Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Election Fraud? There's No Such Thing! SO Everybody, "Fraud the Vote!"

Jim Hoft, "UPDATE: Democrat Mayoral Candidate John Gomes Files Lawsuit to Block Certification of Stolen Connecticut Primary Race That Was Caught on Video"
On Monday, Democrat Mayoral candidate John Gomes filed a lawsuit challenging the results of his party’s primary in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and requesting a new Democratic primary.

This comes after a video surfaced showing a Democrat clerk inserting illegal ballots into a drop box, which prompted an investigation by the Bridgeport Police Department for “possible misconduct.”

The Gateway Pundit reported that Gomes’ campaign released a damning video on Saturday showing evidence of election fraud in the recent Bridgeport Democratic primary.

The video posted on Gomes campaign’s Facebook page shows a woman dropping stacks of ‘illegal’ ballots into an absentee ballot box outside the Bridgeport government center, where the city’s Registrar of Voters office is located, CT Mirror reported.

The Gomes campaign was able to identify the woman in the footage as Wanda Geter-Pataky, the Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Town Clerk and a vocal supporter of incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, who is seeking reelection.

Gomes’ campaign claims that the video shows Geter-Pataky dropping off stacks of absentee ballots ahead of the September 12th primary.

“Video surveillance proving that the mayoral election was unequivocally stolen through corruption within City Hall by tampering with absentee ballots,” John Gomes said in a statement.
“This is an undeniable act of voter suppression and a huge civil rights violation. It’s time to restore lasting credibility to our city’s democracy. Once and for ALL. Enough is enough!” he added.

Gomes lost to incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim in the Democratic primary by a narrow margin of 251 votes, according to the most recent preliminary count posted on the Secretary of the State’s website. Ganim won the absentee vote tally 1,545 to 779, while Gomes led on the voting machines.

The Bridgeport Police Department confirmed that they are actively investigating the actions shown in the video.

“The Bridgeport Police Department are actively investigating information regarding possible misconduct based upon a video that has surfaced on social media,” the department told CT Mirror.

The police department is investigating how the video was obtained and released to the public.

“The Bridgeport Police Department immediately initiated an investigation to determine if any criminal wrongdoing has occurred. In addition, an internal investigation is being conducted to determine if any possible breach to our security video management system has occurred,” it added.

Bridgeport Police Chief Roderick Porter said the department takes “these actions seriously and we will pursue possible criminal prosecution and/or administrative discipline as it relates to any such security violations.”

In a press conference held on Monday, Christine Bartlett-Jose, the campaign manager for Democrat Mayoral candidate John Gomes, laid out a compelling case for why the recent Democratic primary election results in Bridgeport should be scrutinized and possibly invalidated.

“In this primary alone, the city of Bridgeport received over 4,000 absentee ballot applications, an unprecedented number in the city and possibly the state,” said Bartlett-Jose. She pointed out that the city had a lead of 470 votes based on incoming results on primary night. However, as absentee ballots were tabulated, their lead dramatically eroded, resulting in a two-to-one loss margin with an ultimate election difference of 251 votes.

Bartlett-Jose stated that the campaign has gathered evidence indicating voter suppression and absentee ballot fraud. “Multiple complaints have been filed with the State Election Enforcement Commission, including the most recent and irrefutable piece of evidence—an incriminating video from City Hall security footage showing Wanda Gita Pasky, the vice chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee, depositing absentee ballots,” she said.

Gita Pasky’s involvement in this election is deeply concerning, according to Bartlett-Jose.

“She has been named in various complaints across many districts related to harassment, bullying, promises of Section Eight, rent rebate, groceries, just to name a few,” she added.

Gita Pasky was recommended by the State Election Enforcement Commission to the State’s Attorney’s Office for criminal investigation regarding alleged misuse of absentee ballots in the 2019 primary election.

The campaign will be petitioning the court to file an injunction against the primary election results, which have yet to be certified by the Secretary of State.

“This step is essential to prevent potential tainted results from being finalized,” Bartlett-Jose emphasized. They will also be seeking a restraining order against the distribution of any additional absentee ballot applications from the Town Clerk’s Office.

John Gomes, the Democratic challenger, said, “Right now there is a black cloud over Bridgeport, there is no trust. We walk around and I don’t know what to tell the people.”

He added that the evidence is overwhelming and speaks for itself, especially the video footage. Gomes and his campaign are filing a lawsuit, not only seeking a judge to prevent last week’s election results from being certified but also asking for a new Democratic primary.

2,000 Mules in 2020.  Watch it, IF YOU CAN FIND IT! How MANY votes can YOU Harvest?

Deny Election Fraud. Join the NOTSEE WEEVIL Democrats today!


  1. tRump's election fraud claims were heard in court and dismissed. Another candidate alleging fraud and seeking court adjudication doesn't make tRump's allegations magically true. Or Gomes's. The courts will decide.

    2000 Mules was completely debunked.

  2. What makes election fraud so easy? Fake voter registrations for subsequent ballot harvesting.

  3. The rejection rates for fake mail-in ballots. So much for strict scrutiny.

  4. Only 10% of donald tRump's post election lawsuits were dismissed? He won the other ones? I don't see that confirmed by your link. I think that's false. But, if true, then he got some votes tossed? And, as a result, tRump won the election? Is he secretly president?

    Registering people to vote isn't fraud.

    A rejected ballot isn't a "fake" ballot. It means the person attempting to vote was disenfranchised. Anyway, your link confirms the rate was low.

    "...the dramatic increase in the raw number of absentee ballots cast was accompanied by a significant decrease in the overall absentee rejection rate for the country: from 0.96 percent in 2016 to 0.79 percent in 2020, according to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s Election Administration and Voting Survey".

  5. You said "heard and dismissed" 10% were heard. 90% were dismissed w/o a hearing. We clear?

  6. If the court looked and determined there was insufficient evidence to proceed... why would they proceed?

  7. \\
    "...the dramatic increase in the raw number of absentee ballots cast was accompanied by a significant decrease in the overall absentee rejection rate for the country: from 0.96 percent in 2016 to 0.79 percent in 2020, according to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s Election Administration and Voting Survey".

    And what was that gap between dRump and Bi-den again?

    How many votes would be needed to closer, or revert it? ;-P

  8. ...why should they proceed when they'd already certified? lol!

  9. @ anon - With 3x the number of inexperienced absentee votes (3x the normal), how could the percentage possibly be "less" un"less" NO SERIOUS EFFORTS WERE MADE TO VALIDATE THE BALLOTS PRIOR TO COUNTING (the actual case) were true?

  10. Qtard: How many votes would be needed to closer, or revert it?

    That is one reason why Joe Biden won. republiturds weren't able to get enough Democratic votes thrown out. That is what Minus FJ is whining about. Too many votes were counted. tRump thought the voting should have stopped when he was ahead.

    Minus: Certification of elections is a J-O-K-E.

    Unless the republiturd wins. Then the win is legitimate. The win is only illegitimate when a Democrat wins.

  11. Minus: ...With 3x the number of inexperienced absentee votes...

    So, what you're saying is that the GOAL should be to toss people's votes. If they're a legitimate voter entitled to cast a ballot, nevermind. Any excuse to toss their vote (including minor mistakes) SHOULD be used. Because stopping people from voting by any means possible is how republicans "win". Not by getting more people to agree with you, but by stopping as many people who disagree with you from voting. Or by (if they get that far) tossing their vote after they've submitted it.

  12. \\Unless the republiturd wins. Then the win is legitimate. The win is only illegitimate when a Democrat wins.


    YOUR logic.

  13. Let me ask you a simple question Derv. Let's take the example of the Bridgeport election fraud. Had the video not exposed the fraud, would the voting system have caught it? Where did the ballots come from? And did they get counted?

  14. The answer is, they were harvested from "fake voter registrations" and submitted without any ballot verification methods able to detect the fraudulent ballots. The 2000 Mules model.

  15. How States Verify Absentee Ballot Applications.

    Absentee/mail ballot applications require voters to provide identifying information—name, address, date of birth and often a signature, driver’s license number or the final four digits of the voter’s social security number.

    When election officials receive an application from a voter, they use that information to verify the voter’s identity and eligibility before sending out the ballot. This is done in a variety of ways, but most commonly by verifying the applicant’s information in the statewide voter registration database. States may also conduct signature verification at this stage to compare the voter’s signature on the application with the voter registration signature. This verification step is meant to ensure that it is in fact the voter who is requesting the absentee/mail ballot.

    A few states may require additional information at the time of application, such as a copy of ID or notary signature, to confirm the voter’s identity and eligibility. Fifteen states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands also require voters to provide an excuse to qualify for an absentee/mail ballot. [NCLS.org]

    Fake voter registrations are caught and rejected. People submitting them are prosecuted. "The 2000 Mules model" is an imaginary model.

    The election was not stolen. Joe Biden won and is the legitimate president. If elections were as easy to steal as your delusions tell you -- neither Clinton nor Obama would have been president. Because Republicans would have stolen those elections.

    Qtard: Yap. YOUR logic. Used against you.


    btw, "Qtard" is not my "alter ego". The person whose comment I quoted is Qtard. I did not write that comment. I am not Qtard.

  16. Fake voter registrations are caught and rejected.

    ...and your evidence is....??

    Like I said, let's examine the Bridgeport case. How many of THOSE ballots were "verified"?

    Having a process and implementing a process are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS.

  17. Half =-assed implementation is also a completely different thing from FAITHFULLY implementing one. Especially re: "Ruby Freeman & Co.".

  18. ...ps wasn't the FRAUDSTER also the verifying clerk for Bridgeport? How convenient was THAT?

  19. Minus: Like I said, let's examine the Bridgeport case. How many of THOSE ballots were "verified"?

    So the case has already been litigated, the Gomes allegations verified, and the alleged "fraudster" convincted and sentenced? John Gomes is getting the primary redo he wants? Do you have a link confirming this?

  20. \\btw, "Qtard" is not my "alter ego". The person whose comment I quoted is Qtard. I did not write that comment. I am not Qtard.

    You famous for making counter-factual statements here. And OFTEN.

    Like "I NEVER said it" about your own words GIVEN to you through Ctrl-Fed and Copy-Pasted QUOTE.

    So... how anybody could be sure -- that that is not just another such counter-factual claim? ;-P

    \\Having a process and implementing a process are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS.

    You straining miserly cognitive abilities of this one... too much. :-))))))))))))))))

    \\So the case has already been litigated, the Gomes allegations verified, and the alleged "fraudster" convincted and sentenced? John Gomes is getting the primary redo he wants? Do you have a link confirming this?

    In Russian there is saying: "IF not cought, then not a thieve", isn't that what you mean here, De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

  21. When Dervy loses in the sphere of public opinion and logic, he shifts the venue to sphere of the courts/judicial branch, knowing that the details of the case will never be released and only a summary guilty/not guilty verdict released. in this way, he's never proven wrong and can persist in his addled thinking permanently.

  22. The Courts will merely look at the video and convict. They'll never ask the question, "Were the ballots certified?" or instigate activities to "fix the system" or "report the flaws in the system" even if they knew that answer.

  23. Kicking cans down the road are what Governments and politicians do. Then the WAR happens and they point their fingers at "the other guy".

  24. When Minus loses in the spheres of public opinion, logic, and the courts -- he shifts the venue to tinfoil hat conspiracy. In this way, he's never proven wrong and can persist in his addled thinking permanently.

  25. \\knowing that the details of the case will never be released and only a summary guilty/not guilty verdict releas

    Ah, really???

    \\ he's never proven wrong and can persist in his addled thinking permanently.

    Well... he is way more masterful. And can persist no matter what.

    Credo ipso absurdum(tm)

  26. Have you even knowledge what it means??? How it's translated?

    It's "I believe in facts", in Latin, actually. ;-P

    But... isn't that is YOUR words.

    Or what??? You "NEVER said it"??? :-)0))))))))0)))))))))))

  27. You admitted being "it"? ;-P

    And that you dunno Latin? :-))))))

  28. "Credo quia absurdum" is a Latin phrase that means "I believe because it is absurd"...

    Qtard believes facts are absurd? I believe it.

  29. Translate Latin to English...

    "Credo ipso absurdum"....


    "I believe it is absurd".


    "I believe in facts".

  30. It is the same.

    Because "believing in facts" is absurd.

    I EXPLAINED it to... it. Many times.

    Just a simple question -- what will happen if you'd NOT believe that Sun will rise in the morning??? Or what it adds to it, if you'd stand up and scream "I believe!"... to that morning Sun?


    Because FACTS -- they exist INDEPENDENTLY to anybody's beliefs or disbeliefs.

    Means. "beleaving in facts" -- that's absurd.

    And when you saying "I believe in facts". You do not... you cannot mean ACTUAL believing in facts -- cause that is absurd.
    But ONLY that you believing that saying "I believe in facts" have any meaning.
    While it have none.
    Credo ipso absurdum.
    That is.

    But you will continue-continue... showing how deliriously stooopid U R.

  31. Derpy is so scared that his DEMN Pelosi shitting on em, DEMN-junkies like De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    Suits em well. :-)))

  32. Qtard: You do not... you cannot mean ACTUAL believing in facts -- cause that is absurd.

    "What Derpy really mean"... again. Yawn. I do mean that and it is not "absurd". What is absurd is Qtard's non belief in facts it doesn't like (facts the idiot calls "Demn propaganda").

    Qtard: Derpy is so scared...

    No. I am not scared by Qtard's delusions.

  33. Qtard's cedo is...

    Non credo facta.

  34. \\Qtard's cedo is...


    \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: You do not... you cannot mean ACTUAL believing in facts -- cause that is absurd.

    \\"What Derpy really mean"... again.

    Ohh, I know, I know. YOU "NEVER said it", right? :-))))))

    You never said that idiotic absurd: "I believe in facts"???

    And NOT be doubling-down on it. Again and again.

    Even after absurdity of it being EXPLAINED to... it.

    Aren't you? ;-P


    Like just in a NEXT sentence.

    \\I do mean that and it is not "absurd".

    That IS absurd.

    Because your believing it, ot not believeing -- doesn't CHANGE the NATURE of FACTS -- separate and INDEPENDENT of you, things that happen in Reality.

    All what your words "I believe in facts" could mean -- that you trying to declare right/might/possibility -- to call facts you like as REAL, and facts you dislike -- as not that real, or even plainly existing.

    Another word -- plainly Denial of Facts. ;-P

    That's all, folks! (merry melody sounds) :-)))))))

    \\What is absurd is Qtard's non belief in facts it doesn't like (facts the idiot calls "Demn propaganda").

    And you can point to a FACT -- like MY OWN WORDS in a comments here -- through quoting em?

    Where I "non belief in facts it doesn't like"???


    You can't. ;-P

    \\(facts the idiot calls "Demn propaganda").

    Facts like...


    reference to REALITY itself?

    Of course I call it DEMN Propaganda.

    Cause DEMN Propaganda DO NOT give ANYTHING like that.

    It... as Nancy Pelosi admitted, only trying to "give a Hope"... so DEMNs could be re-elected. ;-P

    Which mean -- spreading propaganda and lies -- to retain their Power!

    That is easy to see and understand.

    As that is every first scumbag in power do -- trying to solicite its stay in power... for as long as it possible... and even BEYOND it.

    That's what liliPut doing. And what Xi doing. And Un too.

    And every very politicaian in "democratic" countries too.

    To lie, to decieve, to crook, to theive, to rob and to kill... virtually NOTHING what politicain WOULD NOT do, TO STAY IN POWER.

    Only political opposition... showing itself truthful and babbling about fair play. Somewhat.

    Because they NOT have access to state power to use it in a corrupt ways, mostly. ;-P

    THAT is all around world. And from eternity.

    But you trying to "sell" to me rotten smelly rat corps of DEMN Propaganda -- that that is ONLY dRump are that one who DOING IT?????

    You... you, really are just an idiot here. :-))))))

  35. That IS absurd.


    Because your believing it, ot not believeing -- doesn't CHANGE the NATURE of FACTS -- separate and INDEPENDENT of you, things that happen in Reality.

    I never said it did. That is what you obviously believe.

    All what your words "I believe in facts" could mean -- that you trying to declare right/might/possibility -- to call facts you like as REAL, and facts you dislike -- as not that real, or even plainly existing.

    No. Again, that's what you do.

    Facts like... OPEN and OBVIOUS, reference to REALITY itself? Of course I call it DEMN Propaganda.

    Of course. Thank you for admitting it.

    Cause DEMN Propaganda DO NOT give ANYTHING like that.

    Ahh. Walked back your admission. Already.

    It... as Nancy Pelosi admitted, only trying to "give a Hope"... so DEMNs could be re-elected.


    Which mean -- spreading propaganda and lies -- to retain their Power!

    No. Telling the truth.

    That is easy to see and understand.

    For an idiot.

    As that is every first scumbag in power do -- trying to solicite its stay in power... for as long as it possible... and even BEYOND it.

    Yes. What donald tRump tried to do. Still trying to do.

    That's what liliPut doing. And what Xi doing. And Un too.


    And every very politicaian in "democratic" countries too.

    Totalitarian lover doesn't believe in democracy. No surprise.

    To lie, to decieve, to crook, to theive, to rob and to kill... virtually NOTHING what politicain WOULD NOT do, TO STAY IN POWER.

    Which you like, yes? At least when rightturds do it. And it is rightturds mostly doing it.

    Only political opposition... showing itself truthful and babbling about fair play. Somewhat.

    Only when it's rightturds, right?

    Because they NOT have access to state power to use it in a corrupt ways, mostly. ;-P

    But they are. Via a phony "impeachment inquiry" in the House.

    THAT is all around world. And from eternity.

    Why Qtard hates democracy and prefers totalitarianism?

    But you trying to "sell" to me rotten smelly rat corps of DEMN Propaganda -- that that is ONLY dRump are that one who DOING IT?????

    I'm not trying to sell you anything. You have been very clear about rejecting facts.

  36. \\That IS absurd.


    HOW???!!! :-)))))

    EXPLAIN! ;-P

    But... you can't. Because all this "Isn't", "Not", "Lie" and etc exclamation -- is just a war cryes of militant and delirious idiot. :-))))))))))

    And you'll CONTINUE showing itself being one, dutlifully. By suggestion of smart ace opponent. ;-P

    Continue-continue, little piggy.

    \\Because your believing it, ot not believeing -- doesn't CHANGE the NATURE of FACTS -- separate and INDEPENDENT of you, things that happen in Reality.

    \\I never said it did. That is what you obviously believe.


    You BEHAVE like it possible. YOU saying "I believe in facts" And YOU... IGNORING Real Deal FACTS (like that transcript of Nancy Pelosi's words). ;-P

    Or... (trying to) making up some non-existing bullshit as Real Deal FACT(like YOUR claim that I believe SOMETHING... to what I EXPLICITLY stated not to)

    \\No. Again, that's what you do.

    And you can CONFIRM this claim... I don't know, like with some quote of my words? :-)))))

    Naaaah. ;-P

    \\Of course. Thank you for admitting it.

    Thank you for providing YET ONE example -- how you (trying to) produce FAKE quotes.

    Edited/cutted out of context. ;-P

    It makes YOUR words more persuasive... NOT. :-))))))

    It only gives MORE PROOFS that I am right. ;-P

    \\Cause DEMN Propaganda DO NOT give ANYTHING like that.

    \\Ahh. Walked back your admission. Already.



    Idiot CANNOT undertand text as a whole. :-))))))

  37. \\It... as Nancy Pelosi admitted, only trying to "give a Hope"... so DEMNs could be re-elected.


    Here's fact.


    ""they say a lot of things about me
    but I don't care what they say about me
    what I care about is winning elections
    and not to be a fear-monger but to be a
    a messenger of Hope""


    Derpy the Idiot, trying to cal this OPEN and OBVIOUS, FACT of Reality a "lie".

    What a deliriously militant I-D-I-O-T. :-))))))

    But well, it declared "I believe in facts"... and we see NOW, that it is OUTRIGHT LIE.

    So... cryes "lie" by such an obvious liar... pft! negligable. :-)))))))))) (ad infinitum)

    \\No. Telling the truth.

    I get it, I get it.

    In NewSpeak telling lies it's "Telling the truth."

    Easy to understand. ;-P

    \\Yes. What donald tRump tried to do. Still trying to do.

    Yep. He struggling against even bigger, even mightier crooks...

    \\And every very politicaian in "democratic" countries too.

    \\Totalitarian lover doesn't believe in democracy. No surprise.

    "demn-OK-ratsy" by DEMN-rats?

    Ones who use NewSpeak to protrude their ETERNAL rule of lies and enslavement.


    \\Which you like, yes? At least when rightturds do it. And it is rightturds mostly doing it.

    I... as foreigner.

    Don't care who "mostly" and who "lessly" "doing it".

    That is problem of the people of USA, themself.


    If that'll grow bigger. It have a chance to grow into problem for WHOLE World.

    And that is... disturbing.
    Even for foreigner... from far-far-away.

    \\Only when it's rightturds, right?

    Are DEMONrats are powerless minority and political opposition NOW?

    \\But they are. Via a phony "impeachment inquiry" in the House.


    Totalitarian Derpy wanna ERADICATE ALL chances for political opposition... to oppose, yes, De-Ru-Pi?

    Like any first authocrats in the world eager to propose SUCH a "fair play" rules, for opposition.

    Like Erdogan did recently. Like liliPut. Like Xi and Un have... from forever.

    To eradicat ALL and ANY chance for political opposition to bite back...

    \\Why Qtard hates democracy and prefers totalitarianism?

    You asking your alter-ego while using NewSpeak.

    How should *I* know the answer? ;-P

    \\I'm not trying to sell you anything. You have been very clear about rejecting facts.

    And you even can POINT to that facts??? I "rejected"? ;-))))))

    Like by QUOTING my words? :-))))))


    But I. Have plenty of your "rejecting facts". Even here, in this comment. Just aove. ;-P

    To which you'd answer with more "rejecting facts" ONLY.

    Like crying "No", "Lie", "I NEVER said it".

    Yes? ;-P

  38. Qtard: That IS absurd\\Isn't. HOW???!!! :-))))) EXPLAIN!

    Because disbelieving facts is what is absurd. Makes the opposite of that (believing them) not absurd.

    But you can not understand. Given that there are many facts you don't believe. To you OF COURSE believing facts seems absurd.

    Qtard: But... you can't. Because all this "Isn't", "Not", "Lie" and etc exclamation -- is just a war cryes of militant and delirious idiot. **Moronic laughter**

    See? Already telling me it will reject anything I write.

    Qtard: And you'll CONTINUE showing itself being one, dutlifully. By suggestion of smart ace opponent.

    "Smart ace" is NewSpeak for dumbass, yes?

    Qtard: Continue-continue, little piggy.

    Self encouragement needed again?

    Qtard: You BEHAVE like it possible. YOU saying "I believe in facts" And YOU... IGNORING Real Deal FACTS (like that transcript of Nancy Pelosi's words).

    No. Refuting your "what she really mean" real deal lies.

    Qtard: Or... (trying to) making up some non-existing bullshit as Real Deal FACT(like YOUR claim that I believe SOMETHING... to what I EXPLICITLY stated not to)...

    Talking about yourself again.

    Qtard: \\...that's what you do\\And you can CONFIRM this claim... I don't know, like with some quote of my words?

    Calling me a "totalitarian wannabe" when I have explicitly stated I strongly support democracy and oppose totalitarianism.

    Qtard: \\Of course. Thank you for admitting it\\Thank you for providing YET ONE example -- how you (trying to) produce FAKE quotes. Edited/cutted out of context.

    Crying "my words mean something else!" AGAIN?

    Qtard: It makes YOUR words more persuasive... NOT. **moronic laughter** It only gives MORE PROOFS that I am right.


    Qtard: \\Cause DEMN Propaganda DO NOT give ANYTHING like that.\\Ahh. Walked back your admission. Already\\Idiot CANNOT undertand text as a whole.

    WHY, when you don't, should I? You chop up my quotes to make it look like I agree with you. Write "thanky thanky" when you produce fake agreement by cutting my quotes out of context.

  39. Qtard: \\It... as Nancy Pelosi admitted, only trying to "give a Hope"... so DEMNs could be re-elected.\\Lie\\Here's fact. HER WORDS. "they say a lot of things about me but I don't care what they say about me
    what I care about is winning elections and not to be a fear-monger but to be a messenger of Hope". BUT. Derpy the Idiot, trying to cal this OPEN and OBVIOUS, FACT of Reality a "lie".

    Lie. I acknowledge those are her words. Her words are not an admission of "ONLY trying to give a Hope... so DEMNs could be re-elected".

    Telling voters what Democrats will do for them if they are elected. You spin it so she's lying and giving false hope to trick voters. When she is telling the truth to give genuine hope. In contrast with republiturds who are selling fear.

    Qtard: "Which mean -- spreading propaganda and lies -- to retain their Power! That is easy to see and understand".

    It is easy to understand. You lied about what Nancy Pelosi said.

    Qtard: But well, it declared "I believe in facts"... and we see NOW, that it is OUTRIGHT LIE.

    NewSpeak. It's an "outright lie" when smart opponent tells the truth.

    Qtard: I get it, I get it. In NewSpeak telling lies it's "Telling the truth."

    Agreed. You've confirmed it over and over -- that when you lie -- you call it "telling the truth".

    Qtard: Easy to understand.

    Yes. Thank you for admitting it.

    Qtard: \\Yes. What donald tRump tried to do. Still trying to do\\Yep. He struggling against even bigger, even mightier crooks...

    Ahh... more NewSpeak. "Crooks" are people trying to uphold the rule of law.

    Qtard: And every very politicaian in "democratic" countries too.\\Totalitarian lover doesn't believe in democracy. No surprise\\"demn-OK-ratsy" by DEMN-rats?

    republiturd fascists.

    Qtard: Ones who use NewSpeak to protrude their ETERNAL rule of lies and enslavement. Sure.

    No. Qtard is on their side.

    Qtard: \\Which you like, yes? At least when rightturds do it. And it is rightturds mostly doing it\\I... as foreigner...

    "Foreigner" card again. Yawn. rightturds doing it all over the world.

    Qtard: Don't care who "mostly" and who "lessly" "doing it".

    Of course not. Allows you to ignore that it's mostly rightturds doing it.

    Qtard: That is problem of the people of USA, themself.

    No. It is a problem for people all over the world.

    Qtard: But. If that'll grow bigger. It have a chance to grow into problem for WHOLE World.

    Already has. Long time ago.

    Qtard: And that is... disturbing.
    Even for foreigner... from far-far-away.

    Disturbing to you? I doubt it. You obviously LIKE it.

    Qtard: \\Only when it's rightturds, right?\\Are DEMONrats are powerless minority and political opposition NOW?

    DEMONrats don't exist. Never have. Democrats are one of two political parties. They share power with Republicans. Republicans control the House and the Supreme court.

    Qtard: \\But they are. Via a phony "impeachment inquiry" in the House\\Hah...Totalitarian Derpy wanna ERADICATE ALL chances for political opposition... to oppose, yes, De-Ru-Pi?

    I'm sure both you and your alter egos (Derpy and De-Ru-Pi) would love that.

    Qtard: Like any first authocrats in the world eager to propose SUCH a "fair play" rules, for opposition. Like Erdogan did recently. Like liliPut. Like Xi and Un have... from forever. To eradicat ALL and ANY chance for political opposition to bite back...

    Also donald tRump. His plan if he gets back in the White House. To emulate these autocrats. A prospect that excites you, yes?

    Qtard: \\Why Qtard hates democracy and prefers totalitarianism?\\You asking your alter-ego while using NewSpeak.

    Time to deploy Qtard's Escape?

    Qtard: How should *I* know the answer?

    Because you know what you're thinking? Or don't you?

  40. Qtard: And you even can POINT to that facts??? I "rejected"? **moronic laughter**

    Sure. You call them "Demn propaganda".

    Qtard: Like by QUOTING my words?

    Quote: "Demn propaganda"... never said it?

    Qtard: Naaah.


    Qtard: But I. Have plenty of your "rejecting facts". Even here, in this comment. Just aove.


    Qtard: To which you'd answer with more "rejecting facts" ONLY. Like crying "No", "Lie", "I NEVER said it". Yes?

    No. Rejecting lies by "crying" "No", "Lie", or "I NEVER said it".

  41. \\Qtard: And you even can POINT to that facts??? I "rejected"? **moronic laughter**

    \\Sure. You call them "Demn propaganda".

    That if vague referencing, not pointing.

    Pointing stems from when your directing your pointing finger in a direction of thing and saying: "Here".

    As most unambigious way to POINT at things.

    Means you need to show.

    Precise and direct INDIVIDUAL fact.

    Fact that is obvious, open and ARE reference to Reality.

    Not something YOU call "fact"... on who know what base.

    Well... it's easy to see that base -- damn too easy -- it based on your sheer beliving... that ANYTHING you'd call "fact", would somehow, magicly? would became one. ;-P

    Because you moronicly declared "I believe in facts".

    And with DIRECT and FACTUAL QUOTE of MY words -- with rejection of that fact. True and real fact. Like rising of the Sun fact.

    \\Qtard: Like by QUOTING my words?

    \\Quote: "Demn propaganda"... never said it?

    In what context?

    \\Qtard: But I. Have plenty of your "rejecting facts". Even here, in this comment. Just aove.


    NewSpeak answer.


    AKA direct amd militantly stubborn contradiction to immediate state of Relity.



    \\Qtard: To which you'd answer with more "rejecting facts" ONLY. Like crying "No", "Lie", "I NEVER said it". Yes?

    \\No. Rejecting lies by "crying" "No", "Lie", or "I NEVER said it".

    Thank you for providing such a prompt example that MY words are true -- that your will cry "No" and etc. ;-P

  42. \\Qtard: That IS absurd\\Isn't. HOW???!!! :-))))) EXPLAIN!

    \\Because disbelieving facts is what is absurd. Makes the opposite of that (believing them) not absurd.

    AND believing. AND not beliving facts. Makes no sense.

    Easy to see why.

    Let's assume that (for example) a car crash happend. And your left hand was cut out.

    Now you have NO left hand. Believe you in it. Or not believe.

    You will not be able to make claps with both hands ANYMORE. ;-P

    \\But you can not understand. Given that there are many facts you don't believe. To you OF COURSE believing facts seems absurd.

    There is NO facts I believe.

    Like here is an air. Do I need to belive in it to breath?

    That there is the Sun. Do I need to belive in it to feel its warmth?

    Well... do I need to belive that I HAVE ability to feel???


    That means THING THAT IS. Objectively. Independently. OUTSIDE of my mind and my body (well, and inside too).

    "Beliefs"... that is PRODUCT of my mind. Results of my inner machinery of a brain.

    Well... they are FACTUAL by itself. As certain chemical reactions must proceed in my brain so I could "feel", "think", "believe".


    As it easy to see -- my percieving/feeling of a Sun -- THAT IS NOT Sun ITSELF.


    THERE IS ***NO*** Sun inside my brain... when I thinking about, or believing in, or thinking that I feeling that Sun(as our brain can be fooled... or been fooling us ourself).

    Is that clear?

    I'm sure it is. To ANY non-idiot.

    But not for Derpy, isn't it? ;-P

  43. \\See? Already telling me it will reject anything I write.

    And with whom you talking here?

    Your alter-ego? Again?

    There's TWO (or more?) YOU inside your brain? :-)))))

    Like that famous Gorlum puppet? :-)))))))))

    \\Qtard: You BEHAVE like it possible. YOU saying "I believe in facts" And YOU... IGNORING Real Deal FACTS (like that transcript of Nancy Pelosi's words).

    \\No. Refuting your "what she really mean" real deal lies.


    Pelosi said she want to be "messanger of Hope".

    But you called it "Lie".

    Though it is FACT. That she said it. And meaned it.

    But for certain someone who declared "I believe in facts".

    Facts somehow became unexisting.

    Just on its whim. :-))))))

    \\Calling me a "totalitarian wannabe" when I have explicitly stated I strongly support democracy and oppose totalitarianism.

    Totalitarians... known being liars. Able to SAY anything, to decieve people. They even can call itself "biggest democrats in the World".

    Means -- your mere WORDS mean nothing. It's just a lip service. Mere words like "I have explicitly stated I strongly support democracy and oppose totalitarianism."

    "By their deeds you will know em" (c)

    And your DEEDS is beyond apparent. Like your battle cry "I DENY em...". ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Of course. Thank you for admitting it\\Thank you for providing YET ONE example -- how you (trying to) produce FAKE quotes. Edited/cutted out of context.

    \\Crying "my words mean something else!" AGAIN?

    Tch-tch-tch. ;-)


    That was NOT MY WORDS... as they was written and used in context of specific converstaion.

    But cutted into pieces and glued together in a way -- that is NOT authentic. And that is easy to see - just by cutting and pasting and Ctrl-Fing of that FAKED excerpt -- THERE'D BE NO MATCHES!!! ;-P

    \\Qtard: It makes YOUR words more persuasive... NOT. **moronic laughter** It only gives MORE PROOFS that I am right.


    That is what you belive, yes, De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    \\You chop up my quotes to make it look like I agree with you. Write "thanky thanky" when you produce fake agreement by cutting my quotes out of context.

    And you can give PERFECTLY CORRECT QUOTE of it?

    And you can demonstrate where and how I did such a bad thing?

    Naaah... you don't. Because you are miserly I-D-I-O-T. :-))))

    But, continue-continue. ;-P

  44. \\Lie. I acknowledge those are her words. Her words are not an admission of "ONLY trying to give a Hope... so DEMNs could be re-elected".


    It doesn't matter.



    \\Telling voters what Democrats will do for them if they are elected.

    And what they'll do? What "messengers of Hope" do to people?

    Fixing their homes? No, that is what carpenters doing.

    Maybe fixing their intestines? No, that is what medics are for.

    Maybe they fixing their brains? But that is teacher job.

    Messangers of Hope... they just massage... a Hope? the Hope?

    \\You spin it so she's lying and giving false hope to trick voters.


    Like some True Hope... can feed, can give a shelter and etc.

    Who are they? Incarnation of Jesus? on salary. :-))))))

    \\When she is telling the truth to give genuine hope.


    Made of Gold and Brilliants.

    And you can put it to Bank! :-))))))

    \\In contrast with republiturds who are selling fear.


    "ONLY ***OUR*** snake oil is TRUE SNAKE OIL!!! Beware of counterfeits". :-))))))))))))))

    \\It is easy to understand. You lied about what Nancy Pelosi said.

    As ever.

    You are free to CONFIRM it with some FACTS.


    You will not do that.

    Because -- you are ifiot.

    INCAPABLE of anything like that. ;-P

    \\NewSpeak. It's an "outright lie" when smart opponent tells the truth.

    Thank you for explaining to me how NewSpeak works.

    But... I know as much as that already -- from your behavior and your babbling in this blog. ;-P

    Like EACH and EVERY time when you comment MY words with your moronic baseless "Lie". :-)))))))

    \\Qtard: I get it, I get it. In NewSpeak telling lies it's "Telling the truth."

    \\Agreed. You've confirmed it over and over -- that when you lie -- you call it "telling the truth".

    And with whom you agreed? With itself's alter-ego? Again. ;-P

    Or that is SOME OTHER of your alter-egos.

    Like this one in comment below.

    \\Qtard: Easy to understand.

    \\Yes. Thank you for admitting it.

    One which eager to admit your lying side. ;-P

    \\Ahh... more NewSpeak. "Crooks" are people trying to uphold the rule of law.

    Oh... I will not it too.

    Thank you. Truth-telling alter-ego of Derpy... which reveals its lies backbone. ;-P

    \\\\"demn-OK-ratsy" by DEMN-rats?

    \\republiturd fascists.


    NewSpeak again. :-)))))


    \\Qtard: Ones who use NewSpeak to protrude their ETERNAL rule of lies and enslavement. Sure.

    \\No. Qtard is on their side.

    Mind-controling alter-ego of Derpy -- Qtard? ;-P

    Now it's telling.

    Pecularities of behavior of Derpy.

    From where all that "I *DO* DENY em..." and etc facistic, totalitarian wording.

    That is all that "Qtard"... making Derpy to say it, yes? :-))))))

    \\Qtard: That is problem of the people of USA, themself.

    \\No. It is a problem for people all over the world.


    Derpy asking for occupation? War comming onto USA turf?

    \\Democrats are one of two political parties.

    And there is NO other parties? Not allowed? Banished?

    In delirious mind of totalitarian wannabe Derpy. :-)))))

    \\Because you know what you're thinking? Or don't you?

    Apart from "thinking". There need to be some "food" for that thinking -- facts.

    And some "fuel" -- like an interest, or dire need to think about it.

    I have none of first -- as you NEVER provided FACTS here.

    And even less of second...

  45. Qtard: Let's assume ... your left hand was cut out. Now you have NO left hand. Believe you in it. Or not believe. You will not be able to make claps with both hands ANYMORE.

    Bullshit. You can have it reattached. Or get a prosthetic hand. Either way clapping is possible.

    Qtard: Maybe fixing their intestines? No, that is what medics are for.

    Yes. Medics paid for by insurance. Insurance subsidized by Democrat's Affordable Care legislation.

    Qtard: Maybe they fixing their brains? But that is teacher job.

    Teachers paid by government. Supported by Democrats. Why most teachers are Democrats.

    Qtard: Messangers of Hope... they just massage... a Hope? the Hope?

    No. Providers of things people need. Like medical insurance and education.

    Qtard: Like some True Hope... can feed, can give a shelter and etc.

    Like legislation providing money to poor people for food and housing. SNAP and HUD.

    Qtard: You are free to CONFIRM it with some FACTS.

    Already did. Qtard thinks if it ignores them they don't exist.

    Qtard: Or that is SOME OTHER of your alter-egos.

    This "alter egos" bullshit is a dodge. We both know I'm talking about you. Yet you pretend I'm talking about myself. Which is beyond stupid.

    Qtard: And there is NO other parties? Not allowed? Banished?

    Yes. They are banished.

    Quote: Because the two major parties dominate the system, political scientists classify the United States as a two-party system, even though we have many political parties.

  46. \\Qtard: Let's assume ... your left hand was cut out. Now you have NO left hand. Believe you in it. Or not believe. You will not be able to make claps with both hands ANYMORE.

    \\Bullshit. You can have it reattached. Or get a prosthetic hand. Either way clapping is possible.

    Clearly. An idiot. :-))))

    \\No. Providers of things people need. Like medical insurance and education.

    And people cannot pay for it themself?

    Of course, cause Democrats want for them to STAY being poor, and needy, and dependent from DEMN-OK-rats. Yes, De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    \\Like legislation providing money to poor people for food and housing. SNAP and HUD.

    And voting... the right way? ;-P

    \\Qtard: You are free to CONFIRM it with some FACTS.

    \\Already did. Qtard thinks if it ignores them they don't exist.

    Then... you can do it AGAIN.

    Like *I* do -- smaking your dumb face into your own feces. All of the time.

    But no.

    You can't.

    You can only BRAG factlessly that you "already did"... somewhere, somehow... probably inside your delirious brain. As NO factual record of it -- not present. ;-P

    But... continue-continue.

    You such delusions... is so DEMN funny to behold.

    \\This "alter egos" bullshit is a dodge. We both know I'm talking about you. Yet you pretend I'm talking about myself. Which is beyond stupid.

    Well... what I can do.

    That is how you make your phrasing sound -- when you trying to accuse me in doing something, only YOU here doing. ;-P

    And that is NOT only NOT benefitial for me -- to fell for such dumb trick.

    It also purely impossible -- as *I*... dunno about your delusions... what and how connects in your fused brain... for me to play in accordance with it.

    I just cannot follow your delirium... without a script. ;-P

    \\Quote: Because the two major parties dominate the system, political scientists classify the United States as a two-party system, even though we have many political parties.

    Well... and DEMNs trying hard to reduce it to ONE-party system, yes? ;-P

    Or... that is how it looks like... from outside.

  47. \\Bullshit. You can have it reattached. Or get a prosthetic hand. Either way clapping is possible.

    Clearly. An idiot. :-))))

    And if your dumb head was cutted? It could be reattached? Or substituted with prostetic? :-)))))))))

  48. I don't have a "dumb head". I have a smart one.

    Qtard: Like *I* do -- smaking your dumb face into your own feces. All of the time.

    NewSpeak. "All of the time" means NEVER.

    Qtard: And people cannot pay for it themself?

    People being educated and healthy are considered public goods. Like police protection and fire departments. Qtard thinks people should pay for that themselves too? Someone gets murdered and the police send a bill to their family members for investigating? What if the murdered person has no family members and no estate? Those murders don't get investigated?

    Qtard: Of course, cause Democrats want for them to STAY being poor, and needy...

    republicans want that. If nothing ever changes they will give up. Stop voting.

    Qtard: That is how you make your phrasing sound...


    Qtard: ...when you trying to accuse me in doing something, only YOU here doing.

    Accuse you of what YOU are doing. Only you.

    Qtard: I just cannot follow your delirium... without a script.

    Can't recognize your own comments. I quote you. Am responding to what YOU wrote. Yet the idiot thinks I'm talking to myself. Because it is dumb.

    Qtard: ...DEMNs trying hard to reduce it to ONE-party system, yes?

    No. republiturds are trying to do that.

  49. \\I don't have a "dumb head". I have a smart one.


    \\NewSpeak. "All of the time" means NEVER.


    But I do not use NewSpeak. You are. ;-P

    So... Now...

    It EXPLAINS your words like: "I NEVER said it"...

    it must mean "I saying it ALL OF THE TIME". ;-P

    And now it makes much more sense. :-))))

    \\People being educated and healthy are considered public goods. Like police protection and fire departments. Qtard thinks people should pay for that themselves too?

    Derpy dunno what taxes are?

    For sure.

    \\Qtard: ...when you trying to accuse me in doing something, only YOU here doing.

    \\Accuse you of what YOU are doing. Only you.

    And you can *demonstrate* that with proper quotes and flawless logical explanations?

    Naaah. ;-P

    \\Can't recognize your own comments. I quote you. Am responding to what YOU wrote. Yet the idiot thinks I'm talking to myself. Because it is dumb.

    Because it don't make any sense... like when Derpy claiming "I believe in facts"... but then trying to accuse ME in not believing em...

    but that is Derpy who declared such absurdity. And that is Derpy are that one, who shows how it believes or not believes to this or that fact (like that that there is NO races, that talking about "races" it's just a showing own delugions and supestitions... or not admitting that people have undeniable and unalienable Human Rights... and etc)...

    but then, counter-factually, it trying to accuse some random name doing it.

    WHAT ELSE explanation could suit the best in this case? ;-P

  50. Qtard: But I do not use NewSpeak. You are.

    NewSpeak. "I do no use NewSpeak" means "I do use NewSpeak".

    "You are" means "You're not, but I'll just say you do".

    Qtard: So... Now... It EXPLAINS your words like: "I NEVER said it"... it must mean "I saying it ALL OF THE TIME".


    Qtard: And now it makes much more sense.

    No. That makes no sense. Why would I say (in NewSpeak) that I did say something... when I did not?

    Qtard: \\People being educated and healthy are considered public goods. Like police protection and fire departments. Qtard thinks people should pay for that themselves too?\\Derpy dunno what taxes are? For sure.

    Your alter ego "Derpy" dunno what taxes are for? For sure.

    Qtard: ...when you trying to accuse me in doing something, only YOU here doing.\\Accuse you of what YOU are doing. Only you.\\And you can *demonstrate* that with proper quotes and flawless logical explanations?

    Just above. You demonstrated that you don't know what taxes are for.

    Qtard: \\Can't recognize your own comments. I quote you. Am responding to what YOU wrote. Yet the idiot thinks I'm talking to myself\\Because it don't make any sense... like when Derpy claiming "I believe in facts"... but then trying to accuse ME in not believing em...

    Because you don't. Call them "Demn propaganda". But what does that have to do with you not recognizing your own words?

    Qtard: but that is Derpy who declared such absurdity. And that is Derpy are that one, who shows how it believes or not believes to this or that fact (like that that there is NO races, that talking about "races" it's just a showing own delugions and supestitions...

    Well, I never said that. And I don't know what "delugions" or "supestitions" are.

    Qtard: or not admitting that people have undeniable and unalienable Human Rights... and etc)...

    Never denied.

    Qtard: but then, counter-factually, it trying to accuse some random name doing it.

    "Qtard" isn't random. A nickname based on you calling yourself "Q". Forgot? Deny you ever did that?

    Qtard: WHAT ELSE explanation could suit the best in this case? ;-P

    That you're "Qtard". Just told you. Is "lilliput" a random name? It's not you referring to Putin? Who is it then?

  51. Qtard: In Russian there is saying: "IF not cought, then not a thieve", isn't that what you mean here, De-Ru-Pi?

    This is what you say ALL THE TIME. About tRump. Because donald tRump hasn't been convicted, he is innocent.

    Well, you did address this question to one of your alter egos... so your alter ego's answer is YES, right?

  52. \\Qtard: But I do not use NewSpeak. You are.

    \\NewSpeak. "I do no use NewSpeak" means "I do use NewSpeak".


    You are expert in NewSpeak. And I believe you that it's exactly as you said here.

    THAT IS exactly are that reason NewSpeak users like you use it -- to call Truth a Lie, and Lie to call Truth. ;-P

    \\"You are" means "You're not, but I'll just say you do".


    And that is base of strawmaning your are using against me from very beginning.

    Like an expert too.

    I congrats you for admitting and revealing your fouly methods here. ;-P


    NewSpeak "Yes"? ;-P

    \\No. That makes no sense. Why would I say (in NewSpeak) that I did say something... when I did not?

    Because... that'll be apparent lie -- because YOU have said -- and there is QUOTES of it... all around.

    That's why you falling to that NewSpeak trick... to mud the water. ;-P

    In futile try to make truth indestinguishable from lie and lie indestinguishable from truth.

    That's why you doubling down on your dewfinition of "fact" as something that can be "believed in".


    If "facts" can be believed, or not believed -- believing that is DELIBERATE ACT -- means you leave a place for itself... to call Truth a Lie, and Lie the Truth... on the base of your sheer and simple believing it.

    While True Facts, Facts of Reality... DO NOT allow to be treated that way.

    That's why you DISLIKE them.

    \\Your alter ego "Derpy" dunno what taxes are for? For sure.

    With whom you talking here, derp? Which one of your alter-egos? ;-P

    \\Qtard: ...when you trying to accuse me in doing something, only YOU here doing.\\Accuse you of what YOU are doing. Only you.\\And you can *demonstrate* that with proper quotes and flawless logical explanations?

    \\Just above. You demonstrated that you don't know what taxes are for.


    *I* asked you.

    And you DID NOT answered.

    Which suggests. With all certainity. That you DUNNO.

    To the level that you even cannot FAKE it with copy-pasting from Google/Wikipedia. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Can't recognize your own comments. I quote you. Am responding to what YOU wrote. Yet the idiot thinks I'm talking to myself\\Because it don't make any sense... like when Derpy claiming "I believe in facts"... but then trying to accuse ME in not believing em...

    \\Because you don't.


    Because that is ABSURD.

    What that could mean even???

    Facts CANNOT be "believed in". Or not believed, which is the same meaningless.

    Apart from shady claim of a liar -- which want to dismiss Truth of a FACT.

    With declaring that it "do not believe it"... if it don't like it. When it not suits its lies.

    THAT IS the reason you saying "I believe in facts", isn't it, Derpy?

    You are liar which want to dismiss unsuitable Truth?

    But... could you answer honestly?

    Of course not.


  53. \\Call them "Demn propaganda".

    Propaganda it's propaganda. Means, it just a words said by something-something.

    Such a words... that only a FACT of someone produced some wave of change of pressure in the air. Or making some signs on the paper. Or performing tapping on some keyboard.

    To make it FACT... that words need to be:



    reference to Reality!

    ONLY THEN... it can be discussed us some fact.

    \\But what does that have to do with you not recognizing your own words?

    You tryed for a YEAR already.

    This idiotic taktic of gaslighting -- to make me to admit that something I NEVER said (and that is not my mere WORDS... like your "I NEVER said it" screams... it is STATING OF A FACTS -- that HERE, in this blog comments, YOU ARE NOT and you will not be able to find such words, aЂs one you trying to incriminate me with -- that is all stupid pretentious lies of yours) is something that I said.

    What a hopeless dumb ass U R. ;-P

    \\Qtard: but that is Derpy who declared such absurdity. And that is Derpy are that one, who shows how it believes or not believes to this or that fact (like that that there is NO races, that talking about "races" it's just a showing own delugions and supestitions...

    \\Well, I never said that. And I don't know what "delugions" or "supestitions" are.


    I beg for a pardon. Slip of the tongue. NOT (that part relates to "not believes", exactly)

    You are racist.

    Of course you'd never said that "there is NO races".

    Because racists do stand on that that there IS races.

    Even though that is anti-scientifical, and anti-humane.

    \\Qtard: or not admitting that people have undeniable and unalienable Human Rights... and etc)...

    \\Never denied.

    And this words "I *DO* deny..." is not yours? Oi-vey. :-))))

    \\Qtard: but then, counter-factually, it trying to accuse some random name doing it.

    \\"Qtard" isn't random. A nickname based on you calling yourself "Q". Forgot? Deny you ever did that?

    That "nickname based" is EXACTLY random.

    Or... you can (try to) EXPLAIN how LOGICALLY it stems from ANYTHING FACTUAL. ;-P

    Naaah... that is all based in your foul tryes to sting me with your twisted tongue... liar. ;-P

    See... my tongue NOT twisted. ;-P

    Because I telling ONLY Truth. ;-)

    \\That you're "Qtard". Just told you. Is "lilliput" a random name? It's not you referring to Putin? Who is it then?

    Isn't Putin is a random name that way?

    He living in Rush'A, you know. Where NOBODY caling him that "Putin".

    Only "Путин". In Russian.

    Same way as it was with Gorby.

    And with Uncle Joe.
