtard: DNA it's Desoxy Nucleotic Aminoacid.

    It isn't. There is no such thing as what you spelled.

    Qtard: CHEMICAL compaund.

    No. There is no such thing as a "chemical compaund".

    Qtard is trying to look smart. While misspelling so many words. Important ones -- consistently ALWAYS wrong.

    Qtard: Through giving excerpts from Google. He... itself, sees first time in his life. Yes, De-Ru-Pun??

    It doesn't matter what I say. You've already decided I never saw it before. Your alter ego "De-Ru-Pun" will definitely agree.

    Fact adverse idiot doesn't need any evidence to reach it's moronic conclusions. Like it's insistence that I am cringing. Based on nothing.

    Qtard: But you are ignorant imbecile -- and have NO interest to know ANYTHING.

    Talking to your alter ego. Obviously. Why you reject what experts say. Call all facts you don't like "Demn propaganda". Babble about "Demn scientists". YOU have no interest to know anything. Because YOU are happy to be an ignorant imbecil.

  18. \\Because nothing was repeated 3 times. You could quote the 3 times if that were the case. But you did not. Just called names.

    FJ's posts from
    November 13, 2023 at 1:10 PM
    November 13, 2023 at 1:11 PM
    November 14, 2023 at 4:22 PM

    But Ignorant I-D-I-O-T with hysterical blindness will say that it NOT ABLE to see em, yes, De-Ru-Pun???? :-))))))

    And it will CONTINUE claiming that I DID NOT and I COULD NOT quote it... because it DIDN'T SEE it.

    What a hi;ariously dumb fellow. :-))))))))

    That De-Ru-Pun. :-))))))

    Dervish Sanders.... :-))))))))

    Did it even don't know -- what mean that Dervish - insane bullshittalker. :-)))))

    What a FITTING name... it calling itself. :-)))))))

    \\It isn't. There is no such thing as what you spelled.


    Then go spell it correctly. ;-P

    Without asking Google. As *I* did.

    \\No. There is no such thing as a "chemical compaund".

    You really need to show itself THAT imbecilic??? :-)))))))

    A chemical compound is a chemical substance composed of many identical molecules (or molecular entities) containing atoms from more than one chemical element held together by chemical bonds. A molecule consisting of atoms of only one element is therefore not a compound.

    LOL! ROFL! Homericly!!!

    \\Fact adverse idiot doesn't need any evidence to reach it's moronic conclusions. Like it's insistence that I am cringing. Based on nothing.


    Like YOUR OWN WORDS nothing???? :-)))))

    Well, I agree. You imbecilic ignorant utterances... is nothing but (representation of) a wirlwinds blowing in your barren and enpty brains. :-))))))

    \\Why you reject what experts say.

    "Listen to me, I'm an expert"s??? :-)))))

    Of course. Because they are bullshit talker. Same as you.

    Only. They reciveing some benefits. For what they utter.

    While you do it for free. :-)))))

    \\Call all facts you don't like "Demn propaganda"

    FACTS like that Sun rising in the morning? Or that dRump not in jail?

    Have you provided ANY of such facts???


    You just repeating NOT based on any evidances uttering of some "experts".

    Whose uttering you was tough to honor, by DEMN propaganda -- means -- ANYONE who uttering something favorable for DEMNs and grave for Reps -- is an expert.

    No matter what non-facual or counter-factual BS it is.

    \\YOU have no interest to know anything.

    And you ABLE to provide ANY new knowledge to me???? :-))))


    ONLY news you have given to me so far -- that is your own imbecilic behavior.

    As that is not that often... even though World so fool of idiots... to see such an stubborn self-revealing behavior of utter imbecile.

    Usually they have atl least some shame... and scared to show their imbecility so openly. :-))))))))))

    For that, you have my utter gratitude.

    And readiness to stirr you more, MOAR!!!! :-))))

  19. \\Because YOU are happy to be an ignorant imbecil.



    Cringe for some more. MOAR!!!

    Like this.

    PERFECT CRINGING! :-))))))))

  20. I love how he claims that he only understands perfectly spoken and written English, and is incapable of a phonetic understanding. It is so cringeworthy a concept...

  21. One must suppose he thinks himself a "superior" intellect thereby?

  22. Qtard: \\Because nothing was repeated 3 times\\ FJ's posts from November 13, 2023 at 1:10 PM. November 13, 2023 at 1:11 PM. November 14, 2023 at 4:22 PM. here. But Ignorant I-D-I-O-T with hysterical blindness will say that it NOT ABLE to see em, yes, De-Ru-Pun???? And it will CONTINUE claiming that I DID NOT and I COULD NOT quote it... because it DIDN'T SEE it.

    I do not. You posted time stamps. NOT "FJ said -- ABOVE! Repeated THREE TIMES!!!".

    WHAT did FJ say above that was repeated three times? NOTHING. Why you gave no quotes. Just timestamps.

    Qtard: What a hi;ariously dumb fellow.

    Talking about yourself? I agree.

    Qtard: That De-Ru-Pun.

    Your alter ego. But what happened to "De-Ru-Pi"?

    Qtard: Dervish Sanders.... Did it even don't know -- what mean that Dervish - insane bullshittalker. What a FITTING name... it calling itself.

    Now you're calling yourself "Dervish Sanders"? Well, so does Mystere. Has a fake account he attached my blogger display name to.

    FYI, "Dervish" does not mean "insane bullshit talker".

    Qtard: \\It isn't. There is no such thing as what you spelled\\ Yawn. Then go spell it correctly. Without asking Google. As *I* did.

    Lie. You didn't spell it correctly. You spelled it incorrectly. What a moron.

    Qtard: \\No. There is no such thing as a "chemical compaund". You really need to show itself THAT imbecilic??? Wikipedia A chemical compound ... LOL! ROFL! Homericly!!!

    What does your definition of "chemical compound" have to do with your claim that such a thing as a "chemical compaund" exists?

    Qtard: \\Fact adverse idiot doesn't need any evidence to reach it's moronic conclusions. Like it's insistence that I am cringing. Based on nothing\\ Nothing. Like YOUR OWN WORDS nothing????

    No. My owns words display zero cringing. So... based on nothing. Confirmed. Well... based on your delusions.

    Qtard: Well, I agree. You imbecilic ignorant utterances... is nothing but (representation of) a wirlwinds blowing in your barren and enpty brains.

    You say to one of your alter egos?

    Qtard: \\Why you reject what experts say\\ "Listen to me, I'm an expert"s??? Of course. Because they are bullshit talker. Same as you.

    So, Qtard did its own research into DNA and genes? That's how it knows about these things? It can't be because it listened to an expert. Because experts are all "bullshit talkers". As per YOU.

    I say Qtard lies. Qtard DOES listen to experts. But only experts that say things Qtard likes. Qtard says, "I like that. Therefore it is true". And ALL facts to Qtard are political. If Qtard does not like a fact, it was presented by a "Demn scientist" or a "Demn researcher" and their conclusions are therefore "bullshit talking". Qtard doesn't care about evidence, only how it feels about the facts in question.

    Qtard: Only. They reciveing some benefits. For what they utter.

    Because they are experts. People value their expertise. Well, smart people do. Not morons like you. Morons like you insult them. Call them liars.

    Qtard: While you do it for free.

    I do what for free? Bullshit talk? I don't. You do. Or is this an example of you using "you" when you mean "I" (as you previously confessed to doing)?

    Qtard: \\Call all facts you don't like "Demn propaganda"\\ FACTS like that Sun rising in the morning? Or that dRump not in jail?

    These might be the only facts Qtard knows. Soon one of them will be false.

    Qtard: Have you provided ANY of such facts???

    Many times.

  23. Qtard: You just repeating NOT based on any evidances uttering of some "experts".

    Experts ALWAYS base conclusions based on evidences. Maybe incomplete evidence leads them to wrong conclusions. Maybe they even massaged the evidences to get the results they want. Those are definitely the kind of experts Qtard likes. But conclusions based on NO evidences? Qtard does not have a clue what its babbling about.

    Qtard: Whose uttering you was tough to honor, by DEMN propaganda -- means -- ANYONE who uttering something favorable for DEMNs and grave for Reps -- is an expert.

    No. Experts have degrees and/or experience. Have proven that they know what they are talking about. Collect data and do research. This isn't "anyone".

    Qtard: No matter what non-facual or counter-factual BS it is.

    Sounds like the kind of "facts" you like.

    Qtard: \\YOU have no interest to know anything\\ And you ABLE to provide ANY new knowledge to me???? Naaah.

    I've provided it. But you refuse to accept it. As we have covered many times. You call it "Demn propaganda".

    Qtard: ONLY news you have given to me so far -- that is your own imbecilic behavior. As that is not that often... even though World so fool of idiots... to see such an stubborn self-revealing behavior of utter imbecile. Usually they have atl least some shame... and scared to show their imbecility so openly.

    So... NO cringing. Confirmed. Thanky for admitting you've been lying about that.

    Qtard: \\Because YOU are happy to be an ignorant imbecile\\ Yes. Please. Cringe for some more. MOAR!!!

    Well. That didn't last long. Back to babbling about its cringing delusions. Even though you JUST disproved your own cringing allegations. To cringe I'd have to have some shame. And (as per you) I don't.

    Though it is Qtard who should be ashamed of its extremely moronity. But it is obviously very proud of it.

  24. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    One must suppose he thinks himself a "superior" intellect thereby?


    If it do not understand something -- it call it stoopid.

    While smart people when not understad something -- thinking that THEY are stoopid... not smart enough, and need to improve.

    Which is utter idiotic concept, in the eyes of "all-wise" De-Ru-Pun. :-)))

    \\I do not. You posted time stamps. NOT "FJ said -- ABOVE! Repeated THREE TIMES!!!".


    You seems like liking it -- showing itself imbecile? :-))))))

    Well, whatever rolls your fool's cart. :-)))))))

    \\Qtard: What a hi;ariously dumb fellow.

    \\Talking about yourself? I agree.

    And you can provide some plausible explanation -- why that could be me talking about myself??? :-))))))))))

    And not JUST ONE MORE demnstation -- with your BEHAVIOR, with YOUR OWN WORDS.

    What an idiot... Dervish Sadners are. :-))))))

    \\Qtard: That De-Ru-Pun.

    \\Your alter ego. But what happened to "De-Ru-Pi"?


    Derpy do not like to admit how De-Ru-Punned it is??? :-))))))))

    \\Qtard: Dervish Sanders.... Did it even don't know -- what mean that Dervish - insane bullshittalker. What a FITTING name... it calling itself.

    \\Now you're calling yourself "Dervish Sanders"?

    I. LIKE IT.

    Go. Do it.

    Do it MOAR!!!!!

    Showing itself complete idiot -- writing under self-revealing nickname Dervish (means Idiot) Sadners... but then claiming that that was somebody ELSE.

    Which only PROVES my point -- that that is a crazy man, with multi-personality disorder and bunch of other deficiencies.

    Cheers! :-)))))

    \\FYI, "Dervish" does not mean "insane bullshit talker".


    Because dictionaries are ALL WRONG??? :-))))))

    And Google are somehow "republiturd", and Anti-Dervish Sadners??? :-)))))

    Go reveal MOAR of your crazy thjought herwe.

    \\Lie. You didn't spell it correctly. You spelled it incorrectly. What a moron.


    I -- know that thing.

    You -- not.

    All you can do, claim it was "spelled incorrecty". But...

    NOT able to provide CORRECT spelling. ;-P

    Or... you are free to demonstrate you smarts -- and give CORRECT spelling.

    And eXPLAIN what it mean? Ah, idiot De-Ru-Pun???

    But you will not. Because you are I-D-I-O-T. :-))))))


  25. \\What does your definition of "chemical compound" have to do with your claim that such a thing as a "chemical compaund" exists?

    Just one typo... and it makes you unable to grok it?

    Well... definitely, as you are I-D-I-O-T. ;-P

    \\No. My owns words display zero cringing. So... based on nothing. Confirmed. Well... based on your delusions.


    Such words as "I NEVER said it" especially.

    Definitely NOT cringing. Oh, yeah. :-))))))))

    \\So, Qtard did its own research into DNA and genes? That's how it knows about these things? It can't be because it listened to an expert. Because experts are all "bullshit talkers". As per YOU.

    Do you know such word -- hybridisation?

    Of course you don't.

    Cause you are I-D-I-O-T.


    \\I say Qtard lies. Qtard DOES listen to experts. But only experts that say things Qtard likes. Qtard says, "I like that. Therefore it is true". And ALL facts to Qtard are political. If Qtard does not like a fact, it was presented by a "Demn scientist" or a "Demn researcher" and their conclusions are therefore "bullshit talking". Qtard doesn't care about evidence, only how it feels about the facts in question.


    PERFECT descripion of behavior of your alter-ego "Qtard". ;-P

    \\Because they are experts. People value their expertise. Well, smart people do. Not morons like you. Morons like you insult them. Call them liars.

    Expertise -- it's knowing FACTS of Reality.

    Therefore TRUE experts -- CAN point to the FACTS of Reality. Some intrinsic dependenceies between them.

    Your "listen to me, I'm an expert" -- not.

    That's why they are FAKE.


    Like for example expert in astronomy -- he can say when next eclipse will happen, and where it can be seen -- and people can go and see it for themself.

    Unlike "expert in astrology".... ;-P

    But. For Derpy the I-D-I-O-T... it is not only not apparent what's the difference between then two. It even in its idiocy -- thinking that "expert in astrology" are TRUE one. :-))))))))

    \\I do what for free? Bullshit talk? I don't. You do. Or is this an example of you using "you" when you mean "I" (as you previously confessed to doing)?



    Do it MOAR.

    Yu silly tryes to use MY words against me. :-)))))))

    That is... MOST hilarious. :-)))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Call all facts you don't like "Demn propaganda"\\ FACTS like that Sun rising in the morning? Or that dRump not in jail?

    \\These might be the only facts Qtard knows. Soon one of them will be false.


    That's just facts I found such an I-D-I-O-T as De-Ru-Pun CAN still admit being facts.

    Because cannot lie against em. Too obvious. Too self-revealing.

    All other, more complex facts it "*DO* deny"... because it miserly mind capacity NOT able to grasp em. ;-P

    That rotten coconut of a brain of Dervish Sadners. ;-P

    \\Many times.


    You many times have said "many times".

    I admit it. That is a FACT. :-))))))))


  26. \\Experts ALWAYS base conclusions based on evidences.

    And WHERE's that evidances???

    "WE will not show it, because that is secret"??? :-))))))

    \\Maybe incomplete evidence leads them to wrong conclusions. Maybe they even massaged the evidences to get the results they want. Those are definitely the kind of experts Qtard likes.


    Derpy's alter-ego named "Qtard".

    \\But conclusions based on NO evidences? Qtard does not have a clue what its babbling about.


    Or "proofs" that dRump are guilty. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Whose uttering you was tough to honor, by DEMN propaganda -- means -- ANYONE who uttering something favorable for DEMNs and grave for Reps -- is an expert.

    \\No. Experts have degrees and/or experience.

    Degree in "trumpology"??? Experience in calling dRump guilty??? :-))))))

    I know. MANY DEMNs are such "experts" today. :-))))))))

    And name to them... to that horde of experts -- Legion.

    \\Have proven that they know what they are talking about.

    Proved with WHAT????

    Some more babbling??? Some more "listen to me, I'm an expert"??? :-))))

    \\Collect data and do research. This isn't "anyone".


    Neither data, no methods and results of research they NEVER provide. ;-P

    Because De-Ru-Pun the Idiotic Clown think that that is how Science and Experitise works. :-))))))))

    By concealing access to data, not revealing methods, not providing chain of logical conclusions...

    Just decided by who scream LOUDER. Who showed on TV more often. Who support and who supported by political crowd. :-))))))

    DEMN Science!

    \\Sounds like the kind of "facts" you like.


    I admit it.

    I LIKE it... to observe your idiotic behavior. With uttering such "facts" and scriching about it being "true".

    Because... tht is DEMN hilarious. :-)))))))))

    You GOT me here. :-)))))))

    \\\\Qtard: \\YOU have no interest to know anything\\ And you ABLE to provide ANY new knowledge to me???? Naaah.

    \\I've provided it. But you refuse to accept it. As we have covered many times. You call it "Demn propaganda".

    Of course.

    Because it is NOT new. And not a knowladge.

    Just DEMN BS.


    \\Qtard: ONLY news you have given to me so far -- that is your own imbecilic behavior. As that is not that often... even though World so fool of idiots... to see such an stubborn self-revealing behavior of utter imbecile. Usually they have atl least some shame... and scared to show their imbecility so openly.

    \\So... NO cringing. Confirmed. Thanky for admitting you've been lying about that.

    No cringing???

    Because you know that you are idiot? And have no shame about this fact? ;-P

    \\Well. That didn't last long. Back to babbling about its cringing delusions. Even though you JUST disproved your own cringing allegations. To cringe I'd have to have some shame. And (as per you) I don't.

    Well... if YOU say so. ;-P

  27. That was last self-revelation from Derpy? ;-P

  28. Qtard: Neither data, no methods and results of research they NEVER provide. Because De-Ru-Pun the Idiotic Clown think that that is how Science and Experitise works.

    That's because your alter ego De-Ru-Pun is a moron. As are you. Also a tinfoil hat wearing nutter.

    Qtard: By concealing access to data, not revealing methods, not providing chain of logical conclusions.

    You just made that up. What's your evidence anything like that happens? Voices in your head told you?

    Qtard: Well... if YOU say so.

    I don't. You do. Why I wrote "as per you". You have reading comprehension problems.

  29. "Demn Science" is imaginary. A product of Qtard's delusions. Delusions produced by a seriously mentally ill brain.

  30. Qtard: \\Blogger Joe Conservative said... One must suppose he thinks himself a "superior" intellect thereby?\\ Yap. If it do not understand something -- it call it stoopid.

    You can show this with a quote?

    Qtard: While smart people when not understad something -- thinking that THEY are stoopid... not smart enough, and need to improve. Which is utter idiotic concept, in the eyes of "all-wise" De-Ru-Pun.

    Your alter ego thinks this? I know I do not. You think I do? Can prove it with a quote?

    Qtard: \\I do not. You posted time stamps. NOT "FJ said -- ABOVE! Repeated THREE TIMES!!!"\\ You seems like liking it -- showing itself imbecile?

    Clearly YOU do enjoy showing yourself an imbecile. Think timestamps are quotes.

    Qtard: What a hi;ariously dumb fellow\\ Talking about yourself? I agree\\ And you can provide some plausible explanation -- why that could be me talking about myself???

    Right above. You thought timestamps were quotes that were repeated three times.

    Qtard: And not JUST ONE MORE demnstation -- with your BEHAVIOR, with YOUR OWN WORDS. What an idiot... Dervish Sadners are.

    "Dervish Sadners" is another of your alter egos? Is it sad? Because it is such an idiot?

    Qtard: That De-Ru-Pun\\ Your alter ego. But what happened to "De-Ru-Pi"?\\ Derpy do not like to admit how De-Ru-Punned it is??

    How should I know what one of your alter egos do not like to admit about another of your alter egos? I dunno what "De-Ru-Punned" means.

    Qtard: Dervish Sanders.... Did it even don't know -- what mean that Dervish - insane bullshittalker. What a FITTING name... it calling itself\\ Now you're calling yourself "Dervish Sanders"?\\ I. LIKE IT. Go. Do it.

    Well, thank you. I like my name too. But I don't like people stealing it.

    Qtard: Do it MOAR!!!!! Showing itself complete idiot -- writing under self-revealing nickname Dervish (means Idiot) Sadners...

    Nobody has ever posted under the nickname "Dervish Sadners" here. Must be something only you can see. In your delusions.

    Qtard: ...but then claiming that that was somebody ELSE. Which only PROVES my point -- that that is a crazy man, with multi-personality disorder and bunch of other deficiencies.

    Why would I claim it was someone else -- making comments that only you can see in your delusions? The comments were never made. Therefore nobody made them. Is that "someone else" to you?

    Qtard: \\..."Dervish" does not mean "insane bullshit talker"\\ Because dictionaries are ALL WRONG???

    Because dictionaries don't say that. Or... you can quote a dictionary that does?

    Qtard: And Google are somehow "republiturd", and Anti-Dervish Sadners??? Go reveal MOAR of your crazy thjought herwe.

    Maybe? In your delusions?

    Qtard: \\Lie. You didn't spell it correctly. You spelled it incorrectly. What a moron\\ Whatever. I -- know that thing. You -- not.

    I don't think you do. I think what I copied from Google -- that was the first time YOU were seeing anything like that. Then tried to look smart by telling me what DNA stands for (but spelled it wrong).

    Qtard: All you can do, claim it was "spelled incorrecty". But... NOT able to provide CORRECT spelling. Or... you are free to demonstrate you smarts -- and give CORRECT spelling. And eXPLAIN what it mean? Ah, idiot De-Ru-Pun???

    You spelled "incorrectly" wrong. LOL.

    Qtard: But you will not. Because you are I-D-I-O-T.

    How can YOU explain what it means? When the explanation comes from "listen to me, I'm an experts"? They are all bullshit talkers. You said.

    Qtard: \\What does your definition of "chemical compound" have to do with your claim that such a thing as a "chemical compaund" exists?\\ Just one typo... and it makes you unable to grok it?

    You didn't say anything about a "typo" previously. I thought it was "on purpose". Previously you claimed to misspell words on purpose.

  31. Qtard: \\No. My owns words display zero cringing. So... based on nothing. Confirmed. Well... based on your delusions\\ Such words as "I NEVER said it" especially. Definitely NOT cringing. Oh, yeah.

    How is me refuting lies from you "cringing"? I say Qtard is cringing. After being caught lying so many times. At least it should be.

    Qtard: \\So, Qtard did its own research into DNA and genes? That's how it knows about these things? It can't be because it listened to an expert. Because experts are all "bullshit talkers". As per YOU\\ Do you know such word -- hybridisation? Of course you don't. Cause you are I-D-I-O-T. Yawn.

    How could you know? Didn't an "expert" say it? Doesn't Qtard reject all knowledge that comes from experts? Because they are "bullshit talkers"? Anyway, you spelled it wrong.

    Qtard: \\I say Qtard lies. Qtard DOES listen to experts. But only experts that say things Qtard likes. Qtard says, "I like that. Therefore it is true"\\ Yap. PERFECT descripion of behavior of your alter-ego "Qtard".

    Used "your" when you meant "my"?

    Qtard: \\Because they are experts. People value their expertise. Well, smart people do. Not morons like you. Morons like you insult them. Call them liars\\ Expertise -- it's knowing FACTS of Reality. Therefore TRUE experts -- CAN point to the FACTS of Reality. Some intrinsic dependenceies between them. Your "listen to me, I'm an expert" -- not.

    I have never quoted such a person as this imaginary "listen to me, I'm an expert".

    Qtard: That's why they are FAKE. Yawn.

    Yes. Totally fake. Because they don't exist except in your delusions.

    Qtard: Like for example expert in astronomy -- he can say when next eclipse will happen, and where it can be seen -- and people can go and see it for themself. Unlike "expert in astrology"...

    Yeah, that is a fake expert. Because "Astrology has been rejected by the scientific community as having no explanatory power for describing the universe. Scientific testing has found no evidence to support the premises or purported effects outlined in astrological traditions".

    Qtard: But. For Derpy the I-D-I-O-T... it is not only not apparent what's the difference between then two. It even in its idiocy -- thinking that "expert in astrology" are TRUE one.

    You can prove it with a quote?

    Qtard: \\I do what for free? Bullshit talk? I don't. You do. Or is this an example of you using "you" when you mean "I" (as you previously confessed to doing)\\ Please. Do it MOAR. Yu silly tryes to use MY words against me.

    Like it's my fault that you keep confessing to such stupidity. Try to thrug it off onto me.

    Qtard: \\Call all facts you don't like "Demn propaganda"\\ FACTS like that Sun rising in the morning? Or that dRump not in jail?\\ These might be the only facts Qtard knows. Soon one of them will be false\\ Naaah. That's just facts I found such an I-D-I-O-T as De-Ru-Pun CAN still admit being facts.

    And you can quote? Where I've said tRump IS in jail? And the sun DOESN'T rise in the morning?

    Qtard: Because cannot lie against em. Too obvious. Too self-revealing. All other, more complex facts it "*DO* deny"... because it miserly mind capacity NOT able to grasp em.

    Qtard can't grasp them. Thinks donald tRump isn't on trial in a criminal case where he could receive a lengthy prison sentence. Even though that fact is easily Googleable.

    Qtard: That rotten coconut of a brain of Dervish Sadners.

    Your alter ego who is sad? Because it is such an idiot?

  32. Now you don't recognize your own name, Dervy? There's no pleasing you, is there?

  33. \\Qtard: Neither data, no methods and results of research they NEVER provide. Because De-Ru-Pun the Idiotic Clown think that that is how Science and Experitise works.

    \\That's because your alter ego De-Ru-Pun is a moron. As are you. Also a tinfoil hat wearing nutter.

    Oh, now we know name... or just description of YET ONE of your alter-egos, ah, De-ru-Pun? ;-P

    \\Qtard: By concealing access to data, not revealing methods, not providing chain of logical conclusions.

    \\You just made that up. What's your evidence anything like that happens? Voices in your head told you?

    Evidance of nothingness??? ;-P

    There cannot be such thing.

    \\Qtard: Well... if YOU say so.

    \\I don't. You do. Why I wrote "as per you". You have reading comprehension problems.


    You EITHER have no shame (are shameless liar). Or you are cringing.

    Both is O.K. with me -- being FACTS. ;-P


    \\You can show this with a quote?

    This one? ;-P

    \\Qtard: While smart people when not understad something -- thinking that THEY are stoopid... not smart enough, and need to improve. Which is utter idiotic concept, in the eyes of "all-wise" De-Ru-Pun.

    \\Your alter ego thinks this? I know I do not. You think I do? Can prove it with a quote?

    You saying that my "alter-ego" is so smart -- to come up with such a smart ideas?

    Well... I think I need to agree with you here. I really smart. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\I do not. You posted time stamps. NOT "FJ said -- ABOVE! Repeated THREE TIMES!!!"\\ You seems like liking it -- showing itself imbecile?

    \\Clearly YOU do enjoy showing yourself an imbecile. Think timestamps are quotes.

    QUOTES... it's references.

    Timestamps are references too.


    But imbecile Dervish Sadners cannot help it -- its miserly mind cannot cope with such a COMPLEX ideas. ;-P

    \\"Dervish Sadners" is another of your alter egos? Is it sad? Because it is such an idiot?

    You FINNALY admitted it. :-)))))))))

    That Derpy are I-D-I-O-T.

    Please! Pretty please. Give you name -- Such a Wise Alter-Ego... of Dervish Sadners.

    \\Well, thank you. I like my name too. But I don't like people stealing it.

    Go resolve it in between of your alter-egos...

    es[ecially that one who dare to scream "I NEVER said it"... about your own words. ;-P


  34. \\I don't think you do. I think what I copied from Google -- that was the first time YOU were seeing anything like that. Then tried to look smart by telling me what DNA stands for (but spelled it wrong).

    Still... you CANNOT spell it correctly. ;-P

    Yet less -- explain what it mean. :-)))))))))

    So... yeah.

    "I saw it for the first time" :-)))))))

    And became versed in it instantly.

    What can I say -- I'm genius.

    In accordance with I-D-I-O-T De-Ru-Pun THIS ^^^^^^ words above.

    \\You spelled "incorrectly" wrong. LOL.


    Criticizing typos -- that is ULTIMATE power only I-D-I-O-T De-Ru-Pun have.

    All other people think it's moronic thing to do.

    \\You didn't say anything about a "typo" previously. I thought it was "on purpose". Previously you claimed to misspell words on purpose.

    Or not correcting my acidental typos. ;-P Like now.

    You like it. I humbly serving it to you. :-)))))))))

    Same as I would make a pond of mud... to a swine. ;-)

    \\How is me refuting lies from you "cringing"? I say Qtard is cringing. After being caught lying so many times. At least it should be.


    In your crazy mind you always a winner.

    Just like Trump. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\I say Qtard lies. Qtard DOES listen to experts. But only experts that say things Qtard likes. Qtard says, "I like that. Therefore it is true"\\ Yap. PERFECT descripion of behavior of your alter-ego "Qtard".

    \\Used "your" when you meant "my"?

    And how you know that??? (making surprised eyes) NOT :-))))))))

    Because you coping my tricks -- because they are smart -- because you think that that way YOU could sway me, or make ITself look smart -- but you looking only as that moron that trying to copy words of much smarter opponent, without understanding what it mean and how to make use of em... properly. :-)))))))))))))


    \\Yeah, that is a fake expert. Because "Astrology has been rejected by the scientific community as having no explanatory power for describing the universe. Scientific testing has found no evidence to support the premises or purported effects outlined in astrological traditions".


    Like you able to understand what that copy-pasted from Google excerpt mean? :-)))))))

    But you are I-D-I-O-T not for nothing. :-))))))))))

    You exactly that DEMN isiot, which think that copy-pasting excerpts from Google can make you (looking) smart. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\I do what for free? Bullshit talk? I don't. You do. Or is this an example of you using "you" when you mean "I" (as you previously confessed to doing)\\ Please. Do it MOAR. Yu silly tryes to use MY words against me.

    \\Like it's my fault that you keep confessing to such stupidity. Try to thrug it off onto me.


    Like this.

    What a mice dog... ehm, piggy. ;-P

  35. Qtard: QUOTES... it's references. Timestamps are references too.

    Reference to a comment being made. Not that anything was repeated 3 times. Why you gave timestamps and not words. So stupid a way to conceal that you lied.

    Qtard: \\You just made that up. What's your evidence anything like that happens? Voices in your head told you?\\ Evidance of nothingness??? There cannot be such thing.

    No. Of course not. Thanky for admitting you lied. There is no evidence of data, methods and results of research not being provided. No evidence that imaginary "Demn scientists" are concealing access to data, not revealing methods, and not providing chain of logical conclusions.

    Qtard: "I saw it for the first time". And became versed in it instantly. What can I say -- I'm genius


    Qtard: In accordance with I-D-I-O-T De-Ru-Pun THIS ^^^^^^ words above.

    Only in your delusions.

  36. \\Reference to a comment being made. Not that anything was repeated 3 times. Why you gave timestamps and not words. So stupid a way to conceal that you lied.

    Because... (with calm and conciderate voice, as to an idiot) you already SHOWED enough -- that you DO NOT understand that wrds. ;-P

    And questions was about "number of times", not about specific words... you don't get anyway.

    Well... if you'd not be an idiot -- it would be enough ref to you, too. ;-P

    But. You are. :-))))))))

    Cannot be helped.

    But, thanky-thanky for yet one confirmation... of your idiotic behavior... with your own relentlessly idiotic raving. :-)))))))


  37. Qtard: And questions was about "number of times"...

    Minus FJ commented 3 times. So what? What was said is what is important.

    Qtard: ...not about specific words...


    Qtard: you don't get anyway.

    Of course not. I can't "get" words that are not there. Exist only in your delusions.

  38. \\Minus FJ commented 3 times. So what? What was said is what is important.

    How wise of you to admit it. NO. :-))))))))


    It just confirms that you are imbecile. ;-P

    Self-admitted. :-)))))

  39. It confirms it's imbecility!

  40. You can quote this alleged admission?

  41. I mean in words, not a timestamp.

  42. Yeah.

    You either are imbecile, who do not understand words.

    Or just a "cunning" idiot that pretend that it do not understand words. ;-P

    Both are hilarious.

    So, continue-continue. :-)))))

    Pulling Charlie Gordon

  43. The quote where I make the "admission" you allege? No. I got nothing. Your delusions tell you that you did quote me?

  44. You admitted being imbecile -- unable to understand a thing even though it was said 3 times to you.

    And you will "not see" a quote of your own words... even if I'll repeat it zillion times. :-)))


    \\Minus FJ commented 3 times. So what? What was said is what is important.


    Suit itself. Habitually confirming own idiocy. :-))))))

  45. Qtard: You admitted being imbecile...

    Talking to yourself.

    Qtard: ...unable to understand a thing even though it was said 3 times to you.

    Wasn't. Why you cannot quote these "3 times to you".

    Qtard: And you will "not see" a quote of your own words... even if I'll repeat it zillion times.

    You did not repeat even once. Because it never happened. There are no words to quote.

    Qtard: \\Minus FJ commented 3 times. So what? What was said is what is important\\Suit itself. Habitually confirming own idiocy.

    Talking to yourself again.

    Anyway... What was said? Nothing. Proven by your inability to quote. Nothing that your delusions say was repeated 3 times.

    Means... It is you who is habitually confirming its own idiocy.

  46. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    \\ Qtard: You admitted being imbecile...

    \\ Talking to yourself.


    Perfect Cringing! :-)))))

    Like you can CONFIRM that you are NOT imbecile, with EXPLAINING how it could be LOGICALLY "talking about yourself"????


    You can't.

    Because you are. :-)))))))

    \\Qtard: ...unable to understand a thing even though it was said 3 times to you.

    \\Wasn't. Why you cannot quote these "3 times to you".

    Because I am not an idiot.

    To respond to such idiotic taunt. ;-P


    It's not a problem for a smart ace to give explanation to nearly anything (except some drooling idiotic growls of an imbecile, maybe).

    While I-D-I-O-T freakingly CANNOT explain EVEN own blurts. :-)))))

    Because... it is an idiot! :-)))))

    \\You did not repeat even once. Because it never happened. There are no words to quote.

    Pulling Charlie Gordon? Yes, De-Ru-Pun.

    You forgot tinsy little detail.

    Why such an idiotic trick could be successful previous times -- you was mentioning something that was discussed in previous posts comment threads... which rendered it somewhat not easy to provide/refer to your words.


    In this thread... that words you trying to demand QUOTES... are just IN THE BEGINNING of this same comment thread.

    Which means.

    You just CONFIRMED OWN IMBECILITY with it -- feigned or real, but it for sure -- you trying to say/pretend that you CANNOT re-read THIS same page from the beginning??? :-)))))))

    That -- clear and sure trait of being drooling imbecile. ;-P

    \\Means... It is you who is habitually confirming its own idiocy.

    Habitually using "you" instead of "I". AGAIN! :-)))))))))

    (additional confirmation of self-admitting -- using "its" -- which relates to you, Derpy-Itself) ;-P

  47. Qtard: In this thread... that words you trying to demand QUOTES... are just IN THE BEGINNING of this same comment thread.

    No. If they were you could quote them. But they aren't. Explaining why you can't.

  48. Are you Cretian? Or just cretin??? :-))))))

  49. Silent agreement? ;-P

  50. Yeah, I agree you are a cretin.

  51. Qtard silently agrees with me. It can't quote anything repeated 3 times. Because nothing was.

  52. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

  53. Lie. Minus FJ did not write ":-)))))))))))))))))))))" three times.

  54. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



  55. Qtard laughs in agreement with me. It can't quote anything repeated 3 times. Because nothing was.

  56. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue. ;-P

  57. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


  58. ":-)))))))))))))))))))))))))" means crying... In NewSpeak?

  59. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  60. Looks like a YES to me.

  61. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  62. Looks like it is confirming that its laughing was meant as a "yes".

    Will it laugh some more to further confirm it's "yes"?

  63. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


    Confirmation of delusional state of mind of Derr Punn... which makes it seeing some crazy "looks like"s. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  64. \\Will it laugh some more to further confirm it's "yes"?

    Why I should not laugh from such a demonstrative delusioning???

    While it so damn funny for a normal sane person. ;-P

  65. You think it's funny that you never quoted what you say was repeated 3 times? Think you got away with your lie?

  66. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

