Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Wokism - Stage 1 (DeNile): Democrats Anti-KKK History of Denialism


  1. Bill Maher is a bigoted turd. He sounds like Vivek Ramaswamy calling Ayanna Pressley "a modern grand wizard of the KKK".

    Joe Rogan is close to the truth when he says, "Our real problem in this country, more than race, is extreme poverty and extreme crime".

    Yet, republiturd voters go for tRump because tRump stands for their White Supremacist values. When they should be voting for Democrats.

    Means... it is racism, not race, that is our biggest problem. If poor White republiturds voted Democrat we could do a lot more about poverty.

    Also the "extreme crime" problem of corporations stealing from us and killing us. But I doubt that was the crime Rogan is talking about.

  2. It's pretty obvious that you've been having your "facts" checked by Politifucked again, Dervy. Racism is the Democratic Party's great white whale, and you are one of Captain Ahab's harpooner. And you're too busy chasing specifically coloured whales to fight poverty.

  3. \\Joe Rogan is close to the truth when he says, "Our real problem in this country, more than race, is extreme poverty and extreme crime".

    Because of that pests, righturds? ;-P

    \\Means... it is racism, not race, that is our biggest problem. If poor White republiturds voted Democrat we could do a lot more about poverty.

    Like by making em TG? ;-P

    \\Also the "extreme crime" problem of corporations stealing from us and killing us.

    Yap... go make it goverment enterprises... ;-P
    under fair rule of Democratic... Politburo. :-)))))))))))))

  4. That Douchebag Dervish Sanders is another one of those Escapees from the Progressive Blog. Where these Creeps get Brain-Washer by their Leader Shaw KeeWee.

  5. Minus: It's pretty obvious that you've been having your "facts" checked by Politifucked again...

    My comment didn't contain any links to PolitiFact. Or anywhere else.

    Minus: Racism is the Democratic Party's great white whale, and you are one of Captain Ahab's harpooner.

    Minus thinks racism is hard to rare and hard to find? So why did White rightturds vote for a White Supremacist to be president AND want him back in the White House?

    Minus: ...you're too busy chasing specifically coloured whales to fight poverty.

    No. The real problem is that republiturds want more crime and poverty.

    Qtard: \\Joe Rogan is close to the truth when he says, "Our real problem in this country, more than race, is extreme poverty and extreme crime"\\Because of that pests, righturds?


    Qtard: \\Means... it is racism, not race, that is our biggest problem. If poor White republiturds voted Democrat we could do a lot more about poverty\\Like by making em TG?

    What's TG? Qtarded gibberish?

    Qtard: \\Also the "extreme crime" problem of corporations stealing from us and killing us.\\Yap... go make it goverment enterprises... under fair rule of Democratic... Politburo **moronic laughter**

    No. I'm not a Communist. The Democratic Party isn't Communist.

    "You are all one face to me".

    Remember saying that, Qtard? Probably not. It's one of Qtard's MANY dodges. Supposedly Qtard can't tell the difference between republicans and Democrats. Except when Qtard CAN tell the difference. Like when accusing Democrats of being Communists. Qtard only couldn't tell the difference when I pointed out that republiturd FL governor Ron DeSantis spoke favorably about slavery.

    What dodge/escape is next, Qtard? I'm going to guess... "whoz zat?"

  6. \\So why did White rightturds vote for a White Supremacist to be president AND want him back in the White House?

    Because YOU call em "righturds" and White.

    Your Captain Obvious.

    Because that is how Demn Propaganda makes you to believe. ;-P

    \\\\Because of that pests, righturds?



    You CONFIRMED being Nazi too...

    \\\\Like by making em TG?

    \\What's TG? Qtarded gibberish?

    Lefty Derpy DUNNO Lefty-speak???


    \\No. I'm not a Communist. The Democratic Party isn't Communist.


    "Communists of the future will be calling themself anti-communists".


    \\"You are all one face to me".

    \\Remember saying that, Qtard? Probably not. It's one of Qtard's MANY dodges.

    Stating of the fact -- that for a foreigners, dwellers of foreign country looking "all in one face"... on the base of historical and cultural prejudges.

    Like after watching westerns movies. One can start think that there is all cowboys and indians in USA.

  7. I don't think racism is hard to find. America has an entire party (Democrats) who think of EVERYTHING in terms of race.

  8. The Democrats and the NAZI's shared a single common interest. Race.

  9. Qtard: Because YOU call em "righturds" and White.

    WTF? Me calling White people White has no impact on how they vote. Qtard thinks White voters are like, "because Derpy called me White I'm voting for tRump"? Qtard thinks poor Whites are like Qtard -- see themselves as "niggas"?

    Qtard: Your Captain Obvious.

    What is obvious? That Qtard is an idiot? Agreed.

    Qtard: Because that is how Demn Propaganda makes you to believe.

    It's "Demn propaganda" that White people are White? That's some serious qtarded gibberish.

    Qtard: Because of that pests, righturds?\\Yes\\NOW. You CONFIRMED being Nazi too...

    Me thinking the US government should do more to address extreme poverty and extreme crime makes me a Nazi? rightturd Qtard likes poverty and crime, yes? Qtard gets angry that one USA political party (that it views as "Nazi") wants to do something about it? While the other party (the one that Qtard agrees with) wants people to stay poor?

    Now I get why Qtard keeps denying Nazis in the Azov Battalion. White Supremacists -- Qtard seems them as the "good guys". Qtard's made up definition of "Nazi" tells it that it's only about the socialism (when the Nazi Party wasn't socialist) and has nothing to do with White Supremacy.

    Qtard: \\Like by making em TG?\\What's TG? Qtarded gibberish?\\Lefty Derpy DUNNO Lefty-speak??? Trans-Gender.

    No. I never heard of "TG". btw, nobody can be "made" transgender. Apparently the Idiot Qtard believes the rightturd propaganda that kids can be "groomed" to be transgender. Because Qtard is that much of an idiot.

    Qtard: \\No. I'm not a Communist. The Democratic Party isn't Communist\\Whatever. "Communists of the future will be calling themself anti-communists". Yawn.

    Qtard's "whatever" means... "I'm just going to keep lying. Demns are Communists no matter what you say".

    Does that mean republicans are Communists? They're the ones screaming about how anti-Communist they are all the time.

    Qtard: \\"You are all one face to me"\\Remember saying that, Qtard? ... Stating of the fact -- that for a foreigners, dwellers of foreign country looking "all in one face"... on the base of historical and cultural prejudges. Like after watching westerns movies. One can start think that there is all cowboys and indians in USA.

    That's two faces. Cowboys are one. Indians are two. Can't the Idiot Qtard count? Not even to two?

    btw, A majority of foreigners approve of the job Joe Biden is doing.

    Minus: I don't think racism is hard to find. America has an entire party (Democrats) who think of EVERYTHING in terms of race.

    Stuart Stevens: The Republican Party is racist. ...it's all about race. The Republican Party is a white party...

    "Throughout his decades as a Republican, Stevens considered this racist element a bug in the system. He now realizes it has been a feature". link

    If the Democratic Party is racist, WHY do over 90% of African Americans vote Democratic? You argued that Enrique Tarrio (one guy) being a Proud Boy proves they aren't racist. Yet 19 million African American Democrats (approximately*) DON'T prove the Democratic party isn't racist? (*13% of 161 million voters, 92% voting D).

    Minus: The Democrats and the NAZI's shared a single common interest. Race.

    The republiturds share with Nazis a single common interest -- the White race.

  10. \\Qtard: Because YOU call em "righturds" and White.

    \\WTF? Me calling White people White has no impact on how they vote. Qtard thinks White voters are like, "because Derpy called me White I'm voting for tRump"? Qtard thinks poor Whites are like Qtard -- see themselves as "niggas"?

    Let's see?

    What constitues being "nigga"??? If not being poor, powerless and because of that abused?

    But, there was a LOT of distinctly White... who was same, or even MORE poor and powerless.

    Or... Racist Derpy think that poor and powerless somehow attached to being of "race"???

    \\Qtard: Because that is how Demn Propaganda makes you to believe.

    \\It's "Demn propaganda" that White people are White? That's some serious qtarded gibberish.

    Oh... let's double-check the facts.

    Do we have certain someone, who babbling to no and about "Whites"? CHECKED.

    Is it message IT did not devised ITself? Checked.

    Is that message originated from Demn narratives? Checked.

    Is that certain someone, when pushed into the corner with fact starting babbling hypocritical lies? Checked.

    Double-Checking, Complete. 100% CONFIRMED. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Because of that pests, righturds?\\Yes\\NOW. You CONFIRMED being Nazi too...

    \\Me thinking the US government should do more to address extreme poverty and extreme crime makes me a Nazi?

    Well... that was AMONG talking points of Historical Nazis. Yes.

    \\Now I get why Qtard keeps denying Nazis in the Azov Battalion. White Supremacists -- Qtard seems them as the "good guys". Qtard's made up definition of "Nazi" tells it that it's only about the socialism (when the Nazi Party wasn't socialist) and has nothing to do with White Supremacy.

    But it WAS socialist.

    It was in its VERY name.

    National-SOCIALISTIC workers Party. ;-P

    Derpy the Idiot trying to OPPOSE to the OPbvious FACTS. AGAIN. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard's "whatever" means... "I'm just going to keep lying. Demns are Communists no matter what you say".

    And you tryed to whine that that is me who talking "what my opponent words mean"... by substituting em with whatever meaning, not based on any facts or logic... some dirty bad-mouthing mostly. :-))))))))))))))

    Means, your whining about such things -- is just same hypocritical, idiotic and false. ;-P

    \\Does that mean republicans are Communists? They're the ones screaming about how anti-Communist they are all the time.

    Who knows?

    \\Stuart Stevens: The Republican Party is racist. ...it's all about race. The Republican Party is a white party...

    And I MUST??? believe to this somebody-somebody??? to it's mere words??? Why???? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    Because it... "expert"?

    \\If the Democratic Party is racist, WHY do over 90% of African Americans vote Democratic?

    Well... because of Demn Propaganda? ;-P

  11. The two racists agree again. What are the odds? Both racists see African Americans as to dumb to be able to discern which party best represents their interests. Instead they fall for "racist propaganda". While "much smarter" Whites can see through this (alleged) propaganda.

    "But it WAS socialist".


    "It was in its VERY name".

    So what? Hitler took over an existing party. It already had that name. He pretended to be socialist. If you examine his policies, they prove he was not socialist. But that's to complicated for the idiot Qtard. So it screeches "it's in the name".

    "Because it... "expert"?"

    Because Stuart Stevens is a former Republican.

    Qtard is a non-expert nobody-nobody. Why should I believe it? Because it (falsely) claims it uses logic? I think not.

  12. So Stuart Stevens must be a racist, right?

  13. \\Both racists see African Americans as to dumb to be able to discern which party best represents their interests.

    That is known phenomenon... about co-dependence in "master-slave" relation. ;-P

    Devised by Demn academics. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\While "much smarter" Whites can see through this (alleged) propaganda.

    Is it need a lot of smarts to "see through" propaganda which is not directed, promice nothing viable to one??? And EVEN, blames one, indiscriminately. For all of the fouls of the World?

    Depry -- really are nothing but idiot -- unable to imagene that there is OTHER people, which can and HAVE differ POV...

    \\"But it WAS socialist".


    And you can EXPLAIN. HOW???

    While CALLING themself as ones. While performing policies of ones. Using rethorics of ones.

    That is... just a Lefty bullshit. Very see through.

    Bullshit that have OWN NAME even -- Not True Scothman. ;-P

    Go, Google. :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\Because Stuart Stevens is a former Republican.

    And *I*??? MUST??? revere words of somebody-somebody, who is NOBODY to me???

    Because it's Republican???

    Are you not OUT of your mins??? :-))))))))))))))))

    Or just... robustly and reliabley, merely an idiot. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\"It was in its VERY name".

    \\So what? Hitler took over an existing party. It already had that name. He pretended to be socialist. If you examine his policies, they prove he was not socialist.


    Nazi social and economic policies - National 5 History Revision - BBC
    www.bbc.co.uk › bitesize › guides › zsdfr82 › revision
    In National 5 History study the effects of the Nazis social and economic policies, and their aims to make Germany a militarist state in the 1930s.

    ""The Nazis implemented a major programme of public works, such as building and repairing roads, railways and houses.

    This significantly helped reduce unemployment, as did large-scale military rearmament.

    With Germany building up its armed forces, thousands of jobs in the iron, steel, aviation and shipbuilding industries were created.""

    THAT IS... socialistic policies.

    \\But that's to complicated for the idiot Qtard. So it screeches "it's in the name".

    Not at all.

    I see trhough it. That is LIE of Leftists. That Nazis made, or tryed to achive SOMETHING... socialist DO NOT want.

    Quite contrary -- THAT IS... how True Socailsm looks and feels -- Totalitarian Rule Over ALL of Humankind!

    That is IDEAL of Lefty/Sopciualist/Commies whatever they try to invent new name to hypocritically hide their TRUE MOTIVES.

  14. \\Qtard is a non-expert nobody-nobody. Why should I believe it? Because it (falsely) claims it uses logic? I think not.


    I'm laughing here.

    Why, would you ask? Well, you will not. As self-proud idiot, you have NO virtue of Curiosity.

    But, just to point it out -- how HYPOCRITICALLY you ommited "facts" here.

    Means... YOU, EVEN, cannot say that *I*... DO NOT pointing to FACTS here. Falsely.

    But that is SO DEMN unbearable for you -- Militant Hypocritical DEMN Idiot,

    TO ADMIT it. That I do.

    That's why you trying to OMIT it. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And that is damn funny. ;-P

  15. Racist Qtard: ...co-dependence in "master-slave" relation.

    So it appears to the Racist Qtard. It sees African Americans as slaves. As opposed to equal US citizens voting (as all voters do) in their own interest.

    Racist Qtard: Devised by Demn academics **moronic laughter**

    Lies devised by racist rightturd propagandists.

    Racist Qtard: Is it need a lot of smarts to "see through" propaganda...

    That explains how Racist Qtard is able to "see through" it. Racist Qtard does not have a lot of smarts.

    Racist Qtard: ...promice nothing viable to one??? And EVEN, blames one, indiscriminately.

    Racist Qtard is correct -- fair non-racist government policies do not offer to racist rightturds what they want. Which is maintaining White Supremacy while escaping blame.

    Racist Qtard: For all of the fouls of the World?

    No, that's what you do re "Demns".

    Racist Qtard: ... unable to imagene that there is OTHER people, which can and HAVE differ POV...

    I CAN imagine that racists like Qtard have a different POV.

    Fascist Qtard: \\"But it WAS socialist"\\Wasn't\\And you can EXPLAIN. HOW???

    Already did. Several times previously.

    Fascist Qtard: While CALLING themself as ones. While performing policies of ones. Using rethorics of ones.

    Calling and rhetoric. Policies minimally. To maintain the charade.

    Rightturd Qtard: That is... just a Lefty bullshit. Very see through.

    That Nazis were socialist is very transparent rightturd bullshit.

    Qtard: Bullshit that have OWN NAME even -- Not True Scothman.

    Yes, you're using it. That is Qtard's bullshit.

    Qtard: Go, Google. **moronic laughter**

    "No true Scotsman is an informal fallacy in which Qtard attempts to protect its generalized statement about alleged Nazi socialism from a falsifying counterexample by excluding the counterexample improperly".

    Qtard: And *I*??? MUST??? revere words of somebody-somebody, who is NOBODY to me???

    He is a former Republican, meaning he knows what he is talking about. While Qtard DOES NOT. It would be smart to at least consider what he says. But Qtard, being dumb, will not.

    Qtard: Because it's Republican???


    Qtard: Are you not OUT of your mins???

    No. We don't have that in common.

    Qtard: Or just... robustly and reliabley, merely an idiot **moronic laughter**

    No. We don't have that in common either.

    Qtard: \\... If you examine his [Hitler's] policies, they prove he was not socialist.\\Naaah. Nazi social and economic policies ... the effects of the Nazis social and economic policies ... "The Nazis implemented a major programme of public works, such as building and repairing roads, railways and houses.

    So what? ALL countries have social and economic policies. You JUST blamed Joe Biden because build back better didn't fix the Hawaiian Electric grid.

    Qtard: This significantly helped reduce unemployment, as did large-scale military rearmament.

    Qtard likes unemployment? Thinks it is economically advantageous to have high unemployment?

    Qtard: With Germany building up its armed forces, thousands of jobs in the iron, steel, aviation and shipbuilding industries were created.

    These are things that ALL countries that go to war HAVE to do.

    Qtard: THAT IS... socialistic policies.

    Are not.

    Qtard The Rightturd: I see trhough it. That is LIE of Leftists. That Nazis made, or tryed to achive SOMETHING... socialist DO NOT want.

    No, they don't want that. Lie is that they do.

    Qtard: Quite contrary -- THAT IS... how True Socailsm looks and feels -- Totalitarian Rule Over ALL of Humankind!


    Qtard: That is IDEAL of Lefty/Sopciualist/Commies whatever they try to invent new name to hypocritically hide their TRUE MOTIVES.

    The motivation of rightturd fascists is to fool people into thinking socialism is bad. Makes it easier to rip off working people and continue transferring wealth to the top.

  16. Qtard: \\Qtard is a non-expert nobody-nobody. Why should I believe it? Because it (falsely) claims it uses logic?\\**moronic laughter** I'm laughing here. But, just to point it out -- how HYPOCRITICALLY you ommited "facts" here.

    I should have noted that you also falsely claim you use facts.

    Qtard: Means... YOU, EVEN, cannot say that *I*... DO NOT pointing to FACTS here. Falsely.

    I CAN say that. I will say it now -- Qtard does not point to facts.

    Qtard: TO ADMIT it. That I do. That's why you trying to OMIT it. **moronic laughter**

    No. I can't admit that. I would be lying if I did. Not omitting. Saying it now -- Qtard does not point to facts.

    Qtard: And that is damn funny.

    So, Qtard *did* admit it does not use logic? No objection to me saying it doesn't. I will take that as silent agreement. Qtard confirmed it does not use logic.

  17. \\Racist Qtard: ...co-dependence in "master-slave" relation.

    \\So it appears to the Racist Qtard. It sees African Americans as slaves. As opposed to equal US citizens voting (as all voters do) in their own interest.

    Idiot Derpy CONFIRMS its idiocy YET ONE time.

    Saw word "slave" and decided "yeah, that MUST BE Racism".

    Then... idiot-dummy -- YOU ARE White Suprematist. ;-P

    For uttering "White supremacists" here and there. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\As opposed to equal US citizens voting (as all voters do) in their own interest.


    And NOT under influence of Demn Propaganda.

    Like "do NOT vote for dRump... he's BA-A-AD!!!". :-))))))))))))))))

    And if they STILL voting for "BA-A-AD, dRump" -- stigmatise em! Call em bad names! Proclaim em being fascists and etc!

    THAT "equal US citizens voting"???? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Fascist Qtard: \\"But it WAS socialist"\\Wasn't\\And you can EXPLAIN. HOW???

    \\Already did. Several times previously.

    BS. ;-P


    Derpy trying to escape... by producing a TON of BS. AGAIN. :-)))))

    \\Qtard: Bullshit that have OWN NAME even -- Not True Scothman.

    \\Yes, you're using it. That is Qtard's bullshit.

    And you can EXPLAIN???


    You just keep producing MOAR bullshit.

    My little piggy. ;-P

    \\"No true Scotsman is an informal fallacy in which Qtard attempts to protect its generalized statement about alleged Nazi socialism from a falsifying counterexample by excluding the counterexample improperly".

    And you can show -- HOW??? :-))))))))))))


    Cause this is just non-sensical BS.

    Produced by a little piggy, which trying to run away. ;-P

    \\He is a former Republican, meaning he knows what he is talking about. While Qtard DOES NOT. It would be smart to at least consider what he says. But Qtard, being dumb, will not.

    Somebody-somebody, politic especially, talking about something-something???


    Don't wanna such a pig food. ;-P

    I like Pure Facts. And Distilated Truth ONLY.

    But you, my little piggy, continue-contuinue -- eating such shit, then extort it, then eat own shit, then extort it... and such AGAIN and AGAIN, AGAIN and AGAIN, AGAIN and AGAIN, AGAIN and AGAIN, AGAIN and AGAIN, AGAIN and AGAIN, AGAIN and AGAIN, AGAIN and AGAIN.... (ad infinitum)

    \\Qtard: \\... If you examine his [Hitler's] policies, they prove he was not socialist.\\Naaah. Nazi social and economic policies ... the effects of the Nazis social and economic policies ... "The Nazis implemented a major programme of public works, such as building and repairing roads, railways and houses.

    \\So what? ALL countries have social and economic policies.


    So... all countries are Nazis??? %-)))))

    That is like "there is Nazis in all countries". Yes???? :-)))))))))


  18. \\Qtard: This significantly helped reduce unemployment, as did large-scale military rearmament.

    \\Qtard likes unemployment? Thinks it is economically advantageous to have high unemployment?

    You are... not fit to discuss such things. Cause -- idiot.

    But... no, no-no-no, I do not try to deny you to start babbling about Economy too.

    Continue-continue... it would be hilarious to know your idiotic opinion about it too.

    MOAR!!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\These are things that ALL countries that go to war HAVE to do.

    ONLY... some countries DO IT to STOP that war...

    why other -- to begin.

    But for Idiot Derpy that is not that difference...

    For Racist and Totalitarian Demn-Junky it all the same. Or even "blame the victim".

    \\No, they don't want that. Lie is that they do.


    Lies... is all that they do. ;-P

    \\The motivation of rightturd fascists is to fool people into thinking socialism is bad. Makes it easier to rip off working people and continue transferring wealth to the top.


    Exactly Nazi propaganda chant.


    \\I should have noted that you also falsely claim you use facts.

    And you can DEMONSTRATE that?

    EXPLAIN where there was not a fact or fact but wrongly used? Or logic was incorrect?


    Ya can't. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And that is MOST funny. Here.

    \\I CAN say that. I will say it now -- Qtard does not point to facts.


    That is just mean that you like to babble counter-factual BS. ;-P

    \\No. I can't admit that. I would be lying if I did.

    NewSpeak used. ;-P

    "lying... it's saying Truth".

    "saying Truth -- it's lying". :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\So, Qtard *did* admit it does not use logic? No objection to me saying it doesn't.

    You are idiot who DO NOT know what FACT even is.

    Even less you capable to understand what Logic is.

    So... under such premices -- WHY anybody should care about your babbling about things you do not know???? Ahhh???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  19. Qtard: Saw word "slave" and decided "yeah, that MUST BE Racism".

    Because we were talking about Black voters. Qtard called them "slaves" voting for their Democrat "masters". Yes, that is racism, asshole.

    Qtard also wrote this...

    Quote: Was saying to retort to his abuses of his negros. "they don't have it... so, no sweat"(tm) [end quote].

    So, when Qtard thinks of slaves, he thinks of Black people. Or "negros", as the racist calls them.

    Qtard: Then... idiot-dummy -- YOU ARE White Suprematist. ;-P For uttering "White supremacists" here and there. **moronic laughter**

    Perfect illogic! Well, to be expected from a racist idiot.

    Qtard: Aha! So... all countries are Nazis??? %-))))) That is like "there is Nazis in all countries". Yes???? **moronic laughter**

    More qtarded illogic. Or logic that lines up with that being used by Putin. Which is that Nazis being present in a country means the country is being run by Nazis. Seems that such "logic" comes naturally to Qtard.

    Qtard: ONLY... some countries DO IT to STOP that war... why other -- to begin. But for Idiot Derpy that is not that difference... For Racist and Totalitarian Demn-Junky it all the same. Or even "blame the victim".

    More "what Derpy really mean"... when that isn't what I meant. Yawn.

    Qtard: Exactly Nazi propaganda chant.

    Qtard's oligarchic propaganda chant: "THAT IS... how True Socailsm looks and feels -- Totalitarian Rule Over ALL of Humankind!".

    Qtard: NewSpeak used. "lying... it's saying Truth". "saying Truth -- it's lying".

    Qtard's NewSpeak. For example, Qtard's claim how "True Socailsm looks and feels". Definitely a lie. Yet the NewSpeaking Qtard claims it is "true" :P

  20. \\Qtard: Saw word "slave" and decided "yeah, that MUST BE Racism".

    \\Because we were talking about Black voters. Qtard called them "slaves" voting for their Democrat "masters". Yes, that is racism, asshole.

    But when you call people White -- it is not?

    Or when you DENY chinese being called White... though their skin are White?


    Thank you for demonstrating to me DEMN NewSpeak definition of Racism. ;-P

    \\So, when Qtard thinks of slaves, he thinks of Black people. Or "negros", as the racist calls them.

    Derpy already forgot that I mentioned how many people was slaves throuigh History?

    Much-much BEFORE this your North America bugaboo started.

    Have so poor memory? Or that is just pretended? AGAIN.

    \\Qtard: Then... idiot-dummy -- YOU ARE White Suprematist. ;-P For uttering "White supremacists" here and there. **moronic laughter**

    \\Perfect illogic! Well, to be expected from a racist idiot.


    You are idiot. And racist.

    And that is YOUR logic -- served to you.

    And you seems like SO PROUD to admit it? ;-P

    \\More qtarded illogic. Or logic that lines up with that being used by Putin. Which is that Nazis being present in a country means the country is being run by Nazis. Seems that such "logic" comes naturally to Qtard.


    Like used by Demn Propaganda: "See??! There is Na-a-azis in Ukraine! We do not need to give HELP to Nazis, isn't it?" LIKE sending to em Abramses and Fighting Falcons. ;-P

    \\Qtard: ONLY... some countries DO IT to STOP that war... why other -- to begin. But for Idiot Derpy that is not that difference... For Racist and Totalitarian Demn-Junky it all the same. Or even "blame the victim".

    \\More "what Derpy really mean"... when that isn't what I meant. Yawn.

    As always.


    \\\\These are things that ALL countries that go to war HAVE to do.

    With which he placated German Nazis and Hitlers War Crimes!

    Of course... because Derpy is Nazi... in its heart, isn't it, De-Ru-Pi???

    Maybe there is Nazis among your ancestors too? ;-P

    \\Qtard's oligarchic propaganda chant: "THAT IS... how True Socailsm looks and feels -- Totalitarian Rule Over ALL of Humankind!".

    History... it's "oligarchic propaganda"???

    Well. Yeah. That is what Commies was saying.

    Chanting their unholy prophet Marx. ;-P

    So, is Derpy also a Commie? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: NewSpeak used. "lying... it's saying Truth". "saying Truth -- it's lying".

    \\Qtard's NewSpeak. For example, Qtard's claim how "True Socailsm looks and feels". Definitely a lie. Yet the NewSpeaking Qtard claims it is "true" :P


    Countries like Soviet Union, China, Cuba, North Korea -- do(did) not exist?

    Or maybe they DO NOT call itself socialistic???

    To such a dismy of all liars and hypocrites -- Lefties from the West, that trying to call em "not true Socialism".

    While that Capitalists countries decided to introduce some of socialistic policies -- to not be swallowed by True Socialists -- populists who always lying to worker about making their lifes better, to come to power, to engulf ALL World in their True Socialism -- which treating that worker even worse than slaves.

  21. Qtard: But when you call people White -- it is not?

    Qtard thinks stating facts is racist? Why? Because Qtard is an idiot?

    Qtard: Or when you DENY chinese being called White... though their skin are White?

    Already said I don't deny. Many times.

    Qtard: Thank you for demonstrating to me DEMN NewSpeak definition of Racism.

    Impossible. There is no "Demn NewSpeak definition of Racism". Definitely not one ever brought up by me. Brought up by Qtard. Qtard created a NewSpeak definition of Racism. Idiot said racism is simply acknowledging the existence of the social construct of race.

    Qtard: Derpy already forgot that I mentioned how many people was slaves throuigh History? Have so poor memory? Or that is just pretended? AGAIN.

    We were talking about African Americans and Qtard referring to them as "negros".

    According to Oxford Dictionaries, use of the word "now seems out of date or even offensive in both British and US English". link

    Well, actually we were discussing the J6 insurrectionists (almost all who were White), and Qtard inexplicably compared them to "nego slaves". Not just slaves, but negro slaves. Why?

    Qtard: Much-much BEFORE this your North America bugaboo started.

    Google: "A bugaboo is an imaginary object of fear".

    So, Qtard thinks slavery in America was imaginary? It never happened? Then why was Qtard babbling about a Southern slave master beating it's negro slave?

    Qtard: Then... idiot-dummy -- YOU ARE White Suprematist. For uttering "White supremacists" here and there. **moronic laughter**\\Perfect illogic! Well, to be expected from a racist idiot \\You are idiot. And racist. And that is YOUR logic -- served to you.

    Now Qtard is trying to gaslight me into thinking Qtard's illogic is my illogic? Qtard's racism is my racism. Get bent, Qtard.

    Qtard: And you seems like SO PROUD to admit it?

    Quote of this alleged admission?

    Qtard: Like used by Demn Propaganda: "See??! There is Na-a-azis in Ukraine! We do not need to give HELP to Nazis, isn't it?

    republiturd propaganda.

    Qtard: LIKE sending to em Abramses and Fighting Falcons.


    Qtard: ONLY... some countries DO IT to STOP that war... why other -- to begin. But for Idiot Derpy that is not that difference...

    Lie. For "Derpy" there is a huge difference between attacking and defending yourself against your attacker.

    Qtard: For Racist and Totalitarian Demn-Junky it all the same. Or even "blame the victim".


    Qtard: \\These are things that ALL countries that go to war HAVE to do\\ With which he placated German Nazis and Hitlers War Crimes!

    Vile lie. I have never placated German Nazis and Hitler's War Crimes.

    Qtard: Of course... because Derpy is Nazi... in its heart, isn't it, De-Ru-Pi???

    Bullshit. That is a lie. I am anti-Nazi. Maybe Qtard is a Nazi in its heart? Why it defends it's fellow Nazis in the Azov battalion?

    Qtard: Maybe there is Nazis among your ancestors too?

    If Qtard's ancestors were Nazis (and Qtard admired them for that reason) it would not surprise me.

    Qtard: \\Qtard's oligarchic propaganda chant: "THAT IS... how True Socailsm looks and feels -- Totalitarian Rule Over ALL of Humankind!"\\History... it's "oligarchic propaganda"???

    Non sequitur.

    Qtard: Well. Yeah. That is what Commies was saying. Chanting their unholy prophet Marx. So, is Derpy also a Commie? **moronic laughter**

    No. I'm a Democratic Socialist. That's socialism without totalitarianism. Because totalitarianism ruins socialism. Twists it so the rulers benefit while The People suffer. Why it is not True Socialism. True Socialism puts The People first. The rulers exist only to serve The People.

  22. Qtard: \\Qtard's NewSpeak. For example, Qtard's claim how "True Socailsm looks and feels". Definitely a lie. Yet the NewSpeaking Qtard claims it is "true"//Yeah. Countries like Soviet Union, China, Cuba, North Korea -- do(did) not exist?

    These countries are totalitarian.

    Qtard: Or maybe they DO NOT call itself socialistic???

    Totalitarian propaganda.

    Qtard: To such a dismy of all liars and hypocrites -- Lefties from the West, that trying to call em "not true Socialism".

    Truth tellers call them not true Socialism.

    Qtard: While that Capitalists countries decided to introduce some of socialistic policies -- to not be swallowed by True Socialists...

    Yeah, because people like socialism. They demand it.

    Qtard: populists who always lying to worker about making their lifes better, to come to power, to engulf ALL World in their True Socialism -- which treating that worker even worse than slaves.

    Totalitarians lying to workers about making their lives better, to come to power. Oligarchs too. Also telling lies. Like "true Socialism" is what they have in North Korea. You don't want that! Lies repeated by dupes like Qtard.

    Both treating workers even worse than slaves.

  23. \\Qtard: But when you call people White -- it is not?

    \\Qtard thinks stating facts is racist? Why? Because Qtard is an idiot?

    Let's rewind it to beginning.

    At first you stated that being White -- that is because people have whitish skin, isn't it?

    But... when I asked about Chinese -- people who live in China, they have witish skin too.

    But... YOU denyed that they can be called White... only Asians.

    Because something-something... "there is social construct of race".

    To which you YOURSELF admitted, is NOT factual -- because Science debunked it.


    What "facts" we are talking about here, again????

    Some Real World Real facts -- like facts of science, like open an dobious to anyone facts of Reality itself (like that that Sun rising in the morning).


    Just another wishi-washi wishful thinking of delirious brain of one particular isiot -- "facts"???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Or when you DENY chinese being called White... though their skin are White?

    \\Already said I don't deny. Many times.

    Then... say it with your own words -- that Chinese are White... and Suprime. ;-P

    \\ Idiot said racism is simply acknowledging the existence of the social construct of race.

    Yap Derpy.

    YOU have had said that BS. ;-P

    And YOU are that idiot.

    Congrats for ADMITTING!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Well, actually we were discussing the J6 insurrectionists (almost all who were White), and Qtard inexplicably compared them to "nego slaves". Not just slaves, but negro slaves. Why?

    And you can confirm this bullshit with QUOTEs??? Any of it?


    This your words is just demonstreation what wirlwinds blowing in your loosy mind. And how idioticly and devoid of any meaning way different words connect with each other there.

    Which is trully fascinating thing to behold.

    Thanky-thanky little piggy.

    For opening that curtain in an idiot's mind. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\So, Qtard thinks slavery in America was imaginary? It never happened? Then why was Qtard babbling about a Southern slave master beating it's negro slave?

    So... there IS slaves in USA? Today?

    To make it so important and real.

    \\Now Qtard is trying to gaslight me into thinking Qtard's illogic is my illogic? Qtard's racism is my racism. Get bent, Qtard.

    Of course.

    In your NewSpeak "racism" means different thing.

    Thank you for admitting that.

    As well as "logic" and "illogic" trade places.

    And etc.

    Thank you for CONFIRMING that.

    \\Qtard: And you seems like SO PROUD to admit it?

    \\Quote of this alleged admission?

    That's... because you DO NOT do correct quotes of my words.

    And because of miserable state of your brain -- unable to use Ctrl-F?

    Here... excerpt WITH your words... it started from:

    \\Racist Qtard: ...co-dependence in "master-slave" relation.

    \\So it appears to the Racist Qtard. It sees African Americans as slaves. As opposed to equal US citizens voting (as all voters do) in their own interest.

    Idiot Derpy CONFIRMS its idiocy YET ONE time.

    Saw word "slave" and decided "yeah, that MUST BE Racism".

    \\Qtard: Like used by Demn Propaganda: "See??! There is Na-a-azis in Ukraine! We do not need to give HELP to Nazis, isn't it?

    \\republiturd propaganda.


    So, are you repulbliturd? Or you spreding republiturd propaganda here?

    Because -- and that is fact -- YOU are one who keep dissing that "there is Nazis in Ukraine".

    Or that is just your part-time job? :-)))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: LIKE sending to em Abramses and Fighting Falcons.



    That's why they STILL not in Ukraine.

    Because that was LIE... of DEMN government and its head Bi-den... that DEMNs "so inclined to help Ukraine".

    Their DEEDS speak Truth, their MOUTHS -- only exhale LIES.

  24. \\Qtard: ONLY... some countries DO IT to STOP that war... why other -- to begin. But for Idiot Derpy that is not that difference...

    \\Lie. For "Derpy" there is a huge difference between attacking and defending yourself against your attacker.

    So... yiu ready to admit that that your words was bullshit talks?

    Or... you will only double-down on your lies? ;-P

    My bet is clear here.

    \\Qtard: \\These are things that ALL countries that go to war HAVE to do\\ With which he placated German Nazis and Hitlers War Crimes!

    \\Vile lie. I have never placated German Nazis and Hitler's War Crimes.

    Oh, yeah... THAT(in bold) is NOT YOUR DEMN WORDS???????

    Or... let me guess -- you "never...", NO "NEVER said it"??????????????????? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a stooooopid liar you are. ;-P

    AND YOU DID IT ***AGAIN***!!!!!

    Just ONE sentence AGO you ADMITTED that it's "huge difference between attacking and defending yourself against your attacker."

    But now you trying to LIE your way out of it -- that it NOT placation of Nazi War Crimes.

    "Huge difference"... but not in that sanse as people would think???

    Some NewSpeak meaining?

    Like "how dare that slaves to oppose their masters"???? :-)))))))))))))))

    \\Bullshit. That is a lie. I am anti-Nazi.

    "Nazis of the Future will be calling themself anti-Nazi"(c)


    \\Qtard: \\Qtard's oligarchic propaganda chant: "THAT IS... how True Socailsm looks and feels -- Totalitarian Rule Over ALL of Humankind!"\\History... it's "oligarchic propaganda"???

    \\Non sequitur.

    Cause Derpy is ignorant idiot -- a prol in "1984" sense.

    And don't know History.

    I believe, that it really can think that way. That that is "Non sequitur."

    Because it DUNNO that historical reference.

    \\Qtard: Well. Yeah. That is what Commies was saying. Chanting their unholy prophet Marx. So, is Derpy also a Commie? **moronic laughter**

    \\No. I'm a Democratic Socialist. That's socialism without totalitarianism.


    UNTIL Socilaismo able to take ALL POWER... it trying to cover itelf with such a lies.

    \\Because totalitarianism ruins socialism. Twists it so the rulers benefit while The People suffer.


    The People NEED to overthrow that rulers... and choose among themself NEW ones, better. "More democratic".

    Yes, Derpy?



  25. \\True Socialism puts The People first. The rulers exist only to serve The People.


    Like in Soviet Union. And Communistic China.

    Where "commisars" and "hunveinbins" was bestowed with that power of True Socialismo, power to decide what is better for The People, because they WAS that The People.

    Yes, Derpy? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Qtard's NewSpeak. For example, Qtard's claim how "True Socailsm looks and feels". Definitely a lie. Yet the NewSpeaking Qtard claims it is "true"//Yeah. Countries like Soviet Union, China, Cuba, North Korea -- do(did) not exist?

    \\These countries are totalitarian.

    Go THERE... and TRY to say it... THERE.

    Out loud. Before a crowd. On a main street. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Or maybe they DO NOT call itself socialistic???

    \\Totalitarian propaganda.


    You gotcha.

    When someone trying to pound on someting-something socialistic... that is totalitarian propaganda.


    Populistic narrative to gain, or to keep control over state power.

    \\Truth tellers call them not true Socialism.

    And they talking in NewSpeak, those "truth tellers"? ;-P

    \\Yeah, because people like socialism. They demand it.


    That is what that populistic narrative chants. ;-P

    \\Totalitarians lying to workers about making their lives better, to come to power. Oligarchs too. Also telling lies. Like "true Socialism" is what they have in North Korea. You don't want that! Lies repeated by dupes like Qtard.

    This too.

    \\Both treating workers even worse than slaves.


    Socilaism ALWAYS treating workers even worse than slaves -- by demending from them to LOVE their totalitarian oppressors.

    Even beyond "master-servant" relation. In totalitarian way. Thoughts control.

  26. Qtard: At first you stated that being White -- that is because people have whitish skin, isn't it?

    No. I didn't state that.

    Qtard: But... when I asked about Chinese -- people who live in China, they have witish skin too.

    So what? If we are discussing the social construct of race, it is not determined solely by skin color.

    Qtard: But... YOU denyed that they can be called White... only Asians.

    I did not. I only pointed to the fact that, as per the definition, Chinese people are Asian.

    Asian, definition: 1. adjective: of, belonging to, or characteristic of Asia or its inhabitants.

    2. noun: a native or inhabitant of Asia or a person of Asian descent.


    The Census Bureau defines a person of the Asian race as “having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.”

    Qtard: Because something-something... "there is social construct of race".

    No. Not your "something-something" bullshit. Because of facts.

    Qtard: To which you YOURSELF admitted, is NOT factual -- because Science debunked it.

    Impossible. I can't "admit" something that didn't happen.

    Qtard: So-o-o-o?????? What "facts" we are talking about here, again????

    That all humans on earth aren't exactly the same.

    Qtard: Some Real World Real facts -- like facts of science, like open an dobious to anyone facts of Reality itself (like that that Sun rising in the morning).

    Scientific American: ...researchers... acknowledged that there are a few areas where race as a construct might still be useful in scientific research: as a political and social, but not biological, variable.

    "While we argue phasing out racial terminology in the biological sciences, we also acknowledge that using race as a political or social category to study racism ... remains necessary given our need to understand how structural inequities and discrimination produce health disparities between groups"...

    Qtard: Or... Just another wishi-washi wishful thinking of delirious brain of one particular isiot -- "facts"?? *moronic laughter**

    Qtard's wishy-washy thinking. Produced by the idiot Qtard's delirious brain.

  27. That all humans on earth aren't exactly the same.

    Yet their abilities (AQ/IQ) demographically are? Who knew?

  28. \\Qtard: At first you stated that being White -- that is because people have whitish skin, isn't it?

    \\No. I didn't state that.

    Then what base for calling em White???

    Because they are from White Race???

    But that is racistic definition. Per se.

    \\So what? If we are discussing the social construct of race, it is not determined solely by skin color.

    WE... do not discuss "social construct of race".

    YOU are.

    Because you ARE racist.

    I say -- that there is NO such "social construct".(except in minds of that nasty racists ;-P because THAT IS what "being social construct" IS -- being inside minds of people, ONLY)

    \\Qtard: But... YOU denyed that they can be called White... only Asians.

    \\I did not. I only pointed to the fact that, as per the definition, Chinese people are Asian.


    Outdated. Racistic definition. ;-P

    \\The Census Bureau defines a person of the Asian race as “having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.”

    Census Bureau is not Public Moral Bureau.

    And not Definition of Words Bureau.

    They need to work with that definition people do know and use.

    EVEN if they are racistic.

    Well... USA is a country with deeply entrenched and with long history of racism.

    Embodied in language itself.

    Nothing new here.

    \\Qtard: Because something-something... "there is social construct of race".

    \\No. Not your "something-something" bullshit. Because of facts.

    What facts??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Facts of genetics??? Facts of physiology? Maybe psychology and neuroscience?


    All that facts saying that there is NO such thing as "race".

    \\Qtard: To which you YOURSELF admitted, is NOT factual -- because Science debunked it.

    \\Impossible. I can't "admit" something that didn't happen.

    Oh... shuddup.

    You yourself admitted it.

    But... whatever.

    \\Qtard: So-o-o-o?????? What "facts" we are talking about here, again????

    \\That all humans on earth aren't exactly the same.


    They are of different ages and sexes. Living in different places. Eat differ food. And etc.

    But that do not make em of different "races".

    Because that is non-scientifical bullshit devised by some idiotic "scholar" from Europe. Who NEVER treveled anywhere. But only collected some rumors.
    And on that based dewised that spliting on "races": Blakk, Yellow, Red... and as "most noble, most pure" of em -- White.

    Obviously. That is apparent bullshit. But History itself consist of such BS.

    """"While we argue phasing out racial terminology in the biological sciences, we also acknowledge that using race as a political or social category to study racism"""


    Studing people like you -- delirious idiots.

    Qtard: Or... Just another wishi-washi wishful thinking of delirious brain of one particular isiot -- "facts"?? *moronic laughter**

    \\Qtard's wishy-washy thinking. Produced by the idiot Qtard's delirious brain.

    Calling itself Qtard. For WHAT??? :-))))))))))))))))))))

  29. Qtard: Studing people like you -- delirious idiots.

    No. Racist idiots like YOU.

  30. And you can give some FACTS/FACTUAL QUOTES as base for such claims?


    Cause you are idiot. :-)))))

    Have not enopug/too damaged brains for something like that.


    and with all other my conculsions you seems like "silently agrring", isn't it, De-Ru-Pi?

    The same as in ALL PREVIOUS thread. ;-P

    Where you leaved my last comments without your response.


  31. "De-Ru-Pi" is another of your delusions. He/she/it exists only in your imagination.

  32. "De-Ru-Pi" is another of your delusions. He/she/it exists only in your imagination.

  33. So agitated... that derp is. :-))))

  34. Derpy is so scared that his DEMN Pelosi shitting on em, DEMN-junkies like De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    Suits em well. :-)))
