Friday, August 18, 2023

Your Government at Work


  1. Both Dr John Campbell and Rand Paul are bigly spreaders of covid misinformation :P

  2. Unlike you and the MSM, they are a TRUSTED SOURCE for "true" and UNPROPAGANDIZED Covid and medical information.

  3. "Don't be mean"? trumpism is ALL about meanness. Meanness directed at minorities, women, trans people and gay people. trumpturds LOVE being mean. While falsely portraying themselves as victims. Minus himself has cried about "cultural genocide" aka White genocide.

    Minus needs to take Buckaroo's sage advice himself. But he won't. Because trumpers have bigly embraced meanness, victimhood, and hypocrisy.

  4. trumpers: "don't be mean to us! Boo hoo! We're the victims, not the victimizers. Boo hoo for us!! The Woke Left wants to commit White genocide... err... cultural genocide!! The Left wants to Great Replace us with Blacks and Mexicans. Boo hoo!! btw, we hate you and will discriminate against you*. donald tRump will exact our vengeance upon you!".

    *Via the Qtard plan, which is to pretend minories don't exist. There is no such thing as "race". We are all the same (**wink, wink** We all know we really aren't and differences based on appearance are obvious to ALL). How can minorities be discriminated against if there is no such thing as race? Will be called the "erase minorities" or the "is Chinese White?" plan.

    If you say "Chinese are Asian" then we (the superior Whites) know you (the anti-racist who wants to fight racism) are the "real racists".

  5. You confuse "mean" with "not affirmative". And you're ALWAYS affirmative. Affirmation has become your "truth". It's the stamp of your era. It the mantra of neocapital.

    In the last century, we have been moving from a “negative” society of prohibitions, rules and tight control into one which compels us to constantly move, work, consume. Our dominating paradigm tells us we should always be doing something. We have entered what South-Korean-born, German-based contemporary philosopher and cultural theorist Byung-Chul Han calls “the society of achievement”, which is characterized by a compulsion towards action at all times [aka- activism]. We feel uneasy, we can’t sit still, we can’t focus or pay attention to the things that matter, we’re anxious about missing out, we don’t listen to each other, we have no patience and most importantly we can never allow ourselves to get bored. Our current mode of consumption has declared a war on boredom and our mode of production has declared a war on idleness. More.

  6. It was born of the "cultural capitalism" of '68 and affirmative action of Civil Right and Voting Rights movements.

  7. The end is near...

    Burnout syndrome has 2 dimensions. The first is exhaustion, the physical and mental drainage caused by rapid expenditure of energy. The second is that of alienation, feeling like the work you’re doing is meaningless and it doesn’t really belong to you. With the expansion of the system of production comes an ever-increasing narrowness of functions to be filled by workers.

    This is the paradoxical place that the post-fordian worker finds himself in. He has to constantly develop new skills, adopt, learn, maximize his efficiency and overall expand his skillset to the maximum just for him to be used in increasingly narrower roles in the system of production. Certain industries, like the service industry, are relatively immune to this process since a job like “waiter” doesn’t become more efficient by being devised in multiple roles, but nonetheless this trend exists in most industries.

    Our nerves are fried, saturated, thickened, atrophied, overexcited and overdriven. We’re violently overwhelmed. It is here when I understood how things have come full circle and how impotent the burnout culture was to respond to its own crisis. The deployment of self-help gurus that help you with burnout are yet another factor which contributes to its further perpetration. By looking at burnout as something to be fixed by yet more self-improvement we have totally missed the mark. How typical of the achievement society which sees everything standing in its way as a problem to be solved.

    Burnout can’t be solved, at least not through self-help. It requires something more: the examination and change of the social, cultural and economic systems which give rise to it. Until the core of the problem is addressed, the structures in which we’re situated will keep reproducing the same problem, time and time again.

    As for me, "I'd prefer NOT to" (Bartleby the Scrivener)

  8. ...or better

    “Tang ping is the rejection of overworking, where you let things be and do the bare minimum,” said Miao.

    In March this year, another Chinese term emerged online. Reflecting an attitude toward life, the term “bai lan” is translated to mean “let it rot.” Posts related to the topic have garnered more than 91 million views on Chinese social media giant Weibo as of Wednesday.

  9. Minus: You confuse "mean" with "not affirmative".

    No. I'm not confused. trumpturds definitely endorse meanness. Your claim of not affirming is as BS as your claim that you are "race neutral".

  10. say something critical of black culture then. You can't. It's "perfect". Black fathers are the BEST! lol!

  11. Affirm them Dervy, else like fragile flowers they'll wilt. Be their FOREVER white knight, Derv...

  12. If you don't affirm, you'll be "cancelled" by all your faux friends, Dervy!

  13. \\Yep, those Chinese kids are way damn smart!

    Naah, just diligent.

    \\Because trumpers have bigly embraced meanness, victimhood, and hypocrisy.

    Because they learned that successful tactic from Leftists? ;-P

    \\*Via the Qtard plan, which is to pretend minories don't exist. There is no such thing as "race".

    Racist Derpy screams that RACE EXIST!

    Even though it showed that IT knows perfectly well, that there is NO scientific base for that claim -- only historical supestitions.

    But... racists frigginly CANNOT thrug off that need... to be racists. ;-P

    \\ We are all the same (**wink, wink** We all know we really aren't and differences based on appearance are obvious to ALL).


    Racist Derpy chanting Racist's Creed. ;-P

    \\How can minorities be discriminated against if there is no such thing as race? Will be called the "erase minorities" or the "is Chinese White?" plan.

    Racist Derpy "cleverly" trying to twist its vice (not admitting being the same as Chinese, in thius case) to be a virtue. :-))))))))))))))))))

    What and hypocritical idiocy... of an idiotic hypocrite.

    \\You confuse "mean" with "not affirmative". And you're ALWAYS affirmative. Affirmation has become your "truth".


    Hallo there!

    It ALLWAYS was.

    From the times of Marx. And beyond.

    Leftist have nothing to lose... apart from losing chains of its dumbness and hypocrisy... but it will NEVER lose it, as without it it will be bare naked. ;-P

    So... it only will continue ringing with that chains. ;-P

    \\If you say "Chinese are Asian" then we (the superior Whites) know you (the anti-racist who wants to fight racism) are the "real racists".


    So, maybe you want to give em money? Or make em able to rise that money themself? To that minorities???


    You want to "protect" them... but only THAT way, which would garanty em staying in that state of "minorities needing protection".

    That is what RACISM is ULTIMATELY about.

    Slave owners was telling (hypocritically) that they wanting/doing only the same -- "protecting" that poor beings, who not able to self-control, self-govern.

    So they NEED some benevolent masters.


    NOT surprising.

    As Demns is THE SAME party of Slave Owners. ;-P

    Which like that snakes thrugged their skin... and now hypocritically call itself anti-racists.

    "Fascist of tumorrow... will be calling intself ANTI-fascists". ;-P

  14. That's what they call themselves today. :p

  15. Seems like I pierced Bull´s Eye yet one time.

    Have you spotted it too, Joe -- how Derpy stopped answering to this or that of my questions, under previous posts???

    Exactly where such too much closer to the heart of it´s hypocrisy questions was asked.

    Derpy STOPPING responding.

    Like that undeniable truth that Demn part it IS party of Slave Owners... as it was in 19th century.

    And... leopard cannot thrug off it´s spots. ;-P It seems.

    THAT IS... as much as that Demn hypocrite can be ¨intellectually honest¨


    THAT IS... as much as that Demn idiot can be ¨smart¨. (homeric laughter)

    IT... can ONLY perform U-turn... and rin away.

  16. He's a white savior now, Q. Fighting racism is all about him. He has to be in the "picture" ( a selfie), or it doesn't matter what happens to black families.

  17. Well, I just submitted a couple of comments in response to some qtardedness in another thread. Posted and were visible for awhile. Then Blogger sent them to spam. Just so you know, I see Qtard's lies. I have not performed a U-turn and "rin away". As might happen with this one. So I'll keep it short. See if this posts before wasting time writing something that Blogger is not going to post.

    Qtard: Slave owners was telling (hypocritically) that they wanting/doing only the same -- "protecting" that poor beings, who not able to self-control, self-govern. So they NEED some benevolent masters.

    Yeah. "Benevolent" master who taught them skills they could use after they were freed. So they should be thankful. Oh shit! That was republiturds who just claimed that!

    Qtard: As Demns is THE SAME party of Slave Owners.

    Slavery was ended a long time ago, dipshit. If the Democratic Party is the SAME (capped!) party of Slave Owners, why do most African Americans vote Democratic? Thankful for the skills their ancestors were taught by "benevolent" slave masters?

    As per the governor of FL, Ron Desantis, "children will now be taught that enslaved persons picked up skills that they later parlayed into profitable crafts after slavery was abolished".

    Oh shit! Ron Desantis is a republiturd! Which means... African Americans thankful that their great grandparents had skill that enabled them to earn money after slavery ended... they should vote republican? Because (for some reason) Democrats are trying to "hide" this fact?

  18. \\Then Blogger sent them to spam.

    Because you used no-no-no-words "b_l_a_kk" there??? :-)))))))))))

    \\Just so you know, I see Qtard's lies. I have not performed a U-turn and "rin away".

    Why lies??? HOW, lies???

    IF it what can be double-checked BY ANYONE.

    And is material fact.

    One just need to go to previous posts comment thread -- and see it for themself -- to which questions there is NO your answers?

    Or... you'd claim that they all swallowed by DEMN spam-bot??? :-))))))))))))

    Very Convinient.

    \\See if this posts before wasting time writing something that Blogger is not going to post.


    Can you help me with this???

    Is it even intelligible?

    My English betrays me, here.

    \\Yeah. "Benevolent" master who taught them skills they could use after they were freed. So they should be thankful. Oh shit! That was republiturds who just claimed that!


    You can claim I am not foreigner as much as you can. But.

    I am. And CAN... not knowing about such trivia.

    What you refering to here?

    \\why do most African Americans vote Democratic?

    Learned helplessness???

    Well, I dunno.

    Cause, I'm foreigner.

    Never met African American... whatever it should mean, in my life.

    To ask. ;-P

    \\As per the governor of FL, Ron Desantis, "children will now be taught that enslaved persons picked up skills that they later parlayed into profitable crafts after slavery was abolished".

    Incomplete quote.

    I cannot devise context in which it was said.

    If it was said at all.

    As I know how you like to fake quotes. Of MY words.

    WHY I should believe that you will not fake words of others???

    Well... you EVEN tryed to put some words into mouth of already dead people too.

    \\Oh shit! Ron Desantis is a republiturd! Which means... African Americans thankful that their great grandparents had skill that enabled them to earn money after slavery ended... they should vote republican? Because (for some reason) Democrats are trying to "hide" this fact?









    About your inner political divisions and political brawls.




    It is useless to try to sway me with such a political propaganda slogans, like "see, that are righturds" or "see, this is leftists".


    Like facts (numerous) that Leftists/Dems/Libturds... yep, they ARE quite visible by their behavior -- how they trying to prozelite with there Demn Propaganda narratives...

    And yep, it's transparent... how intellectually honest... NOT, they are.

    That is facts.

    On the contrary.

    I have met some religious people from USA too. Maybe they are that "righturds", but I have seen no mentioning of political propaganda from them. Some "Jesus said" this or that, some "bless you" or "curse you".

    But that... I percieve as mostly harmless.

    That is my account of my experience of talking and discussing with people from USA (well, English speaking people in general).

    Via Internet.

  19. And here too. ;-P

  20. Retrieved 9 comments from Spam folder, 4 Dervy, 4 mine, 1 Q's.

  21. With that unspokable b-word??? :-)))))))))))))))0

  22. That black cannot be written is Qtard's paranoid tinfoil hat delusion.

    A delusion that has something to do with Qtard's bigotry toward black people?


  23. And since when YOUR Google Demn Censure is MINE??? :-)))))))))))))0

    What an idiot... not stupendious LIAR. As we know for sure NOW, after it made coming out. ;-P

  24. If Google is censoring you (which I doubt) wtf does that have to do with me? How is it my Google censure? And what does this alleged (likely imaginary) censoring have to do with YOUR delusions concerning Democrats?

    "As we know for sure NOW, after it made coming out".


  25. \\If Google is censoring you (which I doubt) wtf does that have to do with me? How is it my Google censure? And what does this alleged (likely imaginary) censoring have to do with YOUR delusions concerning Democrats?

    YOU. YOURSELF. Claimed it.

    That that is "their right" to impose whatever limitations they like.



    YOU placating their censure.

    \\"As we know for sure NOW, after it made coming out".


    Isn't you did it? Described with YOUR OWN WORDS... what you yourself doing?

  26. Like with that "cherry-picking"?

    When you choose to base you claims about "dRump's collusion" on his joke.

    WHILE you DO NOT WANT to use SAME RULE to 0-bama.

    Obama to Russia: ‘After My Election I Have More …
    March 26, 2012 07:01 AM. P resident Obama got caught in private conversation with a hot mic today in Seoul, South …

    Not surprising... I WAS NOT able to find this excerpt via Google.

    Means. USA search engines (Google for sure) ARE RIGGED.

    SAME as in Rush'A today.

    To ELIMINATE such kind of information.

  27. Like with that "cherry-picking"? When you choose to base you claims about "dRump's collusion" on his joke.

    No. Because there are many more examples. Also, that wasn't a joke.

  28. Like with that "cherry-picking"? When you choose to base you claims about "dRump's collusion" on his joke.

    No. Because there are many more examples. Also, that wasn't a joke.

  29. And??? I need to belive you??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Without any proofs, examples, explanations, quotes?

    Just to your mere words???

    That "many more examples" IS VIABLE SUBSITUTE to ACTUAL many more examples???? :-))))))))))))))))

    That noumenon is a phenomenon? And connotative its denotative?
