Saturday, October 7, 2023

What Television PROGRAMS Do You Watch?

So if YOU want people to be DEprogrammed,, wouldn't it make sense to start by either not making more television PROGRAMS or TURNING THEM ALL OFF ENTIRELY????

How badly has YOUR mind been PERVERTED by looking at a screen and suspending disbelief while you watch/ learn other people's "desires" through mimesis?

Trump the Sacred.  The Left's designated Sacrificial Scapegoat for all those right-wing "extremists" being led astray and disturbing their "peace"...
Since the mimetic rivalry that develops from the struggle for the possession of the objects is contagious, it leads to the threat of violence. Girard himself says, "If there is a normal order in societies, it must be the fruit of an anterior crisis." Turning his interest towards the anthropological domain, Girard began to study anthropological literature and proposed his second great hypothesis:
the scapegoat mechanism, which is at the origin of archaic religion and which he sets forth in his second book Violence and the Sacred (1972), a work on fundamental anthropology.

If two individuals desire the same thing, there will soon be a third, then a fourth. This process quickly snowballs. Since from the beginning desire is aroused by the other (and not by the object) the object is soon forgotten and the mimetic conflict transforms into a general antagonism. At this stage of the crisis the antagonists will no longer imitate each other's desires for an object, but each other's antagonism. They wanted to share the same object, but now they want to destroy the same enemy. So, a paroxysm of violence would tend to focus on an arbitrary victim and a unanimous antipathy would, mimetically, grow against him. The brutal elimination of the victim would reduce the appetite for violence that possessed everyone a moment before, and leaves the group suddenly appeased and calm. The victim lies before the group, appearing simultaneously as the origin of the crisis and as the one responsible for this miracle of renewed peace. He becomes sacred, that is to say the bearer of the prodigious power of defusing the crisis and bringing peace back. Girard believes this to be the genesis of archaic religion, of ritual sacrifice as the repetition of the original event, of myth as an account of this event, of the taboos that forbid access to all the objects at the origin of the rivalries that degenerated into this absolutely traumatizing crisis. This religious elaboration takes place gradually over the course of the repetition of the mimetic crises whose resolution brings only a temporary peace. The elaboration of the rites and of the taboos constitutes a kind of empirical knowledge about violence.

Although explorers and anthropologists have not been able to witness events similar to these, which go back to the earliest times, indirect evidence for them abounds, such as the universality of ritual sacrifice and the innumerable myths that have been collected from the most varied peoples. If Girard's theory is true, then we will find in myths the culpability of the victim-god, depictions of the selection of the victim, and his power to beget the order that governs the group. Girard found these elements in numerous myths, beginning with that of Oedipus which he analyzed in this and later books. On this question he opposes Claude Lévi-Strauss.

The phrase "scapegoat mechanism" was not coined by Girard himself; it had been used earlier by Kenneth Burke in Permanence and Change (1935) and A Grammar of Motives (1940). However, Girard took this concept from Burke and developed it much more extensively as an interpretation of human culture.

In Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World (1978), Girard develops the implications of this discovery. The victimary process is the missing link between the animal world and the human world, the principle that explains the humanization of primates. It allows us to understand the need for sacrificial victims, which in turn explains the hunt which is primitively ritual, and the domestication of animals as a fortuitous result of the acclimatization of a reserve of victims, or agriculture. It shows that at the beginning of all culture is archaic religion, which Durkheim had sensed. The elaboration of the rites and taboos by proto-human or human groups would take infinitely varied forms while obeying a rigorous practical sense that we can detect: the prevention of the return of the mimetic crisis. So we can find in archaic religion the origin of all political or cultural institutions.

According to Girard, just as the theory of natural selection of species is the rational principle that explains the immense diversity of forms of life, the victimization process is the rational principle that explains the origin of the infinite diversity of cultural forms. The analogy with Charles Darwin also extends to the scientific status of the theory, as each of these presents itself as a hypothesis that is not capable of being proven experimentally, given the extreme amounts of time necessary for the production of the phenomena in question, but which imposes itself by its great explanatory power.


  1. Blaming someone for something they did isn't scapegoating. It's holding accountable. You're trying to scapegoat Joe Biden for what donald tRump did....

    tRump lost the election? That's Joe Biden's fault. He stole it.

    tRump is being prosecuted for crimes he committed? That Joe Biden's fault. Joe Biden is committing "election interference".

    Trying to scapegoat Hillary Clinton too. It's her fault tRump colluded with Russia. She "framed" him.

    You blame someone else for everything tRump did. Like the fraud he did by overvaluing his properties. That's the bank's fault.

  2. Why hold Trump accountable and not China Joe, then?

    In the face of the obvious double standard, one can only draw one conclusion. Politics is the OLD religion.

  3. He WILL be held accountable... by giving him a second term. For doing a great job presidenting.

  4. There's not enough straw left in Ukraine to restuff that old scarecrow to last 4 years. Biden in ALL stalking horse. A very swaybacked stalking horse.

  5. Is dotard donald playing lots of Super Mario Karts in preparation to be president again? Where does he find the time -- between all the court cases and campaigning? And still he is able to play Super Mario Karts for several hours every day? He might be grateful for the free time after he's convicted and locked up.

  6. Lid, political dictionary: A "lid" is what White House press secretaries use to indicate that there will be no news coming out of the White House that day ... it's important to note that calling a lid does not necessarily mean that the President's workday is over or that no more newsworthy events will happen that day. The President may still have private meetings, phone calls, or other activities that are not open to the press.

    Minus thinks a "lid" is when Joe Biden announces he's calling it a day? Maybe going to bed early? Is that what it meant when dotard donald was president?

  7. A "lid" means it's naptime, when he and Hunter smokes an ounce.

    Lid: noun 1. a slang term for one ounce or 28 grams of marijuana
    Example: “Man, I’m about one finger short of a lid.”

  8. When you bought a lid in HS, Dervy, was it usually a 3 finger, or a 4 finger lid?

  9. You're right. I'm pretty sure you mooched all your pot.

  10. -FJ/JC is certainly an opinionated fellow, not unlike the rest of us, I'm sure.

    But obviously he knows far more than we heathen barbarians wallowing in wokeness.

    Who else would love to hear -FJ/JC's informed opinion on how Biden "stole the election".

    I'm sure he'd love to give us a clear picture of the vast secret conspiracy against Trump.

    -FJ/JC is our go-to man on "massive voter fraud" (Not counting the documented cases of Republican election and voter fraud), "2000 Mules" by a crook pardoned by Trump, "bamboo ballots", and "Venezuelan satellites tampering with voting machines". He can reveal the sinister machinations behind dominion voting machines.

    There's SO much we may never know until someone like -FJ/JC reveals his understanding, his reasoning, and his evidence that tells him Trump really won the election.

    I'm sure -FJ/JC is a reasonable man who would love to share his considered insight on Trump's divine right to rule, or being a divine messenger sent by God to cut taxes for corporations and the rich AND to save white America?

    For Donald Trump is the honest, honorable, and reasonable man who inspires him.

    Will he have the tender mercy to enlighten us benighted souls?

    Or am I just a duped fool, suckered by fake news and unable to comprehend the DEEPER TRUTH known only to Trump's true believers?

    When -FJ/JC dispels the clouds of delusion from my corrupted view, I pledge to join him in his support for his hero.

  11. These submarines are reported to be as quiet at their cruising speed of 20 knots (37 km/h; 23 mph) or more as the previous Lafayette-class submarines at 6 knots (11 km/h; 6.9 mph), although exact information remains classified.

    Sure harvested ballots. The steal continues...

  12. ps - I don't care WHO you vote for Dave. I only care to see that only LEGITIMATE ballots get counted.

    A ballot initiative to reform elections and campaign finance laws was barred from the November ballot on Friday afternoon by the Arizona Supreme Court after a week of legal activity that saw the measure’s fate reversed.

    When the dust settled, the Arizona Free and Fair Elections Act, which sought to make sweeping changes to Arizona’s election and campaign finance laws, fell just 1,458 signatures short of qualifying for the November ballot.

    Voters turned in 475,000 signatures — double the 237,645 requirement. But, Governor Ducey’s expanded and stacked Supreme Court found a way to invalidate over 50% of the signatures,” she said.

    Where there's smoke, there's fire.

  13. pps - I posted a host of videos 3-4 (Twitter/X) sowing the ballot stuffing in the Democratic Primary in Bridgeport, but your good friend Ms. pShaw enjoyed censoring them. Evidently you Democrats don't need any "alternative facts" to make people question their politics.

  14. Punishing the whistleblowers seems to be the Democrats "go to" response...

    The CT Mirror has not been able to independently verify the identity of the woman in the video, and Geter-Pataky has not responded to multiple requests for comment.

    Police are investigating election misconduct — and the video leak.
    The Bridgeport Police Department has confirmed that it is “actively investigating information regarding possible misconduct based upon a video that has surfaced on social media.” They are also investigating whether a break in the city’s video management system led to the release of the video.

    Got to keep the cloak of Gyges locked down!

  15. And these allegations prove Trump won, how?

    Seems ballot harvesting is legal in CT.

    NOT alternative facts:
    Trump lied, and tried to cancel 81 million American votes through criminal actions and force of violent mob.

    Have you even read the indictments? Evidence speaks louder than allegations in a court of law.

    There's a reason Trump will NEVER testify under oath without invoking the 5th, as he did HUNDREDS of times in NY.

    But by all means, please show me how honest and honorable your hero is.

  16. And these allegations prove Trump won, how?

    They don't. What they prove is that federal and state governments are opposed to ANY and ALL efforts to investigate or remedy the election fraud problem. They'd prefer to punish and demonize the whistleblowers. Like DJT.


  17. So you admit you failed to show evidence that Trump won. It's all about your faith in Trump's Infallible Holy Word.

    But your "Deep state" scapegoating paranoia and false "victimhood" reveals your fascist sympathies.

    Just admit you hate democracy and the founders' ideal of "consent of the governed". We know you do. You WANT a dictator.

  18. I admit that all the evidence has been suppressed and investigations thwarted. I saw it in real time.

    Actually, I'm just nostalgic for fair and free elections, the dream of a distant American past.

  19. Ah, yes. "The dog ate my homework" excuse.

    My evidence:

    By all counts, recounts, certifications, courts, and audits:

    JOE BIDEN 51.3%
    81,283,361 Popular votes, 306 Electoral

    Donald (WAAH! Fraud! Rigged!) TRUMP 46.8%
    74,222,960 Popular votes, 232 Electoral

    So, you’re nostalgic for the distant past when Blacks had to pass “literacy tests” to vote?

    Or when women couldn’t vote?

    Or do you prefer the distant past when only white male property owners could vote?

    “Fair and free” for only them.

    No doubt you also believe Trump is an innocent man, who didn't break any laws in his attempt to overturn the election.

    All the exonerating evidence has been suppressed, I'm sure.

  20. Back to one citizen, one vote will do. Before ballot harvesting/ stuffing became the norm, instead of the exception. :)

  21. It seems Dave collected back its pearls, that it lost previously... and decided to return... with a vingence.

    Congrats, Davy! ;-P

  22. I don't think that the string he clutches ever broke... jes' sayin'.

  23. @ FJ (aka JC) - That "belief rope" you've allowed to be placed around your neck will utimately strangle you.

  24. So glad to hear that you have no beliefs, Les, And you would never attempt to impose them upon others.

  25. Illusions are illusion. Row row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream

    Yes, i have no desire to impose my views on others. Just as i will not allow you to impose yours on me. And therein lies why i hate tRump and despise the gop. But of course you will never grasp why.

  26. Les,
    The beliefs we are talking about here amount to unquestioning faith in the Holy Infallible Word of the Malevolent MAGA Messiah, or in reality:

    By all counts, recounts, certifications, courts, and audits:

    JOE BIDEN 51.3%
    81,283,361 Popular votes, 306 Electoral

    Donald (WAAH! Fraud! Rigged!) TRUMP 46.8%
    74,222,960 Popular votes, 232 Electoral

    The Trump Cult is, "Evidence schmevidence, we believe Trump no matter what he says".

    This means they also believe Putin knows best who should be our president. They will always side with a dictator over democracy because they are the authoritarian MINORITY.

  27. Yes Dave.

    I have chosen to completely stay away from spending the time and effort to provide credible documented info on these matters.


    Because, why waste the time as the minds of the true believers will likely never be swayed. They believe what they believe and no amount of credible concrete evidence will alter their views.

    So, i speak a language they don't understand, even as it is as plain as day, and simply hae fun.

  28. The Establishment cult says there is no fraud, and so I believe them. You can trust the Government. They always have EVERYONE's best interest in mind Especially minorities and non-citizens! Trust them. Never ask for "evidence"...

  29. @ Les, you're right about that. No matter how much evidence I provide, we always end up back at square 1. Just like the Bridgeport CT Democratic Primary fraud. How easy was it for one dirty city clerk to swing a whole election.

  30. And there he goes again. Did -FJ/JC show evidence of fraud or criminal conviction? NO!

    ALLEGATIONS are "proof" to the Trump cult.

    Does he think that local CT primary had an effect on the presidential election?
    Biden: 59.3% 1,080,831
    Trump: 39.2% 714,717

    What -FJ/JC calls the "establishment cult" are Trump's OWN CHOICES for DOJ and Homeland Security, REPUBLICAN AGs, judges HE appointed, and HIS White House Counsel who ALL TOLD HIM THERE WASN'T "MASSIVE FRAUD" that swung the election.

    They told him he LOST. The Crybaby Toddler refused to accept the facts, and criminally tried to overturn our election.

    The guy Trump chose to believe was Rudy the Scotch Lush who drunkenly proclaimed on election night, "Just say we won".

    This was WAY before the count was near complete.

    Maybe -FJ/JC forms HIS opinions after a bottle of Scotch too?

    His FEELINGS were hurt, and like Trump, he needs to act like a toddler and deny what he doesn't want to know.

    It's interesting how people with reasonable intelligence lack the emotional maturity to accept reality. FEELINGS inform their opinions more than FACTS.

    What does he say about Rudy and Trump falsely and viciously attacking Ruby Freeman and her daughter for "passing a thumb drive that looked like a drug deal"? Their lives were threatened by racist Trump supporters.

    He sees no problem with that, does he?

    They're really just showing us their racism now. Just like how their Crybaby Toddler always calls Black prosecutors and AG's "racists" for doing their jobs and holding him accountable.

    -FJ/JC is supports an insurrectionist traitor who carelessly shared secrets with Russians in the Oval Office and random people at his resort.

    He's basically an enemy of democracy and truth, all because his wittow FEEWINGS got hurt by Dark Brandon beating his MAGAt messiah.

    Trump lost a fair election and he CAN"T HANDLE IT.

  31. No evidence? I'm tired of posting the videos. No matter how many I see, it always equates to "no evidence".

    There's no evidence that Sleepy Joe's a crook. 20,000 emails after "I don't discuss Hunter's business dealings" to Hunter and his business associates... is still "no evidence".

  32. He (tRump) has an oversized ego that is insatiable, so, he creates storylines that he convinces himself are real and then proceeds to convince his gullible cultists of the same.

    Row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily meerily life if but a dream.

  33. So -FJ/JC's "evidence" is, "But his emails!"


    Funny how random emails are "evidence" of Joe Biden's "crimes", but Trump did nothing wrong by LYING about the election and sending an angry mob to terrorize Congress and beat cops to overturn the it.

    There's nothing wrong with Trump REFUSING to call off his mob of thugs for HOURS, only to PRAISE them, saying, "You're very special. We love you."

    There's nothing wrong with obstructing an official Constitutional proceeding.

    There's nothing wrong with refusing to return govt. documents and scattering them around a resort, and showing off nuclear and military secrets to random people.

    There's nothing wrong with LYING to the FBI and obstructing the return of secret documents.

    There's nothing wrong with insurance and bank fraud.

    There's nothing wrong with breaking the following laws:

    Donald Trump has been INDICTED for his Mar-A-Lago Documents Crimes

    Counts 1-31: 18 USC 793(e) Willful Retention of National Defense Information
    Count 32: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(k) Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice
    Count 33: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(b) Withholding a Document or Record
    Count 34: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(c) Corruptly Concealing a Document or Record
    Donald Trump has been INDICTED on FOUR CRIMINAL COUNTS for his 2020 election interference.

    Count 1: 18 U.S.C. § 371 (Conspiracy to Defraud the United States)
    Count 2: 18 U.S. C. § 1512(k) (Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
    Count 3: 18 U.S.C. §§ 1512(c)(2), 2 (Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
    Count 4: 18 U.S.C. § 241 (Conspiracy Against Rights)
    In Georgia Trump is charged with:

    Criminal racketeering under Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act
    Soliciting a public officer to violate their oath
    Conspiring to impersonate a public officer
    Conspiring to commit forgery with false electors
    Conspiring to commit false statements
    Making false statements
    Conspiring to file false documents

    Nope. His immaculate savior can do no wrong, nor tell a lie. Never mind ALL THE EVIDENCE!

    His infallible MAGAt Messiah would never lie or commit a crime. Or worse yet, it's OK if TRUMP DOES IT.

    Why? Because his FEELINGS can't accept the fact he worships a criminal.

    Maybe he should read the indictments? But why bother, when he FEELS dear leader did NOTHING wrong?

  34. So, you refute the emails with your whataboutism? LOL!

  35. Trump will face the indictments. Will Sleepy Joe?

    ...and so, which is WORSE?

  36. Nothing. Nothing at all. President Biden has not been found guilty of squat. tRump the insurrectionist, rapist, notorious liar, and conspiracy nutcase will be. Thr overwhelming evidence will rightly bury his fat ass.

  37. ...and yet Trump still hasn't been found guilty of anything. tsk-tsk!

  38. -FJ is lying or has chosen the cult defense mechanism of denial, refusing to acknowledge any possible dishonesty in his leader.

    This is constantly exemplified in their refusal to believe their Malevolent Messiah lost to Brandon. Dear Leader lies and whines, so THEY lie and whine.

    Their denial is followed by their projection of "weaponized lawfare", as employed by TRUMP when he demanding the DOJ interfere in our election on HIS behalf. (Read the INDICTMENTS and Jeffrey Clark's violation of the Georgia RICO act and criminal attempt to commit false statements and writings.)

    Dear Leader hates the justice system for holding him accountable, so THEY hate the justice system for holding him accountable.

    Dear Leader is ALWAYS the VICTIM, wronged everywhere by the evil forces of Marxism and the deep state. Now they await the Master's call for civil war. They have shown they are willing to KILL and DIE at the whim and word of their beloved Bullshit Liar Messiah (the BLM of fascism).

    The evidence against Trump is clearly spelled out in the indictments.

    He was found guilty of criminal sexual conduct by a jury and met the standard of rape according to the judge.

    He was found guilty of insurance and banking FRAUD and will lose his New York businesses. Fines to be determined.

    Allow me to chart the course of the next question.

    Q: What is the evidence against Joe Biden?

    A: "But his emails!"

    Q: What evidence is in the emails?

    A: "The emails ARE the evidence!"

    Q: OK. Would you show me the emails that contain the evidence?

    A: "I don't HAVE to SHOW you! We have witnesses!"

    Q: Do you mean the guy that said he knew of no business talks between Joe and Hunter?

    A: "YES! He has PROVEN Joe Biden is a criminal!"

    Q: Then why can't you show us the evidence?

    A: "Because we have don't HAVE to show it to all you COMMIES, anti-white racist thugs, and radical Left Marxists!"

    Q: I see. Well, then. Nobody can question THAT, can they?

    A: "SEE!! I told you we have proof!"

    ...Rinse and repeat.

  39. \\Blogger Les Carpenter said...
    @ FJ (aka JC) - That "belief rope" you've allowed to be placed around your neck will utimately strangle you.

    And you know it... from your own experience? ;-P

    \\Because, why waste the time as the minds of the true believers will likely never be swayed. They believe what they believe and no amount of credible concrete evidence will alter their views.


    Like DEMN believers (like Derpy here) who think that "dRmp is guilty"... even though there is NO. Period. NO court verdict of his guilt.

    And there is NO ANY "amount of credible concrete evidence"... of it's guilt.

    But, "dRump is guilty!"... because DEMN propaganda told it to them... because DEMNs just want to keep their grab on power SO DEMN MUCH.

    And their DEMN-followers is such a fervent believers. ;-P


    You will not answer to this... with anything intelligible, because -- "the minds of the true believers will likely never be swayed"?

    Yes, Les???? ;-)

    Because you chant Religious Dogma of your DEMN Cult so flawlessly: " tRump the insurrectionist, rapist, notorious liar, and conspiracy nutcase will be. Thr overwhelming evidence will rightly bury his fat ass."

  40. \\Blogger Dave Dubya said...
    So you admit you failed to show evidence that Trump won. It's all about your faith in Trump's Infallible Holy Word.

    \\But your "Deep state" scapegoating paranoia and false "victimhood" reveals your fascist sympathies.

    \\Just admit you hate democracy and the founders' ideal of "consent of the governed". We know you do. You WANT a dictator.

    And what about Al Gore? ;-P

  41. So now NOW FJ is anonymous? Interesting.

  42. Not me. Anon is a Ukrainian? blogger who goes by the name of "Q".

    @Dave - I admit to much dishonesty in my "leader". But his dishonesty pales in comparison to that of his critics. :)

  43. \\Blogger Les Carpenter said...
    So now NOW FJ is anonymous? Interesting.

    And Les are brainless DEMN?

    No. It is not that supid actually. It knows its DEMN tricks VERY GOOD -- "attack the character WHEN you dunno what to answer to a smart and to the point question".

    Am I right, Les? ;-P

  44. \\Blogger Les Carpenter said...

    And say Les... sy.

    Are you REALLY that stooopid... to NOT see such an apparent difference in writing style??? (like quoting and using "//" to mark quotes)???

  45. \\Blogger Dave Dubya said...
    -FJ is lying or has chosen the cult defense mechanism of denial, refusing to acknowledge any possible dishonesty in his leader.

    And WHERE did you saw Honest Politicain?

    Or you just dismiss White Lies of your DEMNs from being lies? ;-P

    And that way calling em "flawlessly honest"?

    Or YOU even DUNNO what I'm talking about. And just BELIEVE to every DEMN word? :-))))))

    Oh... I'll refrain from saying how it look like, how it can be called... for now.

    Will give you time and chance for a honest(?) answer.

    But I'm sure... you will spoil that chance. ;-P

    Because DEMNs are so DEMN honest... :-))))

    \\The evidence against Trump is clearly spelled out in the indictments.


    And there is NOBODY who punished for revealing evidances BEFORE em being presented in a due process in a court.

    But naaah, most surely this DEMN dunno what it talking about. And calls "evidances" just a mere accusations, not FACTS... that ONLY can be an evidance... in a court.

    \\He was found guilty of criminal sexual conduct by a jury and met the standard of rape according to the judge.

    And put in jail?

    \\He was found guilty of insurance and banking FRAUD and will lose his New York businesses. Fines to be determined.

    And he will be put in jail? Soon? ;-P

  46. Les,
    I just have to laugh at Anonymous, spewing effluent like this: "And WHERE did you saw Honest Politicain?".

    Am I the only one who hears the voice of the LOTR character "Gollum" in his sniveling drivel?

    I think he's earned a name for himself and need not post as Anonymous anymore. But then, Gollum did prefer the dank darkness over the light of day.

  47. If the comment has a \\, it's probably Q, and if it's in italics or bold or in quotes, it's likely someone responding to him.

    Regardless, Q has his own mind and hasn 't become fully indoctrinated in MSM sponsored "information" (which you dummies lap up as "facts").

  48. Joe still thinks it's fully indoctrinated in MSM sponsored "information" to know Trump lost a fair election to Biden.

    Trump is his infallible source of facts and truth. Yeah, that's how a cult works.

    Never mind even Newsmax admitted the truth:

    After airing an interview in which Donald Trump denied he lost the 2020 election, Newsmax's Eric Bolling reads a statement from the network:

    "Now just a note. Newsmax has accepted the election results as legal and final"

  49. I certainly know that Biden won the vote count. I simply insist upon the vote count coinciding with the legitimate votes cast. And if your following the Bridgeport CT case, the City made no effort to distinguish legitimate votes from improperly harvested votes.

  50. The vote processors didn't even know how to reject an illegitimate ballot.

  51. In other words, Republican voters today have NO confidence in the vote counts. None.

  52. "Republican voters today have NO confidence in the vote counts."

    Because that's what crybaby, democracy-hating, loser Trump told them. Even sane Republicans know better.

    This is exactly why his brainwashed thugs terrorized Congress and beat cops to OVERTURN the election.

    THAT you have no problem buying into.

    Because you're in a cult.

  53. Geee, then why are Democrats claiming election fraud in Bridgeport, CT? Are they trying to overturn an election? The horror!

  54. You've already admitted the Bridgeport allegations have NOTHING TO DO with affecting the 2020 election results.

    Again, local primary allegations are NOT proof of “massive” fraud. But as I noted, allegations ARE evidence to the Trump cult so there is no reasoning with them.

    Here’s the REAL voter fraud.

    “3 from The Villages charged with voter fraud, accused of casting more than 1 ballot in 2020 election”

    THE VILLAGES, Fla. (WESH/WFLA) — Three people in The Villages have been charged with voter fraud in connection with last year’s election.

    Jay Ketcik, Joan Halstead and John Rider are accused of casting more than one ballot in the 2020 election, according to authorities.

    Ketcik is accused of voting by mail in Florida, while also casting an absentee ballot in Michigan. Prosecutors say Halstead voted in person in Florida, but also cast an absentee ballot in New York.

    WFLA’s affiliate WESH has not received a police report for Rider.

    According to WKMG in Orlando, court records do not reveal which candidates the suspects cast votes for. Their report says all three are registered as Republicans in Florida.

    But wait, there’s more…

    “4th resident of The Villages arrested for voter fraud”

    TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Another resident of The Villages has been arrested for voter fraud by the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office.

    Charles Franklin Barnes, was arrested on Jan. 4 for violating the law and attempting to cast multiple ballots in the 2020 election. He’s the fourth resident of the Florida community to see charges for voter fraud in the past month.

    So, following the standards of -FJ/JC we have PROOF that ALL the voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election was committed by Trump voters.

  55. Bridgeport has everything to do with the 2020 vote. It demonstrates that the entire nationwide election system is incompetently administered. State employees don't know and don't uphold their legislators election laws. They're incompetent bureaucrats. And any and every election they administer susceptible to fraud. Especially when the fraudsters are the very same bureaucrats administering the elections.

  56. In the past two days the Bridgeport election system has been 'audited" and found "wanting'. If a new vote isn't ordered, and it likely will not be so ordered, it shows that the judicial system has also been found "wanting"... for to watch the actual video of the trial will be an indictment of BOTH.

    I watched today an election "judge" who would say ANYTHING a lawyer asked him, often in direct contradiction to his previous testimony. It was pathetic.

  57. "Bridgeport has everything to do with the 2020 vote. It demonstrates that the entire nationwide election system is incompetently administered."

    Please explain how this is rampant and "stole" the election for Biden.

    Your claim would follow the same "reasoning" that says the Village is PROOF that ALL VOTER FRAUD is committed by REPUBLICANS.

    Your claim would follow the same "reasoning" that says ALL COPS ARE RACISTS because some of them beat and shoot Black people in the back.

    Show your work.

  58. One case shows SYSTEMIC Voter fraud, corruption, AND incompetence. The Villages cases show a couple of unaffiliated and independent fraudulent individuals. The banality of evil is only exposed in the FORMER case.

  59. Don't you love it when witnesses plead the 5th?

  60. YA likely did when tRump plead the 5th for everything. After he criticized others saying those who did were obviously guilty.

    He effectively telegraphed his future. LOL!

  61. "I once asked, 'If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?'" Trump said in a statement. "Now I know the answer to that question. When your family, your company, and all the people in your orbit have become the targets of an unfounded, politically motivated Witch Hunt supported by lawyers, prosecutors, and the Fake News Media, you have no choice. Accordingly, under the advice of my counsel and for all of the above reasons, I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution."

    Yep, in the face of SYSTEMIC CORRUPTION, it IS the wisest choice.

  62. "When your family, your company, and all the people in your orbit have become the targets of an unfounded, politically motivated Witch Hunt supported by lawyers, prosecutors, and the Fake News Media..."

    That doesn't explain why tRump is taking the 5th. Since what he describes isn't happening to him. Sounds something like what tRump plans on doing to others if he gets back in office. Execute Mark Milly for treason. Lock up HRC, Obama, Biden, James Comey, etc.

  63. When it only happens to your associates, it's "self-evident". Like most of today's media censorship.

  64. They were all involved in the same conspiracy. Why many of them are being charged under RICO.

    tRump is a criminal organization. He did the same as president.

  65. The Deep State is also a criminal organization. Trump will definitely use RICO against it. It's why Giuliani is his lawyer, the most successful RICO prosecutor in history. :)

  66. JC: "The Deep State is also a criminal organization. Trump will definitely use RICO against it. It's why Giuliani is his lawyer, the most successful RICO prosecutor in history. :)"

    I LITERALLY laughed out loud!

    It's a good thing I wasn't taking a sip of coffee when I read this! The spit take would have soaked my keyboard.

    What is it that convinces the Cult that their Malevolent Messiah NEVER lies and has done NOTHING wrong?

    Why is their grasp of reality so feeble they need a con artist to define it FOR them?

    They really have NO IDEA how THEY are the sheep. They blindly trust and obey their leader to the point of killing and dying for him.

    This is the identical kind of spell Hitler held over Germany. Der Fuhrer would NEVER lie or do ANYTHING wrong.

    As every sane person realizes, a cult isn't a cult to a cult.

    There's a reason -FJ/JC won't believe his beloved master is a criminal. He's too PURE and HONEST in their loving eyes to have broken the law. And besides, the cult will refuse to even READ THE INDICTMENTS.

    They're happy to let Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, Rudy the Lush, and the whiney Pillow Guy do their thinking for them.

    For like the racist Nick Fuentes, they are all "very fine people".

  67. Glad you're not taking this seriously, Dave. It'll make the Deep State's undoing soooo much easier! :)

  68. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    Regardless, Q has his own mind and hasn 't become fully indoctrinated in MSM sponsored "information" (which you dummies lap up as "facts").

    As foreigner (or what, there STILL is SOMEBODY else, apart apparent idiot Derpy, who DARE to doubt it?? %-)), I just NOT live under that constant waterfall of corporate and political propaganda, you DO...

    but you can be sure, that NO mater how hard I would pretend being objective and no-side-taking...

    I the same biased about political matters of a place I recide in. ;-P

    \\Blogger Dave Dubya said...
    I just have to laugh at Anonymous, spewing effluent like this: "And WHERE did you saw Honest Politicain?".

    \\Am I the only one who hears the voice of the LOTR character "Gollum" in his sniveling drivel?

    Gollum was talking about politicians??? BIG NEWS!

    Or... that is just self-revealing slip of tongue, of one certain Davy?

    Which wispering "My! Precious!" while tampering with his political E-G-O.

    That is how you spending your lonely dark nights, Day?-Wee!??? :-)))

    \\Again, local primary allegations are NOT proof of “massive” fraud.

    Locally -- not.

    But as proof of INABILITY to show leadership and dispell all the fog around it -- is.

    And that is INABILITY of global scale. Well, USA-wise for at least.

    \\This is the identical kind of spell Hitler held over Germany. Der Fuhrer would NEVER lie or do ANYTHING wrong.

    Either... you are from some parallel universe (of which Gollum talking about politics suggests too).
    OR... your level of knowledge of History is that nigligible... that you dunno about that simple fact, that so-called brawn shirts was harrasing other people into submission to their cult... under chant of needs of Progress... and even orchestrated fake attack on parlament... to reassure that their political opponents need to be punished... STILL doesn't ring a bell?

    \\Blogger Les Carpenter said...
    \\Definetly a Cuckoo Bird fer sure... FJ/JC/Anon

    I gave you a chance to show that you have some shame and would refrain from attacking character of the opponent. When your miserly trick was revealed especially.

    But you decided to double-down on it.

    Now, and officially, you are Lessy. ;-P

    And well... it's sad for me to inform you about that unfortunate reality --- that I am not from your flock, and do not know Cuckoo Songs.

    But will be glad to hear more of em. From you. My little birdy.

  69. Willfully ignorant Fascist Anonymous will deny the MANY similarities between Hitler and Trump.

    The abundant comparisons between Hitler and Trump are an interesting study of paranoid populism and racist fascism.

    In "Mein Kampf" Chapter 11 titled, "Nations and Race," Hitler wrote the following:

    "All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning."

    And "Adolf" Trump echoes the Fuhrer's racist white nationalism all the way with:

    “Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from, and we know they come from prisons. We know they come from mental institutions and insane asylums. We know they’re terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country.”

    The German Nazis used the term “Lügenpresse”, or lying press, in their campaign to destroy journalism. Now American fascists cry “liberal media” and “fake news” when the truth threatens their agenda.

    Hitler said, “What good fortune for those in power that people do not think”.

    Trump said, "I love the poorly educated".

    Hitler and Trump were both ultra-nationalist white supremacists.

    Hitler and Trump pretended to be victimized by minorities and stoked racist hate.

    Hitler and Trump gained support by demonizing and scapegoating minorities.

    Hitler and Trump loved large rallies of racist loyal fanatics to lie, demonize, blame, and falsely accuse those they hated.

    Every German Nazi pledged loyalty to the Fuhrer. Every American neo-Nazi is a Trump supporter.

    Hitler imprisoned all political opponents. If not for our Constitutional rule of law, Trump would imprison his political opponents. He openly threatened to jail Hillary Clinton

    Hitler and Trump would accuse anyone standing in his way of being a communist or Marxist, Jews in Hitler’s case, and Democrats, Black prosecutors and judges in Trump’s. He calls every Black DA and prosecutor who holds him accountable for crimes “racists”.

    Hitler and Trump were insurrectionist criminals.

    Hitler and Trump each incited a violent political insurrection to seize power. Hitler's Putsch was in 1923 and Trump's Putsch was January 2021.

  70. Yet MORE similarities between Trump and Hitler:

    Hitler had brown shirts and his SS thugs. Trump has his Proud Boys and Oath Keepers thugs.

    Hitler had Goebbels. Trump has OAN, FOX(R), Newsmax, etc.

    Hitler hated democracy. Trump tried to overturn our election.

    Hitler and Trump encouraged police brutality.

    Hitler and Trump admired Russian tyrants.

    Hitler and Trump demanded loyalty over competence.

    Hitler and Trump smeared educators who disagreed with them as “Communists”.

    Hitler and Trump pandered to Christians.
    ("The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life." - Adolf Hitler "My New World Order" - Proclamation to the German Nation, Berlin, February 1, 1933)

    Trump brandished a Bible for a photo op after GASSING non-violent protesters objecting to police brutality.

    Hitler and Trump both HATED a free press. Journalism has always been seen as a threat by tyrants.
    The German Nazis used the term “Lügenpresse”, or lying press, in their campaign to destroy journalism.
    Now American fascists cry “liberal media” and “fake news” when their lies are exposed and the truth threatens their agenda.

    Trump: “Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening.”
    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” – The Party (1984)

    Hitler and Trump were bigots who demonized homosexuals and denied women reproductive freedom.

    On October 10, 1936 Heinrich Himmler created the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, or Special Office (II S), a sub-department of Executive Department II of the Gestapo.
    Trump appointed unqualified theocrats to the Supreme Court to appease anti-abortion right-wing Christians.

    When fascists tell you they’re fascists, believe them.

    Trump declared: “Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

    When enemies of the Constitution tell you what they are, believe them the first time.

  71. \\The abundant comparisons between Hitler and Trump are an interesting study of paranoid populism and racist fascism.



    \\"All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning."

    \\And "Adolf" Trump echoes the Fuhrer's racist white nationalism all the way with:

    \\“Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from, and we know they come from prisons. We know they come from mental institutions and insane asylums. We know they’re terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country.”

    Pretty please.

    What do you see on a Rorshah test pictures? ;-P

    I think it must be Trump -- making faces at you, am I right? :-))))

    \\The German Nazis used the term “Lügenpresse”, or lying press, in their campaign to destroy journalism. Now American fascists cry “liberal media” and “fake news” when the truth threatens their agenda.

    "the term "fake news" was first used in the 1890s when sensational reports in newspapers were common.[3][4] "

    Reporters with various forms of "fake news" from an 1894 illustration by Frederick Burr Opper

    Surely. Hitler DID IT... from his baby craddle.

    And Truop ARE reincarnation of it... NO, he is Hitler after rejuvenation in a fontain of Youth in Eldorado!

  72. And where's Davy Baby?

    His psychiatrist cutted him from Internet? :-))))

  73. If you heard about this person who had just been arrested 4x, was also found by a court to have committed fraud and to have raped a woman.

    Would you let him babysit your daughter?

    So why would you want him to lead a whole country?

  74. Is our jack-booted host still lonely for conversation?

    Former Florida State Rep. and bigot Joe Harding who authored the “Don’t Say Gay” bill signed into law by DeSantis was sentenced for fraud today and heads to prison in January.

    Trump is a habitual criminal and has converted the Republican Party into a racist crime syndicate.

    This is exactly why -FJ/JC/Anonymous loves him. We have NO DOUBT if he were a German in 1933 he would have been an ardent Hitler supporter.

    They are what they are.

  75. "Vhy ve Trust ONLY der Fuhrer!"

    In a 2016 CBS's Lesley Stahl asked Trump if he planned to continue bashing the media. Trump admitted, “You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all, so when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.”

    A Gallup-Knight Foundation survey poll in April 2018 found three out of four Americans believe that traditional news organizations report “fake news,” though the term's meaning has become murky. (Another survey this year found that 42 percent of Republicans believed that stories that were accurate but negative qualified as “fake news.")

  76. Why so short screeds?

    Typing from clinic computer? :-))))

  77. Dave's a great admirer of George W. Bush, hence the name Dubya for W. Before he had TDS, he had BDS - Bush Derangement Syndrome.

  78. I very seriously doubt that he admires gwb. You just pulled that claim out of your ass, or you can produce some evidence to back up that claim?

  79. -FJ/JC will always rely FEELINGS and assumptions more than reason.

    "Dubya" is my tribute to Molly Ivans, the woman who coined the term for the Junior Shrub.

    Does he also ASSUME his Malevolent Messiah is a Bush fan?

    No, his messiah is even repulsive to a war criminal.
