Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Deep State Pays for COVID Fraud

Monica Showater, "Funny how those Covid causes of death have dropped off..."
As if there were not enough scandals with COVID and its horrendous mismanagement by the government, Steven Hayward of Powerline has found yet another one -- a causal link between whether "COVID" was listed as a cause of death or a contributing factor, and federal funding dollars.

He has a chart on Power Line, showing the steep drop in deaths due to COVID, or with COVID an underlying factor that spanned from March 2020 to February 2022, the first part of the COVID pandemic. Then the line on the chart continues, steeply dropping as from a cliff as of March 2022 to May 2023.

See the chart here.

And why did people suddenly stop dying of COVID?

Well, because hospitals were suddenly not getting federal funding dollars for claiming COVID as a cause of death.

This was clearly something a lot of us suspected, given the huge death rate from COVID in the U.S. as compared to other places in the world, particularly undeveloped countries, and the individual reports of gunshot victims, drug overdose victims, and cancer victims getting COVID listed on their death certificates as the primary causes of their deaths. Only in rare, politically important instances for the left was this practice not followed -- as in the death of George Floyd, who more likely died from a drug overdose than police manhandling, yet also had COVID in his system, too. COVID was not listed as his cause of death.

But for hundreds of thousands of less politically useful Americans, it most certainly was.

Hayward notes that it's a case of "follow the money."

Supposedly we’re on the cusp of—or already in the middle of—another COVID variant outbreak, with calls for reviving mask and vaccine mandates. The Branch COVIDians will not be denied. Funny thing, though. Is it merely a coincidence that the sharp drop in COVID diagnoses coincided with the end of special federal reimbursement for COVID cases?

The money came from the CARES Act passed by the Democrat-led Congress, which included the $178 billion "Provider Relief Fund."

The money was doled out to hospitals for increased expenses due to treating COVID cases, but also from lost revenue as patients put off elective surgery and even necessary medical care.

According to STAT, a website about the medical field, it was quite the money spigot. (According to these government charts, California was the most ravenous user of these funds by far.)

The federal government allocated more than $170 billion in subsidies to hospitals across the country. These subsidies not only defrayed their operational losses but also substantially improved their financial standing, particularly helping the most vulnerable hospitals. For those with January-December fiscal years, from January 2019 to December 2020, the average annual profit margin stayed stable around 7%, but increased from 4% to 7% for government and small hospitals, and from 2% to 8% for rural ones.

Payouts dropped off sharply around January 2022 as Phase Four distributions came to a close, as this government chart shows ... and suddenly people weren't dying of COVID. Amazing how these medical miracles happen when government money is cut off.

So let's cut to the chase: The numbers of COVID deaths was highly contingent on whether hospitals and other providers were getting paid extra from the taxpayers with COVID relief funds. Lots of funds, lots of COVID deaths, and too bad about science.

This is a textbook case of government money corrupting science itself. Those stats on COVID deaths during the money-spigot period are absolutely worthless, given the incentivization the government created for hospitals to overreport COVID deaths to ensure higher profits. Maybe they needed them given all the unnecessary red tape government imposes on them which cuts their profits artificially, but that too is another corruption of science.

COVID corrupted a lot -- from public trust in government pronuncimentos, to massive fraud in payouts to Nigerian and Mexican cartel scam artists, to vaccine issues, to the demonization of doctors who told the truth about hydroxycloroquine and ivermectin treatments, to medical and social media censorship, to lockdown damage, to the monster inflation we see today. So much bad came out of this that the only conclusion is that government needs to be a lot smaller and less powerful.

Now we have the phony COVID death statistics to gum up science preparing for the next pandemic. If you dangle money out there for COVID deaths, don't be surprised if there are COVID deaths.


  1. "The government spent approximately $800 billion and provided 21 million loans to individuals", said Haywood Talcove, the CEO for government at LexisNexis Risk Solutions, which works with the government to verify identities.

    When Covid relief was proposed... he spoke to Larry Kudlow, then a top economic adviser to President Donald Trump.

    "And I explained to him that this was going to be the biggest fraud in the history of our country. And then I was told that you can have speed or you can have security. And that they'd rather just get the money out".

    Biggest fraud in a generation: The looting of the Covid relief plan known as PPP... Thank you, tRump administration!

  2. It passed the Senate 96-0. It passed the House 388-5. 4 of the 5 "Nays" were from Republicans.

  3. So, tRump vetoed the bill but his veto was overridden? Who knew? I heard he bragged about how large it was.

    Did the Biden family receive any PPP Money?

    Observer Holdings LLC, the parent company of Observer Media — which Kushner used to run and is currently owned by his brother-in-law’s investment firm — received between $350,000 and $1 million.

    A company called Princeton Forrestal LLC — 40%-owned by Kushner relatives, received between $1 million and $2 million.

    Esplanade Livingston LLC, a company connected to the Kushners, received between $350,000 and $1 million.

    The Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy in Livingston, N.J., received between $1 million and $2 million. It was named after Kushner’s grandfather and is supported by the family.

    Hollwich Kushner Architecture, a firm headed by Marc Kushner, Jared Kushner’s first cousin, received between $150,000 and $350,000.

  4. Your own investigation results?

    Or you just copy-pasting some propaganda slurr. ;-P

    Somebody-somebody saying something-something...

  5. Sounds like all the politicians cashed in. No wonder the bill was so popular. Nothing fuels corruption like money in politics.

  6. My comment only concerned Jared Kushner. Kushner and people connected to him raked in PPP money. Smells like tRump/Kushner corruption to me. You're agreeing?

  7. Not if you don't see "Hunter" and Biden's family as a corruption. I can't do those kind of mental gyrations.

  8. If I were to say, "yes, Joe Biden is corrupt", you'd admit donald tRump is corrupt? Those are bigly mental gyrations -- conditional corruption.

  9. Clearly... an idiot.


  10. I know Trump isn't perfect. But as they say in the Naval services, "You must always choose the LESSER of two weevils".

  11. Yap.... that thing called Democracy... :-)))))

    Or... as Pelosi said: "we want to sell to them HOPE" :-))))))

  12. Or... as Pelosi said: "we want to sell to them HOPE"


  13. Why you became so agitated, ah derp?

    Is it possible that you understand how self-revealing it is?
    (that that Pelosi know that it "selling" lies) ;-P

  14. I only asked when Nancy Pelosi supposedly said what you claim she did, asshole. You imagined agitation. No answer means you lied, yes? She never said "we want to sell to them HOPE"?

    Qtard made that "quote" up? Well, it would not be the first time Qtard faked a quote.

  15. \\I only asked when Nancy Pelosi supposedly said what you claim she did, asshole. You imagined agitation.

    feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.

    "there's no point getting agitated"

    synonims: upset, perturbed, flustered, ruffled, disconcerted, unnerved, disquieted, disturbed, distressed, unsettled, bothered, concerned, troubled, anxious, alarmed, worked up, worried, harassed, nervous, jittery, jumpy, on edge, tense, overwrought, frantic, keyed up, in a panic, inflamed, stirred up, rattled, fazed, discombobulated, in a dither, in a flap, in a state, in a lather, in a tizz/tizzy, all of a dither, beside oneself, hot and bothered, hot under the collar, having kittens, in a (flat) spin, stressy


    Why you asking, derp?

    You don't wanna believe that Holy Pelosi said something like that? ;-P

    Thinking that is impossible?

    Why? ;-P

    Why so agitated, to read about possibility of such words from your Demns? :-))))))))

    \\No answer means you lied, yes? She never said "we want to sell to them HOPE"?

    And what if she did? ;-P

    You'll declare "She NEVER said it"??? :-)))))))))))

    \\Qtard made that "quote" up?

    And you can give a QUOTE... where that "made quote up" happened? :-)))))))


  16. Qtard made up quote...

    Or... as Pelosi said: "we want to sell to them HOPE"...

    It is right above. Yet you forgot already. Because you are an idiot.

    Did you ever reveal when she supposedly said this? No.

    Will you ever reveal when she supposedly said this? No.

    Because you are an idiot and a bullshit talker.

  17. And why you SO DEMN agitated, derp? ;-P

    Is that something bad? for Pelosi? to say something around that words? ;-P

    Answer. And I'll give you that reference -- to where Pelosi said it. ;-P

  18. Derpy is so scared that his DEMN Pelosi shitting on em, DEMN-junkies like De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    Suits em well. :-)))

  19. "I'll give you that reference -- to where Pelosi said it".

    You haven't and you won't.

    You already admitted that you lied. She "say something around that words". AKA you might produce a quote where she does not say that, then go on to explain "what Pelosi really mean"...

  20. Even if she'd said it word to word... you would find a way to dismiss it anyway. Yawn. Because you "believing in facts". And that fact that DEMNs SEE YOU and likes of you ONLY as a tool... and they USING you to stay in power -- you don't like that fact, and will not believe it. ;-P

    Here. Transcript of BBC Hard Talk.

    ""they say a lot of things about me
    but I don't care what they say about me
    what I care about is winning elections
    and not to be a fear-monger but to be a
    a messenger of Hope

    ""I didn't hear you say any complimentary
    thing about anything that people have
    said about the president or our
    performance as elected officials we
    don't care about the negative we're
    about the positive it's not about fear
    it's about Hope and you'll see 15 months
    from now Joe Biden reelected as
    president of the United States with
    great pride""

    Blah-blah-blah... but all you need to do -- it's re-elect US! ;-P

    Why -- you ask?

    Because we'd bring HOPE to you. Big and shiny. Enough for everyone.

    Money??? No, money do not come in that package. (we need money for us alone (mumbling)) Only HOPE.


    Not a surprise, that for at least HALF of USA do not buy on such a "rich" proposal.

    Staying in Power for DEMNs.

    And sucked out bones of Hope for everybody else. ;-P

  21. \\You haven't and you won't.


    I GAVE it.

    And now you.

    Will be showing.

    How you "believe in facts".

    With dismissing THIS OPEN and OBVIOUS, reference to REALITY itself FACT.

    That that is Nanacy Pelosi there, in that vid.

    That she said what she said there.

    And it mean what it mean.

    Because... you don't.

    Like how it sound.


  22. Or... you'll try to thrug it off. And to show your tail. To make U-turn. And ti run away. To NOT answer. ;-P

  23. Qtard: See. I GAVE it.

    You did NOT.

    "we want to sell to them HOPE"...


    "what I care about is winning elections and not to be a fear-monger but to be a
    a messenger of Hope".

    Your fake quote makes it sound like her goal is to fool people. What she actually said is very positive.

    Qtard: With dismissing THIS OPEN and OBVIOUS, reference to REALITY itself FACT.

    No, I dismiss your lie.

    Qtard: Because we'd bring HOPE to you. Big and shiny. Enough for everyone. Money??? No, money do not come in that package. (we need money for us alone (mumbling) Only HOPE.

    Qtard is telling me "what Pelosi really mean". See, I KNEW you'd do that. Spin her words to make them sound nefarious. When they weren't.

    Qtard: Because... you don't. Like how it sound.

    Wrong. I like how what she actually said sounds. Very much.

  24. It is very telling that you consider your LIE to be an "OPEN and OBVIOUS, reference to REALITY itself FACT".

    Well, that's the case with many of your "facts". They're lies/rightturd propaganda you're trying to sell as "facts".

    NO SALE.

  25. \\Qtard: See. I GAVE it.

    \\You did NOT.

    Oh... no!!! I forgot to give a proper link. And quote from that link...


    No, there IS LINK -- https://youtubetranscript.com/?v=NNG4uzMMPIQ

    And there IS QUOTE: ""they say a lot of things about me
    but I don't care what they say about me
    what I care about is winning elections
    and not to be a fear-monger but to be a
    a messenger of Hope""

    And Derpy IS AN IDIOT. ;-P

    Which trying to protrude with it's imbecilicly delusional DEMN TOO OBVIOUS lies. :-)))))

    As always.

    Continue-continue, my little derp.

    \\Your fake quote makes it sound like her goal is to fool people. What she actually said is very positive.


    Very POSITIVE lie. ;-P

    Or what... Derpy the Idiot THINKS that liars will be EXPLICIT with that that they telling lies? Will not try to conceal that their words is lie? Will not use all kinds of tricks and jinxes?

    Will only go out under bright light and will declare "this White is NOT white... it's Black! And of course, I saying that because I'm LIAR... but you need to believe to me, anyway. Bu-ga-gah!"????

    But that... only heinous liars in a fullfledged totalitarian countries... well, no, even THEY cannot allow to themself to do that -- to say "see, I'm liar".

    Even though their lies damn obvious and heinous.

    Because... that is the nature of Lie.

    It trying to mimic itself being Truth.


    That's why we need FACTS. And LOGIC.

    To spotlight that liar.

    To which they respond with Propaganda... that FACTS and LOGIC not needed. And even are PURE EVIL. Or any other trick or jinx they can come up with. ;-P

    Just like Derpy "doing it". HERE. :-))))

    \\No, I dismiss your lie.

    Which is FACT.

    But you calling it "lie". And "dismiss it".

    Because you just "believe in facts", NOT admitting em being PART of Reality. Undeniable. Real. Only TRUE things. ;-P

    \\Qtard is telling me "what Pelosi really mean".

    Well... you are free to EXPLAIN... what that Pelosi's words: "what I care about is winning elections" "trully mean". ;-P

    \\Spin her words to make them sound nefarious. When they weren't.

    WHY you trying so frantikly, to PRETEND that she DIDN'T said that words? Ahhh??? :-)))))))

    \\Wrong. I like how what she actually said sounds. Very much.


    So... you LIKE em to retain Power. Even if FOR EVER? ;-P

    And... you LIKE em to PROPOSE NOTHING in exchange, for YOU giving to em that hi-pass?

    Yes, De-Ru-Pi?

    Because you are idiot. And gullible imbecile. Who tend to believe to very first liar which found it and decided to make use of it. :-))))))

    1. Qtard: \\Qtard is telling me "what Pelosi really mean". Well... you are free to EXPLAIN... what that Pelosi's words: "what I care about is winning elections" "trully mean".

      Ok. What she means is that you need to win elections to be able to get the power to give your voters what they need.

      \\Spin her words to make them sound nefarious. When they weren't\\WHY you trying so frantikly, to PRETEND that she DIDN'T said that words? Ahhh???

      Which ones? The ones she actually said? I'm not. Or Qtard's "what Pelosi really mean"? Yes, I deny those words. Though no "pretending" is necessary. Qtard is the one who is pretending.

      Qtard: \\Wrong. I like how what she actually said sounds. Very much.\\Aha! So... you LIKE em to retain Power. Even if FOR EVER?

      Sure. As long as they are acting in the interests of their voters. After a few elections I should say "you've done a good job so far, but you've been in power long enough. Guess I no choice but to vote for someone promising to do things I disagree with"?

      Qtard: And... you LIKE em to PROPOSE NOTHING in exchange, for YOU giving to em that hi-pass?

      If by "nothing" you mean doing a good job. Then yes.

      Qtard: Yes, De-Ru-Pi?

      Asking your alter ego? Why didn't you answer?

      Qtard: Because you are idiot. And gullible imbecile. Who tend to believe to very first liar which found it and decided to make use of it.

      No, I voted against tRump.

  26. \\Ok. What she means is that you need to win elections to be able to get the power to give your voters what they need.


    But... do that voters need Hope???

    Why? For what?

    \\Which ones? The ones she actually said? I'm not. Or Qtard's "what Pelosi really mean"? Yes, I deny those words. Though no "pretending" is necessary. Qtard is the one who is pretending.

    And you can EXPLAIN....

    Naaah. :-)))))

    \\Qtard: \\Wrong. I like how what she actually said sounds. Very much.\\Aha! So... you LIKE em to retain Power. Even if FOR EVER?

    \\Sure. As long as they are acting in the interests of their voters.

    That's it!

    But does "providing Hope" is in best interests of that voters???

    Is situation THAT hopeless... that ONLY Hope can save USA??? From what?

    But... WHO was in charge, all this time... and allowed situation to became so bad -- that Hope became in such a big demand??? (well, from WHOM exactly? is there crowds on the streets chanting "we need Hope! we need Hope"??? and NOBODY can give it to them??????)

    \\If by "nothing" you mean doing a good job. Then yes.

    "Good Job"??? After which People would need some giid amount of Genuine and True Hope??? :-))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Because you are idiot. And gullible imbecile. Who tend to believe to very first liar which found it and decided to make use of it.

    \\No, I voted against tRump.


    Because he was second. ;-P
