Friday, September 22, 2023

2st World Post-Modern Values Meet 2nd World Pre-Enlightenment/ Pre-Modern Value Resistance

The Clash of Ideologies within Civilizations thru the Eyes of a 1st World Meta-Modernist!

Imagine the difference that this story could have achieved if those attacking Putin and the Patriarch of Moscow were "Old Believers" or Lay Orthodox and NOT Cynical "Post-Modernists" (attack from inside and below, instead of outside, the Russian Orthodox Church [aka - target].  When outsiders attack, insiders first circle their wagons.  When the hierarchically lowliest of insiders attack, they then "Deterritorialize" the perceived problem (scapegoat/ corrupt clergy) and develop "lines of flight" for the laity prior to "Reterritorialization")  So choose wisely, grasshoppers.  Rustlers generally need to Stampede (but not scatter) the herd if they want to eat steak in the future.  ;)

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