Friday, October 6, 2023

What Deep State Shadow Bans Look Like...

What NOT YET Shadow Banned looks like:


  1. No, your chart reflects the fact that you hadn't made a new post since the end of July... that it has been "dormant" for two months.

  2. Funny, those were also your "best months". Maybe you should stop posting altogether.

  3. ...after all, the customer is always right! ;)

    1. Obviously the "customer" didn't like what you posted. You think that just because you posted -- that means you should get views?


  4. So Once AGAIN the Crooked Hillary Clinton Lashes Out Against the Republicans calling them “ Maga Cult Members”
    As she is Interviewed by that other Moronic Christiane Amanpour on CNN calling for a Systemic Deprogramming of Donald Trump’s MAGA “Cult members.”
    Systemic Deprogramming? Isn’t “Deprogramming” a system used by the NAZIS? How would this be done by Reeducation Camps? Would Box Cars and Showers be involved?
    And isn’t it Ironic that the Hillary Clinton interview follows the FBI's announcement that it plans to follow political extremists?.Do you mean to tell me that Hillary Clintoon isn’t an “Political Extremist”?.
    Hillary Clinton is still the same Dumb Ass that she always was!

  5. For Conservatives, we’re no stranger to accusations of being paranoid tinfoil hat wearers when we sound the alarm on something not quite right! Just look at how differently January 6th 2021 was perceived by the Left and Conservatives. One man’s “insurrection” is another man’s peaceful protest against a stolen election by the Left. The mainstream media covered it as a violent insurrection by the common man and woman, lumping us in with far right neo Nazis and white supremacists. Any attempts to clear our name from the more extremist factions, such as evidence of deliberate plants put there by the Left to make it look like we’re extremist is scoffed as a conspiracy theory. As for the election being “stolen”, there is plenty of evidence of the Left’s tampering with ballots, multiple fake ballots, voting more than once, dead people voting, illegals voting, hiding or miscounting ballots, etc. etc. that were caught on camera! Yet no judge dared take it seriously or else… So can you blame people for believing the election was stolen from Trump, enemy number one for the powers that be? Powerful people who could do just about anything and would, to get their way?

  6. The Entertainment INDUSTRY has manufactured the Democrat's consent. Are they (FAUX NEWS) manufacturing YOURS as well.

    If television and mass-media were to disappear tomorrow, people would no longer suffer from corporate America's MIND MANAGEMENT practices. People would be forced to spend their leisure time reading books, playing outside, or being "bored".

    The purpose of FILM is to teach you "how to desire". What consumer products you "desire". What lifestyle (gay/straight) to "desire".

    take charge of your own desire. STOP watching "mass media"!

  7. Asked whether he believes the border wall works,

    Biden answered, "No."

    Well then Maybe having a OPEN BORDER WHERE 16.8 Million Illegals, JUST WALK freely IN IS A BETTER IDEA!

  8. This post is what tinfoil hat paranoia looks like.

  9. ...and you're the one wearing the hat! :)

  10. Wow! The non thinking, intellectually challenged, "Thinking" again proving that rock is indeed a good metaphors for some conservatives.

  11. And liberals, the "water" eroding common sense values.

  12. No doubt you believe that White Supremacy, patriarchy, misogyny and homophobia/transphobia are "common sense values".

    FYI, I was joking when I said that my shadowban is biglier. Neither of our blogs is being shadowbanned. So, how can I be the one wearing the tinfoil hat? When it's tinfoil hat wearers who believe in conspiracy theories like "shadow bans".

    btw, I'm not saying there is no such thing as shadow banning. I'm only commenting on Minus FJ's belief that his blog has been subjected to one. Well, him and other conservatives. Shadow banning is part of a conspiracy against Conservatives... it is laughable.

    It is all part of your ridiculous "White conservative men are the real victims" counterfactual narrative.

    On the other hand, maybe Minus FJ's support for "common sense values" was noticed. Though, if that is what happened, why now and not a long time ago?

  13. Ever true to form, Derv. I'm looking forward to one day your rhizome vales gaining popularity. I love a good game of Jackals and Arabs. Guess which part I'll be playing.

  14. Minus: Guess which part I'll be playing.

