Monday, September 4, 2023

Labor Day - How Republicans Integrated the Trade Unions after Lyndon B. Johnson's Democrats Chickened Out

With the implementation of the Philadelphia Plan in 1969, President Richard M. Nixon's administration changed the federal government's stance on affirmative action. For the first time, a specific industry was required to articulate a plan for hiring minority workers. Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson had identified affirmative action as necessary to redress the effects of racism. During their administrations, policies were created to facilitate both equal employment opportunities for African Americans and equal accommodations in the workplace. Yet the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had limited the type of remedies possible by forbidding any form of discrimination. This was interpreted to include preferential hiring, which was seen as compensatory discrimination.

Despite this limitation, the Nixon administration used the power of the federal purse to create specific hiring goals in the highly segregated construction industry. Designed by the Department of Labor during the Johnson administration, the Philadelphia Plan was revived by George Shultz, Nixon's labor secretary, and Arthur Fletcher, his assistant secretary. The plan required Philadelphia government contractors in six construction trades to set goals and timetables for the hiring of minority workers or risk losing the valuable contracts. No quotas were set. This left businesses a fair amount of autonomy in determining how to meet the goals. As a result, the Philadelphia Plan withstood a court challenge and growing public hostility to affirmative action.

Affirmative Action: Developing the Concept

The Philadelphia Plan makes sense in three contexts: the history of civil rights, the history of labor regulation, and the history of the exercise of state power in the United States. The plan may be seen as one of the last steps in a trend toward growing government activism that ranged from the end of the Civil War until 1980. The coalition that opposed the Philadelphia Plan formed the basis of the opposition to government activism that characterized the subsequent period.

Howard Gillette, Jr., "The Philadelphia Plan"
Even as it underwent a painful process of economic restructuring in the years after World War II, Philadelphia garnered national attention from efforts to integrate historically white building trades. Dubbed the “Philadelphia Plan,” the program requiring federal contractors to practice nondiscrimination in hiring tested the liberal coalition formed in the aftermath of the New Deal in Philadelphia and nationally. 
Local NAACP chapter president Cecil B. Moore speaks outside City Hall during a protest over access to building jobs in 1963. (Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries)

Starting in the early 1960s, in reaction to civil rights campaigns in Philadelphia and elsewhere, the federal government used the wedge of contracting to require companies seeking its business to take affirmative action to assure the inclusion of African Americans among its employees. Monitored by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance, the policy took a new turn during the Johnson administration by targeting construction trades in key metropolitan areas for compliance, starting with St. Louis in 1966 and extending to Philadelphia the following year. In adopting numerical goals for compliance, these area plans attracted the attention of U.S. Comptroller Elmer Staats (1914-2011), who ruled in 1967 that the approach violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which in prohibiting discrimination in hiring explicitly prohibited racial quotas.

Caught up in a difficult election campaign, the Johnson administration did not challenge the ruling. Not to be deterred, rights activists in Philadelphia worked with the city’s Commission on Human Relations under the leadership of its chair, Clarence Farmer (1915-2014), to adopt a localized version of the federal program, going beyond it, however, by requiring companies doing business with the city to “hire and train hard-core unemployed persons so that they may become an integral part of his workforce.” It covered not just the construction industry but all suppliers doing business with the city.

Despite its pursuit of a strategy to enlist southern states into the Republican fold, the Nixon administration revived the targeted area approach to affirmative action, choosing to promote a “revised Philadelphia Plan” in June 1969. With the First Bank of the United States as a backdrop, Assistant Labor Secretary Arthur Fletcher (1924-2005), perhaps the administration’s most prominent African American, announced an approach that skirted the prohibition against quotas by setting minimum targets to be achieved through good faith efforts in hiring. The program, which was quickly extended to other metropolitan areas, was partly intended to draw the support of African Americans to the administration and partly an effort to drive a wedge between blacks and their allies in the labor movement.

Implementation of the Philadelphia plan produced modest gains for blacks in the building trades, but it generated heated resistance from union leaders in Philadelphia and elsewhere. Formation of a local chapter of the Urban Coalition helped rally support for affirmative action in the city, but much of the white working class, facing a threat to their livelihood as the blue collar workforce continued to shrink, revolted. As Nixon perceived the political opening that the clash over employment presented, he moderated his support for affirmative action, leaving in place, however, precedents that continue to govern national as well as local programs.

Democrats were all for Black Civil Rights up until the moment it threatened their own livelihood and pet constituencies. Apparently Democrats are willing to criticize and condemn Nixon and Republicans for their so-called infamous "Southern Strategy" but then turn around and give no credit to them for their subsequent "Northern Strategy" to integrate Unions and the ENTIRE US workforce.

Nixon had an excellent record on civil rights. He supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He was an avid champion of the desegregation of public schools. The progressive columnist Tom Wicker wrote in the New York Times, “There’s no doubt about it — the Nixon administration accomplished more in 1970 to desegregate Southern school systems than had been done in the 16 previous years or probably since. There’s no doubt either that it was Richard Nixon personally who conceived and led the administration’s desegregation effort.”


  1. Those who controls Past, controls the Future...

  2. Reason for the right's attempt to rehabilitate Richard Nixon? "He was a civil right champion"? LOL.

  3. Well the Dems filibustered the Civil Rights act for 75 days...there's something to be proud of. /Sarcasm

  4. "How Republicans Integrated the Trade Unions after Lyndon B. Johnson's Democrats Chickened Out"...

    So, republicans are pro-Union?

    American Compass: ...the 2016 Republican platform declared: "We support the right of states to enact Right-to-Work laws and call for a national law to protect the economic liberty of the modern workforce". Right to work laws, by allowing employees to refuse to join unions in unionized workplaces, are lethal to the inherited U.S. system of enterprise-based collective bargaining. [American Compass is a self-proclaimed conservative think tank].

    Qtard: Well the Dems filibustered the Civil Rights act for 75 days...there's something to be proud of.

    False. USA Today: It is true that the Democrats hold the record for the longest filibuster. But there are a couple of aspects of the exact claim that are false or misleading. It wasn't 75 days long; it lasted only 60 days. And there should be a distinction made in exactly who was blocking the bill. The majority of Democrats who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act were from Southern states; some Democrats in non-Southern states did support the bill.

    A June 20, 1964, New York Daily News article about the passage said 46 Democrats and 27 Republicans were in favor of the bill, while 21 Democrats, all from Southern or border states, opposed it along with six Republicans.

  5. Democrats are still for segregated unions? Who knew?

  6. Sounds like Dervy thinks that un ions should still be segregated, to me.

  7. Integration of unions isn't pro-union?

  8. "Democrats are still for segregated unions? Who knew?"

    Probably you and Qtard "know" that.

    "Sounds like Dervy thinks that unions should still be segregated, to me".

    Based on what? Certainly nothing I wrote. Did you hear Dervy's voice in your head saying that?

    "Integration of unions isn't pro-union?"

    I was referring to the present day. You always have to reach back to the past to spin your "Democrats are the real racist" narratives.

    donald tRump, as president, was anti-worker and anti-union.

  9. \\Qtard: Well the Dems filibustered the Civil Rights act for 75 days...there's something to be proud of.


    Heh... that's not my comment. ;-P

    I'm foreigner... and either dunno or don't care about such things.


    I like it... very much... this.

    \\But there are a couple of aspects of the exact claim that are false or misleading. It wasn't 75 days long; it lasted only 60 days. And there should be a distinction made in exactly who was blocking the bill.

    THIS way of Demn "truthtelling". ;-P

    Gangnam-sty.... ah, NO, that liliPut Propaganda style.

    But... I'm sure that liliPut learned its CURRENT way of lying... from the Western Leftists.

    For sure.

    Now I see it.

  10. Qtard: Heh... that's not my comment.

    Qtard is saying someone faked a comment from it? I saw a lie from "anonymous"... looked like a Qtard comment to me.

    Qtard: I'm foreigner... and either dunno or don't care about such things.

    You don't care about blaming "Demns" for everything? I don't believe it.

    Qtard: But. I like it... very much... this.\\But there are a couple of aspects of the exact claim that are false or misleading. It wasn't 75 days long; it lasted only 60 days.\\ And there should be a distinction made in exactly who was blocking the bill.\\THIS way of Demn "truthtelling".

    Right. Truth telling involves getting the facts right. Something Qtard is obviously unconcerned with.

    Qtard: Gangnam-sty.... ah, NO, that liliPut Propaganda style. But... I'm sure that liliPut learned its CURRENT way of lying... from the Western Leftists. For sure. Now I see it.

    I see it now. Qtard's claim of zero Nazis in Ukraine is "close enough" to the truth. Which is that there are some. But "some" is very close to none... so just call it none. While Putin says "some" is very many. But both are lies. Both are liars... Qtard and Putin.

    Both of them like propaganda. Spin the facts until they get a narrative that serves their purpose. In Qtard's case that would be a (false) narrative it can use to attack "Demns".

  11. \\Qtard: Heh... that's not my comment.

    \\Qtard is saying someone faked a comment from it? I saw a lie from "anonymous"... looked like a Qtard comment to me.

    So what??? :-))))))))))))))

    I should CARE about your problems??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    YOU, who trying to call me liar absolutely indeiscriminately and baslessly.


    You DEFINITELY are moron. ;-P

    Well... I just showed courtesy, to anybody else... to know that that was not my comment.

    If that anon will write something more. And will not chose it's own nick...

    well, whatever.

    \\You don't care about blaming "Demns" for everything? I don't believe it.


    I don't.

    Whatever you believe or not believe, I don't care too. ;-P


    As ever, you'd NOT be able to give a QUOTE where I would "blaming "Demns" for everything". ;-P

    Are you happy with my answer, moron? :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Right. Truth telling involves getting the facts right. Something Qtard is obviously unconcerned with.

    Hah... ESPECIALLY when some Demn trying to say that "that facts absolutely False"... just to "correct" some minor detail. ;-P

    Very Telling.

    \\I see it now. Qtard's claim of zero Nazis in Ukraine is "close enough" to the truth. Which is that there are some.

    Yep. By stating definition of Nazism used (and that, historical one, eliminated after WW2).

    In opposition to Derpy -- NOT TELLING what what definition of Nazism it uses, what it mean and why it so bad -- MEANS, it uses liliPut's Propaganda approach.

    But that... no-no-no, it doesn't mean that Derpy is on liliPut's side... or just are willful and ignorant Western Lefty, "useful idiot"... as nearly all Western Lefties was and is... sucking up Stalin's, Andropov's and now liliPut's Propaganda... SARCASM!!!

    \\But "some" is very close to none... so just call it none. While Putin says "some" is very many. But both are lies. Both are liars... Qtard and Putin.


    "Truthfulness" of Demns.

    You GAVE one more perfect example -- and described the core similarity -- between Demn and liliPut's propaganda.

    \\Both of them like propaganda. Spin the facts until they get a narrative that serves their purpose. In Qtard's case that would be a (false) narrative it can use to attack "Demns".

    Demns spreading liliPut's lies... but that is ME to blame, for revealing that lies???

    Demn Truthfulness! AGAIN.

    Means... Demns/Leftists are "truthful" ONLY when they talk among willfully ignorant idiots OR... when they can suppress dissent with censure or affirmative actions.


    And thank you for starting showing your True Colors, Derpy.

  12. Dervy's truth is putting his words in everyone else's mouths. He's the king of the strawmen.

  13. "You can lead a human to knowledge, but you can't make him think" - A horse

  14. Qtard: \\I saw a lie from "anonymous"... looked like a Qtard comment to me\\So what??? **moronic laughter** I should CARE about your problems??? **yet more moronic laughter**

    That is Qtard's problem. Caused by commenting anonymously. Means its comments can be easily be confused with others anonymous comments. Especially if the other anonymous comment is also stupid.

    Qtard: who trying to call me liar absolutely indeiscriminately and baslessly. **moronic laughter**

    Qtard baselessly called me a liar. When it has never caught me in any alleged lie. Apparently "lies" are comments Qtard doesn't like.

    Qtard: You DEFINITELY are moron.

    How does writing truthful comments that Qtard doesn't like make me a moron?

    Qtard: Well... I just showed courtesy, to anybody else... to know that that was not my comment. If that anon will write something more. And will not chose it's own nick...

    Qtard thinks "anonymous" is it's exclusive nickname? You DEFINITELY are a moron.

    Qtard: \\You don't care about blaming "Demns" for everything? I don't believe it\\Yes.
    I don't. Whatever you believe or not believe, I don't care too.

    That is a lie.

    Qtard: As ever, you'd NOT be able to give a QUOTE where I would "blaming "Demns" for everything".

    Constantly calling facts it doesn't like "Demn propaganda" isn't blaming them for everything?

    Qtard: Are you happy with my answer, moron? **moronic laughter**

    Who are you talking to? Yourself? Nobody here uses the nickname "moron". But I think Qtard definitely should.

    Qtard: \\Right. Truth telling involves getting the facts right. Something Qtard is obviously unconcerned with\\Hah... ESPECIALLY when some Demn trying to say that "that facts absolutely False"... just to "correct" some minor detail.

    Lie. That it was a majority of Democrats who supported the Civil Rights bill is not a "minor detail". Not when you're trying to blame Democrats (or some other anonymous liar is trying to blame them).

    Qtard: Very Telling.

    I agree. Qtard was talking about the number of days. 60 versus 75. But Qtard completely ignored the other NOT "minor detail". Quoted me, but didn't include the non-minor detail.

    "46 Democrats and 27 Republicans were in favor of the bill, while 21 Democrats, all from Southern or border states, opposed it along with six Republicans".

    46 isn't more than either 27 or 21?

    Qtard: \\I see it now. Qtard's claim of zero Nazis in Ukraine is "close enough" to the truth. Which is that there are some\\Yep. By stating definition of Nazism used (and that, historical one, eliminated after WW2).

    Qtard's "Yep" is "Yep, Qtard lied". Why would I be using the historical definition? We aren't either. Qtard claimed that there are a lot of Nazis in Russia. How can there be if all Nazis were "eliminated after WW2"? Obviously Qtard is using the "non-historical" definition to refer to those Nazis.

    In opposition to Derpy -- NOT TELLING what what definition of Nazism it uses, what it mean and why it so bad --

    Google: What is the meaning of Naziz? a member of a German political party that controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler.

    ---->2. disapproving : an evil person who wants to use power to control and harm other people especially because of their race, religion, etc. a gang of racist Nazis.

    Qtard thinks being evil is not so bad? Or is it that, if I'd have been typing "neo-nazi" all along, Qtard would have never disagreed with me? Qtard obviously means "neo-nazi" when it talks about Nazis in Russia.

  15. Qtard: ...MEANS, it uses liliPut's Propaganda approach.

    Means, Qtard uses Putin's propaganda approach.

    Qtard: But that... no-no-no, it doesn't mean that Derpy is on liliPut's side... or just are willful and ignorant Western Lefty, "useful idiot"...

    Qtard admits being Putin's useful idiot? Well, I already knew that. As evidenced by Qtard's strong defense of Putin's puppet, dotard donald.

    Qtard: nearly all Western Lefties was and is... sucking up Stalin's, Andropov's and now liliPut's Propaganda... SARCASM!!!

    Sarcasm? So, not meant? Meaning... Qtard admitted that it lies when it blames "Demns" for everything.

    Qtard: \\But "some" is very close to none... so just call it none. While Putin says "some" is very many. But both are lies. Both are liars... Qtard and Putin\\Yap. "Truthfulness" of Demns. You GAVE one more perfect example -- and described the core similarity -- between Demn and liliPut's propaganda.

    I described the similarities between Qtard's and Putin's propaganda.

    Qtard: Demns spreading liliPut's lies...

    republiturd's spreading Putin's lies.

    Qtard: ...but that is ME to blame, for revealing that lies???

    Yes. Because Qtard truths aren't lies.

    Qtard: Demn Truthfulness! AGAIN.

    Yes, I agree. Democrats tend to be more more truthful than rightturds.

    Qtard: Means... Demns/Leftists are "truthful" ONLY when they talk among willfully ignorant idiots OR...

    By "truthful" you mean not truthful, yes? Why you put "truthful" in quotes. I agree, but only if you meant to write "republicans/rightturds" instead of "Demns/Leftists".

    Qtard: ...when they can suppress dissent with censure or affirmative actions.

    How do "affirmative actions" suppress dissent? What "censure" is Qtard talking about? Democrats attempt to curb dangerous rightturd disinformation angers Qtard? Well, we do know that both Qtard and Minus FJ are upset that not enough people have died/are dying from covid. Upset because Biden saved too many lives. While tRump encouraged people to kill themselves.

    Qtard: And thank you for starting showing your True Colors, Derpy.

    Yeah, my "true colors" being that I oppose rightturds's attempts to suppress dissent. Like with their "war on woke", book bans, and vote rigging/suppressing.

    Minus: Dervy's truth is putting his words in everyone else's mouths.

    "What you really mean" is Qtard's speciality. But I suspect you haven't noticed. Too busy doing it yourself. Like when Minus claimed, "Sounds like Dervy thinks that unions should still be segregated, to me"... when I never wrote anything that sounded like that at all.

  16. Turn about is fair play, and as you know, I'm a tit-4-tat man.

  17. The difference is, I "condition" my statements with phrases like "sounds like", and you don't. You attempt to pass them off as "facts" (not acknowledged opinions).

  18. \\Dervy's truth is putting his words in everyone else's mouths. He's the king of the strawmen.

    Yap. Religious Bonkers.

    \\The difference is, I "condition" my statements with phrases like "sounds like", and you don't. You attempt to pass them off as "facts" (not acknowledged opinions).

    There is NO other "facts" IT... knows. :-)))))))))

    People of the Book. And Derpy are from that Wisest of the Wise -- People of the Words... THEIR ONLY, words. ;-P

    Humpteys-Dunpteys. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Turn about is fair play, and as you know, I'm a tit-4-tat man.


    Force of Act is (must be) equal to force of counter-act.

    \\That is Qtard's problem.


    That is YOU are one with low intelligence and cannot discern people by their style. ;-P

    \\Qtard baselessly called me a liar. When it has never caught me in any alleged lie. Apparently "lies" are comments Qtard doesn't like.

    Time after time... when you try screaming "I NEVER SAID IT!!!!".

    And absoluitely correct QUOTE provided... where YOU SAID it.

    Like. "I *DO* deny..." :-)))))))))))))

    Or your moronic claim "I believe in facts". :-)))))))))))))))

    Or... whatever. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    And well...

    Thank you for admitting it... that I don't like lies.

    Only, that is damn too ordinary -- NOBODY like lies... apart maybe that fools, who trying to proloferate em. ;-P

    \\How does writing truthful comments that Qtard doesn't like make me a moron?


    Gibberish question.

    Or... that is some NewSpeak agfain? :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Are you happy with my answer, moron? **moronic laughter**

    \\Who are you talking to? Yourself? Nobody here uses the nickname "moron". But I think Qtard definitely should.

    Pretentious Idiot trying to make believe that IT do not understand that it was directed at... IT? ;-P

    What a moron.

    But, conrinue-continue. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You swiny disingenious tryes. You might think it... SO DEMN SMART to do that??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Well... I just showed courtesy, to anybody else... to know that that was not my comment. If that anon will write something more. And will not chose it's own nick...

    \\Qtard thinks "anonymous" is it's exclusive nickname? You DEFINITELY are a moron.

    Definitely idiot. You are.


    \\Qtard: \\You don't care about blaming "Demns" for everything? I don't believe it\\Yes.
    I don't. Whatever you believe or not believe, I don't care too.

    \\That is a lie.

    I know. That that was your lie. Strawmaning.



  19. \\Constantly calling facts it doesn't like "Demn propaganda" isn't blaming them for everything?


    That don't come through double-checking being facts. EVEN.

    As was explained MANY-MANY times... to Derpy the Idiot... but IT, still trying to ignore it, and play make beleive games that its babbling is somehow related to being factual and logical.


    \\Lie. That it was a majority of Democrats who supported the Civil Rights bill is not a "minor detail".


    After blocking for 60 days... of which YOU SAID... itself. :-))))))))))))

    \\Qtard's "Yep" is "Yep, Qtard lied". Why would I be using the historical definition?

    Because... WHAT OTHER definition of words "Nazi" do you know????

    liliPut's one??? Who use it to smear with it THOSE people who oppose His Nazistic in nature agression?

    "Nazis of the Future will be calling itself anti-nazis"(tm)

    \\ Qtard claimed that there are a lot of Nazis in Russia. How can there be if all Nazis were "eliminated after WW2"? Obviously Qtard is using the "non-historical" definition to refer to those Nazis.


    Because liliPut behaves LIKE nazi. Using SAME premices "protection of folks Rusish". And for the same cause -- imprialistic war. And even threatening World War. Nuclear one.

    That is apparent SIMILARITIES with what Hitler was doing.

    But... somehow... it do not ring a bell to Moron Derpy.

    And instead, it happy to spread liliPut's narative -- that "nazis"... that is THAT people that OPPOSE such apparent copy-cats of real historical Nazism.

    \\Qtard thinks being evil is not so bad?

    And calling actually good people bad... is not so bad too, isn't it, Derpy?

    Just because you don't like em. Or because you was tought to.

    \\ Qtard obviously means "neo-nazi" when it talks about Nazis in Russia.


    Because I don't know what "neo-nazi" mean... in your NewSpeak.

    \\Means, Qtard uses Putin's propaganda approach.

    EXPLAIN! ;-P

    But... you will not.

    Cause... have no brain. Because there is gramophone, broken one, which only repeat same propaganda screaching. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: But that... no-no-no, it doesn't mean that Derpy is on liliPut's side... or just are willful and ignorant Western Lefty, "useful idiot"...

    \\Qtard admits being Putin's useful idiot? Well, I already knew that. As evidenced by Qtard's strong defense of Putin's puppet, dotard donald.

    *I*... *LIKE* IT.

    How Derpy trying to demonstrate that it is utter fool -- which unable to understand straightforward English. ;-P

    Just for the sake of making silly joke against much more intelligent opponent.

    And that... while it tryed to pretend knowing grammar and spelling of English so damn flqwlessly. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    GO! Continut-continue. Little swine. Playing Dumb. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    THIS WAY... you'd only REASSURE me and everybody here -- how damn stooopid you are. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



  20. \\Sarcasm? So, not meant? Meaning... Qtard admitted that it lies when it blames "Demns" for everything.

    Thank you Derpy.


    What an I-D-I-O-T you are. Not know what COMPLETE SENTENCE is. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I described the similarities between Qtard's and Putin's propaganda.

    But... I am not a state. Or a government. And have no position in hierarchy of power.

    But liliPut -- is. And Demns in USA -- are.

    THEY... can and do concockt and spread Propaganda.

    I... just share my miserly opinion here.

    YET ONE... example of how Derpy like to Play Dumb. :-))))))))))))))))))

    While spreading distinctly liliPut's Propaganda. You know... that "there is nazis"... in Ukraine.

    \\Qtard: Demns spreading liliPut's lies...

    \\republiturd's spreading Putin's lies.


    Libturds doing it since... since forever.

    So what?

    \\Qtard: ...but that is ME to blame, for revealing that lies???

    \\Yes. Because Qtard truths aren't lies.

    I'm glad that you admitted it. ;-P

    Only... it makes me worring about your brain stance -- too unusual for your feverish mind to admit such a sane thing. :-)))))))))))))))))

    But... I'm sure, you will fix itself... and soon. ;-P

    By revealing that it was said in NewSpeak, for example.

    Isn't it, Derpy?

    \\ I agree, but only if you meant to write "republicans/rightturds" instead of "Demns/Leftists".


    Of copuirse you are.

    Cause that is your dogma. That "Demns more more truthful". ;-P

    \\Qtard: ...when they can suppress dissent with censure or affirmative actions.

    \\How do "affirmative actions" suppress dissent? What "censure" is Qtard talking about?



    With bl*ck word. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And thank you for starting showing your True Colors, Derpy.

    \\Yeah, my "true colors" being that I oppose rightturds's attempts to suppress dissent. Like with their "war on woke", book bans, and vote rigging/suppressing.

    Do that effects visible outside USA???


    Do Demn's Propaganda visible?


    Why *I*, foreigner, care about what NOT visible and NOT relevent to me??? (Even if it'll be true... of what I doubt... too much lies from that other part... yawn)

    \\Minus: Dervy's truth is putting his words in everyone else's mouths.

    \\"What you really mean" is Qtard's speciality. But I suspect you haven't noticed.

    I think... he noticed enough -- who talking using facts and logic... and who merely rechanting propaganda slogans/dogmas here. ;-P

  21. Qtard: \\...Not know what COMPLETE SENTENCE is. **moronic laughter**

    Thank you, Qtard. For confirming what an idiot you are. For not KNOWING what proper grammar is.

    Qtard: \\I described the similarities between Qtard's and Putin's propaganda\\But... I am not a state. Or a government. And have no position in hierarchy of power.

    So what? That means Qtard can't repeat propaganda? It does.

    Qtard: But liliPut -- is. And Demns in USA -- are.

    Putin spreads propaganda. Democrats in USA do not. republiturds DO.

    Qtard: THEY... can and do concockt and spread Propaganda.

    Putin and republiturds? Yes.

    Qtard: I... just share my miserly opinion here.

    Also repeat rightturd propaganda and lies.

    Qtard: YET ONE... example of how Derpy like to Play Dumb **moronic laughter**

    Don't like. Don't do.

    Qtard: While spreading distinctly liliPut's Propaganda. You know... that "there is nazis"... in Ukraine.

    Qtard JUST said I can't. Because I don't have a "position in hierarchy of power". Not that I've ever spread any propaganda about Nazis being in Ukraine.

    Qtard: Demns spreading liliPut's lies...\\republiturd's spreading Putin's lies\\Yawn. Libturds doing it since... since forever. So what?

    republiturds doing.

    Qtard: ...but that is ME to blame, for revealing that lies??? \\Yes. Because Qtard truths aren't lies.\\I'm glad that you admitted it.

    I admitted that Qtard is to blame. Thank you for agreeing with me on this. "Because Qtard truths aren't lies"... was a mistake. But it doesn't matter, given that Qtard rarely types any truths. Most of what Qtard types is lies.

    Qtard: Only... it makes me worring about your brain stance -- too unusual for your feverish mind to admit such a sane thing. **moronic laughter** But... I'm sure, you will fix itself... and soon.

    Lie. Qtard does not worry about me.

    Qtard: By revealing that it was said in NewSpeak, for example. Isn't it, Derpy?

    No. I've never "revealed" that I use NewSpeak. Because I do not. I write what I mean. Except for the occasional/rare mistake.

  22. Qtard: \\I agree, but only if you meant to write "republicans/rightturds" instead of "Demns/Leftists"\\Yap. Of copuirse you are. Cause that is your dogma. That "Demns more more truthful".

    52% of Republican claims reviewed by the Tampa Bay Times fact-checking operation PoltiFact were rated "mostly false", "false" or "pants on fire", versus just 24% of Democratic statements, according to George Mason University's Center for Media and Public Affairs. By the same token, 54% of Democratic statements were rated as "mostly true" or "true", compared to just 18% of Republican statements. link

    Qtard: ...when they can suppress dissent with censure or affirmative actions\\How do "affirmative actions" suppress dissent? What "censure" is Qtard talking about?\\Here. Recently. With bl*ck word.

    No. Why would Google censure "black"? "Black" is used not only to refer to skin color. If that is why Qtard's delusions tell it "black" is censured. Like if I were to refer to "black hair". Or "black licorice". Why would Google censure either?

    Qtard: \\ "true colors" being that I oppose rightturds's attempts to suppress dissent. Like with their "war on woke", book bans, and vote rigging/suppressing\\Do that effects visible outside USA??? ... Why *I*, foreigner, care about what NOT visible and NOT relevent to me???

    Why would I care about what is relevant or visible to Qtard?

    Qtard: Do Demn's Propaganda visible? Yes.

    republiturd's propaganda visible outside the USA.

    Qtard: Even if it'll be true... of what I doubt... too much lies from that other part... yawn...

    Too many Qtard lies. Like calling republiturd lies Democrat's lies.

    Qtard: \\Minus: Dervy's truth is putting his words in everyone else's mouths.\\"What you really mean" is Qtard's speciality. But I suspect you haven't noticed\\I think... he noticed enough -- who talking using facts and logic...

    I doubt Minus FJ notices my use of facts and logic. Or would admit it if he did.

    Qtard: ...and who merely rechanting propaganda slogans/dogmas here.

    I doubt Minus FJ noticed that Qtard does that. Or would admit it if he did.

  23. \\For not KNOWING what proper grammar is.


    Go DEMONSTRATE what an idiot you are, and explain HOW using of ellipses ("...") is NOT "proper grammar". ;-P

    What an idiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or what? Your grammar teacher DID NOT explained to you ellipses? Was the same idiot as you? :-))))))))))))))

    Or that was special education grammar lessons? For very special Wisest of the Wise? :-))))

    \\So what? That means Qtard can't repeat propaganda? It does.


    Whose propaganda I repeat? ;-P

    When I say that I am foreigner -- not involved in your inner political brawls, in USA? ;-)

    \\Putin spreads propaganda. Democrats in USA do not.

    So??? When I read sources like Demn CNN, or talk with some Left-aligned USAians that repeat -- like you are -- that there "Nazis among Ukrainians"... that is all "Righturds DID it"????

    Well... no surprise in it.

    Leftists Propaganda perform that treak "blame all on opponents" since... since forever.

    And Religious Bigots doing it from primordial times.


    \\Also repeat rightturd propaganda and lies.

    Give QUOTES... and EXPLAIN.

    But you can't. ;-P

    Cause... idiot.

    \\Qtard: YET ONE... example of how Derpy like to Play Dumb **moronic laughter**

    \\Don't like. Don't do.



    with that you just ADMITTED...

    being dumb st0000pid. ;-P

    \\Qtard JUST said I can't. Because I don't have a "position in hierarchy of power". Not that I've ever spread any propaganda about Nazis being in Ukraine.

    And YOU NOT CITED that propaganda article from CNN?

    What a Big News... NOT. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\republiturds doing.

    You mean righturds making lefturds to behave erratic and idiotic as they do? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  24. \\\\Yes. Because Qtard truths aren't lies.\\I'm glad that you admitted it.

    \\I admitted that Qtard is to blame. Thank you for agreeing with m

    Well... why I should not agree with you -- that you blaming me for spreading truth? ;-P

    And thank you...

    \\"Because Qtard truths aren't lies"... was a mistake.

    For giving YET ONE word from your NewSpeak dictionary. ;-P

    "telling Truth... it's Mistake" :-)))))))))))))))))))

    What a moronic substitution. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ Most of what Qtard types is lies.

    Yap. :-))))))

    But Idiot Derpy NEVER able to CONFIRM such moronic claims with FACTUAL quotes and/or EXPLANATION.

    Because??? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Only... it makes me worring about your brain stance -- too unusual for your feverish mind to admit such a sane thing. **moronic laughter** But... I'm sure, you will fix itself... and soon.

    \\Lie. Qtard does not worry about me.

    And what DID I said? :-))))

    \\No. I've never "revealed" that I use NewSpeak. Because I do not. I write what I mean. Except


    And that meaning is clearly OPPOSITE to colloquial. ;-P

    As in NewSpeak. Dewised by Oruel.

    \\52% of Republican claims reviewed by the Tampa Bay Times fact-checking operation PoltiFact were rated "mostly false", "false" or "pants on fire", versus just 24% of Democratic statements, according to George Mason University's Center for Media and Public Affairs. By the same token, 54% of Democratic statements were rated as "mostly true" or "true", compared to just 18% of Republican statements. link

    And I MUST belive em... because? ;-P

    Because I am follower of dogma that "Demns more more truthful"???

    Or I MUST be??? :-))))))))))

    \\No. Why would Google censure "bl_a_ck"?

    How should *I* know??? I'm foregner.

    Low-life, a no-life, to a mighty Google.

    \\Why would I care about what is relevant or visible to Qtard?

    Yap. You are right.

    Morons... do not need to.


    \\republiturd's propaganda visible outside the USA.

    WHERE??????!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I doubt Minus FJ notices my use of facts and logic. Or would admit it if he did.

    \\I doubt Minus FJ noticed that Qtard does that. Or would admit it if he did.

    Your "doubts" are neither facts nor logic. ;-P

    Your Captain Obvious.

  25. SO How Does one versed in facts and logic attribute the peculiarities of Apollo & Artmeis birth?

  26. You know that I am not versed in mith and all that primordial antropoligy.

    All I can say -- there is such scientific(?) discipline which developed framworks for analysing texts and myths. ;-)

  27. myths


    Huh :-(

  28. Artemis is "natural" in-bourne logic. Apollo is artificial logic which "aims" atachieving a goal. In both cases, the "object" of the logic "floats".

  29. Logic... that is just a convinient schema of coming to conclusions...

    that proved it's convinience in ages. And now in computers.

    But other than that... it's just an empty shell.

  30. Or, you could use illogic to reach conclusions like Qtard.

    Telling the truth is a "mistake" Qtard only makes infrequently.



    \\"Because Qtard truths aren't lies"... was a mistake.

  32. There are no such things as "Qtard truths". If I wrote about "zebra spots" everything after that could be ignored. Because there also is no such thing.

  33. ...any argument to deny having to deal with "the others facts", eh, Derv?

  34. \\There are no such things as "Qtard truths".


    with this...

    you admitting being idiot, ah, Derpy?

    Or, as always "I NEVER said it"??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\If I wrote about "zebra spots" everything after that could be ignored. Because there also is no such thing.

    Spot in a form of stripes? ;-P

    Well... if I'd ignore your comments after first BS spooted...

    there'd be NO fun. :-))))))))))))))))))))

  35. Qtard: Well... if I'd ignore your comments after first BS spooted...

    What about your own comments? Qtard never "spoots" any BS in them? Because I spot BS in almost every Qtard comment.

    btw, Urban dictionary says "Spoot. verb. To fart while releasing sperm from the anus".

    That is a pretty intimate detail about yourself you just shared, Qtard. One I could have happily gone without knowing. That Qtard is spooting when it reads my comments.

  36. \\Because I spot BS in almost every Qtard comment.

    In the part which beginning with "\\"?

    Sure thing!


    Derpy CONFIRMED it's intellectual level. Of a complete dumb ass... spooting nonsence. ;-P

  37. Qtard is spooting again.

  38. Continue-continue, my little piggy. ;-P

  39. Derpy is so scared that his DEMN Pelosi shitting on em, DEMN-junkies like De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    Suits em well. :-)))
