Wednesday, September 6, 2023

New Authoritarians Criminalize Political Protest


  1. You Must be Dreaming If you think that you can possibly win an argument with those Ignorant Lunatics at the Progress Shit-Hole.

  2. Win an argument? Why would I want to try and do that?

  3. So Les, did you come here for the conversation, or the trolling?

  4. Dervy' comes here exclusively for the latter.

  5. I do? I thought I came here to see what the other side is thinking. Is that trolling?

  6. I do? I thought I came here to see what the other side is thinking. Is that trolling?

  7. YouTube: Now THIS is the song Joe Biden will despise.

    How? He's never going to even know it exists, let alone watch it. I didn't watch it. It wouldn't play. Though because I used all my data and my ISP is throttling me.

  8. Google: Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, 39, of Miami, Florida, was sentenced to 22 years in prison.

    That is a lot of years for "protesting".

  9. \\Dervy' comes here exclusively for the latter.

    You have to much reverence to his cause.

    Trolling -- that is what only smart dudes can do.

    He... it... just bullshitting. To make environment more suiting. To his instincts of a swine. ;-P

    \\ Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ I do? I thought I came here to see what the other side is thinking. Is that trolling?


    I told you.

    He's an idiot. Urbi et orbi.

  10. \\That is a lot of years for "protesting".


    That's it.

    And your soul of totalitarian wannabe, singing, yes?

  11. Tarrio got punished the hashest because minorities aren't supposed to become "white supremacists". LOL!

  12. It confuses and puts to the lie their white supremacy "narrative'.

  13. Qtard: See. I told you. He's an idiot. Urbi et orbi.

    More religious bonkery from Qtard. Yawn.

    Qtard: \\That is a lot of years for "protesting"\\Yep. That's it. And your soul of totalitarian wannabe, singing, yes?

    "Protesting" in quotes. Because the actual conviction was for seditious conspiracy. Tarrio was involved in a conspiracy to overthrow democracy. What the bigly totalitarian fan Qtard was (and still is) rooting for.

    Minus FJ: Tarrio got punished the hashest because minorities aren't supposed to become "white supremacists". LOL!

    That wasn't the reason.

    Minus: It confuses and puts to the lie their white supremacy "narrative'.

    It does not. Some minorities try to suck up to their White "superiors". And their "superiors" like it. Tolerate the minority because then they can deny (as Minus just did) their White Supremacy.

    Found this example...

    Murray Rothbard, who was himself Jewish ... had no compunction about befriending anti-Semites like Willis Carto, head of the Liberty League. In private correspondence, Rothbard upbraided "the kikes" and complained about "bellyaching about the 6 million ad nauseam". Rothbard was an early reader and admirer of the privately circulated "long memorandum" written by David Leslie Hoggan in 1966 -- a foundational text in Holocaust denial. Rothbard praised what he called "6mm revisionism" in a letter in a letter to the historian Harry Elmer Barnes, a complex and major figure whose career illustrates both the use and abuse of historical revisionism. link

    As for Enrique Tarrio, can't Latinos be White, Minus? This is a question that Qtard could (but won't) ask you. It only asks me that question about Chinese people. And concludes (due to my answer) that I'm racist. Obviously Minus is saying Tarrio can't be White and can't be a White Supremacist. Because he is Afro-Cuban.

    Means... Minus is a racist. That is just a Qtard fact.

    Quote: White supremacy will always attract nonwhite believers, and for white nationalists, having that brown or Black leader will always serve to downplay the evil behind the curtain. ... Tarrio is just the latest example of a nonwhite believer siding with the enemy. ... For white supremacy to succeed, it needs nonwhite adherents who think they, too, can be white.

  14. \\Qtard: See. I told you. He's an idiot. Urbi et orbi.

    \\More religious bonkery from Qtard. Yawn.

    Oh, Please... and IT can EXPLAIN... how it "religious bonkery"????

    Naaaah. :-)))))

    That just religious bonker trying to bite back with: "no, you are... religious bonker". :-))))))))))))))))))))

    CONFIRMING being R.B. Big One. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\That wasn't the reason.

    Oh my yes??? :-))))))))))))))))))

    White Supremacist dRump still intact... while some small fry, ALREADY have its 22 years.

    But that is... fair, in the eyes of Demn Totalitarian. ;-P

    \\It does not. Some minorities try to suck up to their White "superiors". And their "superiors" like it. Tolerate the minority because then they can deny (as Minus just did) their White Supremacy.


    Totalitarian Derpy DUNNO about virtue of Loyalty.

    To IT, ONLY ONE loyalty can be -- loyalty to that System, which stomping at ones face.


    \\As for Enrique Tarrio, can't Latinos be White, Minus?

    Yes, Derpy.

    I will ask YOU.

    Can Latinos be White? And Suprime? ;-P

    Or... "but, but, they are... Latinos... because there IS such social construct -- of race".

    Yes, Derpy? ;-P

    \\It only asks me that question about Chinese people. And concludes (due to my answer) that I'm racist.


    Because you STILL hesitate to cal em White (and Suprime, yes, and suprime)

    And STILL trying to push "social construct of race"... even though you showed it yourself, that you know perfectly well, how baseless it is.

    Racists -- that is people who percieve existance of "races".

    \\ For white supremacy to succeed, it needs nonwhite adherents who think they, too, can be white.


    Perfectly racistic screed.


  15. Racists. People who POLTICIZE "race" and infuse it into EVERY conversation.

  16. Qtard: STILL trying to push "social construct of race"...

    Impossible. Given that I have never pushed it. I only acknowledge that it exists.

    Minus: Racists. People who POLTICIZE "race" and infuse it into EVERY conversation.

    So, republicans?

  17. The only time a Republican ever speaks of race is when a Democrat brings it up.

  18. \\Impossible. Given that I have never pushed it. I only acknowledge that it exists.

    Which PROVED. Urbi at orbi. That you are RACIST.


    ONLY for racists "social construct of race" EXIST.

    Simple, isn't it?

    But not for dummy Derpoy The Proud Idiot. ;-p

  19. Racist Qtard: ONLY for racists "social construct of race" EXIST.

    It exists for everyone. Including Racist Qtard. Racist Qtard just argued that poor Whites can be "niggas". Also, when I referred to the fact that African Americans vote Democrat, Racist Qtard said they are victims of propaganda. As opposed to "there is no such thing as Black".

    The Racist Qtard thinks it can have it both ways. African Americans -- Racist Qtard identifies them by race. Chinese people -- Racist Qtard says they members of the White race. Are you an Asian person who wishes it was White, Racist Qtard?

    That isn't the "both ways" I was talking about, however. The both ways comes in when the lying hypocrite Racist Qtard claims it does not see race, but attacks me as racist for honesty acknowledging that I can (while stressing that no race is superior to any other race because the differences are small and essentially meaningless).

    But Racist Qtard clearly views White as superior. Racist Qtard said White is "noble". Also telling is Racist Qtard's delusion that Google censors "black". Racist Qtard thinks "black" is bad and is censored for that reason, yes?

  20. (while stressing that no race is superior to any other race because the differences are small and essentially meaningless).

    There you go, Dervy. Keep testifying to the "noble lie". An average IQ difference of 15 points is not "essentially meaningless". It will take decades of interbreeding to eliminate the existing "achievement gap." Let's all hope it comes sooner, rather than later.

  21. ps - I look equally as eagerly to closing the AQ (athletic quotient) gap, as a result. Purebreds always develop heredity health issues. :)

  22. Racist Qtard: Because you STILL hesitate to cal em [Chinese people] White (and Suprime, yes, and suprime)

    Lie. I am not hesitating. I am not doing it. Ever. Because I am not an idiot.

    Also because I am not a racist. I do not, unlike Racist Qtard, view White as superior. The idiot does not even know how to spell "supreme".

    Maybe (though I doubt it) Racist Qtard did mean suprime? Because I do think Chinese people can be suprime.

  23. Minus: Keep testifying to the "noble lie". An average IQ difference of 15 points is not "essentially meaningless".

    It isn't a lie. race science has been debunked.

    Minus (a fan of the racist Charles Murray) probably thinks Asians should be recognized as honorary Aryans, yes? LOL.

  24. Minus: I look equally as eagerly to closing the AQ (athletic quotient) gap, as a result.

    More racism. Anyway (if that is what you believe) did you do your part? How many mulatto offspring did you produce? Are they all professional athletes?

  25. Unfortunately, I had been bamboozled by fake news when I was a youngster. Of course, there's always a chance of a few bastards worldwide. I had been a sailor for 2 years, after all.

    Meanwhile... in the annals or actual science and statistics and where the teaching of mathematics to children isn't considered "racist" by the masses of *sses...

  26. I am glad that a few European genetic freaks are playing i n the NBA though.

    According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2021 was composed of 73.2 percent black players, 16.8 percent white players, 3.1 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players. Additionally, 6.6 percent of the players were classified as either multiracial or "other" races.

  27. Of course, the NFL does fair a bit better with positions requiring less 'speed" and more "mass" (with mass detracting from AQ).

  28. ...numbers and math is sooooo "racist", right Derv?

  29. ...of course, there IS the off chance that the AQ tests are "culturally biased".

    Those Kenyan long distance runners have the advantage of always getting chased everywhere by lions and other predators. Right Derv?

  30. The Left always proclaims.... "America needs to have an honest converstion about race.". Fine, let's have it. Let's not leave any inconvenient or uncomfortable facts out, though. You're entitled to you own opinions, but not your own facts.

  31. \\Racist Qtard: ONLY for racists "social construct of race" EXIST.

    \\It exists for everyone.

    Militant Idiot keep pushing? :-))))))))))))))))))))0000000

    Cause it know NO OTHER way.

    Own militant idiocy.


    "socaial construct" MEAN EXACTLY THAT -- that there are SUCH PEOPLE, that have that "social construct" in their mind. And therefore they designated in name of that construct.

    racism -- Racists.

    sexism -- Sexists.

    socailaism -- Socailasts. ;-P


    All other... just destined to struggle, being around such idiots. Name of which -- Legion! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Racist Qtard just argued that poor Whites can be "niggas".

    And you can EXPLAIN???


    Cause you are idiot.

    Ignorant fool, that trying to IGNORE that fact... that FAR FAR BEFORE there were any "bl*ck"... there was SLAVES. Of same White race. Even of SAME ethnicity and same country. Like ONES who became slave to pay debts.

    \\Also, when I referred to the fact that African Americans vote Democrat, Racist Qtard said they are victims of propaganda. As opposed to "there is no such thing as Black".



    \\The Racist Qtard thinks it can have it both ways.


    Idiot Derpy YET ONE time showing how it trying to use Smart Dude words against him.

    While TOTALLY do not understand thier meaning. :-))))))))))))))

    Sheer fun.

    \\African Americans -- Racist Qtard identifies them by race. Chinese people -- Racist Qtard says they members of the White race. Are you an Asian person who wishes it was White, Racist Qtard?

    And are YOU, Derpy? ;-P

    That is YOU are one slander em as Asian... though they have as White skin as yourth. ;-P

    \\The both ways comes in when the lying hypocrite Racist Qtard claims it does not see race, but attacks me as racist for honesty acknowledging that I can


    "How dare you call Demn Racist, Racist... it's, it's, it's UNFAIR... as we thought that we was able to hide it so much... with hypocritical "tolerance" " -- crying hypocrite. And idiot. ;-P



  32. \\But Racist Qtard clearly views White as superior.


    White Suprematists. (tm)

    YOU spitting under every occasion. Or even without.

    I. Only asked... indirectly. Why there cannot be White Chinese Suprematists, then???

    Really, why? While they have SAME White skin.

    But... Racist Derpy promptly explained -- that it cannot be, as they are... Asians. ;-P

    Da fuk with skin color -- Racist Derpy JUSt DO NOT WANT to see em as equal... yet more, superior.

    Natural thing. For a racist. ;-P

    \\Racist Qtard: Because you STILL hesitate to cal em [Chinese people] White (and Suprime, yes, and suprime)

    \\Lie. I am not hesitating. I am not doing it. Ever. Because I am not an idiot.




    \\Also because I am not a racist. I do not, unlike Racist Qtard, view White as superior.

    Yap-yap-yap, you only do not ALLOW to others to be admitted White.

    Only Asians. Or Latinos. Or, whatever. ;-P

    Even thjough there is NO reason for such segregation... except of "social construct of race" -- racism.

    \\Because I do think Chinese people can be suprime.

    But... not White? ;-P

    And well... you, as White, will be deciding -- suprEme they AKREADY, or noe. Isn't it, Derpy?

    Because... SUCH IS THE POWER... of Demn Whitness??? :-))))))))))))))))))))


    \\It isn't a lie. race science has been debunked.

    \\Minus (a fan of the racist Charles Murray) probably thinks Asians should be recognized as honorary Aryans, yes? LOL.

    Just some more Racism... from Racist Derpy. ;-P

    \\ You're entitled to you own opinions, but not your own facts.

    Have you see EVEN ONE fact? Factual fact. From this Religious Bonker of Demn Propaganda?

    IT... tryed to oppose EVEN to that ALL-OBVIOUS fact -- that there is Sun... and it DO rising EVERY morning. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Whaty a killarious monster idiot. ;-P

  33. Qtard: \\Racist Qtard just argued that poor Whites can be "niggas"\\And you can EXPLAIN???

    Racist Qtard made up its own fake definition.

    Qtard: racism -- Racists. sexism -- Sexists. socailaism -- Socailasts.

    "Race", not "racism", dummy.

    "Race" and "racist" are different words that have different meanings.

    If I said, "Joe Biden is a man and Kamala Harris is a woman", The Idiot would screech "that's sexist!" Because (using your logic) "sex" and "sexism" are interchangeable.

    What about a Chinese person who describes themselves as a "proud Asian"? Qtard says these people are racist -- against themselves?

    Idiot: Yap-yap-yap, you only Yap-yap-yap, you only do not ALLOW to others to be admitted White.

    I do not care. I have no power to either "allow" or "not allow". I only acknowledge facts.

    The Racist Qtard clearly sees White as superior. Has admitted it has this view. Note that it did not say "White Supremacy -- White Supremacists".

    No, then Qtard points it's finger at the person calling out White Supremacy. Absurdly and counterfactually claims they are a White Supremacist.

    Racist Qtard: Just some more Racism... from Racist Derpy.

    No, that was me calling out racism. But that is what Racist Qtard always does. To cover for its own racism. It gets angry when White Supremacy is called out.

    Qtard: \\As opposed to "there is no such thing as Black".\\Yawn. Gibberish.

    If only racists see race, then that should have been your response. Unless you are admitting to being a racist. Explains why you used your "gibberish" escape. Yawn.

    Qtard: Because... SUCH IS THE POWER... of Demn Whitness??

    Such is the power of rightturd Whiteness. Qtard is the one pushing this idiocy. Why can't Black people be White, Qtard? Barack Obama's mother was White.

    illogical Qtard: Have you see EVEN ONE fact? Factual fact. From this Religious Bonker of Demn Propaganda?

    I haven't. But that's because I haven't seen a "Religious Bonker of Demn Propaganda" comment here. Ever. I have only seen comments from a "Religious Bonker of rightturd Propaganda". That qtarded idiot never posts facts. Never uses logic either. It only thinks it does.

  34. \\Qtard: \\Racist Qtard just argued that poor Whites can be "niggas"\\And you can EXPLAIN???

    \\Racist Qtard made up its own fake definition.

    Well... that is NOT an explanation.

    How is that "own fake definition" -- NOT SHOWED. ;-P

    Of course... I-D-I-O-T -- will NEVER have brains for that. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\"Race" and "racist" are different words that have different meanings.

    \\If I said, "Joe Biden is a man and Kamala Harris is a woman", The Idiot would screech "that's sexist!" Because (using your logic) "sex" and "sexism" are interchangeable.


    only. "race" it's scientifically debunked supestition.

    While "sex" is biological FACT.

    \\What about a Chinese person who describes themselves as a "proud Asian"? Qtard says these people are racist -- against themselves?

    Do they do it in Mandarin? ;-p

    Derpy JUST ONE TIME showed itself low-brow dork. An idiot.

    That think that all world talking in English??? And calling itself either "asians", or "bl*ck" or whatever other historically debunked nazi-slurr... it likes and tryes to promote.

    As "there IS such social construct". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I do not care. I have no power to either "allow" or "not allow". I only acknowledge facts.


    That you are racist. ;-P

    And idiot.

    \\If only racists see race, then that should have been your response.



    But you will not.

    Cause... idiot. You are.


    \\Explains why you used your "gibberish" escape. Yawn.

    YET ONE word Idiot Derpy do not know?

    Now it EXLAINS why IT do not get it what I say when I ask to explain. ;-P

    \\Why can't Black people be White, Qtard? Barack Obama's mother was White.

    Yep, Derpy. WHY???

    Why you condemning people being White Supremacists??? What if their mother was Bl*ck??? ;-P

    WHY skin color of a people is SO DEMN important to you??? If you are, as you trying to cry (falsely), that you are not racist???

    You are.

    But also you are Demn Idiotic Hypocrite.

    And that EXPLAINS it. Urbi et orbi.

    Why you produce such a racistic slurr... while claiming not being racists.

    Which is stoopid. And preteintious.

    Fitting being called out DEMN stooopid Idiot. And Hypocrite.


    \\That qtarded idiot never posts facts. Never uses logic either. It only thinks it does.


    When, for example, *I* pointed to OBVIOUS TO ALL fact -- that there is Sun... and it rises EVERY MORNING...

    THAT -- was NOT fact????

    Because Idiot Derpy claim that I NEVER "qtarded idiot never posts facts".

    Or... that "qtarded idiot" that is self-revealing admission of Idiot Derpy????

    Looks like that.

    That Derpy. Here. Revealed Truthfull TRUTH. About itself. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  35. Qtard: \\Racist Qtard just argued that poor Whites can be "niggas"\\And you can EXPLAIN???\\Racist Qtard made up its own fake definition.\\Well... that is NOT an explanation.

    HOW is it not an explanation??? You said poor white tRump supporters are calling themselves "niggas". Forgot? Those were YOUR words!! And a definition that Qtard made up.

    Qtard: How is that "own fake definition" -- NOT SHOWED.

    Merriam Webster definition, Nigga: "Nigga originated as a variant of the infamous racial slur nigger, reflecting one of its pronunciations, and for many people it is an equally offensive word. In the late 20th century, however, the two forms began to diverge in use among some African Americans, with nigga becoming the preferred term for neutral and positive self-referential uses. Despite their prevalence in hip-hop, a highly influential music and cultural movement of African American origin whose millions of fans now span the globe, these uses of nigga are themselves controversial and the use of nigga by a person who is not Black -- in any context -- is considered highly offensive".

    Note that the way Qtard uses the word is HIGHLY OFFENSIVE. But Qtard does it on purpose, with the INTENT to offend. Because Qtard is a racist. Now what? Will Qtard screech, "the dictionary is wrong!"?

    Qtard: Of course... I-D-I-O-T -- will NEVER have brains for that **moronic laughter**

    Qtard doesn't have the brains to consult a dictionary. Demands I do what it could easily do itself. Why? I don't know. Probably its excuse will have something to do with arguing that its definition is the correct one. And the dictionary is wrong. It might demand a quote. Even though it KNOWS what it said.

    Qtard: \\"Race" and "racist" are different words that have different meanings. If I said, "Joe Biden is a man and Kamala Harris is a woman", The Idiot would screech "that's sexist!" Because (using your logic) "sex" and "sexism" are interchangeable\\Aha... only. "race" it's scientifically debunked supestition. While "sex" is biological FACT.

    You swapped "racism" for "race". THAT is what I was pointing out. So (logically) "sex" can be swapped for "sexism". Meaning... calling someone a man or a woman is "sexist". That is Qtard's illogic. Now what? Qtard will pretend not to understand?

    btw, as per Scientific American, "Racial categories are weak proxies for genetic diversity and need to be phased out [however] the researchers also acknowledged that there are a few areas where race as a construct might still be useful in scientific research: as a political and social, but not biological, variable".

    So, according to scientists, race (as a social construct), is NOT just used by racists. Qtard's response? Probably that Scientific American is "Demn propaganda". That is what the idiot calls facts it doesn't like.

    Qtard: \\What about a Chinese person who describes themselves as a "proud Asian"? Qtard says these people are racist -- against themselves?\\Do they do it in Mandarin? ... An idiot. That think that all world talking in English??? And calling itself either "asians", or "bl*ck" or whatever other historically debunked nazi-slurr... it likes and tryes to promote.

    There isn't ethnic diversity in China the same as in the United States, dork. I was referring to Asian Americans. In China they probably call themselves Chinese. But Qtard thinks they call themselves White? Just a feeling, or Qtard can provide evidence that this is the case?

  36. And don't think I didn't notice that Qtard dodged the question. Regarding Asian Americans who say they are proud of their Asian heritage -- does Qtard call them racists? Are they racist against themselves? Instead of pride, they are filled with self hate?

    Qtard: As "there IS such social construct". **moronic laughter**

    Of course. I didn't make it up. I only acknowledge it exists.

    Qtard: \\I do not care. I have no power to either "allow" or "not allow". I only acknowledge facts\\Yap. That you are racist. And idiot.

    Lie. I have never acknowledged either. Because neither is true.

    Qtard: \\If only racists see race, then that should have been your response\\HOW???? Explain! But you will not.

    How NOT!!!??? Qtard said there is no such thing as race. So, if I bring up Black Americans voting Democratic, why WOULDN'T Qtard say, "there is no such thing as a Black person". Instead Qtard slandered them as victims of "Demn propaganda".

    Qtard: \\Explains why you used your "gibberish" escape. Yawn\\YET ONE word Idiot Derpy do not know? Now it EXLAINS why IT do not get it what I say when I ask to explain.

    I already explained. Qtard is just to DUMB to understand. The idiot keeps asking for explanations over and over. Even after I have explained multiple times.

    Qtard: \\Why can't Black people be White, Qtard? Barack Obama's mother was White\\Yep, Derpy. WHY???

    I asked YOU.

    Qtard: Why you condemning people being White Supremacists??? What if their mother was Bl*ck???

    white su·prem·a·cy DEFINITION noun the belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.

    I don't condemn anyone as White Supremacists. They condemn themselves. By using the language of White Supremacy. Or by exhibiting the behavior of a White Supremacist. Or by calling themselves White Supremacists.

    Qtard: WHY skin color of a people is SO DEMN important to you??? If you are, as you trying to cry (falsely), that you are not racist???

    Not falsely. Skin color isn't important to me. I see it is important to others. Like the White-obsessed Qtard.

    Qtard: You are.

    Are not. Qtard is.

    Qtard: But also you are Demn Idiotic Hypocrite. And that EXPLAINS it. Urbi et orbi. Why you produce such a racistic slurr... while claiming not being racists.

    I have never used a "racistic slur".

    Qtard: Which is stoopid. And preteintious. Fitting being called out DEMN stooopid Idiot. And Hypocrite. BECAUSE YOU ***BEHAVE*** As ONE.

    Qtard behaves as one.

    Qtard: \\That qtarded idiot never posts facts. Never uses logic either. It only thinks it does\\So??? When, for example, *I* pointed to OBVIOUS TO ALL fact -- that there is Sun... and it rises EVERY MORNING...

    Qtard wants credit for acknowledging that the sun rises in the morning? Thinks this is proof that it cites facts?

    Qtard: THAT -- was NOT fact????

    That is an easy one. I too can cite that fact. Qtard thinks I deny the sun rising in the morning?

  37. Qtard: Because Idiot Derpy claim that I NEVER "qtarded idiot never posts facts". Or... that "qtarded idiot" that is self-revealing admission of Idiot Derpy????

    Whatever. The majority of the time Qtard does not post facts. Qtard is not dumb enough to claim that the sun doesn't rise in the morning. But that is a very low bar.

    Qtard: Looks like that. That Derpy. Here. Revealed Truthfull TRUTH. About itself **moronic laughter**

    Qtard revealed truth about itself. That it is a liar. That is a partial quote. Words after that concerned it looking like that to the "Derpy" that exists in Qtard's delusions.

    btw, where is the comment by me that you are quoting? Looks like it went to spam. Because I don't see it. Maybe I should just deny writing that? But I KNEW what your response was going to be. I knew you'd partially quote me, then call the partial quote an "admission". I baited Qtard... and Qtard took the bait. Because it can NOT help itself but to lie in such a dishonest manner. Because dishonesty is Qtard's nature. Dishonesty forms the core of Qtard's being.

  38. \\And don't think I didn't notice that Qtard dodged the question. Regarding Asian Americans who say they are proud of their Asian heritage -- does Qtard call them racists? Are they racist against themselves? Instead of pride, they are filled with self hate?

    Made by Demn Racists to repeat their racistic slurr? ;-P

    Happy? ;-P

    \\Of course. I didn't make it up. I only acknowledge it exists.

    And therefore -- you are racist. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\I do not care. I have no power to either "allow" or "not allow". I only acknowledge facts\\Yap. That you are racist. And idiot.

    \\Lie. I have never acknowledged either. Because neither is true.

    So??? You "acknowledge facts" as said in PREVIOUS quote? Or you "never acknowledged" em? ;-P

    Easy to see. BOTH cannot be true. And one who saying NOT true things -- is a liar. You are. ;-P


    \\So, if I bring up Black Americans voting Democratic, why WOULDN'T Qtard say, "there is no such thing as a Black person".

    WAT???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But well...

    \\Qtard: \\If only racists see race, then that should have been your response\\HOW???? Explain! But you will not.

    \\How NOT!!!???....

    That is NOT explanation.

    ALL as was said above -- "Explain! But you will not."

    \\I already explained. Qtard is just to DUMB to understand. The idiot keeps asking for explanations over and over. Even after I have explained multiple times.

    Idiotic dodge. :-)))))))))))))))))

    If YOU cannot explain -- it mean that YOU do not understand.

    Not me.

    To show that that is *I* -- are that one who not able to understnd -- you need to SHOW it on examples of my words -- with CORRECT quotes.

    But you... not able to accomplish such task. ;-P

    Cause you are idiot, Derpy. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    make (an idea or situation) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts

    As seen from this **DEFINITION** your claims like "I have explained multiple times" is OBVIOUS BULLSHIT. ;-P


    There was NEITHER "revealing relevant facts" NOR "describing it in more detail".


    What I DID just now -- THAT is... EXPLANATION.

    With facts given. And detailed elaboration given.

    \\white su·prem·a·cy DEFINITION noun the belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.

    \\I don't condemn anyone as White Supremacists. They condemn themselves. By using the language of White Supremacy. Or by exhibiting the behavior of a White Supremacist. Or by calling themselves White Supremacists.


    And you using language of racists. e.g. segregating people in non-interweaving Asians, Blakks, Latinos and etc.

    \\Like the White-obsessed Qtard.

    Yopu calling people White this, Blakk that... but that is ME "White-obsessed"??? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    Or... that is your alter-ego "Qtard" you babbling here about, often? ;-P

    \\I have never used a "racistic slur".

    While calling people White, Blakk, Asain, Latinos and etc???

    But YOU are babbling abouit it HERE(IN THIS THREAD EVEN!!! Just in SAME comment!) Non-stop.

    Another idiotic lie, Derpy will cry "I NEVER said it", soon.


  39. \\Qtard: Which is stoopid. And preteintious. Fitting being called out DEMN stooopid Idiot. And Hypocrite. BECAUSE YOU ***BEHAVE*** As ONE.

    \\Qtard behaves as one.

    Oh yes???

    And you can EXPLAIN? ;-P

    With giving factual QUOTEs and detailed EXPLANATIIONs?

    NAAAH :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: THAT -- was NOT fact????

    \\That is an easy one. I too can cite that fact. Qtard thinks I deny the sun rising in the morning?

    Derpy DENYING saying ITS OWN IDIOTIC WORDS... EVEN WHEN THEY THROWN into its moronic face with PERFECTLY CORRECT quotes of its OWN DEMN WORDS.

    Word to word.

    So... yeah... it could be. And *I*... would not be surprised by that.

    Cause Derpy is Religious Bonker. And Hypocritical Idiot.

    Speaking some idiotic non-sense and/or counter-factual bullshit -- is like breathing... to it. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That's why it's so sheer fun... to observe that little piggy froliking in own verbal feces. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\That qtarded idiot never posts facts. Never uses logic either. It only thinks it does\\So??? When, for example, *I* pointed to OBVIOUS TO ALL fact -- that there is Sun... and it rises EVERY MORNING...

    \\Qtard wants credit for acknowledging that the sun rises in the morning? Thinks this is proof that it cites facts?



    You claimed above that *I* "never posts facts".

    In LOGIC it called Quantifier

    Universal quantification - Wikipedia › wiki › Universal_quantificat...
    In mathematical logic, a universal quantification is a type of quantifier, a logical constant which is interpreted as "given any", "for all", or "for any".

    To DISPROVE it, it's enough to provide JUST ONE fact that opposes it.

    And that is what I did. With pointing to earlier mentioned by me fact of Sun rising in the morning. ;-P


    But... Derpy the Idiot -- will NOT understand what I just eloquently explained to it.

    Cause... it is just an idiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Cannot be helped. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
