Tuesday, September 5, 2023

One More Time...


  1. "The people who shut down your businesses..."

    That was donald tRump.

  2. Google: Which president shut down the economy?

    Ron DeSantis (R) said Thursday that he disagreed with then-President Trump's decision to shut down the economy at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  3. So what??? Distancing and masks was wrong idea???

  4. Social distancing and masks are great ideas, unless made "mandatory".

  5. But they don't work unless everyone does it. So HOW are they great ideas if not mandatory?

  6. Says you. Show me the "science" that confirms your premise. Real science showing how masks saved everybody.

  7. I don't say. That isn't my premise. Masks and social distancing work. I didn't say they are 100 percent effective in stopping the spread of covid.

  8. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\Social distancing and masks are great ideas, unless made "mandatory".

    Well... it do not work other way.

    You... in your New World... completely forgot habits of Old World.

    Recieved through Great Plague.

    The same it seems... with other plague -- war.

  9. The Washington Examiner article that Minus links to says, "No, there is no way to sugarcoat this. The people who ordered the lockdowns caused needless poverty, illness and death".

    Who ordered the the USA to lock down? donald tRump.

    So, if you believe the lockdowns were useless and want to blame the person who ordered them... that person was donald tRump.

    Trump Extends Coronavirus Lockdown Until April 30. Last week, U.S. President Donald Trump dangled the possibility of reopening the U.S. economy by Easter. Now he has changed his mind. At a White House Rose Garden briefing, Trump extended the current guidelines on social distancing until April 30... 3/30/2020.

    But were the lockdowns actually worse than useless? I looked at the article Minus linked to, but I couldn't find what study they were talking about. Was that info left out on purpose?

    If it was the study discussed in the article below, then the answer is... that study is flawed. Because "if you ignore all the data that you don't like, you tend to get the answer you were looking for in the first place".

    A report published by the Institute of Economic Affairs looks at whether COVID-19 lockdowns "worked". JUNE 5, 2023.

    Prof John Edmunds, Professor in the Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said:

    Did lockdowns reduce deaths? It's an important question which should be addressed. Indeed, many researchers have tried to look at this question. A "new" study seems to suggest that they had very little impact. Not only that, the study in question is a meta-analysis that summarises the evidence from many studies. Indeed, the authors claim that they are just using the evidence from (in their view) the most valid type of study (so-called difference in difference studies). They even have a "quality score" for the studies that they did include.

    All good, you might think. Except it isn't. First, by picking only a very particular type of study they ignore the vast majority of the evidence. Indeed, the report devotes page after page to why they are disregarding this (type of) study or that. If you ignore all the data that you don't like, you tend to get the answer you were looking for in the first place.

    Second, their quality score is anything but. One of its criteria is whether the study was done by social scientists or not. So studies done by epidemiologists, for instance, (who might be expected to be the experts in epidemics, after all) are down weighed.

    Then, there is the critical issue of delays. If you implement a lockdown, then you wouldn't expect to have an impact on deaths until about 3 weeks has passed, as this is the average delay between infection and death. That is, deaths would continue to rise for about 3 weeks after lockdown is implemented. Studies that ignore this can come to some wacky conclusions, like lockdowns cause an increase in deaths (if the study period is short).

    Indeed, the study that is most heavily relied on in this analysis does, indeed, ignore this delay. I could go on... [source: Science Media Centre].

    The Washington Examiner is republiturd propaganda.

  10. "dRump DID it!" :-)))))))))))))))))))))0

  11. I agree with both Qtard and Minus.

    tRump did it (order a lockdown but kill people with his mismanagement of the pandemic).

    Then Biden did it (save lives by formulating and putting into place a plan to combat the pandemic).

  12. Because Holy dRump devised smart plan to make vaccines for all... NOT. :-)))))))))))

    That is COMMON KNOWLEDGE. And dozens of companies make their living from it -- making vaccines.

    Neither dRump nor Bi-den was of much help. But... BOTH tryed to ride on it, to have some sweet political profits.

    Because... that's how politics works.

  13. There's a saying, Q, that there's a test for determining the difference between Democrats and Republicans. It's in what they really care about. Republican politicians are concerned chiefly with acquiring money. Democratic politicains are concerned with acquiring power. Yes, republicans developed vaccines to make MONEY. Democrat, to acquire POWER over the population. How do we know? The Governor of NM (a Democrat) yesterday banned "open and concealed carry" of firearms in the city limits of Albuquerque for the next 30 days, calling gun possession a "public health emergency" (a seven year old girl had been shot/ killed). So for the time being, only cri minals in the city will possess firearms. Honest citizens will be at their mercy.

  14. So, what Minus is saying is that Joe Biden is innocent of taking bribes? Because, as a Democrat, he isn't interested in money?

    Joe Biden might be the greatest president in world history. He saved the lives of 3 million Americans and saved the country from a totalitarian wannabe. United States Democracy might have come to an end of not for Joe Biden. Why we must reelect him in 2024. Only Joe Biden can save us.

    You really have to admire Joe Biden's selflessness -- he chose to spend his golden years serving the American people -- and when they need him the most.

    btw, I never open or conceal carry when in public. As an honest citizen, am I at the mercy of the cri minals? I've never had to duck and cover during a citizen/criminal shootout. I've never heard of such a gun fight occurring anywhere near me.

  15. \\ Republican politicians are concerned chiefly with acquiring money

    So dumb of them.

    Being politicain -- is ALL about gaining POWER. ;-P

    \\ So for the time being, only cri minals in the city will possess firearms. Honest citizens will be at their mercy.

    That is that moment when I am glad that I am not USAian. And do not need to dry my brains out trying to solve that sharade.

    With all due respect to all your innocent being killed... :-((((

  16. With all due respect to all your innocent being killed... :-((((

    Sarcasm? You made it clear (previously) that you oppose reasonable gun control and like gun violence.

  17. You wanna put that blame (for you domestic problems you cannot solve in ages) at some miserly and powerless anonimous from far-far-away? AGAIN???! :-)))))))))))))))))))))

  18. Who said I was blaming Qtard? I only pointed out that you spoke against gun control. Unable to solve because of US citizens who are idiots like Qtard.

  19. I showed respect to the victims of it.

    But you called it... what?? "Sarcasm?"

    Isn't it SHOWING your TRUE feeling toward em?

  20. No. I am for doing things to reduce gun violence. You were very clear you are opposed. Support for doing nothing is disrespect. Those are Qtard's true feelings. Not Qtard's lip service.

  21. Ha-ha-ha...

    Totalitarian Wannbe Derpy trying to base it's false claims on some sophistry.

    FIRST somewhat smart(at least an attempt of cunningness) thing from that idiot... in ages. :-))))))))))))))

    But naaah, idiot. I will not fall for that.

    I'm foreigner.

    And to me, to prescribe what people of independent and sovereign country might do -- that is not moral.

    And it is NOT intertwined with my condolences to the victims.

    And... I will not be forgiving and forgetful here.

    And will make all this lame sophistry of Derpy to fall on its face.

    So, little pig? You saying... that for a foreigner, from far-far-away, that have no power and can influence a ZILCH of anything in the inner USA processes it is "doing nothing is disrespect"????

    But there is CERTAIN SOMEONE... who living IN USA. And have immense power and influence... but still -- doing nothing.

    You know whom I'm talking about, isn't it???

    And it showing "true feelings" of that CERTAIN SOMEONE, and incriminating mere "lip service", isn't it???

    And you are ready to say what its name, isn't it???

    Holy Biden, that is, isn't it???

  22. Qtard: ...me, to prescribe what people of independent and sovereign country might do -- that is not moral.

    Qtard just admitted that it is immoral. Qtard DID "prescribe what people of independent and sovereign country might do". When it argued strongly against gun control. Now it falsely accuses me of "lame sophistry"?

    Qtard: You know whom I'm talking about, isn't it???

    Don't know. Though I should have known that Qtard would use sophistry to blame Joe Biden. The totalitarian lover Qtard keeps thinking the US president is a king -- that he could reduce gun violence by holy decree. When he can only sign bills passed by both Houses of Congress. And when it is republicans blocking gun control legislation.

    Qtard: And you are ready to say what its name, isn't it???


    Qtard: Holy Biden, that is, isn't it???

    No. Joe Biden strongly supports gun control legislation. Would sign any such legislation sent to him by Congress.

  23. \\Qtard just admitted that it is immoral. Qtard DID "prescribe what people of independent and sovereign country might do". When it argued strongly against gun control.

    Oh yeah??? And you can give QUOTE??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    You are SO DEMN LAME, Derpy. Derpy the Demn Idiotic Hypocrite. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You earned this name, trully and labourously. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Don't know. Though I should have known that Qtard would use sophistry to blame Joe Biden. The totalitarian lover Qtard keeps thinking the US president is a king -- that he could reduce gun violence by holy decree.

    Derpy the Idiot surely think that some miserly anonimous from far-far-away is a King??? NO, Demiurge... that can FIX "gun control problem" just by mere wanting it be fixed? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... not doing it, and therefore are amoral. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Clear DISCREPANCY of blames showed... AND CONFIRMED.

    From foreigner from far-far-away Derpy the Idiot DEMAND doing something about gun control.

    But from most powerful POTUS of his DEMN party... it is MOST APOLOGENTIC.

    And calls it "impossible"... because not a King... and cannot resolve it with "holy decree".

    What a Heinous Hypocrisy.

    And Totalitarian Wannabe desire for DEMN POTISes to be able to issue "holy decree"s. ;-P

    \\When he can only sign bills passed by both Houses of Congress. And when it is republicans blocking gun control legislation.

    Well... miserly anonimous foreigner CANNOT do even that... obviously.

    \\Qtard: Holy Biden, that is, isn't it???

    \\No. Joe Biden strongly supports gun control legislation. Would sign any such legislation sent to him by Congress.

    Which shows its true feelings -- that it just don't care about that victims lost lifes... and just gives lip service to it, to be more likable by general public. ;-P

  24. Qtard's comments above are idiotic babbling. I never said Qtard had any ability to do anything about gun violence in the US. I only referred to Qtard's strongly voiced support for doing nothing. Which I oppose. My true feelings are that I do care. While Qtard does not give a shit. And why Qtard's "I showed respect to the victims of it" is an offensive lie.

  25. \\Qtard's comments above are idiotic babbling.

    And you can EXPLAIN... how is that "idiotic babbling"?


    Little hint to YOU.

    This words belove -- that is OBVIOUSLY NOT explanation how my words "idiotic". Quite contrary. ;-P

    But... you will not get it. Even after my EXPLANATION... because -- you ARE idiot. ;-P

    \\ I never said Qtard had any ability to do anything about gun violence in the US. I only referred to Qtard's strongly voiced support for doing nothing. Which I oppose.


    You tryed to smear into me accusation into doing thought crime -- not showing enough piety. To DEMN Propaganda Slogans and Chants. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    And well... you was not able and will NOT be able, ever, I presume... to confirm your claims like that "strongly voiced support for doing nothing"... WITH QUOTES.


    \\My true feelings are that I do care.

    Bull Shit.

    You have said "it's not my business" MANY TIMES.

    THAT... urbi et orbi... SCREAMS about your "true feelings" -- and that is nigligance and ignorance covered with a lip service.

    \\While Qtard does not give a shit. And why Qtard's "I showed respect to the victims of it" is an offensive lie.

    Mentioning your alter-ego? AGAIN?
