Thursday, November 2, 2023

Significant Vote Mishandling & Unlawful Ballot Processing Judgement in the Bridgeport Democratic Primary - Dry Run 2024?

The Ruling (excerpts):
Findings of Fact:

5. The results of the primary election as reported to the state were 4,212 votes for Ganim and 3,961 votes for Gomes. The margin of victory equated to 251 votes.

6. Per the undisputed reported results, Mr. Ganim received 2648 votes on the "machines" in the polling places on primary day and 1,564 absentee ballot votes.

7. Per the undisputed reported results, Mr. Gomes received 3,100 votes on the "machines" on primary day and 861 absentee ballot votes.



In the three precincts making up the 136th District (where Geter-Pataky was the district leader), Ganim received 61.31%, 40.96%, and 55.06% of his votes respectively by way of absentee ballots (Plaintiff Ex. 149). In the 39th District, where Martinez lives, Ganim received 29.08% and 43.35% of his votes by absentee ballots respectively. But in two districts, 130-02 and 135-03, only 5.23% and 7.87% of his votes were by absentee ballots.

In precinct 136-01, a total of 94 absentee ballots were counted and 81 had no stamp and postmark, or 86.1%. In precinct 136-02, 36 of 42 had no stamp or postmark, or 85.7%. In precinct 136-03, 87 of 104 absentee ballots likely came through drop boxes, or 83.6%. (Id. at 30). In the two precincts of District 139 together, 165 of 210 had no stamp or postmark, or 78.5%. (Plaintiff Ex. 149, Plaintiff Ex. 181).


The numbers provide grounds to question the reliability of the primary.

We all know how Democrats LOVE to vote ABSENTEE, but it's curious that the "gap" between Ganim Democrats voting absentee and Gomes Democrats voting absentee was  a whopping 41.5% more for Ganim.  I guess the Ganim absentee voters were just "particularly lazy"....


  1. Did the Party's "certify" the election candidates for the November ballots?

    Live by officialism... die by officialism.

  2. Minus: Should it be?

    I'm asking you.

  3. Unlike the Founders, I really don't think that they worry too much about "internal" party fraud. I would think that the party leaders would want certain "controlled" outcomes. Much as Plato advocates in his "Republic" and his "Laws". A certain "nocturnal council' to preserve the established institutions (and their favoured non-Bernie candidates). The "Ganim's" count on it.

  4. The period between an election and inauguration are far too short to permit any fair or reasonable adjudication. It's not a flaw. It's a feature. Hence "certification". Oficialismo pure and simple.

  5. It's a shame that only Trump, but not Bernie also, was able to "Crash the Party".

  6. Isn't Bernie a cuck?

  7. He's called that by people* who wished he had helped tRump by opposing Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Why would anyone on the Left want him to have done/do that?

    *trumpers and fake leftists (like Jimmy Dore) who Bernie refused to be a useful idiot for.

  8. Bernie refused to be a useful idiot for his Bernie Bros, hence the fitting title of "Hillary's cuck".

  9. Bernie Bros = tRump's cucks.

    tRump = Putin's cuck.

  10. And what if dRump... as next POTUS... will decide to bomb out liliPut???? :-)))))

  11. The chance of that happening is 0 percent.

  12. Trump's a deal maker. If it means better terms for the deal... who knows?

  13. \\The chance of that happening is 0 percent.

    CNN do not agree with you... but they are -- republiturd propaganda. :-)))

    \\Trump's a deal maker. If it means better terms for the deal... who knows?

    Yeah? And how's his Great Deal with Kin Jon Un??? ;-P

    Or he just showed itself sucker... who lost trump card for nothing.

    And now that Un can DEMAND to sit behind same table with POTUS in case of any new negotiations... from get go.

    You... USA... "lost face", in terms of Eastern Ideology of Imperialism.

    That's why all what happening now -- like that China's balloons and etc -- its because of SUCH blunders.

    But you are still clueless...

  14. Qtard: CNN do not agree with you...

    Qtard thinks CNN said tRump, if he becomes president again, is going to "bomb out" Putin??? What is your evidence? Give me a link.

  15. Hah... how "virtuously" Derpy ignoring my latest post.

    And after that he will be screaming that I only support dRump... and never criticize it.


    What a DEMN delusional... it.

  16. Standing by for the CNN story link. The one where CNN predicts dotard donald will be the next potus. And "bomb out" Putin.

  17. Google at your service. ;-P

  18. Dervy doesn't need to Google, the DNC sends him Talking Points Memos.

  19. I have never received any talking points memos from the DNC.

    Qtard: Google at your service.

    Google can't find your delusions, Qtard. CNN never said donald tRump is going to "bomb out" Putin. You got caught lying. Again.

  20. Stoopid, stoopid Derpy.

    Thought I would not see your primitive manipulation? :-)))

    We aws talking about CNN reporting chances of dRump to became next POTUS.

    And you tryed to derail it into "and where's he'll bomb out liliPut".

    What a silly-silly trick.

    But you are idiot not for nothing. :-)))))

  21. I have never received any talking points memos from the DNC.

    You don't donate to the DNC? You really are a cheap f*ck...

  22. Qtard: And you tryed to derail it into "and where's he'll bomb out liliPut".

    No, liar. I responded to what you wrote. I said there was a zero percent chance that, if somehow dotard donald becomes the next potus, that he would "bomb out" Putin. As you suggested he might.

    Then you said CNN disagreed. Meaning that (according to you) CNN said dotard donald would "bomb out" Putin if he becomes president again.

    I asked you to give evidence. But you refuse. Proving you lied.

    Idiot: And what if dRump... as next POTUS... will decide to bomb out liliPut???? :-)))))

    Smart Ace: The chance of that happening is 0 percent.

    Idiot: CNN do not agree with you...

    Proven with quotes. Still you will deny saying it.

    I don't donate to the DNC, Minus. Do you?

  23. Not even with your time, Dervy, as their Defensor Fortis?

  24. \\No, liar. I responded to what you wrote. I said there was a zero percent chance that, if somehow dotard donald becomes the next potus, that he would "bomb out" Putin. As you suggested he might.

    Chances are thing that tend to change.


    But this idiot Derpy... unable to comprehend it... because it trying to use "smart" words like "zero percent chance" without understanding what it babbling about.

    Well... zero chance, it's still a chance. ;-P

    \\Then you said CNN disagreed. Meaning that (according to you) CNN said dotard donald would "bomb out" Putin if he becomes president again.

    And you can give QUOTE.

    To prove that THIS your claim based on some FACT????


    That is just more of your idiotic non-factual, counter-factual babbling. ;-P

    \\I asked you to give evidence. But you refuse. Proving you lied.

    I am not obliged to give proofs INSTEAD of you. To your strwamaning of my words.


    ISN't it SHOULD be obvious to ANYONE who honor honest discussion rules???

    But you do not.

    You are lying scum.


    \\Proven with quotes. Still you will deny saying it.


    That's just Conditional Probability. Idiot De-Ru-Pun have NO idea about.

    Means... at first there need to a chance of dRump becoming POTUS.

    And CNN... really confirmed it -- saying that chances of dRump as for today is bigger then of Bi-den. ALREADY.

    Even before election started fully.

    That... that dRump could send some Tomahawks at some bases with Russians.

    That's no-briner too. He did it already. In Syria.

  25. Qtard: Well... zero chance, it's still a chance.

    Dummy dunno what word "zero" means. Like the puppet would bomb its master.

    Qtard: And you can give QUOTE.

    I gave a quote. You didn't see it? Due to your "histerical blindness"?

    Qtard: And CNN... really confirmed it -- saying that chances of dRump as for today is bigger then of Bi-den. ALREADY.

    And the poll says tRump (as president) "will bomb out" Putin?

    I looked and found no such poll. Why I asked you to link to it. But you will not. Because you lied.

    Qtard: That... that dRump could send some Tomahawks at some bases with Russians.

    When Putin is there? He will not. Putin there or Putin not there -- on this hypothetical base with Russians on it. The chances are zero percent.

    Unless you meant Ukrainian bases where captured Russian soldiers are being held. But Putin will NOT be there. Or "Lilliput". He also will not be there.

  26. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    "No-briner" = Qtard.



    Pointing to my typos -- that is ALL your rotten coconut if a brain is capabl e off.

    That's why I not bothering myself with proofreading my comments. To serve such a tiny pleasure to such a rotten brains wuss. ;-P

    \\Dummy dunno what word "zero" means. Like the puppet would bomb its master.

    Like liliPut would bomb Xi? ;-P

    \\I gave a quote. You didn't see it? Due to your "histerical blindness"?

    Well... if you gave it... you can GIVE a reference to that comment -- where you think you gave it. ;-P

    But... that all in your delusions. And there is NO such comment. :-)))))

    \\And the poll says tRump (as president) "will bomb out" Putin?

    In your delusion? Maybe.

    How could *I* know about polls that happen in your delirious imagination??? :-))))

    Well... dRump ALREADY was bombing his "master" -- in Syria.

    But your rotten brain was not able to hold such memories.

    And even if you'd be served with a link from news of that time -- your hysterical bindness will not allow it to see.... :-)))))))))

    \\I looked and found no such poll. Why I asked you to link to it. But you will not. Because you lied.

    Because that was HYPOTETICAL question.

    About things that NOT HAPPENED YET.

    such things -- CANNOT be FACTS. Obviously.

    And cannot be lies about facts.

    PLUS... it was QUESTION.

    But idiot Derpy still unable t grok what question mark "?" mean???

    \\When Putin is there? He will not. Putin there or Putin not there -- on this hypothetical base with Russians on it. The chances are zero percent.

    Trump Tells Russia to Get Ready for US Missile Strike on Syria › ... › Politics
    "The Russian military in Syria has air-defense systems theoretically capable of shooting down US Tomahawk missiles," Justin Bronk, an air-combat ...


    Putin is dead alredy... they say.

    Just some doubler playing in his stead. ;-P (to stirr your rotten imagination for some more... what it'll produce -- will you try to say that liliPut is alive, maybe??? or some other BS... I all is waiting ))))

  27. Derpy prohibited to talk about liliPut's death? :-)))))

    It seems. ;-P

  28. Wikipedia says On 15 May 2016, Marlene Marder died at age 61.

    I think that is the only member of Liliput that has died. You other members of Liliput are dead and their deaths are being covered up? By using body doubles? Why would they do that?

  29. Derpy cringing on behalf of liliPut!!! :-))))))))

    What a non-surprise. :-)))))
