Sunday, October 8, 2023

...and the Walls come Crumbling Down


The WSJ Editorial Board, "War Returns to the Middle East"

Hamas’s surprise attack is a reminder of Israel’s existential peril—and the growing risk to U.S. allies.

The scenes of Israeli civilians gunned down in the streets, children and grandmothers taken hostage, and Palestinians cheering it all are awful to behold. But behold the world must because Saturday’s assault from Gaza shows the reality of the global disorder that is expanding by the month. Israel is on the front lines, but all of the democratic world is a target.

The scale and initial success of the attack puncture many illusions. One is that Israel is secure in its rough neighborhood. The Jewish state may have technological superiority, but it is still threatened by implacable enemies north, south and east.

The surprise assault was clearly in the planning for months and seems timed for the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War in 1973. That it took Israeli troops hours to reach some of the towns overrun by armed Palestinian militants suggests that even Israelis underestimated the threat. There will be a reckoning about the intelligence failure once the crisis is past.

Another myth busted is that Palestinians will live in peace with Israel if they get a state of their own. Not as long as Hamas and Islamic Jihad can terrorize and dominate Palestinians. Israel ceded Gaza to the Palestinians in 2005, but Hamas took over in 2007 and assassinates anyone in the territory who challenges its goal of expelling the Jews from all of Israel.

And please no more condemnation of Israel’s “blockade” or “occupation.” Israel has been allowing 17,000 Gazans to work in Israel each day and would like to allow more. Western critics of Israel don’t live in range of Hamas or Hezbollah rockets supplied by Iran. They don’t have to fear that their grandparents may be dragged from their homes and imprisoned in a Hamas basement to be traded if they aren’t murdered. No Israeli government can afford to give up control of more territory that could become a launching point for Hamas attacks.

Israel faces some difficult choices in the days ahead. A return to the status quo before Saturday’s assault would seem to be intolerable. Hamas would be able to rearm, rebuild its tunnels, and wait to attack again.

But an Israeli invasion of Gaza and reinstatement of Israeli control would be costly in lives and risk that Hezbollah would open a second front in Lebanon. Iran-backed Hezbollah has stockpiled tens of thousands of missiles. A new buffer zone of several miles between Gaza and Israel is another mooted option.

The response is Israel’s to make, and it deserves the West’s support. “My administration’s support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering,” President Biden said on Saturday, and we’re glad to hear it.

But the temptation at the White House will be to give Israel a week or so to respond with a free hand, and then lean on the Netanyahu government to stand down. That is always the U.S. pattern, but it shouldn’t be this time. And if a wider war breaks out, the U.S. will have to provide Israel with the arms and diplomatic support necessary to destroy Hamas and the military capacity of Hezbollah.

The assault also underscores the continuing malevolence of Iran. The government in Tehran cheered on the attacks, and it has provided the rockets and weapons for Hamas. It may have encouraged the timing as well, hoping the war will block any near-term chance of a rapprochement between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The Biden Administration’s failure to enforce oil sanctions against Iran, as well as its payment of $6 billion for U.S. hostages, looks even more misguided after this bloody weekend.

The attacks on Israel, horrible as they are, at least provide some moral clarity about the stakes in the Middle East. One side seeks the destruction of Israel and the Jews. The other arms itself to protect its citizens and state from that destruction. The internal Israeli debates over its Supreme Court look trivial next to the threat to Israel’s existence.

The assault on America’s closest Middle East ally is also a warning about how dangerous the world is becoming. As U.S. power and will recede, bad actors feel empowered to fill the vacuum. American isolationists on the right and left may wish to look away, but the U.S. can’t dodge the consequences.

Refugees from socialist failure in the Americas are flooding over the U.S. border, and sooner or later the U.S. will become a military target. The consequences of post-Cold War complacency are coming fast and furious.


  1. So...

    "The response is Israel’s to make, and it deserves the West’s support".

    But not...

    "The response is Ukraine’s to make, and it deserves the West’s support".

    Minus isn't upset that Netanyahu has his hands in our pockets?

    That Iran is behind the attack is what I've been hearing. Shouldn't Israel contact Iran and seek to negotiate an end to this war? Perhaps by giving up territory or by offering Israel's complete surrender?

    Isn't it terrible that donald tRump was not president? Then Hamas would have been too afraid to attack.

    By the way, how do you even know about this? Given that you've turned off all your screens? Well, you did say (when I asked if you were shutting down your blogs) that you were not. So, obviously you lied about that. It was just a plea for those in the Orange Turd Cult to stay ignorant. To get even MORE ignorant. Because ignorant people are easier to manipulate.

  2. You haven't a clue.

    A storm is coming, Derv. And you and yours are making sure that we'll have no shelter when it gets here. Congrats.

    Wars of choice, like Ukraine, have a tendency to bite the aggressors in the *ss. And THAT is precisely what's happening. How many war fronts can America sustain? We'll soon see.

    My question is, who will the Biden Admin throw in with. Israel? Or Saudi Arabia? and does it have the finesse to pull off "both"?

    1. Wars of choice? Did Ukraine have a choice? No. It was brutalky attacked and invaded.

      Wars of choice? No. Israel was brutally attacked by Hamas.

      You support supporting Israel. You do not support supporting Ukraine.

      Hypocrisy of the highest order.

  3. It's the United States choice to help Ukraine but it not a choice to help Israel. Why?

    Are you referring to the QAnon storm? Maybe Minus knows all about it because he is a QAnon shaiman?

    ...Mr. Trump is winning, and that Q is releasing sanctioned leaks to the public in order to galvanize them ahead of "The Storm", which is the moment when the deep state's leaders are arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay. QAnon believers have called this process "The Great Awakening".

    The storm takes its name from then-President Trump's enigmatic comment from October 2018 about "the calm before the storm". Q began posting soon after and said that the storm Mr. Trump referenced is a coming series of mass arrests that would end the deep state forever.

    In QAnon lore, President Trump [is working] to bring the deep state down, and the storm is a kind of Judgment Day in which the evildoers are punished and the faithful are redeemed. Q has repeatedly suggested that the storm would hit in the very near future and has even said certain people would be arrested at certain dates.

    Minus: My question is, who will the Biden Admin throw in with. Israel? Or Saudi Arabia?

    Isn't the Biden administration throwing in with Iran and Hamas? That's what I've heard the rightturds pretending to run for potus are saying.

  4. America's going to send $100b "borrowed dollars to Israel"? Who knew? While they're at it, please send me $1m. It's a drop in the bucket in comparison.

    So you think they're supporting Iran and Hamas? I'm sure the $6b helped, after all, you're probably right.

  5. Oh, thats right. The money's llsitting in an aaccount over aaat the bnk of Kuwait, and thr Iranians wouldn't dream of using it as collateral on other loaans for weapons purchaases for Palestine.... e-r-r-r-p!

  6. \\Wars of choice, like Ukraine

    Can you reveal some more around this point?

    HOW it was "war of choice" of USA??? in anno domini 2014?

    Or that is like here. ;-P

    \\How many war fronts can America sustain? We'll soon see.

    All of em.

    Because alternsative is... do you know that your enemies -- do not take hostages... well, err, they do, they do not take prizoners. And do not honor their rights.

    Well... yawn... it seems USA pre-destined to learn such things the hard way...

    As they say: Smart -- learn from example of others, stupid -- from own suffering... and idiots -- idiots do not learn at all.

    Chose wisely -- whom to be. ;-)

    \\Because ignorant people are easier to manipulate.

    Now I saw it all(?).

    Ignoranmus Derpy pleeding about folly of ignorance. :-)))))

  7. HOW it was "war of choice" of USA??

    Did Russia invade America? A NATO ally? Hence "war of choice". Especially when one refuses to negotiate a peace.

  8. Truth - Alliances ultimately assure broader wars. When in alliance your choice is pre determined for you. Then national pride takes over and you jerk into auto pilot and follow whatever idiotic justification supports your position.

    Alliances ultimately enhance dualistic and reified thinking and as a result supportsl ignorance and delusion.

    But so far ignorant humans have been unable to find a better way and so here we are.

  9. What started the war in 2014 in Ukraine Les, 12 years before the invasion?

    What started the Wars in 1947-48 against Israel? The Palestinians LOST that war, yet we enabled it to be merely "paused". It's no wonder it continues today. How many hundreds of billions of aid were given the Pseudostinians?

  10. War is the continuation of politics by other means. Such "other means" are always on the horizon. Slavoj Zizek calls it, "Divine Violence".

  11. btw- On the day before the war in Ukraine "started" UN OSCE monitors on the front witnessed an artillery exchange 4-1 INTO the Donbas. Guess who was firing all those shells?

  12. Minus: America's going to send $100b "borrowed dollars to Israel"? Who knew? While they're at it, please send me $1m. It's a drop in the bucket in comparison.

    Sending 3.8 billion a year. More now.

    Minus: So you think they're supporting Iran and Hamas?

    No. That's inane. Why republiturds are claiming it. Their brainwashed supporters love such bullshit.

    Minus: I'm sure the $6b helped, after all, you're probably right.

    I'm right that republiturds are claiming this? Of course. I heard the audio. The 6 billion did help. Get our hostages back. Pay for humanitarian aid for innocent Iranians.

    "Not a single cent from these funds has been spent, and when it is spent, it can only be spent on things like food and medicine for the Iranian people", White House National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said...

    Minus: Oh, thats right. The money's llsitting in an aaccount over aaat the bnk of Kuwait, and thr Iranians wouldn't dream of using it as collateral on other loaans for weapons purchaases for Palestine.... e-r-r-r-p!

    Many people dream of doing things they are unable to do.

    Minus: Did Russia invade America? A NATO ally? Hence "war of choice". Especially when one refuses to negotiate a peace.

    Did Hamas invade America? A NATO ally?

    Google: Is Israel a NATO member? No, as of 2023, Israel is not a NATO member...

    Why hasn't Israel negotiated for peace? They've had decades :(

    So, what you're saying is that the US shouldn't get involved, yes? Because like Ukraine, the conflict between Hamas and Israel would be a war of choice for us. And the US should avoid all wars of choice... well, that would be consistent. As opposed to hypocritical.

    Qtard: As they say: Smart -- learn from example of others, stupid -- from own suffering... and idiots -- idiots do not learn at all. Chose wisely -- whom to be. ;-)

    republicans always choose to be idiots. Politicians and voters. Why else vote republican UNLESS you like to suffer? Well, unless you're a rich republican voter. Then you only care about yourself. Don't care if others are suffering.

    Qtard: \\Because ignorant people are easier to manipulate\\Now I saw it all(?). Ignoranmus Derpy pleeding about folly of ignorance **moronic laughter**

    You should listen to your alter ego, Derpy. But will you? Naah. Well, Qtard listens to facts -- but then refuses to believe them. Says they are "Demn propaganda". Qtard is proud of its folly. Thinks its folly is proof of it being smart.

  13. When ignorance is overcome wars a n d othering of all kinds will cease.

    Don't hold your breath as we'll be dead in this life body for centuries before ignorance ceases. If it ever does.

  14. PS... i support non war and non othering. As well as striving to bust my own tendancy to dualistic thinking.

  15. The $3B is a gift from Jimmuh Cahtah (D) from Camp David...

    The accords and resulting treaty called for Israel to withdraw its troops from the Sinai Peninsula and restore full diplomatic relations with Egypt. Egypt, in turn, would be compelled to allow Israeli ships to use, and pass through, the Suez Canal and Straits of Tiran, a body of water that effectively connects Israel with the Red Sea.

    Notably, the treaty that resulted from the second “framework” also called for the United States to provide both countries with billions in annual subsidies, including military aid. Under the terms negotiated, Egypt receives $1.3 billion annually in military aid from the United States, while Israel receives $3 billion.

    In subsequent years, this financial assistance has been given on top of other aid packages and investments involving both countries on the part of the United States. The subsidies as earmarked in the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty have continued to the present day.

  16. Many people dream of doing things they are unable to do.

    My bad, the banks in Qatar, not Kuwait. Banks don't lend money on a collatoral basis? Who knew?

  17. Israel is not a NATO member. No sh*t. We have a TREATY directly with them and Egypt. It's called "The Camp David Accords".

  18. What's our Ukraine TREATY obligations again, Derv?

  19. ... ignorance does run very deep in humans. But what to expect? Western religous doctrine (Judaism and Christianity) teach and preach dualistic notions and have for over 2000 yrs.

    Until this is overcome don't worry. This shit ain't gonna stop.

  20. Judaism and Christianity both have their roots in Archaic religion, specifically, mimesis/ scapegoating. It's what our secular political system perpetuates to this very day.

  21. But, many eastern spiritual paths views on existence and reality are now being supported by science. Quantum mechanic & physics. IE, Daoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Hermetic etc. With luck the mono theistic authoritarian driven belief systems undergo a change of major propotion before it's too late for ys and the planet.

  22. Minus: We have a TREATY directly with them and Egypt. It's called "The Camp David Accords".

    No. The treaty is between Israel and Egypt. As per Wikipedia, Jimmy Carter signed as a witness.

    Just Foreign Policy: The United States and Israel call themselves allies, but they don't have a formal defense treaty governing their relationship. The relationship has long been dubbed an alliance, and Israel is often characterized in U.S. discourse as an ally ... Yet, strictly speaking, allies are states that have entered a treaty relationship with each other. And there is no such treaty between the United States and Israel.

  23. Nobody said it was a defense treaty. Those are your words. :)

  24. The agreements and the peace treaty were both accompanied by "side-letters" of understanding between Egypt and the U.S. and Israel and the U.S.[17]

  25. \\Did Russia invade America? A NATO ally? Hence "war of choice". Especially when one refuses to negotiate a peace.

    "Peace" in a price of disband of NATO?
    Why you not "negotiated" under such conmditions?
    Really, why?
    That was so rich and benefitial... whom do you kidding? :-)))

    Ruch'A proposed to you unconditional surrender... but you trying to cover it with "it was our choice"??? :-)))))
    Too embarassed to admit truth?

    \\What started the war in 2014 in Ukraine Les, 12 years before the invasion?

    Fleamsy weakness you demnstrated in anno domini 2008 -- when instead of punishing Rush'A for invading Georgia your Zero-bama pushed "reset button" with liliPut.

    That is like is bank robberer cought on place would not be put in cuffs right away, but just been poked in his cheek... and then, released.

    What would do that robberer -- of course he will became honest man, and will not rob anymore? YES??? THIS IS IDEA, behind it all???? :-))))))

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    btw- On the day before the war in Ukraine "started" UN OSCE monitors on the front witnessed an artillery exchange 4-1 INTO the Donbas. Guess who was firing all those shells?

    liliPut's propaganda you gobbled in even without noticing it. ;-P

    liliPut just tryed to use SAME trick as in invasion against Georgia pre-text -- make Gullible Westerners to believe that little Georgia... decided to start offensive against Humongous Rush'A.

    And they -- Gullible Westerners gobbled that in, that time... because being idiots? or just pretended?

    But... liliPut decided that that is GOOD trick -- why not use it AGAIN???

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    What's our Ukraine TREATY obligations again, Derv?

    Your honest word. Period.

    \\Pay for humanitarian aid for innocent Iranians.

    \\"Not a single cent from these funds has been spent, and when it is spent, it can only be spent on things like food and medicine for the Iranian people", White House National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said...

    Derpy the Idiot in Economy too. ;-P

    Dunno what ledger is. :-)))

    \\Why hasn't Israel negotiated for peace? They've had decades :(

    Oh, yeah... why they not negotiated peace with Nazis too... while being in Osventsim.

    Really, why?

    Derpy the Heinous Idiot... and Antisemite!

    \\You should listen to your alter ego, Derpy. But will you? Naah. Well, Qtard listens to facts -- but then refuses to believe them. Says they are "Demn propaganda". Qtard is proud of its folly. Thinks its folly is proof of it being smart.

    Talking among your alter-egos De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    But it's not good to do that in-public. People would think that your are crazy. Are you? ;-P

  26. liliPut's propaganda you gobbled in even without noticing it.

    The OSCE works for Russia? Who knew?

  27. I wonder how many Hamas and Iranian Guard infiltrators have crossed the US-Mexico border in the last year...

  28. My confidence level that it is none is high.

    Would it make you very happy if such people did sneak in and commit a terror attack? Then Joe Biden could be blamed, which would help republicans.

    The 9/11 hijackers didn't cross the US-Mexico border. Why would anyone from outside the US go to that trouble when they could enter legally? It probably wouldn't be that hard for them to find someone who would be admitted.

  29. Qtard: Derpy the Heinous Idiot... and Antisemite!

    People who want peace are antisemites?

    Pew, 9/26/2023: ...35% of Israelis think "a way can be found for Israel and an independent Palestinian state to coexist peacefully", according to the survey, which was conducted in March and April, prior to the latest violence.

    So 35 percent of Israelis are antisemites? It is probably less now, but that still seems very high. I don't believe that many Jews hate themselves. Why does Qtard think they do?

    Qtard: Derpy the Idiot in Economy too. Dunno what ledger is.

    I do. Sorry to hear you don't. Google it. Maybe you did but didn't understand what you read?

    In any case ...experts [say] that whatever support Iran might be providing Hamas would almost certainly have occurred with or without the hostage deal. ... "I don't see any tangible connection between the $6 billion and this Hamas war", said Matthew Levitt, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think tank that focuses on the Middle East. link

    Qtard: Talking among your alter-egos De-Ru-Pi?

    Your alter egos.

    Qtard: But it's not good to do that in-public. People would think that your are crazy.

    I doubt if you care if people think you are crazy.

    Qtard: Are you?

    Yes, I think you are.

  30. \\People who want peace are antisemites?

    People who after that when HAMAS killed thousand Jews saying: "And NOW we need to chease fire and start PEACE ?NEGOTIATION" -- are.

    That must be OBVIOUS to anyne.

    But apparently NOT for an idiot... or SAME antisemite.

    \\Pew, 9/26/2023: ...35% of Israelis think "a way can be found for Israel and an independent Palestinian state to coexist peacefully", according to the survey, which was conducted in March and April, prior to the latest violence.

    \\So 35 percent of Israelis are antisemites?

    No. Just idiots.

    But I hope number of em fall down... shortly.

    Other way Israel is doomed.

    \\ I don't believe that many Jews hate themselves. Why does Qtard think they do?

    Well, yeah... DEMN propaganda?

    That idea that it's possible to live peacefully... alongside rabid dogs.

    \\I do. Sorry to hear you don't. Google it. Maybe you did but didn't understand what you read?

    What an idiotic retort.

    But... naaaaah, unsurprising. :-))))))

    \\ "I don't see any tangible connection between the $6 billion and this Hamas war", said Matthew Levitt, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think tank that focuses on the Middle East. link

    YET ONE idiot that dunno Economy... but saying "listen to me, I'm expert". :-)))))

    Simple explanation to you, derp.

    You have 100$ bucks in your wallet. And I give you 100$ more in food stamps.

    Would you feel that your income doubled?

    \\Qtard: Are you?

    \\Yes, I think you are.


    And to which one of your alter-egos you answered? Whom you think is crazy? ;-P

  31. Qtard: People who after that when HAMAS killed thousand Jews saying: "And NOW we need to chease fire and start PEACE ?NEGOTIATION" -- are.

    Never said by me. No cease fire. Or "Chease fire". Unless that would be good? I have no idea. Dunno what "chease" means.

    Qtard: That must be OBVIOUS to anyne. But apparently NOT for an idiot... or SAME antisemite.

    Thank you for admitting you lied when you called me an antisemite. Given that I never suggested this. Why not just stop lying? But you can't. Lying is in your nature.

    Qtard: \\So 35 percent of Israelis are antisemites?\\No. Just idiots. But I hope number of em fall down... shortly. Other way Israel is doomed.

    Qtard is always talking about killing enemies. Thinks killing is the only solution. So that's billions of people? Qtard says they all should be killed. Because it is an idiot.

    Qtard: \\I don't believe that many Jews hate themselves. Why does Qtard think they do?\\Well, yeah... DEMN propaganda?

    No. rightturd propaganda. Netanyahu is a rightturd who (like Qtard) does not want peace.

    Qtard: That idea that it's possible to live peacefully... alongside rabid dogs.

    Nuke them? Kill them all? War on terror worked? The terrorists who attacked the USA are all dead? No new recruits joined them?

    Qtard: \\I do. Sorry to hear you don't. Google it. Maybe you did but didn't understand what you read?\\What an idiotic retort. But... naaaaah, unsurprising.

    I agree. That was stupid when you suggested I dunno what something as simple as a ledger is.

    Qtard: \\"I don't see any tangible connection between the $6 billion and this Hamas war", said Matthew Levitt, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think tank that focuses on the Middle East\\YET ONE idiot that dunno Economy... but saying "listen to me, I'm expert".

    Yeah, experts... not experts... just saying they are. That's what an idiot like Qtard thinks. He probably just guessed. Or listened to "Demn propaganda".

    Qtard: Simple explanation to you, derp.

    Explaining to your alter ego? So I shouldn't answer?

    Qtard: You have 100$ bucks in your wallet. And I give you 100$ more in food stamps. Would you feel that your income doubled?

    Well, Qtard told me the question was for its alter ego and I shouldn't answer... but I will point out (anyway) that the planning for this attack started before Iran's frozen oil money was returned to them. Why there is no tangible connection between releasing the money and the attacks.

    Qtard: Are you?\\Yes, I think you are\\And to which one of your alter-egos you answered? Whom you think is crazy?

    When I quote one of your comments -- I am responding to YOU. Pretty simple to understand. For a non-idiot. Why you can't understand.

  32. My confidence level that it is none is high.

    My confidence level that you are an idiot is also "high".

  33. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    liliPut's propaganda you gobbled in even without noticing it.

    \\The OSCE works for Russia? Who knew?

    Was that honest(?) and reliable(?) source -- of that vid?

    Or you just believed to it... because vids are truthful by default?

    Means when some dude on YouTube saying something-something -- it's Truth?

    Or fact??? in a Derpy's sence.

    Well, we discussed that already. A year ago. And I showed with excerpts from REAL DEAL documents -- that it was MISinterpretation. Or even deliberate lie... suiting DEMN and liliPut narrative.

    But, yeah... new vid, is much more persuasive... then some words of knowledge, old and from some foreigner...

    I get it. Really, I am. :-(((

    \\Never said by me. No cease fire. Or "Chease fire". Unless that would be good? I have no idea. Dunno what "chease" means.

    Illiterate Derpy admits own illiteracy?

    Or just to cover its lies.

    Or... maybe... it is not native English speaker? ;-P From India? :-)))))

    \\Qtard: That must be OBVIOUS to anyne. But apparently NOT for an idiot... or SAME antisemite.

    \\Thank you for admitting you lied when you called me an antisemite.

    Because you are idiot? :-))))


    \\Given that I never suggested this. Why not just stop lying? But you can't. Lying is in your nature.

    And THIS is NOT your words: "Why hasn't Israel negotiated for peace? They've had decades :("???

    YOU "NEVER said it"? :-))))))

    Well... as ever... that, some nasty your alter-ego said. NOT white angelic feathers YOU, yes, De-Ru-Pi? My little lying heinous DEMN-gel. :-)))))

    \\Qtard is always talking about killing enemies. Thinks killing is the only solution. So that's billions of people? Qtard says they all should be killed. Because it is an idiot.

    May I understand it that way -- that you ready to volonteer yourself to go to that Hamas guys? As negotiation mediator? ;-P

    Because you think you have adamant neck? ;-P

    \\No. rightturd propaganda. Netanyahu is a rightturd who (like Qtard) does not want peace.

    Derpy showed itself antisemite YET ONE time.

    Really... and why that Jew not gone into void... with that Osventsim smoke... peacefully??? Yes, De-Ru-Pi?

    \\Qtard: That idea that it's possible to live peacefully... alongside rabid dogs.

    \\Nuke them? Kill them all? War on terror worked? The terrorists who attacked the USA are all dead? No new recruits joined them?

    And that is all righturds fault???

    Even though DEMNs was at helm HALF of the time. :-))))

    And pushed "reset buttons" with that terrorists.

    Stalled and sabotaged that war.


  34. \\I agree. That was stupid when you suggested I dunno what something as simple as a ledger is.


    And you know? Can explain with your own words? Without copy-pasting from wikipedia?

    Naaah. :-))))

    \\Yeah, experts... not experts... just saying they are. That's what an idiot like Qtard thinks. He probably just guessed. Or listened to "Demn propaganda".


    I like idiot Derpy cringing like that.

    Continue-cotinue. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Simple explanation to you, derp.

    \\Explaining to your alter ego? So I shouldn't answer?


    As ever.

    You are the idiot.

    And have that "privilage" of an idiots -- do not listen to smart words. Do NOT learn.

    \\Qtard: You have 100$ bucks in your wallet. And I give you 100$ more in food stamps. Would you feel that your income doubled?

    \\Well, Qtard told me the question was for its alter ego and I shouldn't answer... but I will point out (anyway) that the planning for this attack started before Iran's frozen oil money was returned to them. Why there is no tangible connection between releasing the money and the attacks.

    And you know that???

    Because some "listen to me, I'm an expert" said it?

    Or you have a foot in a HQs of Hamas and Iran... and saw it with your own eyes? heard with your own ears?

    Or... that is just one of that "facts"... Derpy the Idiot "believes in"?

    \\When I quote one of your comments -- I am responding to YOU. Pretty simple to understand. For a non-idiot. Why you can't understand.

    That... as it should be.

    But... after all that absurd claims (like, that facts CAN be, or even SHOULD be believed in... or your screams "I NEVER said it" to your own copy-pasted words... and etc)... such a rules of thumb -- not applicable anymore.


    “How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?”
    The 47 Best Sherlock Holmes Quotes - Bookroo › quotes › sherlock-holmes

  35. Was that honest(?) and reliable(?) source -- of that vid?

    Who knows? But the report and figures quoted in the vid are real. I went to the OSCE website shortly after the invasion and read it. The artillery fire was mostly directed INTO the Donbas. Ukrainians killing Russian speaking Ukrainians (Putin's stated reason for the invasion).

  36. That is what *I* commented YEAR AGO!

    Donetsk city center (nongovernment-controlled)
    5-8km WNW Heard 9 Explosion Outgoing N/K 20-Feb, 01:00-01:05
    5-8km WNW Heard 5 Explosion Outgoing N/K 20-Feb, 01:15-01:35
    5-8km WNW Heard 4 Explosion Outgoing N/K 20-Feb, 01:40-01:55
    5-8km WNW Heard 28 Explosion Outgoing N/K 20-Feb, 02:45-03:00
    5-8km WNW Heard 3 Explosion Outgoing N/K 20-Feb, 03:00-03:30
    1-3km W Heard 17 Explosion Outgoing N/K 20-Feb, 03:05-03:35

    So??? What that "Outgoing" COULD mean?

    That nasty "Nazis of Ukraine" fired at that Donetsk... but then shell decided to "go out"??? :-)))

    Well... as ever, it is in one click distance -- the Truth. I mean it. Literally.

    You just need to find that pictogrm/icon/link of GoogleMaps.

    And type-in TWO locations.


    Donetsk -- city that was "bombed out by Nazis"... for "almost 10 years".


    Mariupol -- city that was "freed from Nazis" in just couple months.

    Also you can give yourself a work to look at that satellite images from previous times...

    But... why you should? While there is that "truthful vid" from YouTube. :-/

  37. Or THIS

    Near Kreminets (nongovernment-controlled,16kmSW of Donetsk)
    2km NW Heard 11 Explosion Outgoing Artillery (type N/K) 20-Feb, 09:55-10:02
    15km W Heard 11 Explosion Impact Artillery (type N/K) 20-Feb, 09:55-10:02

    That is BOTH "Ukrainians firing AT Russian speaking Ukrainiains"???? :-)))))

  38. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    btw- On the day before the war in Ukraine "started" UN OSCE monitors on the front witnessed an artillery exchange 4-1 INTO the Donbas. Guess who was firing all those shells?

    • The speaker refutes the idea that the Russian army is responsible and suggests that the Ukrainian army is attacking its own territory.


    "VERY truthful vid"!

    \\"The video suggests that the conflict in the region was not a one-way game and that both sides were involved."


    Because THAT IS HOW you DO PREVENTING WAR -- you sitting like that duck... and waiting when shell will come fall at your head.

    \\It also argues that peace was not the reality in the region before the special operation began.


    Because Rush'A invaded Ukraine in 2014. And shot down that MH-17 Boing.

    But this snowflake did not know that? Find it as surprise?

  39. Very few of the reports indicated a direction of fire. The maps, however show that the majority of explosion locations were inside the Donbass, not outside. And there are the damage assessments that directly indictae where the fire came from...

    Damage to a civilian property and a factory building in Mykolaivka, Luhansk region

    On 19 February, the Mission followed up on reports of damage to a civilian property reported to have occurred on 17 February in Mykolaivka (non-government-controlled, 15km east of Luhansk). Near the northern edge of Mykolaivka, about 150m south-west of a two-storey residential building, the SMM observed an impact crater (0.5m-1m in diameter) in a yard, as well as damage to a balcony on the building’s first floor, two broken windows on its north-facing wall, and damage to an east-facing wall, and three broken windows in the same wall. It also saw broken glass on the ground beneath the windows. About 300m south-west of the aforementioned building, inside a working factory compound, the Mission saw an impact crater (1-1.5m in diameter), as well as dents assessed as caused by shrapnel on the north-facing and west-facing gates of a storage area in the northern part of the factory. The SMM assessed the craters and damage as recent and caused by the impact of 122mm artillery rounds fired from a northern direction. Inside another storage area in the southern part of the same factory, the SMM observed two holes in the roof, as well as dents assessed as caused by shrapnel on the metal gates of the storage area. The Mission assessed damage to the roof, as well as to the metal gates as recent and caused by the impact of 122mm artillery rounds fired from a northern direction.

  40. Qtard: Or fact??? in a Derpy's sence.

    In my sense is verified by multiple sources. In your "sence" is if you like it. If it furthers your narrative it MUST be a fact.

    Qtard: Well, we discussed that already. A year ago. And I showed with excerpts from REAL DEAL documents -- that it was MISinterpretation. Or even deliberate lie... suiting DEMN and liliPut narrative.

    republiturd and Putin narrative.

    Qtard: But, yeah... new vid, is much more persuasive... then some words of knowledge, old and from some foreigner... I get it. Really, I am.

    CLEARLY you do not get it. Minus FJ's narrative is the republiturd narrative. Same as Putin's narrative. Yet you continue to call it the "Demn narrative".

    Qtard: \\Never said by me. No cease fire\\Illiterate Derpy admits own illiteracy? Or just to cover its lies. Or... maybe... it is not native English speaker? ;-P From India?

    I am a native English speaker. I am not from India. I never said there should be a cease fire. That's your BS "what Derpy really mean". I was talking about in the PAST.

    Wikipedia: In 2006 after the Gaza election, Hamas leader sent a letter addressed to George W. Bush where he among other things declared that Hamas would accept a state on the 1967 borders including a truce. However, the Bush administration did not reply.

    A missed opportunity to try to negotiate for peace. There were others. But not today. NOT after what Hamas just did. There is no opportunity for peace now.

    Qtard: That must be OBVIOUS to anyne. But apparently NOT for an idiot... or SAME antisemite.\\Thank you for admitting you lied when you called me an antisemite\\Because you are idiot? **moronic laughter** Self-admitted.

    Quote my "admission".

    Qtard: \\Given that I never suggested this. Why not just stop lying? But you can't. Lying is in your nature\\And THIS is NOT your words: "Why hasn't Israel negotiated for peace? They've had decades.

    HASN'T. PAST. Not now. I never said "now is the time to negotiate".

    Qtard: YOU "NEVER said it"?

    What you quote? Yes, I said that. Your "what Derpy really mean"... NO, I did not say that.

    Qtard: Well... as ever... that, some nasty your alter-ego said. NOT white angelic feathers YOU, yes, De-Ru-Pi? My little lying heinous DEMN-gel. **moronic laughter**

    De-Ru-Pi said it? In your delusions? Voices you hear in your head? I believe you.

    Qtard: \\Qtard is always talking about killing enemies. Thinks killing is the only solution. So that's billions of people? Qtard says they all should be killed\\May I understand it that way -- that you ready to volonteer yourself to go to that Hamas guys? As negotiation mediator?

    My volunteering as a mediator would be rejected. Not that I would. I would not.

    Qtard: Because you think you have adamant neck?

    I'd get my head cut off? Maybe. I'd probably be shot first. If Israel let me in. Which they would not.

    Qtard: \\No. rightturd propaganda. Netanyahu is a rightturd who (like Qtard) does not want peace\\Derpy showed itself antisemite YET ONE time.

    I have to like ALL Jewish people to not be an antisemite? Then Qtard is an antisemite. Said those Jews who support a 2 state solution are idiots.

    Qtard: Really... and why that Jew not gone into void... with that Osventsim smoke... peacefully??? Yes, De-Ru-Pi?

    There is going to be more violence. They're calling back reservists. They're going to fight. But I don't know what your alter ego "De-Ru-Pi" might say. I can't hear the voices in your head.

    Qtard: That idea that it's possible to live peacefully... alongside rabid dogs\\Nuke them? Kill them all? War on terror worked? The terrorists who attacked the USA are all dead? No new recruits joined them?\\And that is all righturds fault???

    That was George W bush's fault.

  41. Qtard: Even though DEMNs was at helm HALF of the time. **moronic laughter**

    Yes. Bill Clinton tried to take out OBL. republicans said it was wag the dog to distract from the Lewinsky scandal. The outgoing Clinton administration tried to warn the incoming gwb administration. The warnings were ignored.

    Qtard: And pushed "reset buttons" with that terrorists.

    I thought we were talking about al Qaeda? Now you're talking about Russia? Well, Barack Obama shouldn't have tried to improve relations between the US and Russia? What should he have done? Did sanctions. Provided aid to Ukraine to fight Russia (the aid that tRump tried to extort Zellinsky with. Told him he wouldn't get it unless he announced an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden).

    Qtard thinks Obama should have threatened war? US president can't declare war. Congress declares war. It never would have happened. It hasn't happened since 1942.

    btw, tRump didn't do anything like that either. Said he had a great relationship with Putin.Balked at imposing sanctions for interferring in our elections. Said he believed Putin that it wasn't Russia.

    Qtard: Stalled and sabotaged that war.

    Both Obama and Biden supported Ukraine with military aid. tRump tried to use the aid to extort Zellinsky. Why he was impeached the first time.

    Qtard: \\I agree. That was stupid when you suggested I dunno what something as simple as a ledger is\\**moronic laughter** And you know? Can explain with your own words? Without copy-pasting from wikipedia? Naaah.

    The money released by the Biden administration had nothing to do with the recent attack. It was in planning for 2 years.

    btw, U.S. and Qatar agree not to release Iran's $6B. The US and Qatari governments have agreed to block Iran from accessing any of the $6 billion it gained access to as part of a prisoner swap deal between the Biden administration and Tehran last month.

    So... Qtard thinks money that Iran didn't have 2 years ago was counted on it's ledger 2 years ago? How? Qtard thinks money Iran doesn't have now and can't access now are on it's ledger? How?

    Qtard: \\Yeah, experts... not experts... just saying they are. That's what an idiot like Qtard thinks. He probably just guessed. Or listened to "Demn propaganda"\\**moronic laughter** I like idiot Derpy cringing like that. Continue-cotinue.

    Impossible. I can't "continue" doing something I'm not doing. Never was. Qtard should be cringing. Realizing how stupid what it said is.

    Qtard: Simple explanation to you, derp.\\Explaining to your alter ego? So I shouldn't answer?\\Yeah. As ever. You are the idiot. And have that "privilage" of an idiots -- do not listen to smart words. Do NOT learn.

    Agreed. You can't learn. Obviously. Even when pointed out that money that wasn't given 2 years in the past (in the present, but now being blocked) can't be on Iran's ledger... Qtard refuses to admit it was wrong. Likely will continue to insist that it IS on Iran's ledger... somehow.

    Qtard: You have 100$ bucks in your wallet. And I give you 100$ more in food stamps. Would you feel that your income doubled?\\Well, Qtard told me the question was for its alter ego ... but I will point out ... that the planning for this attack started before Iran's frozen oil money was returned to them. Why there is no tangible connection between releasing the money and the attacks\\And you know that???

    I do.

  42. ...a state on the 1967 borders

    Israel needs to attack Egypt and get the Sinai back? Who knew?

  43. Qtard: Because some "listen to me, I'm an expert" said it?

    Because I know there is planning that goes into attacks like this one. Planning that started long before the money in question was released (but then blocked).

    Qtard: Or you have a foot in a HQs of Hamas and Iran... and saw it with your own eyes? heard with your own ears?

    Used my common sense. Something Qtard obviously lacks. Has none of, I'd wager.

    Qtard: Or... that is just one of that "facts"... Derpy the Idiot "believes in"?

    I believe it. The facts support the conclusion.

    Qtard: \\When I quote one of your comments -- I am responding to YOU. Pretty simple to understand\\ That... as it should be. But... after all that absurd claims (like, that facts CAN be, or even SHOULD be believed in... or your screams "I NEVER said it" to your own copy-pasted words... and etc)... such a rules of thumb -- not applicable anymore.

    But have been no absurd claims from me. Like I've said many times already, I only write "I never said it" when Qtard fakes a quote from me. Or partial quotes me. Or says (in either situation) "what Derpy really mean". I've never denied my own words. That's Qtard's lie.

    I never said "I *do* deny em their rights". Said I deny the J6 insurrectionists had the "right" to try and overthrow the election of Joe Biden. Cited John Locke in support of my claim that they did not have the right. Because there was no "long train of abuses".

    I never said "Israel needs to start negotiating for peace with Hamas right now" (that's a "quote" Qtard completely fabricated).

    Qtard: Yawn.

    Agreed. Arguing with the idiot who says it is "a foreigner from far far away" is exhausting.

  44. Qtard runned away. Or is silently agreeing.

  45. And how happy you are... to believe that that is true? ;-P

    \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    Very few of the reports indicated a direction of fire.

    Yap. Because they heard it as distant sound mostly.

    But... there stated place WHERE they was standing, and DIRECTion -- from where.

    So... did you INVESTIGATED for yourself... that facts? To gain better understanding?


    \\The maps, however show that the majority of explosion locations were inside the Donbass, not outside.

    WHICH type of "explosions"?

    Those which called "Outgoing" in that doc?

    Naturally. If Russias troops started firing MORE round in direction of Ukraine-controlled grounds -- it'll be "majority of explosion locations were inside the Donbass, not outside", isn't it?

    Well. Again.

    You can OPEN GoogleMaps... and watch WHERE craters from shelling recide in BIGGER amount. Which side of frontlines became MORE devastated.

    That is damn OPEN and OBVIOUS information.

    EVEN Russian Propaganda cannot do anything with it... that's why they trying to spread that narrative that "Ukrainians shelling on themself"... like in that "truthful vid".


    \\And there are the damage assessments that directly indictae where the fire came from...


    And that corpes on Gleiwitz station was in Polish Army uniform and visibly having slavic faces...

    \\"The SMM assessed the craters and damage as recent and caused by the impact of 122mm artillery rounds fired from a northern direction."


    And then you'd see... that Russian-Ukrainian border is UP there in that "northern direction".

    And... if you'd apply a little LOGIC here... you'd be able to discern -- that there NO, absolutely NO need for Ukrainian military to fire in that direction. What for? To destroy some non-military building? To make it easier for liliPut to claim the casus belli to start a war???

    Might be Ukrainian military "colluded" with liliPut??? :-))))

  46. \\Qtard: Or fact??? in a Derpy's sence.

    \\In my sense is verified by multiple sources. In your "sence" is if you like it. If it furthers your narrative it MUST be a fact.

    Then, WHY *I* CAN CONFIRM my words with factual quotes practicly EVERY TIME?

    And you not.

    Like IN THIS CASE.

    NOW I'll confirm that this is FAKE quote concockted by miserly Derpy the Idiot.

    Here, logically *complete* quote:

    Means when some dude on YouTube saying something-something -- it's Truth?

    Or fact??? in a Derpy's sence.

    YOU torn OUT OF CONTEXT... to make your non-factual burping. ;-P

    \\republiturd and Putin narrative.

    And CNN it's Mass Media of Rep-propaganda??? That spreading that narrative about "Ukrasinains are Nazis"???


    \\CLEARLY you do not get it. Minus FJ's narrative is the republiturd narrative. Same as Putin's narrative. Yet you continue to call it the "Demn narrative".


    So EVERY time when I have meet people, who was demonstratable Dem-aligned: condemning dRump, showing admiration toward Dem politicians, PRO-abortion, PRO-gay or proud gay themself, supporting BLM and any other type of PRO-Dem across your political division line narratives... while SAME TIME speaking ill about Ukraine and showing anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian ideology -- that was "republiturds" disguising themself as voter of Democratic Party of USA???

    For what? To make some foreigner from far-far-away to be UNSURE about who is who in USA???

    WHOM you kidding, derp? :-)))))

    \\A missed opportunity to try to negotiate for peace. There were others. But not today. NOT after what Hamas just did. There is no opportunity for peace now.


    Not all of Dems agree with you on that. ;-P

    \\Qtard: That must be OBVIOUS to anyne. But apparently NOT for an idiot... or SAME antisemite.\\Thank you for admitting you lied when you called me an antisemite\\Because you are idiot? **moronic laughter** Self-admitted.

    \\Quote my "admission".


    That was EITHER OR claim. But you opposed fervently to being anti-semitic... so, what it leaves you with? ;-P

    But you will not understand.

    Because you are... ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Given that I never suggested this. Why not just stop lying? But you can't. Lying is in your nature\\And THIS is NOT your words: "Why hasn't Israel negotiated for peace? They've had decades.

    \\HASN'T. PAST. Not now. I never said "now is the time to negotiate".


    In that PAST arabs ALSO tryed to kill jews.

    Even with MUCH MORE MASSIVE assaults.

    And before that... there was Nazis, who not only stated, BUT was on very good track of... making Jews gone disappear from the Earth... at all.

    SO??? About WHICH EXACTLY point of that PAST was that your mindless blurt?

    \\What you quote? Yes, I said that. Your "what Derpy really mean"... NO, I did not say that.

    Playing Humptee-Dumptee again? ;-P

    Trying to pretend that your words... even when PERFECTLY ECPLICITLY (like "I *DO* deny...") stated... mean something else?

    But... that is EXACTLY what LIAR when cought for his twisted tongue would try to do. ;-P

    NOW. You are self-admitted LIAR, Derpy.


  47. \\Qtard: Well... as ever... that, some nasty your alter-ego said. NOT white angelic feathers YOU, yes, De-Ru-Pi? My little lying heinous DEMN-gel. **moronic laughter**

    \\De-Ru-Pi said it? In your delusions? Voices you hear in your head? I believe you.


    Still trying to use much smarter opponent tricks. ;-P

    How mindless of you, De-Ru-Pi. :-))))

    \\My volunteering as a mediator would be rejected. Not that I would. I would not.


    "Not of my business" retort. Again. ;-P

    Then WHY you coming with your unneeded suggestions like "Why hasn't Israel negotiated for peace? They've had decades."????

    Any other reason apart from being DEMN-idiot, DEMN-puppet -- into which mind that idiotic idea was inserted, so now it repeating it... like that broken gramophone. :-))))

    \\Qtard: \\No. rightturd propaganda. Netanyahu is a rightturd who (like Qtard) does not want peace\\Derpy showed itself antisemite YET ONE time.

    \\I have to like ALL Jewish people to not be an antisemite? Then Qtard is an antisemite. Said those Jews who support a 2 state solution are idiots.

    Little problem here, derp.

    My "antisemitism" -- do not make Jews to die. Only to PROTECT em from dying.

    Your -- is absolutely definitely PRO... "final solution". Nazi-style.

    Like when Jews was PEACEFULLY going into, behind the fences of Oswentsim and Buhenwald???

    And THEN, also peacefully... was going out... but as a smoke and ashes.

    THIS "peace"??? Yes, *I* "does not want"... for Jews. Or anyone else.

    Unlike you. And DEMN-idiots like you.

    \\Qtard: Really... and why that Jew not gone into void... with that Osventsim smoke... peacefully??? Yes, De-Ru-Pi?

    \\There is going to be more violence. They're calling back reservists. They're going to fight. But I don't know what your alter ego "De-Ru-Pi" might say. I can't hear the voices in your head.

    Then... you can read written words of certain someone Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    Like this: "Why hasn't Israel negotiated for peace? They've had decades :(

    Or this: "Shouldn't Israel contact Iran and seek to negotiate an end to this war? Perhaps by giving up territory or by offering Israel's complete surrender?"

    Or this: "A missed opportunity to try to negotiate for peace."

    But... wait.

    Isn't that SAME Dervish Sanders I answering in THIS comment???

    How this possible that person behind that blog... DO NOT remember OWN words????

    And HOW???? It can be "voices in me head"???? If that is written words...

    So confusing... NOT. :-)))))))))))

    Just some DEMN-idiot which think that Responsibility for OWN spouted words... is something unexisting. :-)))))))

    And... it, can babble whatever it wants... and then just dismiss it with screaming "I NEVER said it". :-))))

    \\That was George W bush's fault.

    And isn't it was FIRST year of his presidency?

    And WHO was BEFORE him?

    Wasn't it WAS "William Jefferson Clinton (né Blythe III; born August 19, 1946) is an American politician who served as the 42nd president of the United States from 1993 to 2001."????


    Dems screwed all up. Lost in elections to Reps. And THEN started saying "that is all Rep's fault"?

    But... why you NOT fixed it all on your Zero-bama term? ;-P

    Well... you even DID NOT tryed.

    That is dRump who ordered to leave Afganistan. :-)))))

  48. \\Qtard: And pushed "reset buttons" with that terrorists.

    \\I thought we were talking about al Qaeda? Now you're talking about Russia?


    Al Qaeda and Taliban. And Rush'A and North Korea.

    USA government... of BOTH flavours, seems like like to suck up to all kinds of terrorists and tyrans... then is it like to have decent and thoughtful conversation and mutually-benefitial relations with other democracies...

    \\Well, Barack Obama shouldn't have tried to improve relations between the US and Russia?

    At the cost of suffering of some other people?

    People you pledged to protect?

    Well... it's question solely to you -- USAians to answer.

    \\Qtard thinks Obama should have threatened war? US president can't declare war. Congress declares war. It never would have happened. It hasn't happened since 1942.


    And there was no wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq(TWICE) and etc. :-)))))

    Oh, my-my, I though you just an idiot. But it seems your totally invertion of genius -- Complete Imbecile. :-/

    \\So... Qtard thinks money that Iran didn't have 2 years ago was counted on it's ledger 2 years ago? How? Qtard thinks money Iran doesn't have now and can't access now are on it's ledger? How?

    Imbecile De-Ru-Pun DUNNO what word "planning" is about?

    Quite probable and veritable.

    \\Agreed. You can't learn. Obviously. Even when pointed out that money that wasn't given 2 years in the past (in the present, but now being blocked) can't be on Iran's ledger... Qtard refuses to admit it was wrong. Likely will continue to insist that it IS on Iran's ledger... somehow.


    And governments, corportions and individuals do not have to deal with "planned income/planned profits".

    Oh, my-my...

    \\\\And you know that???

    \\I do.

    FAKED quote. STUPID answer. :-)))))))


    \\Qtard: Because some "listen to me, I'm an expert" said it?

    \\Because I know there is planning that goes into attacks like this one. Planning that started long before the money in question was released (but then blocked).

    So.... NOW imbecile claiming that it KNOW that there is "planning"??? :-)))))

    \\Used my common sense. Something Qtard obviously lacks. Has none of, I'd wager.


    I canot stop laughing.


    Imbecile just claimed having "common sense".



  49. \\Qtard: Or... that is just one of that "facts"... Derpy the Idiot "believes in"?

    \\I believe it. The facts support the conclusion.

    Aa-a-and??? If there is SOME OTHER facts... that DO NOT "support the conclusion"???

    They do not exist? ;-P

    Because you DO NOT (want to) believe it. :-))))

    \\But have been no absurd claims from me.

    VERY CLEVER phrazing! Congrats!

    \\Like I've said many times already,

    Imbecile thinking that the more time it will repeat absurd claims it will become more truier?

    Well, maybe. :-))))

    \\I only write "I never said it" when Qtard fakes a quote from me. Or partial quotes me. Or says (in either situation) "what Derpy really mean". I've never denied my own words. That's Qtard's lie.

    While... NEVER being able NEITHER provide CORRECT quote... NOR EXPLAIN, how that "Qtard's lie" was a lie.

    P-R-E-dick-table. :-)))))

    \\I never said "I *do* deny em their rights". Said I deny the J6 insurrectionists had the "right" to try and overthrow the election of Joe Biden.


    Either ABSILOUELY the same... or EVEN MORE heinous -- as you not only deny some right, but their humanity EVEN. Their chance to decide for themself.

    Like when we people decide that that lamb "have no right" to jump over the fence... that leads it to a slaughterhouse...

    \\Cited John Locke in support of my claim...


    That Religious Fanatic chant. I remeber, I really do. ;-P

    \\I never said "Israel needs to start negotiating for peace with Hamas right now" (that's a "quote" Qtard completely fabricated).

    And of course... you can PROPERLY point at WHERE that quote was written BY ME????


    You just babbling non-sense, non-factual bullshit. In a miserly try to embelish itself from EARLIER spouted one. ;-P

  50. Qtard: Then, WHY *I* CAN CONFIRM my words with factual quotes practicly EVERY TIME?

    NewSpeak. "Every time" means no times.

    Qtard: And you not.

    More NewSpeak. "Not" means I do. Every time.

    Qtard: Like IN THIS CASE.


    Qtard: FAKE quote concockted by miserly Derpy the Idiot ... Means when some dude on YouTube saying something-something -- it's Truth? Or fact??? in a Derpy's sence. YOU torn OUT OF CONTEXT... to make your non-factual burping.


    Qtard: \\republiturd and Putin narrative\\And CNN it's Mass Media of Rep-propaganda??? That spreading that narrative about "Ukrasinains are Nazis"???

    No. This never happened. Some Ukrainians. Very small number who self identify as Nazi.

    Qtard: \\CLEARLY you do not get it. Minus FJ's narrative is the republiturd narrative. Same as Putin's narrative. Yet you continue to call it the "Demn narrative"\\Yep. So EVERY time when I have meet people, who was demonstratable Dem-aligned: condemning dRump, showing admiration toward Dem politicians, PRO-abortion...

    Lie. Pro right-to-choose.

    Qtard: PRO-gay or proud gay themself, supporting BLM and any other type of PRO-Dem across your political division line narratives... while SAME TIME speaking ill about Ukraine...

    Lie. Speaking ill about Putin. Speaking about helping Ukraine.

    Qtard: ...and showing anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian ideology -- that was "republiturds" disguising themself as voter of Democratic Party of USA???

    Must be. And the idiot Qtard was fooled. Or lying.

    Qtard: For what? To make some foreigner from far-far-away to be UNSURE about who is who in USA???

    No. Because these people you talk about are imaginary.

    Qtard: WHOM you kidding, derp?

    Qtard trying to kid me. But it isn't working.

    Qtard: Yet. Not all of Dems agree with you on that.

    Which Democrats disagree? The imaginary ones you were just talking about?

    Qtard: \\Quote my "admission"\\That was EITHER OR claim. But you opposed fervently to being anti-semitic... so, what it leaves you with?

    Neither. Both are false. And there was no admission.

    Qtard: But you will not understand.

    I do understand. You lied. There was no admission.

    Qtard: Because you are...


    Qtard: \\HASN'T. PAST. Not now. I never said "now is the time to negotiate".\\BS. ... About WHICH EXACTLY point of that PAST was that your mindless blurt?

    Wikipedia: The Israeli–Palestinian peace process refers to the intermittent discussions held by various parties and proposals put forward in an attempt to resolve the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Since the 1970s, there has been a parallel effort made to find terms upon which peace can be agreed to in both the Arab–Israeli conflict and in the Palestinian–Israeli conflict. [End Wikipedia excerpt].

    But Qtard says NO, there should never be peace. The only solution is to genocide the Palestinians. Innocent Palestinians who want peace -- Qtard demands they all be slaughtered.

  51. Qtard: Then, WHY *I* CAN CONFIRM my words with factual quotes practicly EVERY TIME?

    NewSpeak. "Every time" means no times.

    Qtard: And you not.

    More NewSpeak. "Not" means I do. Every time.

    Qtard: Like IN THIS CASE.


    Qtard: FAKE quote concockted by miserly Derpy the Idiot ... Means when some dude on YouTube saying something-something -- it's Truth? Or fact??? in a Derpy's sence. YOU torn OUT OF CONTEXT... to make your non-factual burping.


    Qtard: \\republiturd and Putin narrative\\And CNN it's Mass Media of Rep-propaganda??? That spreading that narrative about "Ukrasinains are Nazis"???

    No. This never happened. Some Ukrainians. Very small number who self identify as Nazi.

    Qtard: \\CLEARLY you do not get it. Minus FJ's narrative is the republiturd narrative. Same as Putin's narrative. Yet you continue to call it the "Demn narrative"\\Yep. So EVERY time when I have meet people, who was demonstratable Dem-aligned: condemning dRump, showing admiration toward Dem politicians, PRO-abortion...

    Lie. Pro right-to-choose.

    Qtard: PRO-gay or proud gay themself, supporting BLM and any other type of PRO-Dem across your political division line narratives... while SAME TIME speaking ill about Ukraine...

    Lie. Speaking ill about Putin. Speaking about helping Ukraine.

    Qtard: ...and showing anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian ideology -- that was "republiturds" disguising themself as voter of Democratic Party of USA???

    Must be. And the idiot Qtard was fooled. Or lying.

    Qtard: For what? To make some foreigner from far-far-away to be UNSURE about who is who in USA???

    No. Because these people you talk about are imaginary.

    Qtard: WHOM you kidding, derp?

    Qtard trying to kid me. But it isn't working.

    Qtard: Yet. Not all of Dems agree with you on that.

    Which Democrats disagree? The imaginary ones you were just talking about?

    Qtard: \\Quote my "admission"\\That was EITHER OR claim. But you opposed fervently to being anti-semitic... so, what it leaves you with?

    Neither. Both are false. And there was no admission.

    Qtard: But you will not understand.

    I do understand. You lied. There was no admission.

    Qtard: Because you are...


    Qtard: \\HASN'T. PAST. Not now. I never said "now is the time to negotiate".\\BS. ... About WHICH EXACTLY point of that PAST was that your mindless blurt?

    Wikipedia: The Israeli–Palestinian peace process refers to the intermittent discussions held by various parties and proposals put forward in an attempt to resolve the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Since the 1970s, there has been a parallel effort made to find terms upon which peace can be agreed to in both the Arab–Israeli conflict and in the Palestinian–Israeli conflict. [End Wikipedia excerpt].

    But Qtard says NO, there should never be peace. The only solution is to genocide the Palestinians. Innocent Palestinians who want peace -- Qtard demands they all be slaughtered.

  52. Qtard: \\What you quote? Yes, I said that. Your "what Derpy really mean"... NO, I did not say that\\Playing Humptee-Dumptee again?

    wtf? Idk what you are talking about. Do you?

    Qtard: Trying to pretend that your words... even when PERFECTLY ECPLICITLY (like "I *DO* deny...") stated... mean something else?

    That is what YOU are trying to do.

    Qtard: But... that is EXACTLY what LIAR when cought for his twisted tongue would try to do.

    Bull shit. Qtard has been "cought". Caught lying over and over. About "what Derpy really mean".

    Qtard: NOW. You are self-admitted LIAR, Derpy.

    No. I only admit to telling the truth. And that is not "NewSpeak".

    Qtard: How mindless of you, De-Ru-Pi.

    Agreed. Both you and your alter ego "De-Ru-Pi" are mindless.

    Qtard: Ha-ha-ha. "Not of my business" retort. Again.

    How is it my business?

    Qtard: Then WHY you coming with your unneeded suggestions like "Why hasn't Israel negotiated for peace? They've had decades."????

    That isn't a suggestion. It's a question.

    Qtard: Little problem here, derp. My "antisemitism" -- do not make Jews to die. Only to PROTECT em from dying.

    Lie. Making Palestinians angrier and angrier will lead to Jews dying. Just did.

    Qtard: Your -- is absolutely definitely PRO... "final solution". Nazi-style.


    Qtard: Like when Jews was PEACEFULLY going into, behind the fences of Oswentsim and Buhenwald???


    Qtard: And THEN, also peacefully... was going out... but as a smoke and ashes.


    Qtard: THIS "peace"??


    Qtard: Yes, *I* "does not want"... for Jews. Or anyone else.

    Lie. That is EXACTLY what you want for the Palestinians. By saying that should never be peace.

    Qtard: Unlike you. And DEMN-idiots like you.

    Oh, NewSpeak. Genociding the enemy, that's good. While peace, that's bad.

    Qtard: Really... and why that Jew not gone into void... with that Osventsim smoke... peacefully??? Yes, De-Ru-Pi?

    I say no. They absolutely should not do that. Dunno about the imaginary De-Ru-Pi. He/she/it probably says yes.

  53. Qtard: Or this: "Shouldn't Israel contact Iran and seek to negotiate an end to this war? Perhaps by giving up territory or by offering Israel's complete surrender?"

    Questions posed to Minus FJ. You didn't see the question marks????

    I was making a comparison between Ukraine and Israel. Ukraine was attacked, yet Minus FJ thinks they should negotiate. Give up land or even surrender. I don't agree. In the case of Ukraine or Israel.

  54. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: Then, WHY *I* CAN CONFIRM my words with factual quotes practicly EVERY TIME?

    \\NewSpeak. "Every time" means no times.

    Of course.

    You as true liar would try to present it that way.



    And then lies, lies and lies again... seems like Derpy the Utter Liar think that if it'll go on a spree of lying... it somehow could embelish... it.


    \\But Qtard says NO, there should never be peace. The only solution is to genocide the Palestinians.

    For now... that is Jews who was slauthered.

    Week ago.

    And ALL previous ages.

    But Derpy the Anti-Semite DO NOT care about Jews being absolutely heinously slaugthered... only about them ABLE, for the first time in 2000 years, maybe -- to give a good punch back.

    \\Innocent Palestinians who want peace -- Qtard demands they all be slaughtered.

    If they want peace... they can take arms in their hand -- and put in cuffs all that terrorists from Hamas and give em to justice.

    But. Naaah. They want Jews to die MORE... than they want peaceful life.

    \\Qtard: Trying to pretend that your words... even when PERFECTLY ECPLICITLY (like "I *DO* deny...") stated... mean something else?

    \\That is what YOU are trying to do.


    With help of dictionaries, where commonly agreed meanings recide. :-))))

    U R absolutely rediculous liar. :))))


    Some more stoopid lies.


    \\Lie. Making Palestinians angrier and angrier will lead to Jews dying. Just did.

    And what about making JEWS angrier and angrier???

    After being killed. In packs of innocent. Children and Elder. DECAPITATED!
    On their peaceful Holy Day.

    Or JEWS just CANNOT do that??? Cannot retaliate???

    In the eyes of Anti-Semite Derpy.

    \\Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: Or this: "Shouldn't Israel contact Iran and seek to negotiate an end to this war? Perhaps by giving up territory or by offering Israel's complete surrender?"

    \\Questions posed to Minus FJ. You didn't see the question marks????

    Question... that TOTALLY IN ACCORDANCE with this your spree of Anti-Semitic LIES!


    \\ I don't agree. In the case of Ukraine or Israel.

    YET ONE lie.

    In the end.


  55. Qtard: Of course. You as true liar would try to present it that way.

    You present it that way. Call my honest replies "NewSpeak". Falsely claim I "really mean" the opposite of what I'm saying.

    Means... You are the "true liar".

    Qtard: For now... that is Jews who was slauthered.


    "Around 3,000 people have been killed in Israel's bombardment of Gaza ... according to health officials".

    Qtard: If they want peace... they can take arms in their hand...

    What arms? They should charge men wielding machine guns with knives?

    Qtard: ...and put in cuffs all that terrorists from Hamas and give em to justice.

    What would happen is they would die. Hamas leaders aren't even in Gaza.

    Qtard: They want Jews to die MORE... than they want peaceful life.


    ...most Gazans expressed a preference for PA administration and security officials over Hamas -- the majority of Gazans (70%) supported a proposal of the PA sending “officials and security officers to Gaza to take over the administration there, with Hamas giving up separate armed units", including 47% who strongly agreed. link

    Qtard: Trying to pretend that your words... even when PERFECTLY ECPLICITLY (like "I *DO* deny...") stated... mean something else?\\That is what YOU are trying to do.\\Yap. With help of dictionaries, where commonly agreed meanings recide.

    Lie. Dictionary definitions (which Qtard modifies so words mean what it wants them to mean) aren't the issue.

    The issue is you saying "what Derpy really mean". Like with the "I do deny" (torn out of context) half quote. You made up bullshit about me denying humanity of J6 insurrectionists. Because (according to you) they have the right to "decide for themselves"... and for everyone else.

    Disregard the results of a democratically decided election and install the loser using violence. Totalitarian loving Qtard says that is a "human right".

    Qtard: U R absolutely rediculous liar. **moronic laughter**

    It is talking about itself. Again.

    Qtard: Some more stoopid lies.

    What you wrote? I agree.

    Qtard: \\Lie. Making Palestinians angrier and angrier will lead to Jews dying. Just did.\\And what about making JEWS angrier and angrier???

    Of course they are. So innocent Palestinians are now dying.

    Qtard: After being killed. In packs of innocent. Children and Elder. DECAPITATED! On their peaceful Holy Day.

    Palestinians killed in response. Children and elderly. People uninvolved in the terrorist attacks. Knew nothing about them beforehand.

    Qtard: Or JEWS just CANNOT do that??? Cannot retaliate???

    They can and are. You aren't paying attention?

    Qtard: In the eyes of Anti-Semite Derpy.

    Your alter ego. I disagree with the "Anti-Semite Derpy" very strongly.

    Qtard: Or this: "Shouldn't Israel contact Iran and seek to negotiate an end to this war? Perhaps by giving up territory or by offering Israel's complete surrender?"\\Questions posed to Minus FJ. You didn't see the question marks?\\Question... that TOTALLY IN ACCORDANCE with this your spree of Anti-Semitic LIES! Heh!

    Lie. There have been zero antisemitic lies from me, let alone a "spree" of them. Lots of hate for Palestinians from Qtard though. Demands that they commit suicide (by trying to arrest Hamas fighters) or be genocided by Israeli military.

    Qtard: \\ I don't agree. In the case of Ukraine or Israel\\YET ONE lie. In the end.

    Yeah, yours. That I "really mean" the complete opposite of what I said.

  56. \\You present it that way. Call my honest replies "NewSpeak". Falsely claim I "really mean" the opposite of what I'm saying.

    And you can CONFIRM this defamation claim with FACTS and LOGIC?


    Because your are liar.


    \\Qtard: For now... that is Jews who was slauthered.


    \\"Around 3,000 people have been killed in Israel's bombardment of Gaza ... according to health officials".

    Slaughter Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › slaug...
    The meaning of SLAUGHTER is the act of killing; specifically : the butchering of livestock for market. How to use slaughter in a sentence.

    So??? Whose necks was cut open? Who was beheaded in most cruel way?

    Or you Nazi-scum just trying to PROTECT terrorists from vingence, here?

    \\Qtard: If they want peace... they can take arms in their hand...

    \\What arms? They should charge men wielding machine guns with knives?

    They can come to Jews and say "We want to fight against terrorists who killing you and us".

    Would Jews be that UNreasonable to not listen to such a call?

    Well... they can ask others. Like USA.

    Like did Peshmerga for example.

    \\...most Gazans expressed a preference for PA administration and security officials over Hamas -- the majority of Gazans (70%) supported a proposal of the PA sending “officials and security officers to Gaza to take over the administration there, with Hamas giving up separate armed units", including 47% who strongly agreed. link

    Well... than that is PERFECT time for them to take arms...

    \\Qtard: Trying to pretend that your words... even when PERFECTLY ECPLICITLY (like "I *DO* deny...") stated... mean something else?\\That is what YOU are trying to do.\\Yap. With help of dictionaries, where commonly agreed meanings recide.

    \\Lie. Dictionary definitions (which Qtard modifies so words mean what it wants them to mean) aren't the issue.

    And you can give CONCRETE EXAMPLE of it?


    That is just YET ONE of your perpetual lies. ;-P

    \\The issue is you saying "what Derpy really mean".

    Don't like it? Don't say it.

    Easy-Peasy. Isn't it?

    Don't like to be accused being antihumane totalitarian -- do not dare to say about this or that people "I *DO* deny..." their UNALIENABLE rights.

    Don't like to be accused being racist -- don't spread racistic slurr like White Supremacists, or segregating people in "social construct of race".


    Don't want to be called liar -- do not lie...

    so bastardly unsofisticatedly as "I NEVER said it"... about YOUR OWN DEMN WORDS... just written, and fixed in a form of comments -- so EVERYBODY can come and double-check -- that, yeah, YOU HAVE SAID IT! ;-)

    \\Like with the "I do deny" (torn out of context) half quote.



    YOU... know PERFECTLY, what that quote about. *I*... repeated it to you many times, in more full version. And you ANSWERED to it MANY times too.

    Which Indubitably CONFIRMS thast YOU know what that "half quote" is about.

    And that is what quote NEED TO BE -- correct reference to words previously said.


    \\You made up bullshit about me denying humanity of J6 insurrectionists. Because (according to you) they have the right to "decide for themselves"... and for everyone else.


    THAT is what that QUOTE IS ABOUT.

    YOUR *DENIAL* of UNalienable Human Rights.

    What in WORD "UNalienable" which also mean UN-separatable, NOT-severable... from people YOU DON'T GET???

    Like shadow is unseverable from light.


  57. \\Disregard the results of a democratically decided election and install the loser using violence. Totalitarian loving Qtard says that is a "human right".


    The same as revolting from "holy rule" of a King, and instantiating separate country... which have Right to Revolt in OWN Constitution EVEN.

    \\Qtard: Some more stoopid lies.

    \\What you wrote? I agree.

    And you asking why I hesitate to read your use of "you"... as if it said about me, precisely? :-)))))

    Because of such incredulos lies. ;-P

    \\Of course they are. So innocent Palestinians are now dying.

    Innocent? Or maybe accomplices?

    \\Qtard: After being killed. In packs of innocent. Children and Elder. DECAPITATED! On their peaceful Holy Day.

    \\Palestinians killed in response. Children and elderly. People uninvolved in the terrorist attacks. Knew nothing about them beforehand.

    Bull Shit.

    Idiotic Pretence of ignoring ALL Previous History.

    Or... what? YOU really just an idiot, who HONESTLY dunno about all previous History of what wars fought Israel for own survival? of Jews died in all previous "pogroms", in all previous ages?

    \\Qtard: Or JEWS just CANNOT do that??? Cannot retaliate???

    \\They can and are. You aren't paying attention?

    Then what this all your screames about "innocent palestinians"???

    "Those who sow the wind, WILL reap the whirlwind"(c)

    \\I disagree with the "Anti-Semite Derpy" very strongly.

    So what? You (pretend? to) disagree with other your alter-egos often too.

    \\Lie. There have been zero antisemitic lies from me, let alone a "spree" of them. Lots of hate for Palestinians from Qtard though. Demands that they commit suicide (by trying to arrest Hamas fighters) or be genocided by Israeli military.


    Inner Contradiction.

    Mere excerpt that saying "There have been zero antisemitic lies" -- ARE antisemitic LIE itself.

    Like containing THIS absolutely lying line "be genocided by Israeli military".

    \\Yeah, yours. That I "really mean" the complete opposite of what I said.

    Yeah. Cause you talk in NewSpeak. Method of talking EXPLICITLY designed for deceptive "complete opposite of what I said" talks.

    Like when you declare "supporting Democracy"... just to dismiss Human Rights swiftly and decisively. With substituting rights with "protection from violations".


    YOU, still think that your methods of deception WILL WORK on me???

    Or you are just an unthinking gramophone of Propaganda?


  58. Qtard: And you can CONFIRM this defamation claim with FACTS and LOGIC?

    Yes. Told you many times -- I don't use NewSpeak.

    Qtard: Because your are liar.

    That's a lie. I tell the truth.

    Qtard: Slaughter Definition & Meaning ... The meaning of SLAUGHTER is ... specifically the butchering of livestock for market.

    So, you are saying Jewish people are animals/livestock? Not humans? That's how the antisemitic Qtard views them?

    Qtard: So??? Whose necks was cut open? Who was beheaded in most cruel way?

    I don't know. From what I heard, most Jewish citizens killed were shot.

    Qtard: Or you Nazi-scum just trying to PROTECT terrorists from vingence, here?

    Terrorists should be killed. I was talking about innocent Palestinians.

    Qtard: They can come to Jews and say "We want to fight against terrorists who killing you and us".

    You truly are stupid. You think they're all collaborators. Now you're saying Israel would arm untrained Palestinians?? None of the guns would be taken by Hamas terrorists? Or given to them? "Give us the guns or we kill your children".

    Qtard: Would Jews be that UNreasonable to not listen to such a call?

    Giving guns to untrained civilians would be very dumb.

    Qtard: Well... they can ask others. Like USA. Like did Peshmerga for example.

    Qtard thinks Palestinian civilians are a "disciplined and well-trained guerrilla force"? That is how Wikipedia describes the Peshmerga.

    Qtard: Well... than that is PERFECT time for them to take arms...

    Arms Israel nor the USA would ever give them.

    Qtard: \\...Dictionary definitions which Qtard modifies so words mean what it wants them to mean...\\And you can give CONCRETE EXAMPLE of it?

    Of you adding to definitions? Yes, I can give an example. "Escalate". You inanely claimed that an article I quoted that said Russia escalated its war on Ukraine -- that was the article authors blaming Ukraine.

    Qtard: That is just YET ONE of your perpetual lies.


    Qtard: Don't like it? Don't say it.

    I never have said what you claim I say.

    Qtard: Don't like to be accused being antihumane totalitarian -- do not dare to say ... "I *DO* deny..." their UNALIENABLE rights.

    Never did.

    Qtard: Don't like to be accused being racist -- don't spread racistic slurr like White Supremacists, or segregating people in "social construct of race".

    I am strongly opposed to segregation. "White Supremacist" is not a "racistic slurr". It's telling a truth Qtard dislikes. That Qtard dislikes this truth so much is proof of Qtard's racism. Qtard doesn't like it when racism is called out.

    Qtard: Don't want to be called liar -- do not lie...

    I don't. Qtard does.

    Qtard: so bastardly unsofisticatedly as "I NEVER said it"... about YOUR OWN DEMN WORDS... just written, and fixed in a form of comments -- so EVERYBODY can come and double-check -- that, yeah, YOU HAVE SAID IT!

    No. Honest double checkers would see Qtard is a liar. They would see i didn't say it.

    Qtard: \\Like with the "I do deny" (torn out of context) half quote\\Lie.


    Qtard: YOU... know PERFECTLY, what that quote about. *I*... repeated it to you many times, in more full version.

    I do know. Know that I have never denied anyone their rights.

    Qtard: Which Indubitably CONFIRMS thast YOU know what that "half quote" is about.

    Yes. Qtard's lie about "what Derpy really mean".

    Qtard: And that is what quote NEED TO BE -- correct reference to words previously said.

    Incorrect. Out of context.


    Confirmed that you lie.

    Qtard:\\You made up bullshit about me denying humanity of J6 insurrectionists. Because (according to you) they have the right to "decide for themselves"... and for everyone else// Yeah.THAT is what that QUOTE IS ABOUT.

    Exactly. It's about you saying a minority has the "right" to engage in insurrection. Re a free and fair democratic election. When there was (as per Locke) no long train of abuses.

    There were zero abuses. Even you admitted that Biden won! Being a sore loser isn't an abuse.

  59. Qtard: YOUR *DENIAL* of UNalienable Human Rights.

    No. Would not deny them their rights -- if they had them. But they do not. There is no "human right" of sore losers in a democratic election to revolt.

    Qtard: What in WORD "UNalienable" which also mean UN-separatable, NOT-severable... from people YOU DON'T GET???

    I get all of them. But people have to have the right FIRST.

    Qtard: Like shadow is unseverable from light.

    Bullshit. If there is nothing present to cast one, there will be no shadow. Like sunlight shining on an empty field.

    Qtard: The same as revolting from "holy rule" of a King, and instantiating separate country...

    No. Revolution against a king is not the same as a revolution overthrowing democracy.

    Qtard: which have Right to Revolt in OWN Constitution EVEN.


    Qtard: \\Of course they are. So innocent Palestinians are now dying.\\Innocent? Or maybe accomplices?

    Both. But more innocents. Google says people aged "(0-14) years constituted 41% in Gaza Strip". Qtard thinks young Childern are "accomplices"?

    Qtard: \\Palestinians killed in response. Children and elderly. People uninvolved in the terrorist attacks. Knew nothing about them beforehand\\Bull Shit.

    Qtard's "bull shit" is bullshit.

    Qtard: YOU really just an idiot, who HONESTLY dunno about all previous History of what wars fought Israel for own survival? of Jews died in all previous "pogroms", in all previous ages?

    I know about it. How does that make all Palestinians accomplices? Israel knows this is a lie. They said they will try to minimize civilian causalities. Why would they if all Palestinian civilians are accomplices?

    Qtard: Or JEWS just CANNOT do that??? Cannot retaliate??? \\They can and are. You aren't paying attention?\\Then what this all your screames about "innocent palestinians"???

    Retaliate against Hamas. Not innocent Palestinians.

    Qtard: "Those who sow the wind, WILL reap the whirlwind"...

    Hamas. Not innocent Palestinians.

    Qtard: \\I disagree with the "Anti-Semite Derpy" very strongly. So what? You (pretend? to) disagree with other your alter-egos often too.


    Qtard: \\Lie. There have been zero antisemitic lies from me ... Inner Contradiction. Mere excerpt that saying "There have been zero antisemitic lies" -- ARE antisemitic LIE itself.


    Qtard: Like containing THIS absolutely lying line "be genocided by Israeli military".

    They won't be. Because Israel is concerned about innocent Palestinians being killed. Unlike Qtard. I was referring to what Qtard wants. Said they are all accomplices. So all should be killed.

  60. Qtard: Cause you talk in NewSpeak.

    No. I never have. I never will.

    Qtard: Method of talking EXPLICITLY designed for deceptive "complete opposite of what I said" talks. Like when you declare "supporting Democracy"... just to dismiss Human Rights swiftly and decisively.


    Qtard: With substituting rights with "protection from violations".

    No. Protecting rights of others. Not to have their right to elect the leader of their choice taken away.

    Qtard: YOU, still think that your methods of deception WILL WORK on me???

    No. Because I've never used any "methods of deception". I don't have any such methods. My methods involve telling the truth.

    Qtard: Or you are just an unthinking gramophone of Propaganda?

    No. Are you? Because you are obviously very skilled at reciting rightturd propaganda.

  61. \\Qtard: And you can CONFIRM this defamation claim with FACTS and LOGIC?

    \\Yes. Told you many times -- I don't use NewSpeak.

    That is... NEITHER fact, NOR logic.

    Just YET ONE of your baseless bullshit claims. YOUR MERE WORDS.

    Your behavior -- as per QUOITES of your words here -- showing that -- YOU ARE.

    You doing OPPOSITE to reality claims DEMN too often.

    Like when you tryed to pound at "dRump is Guilty"... while there STILL no verdict of the court. ;-P

    Or... more recently, when you screamed "I NEVER said it" -- to Ctrl-Fed QUOTES of YOUR DEMN WORDS.

    Such an obvious way of lying -- very similar to that of descried as using NewSpeak, in that book.

    And you even chanting VERY SIMILAR to that slogans, like "Truth... it's a Lie"... TOO. :-))))))

    \\Qtard: Because your are liar.

    \\That's a lie. I tell the truth.

    EXACTLY what liar would try to say.



    \\Qtard: Slaughter Definition & Meaning ... The meaning of SLAUGHTER is ... specifically the butchering of livestock for market.

    \\So, you are saying Jewish people are animals/livestock? Not humans? That's how the antisemitic Qtard views them?

    What a dirty thought.

    You came to it, not me.

    But... if I'd QUOTE it further, as example of your stark anti-semitism... you'd be crying "I NEVER said it" AGAIN, TOO??? :-))))

    \\Qtard: So??? Whose necks was cut open? Who was beheaded in most cruel way?

    \\I don't know. From what I heard, most Jewish citizens killed were shot.

    Turning blind eye, anti-semite?

    \\Terrorists should be killed. I was talking about innocent Palestinians.

    "innocent Palestinians" NEED to help with killing terrorists... or they are accomplices.

    Or... what else lying tricks you'd devise to dismiss that obvious conclusion?

    I'm here and ready to laugh at it. And call up your LIE, antisemite, YET ONE time. ;-P

    \\You truly are stupid. You think they're all collaborators. Now you're saying Israel would arm untrained Palestinians?? None of the guns would be taken by Hamas terrorists? Or given to them? "Give us the guns or we kill your children".

    Yap. "Innocent Palestinians". JUST as IT said. :-))))

    IT trusts EM so much ITSELF... being innocent, that fears that that "innicent Palestianians" will use that weapon to kill Jewish children.

    Self-Revealing, and PROVED.

    That Anti-Semite Derpy DO NOT believe in "innocence" of that "innocent Palestinians" ITSELF.

    And just using that claim to excuse Jews-Slauterers.

    As ANY True Anti-Semite would do -- having sympathy towars those who Killing Jews, not to Victims Jews.

    \\Giving guns to untrained civilians would be very dumb.

    Aha. Like... Minutemen???

    Well, you just confirmed that your Enemy of USA too.

    Dismiss history and values of USA.

    Well... NOT for the first time.

    \\Qtard thinks Palestinian civilians are a "disciplined and well-trained guerrilla force"? That is how Wikipedia describes the Peshmerga.


    Because that dudes of Peshmerga... they born that way -- disciplined and well trained.

    And "innocent Palestianians" -- CANNOT be trained and disciplined... even though, Hamas.

    Seems like Anti-Sewmite WANT "innocent Palestinians" to be "disciplined and well-trained guerrilla force" ONLY while that is force AGAINST Jews...

    \\Of you adding to definitions? Yes, I can give an example. "Escalate". You inanely claimed that an article I quoted that said Russia escalated its war on Ukraine -- that was the
    article authors blaming Ukraine.

    And... QUOTE?

    Because, you know, I freakingly CANNOT trust to what you say... anything of it.

    Well, even worse then that... I DUNNO to which part of our discussion it relates -- as it going through your feerish mind and became mangled and twisted to incomprehansion. :-)))

    \\Qtard: That is just YET ONE of your perpetual lies.


    Perpewtual NewSpeak "Yes".


  62. \\I never have said what you claim I say.


    "I NEVER said it".

    I heared that BS many times already.


    \\Qtard: Don't like to be accused being antihumane totalitarian -- do not dare to say ... "I *DO* deny..." their UNALIENABLE rights.

    \\Never did.


    You DID. And now you saying "Never did" -- HOW, JUST HOW I can believe to ANY word from such a rediculous LIAR!!!

    That's it. I CAN'T. Or... I would be an idiot. :-)))))

    \\Qtard: Don't like to be accused being racist -- don't spread racistic slurr like White Supremacists, or segregating people in "social construct of race".

    \\I am strongly opposed to segregation. "White Supremacist" is not a "racistic slurr". It's telling a truth Qtard dislikes. That Qtard dislikes this truth so much is proof of Qtard's racism. Qtard doesn't like it when racism is called out.

    MOAR blah-blah-blah from a LIAR. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Don't want to be called liar -- do not lie...

    \\I don't. Qtard does.

    YOU DID... just in this comment I citing sentence by sentence.

    And ABSOLUTELY REDICULOUS lies to boot(like... about words just said). :-))))

    And that is ENOUGH proof that this your "I don't. Qtard does." -- is a lie too. ;-P


    \\Qtard: so bastardly unsofisticatedly as "I NEVER said it"... about YOUR OWN DEMN WORDS... just written, and fixed in a form of comments -- so EVERYBODY can come and double-check -- that, yeah, YOU HAVE SAID IT!

    \\No. Honest double checkers would see Qtard is a liar. They would see i didn't say it.

    You mean other DEMN-liars like you? ;-P

    Yeah, most surely.

    \\Qtard: \\Like with the "I do deny" (torn out of context) half quote\\Lie.


    Obviously. NewSpeak "Yes".

  63. \\Qtard: YOU... know PERFECTLY, what that quote about. *I*... repeated it to you many times, in more full version.

    \\I do know. Know that I have never denied anyone their rights.

    YOU JUST confirmed.

    That you DO recognize that quote. ;-P

    Which renders your earlier claimabout it being "half quote" -- a lie.


    And well... you denied em "having such right" -- which is EVEN MORE egregious... As it is UNALIENABLE right -- humans HAVE it, JUST BECAUSE they are humans.

    And your "I *DO* deny..." em having such a right -- suggest that you DENY em being Human Beings...

    That's... EXACTLY what NAZIS did to Jews -- caled em "pests", and denied HAVING ANY human rights.

    Well... not surprising, after recently revealed you being Anti-Semite...


    \\Qtard: Which Indubitably CONFIRMS thast YOU know what that "half quote" is about.

    \\Yes. Qtard's lie about "what Derpy really mean".

    Derpy's unfonded claim that its words mean something different from meaning of that words provided via dictionaries?

    \\Qtard: And that is what quote NEED TO BE -- correct reference to words previously said.

    \\Incorrect. Out of context.

    Hah... what an idiotic try. :-)))))

    Showing that Derpy the Idiotic Liar -- DUNNO what "being in context" mean. :-))))


    \\Confirmed that you lie.

    Said a liar.

    Of course we'd believe to it... of course... Naaaah. :-))))

    \\Qtard:\\You made up bullshit about me denying humanity of J6 insurrectionists. Because (according to you) they have the right to "decide for themselves"... and for everyone else// Yeah.THAT is what that QUOTE IS ABOUT.

    \\Exactly. It's about you saying a minority has the "right" to engage in insurrection.


    Your political propaganda calling it "insurrection".

    Same as King of England propaganda was calling it... when its colonies decided to became USA. ;-P

    \\Re a free and fair democratic election. When there was (as per Locke) no long train of abuses.

    \\There were zero abuses. Even you admitted that Biden won! Being a sore loser isn't an abuse.

    Yeah... that is what each and every of ABUSERS do say about victims of their abuse...


  64. \\Qtard: YOUR *DENIAL* of UNalienable Human Rights.

    \\No. Would not deny them their rights -- if they had them. But they do not. There is no "human right" of sore losers in a democratic election to revolt.

    Totalitarian liar, you are.

    There is NOT only are "right to revolt". It instilled in Constitution.

    And it even was used, recently -- by BLM revolter.

    \\Qtard: What in WORD "UNalienable" which also mean UN-separatable, NOT-severable... from people YOU DON'T GET???

    \\I get all of them. But people have to have the right FIRST.

    Means "they need to be humans first"???

    But... THEY ARE.

    \\Qtard: Like shadow is unseverable from light.

    \\Bullshit. If there is nothing present to cast one, there will be no shadow. Like sunlight shining on an empty field.



    That believes that shadow can be WITHOUT light. ;-P

    \\No. Revolution against a king is not the same as a revolution overthrowing democracy.

    DEMN-OK-ratsy? Succumbed by political crooks, who speading lies and propaganda and trying to teach people that that DO NOT have UNalienable Human Rights... and only need "protection from violation".

    \\Qtard: which have Right to Revolt in OWN Constitution EVEN.


    -That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such ...
    The Declaration of Independence | Grand Junction, CO › The-Declaration-of-Independence

    \\Qtard: \\Of course they are. So innocent Palestinians are now dying.\\Innocent? Or maybe accomplices?

    \\Both. But more innocents. Google says people aged "(0-14) years constituted 41% in Gaza Strip". Qtard thinks young Childern are "accomplices"?

    Children ARE responsibility of an adults.

    \\Qtard: \\Palestinians killed in response. Children and elderly. People uninvolved in the terrorist attacks. Knew nothing about them beforehand\\Bull Shit.

    \\Qtard's "bull shit" is bullshit.

    Yep. It's all bullshit to Know Nothing Idiot Derpy... that do not know History, and only babbling mindlessly what DEMN Propaganda told... to it.


  65. \\Qtard: YOU really just an idiot, who HONESTLY dunno about all previous History of what wars fought Israel for own survival? of Jews died in all previous "pogroms", in all previous ages?

    \\I know about it.

    Naaaaah. THAT IS -- lie.

    You... just in previous paragraph called it bullshit.

    ALL History of that land, and of that people.

    \\How does that make all Palestinians accomplices?

    Are they living there? Aren't they VOTED for that government -- for HAMAS. They DID.
    HAMAS -- that is THEIR representatives. And THEY NOT revolted against it, or showed disobedience or disapprove it, anyhow.

    \\Israel knows this is a lie. They said they will try to minimize civilian causalities. Why would they if all Palestinian civilians are accomplices?

    Now... after saying that "Jews attempting genocide"... you ADMITTING that they ARE ACTUALLY VERY HUMANE.

    Even to their foes.

    That makes it OBVIOUS LIE -- that claim about "genocide of Palestinians" YOU DID.

    But... I know, you'll cry "I NEVER said it". AGAIN!

    And will decide it as deal accompished, yes? :-))))

    Irresponsible Liar Derpy the Idiotic Hypocrite. :-)))))

    \\Qtard: Or JEWS just CANNOT do that??? Cannot retaliate??? \\They can and are. You aren't paying attention?\\Then what this all your screames about "innocent palestinians"???

    \\Retaliate against Hamas. Not innocent Palestinians.


    Workers of secret factories producing missiles to kill jews. Producers of bread... to feed Hamas troops. Relatives of Hamas terorists. THEY ALL INNOCENT!

    That is ONLY Jews respective workers, producers, relatives -- ARE GUILTY... because they STILL alive, yes De-Ru-Pun?

    \\Qtard: \\I disagree with the "Anti-Semite Derpy" very strongly. So what? You (pretend? to) disagree with other your alter-egos often too.


    NewSpeak "Yes".

    \\Qtard: \\Lie. There have been zero antisemitic lies from me ... Inner Contradiction. Mere excerpt that saying "There have been zero antisemitic lies" -- ARE antisemitic LIE itself.


    YET ONE obvious lie.


    \\Qtard: Like containing THIS absolutely lying line "be genocided by Israeli military".

    \\They won't be. Because Israel is concerned about innocent Palestinians being killed. Unlike Qtard. I was referring to what Qtard wants. Said they are all accomplices. So all should be killed.

    Liar trying to retract and cover it's lie.

    Go... scream "I NEVER said it". ;-P

  66. \\Qtard: Cause you talk in NewSpeak.

    \\No. I never have. I never will.

    Some more NewSpeak babbling.


    \\Qtard: Method of talking EXPLICITLY designed for deceptive "complete opposite of what I said" talks. Like when you declare "supporting Democracy"... just to dismiss Human Rights swiftly and decisively.


    NewSpeak "Yes".


    \\Qtard: With substituting rights with "protection from violations".

    \\No. Protecting rights of others. Not to have their right to elect the leader of their choice taken away.


    Some "others" rights NEED to be protected.

    As in one other book of that Orwel.

    "All animals on the farm are equal, but some are MORE equal"(c)

    That MORE EQUAL "others".

    \\Qtard: YOU, still think that your methods of deception WILL WORK on me???

    \\No. Because I've never used any "methods of deception". I don't have any such methods. My methods involve telling the truth.

    Some NOT based on FACTS "truth"? Some only "believed in" "truth"? Some babbled by somebody-somebody "truth"?


    \\No. Are you? Because you are obviously very skilled at reciting rightturd propaganda.


    One you NEVER ABLE to make QUOTE of it... even.

  67. Qtard: \\Told you many times -- I don't use NewSpeak.\\That is... NEITHER fact, NOR logic.

    You haven't used facts or logic to conclude I've ever used NewSpeak.

    Qtard: Just YET ONE of your baseless bullshit claims. YOUR MERE WORDS.

    You're describing your claims that I use NewSpeak.

    Qtard: Your behavior -- as per QUOITES of your words here -- showing that -- YOU ARE.


    Qtard: You doing OPPOSITE to reality claims DEMN too often.

    No. My claims are in accordance with reality. YOUR claims are in opposition to it.

    Qtard: Like when you tryed to pound at "dRump is Guilty"... while there STILL no verdict of the court.

    Lie. There have been verdicts. 2 guilty verdicts so far. More guilty verdicts to come. Also, I can have opinions about guilt or innocence. Same as Minus FJ has about Joe Biden. Same as you -- re your "fair trial, my ass" comment.

    Qtard: Or... more recently, when you screamed "I NEVER said it" -- to Ctrl-Fed QUOTES of YOUR DEMN WORDS.


    Qtard: Such an obvious way of lying -- very similar to that of descried as using NewSpeak...

    But you lied. That never happened.

    Qtard: And you even chanting VERY SIMILAR to that slogans, like "Truth... it's a Lie"... TOO.

    Lie. I never chanted that. Qtard chants are similar. Like "facts are Demn propaganda".

    Qtard: Because your are liar.\\That's a lie. I tell the truth.\\EXACTLY what liar would try to say.

    NewSpeak. What a truth teller would say when baselessly accused of being a liar.

    Qtard: Baslessly.

    I agree. You are calling me a liar and using NewSpeak baselessly.

    Qtard: Slaughter Definition & Meaning ... specifically the butchering of livestock for market.\\So, you are saying Jewish people are animals/livestock? Not humans? That's how the antisemitic Qtard views them?\\What a dirty thought.\\You came to it, not me.

    That is the definition YOU quoted.

    Qtard: But... if I'd QUOTE it further, as example of your stark anti-semitism... you'd be crying "I NEVER said it" AGAIN, TOO???

    You said it. Liar attempting to say it's words are my words. Again.

    Qtard: So??? Whose necks was cut open ... beheaded in most cruel way?\\I don't know. From what I heard, most Jewish citizens killed were shot.\\Turning blind eye, anti-semite?

    Talking to yourself? Because I'm not an antisemite, Qtard is.

    Semite, Definition: a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.

    The Palestinians are Arabs. Means they are also semites. And Qtard is definitely anti-Palestinian.

    Qtard:\\Terrorists should be killed. I was talking about innocent Palestinians.\\"innocent Palestinians" NEED to help with killing terrorists... or they are accomplices.

    Perfect example of your antisemitism. Calling innocent people "accomplices".

    Qtard: Or... what else lying tricks you'd devise to dismiss that obvious conclusion?

    Facts. They are "lying tricks" according to the Palestinian-hating Qtard.

    Qtard: I'm here and ready to laugh at it. And call up your LIE, antisemite, YET ONE time.

    Laughing at yourself?

    Qtard: Yap. "Innocent Palestinians". JUST as IT said.

    It did just express it's hate for Innocent Palestinians. I saw it.

    Qtard: IT trusts EM so much ITSELF... being innocent, that fears that that "innicent Palestianians" will use that weapon to kill Jewish children.

    Lie. I never expressed any such fear. In any case, they have no access to Jewish children. They can't leave Gaza.

    Qtard: Self-Revealing, and PROVED.

    That you are a liar is proved.

    Qtard: That Anti-Semite Derpy DO NOT believe in "innocence" of that "innocent Palestinians" ITSELF.


    Qtard: And just using that claim to excuse Jews-Slauterers.

    Lie. Never excused.

    Qtard: As ANY True Anti-Semite would do -- having sympathy towars those who Killing Jews, not to Victims Jews.

    Lie. I have no sympathy for Hamas terrorists. I do have sympathy for Jewish victims and their families.

  68. Qtard: \\Giving guns to untrained civilians would be very dumb\\Aha. Like... Minutemen??? Well, you just confirmed that your Enemy of USA too. Dismiss history and values of USA.

    Idiotic lie.

    Minutemen were members of the organized New England colonial militia companies TRAINED in weaponry, tactics, and military strategies...

    Qtard: Well... NOT for the first time.

    Agreed. Many many times previously you have told idiotic lies. No doubt you will tell many more idiotic lies.

    Qtard: Because that dudes of Peshmerga... they born that way -- disciplined and well trained. And "innocent Palestianians" -- CANNOT be trained and disciplined... even though, Hamas.

    Exactly. Hamas would not allow them to train to fight against them.

    Qtard: Seems like Anti-Sewmite WANT "innocent Palestinians" to be "disciplined and well-trained guerrilla force" ONLY while that is force AGAINST Jews...

    They aren't trained at all.

    Qtard: \\Of you adding to definitions? Yes, I can give an example. "Escalate". You inanely claimed that an article I quoted that said Russia escalated its war on Ukraine -- that was the article authors blaming Ukraine\\And... QUOTE?

    Asking for quote... aka "I never said it". Qtard denies its own words. Yet again.

    Qtard: Because, you know, I freakingly CANNOT trust to what you say... anything of it.

    Lie. Trust your own memory of a past conversation. Pretending to forget?

    Qtard: Well, even worse then that... I DUNNO to which part of our discussion it relates...

    Relates to your adding to definitions to make words mean what you want them to mean.

    Qtard: That is just YET ONE of your perpetual lies.\\No.\\Perpewtual NewSpeak "Yes".

    No. Also, "perpewtual" is gibberish.

    Qtard: Don't like to be accused being antihumane totalitarian -- do not dare to say ... "I *DO* deny..." their UNALIENABLE rights.\\Never did.\\HERE IT IS.


    Qtard: You DID.


    Qtard: And now you saying "Never did" -- HOW, JUST HOW I can believe to ANY word from such a rediculous LIAR!!!

    Denying YOUR lies does not make me a liar. It makes YOU a liar. An unrelenting one.

    Qtard: Don't like to be accused being racist ...\\I am strongly opposed to segregation. "White Supremacist" is not a "racistic slurr". It's telling a truth Qtard dislikes. ... Qtard doesn't like it when racism is called out.\\MOAR blah-blah-blah from a LIAR.

    More truths disliked by the racist foreigner from far far away.

    Qtard: Don't want to be called liar -- do not lie...\\I don't. Qtard does\\YOU DID... just in this comment I citing sentence by sentence.


    Qtard: And ABSOLUTELY REDICULOUS lies to boot(like... about words just said).


    Qtard: And that is ENOUGH proof that this your "I don't. Qtard does." -- is a lie too. ;-P

    No. It is a fact.

    Qtard: \\Honest double checkers would see Qtard is a liar. They would see i didn't say it.\\You mean other DEMN-liars like you?

    Impossible. Given that I am not "Demn liar".

    Qtard: \\Like with the "I do deny" (torn out of context) half quote\\Lie.\\No\\Obviously. NewSpeak "Yes".


  69. Qtard: \\I do know. Know that I have never denied anyone their rights.\\YOU JUST confirmed. That you DO recognize that quote.

    Yes. How else could I say you lied about it?

    Qtard: Which renders your earlier claim about it being "half quote" -- a lie.

    No. It is a half quote. That is a fact. "I do deny" isn't a complete sentence.

    Qtard: And well... you denied em "having such right" -- which is EVEN MORE egregious...

    What is egregious is that you think sore losers have a right to decide for everyone. Biden voters and tRump voters who love democracy and want to keep it.

    Qtard: As it is UNALIENABLE right -- humans HAVE it, JUST BECAUSE they are humans.

    No. Rights are conditional. Like the right of self defense. If I pull a gun and say to you "give me your wallet or I'll kill you" -- then you pull your gun and I shoot you -- that isn't "self defense".

    Yet, according to Qtard, I can "decide for myself" that I felt my life was threatened -- and therefore I was justified in shooting it.

    Qtard: And your "I *DO* deny..." em having such a right -- suggest that you DENY em being Human Beings...

    No. Deny that they suffered a long train of abuses.

    Qtard: That's... EXACTLY what NAZIS did to Jews -- caled em "pests", and denied HAVING ANY human rights.

    No, not "exactly". Jewish people had the right to not be murdered. They were abused. Big time.

    Qtard: Well... not surprising, after recently revealed you being Anti-Semite.

    Did not. I am pro-semite.

    Qtard: Which Indubitably CONFIRMS thast YOU know what that "half quote" is about.\\Yes. Qtard's lie about "what Derpy really mean".

    Qtard: Derpy's unfonded claim that its words mean something different from meaning of that words provided via dictionaries?

    I never made any such claim.

    Qtard: And that is what quote NEED TO BE -- correct reference to words previously said.\\Incorrect. Out of context.\\Hah... what an idiotic try.

    Your "idiotic try". Try to use my words out of context to pretend I deny anyone their rights. When I strongly support upholding rights. Qtard wants to take away people's rights. Right of people in a democracy to elect the leader of their choice. The totalitarian loving Qtard opposes that right.

    Qtard: Showing that Derpy the Idiotic Liar -- DUNNO what "being in context" mean.

    Qtard dunno.

    Qtard: AND YOU CONFIRMED IT *JUST NOW*\\Confirmed that you lie.\\Said a liar.

    Yes. You.

    Qtard: Your political propaganda calling it "insurrection"\\Same as King of England propaganda was calling it... when its colonies decided to became USA.

    No. Overthrowing monarchy not the same as overthrowing democracy.

    Qtard: \\There were zero abuses. Even you admitted that Biden won! Being a sore loser isn't an abuse\\
    Yeah... that is what each and every of ABUSERS do say about victims of their abuse...

    Candidate you voted for in a democratic election not winning does not make you a "victim".

    Qtard: YOUR *DENIAL* of UNalienable Human Rights.\\No. Would not deny them their rights -- if they had them. But they do not. There is no "human right" of sore losers in a democratic election to revolt.\\Totalitarian liar, you are.

    I am a strong supporter of democracy. Qtard is a proven totalitarian liar. Supports overthrowing democracy. Calls it a "human right".

    Qtard: There is NOT only are "right to revolt". It instilled in Constitution.


    Qtard: And it even was used, recently -- by BLM revolter.


    Qtard: What in WORD "UNalienable" which also mean UN-separatable, NOT-severable... from people YOU DON'T GET?\\I get all of them. But people have to have the right FIRST. Means "they need to be humans first"???

    No. They are undeniably humans. Animals aren't subject to human laws. Not in the present, at least.

    Qtard: But... THEY ARE.

    Never said they aren't.

  70. Qtard: That believes that shadow can be WITHOUT light.

    Lie. I said shadows can't exist with NOTHING to cast them.

    Qtard: \\No. Revolution against a king is not the same as a revolution overthrowing democracy.\\ Demn-ok-ratsy?

    There is no such thing as "demn-ok-ratsy". Is that what democracy haters like you call "democracy"?

    Qtard: Succumbed by political crooks, who speading lies and propaganda and trying to teach people that that DO NOT have UNalienable Human Rights... and only need "protection from violation".


    Qtard: which have Right to Revolt in OWN Constitution EVEN. \\Isn't\\That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, ... The Declaration of Independence.

    The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are different documents. So, thank you for confirming you lied. The right to revolt is NOT "in OWN Constitution EVEN".

    Qtard: \\...innocent Palestinians are now dying.\\Innocent? Or maybe accomplices?\\Both. But more innocents. Google says people aged "(0-14) years constituted 41% in Gaza Strip". Qtard thinks young Children are "accomplices"\\ Children ARE responsibility of an adults.

    All adults responsible to not kill innocents. Now the bigot Qtard expresses its support for killing children. Because their parents are Palestinian.

    Qtard: \\Palestinians killed in response. Children and elderly. People uninvolved in the terrorist attacks. Knew nothing about them beforehand\\Bull Shit.\\Qtard's "bull shit" is bullshit.\\Yep. It's all bullshit to Know Nothing Idiot Derpy... that do not know History, and only babbling mindlessly what DEMN Propaganda told... to it.

    False. And non sequiturs. Attack was kept secret to prevent Israel from finding out. Dummy Qtard thinks all Gazans knew.

    Qtard: YOU really just an idiot, who HONESTLY dunno about all previous History of what wars fought Israel for own survival? of Jews died in all previous "pogroms", in all previous ages?\\I know about it.\\Naaaaah. THAT IS -- lie.

    Qtard's "THAT IS -- lie" is a lie.

    Qtard: You... just in previous paragraph called it bullshit. ALL History of that land, and of that people.

    Lie. Didn't.

    Qtard: \\How does that make all Palestinians accomplices? Are they living there? Aren't they VOTED for that government -- for HAMAS. They DID.

    In 2006. No elections since then. No opportunity to vote out. Kids who grew up since then never voted for Hamas.

    Qtard: HAMAS -- that is THEIR representatives.

    No. There have been no elections to get rid of.

    Qtard: And THEY NOT revolted against it, or showed disobedience or disapprove it, anyhow.

    Qtard condemns because Gazans didn't willingly jump into an open grave. Disapproval has been shown. Quoted it above. 70% of Gazans want the Palestinian Authority to take over/get rid of Hamas.

    Qtard: \\Israel knows this is a lie. They said they will try to minimize civilian casualties. Why would they if all Palestinian civilians are accomplices?\\Now... after saying that "Jews attempting genocide"... you ADMITTING that they ARE ACTUALLY VERY HUMANE.

    Lie. I never said "Jews attempting genocide". I was talking about what Qtard wants.

    My prior comment was "Qtard ... Demands that they commit suicide (by trying to arrest Hamas fighters) or be genocided by Israeli military.

    Qtard: Even to their foes. That makes it OBVIOUS LIE -- that claim about "genocide of Palestinians" YOU DID.

    Lie. I never made such a claim.

    Qtard: But... I know, you'll cry "I NEVER said it". AGAIN!

    Of course. Because I didn't.

    Qtard: And will decide it as deal accompished, yes?

    I dunno what "deal" you are talking about.

  71. Qtard: Irresponsible Liar Derpy the Idiotic Hypocrite.

    Qtard is talking about its alter ego.

    Qtard: \\Retaliate against Hamas. Not innocent Palestinians\\Yep.\\Workers of secret factories producing missiles to kill jews. Producers of bread... to feed Hamas troops. Relatives of Hamas terorists. THEY ALL INNOCENT!

    No. There are 2 million people in Gaza. Only a small percentage working with Hamas. Support them.

    Qtard: That is ONLY Jews respective workers, producers, relatives -- ARE GUILTY... because they STILL alive, yes De-Ru-Pun?

    I say no. But you asked a new alter ego. I dunno what "De-Ru-Pun" thinks.

    Qtard: \\I disagree with the "Anti-Semite Derpy" very strongly. So what? You (pretend? to) disagree with other your alter-egos often too.\\No\\NewSpeak "Yes".

    No. "Anti-Semite Derpy" is YOUR alter ego. I *do* disagree with it. Not pretending.

    Qtard: \\Lie. There have been zero antisemitic lies from me ... Inner Contradiction. Mere excerpt that saying "There have been zero antisemitic lies" -- ARE antisemitic LIE itself.\\Isn't.\\YET ONE obvious lie.

    Yes. Of Qtard.

    Qtard: Like containing THIS absolutely lying line "be genocided by Israeli military".\\They won't be. Because Israel is concerned about innocent Palestinians being killed. Unlike Qtard. I was referring to what Qtard wants. Said they are all accomplices. So all should be killed.\\Liar trying to retract and cover it's lie.

    No. Qtard trying to cover it's hate for innocent Palestinians. By calling them all "accomplices".

    Qtard: Go... scream "I NEVER said it".

    Voices in Qtard's head are screaming at it? See a doctor. Get some antipsychotic meds. I can't help it.

    Qtard: Cause you talk in NewSpeak.\\No. I never have. I never will\\Some more NewSpeak babbling.


    Qtard: Method of talking EXPLICITLY designed for deceptive "complete opposite of what I said" talks. Like when you declare "supporting Democracy"... just to dismiss Human Rights swiftly and decisively.\\No\\NewSpeak "Yes".


    Qtard: With substituting rights with "protection from violations"\\No. Protecting rights of others. Not to have their right to elect the leader of their choice taken away\\Yap. Some "others" rights NEED to be protected. As in one other book of that Orwel. "All animals on the farm are equal, but some are MORE equal".

    Yes. That is what you obviously believe. That the J6 rioters are "more equal". Their "right" to overthrow democracy should be protected. Rights of others to elect the leader of their choice shouldn't be.

    Qtard: That MORE EQUAL "others".

    Yes. That is Qtard's desire. That tRump voters be "more equal". That their choice should be president, even though he lost.

    Qtard: YOU, still think that your methods of deception WILL WORK on me???\\No. Because I've never used any "methods of deception". I don't have any such methods. My methods involve telling the truth.\\Some NOT based on FACTS "truth"?

    No. All based on facts truth.

    Qtard: Some only "believed in" "truth"? Some babbled by somebody-somebody "truth"?

    No. Confirmed by examining the facts and data. Not "babbled". Presented.

    Qtard: \\No. Are you? Because you are obviously very skilled at reciting rightturd propaganda\\Yeah. One you NEVER ABLE to make QUOTE of it... even.

    All your defenses of donald tRump. Denying the obvious fact that he is Putin's puppet. Very in line with rightturd propaganda.

  72. \\You haven't used facts or logic to conclude I've ever used NewSpeak.

    Naturally you didn't saw -- and fact and logic to confirm it -- YOU STILL UNABLE to grok definition of what fact is, even.

    U R I-D-I-O-T.

    You would not be one -- if you'd be able to.


    \\Qtard: Just YET ONE of your baseless bullshit claims. YOUR MERE WORDS.

    \\You're describing your claims that I use NewSpeak.


    I believe you.

    That that is "reality" you see within your feverish mind. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Your behavior -- as per QUOITES of your words here -- showing that -- YOU ARE.



    You'd not admit it.

    Or... maybe that is NewSpeak "Yes" from some of your alter-egos?

    Hard to say. More data need to be collected.

    \\Qtard: You doing OPPOSITE to reality claims DEMN too often.

    \\No. My claims are in accordance with reality. YOUR claims are in opposition to it.


    In accordance with "reality" of your small brain. Not Reality.


    \\Qtard: Like when you tryed to pound at "dRump is Guilty"... while there STILL no verdict of the court.

    \\Lie. There have been verdicts. 2 guilty verdicts so far.

    Not criminal. And not about ANYTHING you tryed to pound at as "dRump is Guilty!" here.

    And most surely -- political.

    \\More guilty verdicts to come. Also, I can have opinions about guilt or innocence. Same as Minus FJ has about Joe Biden. Same as you -- re your "fair trial, my ass" comment.

    As possibility. But not as fact.

    But you, tryed to pounding at it as being FACTS.

    \\Qtard: Or... more recently, when you screamed "I NEVER said it" -- to Ctrl-Fed QUOTES of YOUR DEMN WORDS.


    Yawn. Go... disprove it. ;-P

    But you can't. Because that is FACT of Reality -- you have NO CONTROL of.

    NOT "fact" of "reality" of your feverish brain... you can command to be anything you like. :-))))

    \\Lie. I never chanted that. Qtard chants are similar. Like "facts are Demn propaganda".


    Feel... itself, free to EXPLAIN HOW it is ANYHOW similar. ;-P

    Your words "alternative media it's violation of right of speach" very obviously is SIMILAR to that Orwel's book 1984 slogan(s) "Truth it's a Lie", "Freedom its Slavery" and etc...


  73. \\Qtard: Because your are liar.\\That's a lie. I tell the truth.\\EXACTLY what liar would try to say.

    \\NewSpeak. What a truth teller would say when baselessly accused of being a liar.

    Thank you for this NewSpeak example.

    So "liars" in it called "truth tellers"?

    I get it.

    \\Qtard: Baslessly.

    \\I agree. You are calling me a liar and using NewSpeak baselessly.


    Because you are liar... oh, sorry, "truth teller", in your native tongue. ;-P

    \\That is the definition YOU quoted.


    \\Qtard: But... if I'd QUOTE it further, as example of your stark anti-semitism... you'd be crying "I NEVER said it" AGAIN, TOO???

    \\You said it. Liar attempting to say it's words are my words. Again.


    That was a question. You see -- question sign "?" there.

    Reasonable question.

    As you tend to scream "I NEVER said it" DEMN too much.

    \\Perfect example of your antisemitism. Calling innocent people "accomplices".

    Oh. My. :-))))))

    Calling out terrost's accomplices is "anti-semitism"???? In feverish "reality" of delirious Derpy? :-))))

    \\Qtard: Or... what else lying tricks you'd devise to dismiss that obvious conclusion?

    \\Facts. They are "lying tricks" according to the Palestinian-hating Qtard.


    FACTS of how this sock-puppet trying to bend Reality into a pretcel to embelish terrorists and to accuse victims...

    and YOU DEMN WORDS are such FACTS.

    But... you'll dismiss em, in a jiffy... because you "believe in facts"... but ONLY THAT "facts" that you like.

    \\Qtard: IT trusts EM so much ITSELF... being innocent, that fears that that "innicent Palestianians" will use that weapon to kill Jewish children.

    \\Lie. I never expressed any such fear. In any case, they have no access to Jewish children. They can't leave Gaza.

    "I NEVER said it", AGAIN???? :-))))

    \\That you are a liar is proved.

    And with what? ;-P

    And then... just a barrage of hopelessly obvious lies... all way down?

  74. \\Yes. How else could I say you lied about it?

    Of course. You can say and write and at all do whatever you like -- because you have that UNALIENABLE right -- to DECIDE for... itself.

    But not for OTHERS.

    As it is no transitive or anyhitn right.

    It -- immanent.

    \\No. It is a half quote. That is a fact. "I do deny" isn't a complete sentence.

    So what?

    \\What is egregious is that you think sore losers have a right to decide for everyone. Biden voters and tRump voters who love democracy and want to keep it.

    YOU said it.

    As well as YOU are one who trying to succumb to itself rigth to call it "insurrection", to "protect from violations" and to brich and dismiss OTHER people UNALIENABLE rights...

    \\Qtard: As it is UNALIENABLE right -- humans HAVE it, JUST BECAUSE they are humans.

    \\No. Rights are conditional.

    Rights provided by laws.

    But that is NATURAL right.

    Like right of a cat to lick own furr. And right of dog to sniff other dog's ass.

    Well, schmuks like you would try to make a law against such NATURAL things... but only will show itself idiotic control freaks, each and every time. ;-P

    \\Yet, according to Qtard, I can "decide for myself" that I felt my life was threatened -- and therefore I was justified in shooting it.

    Justified by your Instinct of Survival?

    \\Qtard: And your "I *DO* deny..." em having such a right -- suggest that you DENY em being Human Beings...

    \\No. Deny that they suffered a long train of abuses.


    And NOT up to YOU to decide.

    How many times I need to EXPLAIN it?

    Or you are just and thick scull imbecile, so nothing would penetrate it.

    \\Qtard: That's... EXACTLY what NAZIS did to Jews -- caled em "pests", and denied HAVING ANY human rights.

    \\No, not "exactly". Jewish people had the right to not be murdered. They were abused. Big time.

    BEFORE IT... they was prescribed to wear yellow stars, live only in gettos and etc...

    But... for delirious moron Derpy -- that all is not DENIAL of their Human Rights... yes???

    \\Did not. I am pro-semite.

    You re-defined instead of Jews to be Semites-Palestinians??? :-)))))

    THE SAME as you redefined "racism" -- to be about ALL who'd dare to call out racism?


    \\I never made any such claim.

    "I NEVER said it". Again.

    Yawn. :-)))

    How long is your nose, Pinnoccio??? ;-P

    After so many lies.


  75. \\Qtard: And that is what quote NEED TO BE -- correct reference to words previously said.\\Incorrect. Out of context.\\Hah... what an idiotic try.

    \\Your "idiotic try". Try to use my words out of context to pretend I deny anyone their rights.

    YOU have had said "I *DO* deny...".

    And even CONFIRMED that baseless denial IN THIS COMMENT ***EVEN***.

    And now you trying to claim "I have meant something else"???

    What a dumb log Pinoccio U R. :-))))))

    \\Qtard: Your political propaganda calling it "insurrection"\\Same as King of England propaganda was calling it... when its colonies decided to became USA.

    \\No. Overthrowing monarchy not the same as overthrowing democracy.

    Of course.

    Because it's not possible to "overthrow democracy".

    Because under democracy We, the People decide all thing. All people freakingly cannot be detroned.

    But... it can be succumbed by crooks... who will tell people LIES: that they do not need Human Rights, that they CANNOT decide for themself, must listen to some "others", forget about own rights and freedoms...

    \\Qtard: Showing that Derpy the Idiotic Liar -- DUNNO what "being in context" mean.

    \\Qtard dunno.

    Again that notorius alter-ego of yours. :-))))

    \\I am a strong supporter of democracy.


    Lip service.

    \\Qtard is a proven totalitarian liar. Supports overthrowing democracy. Calls it a "human right".

    Tolalitarin one.

    NewSpeak using, that turns everything UPSIDE DOWN. Calling "right" a "violation". And substituting Freedom with Obedience. And etc.

    \\Qtard: What in WORD "UNalienable" which also mean UN-separatable, NOT-severable... from people YOU DON'T GET?\\I get all of them. But people have to have the right FIRST. Means "they need to be humans first"???

    \\No. They are undeniably humans. Animals aren't subject to human laws. Not in the present, at least.

    NATURAL RIGHT is ABOVE the law.

    Because that is what people HAVE, and DID have even BEFORE ANY LAWS was devised.

    Well... initially devised laws was very barbaric -- was just a list of punishment for this or that "trespassing".

    And only Under Democracy it was codyfied that there is such thing as Human Rights...

    but it was ADMITTING REALITY.

    Not GRANTING something that previous was not allowed.

    \\Never said they aren't.


    Only denied am having Human Rigths.

    \\Lie. I said shadows can't exist with NOTHING to cast them.

    And why you tryed to oppose to what was NOT said?

    To flood it all with verbal bullshit?

    Well, yeah.

  76. \\There is no such thing as "demn-ok-ratsy". Is that what democracy haters like you call "democracy"?

    There is NO rats in a democratic structures who trying to undermine principles of Democracy???

    Like substituting WILL of WE, THE PEOPLE with own voluntaristic decrees?

    Of course, you -- such an obvious totalitarian wannabe, will say NO... because you want such rats to succumb ALL power, through "protection from violations", and to ruin Democracy from within -- ONLY way Democracy can be "overthrown".

    Not by performing Public Democracy demonstartions.

    \\The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are different documents. So, thank you for confirming you lied. The right to revolt is NOT "in OWN Constitution EVEN".

    And totalitarian wannabe Derpy SO HAPPY to dismiss Declaration of Independence on that base? That that is "different documants"?

    So what Dumb Ass... EACH NEW law can contain whatever breaching of Constitution and Human Rights such a totalitarian... wannabe, would like?


    Succumb people rights, overrule freedoms, call blakk white and vice versa?

    Surrely, that is what liliPut and Xi would like BIGGLY.

    And you... totalitarians sock-puppet, trying to push into Reality.

    Even though with all your miserly intellectual might. :-))))))

    \\All adults responsible to not kill innocents. Now the bigot Qtard expresses its support for killing children. Because their parents are Palestinian.


    Sock-puppet of liliPut and Xi trying to push into reality that totalitarian scumbags "right" to use children as a shield. For terrorists.

    \\Qtard: \\Palestinians killed in response. Children and elderly. People uninvolved in the terrorist attacks. Knew nothing about them beforehand\\Bull Shit.\\Qtard's "bull shit" is bullshit.\\Yep. It's all bullshit to Know Nothing Idiot Derpy... that do not know History, and only babbling mindlessly what DEMN Propaganda told... to it.

    \\False. And non sequiturs. Attack was kept secret to prevent Israel from finding out. Dummy Qtard thinks all Gazans knew.


    Your answer is non sequitur.


    \\Qtard: You... just in previous paragraph called it bullshit. ALL History of that land, and of that people.

    Lie. Didn't.

    Qtard: \\Palestinians killed in response. Children and elderly. People uninvolved in the terrorist attacks. Knew nothing about them beforehand\\Bull Shit.

    Qtard's "bull shit" is bullshit.

    Qtard: YOU really just an idiot, who HONESTLY dunno about all previous History of what wars fought Israel for own survival? of Jews died in all previous "pogroms", in all previous ages?

    I know about it.

    \\In 2006. No elections since then. No opportunity to vote out. Kids who grew up since then never voted for Hamas.

    So did Germans in time of Hitler???

    So what, we need to deem all of em innocent??? NOT accompleces in crimes of Hitler and Nazism???!!!

    Because they voted for him, becsue they hailed to him... but was not able to re-vote... even though they would vote PRO Hitler anyway... as they voting PRO liliPut and Xi...

    \\No. There have been no elections to get rid of.


    There was no elections to get rid off King... but United States of America somehow managed it.

    Same as revolutioners of France... managed to behead their King.

    And many-many other nations was able to.

    \\Lie. I never said "Jews attempting genocide". I was talking about what Qtard wants.

    Bull Shit.

    \\My prior comment was "Qtard ... Demands that they commit suicide (by trying to arrest Hamas fighters) or be genocided by Israeli military.


    Your alter-ego.


  77. \\Qtard: Even to their foes. That makes it OBVIOUS LIE -- that claim about "genocide of Palestinians" YOU DID.

    \\Lie. I never made such a claim.

    YOU ARE CHAMPOIN!!! Of obvious LIES.

    JUST a sentence APPART this time.

    You just CITED... itself. Words of itself... "be genocided by Israeli military."


    You will SCREAM "That's NOT My Words! They Mean Something ELSE!!!"

    Yes, Derpy, The OBVIOUS LIAR!!! :-)))))

    \\Qtard: But... I know, you'll cry "I NEVER said it". AGAIN!

    \\Of course. Because I didn't.

    *I*. JUST ABOVE. SHOWED with perfectly correct quotes -- THAT IS YOUR OWN WORDS.

    Self-admitted EVEN, like:"My prior comment was "Qtard ... Demands that they commit suicide (by trying to arrest Hamas fighters) or be genocided by Israeli military.".

    What a silly lie.

    But... that's what makes it so SHEER fun. :-))))

    \\Qtard: And will decide it as deal accompished, yes?

    \\I dunno what "deal" you are talking about.

    Your obvious lie -- lie thrown into your lying face -- embelished??? :-)))))

    \\Qtard: Irresponsible Liar Derpy the Idiotic Hypocrite.

    \\Qtard is talking about its alter ego.

    Well... surely, for your alter-ego Qtard YOU are its alter-ego.

    Transitively. ;-P

    \\No. There are 2 million people in Gaza. Only a small percentage working with Hamas. Support them.

    Bull Shit.

    THEY ALL living on that money given to Hamas by donors from elsewhere -- and that money, it's their payment -- to get read of Jews.

    ALL that 2 (some say 2.5 or even 3) millions BURGEONING on killing Jews.

    Recieve BENEFITS from it... since, since forever.

    \\Qtard: \\I disagree with the "Anti-Semite Derpy" very strongly. So what? You (pretend? to) disagree with other your alter-egos often too.\\No\\NewSpeak "Yes".

    \\No. "Anti-Semite Derpy" is YOUR alter ego. I *do* disagree with it. Not pretending.

    You think I'd believe to mere words of a LIAR.... that LYING about OWN WORDS SAID... EVEN ***ONE*** sentence APART?????!!!!!!

    Whom you kidding here??? :-))))

    \\Qtard: \\Lie. There have been zero antisemitic lies from me ... Inner Contradiction. Mere excerpt that saying "There have been zero antisemitic lies" -- ARE antisemitic LIE itself.\\Isn't.\\YET ONE obvious lie.

    \\Yes. Of Qtard.

    YET ONE lie. And try to thrug off the blame at OWN alter-ego. ;-P

    \\No. Qtard trying to cover it's hate for innocent Palestinians. By calling them all "accomplices".


    Anti-Semite Derpy trying hard to derail discussion from own disdain toward Jews still alive, on the opponent who revealing its stark anti-semitism.

    \\Qtard: Go... scream "I NEVER said it".

    \\Voices in Qtard's head are screaming at it? See a doctor. Get some antipsychotic meds. I can't help it.

    It's bad that Derpy cannot find courage and seek for some help from doctors... every time trying to thrug it off on some imaginary(?) alter-ego.

    \\Qtard: Method of talking EXPLICITLY designed for deceptive "complete opposite of what I said" talks. Like when you declare "supporting Democracy"... just to dismiss Human Rights swiftly and decisively.\\No\\NewSpeak "Yes".


    NewSpeak "Yes".


  78. \\Yes. That is what you obviously believe. That the J6 rioters are "more equal". Their "right" to overthrow democracy should be protected. Rights of others to elect the leader of their choice shouldn't be.

    "More equal" then who???

    Some other people who are free to walk by any street and come into any PUBLIC building?

    Like to enter into its hall, and sit on the floor and start singing???

    Eh... NO, they NOT ALLOWED. SAME Totlitarian Derpy *DO* DENY em that right!

    "More equal", my ass.

    \\Yes. That is Qtard's desire. That tRump voters be "more equal". That their choice should be president, even though he lost.

    "More equal" in said above sense? To be DENIED... what ANY OTHER people seemingly alowed???

    THAT "More equal", my ass.

    \\Qtard: YOU, still think that your methods of deception WILL WORK on me???\\No. Because I've never used any "methods of deception". I don't have any such methods. My methods involve telling the truth.\\Some NOT based on FACTS "truth"?

    \\No. All based on facts truth.

    Sooo??? WHERE is your reference to that "facts"???

    Can they be assessed INDEPENDENTLY by anyone else??

    Or they all recide inside your feverish scull ONLY?


    \\No. Confirmed by examining the facts and data. Not "babbled". Presented.

    Examined by some "secret experts"??? :-))))

  79. Qtard: YOU STILL UNABLE to grok definition of what fact is, even.

    You are unable to grok it.

    U R I-D-I-O-T. You would not be one -- if you'd be able to.

    I am. You are not. Proven by your own words -- facts are "Demn propaganda". Even when the facts are coming from Republicans. Or from nonpartisan scientists/researchers.

    Qtard: Just YET ONE of your baseless bullshit claims. YOUR MERE WORDS.\\You're describing your claims that I use NewSpeak\\That that is "reality" you see within your feverish mind.

    Talking about yourself again. Yawn.

    Qtard: Your behavior -- as per QUOITES of your words here -- showing that -- YOU ARE.\\No. \\Naturally. You'd not admit it.

    Of course not. Because it would be impossible. For me to "admit" your lies are not lies. You also won't see me ever "admitting" the sun doesn't rise in the morning.

    Qtard: Or... maybe that is NewSpeak "Yes" from some of your alter-egos?


    Qtard: Hard to say. More data need to be collected.

    "Data" is what you call your delusions?

    Qtard: You doing OPPOSITE to reality claims DEMN too often.\\No. My claims are in accordance with reality. YOUR claims are in opposition to it. Yap. In accordance with "reality" of your small brain. Not Reality.


    Qtard: Like when you tryed to pound at "dRump is Guilty"... while there STILL no verdict of the court.\\Lie. There have been verdicts. 2 guilty verdicts so far.\\Not criminal.

    So they don't count? Who cares about civil convictions? Criminal convictions are coming.

    Qtard: And not about ANYTHING you tryed to pound at as "dRump is Guilty!" here.


    Qtard: And most surely -- political.


    Qtard: \\More guilty verdicts to come. Also, I can have opinions about guilt or innocence. Same as Minus FJ has about Joe Biden. Same as you -- re your "fair trial, my ass" comment. As possibility. But not as fact.

    Sure. How will you know? Rightturd media will tell you the trial wasn't fair? As if there is any possibility they will say otherwise.

    Qtard: But you, tryed to pounding at it as being FACTS.

    Yep. That I can see with my own eyes. tRump's own words and behavior. Guilt confirmed in a bipartisan Senate report.

    Qtard: Or... more recently, when you screamed "I NEVER said it" -- to Ctrl-Fed QUOTES of YOUR DEMN WORDS.\\Lie\\Go... disprove it.

    Did. Many times. NMP that Qtard pretends not to remember.

    Qtard: But you can't. Because that is FACT of Reality -- you have NO CONTROL of.

    I can and I have. Many times. Over and over. "What Derpy really mean" is not my words.

    Qtard: NOT "fact" of "reality" of your feverish brain... you can command to be anything you like.

    You are talking about yourself again.

    Qtard: \\Lie. I never chanted that. Qtard chants are similar. Like "facts are Demn propaganda".\\Yawn. Feel... itself, free to EXPLAIN HOW it is ANYHOW similar.

    Not "anyhow similar"... Exactly the same. "Demn propaganda" is calling it a lie.

    Your words "alternative media it's violation of right of speach" very obviously is SIMILAR to that Orwel's book 1984 slogan(s) "Truth it's a Lie", "Freedom its Slavery" and etc...

    Lie. I never said that. But you are free to quote me.

  80. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: YOU STILL UNABLE to grok definition of what fact is, even.

    \\You are unable to grok it.

    And you can confirm it? ;-P


    That is just YET ONE pile of smelly bullshit directly from your mouth. :-))))

    \\U R I-D-I-O-T. You would not be one -- if you'd be able to.

    \\I am. You are not.

    Yes. YOU R idiot. And I am obviously not. ;-P

    \\Proven by your own words -- facts are "Demn propaganda".

    And WHERE is that "your own words"???

    Why you NOT give PREFECT and PRECISE QUOTE of that words? ;-P

    I claim -- you freakingly can't -- because there is NO such words.

    That is all a lying bullshit pretence -- your try to PROCLAIM... that there was something nasty and wrong said by me.

    EXACTLY what liliPut's prpagandists DO.

    Are you are one? ;-P

    \\Even when the facts are coming from Republicans. Or from nonpartisan scientists/researchers.

    Ehm??? Facts???

    Like OPEN and OBVIOUS, reference to Reality?

    Or some "estimates", "guesses", "hearsays"???

    THAT IS... not eligible as FACTS.

    Just as FACTS that somebody-somebody have produced soundwave or typed-in sometexts...

    \\Talking about yourself again. Yawn.


    State of denial very characteristical to a religious bigots.

    And to drug addicts. :-))))

    Well, some of your alter-egos do intake acid, so -- quite plausible.

    \\Qtard: Your behavior -- as per QUOITES of your words here -- showing that -- YOU ARE.\\No. \\Naturally. You'd not admit it.

    \\Of course not. Because it would be impossible. For me to "admit" your lies are not lies. You also won't see me ever "admitting" the sun doesn't rise in the morning.

    Or dRump not walking free, out of any prison.

    But... ough, shit... that is OPPOSITE to what *I* claimed.

    And IN ALL ACCORDANCE with what Derpy was babbling. :-)))))

    But of cource... IT, will NEVER admit that MY "lies" are "not lies".

    Like anyone can waiting for any different reaction then that... from a such DEFINITE and militantly stubborn liar -- Derpy the Idiot.

    IT will NEVER admit Reality, it will NEVER admit Truth... will only CONTINUE calling it "lies".


    \\Qtard: Or... maybe that is NewSpeak "Yes" from some of your alter-egos?


    And. NewSpeak "Yes". From stubborn liar. Which SWEARED to NEVER admit the Truth. ;-P


    \\Qtard: You doing OPPOSITE to reality claims DEMN too often.\\No. My claims are in accordance with reality. YOUR claims are in opposition to it. Yap. In accordance with "reality" of your small brain. Not Reality.


    YET ONE NewSpeak "Yes". ;-P

    \\Qtard: Like when you tryed to pound at "dRump is Guilty"... while there STILL no verdict of the court.\\Lie. There have been verdicts. 2 guilty verdicts so far.\\Not criminal.

    \\So they don't count?

    Well... was dRump put in jail as result?

    That was the question from the very beginning.


  81. \\Criminal convictions are coming.

    "Seeing is believing" (c)

    But not for Idiot Derpy.

    For derpy "believing" is in "somebody-somebody saying", yes, De-Ru-Pi????

    But... only WHILE it suits its sock-puppet-masters, yes? ;-P

    \\Qtard: And not about ANYTHING you tryed to pound at as "dRump is Guilty!" here.



    Your bullshit. :-)))))

    \\Sure. How will you know? Rightturd media will tell you the trial wasn't fair? As if there is any possibility they will say otherwise.

    What "righturd media"???

    Please, give me a list -- so I could AVOID em.

    And listem only to rifght... I mean left... oh, shit, to Only True... a-a-a-a-ah!!!! :-)))))))))))) media.

    ALL media HERE -- to influence public.

    To show ONE things. While omiting to show ANOTHER.

    \\Yep. That I can see with my own eyes. tRump's own words and behavior. Guilt confirmed in a bipartisan Senate report.

    Little problem.

    Your eyes maybe tell truth, well I hypothetise. But your mind -- clearly feverishly bent to say lies to... itself. ;-P

    On the base of your sheer DISLIKE of "tRump's own words and behavior" -- DISLIKE you admitted... itself.

    \\Did. Many times. NMP that Qtard pretends not to remember.

    Screaming "No" that is NOT means disprove.

    FACTS and LOGIC need to be demonstrated.

    Which you NEVER do.

    Only continue screaming "I NEVER said it".

    \\Qtard: But you can't. Because that is FACT of Reality -- you have NO CONTROL of.

    \\I can and I have. Many times. Over and over. "What Derpy really mean" is not my words.

    Now Derpy in his feverish hot passion of an idiot TRYING to say that it can CONTROL REALITY???? :-))))))))

    What MORE prove one could need to be sure that Derpy -- is just a feverish bonker idiot. ;-P

    \\Qtard: NOT "fact" of "reality" of your feverish brain... you can command to be anything you like.

    \\You are talking about yourself again.


    As stated.

    Negative claim "Qtard: NOT" -- I am NOT prone to such thing.

    Kudos for you for understanding it. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Lie. I never chanted that. Qtard chants are similar. Like "facts are Demn propaganda".\\Yawn. Feel... itself, free to EXPLAIN HOW it is ANYHOW similar.

    \\Not "anyhow similar"... Exactly the same. "Demn propaganda" is calling it a lie.

    Derpy the Idiot YET ONE time confirms that it don't get meaning of simple word "explain". ;-P
