Sunday, October 1, 2023

Do You Smell It, Yet?...



  1. Our history, our values, our identity, our unity, is all going to Hell in a Hand-basket. Reasonable Americans everywhere regardless of politics want a more unified country and less of the increasing polarization going on.
    We now have a President from the party who would rather divide the country along identity lines. Conservative vs. Liberal. White vs. Black. Men vs. women. Gay vs. straight rather than lose their power.
    These Socialist Democrats, who are leaning on Communism actually would rather destroy America and to divide us against each other! We did that once, and the results ended in 600,000 Americans dead, more than WWI and WWII combined! While there haven’t been calls of a literal second civil war yet, the violence this division is stoking is an all too real threat. With racial tension at an all time high, and BLM and Antifa around there has been an increase in violent protests, looting and overall lawlessness. Even more frightening, they get a free pass to do all of the above as it’s politically undesirable to hold them accountable to the law. Looting hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise is now okay in the name of reparations! If that doesn’t sound like insanity I don’t know what is… Now, the latest attempt at utterly dividing America comes from Critical Race Theory. This is their view that everything can be seen through the lens of racial injustice and oppression at the hands of white people, and that our country is inherently racist at its core. And that White people must renounce their “privilege” and people of color are oppressed. Just ask Colin Kaepernick he has become the Hero of the Oppressed Blacks, he even has this CRAP being taught in schools across the country to our children as well as in higher learning to brainwash and divide them from their white friends. Are You Going to even try to tell me that this is healthy for anyone? To tell their white friends, the same children that they grew up with that are “oppressors”? To tell children of color they’re inherently oppressed and cant go as far as their white friends can?
    How about ALL of our Black Doctors, and Lawyers, and School Teachers, and Politicians, and Generals, Mayors, Governors, Actors, and Actresses, Barrack Obama, the new Mayor of New York City (this biggest City in the World)? Were they ALL Oppressed? Was Colin Kaepernick so Oppressed? If so then how did he get the Millions that he has, or the Mansion that he lives in, or ALL of his Luxury cars? And how come he has become the Spokesmen for a company like Nike?
    If you ask me, HE IS A Resentment to his own Race!
    Instead of being one “UNITED” Country, we now have two separate National Anthems, our Regular Anthem, that we had for almost 100 years, and now a Black Anthem WHY? Because of Black “Activist Athletes” who instead of thanking America for the wonderful, opportunity that they have achieved so much and come so far and represent America at the Olympics of all places, where they Stand to Protest in Spite of what they have managed to achieve. They would rather have two separate Americas! Where their friends, and families are divided over politics. Politics told to them by some strangers from an Organization called Black Lives Matter, where children are estranged from their parents, their siblings on opposite sides of each other, separated from their relationships, friends unfriending each other over a political sides, this is exactly what is tearing us apart.. Politics is no longer about ideas, but identity, and every little thing that you do now puts you on one side or the other regardless of your own opinions! It’s going to lead us into another civil war!

  2. Continued.
    Our history, and our values, as well as our identity, our unity, it’s all being DESTROYED ! Most of Americans really want a unified country and less of the increasing hatred that is going on.: We need to be standing up for our country. We need to foot down and saying NO to open borders, No more Critical Race Theory, No more Defunding our police, No more Sanctuary Cities, No More Destruction of our History, our Statues, and our Values, No More Banning of anything any We need to be treating others with equality, We need to NOT being afraid to express our Patriotism and to Support our country against the anti-American Lunacy. We must all take a stand!
    Democrats Are Stealing the 2024 Election Right Before your Eyes. That is correct. Trump is poised to win the GOP nomination and the 2024 election, and democrats know Biden is too feeble to hit the campaign trial. Therefore democrats are doing what democrats do: Breaking the rules. In this case, bombarding Trump with fake bogus indictments to keep him out of the race.
    This is what fascists do,. This is what 3rd world Juntas do, jail their opponents. Putin even kills his opponents.
    Democrats are scared to death of Donald Trump that they are ready, willing, and able to do anything to stop him from winning. . But even Black Americans are supporting Trump now in enough numbers to destroy any hopes the Democrats have. The Democrats have no choice but to steal the election. First comes the fake indictments to jail him, and next will come another Pandemic number 2, yes, they would even stoop to spreading an infectious disease over a whole country or the world.

  3. Dervy LOVES to "Pay to Play"... the "Chicago Way". Need a bridge built? Just pay Hunter Biden $100k and *poof*, you get a bridge!

  4. Hunter Biden doesn't build bridges. I wouldn't give him any money.

  5. Derpy... dunno what taxes are. ;-P Now I have a proof. :-)))

  6. California Governor Gavin Newsom is acting as absurd as Joe Biden when Biden picked Kamala Harris as his Vice President , and now Newsom is doing the exact same thing by picking Dianne Feinstein’s replacement by color and sexual orientation over competence by nominating a pro-abortion, Black, Female, Lesbian, Communist, Labor Activist to fill the term of the now deceased Senator Dianne Feinstein.
    I guess that he can’t think of a better way to completely run California into the ground.

  7. Qtard: Derpy... dunno what taxes are. ;-P Now I have a proof.

    What is the "proof" that your alter ego Derpy dunno what taxes are?

  8. I wouldn't give him any money.

    SO what are Ukraine and China paying him for? Evidently the Biden Institute at Penn Statewas done entirely through Hunter...

    How do you spell "philanthropy scam". Hunter's almost as good at it as John McCain was (in conning Ukraine into kicking back to his Institute).

  9. ...But they've all got nothing on the Clinton's and Obamas in terms of "scale' of corruption.

  10. Valerie Owens (who chairs the Biden Institute), crediting him for the deepening partnership with between the Biden family and the university: “Bravo Hunter—UD was your baby and you made sure I was part of it.”

  11. How do you spell "philanthropy scam".


  12. \\What is the "proof" that your alter ego Derpy dunno what taxes are?

    Not surprising that that miserly idiot needs explanation.

    It unable to see how self-revealingly idiotic its words are.


    \\Dervish Sanders said...
    \\Hunter Biden doesn't build bridges. I wouldn't give him any money.

    Taxes... you paying them. Even if you don't know about it.

    Like for example such a "tax on poor" as Inflation. ;-P

  13. Do I Smell It?

    Yes, I Smell Lester Carpenter .... He STINKS to High Heaven.

  14. Moron: Taxes... you paying them. Even if you don't know about it.

    My tax money is going to Hunter Biden? Well, for his secret service protection. Same as dotard's spawn received secret service protection when he was president. But no tax money goes to Hunter Biden to pay for bridges.

    You are an idiot who dunno what taxes are. Now *I* have proof.


  15. It's hilarious how Democrats only prosecute Trump for the same things they do every day...

  16. So prosecute Democrats then. Are Republicans helping to cover up the crimes of Democrats? Menendez is facing charges again. I think he is probably guilty. Democrats have said he should resign. I have not heard any Republican say anything.

    Democrats are attempting coups every day? Democrats are paying off porn stars every day? Democrats are overvaluing properties every day?

    Is mar-a-lago worth 300 million or One Billion? We might find out it's worth less than both figures if tRump is forced to sell. LOL!

  17. \\But no tax money goes to Hunter Biden to pay for bridges.

    And you SO DEMN SURE of it... because you are I-D-I-O-T?

    Or... becasuse you believe it is fact? :-))))))

    \\We might find out it's worth less than both figures if tRump is forced to sell. LOL!

    Idiot proved that it know ZILCH about Economy. And how PRICES are set.

    Predictable. :-)))))

  18. So prosecute Democrats then.

    Clean all your kronies out of DoJ and FBI, and maybe we could. :P

  19. Qtard: And you SO DEMN SURE of it... because you are I-D-I-O-T?

    No. I am not "Demn sure". That would be impossible, given there is no such thing as "Demn sure". I am sure though. Because I am smart. You could call it "fact sure". That's when you can be sure because you have the facts.

    Qtard: Or... becasuse you believe it is fact? :-))))))

    I Know it is a fact. Qtard does not know because it is an idiot.

    Qtard: Idiot proved that it know ZILCH about Economy. And how PRICES are set.

    Agreed. The idiot Qtard (moron who claims to be a foreigner from far far away) does know zilch about either. Proved it by spooting idiocy.

    Qtard: Predictable. :-)))))


    Minus: Clean all your kronies out of DoJ and FBI, and maybe we could.

    That's tRump's plan to weaponize the DOJ. Get rid of all the nonpartisan career officials and replace them with loyal cronies who will do his bidding.

    If those institutions are full of cronies now, why is Menendez being prosecuted? Why isn't he being protected? Does the DOJ and FBI mistakenly believe he is a Republican?

    What do the voices in your head say? Maybe you need to wrap some more tinfoil around your noodle so the voices come in clearer?

  20. \\I am sure though. Because I am smart. You could call it "fact sure".

    Either you are illiterate in English...

    or you are from India.

    Fact Sure - Facebook › Pages › Public figure › Video creator › Fact Sure
    Fact Sure, Bathinda, India. 10 likes. Welcome to our page Factsure. This Facts and Entertainment Page ! Follow our Page for new Facts or m.


    \\That's when you can be sure because you have the facts.


    And how you can have em? By holding Sun in your hand? ;-P
    That fact that Sun do rising in the morning.

    \\I Know it is a fact.

    Ho-ho-ho... De-Ru-Pi able to LEARN.

    ONLY one year... and it became able to grasp that FACTs can be known, or unknown. Not belived. Not secretly posessed. Or etc.

    We, as santient being can ONLY point to them -- if we know EM.
    Or... we CANNOT, if we do not.

    \\ Qtard does not know because it is an idiot.


    Idiot showing that it's an idiot again -- knowing or not knowing this or that fact do not make anyone idiot.

    Idiots -- one who cannot percive facts -- even when it thrown into their face. ;-P

    You are.

    \\Agreed. The idiot Qtard (moron who claims to be a foreigner from far far away) does know zilch about either. Proved it by spooting idiocy.


    When have nothing to say (because idiot and know nothing) this silly pig starting dancing in own shit in dire try to make some spot on the opponent.

    Continue-continue, little piggy. ;-P

    The more you dance, the more you entertaing me.

    \\Qtard: Predictable. :-)))))


    Admitting being idiot, ah De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    Or... maybe you are ready to do something UNPREDICTABLE -- like demonstrating some smarts -- and EXPLAIN how prices are set? ;-P


    All you can do. It's demonstartte being illitertate dumb ass. Which can talk only with words DEMN propaganda deseminated its deficient brain.

    P-R-E-dick-table. :-))))))

    As always.

  21. The CAUSE of every Dervy "fact" is the need for Democrats to win the next election. :)

  22. Yap.

    He's like that ant with mushroom in its brain. ;-P

    zombie-ant fungus, (Ophiocordyceps unilateralis), also called cordyceps, species of parasitic fungus of the order Hypocreales that infects ants and alters their behaviour before killing them. The fungus is largely pantropical and primarily infects carpenter ants (genus Camponotus).

    Cannot help it... to deem DEMN goals as its own. :-))))

  23. Qtard: Either you are illiterate in English... or you are from India.

    Neither. Are you an illiterate from India? You found a facebook page with that name. So what? I never heard of it.

    Qtard: And how you can have em? By holding Sun in your hand? That fact that Sun do rising in the morning.

    See it with your eyes.

    Qtard: \\I Know it is a fact\\Ho-ho-ho... De-Ru-Pi able to LEARN. ONLY one year... and it became able to grasp that FACTs can be known, or unknown. Not belived. Not secretly posessed. Or etc.

    Know and believe. If I know then why wouldn't I believe?

    Qtard: We, as santient being can ONLY point to them -- if we know EM. Or... we CANNOT, if we do not.

    And if you can't, then the fact isn't a fact? Of course -- to an idiot like Qtard.

    Qtard: Idiot showing that it's an idiot again -- knowing or not knowing this or that fact do not make anyone idiot. Idiots -- one who cannot percive facts -- even when it thrown into their face. You are.

    To me that sounds like you. Idiot who denies fact thrown in its face.

    Qtard: \\Agreed. The idiot Qtard (moron who claims to be a foreigner from far far away) does know zilch about either. Proved it by spooting idiocy\\ **moronic laughter**

    Your laughter indicates agreement? "Ha-ha-ha, you're right"?

    Qtard: When have nothing to say (because idiot and know nothing) this silly pig starting dancing in own shit in dire try to make some spot on the opponent. Continue-continue, little piggy.

    Self encouragement again.

    Qtard: The more you dance, the more you entertaing me.

    I'm not dancing. I wasn't dancing. So you must be talking about yourself.

    Qtard: Predictable **moronic laughter**\\Indeed.\\Admitting being idiot, ah De-Ru-Pi?

    Would you ever admit being an idiot? Even via your alter-ego "De-Ru-Pi"? I doubt it.

    Qtard: Or... maybe you are ready to do something UNPREDICTABLE -- like demonstrating some smarts -- and EXPLAIN how prices are set?

    Google it. The seller can set any price they want. The buyer can decline that price. Laugh at it -- if it is as ridiculous as dotard's 1.5 billion mar-a-lago valuation.

    Qtard: Naaah. All you can do. It's demonstartte being illitertate dumb ass. Which can talk only with words DEMN propaganda deseminated its deficient brain.

    I'm illiterate? You can't even spell it correctly. "Demonstrate" and "disseminated" also spelled incorrectly. "Demn" not even a word.

    If I'm illiterate, how am I able to read and respond to what you write? In addition to not being able to spell the word, you don't even know what it means. Probably due to a deficient brain.

  24. @Q - There you go again, attacking Dervy's language-centric symbolic frame of liberal fantasy that sustains his ideology against reality.

  25. Attacking? Am I attacking anybody here? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Either you are illiterate in English... or you are from India.

    \\Neither. Are you an illiterate from India? You found a facebook page with that name. So what? I never heard of it.

    I typed-in into Google search that moronic "fact sure"... in quotes.

    And it showed enough to suggest that using it like that, as "fact sure" -- is not natural for native English speaker.

    But... there was that page of some dude from India... which have their own version of English. Indian English so to say, where such tongue-twisting using is probably possible.

    But well... to come to such conclusion, one need smarts.

    But you have no, you are idiot, and will start fussing even after such a detailed explanetion.

    But... continue-continue. ;-P

  26. \\See it with your eyes.


    THAT'S IT!!!

    That is that MOST ESSENTIAL trait of a FACT -- one can behold it, with OWN DAMN EYES.

    Through OWN experience and understanding.

    NOT from mere WORDS of some other dude. Dude that can lie. Or be deluded. Or just retelling something-something which some other dude have said. AGAIN. Dude that can lie. Or be deluded. Or just retellin... do I need to continue here? Isn't it NOT APPARENT already???

    Probably not. For such an apparent idiot as Derpy are... which unable to grok it for almost a year. :-)))))))))))))

    \\Know and believe. If I know then why wouldn't I believe?

    Well... you are dumb supid idiot. Of course, YOU -- CAN. :-))))))

    Believe in someting that NOT NEED to be believed. That it is totally ABSURD to believe or not believe...

    \\And if you can't, then the fact isn't a fact? Of course -- to an idiot like Qtard.

    Scolding your alter-ego? ;-P

    Well, do teach it well... that dumb ass. :-))))

    That ignorance -- is not good excuse. In talk with smart folk. Because smartness -- it's abilty to LEARN new facts, swiftly, and efficiently.

    \\To me that sounds like you. Idiot who denies fact thrown in its face.

    And you can QUOTE??? At least ONE such "fact"??? That you have thrown into MY face? ;-P

    Like *I* keep throwing into your face FACT that you dismissed Human Rights with your "I *DO* DENY...". ;-P
    Or how you showed your racism... with not allowing to itself to call Chinese White. ;-P
    Or your totalitarian traits... or your traist of an apparently shameless idiocy. :-))))))

    \\Your laughter indicates agreement? "Ha-ha-ha, you're right"?


    Continue-continue... fooling itself. ;-P

    \\Self encouragement again.


    Continue-continue... fooling itself. ;-P

    \\Qtard: The more you dance, the more you entertaing me.

    \\I'm not dancing. I wasn't dancing. So you must be talking about yourself.


    Continue-continue... fooling itself. ;-P

    \\Would you ever admit being an idiot?

    Why so? In result of such a lame persuasion of some apparent idiot?

    I have said it many time -- I would be an idiot -- if I'd fall to that your moronic tricks, like gaslighting and strawmaning.

    Absolutely apparently hypocritically idiotic. (wide green)

    You... have NO brains to outsmart me.

    That mean -- I *CANNOT* be any stupidier them you.

    Well, I am much smarter.

    But... with your below floor levels... it doesn't matter even -- em I genius, or just average.



  27. \\Qtard: Or... maybe you are ready to do something UNPREDICTABLE -- like demonstrating some smarts -- and EXPLAIN how prices are set?

    \\Google it.

    Well... of course. YOU are not.

    You are dumb stupid.

    And proud of it. :-))))

    Modern stupidity -- it have Google. :-)))))

    As prostetic for the lacking brains. ;-P

    \\ The seller can set any price they want. The buyer can decline that price.

    And this explains it all -- urbi and orbi -- why you falling for that DEMN economical iniciatives.


    Followers of DEMNs are IDIOTS in Economics... or just idiots.


    \\I'm illiterate? You can't even spell it correctly. "Demonstrate" and "disseminated" also spelled incorrectly. "Demn" not even a word.

    So what?

    I have problems with orthography, because being foreigner... who NOT spent most of his life speaking and writing in English.

    You... oblivious of MEANING of that words.

    I -- can correct myself.

    YOU -- not. You cannot percieve even, how rediculously stupid you are. ;-P

    \\If I'm illiterate, how am I able to read and respond to what you write?

    Not a big problem.

    Parrots can do it too. Even with their chicken brains. ;-P

    Not a big fit.

    \\In addition to not being able to spell the word, you don't even know what it means. Probably due to a deficient brain.

    Said brainsless idiot that still unable to phatome meaning of simple word -- fact. ;-P

    Very persuasive. Dumb ass. I feel you like a teacher of Wisdom to me. :-))))))

    Naaah. :-)))))))

  28. from PhiloWiki:

    Word-Presentations and Thing-Presentations
    The first context is Freud's distinction between "word-presentations" (Wort-vorstellungen) and "thing-presentations" (Sachvorstellungen). The distinction is prominent in Freud's metapsychological writings, in which he argues that the two types of presentation are bound together in the preconscious-conscious system, whereas in the unconscious system only thing-presentations are found.[1]

    This seemed to some of Lacan's contemporaries to offer an objection to Lacan's theories about the linguistic nature of the unconscious. Lacan counters such objections by pointing out that there are two words in German for "thing": das Ding and die Sache.[2] It is the latter term which Freud usually employs to refer to the thing-presentations in the unconscious, and Lacan argues that although on one level Sachvorstellungen and Wortvorstellungen are opposed, in the symbolic level "they go together".

    Thus die Sache’’ is the representation of a thing in the symbolic order, as opposed to das Ding’’, which is the thing in its "dumb reality",[3] the thing in the real, which is "the beyond-of-the-signified."[4] The thing-presentations found in the unconscious are thus still linguistic phenomena, as opposed to das Ding which is entirely outside language, and outside the unconscious.

    "The Thing is characterised by the fact that it is impossible for us to imagine it."[5]

    Lacan's concept of the Thing as an unknowable x, beyond symbolisation, has clear affinities with the Kantian "thing-in-itself".

  29. Qtard: That is that MOST ESSENTIAL trait of a FACT -- one can behold it, with OWN DAMN EYES.

    To Qtard history books are all lies. Researchers and scientists are liars too.

    Qtard: Through OWN experience and understanding.

    Most knowledge and facts come from other people.

    Qtard: NOT from mere WORDS of some other dude. Dude that can lie. Or be deluded. Or just retelling something-something which some other dude have said.

    Not just one other dude. Many "dudes". According to Qtard, most human knowledge is to be distrusted and considered likely lies.

    Qtard: AGAIN. Dude that can lie. Or be deluded. Or just retellin... do I need to continue here? Isn't it NOT APPARENT already???

    It is apparent. Qtard's idiocy, that is.

    Qtard: Probably not.


    Qtard: For such an apparent idiot as Derpy are... which unable to grok it for almost a year. :-)))))))))))))

    What I grok is that Qtard is an utter moron.

    Qtard: \\Know and believe. If I know then why wouldn't I believe?\\Well... you are dumb supid idiot. Of course, YOU -- CAN. :-))))))

    Can because I am smart.

    Qtard: Believe in someting that NOT NEED to be believed. That it is totally ABSURD to believe or not believe...

    So why does Qtard not believe facts?

    Qtard: \\And if you can't, then the fact isn't a fact? Of course -- to an idiot like Qtard\\Scolding your alter-ego?


    Qtard: Well, do teach it well... that dumb ass. :-))))

    Unable to learn. Obviously.

    Qtard: That ignorance -- is not good excuse. In talk with smart folk. Because smartness -- it's abilty to LEARN new facts, swiftly, and efficiently.

    But you believe "smartness" is the ability to dismiss facts you don't like swiftly... By calling them "Demn propaganda".

    Qtard: \\To me that sounds like you. Idiot who denies fact thrown in its face\\And you can QUOTE??? At least ONE such "fact"???

    Climate change. trump's collusion with Russia.

    Qtard: Like *I* keep throwing into your face FACT that you dismissed Human Rights with your "I *DO* DENY...".


    Qtard: Or how you showed your racism... with not allowing to itself to call Chinese White.

    Qtard showed it's racism. According to it's own redefinition. Should be saying Chinese are humans. "White" is a race.

    Or your totalitarian traits...

    Qtard's totalitarian traits. Like calling the overthrow of democracy a "human right".

    Qtard: or your traist of an apparently shameless idiocy.

    Definitely a trait of Qtard.

    Qtard: I have said it many time -- I would be an idiot -- if I'd fall to that your moronic tricks, like gaslighting and strawmaning.

    Qtard's tricks.

    Qtard: Absolutely apparently hypocritically idiotic. (wide green)

    Wide green"? What the f*ck?

    Qtard: You... have NO brains to outsmart me.

    Qtard has no brains to realize it has been outsmarted.

    Qtard: That mean -- I *CANNOT* be any stupidier them you.


    Qtard: Well, I am much smarter.



    It is talking about itself again. Yawn.

  30. \\To Qtard history books are all lies. Researchers and scientists are liars too.

    WAT???? :-)))))))))

    Derpy the Idiot unloaded YET MORE dump of shit from its dumb head.

    Without ANY explanation where it coming.

    And trying to demand from me to answer it?


    Wait a moment...

    Isn't this looks like it talking with/about that its moronic alter-ego?

    Seems like it.

    Much more plausible. Now.

    \\Most knowledge and facts come from other people.

    Knowledge -- yes.

    Facts -- no.

    Because Facts. By definition. Its something one need to learn to discern by themself.

    Like fact that solt are solty -- HOW you'd be able to KNOW it... if not after trying it with YOUR OWN TONGUE????

    If you know ANY such OTHER a way -- say it -- it maybe will be the bigest revelation in Epistemology. EVER!!! :-)))))

    \\Qtard: NOT from mere WORDS of some other dude. Dude that can lie. Or be deluded. Or just retelling something-something which some other dude have said.

    \\Not just one other dude. Many "dudes".


    Many-many dudes have thought that Earth is plain... and not globe.

    And nearly killed Galileo who told em Truth.

    \\ According to Qtard, most human knowledge is to be distrusted and considered likely lies.


    That's what they teaching us, smart asses. In universities. ;-P

    \\Qtard: AGAIN. Dude that can lie. Or be deluded. Or just retellin... do I need to continue here? Isn't it NOT APPARENT already???

    \\It is apparent. Qtard's idiocy, that is.

    Your alter-ego "Qtard" which likes to believe to mere words SO DEMN MUCH? ;-P

    \\Qtard: For such an apparent idiot as Derpy are... which unable to grok it for almost a year. :-)))))))))))))

    \\What I grok is that Qtard is an utter moron.

    That is how idiots call smart men. I got it. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Know and believe. If I know then why wouldn't I believe?\\Well... you are dumb supid idiot. Of course, YOU -- CAN. :-))))))

    \\Can because I am smart.

    And what's so smart about it? Believing to some baseless, factless bullshit?

    Only moron could think that way. And you are trully are moron. :-))))

    By OWN admission!!!

    Calling itself "smart" in NewSpeak way.

    Ignorance - Wikipedia › wiki › Ignorance
    Deliberate ignorance is a culturally-induced phenomenon, the study of which is called agnotology. The word "ignorant" is an adjective that describes a person in ...

    Ignorance Is Bliss - Wikipedia › wiki › Ignorance_Is_Bliss
    "Ignorance Is Bliss", a phrase coined by Thomas Gray in his 1742 "Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College"; "In knowing nothing, life is most delightful" (In ...

    Ignorance - Quotes - Forbes › quotes › theme › ignorance
    It is poverty in a rich man to despise the poor and ignorance in a wise man to despise the ignorant. ... Ignorance is an enemy, even to its owner. Knowledge is a ...

    For some, ignorance is bliss; for others, ignorance is something else › for-some-ignorance-is-b...
    For some, ignorance is bliss; for others, ignorance is something else · 'Ignoring' as an activity · Fatal consequences of ignorance · Ignorance and ...

    Ignorance Is Expensive › books
    ... ignorance and illiteracy in that they rob societies of their best asserts. Potentials in people can only be mined and harnessed through better education ...

  31. \\Qtard: Believe in someting that NOT NEED to be believed. That it is totally ABSURD to believe or not believe...

    \\So why does Qtard not believe facts?

    Derpy the Idiot doubling down on its stupidity and asking SAME question to which ANSWER already given... IN THAT QUOTE after which it asks that.

    Trully, you are Complete Dumb Ass Proved By OWN DEEDS. :-)))))))

    But, continue-continue. Do not stop.

    That's... so damn funny.

    \\Qtard: That ignorance -- is not good excuse. In talk with smart folk. Because smartness -- it's abilty to LEARN new facts, swiftly, and efficiently.

    \\But you believe "smartness" is the ability to dismiss facts you don't like swiftly... By calling them "Demn propaganda".

    Facts like Rising Sun in the Morning?

    Or, again, somebody-somebody said something-something Derpy the Idiots which "believes in fЂacts" deem as "fact"?

    Derpy the Idiot HAVE THE ANSWER. And have it for a year aleady.

    But still unable to learn???

    YET ONE trait of being idiot confirmed -- inability to learn.

    \\Qtard: \\To me that sounds like you. Idiot who denies fact thrown in its face\\And you can QUOTE??? At least ONE such "fact"???

    \\Climate change. trump's collusion with Russia.

    Climate DO CHANGE all of the time.

    Politics DO MAKE deals all of the times.

    This undeniable facts DID YOU MEAN???


    You meaned only some DEMN Propaganda BullShit. ;-P

    \\Qtard showed it's racism. According to it's own redefinition. Should be saying Chinese are humans. "White" is a race.

    Splitting people in scientifically debunked groups like "races" -- that is racism.

    Racism | Definition, History, Laws, & Facts | Britannica › topic › racism
    Racism, the belief that humans may be divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called 'races'; that there is a causal link between inherited ...


    Britanica and ME are in sync.

    And with whom YOU ARE in sync? Some f*g Nazis?

    \\Qtard: I have said it many time -- I would be an idiot -- if I'd fall to that your moronic tricks, like gaslighting and strawmaning.

    \\Qtard's tricks.

    Yours alter-ego tricks?

    Well, maybe.

    How could I know -- what happens inside your brains. ;-P

    \\Qtard has no brains to realize it has been outsmarted.


    That is... most funny.


    You can even (try to) explain HOW you think you outsmarted me?

    Like by repeating dumb shit again and again? ;-P

  32. Qtard: Splitting people in scientifically debunked groups like "races" -- that is racism.

    No. It isn't.

    Qtard: Britanica and ME are in sync.

    Lie. You disagree with Britanica. Britanica used the term "biological entities". Humans can't be split into separate and exclusive biological entities called "races". That is racism.

    Britanica and ME are in sync.

    Britanica and YOU are not in sync.

    People CAN (and are) split into "races" as a social construct. That's not a science thing, though.

    Qtard is a racist by its own definition -- calls Chinese people "White" when White is a race.

  33. \\Qtard: Splitting people in scientifically debunked groups like "races" -- that is racism.

    \\No. It isn't.


    \\Qtard: Britanica and ME are in sync.

    \\Lie. You disagree with Britanica. Britanica used the term "biological entities". Humans can't be split into separate and exclusive biological entities called "races". That is racism.


    Naaah. Idiots dunno what it mean. :-))))

    \\Britanica and ME are in sync.

    \\Britanica and YOU are not in sync.


    "Beliving in facts" at it's full force. :-))))))

    \\People CAN (and are) split into "races" as a social construct. That's not a science thing, though.


    That's why it called prejudges and supestitions.

    And racism -- it's a name of one of most heinous one.

    And you are eyeball deep in it.;-P

    \\Qtard is a racist by its own definition -- calls Chinese people "White" when White is a race.

    Yeah-yeah-yeah. :-)))))))

    And there is OTHER such "races" too? Like Yellow. And Red? Yap, De-Ru-Pi?

    And Chinese MUST BE... Yellow? ;-P

    You, not-racist, go, explain it to me. :-))))

  34. Hoh... some other "magic words" found -- my comment here missing.

  35. Qtard: Splitting people in scientifically debunked groups like "races" -- that is racism.\\No. It isn't\\NewSpeak?

    Zero past comments from me contain any NewSpeak. Zero future comments from me will contain any NewSpeak. I don't use NewSpeak.

    Qtard: Britanica and ME are in sync.\\Lie. You disagree with Britanica. Britanica used the term "biological entities". Humans can't be split into separate and exclusive biological entities called "races". That is racism\\Self-contradicting?

    No. Biological entities versus social construct. Not the same. Not "self contradicting".

    Qtard: Naaah. Idiots dunno what it mean.

    Agreed. You obviously don't.

    Qtard: \\Britanica and ME are in sync. Britanica and YOU are not in sync.\\Yap.

    Thank you for admitting it.

    Qtard: "Beliving in facts" at it's full force.

    I don't remember that I wrote "believing in". Just that I believe them. I "full force" believe facts.

    Qtard: \\People CAN (and are) split into "races" as a social construct. That's not a science thing, though.\\Yap. That's why it called prejudges and supestitions.

    It's called a social construct. Qtard obviously does not know what that means.

    Qtard: And racism -- it's a name of one of most heinous one. And you are eyeball deep in it.;-P

    No. Racism is believing one race is superior, which I do not.

    Qtard: \\Qtard is a racist by its own definition -- calls Chinese people "White" when White is a race.\\Yeah-yeah-yeah.

    Another admission. Are we finally making progress? Naaah.

    Qtard: And there is OTHER such "races" too? Like Yellow. And Red? Yap, De-Ru-Pi?

    Simpsons characters? They aren't real. IDK who is red... The Kool Aid Man? Maybe your alter ego "De-Ru-Pi" is red?

    Qtard: And Chinese MUST BE... Yellow? ;-P

    Is that what you think? I've never said that. Only you have.

    Qtard: You, not-racist, go, explain it to me. :-))))

    How would I know. I never said any of that. You did.

    Qtard: Yellow race?

    I never said anything about a "yellow race". Maybe ask Minus FJ? He was real upset when the heirs of Theodore Giselle decided to withdraw several Dr Seuss books from publication. He blamed Democrats/woke.

    In his first book, "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street", his work was no exception. For example, to represent a lone Asian character, Ted employed “traditional clothing” and chopsticks to depict his ethnicity. He originally referred to this character as a “Chinaman” and showed his skin color as yellow. It is important to note that in a later reprint he removed the color and changed the text to “a Chinese man". link

  36. Yellow is an iron deficiency commonly know as jaundice. And race, despite all liberal assertions to the contrary, includes a biological component involving certain gene expression clusters that can make a population overly susceptible to environmentally isolated and conditioned gene expressions based upon environmental factors (melanin production or sickle cell). These genetic expression clusters can be visible and categorized as a "race". Is it "scientific"? As well as any biological information can be categorized as "scientific".

  37. from NIH
    The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that iron deficiency anemia took the lives of 273,000 people in 2004. Of this figure, 45% were Southeast Asian, 31% African, 9% Eastern Mediterranean, 4% Oceania, and 3% European. Of all anemia cases, 97% are found in middle-income countries [5]. Anemia is particularly prevalent in women of reproductive age and children under the age of 5. Studies in developed countries such as Japan, Sweden, and the United States indicate the rising incidence of iron deficiency anemia in affluent societies. It has also posed a major problem in developing countries such as India over the last 50 years [6].

    The results of a study in 185 countries from 1990 to 2011 exhibited that anemia was the most prevalent in Southeast Asia. Extreme cases of iron deficiency anemia can escalate to maternal mortality and preterm labor [3,7]. Several factors contribute to the widespread prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies in South Asia including iron deficiency in the diet, poor health, genetic causes, chronic infections, malaria and schistosomiasis [8,9]. The prevalence of anemia varies widely in different parts of the world and it is more salient in lower socioeconomic classes.


    Given the prevalence of anemia in Asian countries, it is necessary to raise awareness about its contributing factors in order to plan and manage the financial and human resources required to curb its incidence. It is essential for countries to introduce the necessary interventions by comparing their data with those of other countries with regard to the effect of socioeconomic status on the root causes of anemia [11].

  38. What is jaundice?

    Jaundice is a condition in which the skin, sclera (whites of the eyes) and mucous membranes turn yellow. This yellow color is caused by a high level of bilirubin, a yellow-orange bile pigment. Bile is fluid secreted by the liver. Bilirubin is formed from the breakdown of red blood cells.

    What causes jaundice?
    Jaundice can be caused by a problem in any of the three phases in bilirubin production.

    Before the production of bilirubin, you may have what's called unconjugated jaundice due to increased levels of bilirubin caused by:

    Reabsorption of a large hematoma (a collection of clotted or partially clotted blood under the skin).

    Hemolytic anemias (blood cells are destroyed and removed from the bloodstream before their normal lifespan is over).
    During production of bilirubin, jaundice can be caused by:

    Viruses, including Hepatitis A, chronic Hepatitis B and C, and Epstein-Barr virus infection (infectious mononucleosis).


    Autoimmune disorders.

    Rare genetic metabolic defects.

    Medicines, including acetaminophen toxicity, penicillins, oral contraceptives, chlorpromazine (Thorazine®) and estrogenic or anabolic steroids.

    After bilirubin is produced, jaundice may be caused by obstruction (blockage) of the bile ducts from:


    Inflammation (swelling) of the gallbladder.
    Gallbladder cancer.

    Pancreatic tumor.

  39. A yellow race? Some races may be on average, "more yellow' than others. SE Asian (or Asian, generally) seems to be one of those.

  40. There is no such thing as "Asian" -- unless you're a racist. According to Qtard, Minus FJ just admitted he's a racist.

    Don't worry though, I'm sure Qtard will find some excuse to explain why I am a racist while you aren't.

  41. There is no such thing as "Asian" -- unless you're a racist. According to Qtard, Minus FJ just admitted he's a racist.

    Don't worry though, I'm sure Qtard will find some excuse to explain why I am a racist while you aren't.

  42. Asian is also a geographical category that instills the cultural dietary and hereditary manifestations inherent to race. Hence the terms: African or African American/ Asian/ Caucasian/ Aboriginal in describing "races". Evolution favours certain behavioral and inherited genetic traits differently in surviving (and thriving) in different environments. Race merely represents this human cultural and genetic "conditioning" over long time periods. And it requires additional time and intensive cross-breeding efforts to extinguish these genetic gene-cluster expressions.

    btw - It's not "racist" to know this. It's racist to OBSESS over it and think that cross-breeding is bad, instead of healthy, for humanity.

  43. Minus: It's not "racist" to know this.

    Qtard disagrees.

    Minus: It's racist to OBSESS over it...

    So why do Republicans obsess over it?

    Minus: ...and think that cross-breeding is bad, instead of healthy, for humanity.

    Slaveholding men were into crossbreeding (via rape) bigly. You think their motivation was how the crossbreeding would benefit humanity?

  44. "So why do Republicans obsess over it?" Because Democrat's (the world's original racists) are "psychotic" (obsessive/compulsive) over it.

    "You think their motivation was how the crossbreeding would benefit humanity?" You would have preferred that they only f*cked white women? Oh wait, that's what they did with their Irish indentured servants. Black men never rape white women? Who knew?

  45. \\Zero past comments from me contain any NewSpeak. Zero future comments from me will contain any NewSpeak. I don't use NewSpeak.

    And you are lying. Often. ;-P

    You forgot to add.

    Most idiotic lies to boot.

    Like screams "I NEVER said it"... about OWN words JUST said/written.

    \\No. Biological entities versus social construct. Not the same. Not "self contradicting".

    Claiming that there exist some "biological entities" -- that is social construct too. ;-P

    And science is... nothing but social construct. Because, it exist in human minds, and nowhere else.

    But race -- it's SCIENTIFICALLY debunked "social construct". And racism -- it's nexus of bigotry and supestitions. ;-P

    And you are one. Infested with it.

    \\Qtard: \\Britanica and ME are in sync. Britanica and YOU are not in sync.\\Yap.

    \\Thank you for admitting it.

    FAKED quote. IDIOTIC answer.

    As ever.


    \\Qtard: "Beliving in facts" at it's full force.

    \\I don't remember that I wrote "believing in". Just that I believe them. I "full force" believe facts.

    Thank you for confirming.

    You confirmation is very important... Naaah. :-)))))

    \\Qtard: \\People CAN (and are) split into "races" as a social construct. That's not a science thing, though.\\Yap. That's why it called prejudges and supestitions.

    \\It's called a social construct. Qtard obviously does not know what that means.

    Prejudges and supestitions?

    \\No. Racism is believing one race is superior, which I do not.

    Then... why YOU not admitted that Chinese can be White. And Suprime. Too. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Qtard is a racist by its own definition -- calls Chinese people "White" when White is a race.\\Yeah-yeah-yeah.

    \\Another admission. Are we finally making progress? Naaah.

    Cause you are idiot? ;-P

    \\Qtard: And Chinese MUST BE... Yellow? ;-P

    \\Is that what you think? I've never said that. Only you have.


    YOU -- calling people White.

    YOU -- insist that there IS "social construct of race".

    So it was reasonable question to explore what other supestirions you do share, what else "social constructs" you do "believe in". ;-P

    That's what smart aces do -- they ask reasonable questions. ;-)

    \\He was real upset when the heirs of Theodore Giselle decided to withdraw several Dr Seuss books from publication. He blamed Democrats/woke.


    Because that is bigotry -- to mangle historical facts... to suit minutae political needs.

  46. Qtard: Like screams "I NEVER said it"... about OWN words JUST said/written.

    Your screams. Like when you wrote "whatever" to rebutt me. Then denied ever writing "whatever".

    Qtard: And science is... nothing but social construct. Because, it exist in human minds, and nowhere else.

    Qtard dunno what a social construct is. And Qtard also dunno what science is.

    Google: The Sun contains about 92% hydrogen and 8% helium, with just a tiny bit of the other common elements we find on Earth.

    Is the elemental composition of the sun a social construct? Or is it science?

    Qtard: But race -- it's SCIENTIFICALLY debunked "social construct". And racism -- it's nexus of bigotry and supestitions.

    No. Thinking one race is superior -- that's racism.

    Qtard: And you are one. Infested with it.

    You dunno what racism even is. Or pretend not to know. To coverup racism YOU are infested with.

    Qtard: \\Britanica and ME are in sync. Britanica and YOU are not in sync.\\Yap.\\Thank you for admitting it.\\ FAKED quote.

    Lie. Actual quote. What? "Never said it"? Even though I cut and pasted from your comment?

    Qtard: "Beliving in facts" at it's full force.\\I don't remember that I wrote "believing in". Just that I believe them. I "full force" believe facts.\\Thank you for confirming. You confirmation is very important.

    Important in identifying that I am smart.

    Qtard: \\People CAN (and are) split into "races" as a social construct. That's not a science thing, though.\\Yap. That's why it called prejudges and supestitions.\\It's called a social construct. Qtard obviously does not know what that means.\\Prejudges and supestitions?


    Google... What is the meaning of social construct? A social construct or construction is the meaning, notion, or connotation placed on an object or event by a society, and adopted by that society with respect to how they view or deal with the object or event.

    Qtard: \\No. Racism is believing one race is superior, which I do not.\\Then... why YOU not admitted that Chinese can be White. And Suprime. Too.

    Because they are Asian. Qtard doesn't even what "Suprime" means. I said they certainly can be suprime. Not supreme. That's racism.

    Qtard: \\Qtard is a racist by its own definition -- calls Chinese people "White" when White is a race.\\Yeah-yeah-yeah.\\Another admission. Are we finally making progress? Naaah\\Cause you are idiot?

    Cause you are an idiot. Do not even understand your own argument.

    Qtard: And Chinese MUST BE... Yellow? \\Is that what you think? I've never said that. Only you have.\\Well. YOU -- calling people White.

    You NEVER SAID "is Chinese White"? You aren't calling Chinese White?

    Qtard: YOU -- insist that there IS "social construct of race".

    I insist facts are real. Yes. I have no choice. I'm not dumb enough to believe otherwise.

    Qtard: So it was reasonable question to explore what other supestirions you do share, what else "social constructs" you do "believe in".

    Superstitions I believe in? None. Social constructs? All those accepted by society. Because I'm a member of it. Well, I acknowledge they exist. Doesn't necessarily mean I "believe in" them. Like the social construct of patriarchy. I don't believe in it.

    Qtard: That's what smart aces do -- they ask reasonable questions.

    So why do you call yourself a "smart ace"? When you ask such dumb questions?

    Qtard: \\He was real upset when the heirs of Theodore Giselle decided to withdraw several Dr Seuss books from publication. He blamed Democrats/woke.\\Yap. Because that is bigotry -- to mangle historical facts... to suit minutae political needs.

    No. Also, that isn't what happened.

  47. \\Qtard dunno what a social construct is. And Qtard also dunno what science is.


    Your alter-ego. That imbecile. :-))))

    \\Is the elemental composition of the sun a social construct? Or is it science?

    What is the "Sun" thing mean??? Is it some sign on the back of that enormous plasma ball?


    That is a NAME we people calling.

    Sun itself. As a thing of Reality -- totally oblivious about that our fleamsy premtence. That we can give it a name. ;-P

    \\No. Thinking one race is superior -- that's racism.

    As written in your DEMN rulebook?

    Then why you call people White Supreacists? ;-P

    Isn't because you THINK that they -- "White race" -- are superior? And isn't that make YOU -- to fall under YOUR this definition? :-)))))

    \\Lie. Actual quote. What? "Never said it"? Even though I cut and pasted from your comment?


    That's it!

    You CUTTED... it out of context. And PASTED... but only THAT part, which as you thought, could help you to SUBVERT it's meaning.

    And now you trying to pretend that FAKED in such a way quote -- it's MY WORDS.

    After you TWISTED it so much.

    What an idiotic trick. :-))))

    You thought I will not SPOT it. Right away. Isn't it? :-)))

    Or you just doing "monkey see, monkey do" -- trying to reuse MY smart moves/phrases... but in your idiotic way. As YOU unable to grok it. WHY my arguments working... and your idiotic blurts -- not. Why they look so "the same"... to your idiotic eyes.

    Yes, De-Ru-Pi? :-))))

    \\Important in identifying that I am smart.

    Said utter dumb ass. :-))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\People CAN (and are) split into "races" as a social construct. That's not a science thing, though.\\Yap. That's why it called prejudges and supestitions.\\It's called a social construct. Qtard obviously does not know what that means.\\Prejudges and supestitions?


    \\Google... What is the meaning of social construct? A social construct or construction is the meaning, notion, or connotation placed on an object or event by a society, and adopted by that society with respect to how they view or deal with the object or event.

    Ysp. Prejudgingly. And Supestitiously. ;-P

    Like when "society" declared that Earth is FLAT... and standing on the backs of Elepants, and that ones on the Turtle. :-))))))


  48. \\Qtard: \\No. Racism is believing one race is superior, which I do not.\\Then... why YOU not admitted that Chinese can be White. And Suprime. Too.

    \\Because they are Asian. Qtard doesn't even what "Suprime" means. I said
    they certainly can be suprime. Not supreme. That's racism.


    Derpy just confirmed being racist. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Qtard is a racist by its own definition -- calls Chinese people "White" when White is a race.\\Yeah-yeah-yeah.\\Another admission. Are we finally making progress? Naaah\\Cause you are idiot?

    \\Cause you are an idiot. Do not even understand your own argument.

    What a stark self-revelation.


    Please, continue like this.


    \\Qtard: YOU -- insist that there IS "social construct of race".

    \\I insist facts are real. Yes. I have no choice. I'm not dumb enough to believe otherwise.


    Like when you doubling down on bulsshit idea that "races" are real deal thing... while they are figments of imagination -- social construct.

    That are always such "fact"... you trying to proclaim being real.

    Somebody-somebody just said it... and VIOLA! it becomes "real". :-)))))

    All because you "believe it". :-)))))

    \\Qtard: So it was reasonable question to explore what other supestirions you do share, what else "social constructs" you do "believe in".

    \\Superstitions I believe in? None. Social constructs? All those accepted by society.

    Because they are "real facts"??? Like that elephants mounted on turtle? :-)))))

    \\Like the social construct of patriarchy. I don't believe in it.

    Because you don't have? Do not know your father?

    \\Qtard: That's what smart aces do -- they ask reasonable questions.

    \\So why do you call yourself a "smart ace"? When you ask such dumb questions?

    Like you are one to judge me. :-)))))))
