Thursday, August 17, 2023

Newt Sums it up...

Monica Showater, "A Stark Warning about the Trump Indictments from Newt Gingrich"
In an eighty-second statement, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has weighed in with a stark warning about the dangerous implications of the Georgia indictments targeting President Trump in an appearance on Fox News:

It's incredible.

Gingrich distills down what this Georgia nightmare for Trump is about and concludes that it's really our nightmare, perhaps even moreso than President Trump's, warning of bitterness that is bound to follow should this garbage indictment from Georgia become the new standard.

He begins with the grotesque double standards of justice as Trump is proscuted while Democrats who have engaged in far worse crimes have enjoyed impunity. He speaks to how Biden is kind of a parody of the pattern of lawlessness and impunity and corruption seen in recent years, having 'learned' from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama about how to enrich oneself in office and how to get away with lawbreaking with no prosecution.

He speaks of Trump's outsider status willing to take on the entire system as something that "could destroy their entire machine."

He speaks of the prosecution as a "desperate last-ditch effort by a corrupt machine to "destroy their most dangerous opponent."

He warns that they will do it by destroying the rule of law, the Constitution and creating a legacy of bitterness "which i think will last for a generation or more."

"This is going to be a horrendous period. And we just need to understand: The people who want to control America and want to dictate to America break any law, lie about any topic, and manipulate the system any way they can, and that includes a lot of the elite news media," he said.

What a breathtaking statement, saying what everyone is thinking with eloquence for the ages, and done off the cuff.

It's an amazing statement, comparable to the words of Patrick Henry. If this doesn't motivate voters to get out and vote for Trump to stop this coming nightmare, what will?


  1. " of the wisest political minds in America"


  2. John Patrick Sears is anti-himself. LOL.

  3. Yawn.

    Now you sniffing arses... just us any other of us underdogs out there. ;-P

    No "high and mighty" Leader of Free World fleur remains.

    No Champion of Democracy ideals.

    Well... I think you need to allow foreign observers to come and approve your elections being democratical... from now on.

    Or... turn it to eleven and just declare yourself Greatest Despoty. ;-P

  4. I agree. Our elections are rigged. Democracy has left the building.

  5. ...only to be replaced with government-employee ballot stuffers.

  6. Rigged in 2016 by dotard donald colluding with Putin? Agreed.

    Rigging attempted in 2020 by dotard donald. But rigging dotard donald did wasn't enough to allow him to steal the presidency a second time. Coup attempt failed. Coup participants arrested. Coup plotters indicted and going to trial.

    "only to be replaced with government-employee ballot stuffers".

    Falsely alleged via many dotard lawsuits. Lawsuits thrown out as meritless. Ruby Freeman never arrested as predicted by Minus. Because she did nothing wrong. Was the party who was wronged :P

  7. The video's of Ruby and her co-workers stuffing ballots are still out there. I've seen them. An I've heard them. :)

  8. turns out that FBI had seen 'em, too. Another black eye for DoJ.

  9. Ruby Freeman is suing (acta) Rudy Giuliani for his false verba.

    "Rudy Giuliani concedes he made false statements against 2 Georgia election workers".

    "Giuliani's stipulation concedes what we have always known to be true — Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss honorably performed their civic duties in the 2020 presidential election in full compliance with the law; and the allegations of election fraud he and former-President Trump made against them have been false since day one..."

    Rumble video: Ruby Freeman caught scanning same stack of ballots multiple times.

    "...the ballot scanners jammed frequently, which required them to make multiple attempts to scan all of the ballots in each batch" link.

  10. LOL! There are hours worth of THAT video. She's got one hell of a jam to explain.

  11. Minus: LOL! There are hours worth of THAT video...

    There is video of Ruby Freeman scanning ballots for hours? aka hours of video footage of Ruby Freeman doing her job? What's the crime? Scanning too many ballots submitted by Democrats? or is it scanning too many ballots submitted by BLACK Democrats? Is that the "crime" that offends Minus?

    Minus: She's got one hell of a jam to explain.

    Explain to who? The investigation is over. Ruby Freeman was cleared.

    Georgia poll workers targeted by Trump are cleared of false election fraud claims ...Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea ArShaye "Shaye" Moss, were officially cleared by Georgia authorities ... The fraud claims were "unsubstantiated and found to have no merit", the investigation concluded, reporting on the work of the FBI, the Georgia Bureau of Investigations and investigators from the Secretary of State's office vetting the alleged fraud. [June 21, 2023]

  12. Cleared. Is that anythink like "debunked"? LOL!

  13. Wikipedia: In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality.

    denialists like Minus rely on "conspiracy theories, which involves dismissing the data ... by suggesting opponents are involved in a [deep state] conspiracy to suppress the truth".

  14. Go watch the video again, Dervy. Acta non verba!

  15. Why no conviction then? Instead of clearing? If it is so obvious. IDK why you keep writing "acta non verba". Just like the phrase? You seem to think it has something to so with what we are talking about. Watched the video, btw. Walking into work. Ended when she go some ballots to process. No idea what you think I'm supposed to be seeing but DO NOT.

  16. Why no conviction then?

    You can't convict people for those you never investigate. Like Joe Biden or his "most secure election in US history".

  17. This was the entire investigation:

    1. Complaint
    2. Witness List
    3. Interview of Ruby Freeman
    4. Interview of Wandrea “Shaye” Moss
    5. Interview of Yetunda Sims
    6. Interview of Keisha Dixson
    7. Interview of Ralph Jones
    8. Affidavit of Michelle Branton
    9. Interview of Michelle Branton
    10. Affidavit of Mitchell Harrison
    11. Interview of Mitchell Harrison
    12. FBI interview of Instagram creator

    Pretty thorough, huh?

  18. btw - Did they interview any of the people who were "sent home" that night? Why make trouble, right?

  19. Just interview the suspects, and then take their word that they didn't do anything wrong. And find one guy who faked an Istagram post... yep, that's conclusive enough for me.

  20. ps - Think they reviewed any of Ruby's phone records/ postings? naaaaaah.

  21. \\Wikipedia: In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality.

    And Derpy do not see itself in THIS mirror?

    Huh, maybe it is vampire?

  22. He evaluates everything 2nd order... through the lens of people looking at his facebook page. Reality is unimportant. It's all about how HE looks to his "general peer" Democrat buddies.

  23. Doubt it.

    It looks to me tha that idiot transcended that need.

    Now Demn Propaganda translating from inside of its brain... not approval from outside needed. ;-P

    Usual... among Religious Bonkers.

    At first they need support from the crowd of likeminded followers of their cult.

    But with time, with how they became poficient.

    They don't need it anymore.

    You most surely know that accounts -- about so-called Christian Saints.

    That is most proficient of bonkers, that became SO SURE in their faith, that they started to come to and bother some "heathens" with their religious propaganda.

    And bothered em to that stage. That much. That that "heathens" decided to burn em to ash. To stop that mind-boggling barrage of religious propaganda. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That is what Derpy doing here.

    Thinking of us being that heathens... he NEED TO prozelite among us. ;-P

  24. "Isn't" what???? :-)))))

    Low-brow Derpy lost ability to talk? :-)))))))))))))))))))

  25. I think that you hit the nail on the head, Q.

  26. We're blasphemers in the Church of Dervy.

  27. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  28. Qtard: That is what Derpy doing here.

    Me: isn't.

    Qtard (extremely confused): "Isn't" what????

    Qtard is confused again. Due to it's stupidity. Not surprising. At all.

  29. Qtard is bored by its own stupidity? Me too. Qtard's stupidity is incredibly boring.

  30. I think that you are putting him to sleep, Dervy. You just repeat your propaganda without recognizing his valid arguments and drone on...

    None are so blind as those who think that they're never wrong.

  31. None are so blind as those who think that they're never wrong = donald tRump.

  32. \\ Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard is bored by its own stupidity? Me too. Qtard's stupidity is incredibly boring.

    YET ONE confirmation that Derpy The Lying Hypocrite and Idiot uses its NewSpeak.

    Where "SMARTNESS... it's stoooopidity". And "stupidity... THAT'S ULTIMATE smartness!!!" :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Thank you, Derpy. For confirmation.

    And for providing access to that secret NewSpeak dictionary of id... ehm, that wisest of The Wise. :-)))))))))))))))))))

  33. YET ONE excerpt from your NewSpeak dictionary?

    Where "NO is YES"?

    And you'll confirmed it with next "NO" here, yes? ;-P
