Friday, November 10, 2023

Why Politicians Shouldn't Ever Make Statutory Economic Decisions....

...especially in a "Hypernormalised" America: 


  1. So that's YES to dangerous nuclear energy but NO to better for the climate electric cars. Because (in addition to saying F the "Pseudostinians") Minus says F the environment.

  2. Cars powered by coal plants are better for the environment than those powered by gas? Especially with all the energy conversion losses inherent in converting the coal to electricity to mechanical motion x2 instead of x1? What physics are you applying, Derv.

    Cultural Capitalism captures another sucker.

  3. Google says electricity produced by coal in the US is 19.5 percent, not 100 percent. But we do need more green energy and to get that number down. Eventually to zero.

  4. Google: Energy Sources in the United States..

    Coal: 17.8%

    Renewable energy: 12.7%

    Nuclear electric power: 9.6%

  5. Pollutant Natural Gas Oil Coal
    Carbon Dioxide 117,000 164,000 208,000
    Carbon Monoxide 40 33 208
    Nitrogen Oxides 92 448 457
    Sulfur Dioxides 0.6 1122 2591
    Particulates 7 84 2744

    *Source (lbs/Billion Btu)

  6. lol You pre-pay the costs of your "green sins", so that you can pretend that you are avoiding them. Careful though, once you remove your magic EV girdle, the green knight will come for you.

  7. Does the video explain, or do you not know? I can't watch it now.

  8. Replies
    1. It certainly is not MY problem.

  9. I asked if the video explains. You linked to it. If you don't know, that is your problem.

  10. I asked if the video explains. You linked to it. If you don't know, that is your problem.

  11. If you don't want to watch it, don't. I could give an eF.
