Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Is it Finally Over? Did Ukraine just Break? Or is it all Just Propaganda?

...and on the Polish border:
Draft dodgers from Ukraine? Belarus?


  1. Jimmy Dore: American Comedian doing fantastic Russian Propaganda about Ukraine.

    [1:35 Conor Clyne] ...and parroting the Russian propaganda... there's a big audience for that and today we're going to... I'm going to react to a very popular request which is Jimmy Dore who does such a good job at parroting the Kremlin's line about the Ukrainians being Nazis that I think if they're they need to employ him as a propagandist he does it so well anyways let's get into the video...

    [2:02 Jimmy Dore] Right now the American people are paying the price what are we paying the price for not for Putin's inflation not for Putin's gas hike this is Joe Biden's invasion this is NATO's invasion this is Joe Biden's policies...

    [2:20 Conor Clyne] ...and who is Jimmy Dore speaking to -- Tucker Carlson. so Jimmy Dore supposedly far left -- but he was on the show where the far right personality Tucker Carlson and he is claiming in this Orwellian way that Russia didn't invade Ukraine America invaded.

    [3:18 Conor Clyne] Dore is supposedly a progressive left-wing commentator comedian ... his stuff is super hilarious when he's discussing Ukraine. we're gonna dive into it and if he has not already been hired by Sergey Lavrov the Russian minister for foreign affairs he should ... he does such a good job encapsulating Russian propaganda he does it even better than Lavrov...

    [video of Lavrov saying same things as Jimmy Dore]

    [4:38 Conor Clyne] There you go Lavrov also says oh Russia didn't invade Ukraine ... so that's the Orwellian background that you're going to see and this gets mimicked later on as well by Jimmy Dore so let me just take a few clips...

    [12:00 Jimmy Dore] ...Ukraine has literal Nazis working with them. so this is Ukraine court decides final ban on the biggest opposition party.

    [12:27 Conor Clyne] The biggest opposition party -- let me see how much this biggest opposition party -- got in the last Ukrainian elections in 2019 what was their vote -- three percent -- so this is his I mean it's called Opposition Bloc ... the leader interestingly he was the guy that -- I can't remember if it was British or American -- intelligence now leaked before this invasion 24 -- February as one of the main candidates that Russia wanted to stall as a puppet after they invaded which they did they didn't invade they just didn't get to overthrow the government and install their puppet. so this is one of them so this is the this is the party and it got three percent of the vote in the last election -- but for Jimmy Dore [they are the] main opposition party... [end Youtube transcript excerpt].

    Jimmy Dore is Putin Propaganda. Craig Jardula is Putin Propaganda. Yes.

    Fact Check: Thousands of Ukrainian Soldiers Surrendered to Russia in Early October 2023? Mostly Russian-owned websites (that consider the war in Ukraine "a special operation") such as Sputnik, copy-pasted the in-question information online and spread pro-Russian propaganda to the effect that, for instance, Russia is aiming "to prevent pointless bloodshed among by Ukrainian soldiers". Given that, it is highly possible that the rumor about Ukraine surrendering to Russia in 2023 was deliberately spread by Russian officials and is yet another example of Russian disinformation efforts.

    No evidence has come to light, nor have reputable news sources or Ukrainian officials issued statements, confirming the claim spread by Russian propaganda outlets that thousands of Ukrainian soldiers surrendered. Therefore, we rate this claim as Unfounded. link

  2. Question is... why DEMNs are so subcepted to that liliPut's propaganda??? ;-P

    \\and he is claiming in this Orwellian way that Russia didn't invade Ukraine America invaded.

    Isn't that leftists of USA propaganda -- blaming USA for all wars in the World?

    Like from time of Vietnam? ;-P

  3. NewSpeaker: Question is... why DEMNs are so subcepted to that liliPut's propaganda???

    Minus FJ is a DEMN? By "Demn" you mean Democrat? Or by "Demn" do you mean republican? You must be NewSpeaking again. Because your words make a lot more sense if -- all the times you write "Demn" -- who you are really talking about are republicans.

  4. Maybe you should investigate Jimmy Dore, Derv! For $40m, Robert Mueller would be happy to help.

  5. I thought Ukrainian assassins were going to take him out?

    If he were to be investigated, I'm sure it could be done for much less than 40 million.

    What do you think would be found? Payments from Russia? I thought he was acting as a Putin propagandist because trumpturds are paying him.

    But you think maybe he is getting money from Putin?

  6. Why not? Biden's getting money from Xi. I wish I could get Russia to send me some cash. It seems to be a political influencer cottage industry.

  7. Minus: Why not?

    You admit he's a liar?

    Minus: Biden's getting money from Xi.


  8. \\I wish I could get Russia to send me some cash.

    Go Ask Ritter. ;-)

    \\Minus FJ is a DEMN?

    He IS inhabitant of USA -- isn't it? Or we have some ambiguity about that question??? :-)))) (who knows... if *I* cannot be a foreigner from far-far-away... by a wise thought of All-Wise Derpy... maybe he cannot be USAian too... by some moronic reason)

    Of course... he'd exposed to DEMN Propaganda. As it is ubiquotuous.

    It's like radiation... or a virus -- nobody can be safe from it.

  9. Why not?

    It's okay for the entire Democratic Party to take kickbacks, but nobody else?

  10. Minus is fine with people who agree with him being corrupt. Because (in his delusions) all Democrats are corrupt.

    rightturd propaganda is ubiquitous. It is like radiation... or a virus -- nobody is safe from it. Minus FJ and Qtard are both bigly infected. Though by their own choice.

  11. Actually, I think that all but one-two score Republicans are corrupt as well.

    I'm expecting that Jim Jordan will win the speakership. He's the GOPe "anger manager" for the Never-Trump faction. He was pretty good at it until Trump came along. Newt Gingrich was a previous "anger manager" as well. Inducing MAGA Interpassivity is their primary focus. "Relax and watch the never-ending stream of angry words that never lead to ANY action," is their charter.

  12. \\rightturd propaganda is ubiquitous. It is like radiation... or a virus -- nobody is safe from it. Minus FJ and Qtard are both bigly infected. Though by their own choice.

    You though that I will not POINT to this staunch example of idiocy of Derpy, ahh?

    Total INABILITY to devise OWN arguments. :-)))))))

    You are... such a moron, De-Ru-Pi. :-))))))

  13. @Q - All those Belarus-ians evading Putin's October Conscription? Congrats, if true.

    ...but you should advise the Poles to let them in (and put them in refugee camps,if needed). It'll take hundreds of thousands of military age men off the battlefield, and if necessary 9at some point) give Ukraine some resources with which to implement Penal-Guard battalion tactics (aim them back at the Russian Army and use to clear minefields and deplete artillery traps). Jes' sayin'.

    Oh, that would probably upset your American "General Staff" though... Geneva Convention stuff and all that.

  14. Think they'd fight for Ukraine if you paid 'em 1k Euros a month?

  15. Maybe you could implant and test some of Musk's "NeuraLinks". I hear that they can even control (drive) cockroaches now.

  16. I wonder what the 50% "flip" price-point would be for Belarus' "volunteers"?

  17. ...after all, MANY Ukrainians fought for the Nazi's. ;)

  18. I'm sure we'll all get "chipped" in the next 20-30 years, anyway. :(

  19. \\...after all, MANY Ukrainians fought for the Nazi's. ;)

    And who was not?

    Would I open to you that Polishinele's secret -- that practicly all Europe was under Nazis... and practicly EVERY nation was succumbed to fight for em.

    But only Ukrainians somehow... became most damned for that.

    Well... there is no surprise -- propaganda of Neo-Empire USSR was spreading that rumors... for almost hundred years.

    SAME... as it was spreading rumors about "zionism"... which gave roots to that Nazism.

    Rush'A... as borderline territory -- are very capable with producing such nasty contagious propaganda.

    And West... have NO immunity against it. Quite contrary.

  20. There are always collaborators. Even Norway had its' "Quislings".

    Anyone remember Patty Hearst and the SLA? Stockholm syndrome.

  21. But that is... absolutely unrelated to this question at hand.

    \\\\...after all, MANY Ukrainians fought for the Nazi's. ;)

    So, how many is that many?

    Like in Soviet Union Army??? In which millions fought and died?

    Or in guerilla troops... hundreds of thousands. Who fought against BOTH.

    Or maybe as many as Russian by nationality, that in total counts as almost million... in all kinds of troops, like Army of Free Russia(which flag it's CURRENT Rush'A flag -- did you know that? That modern Rush'A and liliPut fighting UNDER THAT flag of Nazi-colaborators?) and etc.

    So... couple dozens thousands of Ukrainians. On THIRD year of occupation. SECOND of happened recently. After one made by Red Army... which started purges and killed lots of that Western Ukraine natives.

    That couple dozens of Western Ukrainians was either decided for themself, or was allured by Nazi propaganda, or local undeground of freedom fighters -- that instead of sitting in their nest as some turkey... waiting until hunter will come and slaughter em. AGAIN!

    It's better to take arms... even if from enemy who are equally bad... but for at least, now it feels itself underdog, up to the level of giving arms to oppressed...

    Though choice, isn't it? They SHOULD BE taking into account, that almost hundred years after that some liberal schmuks from the West would ACCUSE em in "colaboration with Nazis"???

    \\There are always collaborators. Even Norway had its' "Quislings".

    That was their FREE choice.

    As in free beer.

    NOT after THIRD year of war rolling here and there across their country.
    Thousand of their neighbours and relatives killed.
    NOT under threat of that wave of blood will return. Shortly.

    PS So. In final ledger TOTAL number of "colaborators with Nazism" among Ukrainians is ABSOLUTELY MINIMAL...

    in compare with everybody around.

    But. Somehow. That is MOST IMPORTANT question. EVERYBODY need to rise and to pound on???

    Isn't something fishy? In that setup?

    Like thugs and murdrers trying to frame an innocent to be biggest villian?
    To conceal own crimes. ;-P

  22. Like Democrats using racism... It's their entire playbook.

  23. Using racism to divide us is several chapters in the republiturd playbook.

  24. And in which chapter of DEMN propaganda rulebook you have read it from? ;-)
