Saturday, August 19, 2023

Do NOT Make ANY Political Donation UNLESS You See This 1st!


Team Trump Unveils New “Seal Of Approval” To Protect Loyal Donors From Scammers
Bedminster, NJ — President Donald J. Trump will grant the right to use his “Seal of Approval” to an exclusive group of candidates and committees that the President endorses or otherwise supports. The purpose of the Seal is to help President Trump’s donors distinguish between authorized uses of his name and likeness, and unauthorized uses including oftentimes outright scams. It is intended to protect the President’s donors and supporters from illegitimate organizations falsely claiming some affiliation with President Trump and his campaign. (like the Republican National Committee)

President Trump’s endorsement power is the most powerful force in American politics. His influence is election defining. When President Trump posts an endorsement on Truth Social, or a candidate onstage before tens of thousands of voters, America First patriots rally behind President Trump’s choice and deliver a decisive victory.

Unfortunately, some candidates, PACs and their fundraising vendors have drained millions of dollars from President Trump’s donors by falsely claiming that they support President Trump, that the President supports them, and that funds received in response to the solicitations will support, help, or defend President Trump. To fight this scam, President Trump’s endorsement will now include the right to use his name and likeness in fundraising solicitations and other campaign communications, as signified by this Seal. The Seal will be a powerful signal to President Trump’s loyal donors that the sender is on Team Trump, and is not a scammer.

Candidates and committees authorized to use the Seal shall be permitted, and indeed encouraged, to use the Seal in connection with their activities on social media, in paid advertising, and on merchandise.

This Seal is revocable, non-exclusive license, and the digital art file containing the Seal is non-transferable. Any entity that mimics or unlawfully uses the Seal without explicit approval from a representative of President Trump’s campaign may face legal action.

Before responding to a fundraising solicitation from a candidate or committee, President Trump’s donors should visit to review an up-to-date list of candidates and committees the President has endorsed or supports. Candidates and committees that wish to be a part of Official Team Trump and receive the right to use the Seal should visit to apply.

By granting a candidate or committee the right to use this seal, President Trump does not solicit contributions for or on behalf of such candidate or committee. Additionally, the seal does not indicate or imply that President Trump or Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. has reviewed or approved any fundraising solicitation or other communication in connection with the seal appears. Indeed, it has not done so and will not do so.


  1. If a trumpturd sees that seal, the trumpturd can be SURE it is being scammed! And make its donation to the Orange scammer anyway. Maybe trumpturds like being scammed? LOL!

    Any entity that mimics or unlawfully uses the Seal without explicit approval from a representative of President Trump’s campaign may face legal action.

    So (without the seal) other scammers (beside dotard donald) should feel free to solicit donations in the Orange Turd's name? Scam my supporters ALL you want, just don't use my seal? I'm "sure" that will stop them. NOT.

    btw, the hypocrite dotard donald has been told by numerous singers/bands "don't use my/our songs". But dotard donald continues using their songs anyway.

  2. All The Artists Who Have Told Trump To Stop Using Their Songs At His Rallies ... The Rolling Stones are just the latest band to threaten legal action against President Trump over his use of their music at his rallies -- over a dozen artists have instructed the divisive president to stop using their songs.

    dotard donald's scam...

    "...the seal does not indicate or imply that President Trump or Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. has reviewed or approved any fundraising solicitation or other communication in connection with the seal appears. Indeed, it has not done so and will not do so".

    Yet, trumpturds seeing the seal will surely see it as an endorsement. Let me guess, tRump is charging for authorized use of the seal? LOL! dotard-supporting rubes DESERVE to be scammed. I wish the scammers good luck in separating trumpturds from their money.

    They don't need the seal anyway. Scammers such as Matt Taibbi, Jimmy Dore, etc are doing very well without it. They have to put on a show, however. Convince the gullible that they are "intellectually honest" lefties. LOL!

    As opposed to just collecting money by saying its going to the dotard donald campaign (when it isn't). But tRump does that too. He transfers money from his campaign to his companies (who provide services at inflated prices to the campaign) and to his legal defense.

  3. Has he solicited donations from you, yet, Dervy? Or do you just give and "ACTblue"?

  4. dotard donald = scammer.

  5. Don't "buy" tRump. He is a product of Russia. Owned by Putin.

  6. Don't buy Biden...he's owned by Ukraine, Xi, and the Moscow Mayor's wife.

  7. Try to sway hypocrite with hypocritical rebuff??? They not helpful, trust me Joe.

    Only pointing their face to their own shit... well, not helpful either. Buyt, hilarious.

  8. \\Convince the gullible that they are "intellectually honest" lefties. LOL!

    I concur!

    "Intellectually honest leftists"... that's really laughable. LOL!

  9. I'm not trying to "sway" Dervy. He's un-swayable. You can't teach virtue (Plato, "Meno"). You can only "torpify" the unvirtuous.

    I'm not trying to "sway".

  10. Qtard: \\Convince the gullible that they are "intellectually honest" lefties\\I concur! "Intellectually honest leftists"... that's really laughable. LOL!

    Qtard PROVES, yet again, that it can NOT follow along. Gets confused easily. Minus has labeled supposed "lefties" like Matt Taibbi and Jimmy Dore as "intellectually honest". Because they parrot rightturd talking points. Defend donald tRump. My comment concerned these alleged lefties.

    But Qtard (even though I named Taibbi and Dore) got confused and (due to its confusion) thought I was talking about all Leftists. Now will Qtard ask (re Taibbi and Dore) "whoz zat?". Because (even though these people were discussed here before multiple times) Qtard forgot? Because Qtard can't remember past discussion very well. Due to its extremely limited brain power. Why it continually asks for quotes. It can't remember what it has said. Or, if it does, it lies about what it said previously. Thinks that will work. Again, due to low brain power.

  11. Minus: I'm not trying to "sway" Dervy. He's un-swayable. You can't teach virtue (Plato, "Meno"). You can only "torpify" the unvirtuous.

    No. Not swayed by White Supremacist rightturd "virtues". "Virtues" such as believing that misogyny is good because it proves you are an alpha male. "Virtue" of hating gay and trans people. "Virtue" of believing Whites are superior (but falsely framing it as being "race neutral").

    Minus is right. I can't be taught those "virtues". Not because I am unvirtuous, but because I know what Minus considers virtues, aren't. Thinks having LOW moral standards is a virtue. Like Ayn Rand's belief that selfishness is a virtue. rightturds don't know what real virtues are.

  12. Dervy once again proves that he's pure "projection". Acta non verba, baby!

  13. btw - the mind of a progressive mentalist has been laid bare.

    ps- Mind reading is NOT a verified ability.

    ... and "white savior syndrome" isn't racist? Who knew?

  14. Minus: say something critical of black culture then. You can't. It's "perfect". Black fathers are the BEST! lol!

    Google: What is the black culture? What is Black Culture All About? History and Heritage: Black culture is rooted in the historical experiences of African people and their descendants, including the legacies of slavery, colonialism, and the civil rights movement. It celebrates the resilience, strength, and achievements of Black individuals and communities throughout history.

    Google doesn't say anything about Black fathers. The "best" or not the "best".

    Didn't find anything about Black fathers here either.

    You're talking about this?

    Say something critical about "White culture".

    Minus: Affirm them Dervy, else like fragile flowers they'll wilt. Be their FOREVER white knight, Derv...

    I am nobody's "white knight". Nobody needs affirmation from me.

    the mind of a republiturd laid bare.

    I claimed that Progressives have mind reading abilities? When?

  15. \\I'm not trying to "sway" Dervy. He's un-swayable. You can't teach virtue (Plato, "Meno"). You can only "torpify" the unvirtuous.

    Dumbness... is Smartness. Their Creed.

    You Cannot Fight Shit with Shit.


    As they say it... its impossible to wrestle with a swine. You both will be in mud... but swine, likes it. ;-P

    \\talking points. Defend donald tRump. My comment concerned these alleged lefties.


    All lefties looks the same to me. ;-P

    \\But Qtard (even though I named Taibbi and Dore

    I dunno. Whozzat???

    Well, whatever. I don care.

    But I TRUST to your assessment. Both of them. That that bogus no-names is leftists.

    And that Lefties NOT intellectually honest. ;-P

    I, CONCUR!

    \\Dervy once again proves that he's pure "projection". Acta non verba, baby!


    Thatś idiotic, but sadly, working tactics. ¨Make em justify oneself¨

    Commonly known as Lefties Moral High Ground...

    why you still no know, not recognizew it... dunno.

    By throwing accusations left and right to make look one ¨viruous¨... and to make opponents busy, to cover own vice.

    Only... it only works in big crowds... thatś why Derpy The Idiot... is such an idiot. ;-P

    Trying to use it here. Against us.

    \\Google: What is the black culture? What is Black Culture All About? History and Heritage: Black culture is rooted in the historical experiences of African people and their descendants, including the legacies of slavery, colonialism, and the civil rights movement.

    Add Demn Heling to that list. ;-P

  16. So did Dervy say anything critical of Black Culture? Of course not. he's "not allowed". Q.E.D.

  17. Qtard: dumbness... is Smartness. Their Creed.

    Qtard's creed.

    Qtard: You Cannot Fight Shit with Shit.

    But you can fight the truth with shit. Qtard does it constantly.

    Qtard: As they say it... its impossible to wrestle with a swine. You both will be in mud... but swine, likes it.

    Qtard is the swine flinging its feces. It accuses me of what it does.

    Qtard: Yawn. All lefties looks the same to me.

    Because you are an idiot. Also, I said "alleged". They allege they are lefties, but their defense of donald tRump proves otherwise.

    Qtard: \\...even though I named Taibbi and Dore...\\I dunno. Whozzat??? Well, whatever. I don care.

    Qtard proves its idiocy AGAIN. JUST said "All lefties looks the same to me". Now says it doesn't know who they are. If you don't know who someone is, HOW can they "looks the same" to you?

    Qtard: But I TRUST to your assessment. Both of them. That that bogus no-names is leftists.

    NOT my assessment. My assessment is that they are rightturds posing as lefties. A qtarded LIE, anyway. Qtard never trusts anything I say. Only "trusts" when it twists my words. Claims I am making an assessment that is the OPPOSITE of my actual assessment.

    Qtard: And that Lefties NOT intellectually honest.

    Only the fake ones.

    Qtard: I, CONCUR!

    Impossible. "Concur" means to "be of the same opinion; agree"... with another person. Not yourself. "I concur with myself" is something an idiot would say.

    Qtard: \\Dervy once again proves that he's pure "projection". ...\\Naaah. Thatś idiotic, but sadly, working tactics. "Make em justify oneself". Commonly known as Lefties Moral High Ground... ... By throwing accusations left and right to make look one "viruous"... and to make opponents busy, to cover own vice.

    I don't need to make myself "look" virtuous.

    Qtard: Only... it only works in big crowds... thatś why Derpy The Idiot... is such an idiot. Trying to use it here. Against us.

    Doesn't work against people without virtues.

    Qtard: Add Demn Heling to that list.


    Minus: So did Dervy say anything critical of Black Culture? Of course not. he's "not allowed". Q.E.D.

    I say what I want. If I want to say something I will. If I do not want to say something I won't. Minus thinks I should say that Black men are bad fathers? Minus tells me to repeat his lies and I should say "yes" instead of "f*ck off"? Why?

  18. What's the out-of-wedlock birth rate for blacks, Derv?


    Nothing critical to say, Derv? It's ALL good, right?

  20. Debunking the most pervasive myth about black fatherhood Josh Levs pointed out in his new book All In, 2.5 million of 4.2 million black fathers — or about 59.5 percent — live with their children. Levs's numbers suggest that it's not true, as the CDC figures suggests, that 71.5 percent of black dads are absent from their homes — but rather that many of them are simply unmarried. ... Blow cited CDC data that showed black fathers are more likely than their white and Hispanic counterparts to feed, eat with, bathe, diaper, dress, play with, and read to their children on a daily basis. [Vox Jun 19, 2016]

  21. \\Qtard: dumbness... is Smartness. Their Creed.

    \\Qtard's creed.


    For Derpy it CAN look that way.

    Because in its NewSpeak dictionary:

    stoopidity IT'S Smartness


    smartness IT's Stopidity. ;-P

    What Derpy showed many times. Like the last one, when he backlashed against Double-Checking???

    Why so??? Double-Checking that is just a repeating what is True, what IS factual.

    WHY anybody could be AGAINST repeating what is True... if... it not AGAINST Truth?

    \\Blow cited CDC data that showed black fathers are more likely than their white and Hispanic counterparts to feed, eat with, bathe, diaper, dress, play with, and read to their children on a daily basis. [Vox Jun 19, 2016]

    And CDC knows that, because???

    It performs in-home surveilance over them? ;-P

    \\But you can fight the truth with shit. Qtard does it constantly.

    And? You can CONFIRM that? ;-P


    That is blatant hypocritic lie.

    Of a heinous idiotic hypocrite Derpy. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: As they say it... its impossible to wrestle with a swine. You both will be in mud... but swine, likes it.

    \\Qtard is the swine flinging its feces. It accuses me of what it does.

    Swine... cannot devise its own back-bites.

    Because... that is idiotic swine. That can repeat after opponent ONLY. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Yawn. All lefties looks the same to me.

    \\Because you are an idiot. Also, I said "alleged". They allege they are lefties, but their defense of donald tRump proves otherwise.


    I don't care.

    From far-far-away, where I sitting, you are in one face to me. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\...even though I named Taibbi and Dore...\\I dunno. Whozzat??? Well, whatever. I don care.

    \\Qtard proves its idiocy AGAIN. JUST said "All lefties looks the same to me". Now says it doesn't know who they are. If you don't know who someone is, HOW can they "looks the same" to you?

    What an idiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Militant idiot.

    So what, Derpy the Idiot -- when you come to stadion, where thousand of people sitting, and you can see their faces -- it immediately makes you an aquitance with them ALL??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    THAT is how it works, in your idiotic mind???? :-)))))))))))))

    \\NOT my assessment. My assessment is that they are rightturds posing as lefties.


    I don't care.

    And why should I?

    Can devise any viable reason?


    Cause, idiot.

    \\Qtard never trusts anything I say.

    Well... at first, I tryed.

    Because that is not productive to doubt everything what newly met person says.

    But... after you moronic claim that you "believe in facts".

    I found it hard to trust ANY your word.

    So, I started double-checking... and found that nearly 100% of your words is lies... or just idiotic gibberish mumbling.

    So, yeah.

    You are right here. I DO NOT trust you. Now.

    And it will be hard for you to gain ANY of my trust (apart from me geniunely trust you, that you'll continue showing what an idiot U R).


  22. \\Only "trusts" when it twists my words. Claims I am making an assessment that is the OPPOSITE of my actual assessment.


    but that is YOU OWN DAMN WORDS.

    Which I confirm EVERY TIME... with CORRECT quotes.

    HOW anybody can "twist" your words -- by pointing EXACTLY and CORRECTLY at that words??? HOW could it be??? YOUR WORDS... suddenly became NOT YOUR WORDS??? HOW?????????????!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))

    Try to not say that BS.

    And I will not be pointing at it. ;-P


    But it seems that is impossible... for idiots. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And that Lefties NOT intellectually honest.

    \\Only the fake ones.

    All lefties are FAKEs.


    \\Impossible. "Concur" means to "be of the same opinion; agree"... with another person. Not yourself. "I concur with myself" is something an idiot would say.


    I betcha, that you know it.


    \\I don't need to make myself "look" virtuous.


    You do.

    Cause you can't.

    Got naaaah brains for that.

    That's why you not just a hypocrite, but idiotic hypocrite, Derpy. ;-P

    \\Doesn't work against people without virtues.



    Trying to shame people -- do not affect people without shame.

    And etc.

    That's why I pointed to FJ, that his tactic is wrong.

    \\Qtard: Add Demn Heling to that list.



    Mistyping. That was Demn HELPing. For "minorities" to stay in a position needing protection. Protection from Demns. Forever!

    \\I say what I want. If I want to say something I will. If I do not want to say something I won't. Minus thinks I should say that Black men are bad fathers? Minus tells me to repeat his lies and I should say "yes" instead of "f*ck off"? Why?

    Of course.

    Because you just "believe in" facts.

    But when that facts is not to your liking. Or Demn Propaganda told you they must be.

    You... prefer to keep silence about such facts.

    Bogus Religious Bonker's idea -- if it *IGNORE* unconvinient facts... that facts will desappear, somehow. ;-P

    One-to-one correspondence here.

    Idiots and Religious Bonkers trying to *IGNORE* unconvinient facts.

    Derpy trying to *IGNORE* unconvinient facts.


    Derpy IS that Idiot and Religious Bonker... itself. ;-P


  23. Qtard: dumbness... is Smartness. Their Creed\\Qtard's creed. Yep. For Derpy it CAN look that way. Because in its NewSpeak dictionary: stoopidity IT'S Smartness AND smartness IT's Stopidity.

    Qtard's NewSpeak dictionary.

    What Derpy showed many times. Like the last one, when he backlashed against Double-Checking???

    Didn't. Support the double checking that was done in regards to the 2020 election. This double (and triple) checking confirmed that Joe Biden won the election.

    Qtard: Why so??? Double-Checking that is just a repeating what is True, what IS factual.

    Right. Why all the double checking that occurred confirmed Joe Biden's win.

    Qtard: WHY anybody could be AGAINST repeating what is True... if... it not AGAINST Truth?

    Never said I was against double checking. Pointed out that double checking (in the states) had been done. Even triple checking. All confirmed Joe Biden's win.

    Qtard: \\Blow cited CDC data that showed black fathers are more likely than their white and Hispanic counterparts to feed, eat with, bathe, diaper, dress, play with, and read to their children on a daily basis\\And CDC knows that, because???

    They checked.

    Qtard: It performs in-home surveilance over them?

    You (or Minus) are citing "in-home surveillance" on White fathers? That's how you "know" White men are better fathers? Because I don't see how being married when their children are born PROVES superior fathering.

    Qtard: \\But you can fight the truth with shit. Qtard does it constantly\\And? You can CONFIRM that? Naaah.

    I can. For example, your BS about "in-home surveillance" being needed to confirm Black men aren't good fathers. While NOT needed to confirm the same about White fathers.

    Qtard: That is blatant hypocritic lie.

    Truth. Just proved it.

    Qtard: Of a heinous idiotic hypocrite Derpy. **moronic laughter**

    False allegation against me. True about Qtard though.

    Qtard: As they say it... its impossible to wrestle with a swine. You both will be in mud... but swine, likes it\\Qtard is the swine flinging its feces. It accuses me of what it does\\Swine... cannot devise its own back-bites\\Because... that is idiotic swine. That can repeat after opponent ONLY.

    It's my fault that Qtard accuses me of what it is guilty of?

    Qtard: Yawn. All lefties looks the same to me\\Because you are an idiot. Also, I said "alleged". They allege they are lefties, but their defense of donald tRump proves otherwise\\Whatever. I don't care. From far-far-away, where I sitting, you are in one face to me.

    "You are all in one face to me" means? All Americans are defending tRump? So why are you worried about tRump being convicted of any crime? Worried about people having the opinion that donald tRump is guilty? If we're all defending him. tRump will be found not guilty and be elected the next president, replacing Joe Biden. Like you want. Going to stop babbling about Nazi Germany now?

    Qtard: \\...even though I named Taibbi and Dore...\\I dunno. Whozzat??? Well, whatever. I don care\\Qtard proves its idiocy AGAIN. JUST said "All lefties looks the same to me". Now says it doesn't know who they are. If you don't know who someone is, HOW can they "looks the same" to you?\\What an idiot **moronic laughter** Militant idiot.

    Qtard confesses again? I concur!

    Qtard: So what, Derpy the Idiot -- when you come to stadion, where thousand of people sitting, and you can see their faces -- it immediately makes you an aquitance with them ALL??? **moronic laughter**

    Knowing who people are doesn't make them acquaintances. Qtard knows who Barack Obama and Joe Biden are. Are they Qtard's acquaintances? Qtard met them, spent time with them? That is what makes someone an acquaintance. So when did Qtard become acquaintances with Obama and Biden?

  24. Qtard: THAT is how it works, in your idiotic mind???? **moronic laughter**

    No. That was Qtard's idiocy. I said nothing like that.

    Qtard: \\NOT my assessment. My assessment is that they are rightturds posing as lefties\\AGAIN. I don't care. And why should I? Can devise any viable reason?

    Because you're commenting here? Responding to discussion in which these people (Taibbi, Dore, other Putin puppets) are discussed? If you don't care, shuddup. Instead of "burging" in to say you don't care. You gave an opinion about Scott Ritter. Why do you care about him but not Taibbi and Dore? Nevermind. *I* don't care. Already know why. Qtard was using its "I don't care" escape.

    Qtard: \\Qtard never trusts anything I say\\Well... at first, I tryed. Because that is not productive to doubt everything what newly met person says. But... after you moronic claim that you "believe in facts". I found it hard to trust ANY your word.

    Because Qtard hates facts. Distrusts anyone who believes them. Because Qtard disbelieves facts.

    Qtard: So, I started double-checking... and found that nearly 100% of your words is lies... or just idiotic gibberish mumbling.

    That is what *I* found when I double checked Qtard's words. Except for the mumbling. "Mumbling" describes spoken words, not written words. Impossible for the written word to be "mumbling".

    "Mumbling" definition: speaking or spoken in a quiet and indistinct way.

    SPEAKING, not writing.

    Qtard: You are right here. I DO NOT trust you. Now.

    I don't trust Qtard either. Not his frequent babbling about being a "foreigner". Maybe true, but I don't know. I *do* know Qtard lies. So its claim to be a foreigner (which it brings up constantly) could definitely be false.

    Qtard: And it will be hard for you to gain ANY of my trust (apart from me geniunely trust you, that you'll continue showing what an idiot U R).

    I have no intention of trying to gain Qtard's trust. I don't give a shit about Qtard's trust. Don't want it.

    Qtard: \\Only "trusts" when it twists my words. Claims I am making an assessment that is the OPPOSITE of my actual assessment\\Well... but that is YOU OWN DAMN WORDS.


    Qtard: Which I confirm EVERY TIME... with CORRECT quotes.

    Don't. Fakes quotes.

    Qtard: HOW anybody can "twist" your words -- by pointing EXACTLY and CORRECTLY at that words??? HOW could it be??? YOUR WORDS... suddenly became NOT YOUR WORDS? HOW??!! **moronic

    I have never said My words are Not My words. I only object to Qtard's lies. Like when Qtard fakes quotes. Or when it takes a quote and says "what Derpy really mean". Like me pointing out that me (a White guy of European ancestry) and a Chinese person differ in appearance. Never said I was better than, or didn't want to be compared to, a Chinese person. That was a Qtard-concocted fake quote.

    Don't give me this "HOW???!!" bullshit. You know. Because you've done it. Keep doing it.

    Qtard: Try to not say that BS. And I will not be pointing at it.

    No. Can't. Because I have never said "that BS". Qtard says "that BS". And *I* point at it.

  25. Qtard: Easy-Peasy.

    Yet Qtard won't do it. Won't stop faking quotes and telling me "what Derpy really mean".

    Qtard: But it seems that is impossible... for idiots. **moronic laughter**

    I concur. It does seem impossible for the idiot Qtard.

    Qtard: And that Lefties NOT intellectually honest\\Only the fake ones\\All lefties are FAKEs.


    Qtard: \\Impossible. "Concur" means to "be of the same opinion; agree"... with another person. Not yourself. "I concur with myself" is something an idiot would say\\Yep. I betcha, that you know it.

    Of course.

    Qtard: Cause, that is what you do. AGAIN and AGAIN. **repeats "again" many times, thinking that proves what it says is true**

    Quote me. Where did I write that I concur with myself?

    Qtard: \\I don't need to make myself "look" virtuous\\Yap. You do. Cause you can't. Got naaaah brains for that.

    Don't need to. Like I already said.

    Qtard: That's why you not just a hypocrite, but idiotic hypocrite, Derpy.

    Example of what Qtard thinks is "idiotic hypocrisy" from me? Qtard can quote some of my "idiotic hypocrisy"? Naah. I didn't think so.

    Qtard: \\Doesn't work against people without virtues\\Yap.Correct.Trying to shame people -- do not affect people without shame.

    I concur with Qtard's admission about itself.

    Qtard: That's why I pointed to FJ, that his tactic is wrong.

    Not his tactic. He told you. Yet you still say it is. Because Qtard is an idiot.

    Qtard: Add Demn Heling to that list \\Gibberish\\Yep. Mistyping. That was Demn HELPing. For "minorities" to stay in a position needing protection. Protection from Demns. Forever!

    Well, republicans could help if they chose to. And get more votes from minorities. But they've gone full White Supremacist. Doing the opposite of helping. FYI, many Democratic politicians who are helping are African Americans. They run as Democrats because Democrats are for helping. They see this. African American voters see this. Why would they vote for the other party (which has been taken over by White Supremacy)?

    btw, many poor and middle class Whites also see that Democrats are for helping them. Instead of the already rich (who republicans ARE for helping). Rich people don't need help. Yet many Whites vote for republicans anyway. Just because they're against helping minorities. And against help for themselves. Because their hate is more important to them.

    As for "forever", I dunno. I can't see the future. Don't care though. I will probably be dead.

    Qtard: \\I say what I want. If I want to say something I will. If I do not want to say something I won't. Minus thinks I should say that Black men are bad fathers? Minus tells me to repeat his lies and I should say "yes" instead of "f*ck off"? Why?\\Of course. Because you just "believe in" facts.

    I don't "just" believe in facts. ONLY believe in them if the evidence supports belief.

  26. Qtard: But when that facts is not to your liking. Or Demn Propaganda told you they must be. You... prefer to keep silence about such facts.

    How did Qtard arrive at this conclusion? It has some evidence to back up this accusation? Like quotes? Or does Qtard just BELIEVE it? Because it fits it false "Demn propaganda" narrative? ("Demn propaganda" being a label Qtard attaches to any fact it doesn't like).

    Bogus Religious Bonker's idea -- if it *IGNORE* unconvinient facts... that facts will desappear, somehow.

    I concur! Why Qtard ignores the reality of race being a social construct. Pretend there is no such thing as "race" (as a social construct) and somehow racism disappears. Which is Qtard's lie. What actually would happen is that racism would get worse. Which is what Qtard wants.

    Qtard: One-to-one correspondence here. Idiots and Religious Bonkers trying to *IGNORE* unconvinient facts.

    I concur with Qtard's unintentional confession about itself.

    Qtard: Derpy trying to *IGNORE* unconvinient facts.

    Cite one fact you are alleging I have ignored.

    Qtard: Means, Derpy IS that Idiot and Religious Bonker... itself.

    Doesn't. Because Qtard can't cite one fact I'm "trying" to ignore.

    Qtard: LOGIC!


  27. \\Qtard: dumbness... is Smartness. Their Creed\\Qtard's creed. Yep. For Derpy it CAN look that way. Because in its NewSpeak dictionary: stoopidity IT'S Smartness AND smartness IT's Stopidity.

    \\Qtard's NewSpeak dictionary.

    YET ONE self-revealing confirmation being idiot. ;-P

    Go, continue like that, Derp. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Showing how LITTLE ya brains are.

    \\Didn't. Support the double checking that was done in regards to the 2020 election. This double (and triple) checking confirmed that Joe Biden won the election.

    True double-checking would be ONLY re-elections. Under stricter procedures.

    \\Right. Why all the double checking that occurred confirmed Joe Biden's win.

    Good for you.

    In 2000 it confirmed J.B.s win. ;-P

    \\Never said I was against double checking. Pointed out that double checking (in the states) had been done. Even triple checking. All confirmed Joe Biden's win.


    You support only thaty douible-checking -- that confirming your bias/point.

    I get it, Derp.

    \\I can. For example, your BS about "in-home surveillance" being needed to confirm Black men aren't good fathers. While NOT needed to confirm the same about White fathers.

    That was question, Derp.

    I dunno how it happens in USA.

    Just suggested possible way of recieving such info.

    But YOU calling it bullshit??? On what base?

    Isn't in-home survailance is the best (ONLY?) way to confirm that "black fathers are more likely than their white and Hispanic counterparts to feed, eat with, bathe, diaper, dress, play with, and read to their children on a daily basis", or what?

    Ah... I know. The best (and ONLY?) way -- it's to ask "experts"... without asking ANY further questions, like how they recieved such intimate info, am I understand you correctly, Derpy?

    \\Because... that is idiotic swine. That can repeat after opponent ONLY.

    \\It's my fault that Qtard accuses me of what it is guilty of?

    And you can give quote of MY words I repeated after you??? Your lame and disgeniuos back-bite? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))



  28. \\So why are you worried about tRump being convicted of any crime?

    And WHAT made you think that *I* worried??? About such a silly thing to boot?


    \\Worried about people having the opinion that donald tRump is guilty?

    Well. I explained it enough. Why it disturbing.

    \\ tRump will be found not guilty and be elected the next president, replacing Joe Biden. Like you want.

    And what made you think so? ;-P

    \\Going to stop babbling about Nazi Germany now?

    You asking me? ;-P

    For you to stop?

    I dunno. And don't care.

    But well, I encourage yopu to continue-continue your babbling. No, I praise you to babble MOAR. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: So what, Derpy the Idiot -- when you come to stadion, where thousand of people sitting, and you can see their faces -- it immediately makes you an aquitance with them ALL??? **moronic laughter**

    \\Knowing who people are doesn't make them acquaintances. Qtard knows who Barack Obama and Joe Biden are. Are they Qtard's acquaintances? Qtard met them, spent time with them? That is what makes someone an acquaintance. So when did Qtard become acquaintances with Obama and Biden?

    Thjat's it, baby, that's it.

    You just showed that U R moron.

    Which unable to hold thread of discussion in its little scull.

    THAT IS YOU are one who accused me...

    \\Qtard proves its idiocy AGAIN. JUST said "All lefties looks the same to me". Now says it doesn't know who they are. If you don't know who someone is, HOW can they "looks the same" to you?

    And NOW.

    YOU, with your own words. Confirmed that my "I dunno, whozzat" response is absolutely justified.

    That's it, baby, that's it.

    YOU! DID IT. ;-P

    \\Qtard: THAT is how it works, in your idiotic mind???? **moronic laughter**

    \\No. That was Qtard's idiocy. I said nothing like that.

    Well... YOUR words just above.

    Or??? AGAIN? It is "not my words"???? From Derpy The Idiot.

    USUAL PATTERN. By now.

    Step 1: Derpy The Idiot babbling something.

    Step 2: Then, much smarter oppnent smashing its dumb dumb face INTO that verbal faces of that Derpy The Idiot OWN WORDS.

    Step 3: Derpy The Idiot starts screaming "not my words!!!". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Thought that is APPARENTLY ITS words.

    What an idiot.

    CANNOT neigher stop babbling stooopid shit nor make palatable excuse. Or just shuddup.

    \\Qtard: \\NOT my assessment. My assessment is that they are rightturds posing as lefties\\AGAIN. I don't care. And why should I? Can devise any viable reason?

    \\Because you're commenting here?

    And how it relates???

    There is some "rightturds posing as lefties".

    There is some talking in this blog.

    And there is me.

    Well, I, somehow related to talking in this blog.

    But to that other "rightturds posing as lefties" I related only in a way that I phatomed to read and to try to discern meaning of that stoooopid words.

    About it I do not care much, and prefer to slack it -- it's intellectual smart-ass habit -- to discern what information is important and need to be researched further... and what is just a useless garbage, no need to sweat about. ;-P

    Hard thing for idiots, it seems, to groke. ;-P

  29. \\If you don't care, shuddup. Instead of "burging" in to say you don't care. You gave an opinion about Scott Ritter. Why do you care about him but not Taibbi and Dore? Nevermind. *I* don't care. Already know why. Qtard was using its "I don't care" escape.

    Well... YOU used that escape tactic.

    When you said that you DON'T CARE about point of dRump being guilty.

    EVEN THOUGH you spent for at least HALF of year HERE -- throwing into faces of other people -- that they might be "supporting dRump", if they not support your hate-speach against him.

    I... was not interested and NOT TALKED about that "Taibbi and Dore" in the first place.

    So... easy to see, whose "I don't care" is more viable and closer to the Truth. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Qtard never trusts anything I say\\Well... at first, I tryed. Because that is not productive to doubt everything what newly met person says. But... after you moronic claim that you "believe in facts". I found it hard to trust ANY your word.

    \\Because Qtard hates facts. Distrusts anyone who believes them. Because Qtard disbelieves facts.

    But... that is De-Ru-Pi... which declered "I disbelieve facts". ;-P

    \\Qtard: So, I started double-checking... and found that nearly 100% of your words is lies... or just idiotic gibberish mumbling.

    \\That is what *I* found when I double checked Qtard's words.

    Dunno. Where???

    I saw NO double-checking of MY words. Neither YOUR words.

    Only FAKED quotes of my words. And screams "that is NOT MY words".

    THAT IS??? What you call double-checking???????????????? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\"Mumbling" definition: speaking or spoken in a quiet and indistinct way.

    \\SPEAKING, not writing.

    Yeah... hard thing to do.

    But... YOU achieved it. ;-P

    You logically flawed and gibberish writing looks just like mummbling... written. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: You are right here. I DO NOT trust you. Now.

    \\I don't trust Qtard either. Not his frequent babbling about being a "foreigner". Maybe true, but I don't know. I *do* know Qtard lies. So its claim to be a foreigner (which it brings up constantly) could definitely be false.



    That you are confused (with its brains) idiot. I know it, already.

    \\I have no intention of trying to gain Qtard's trust. I don't give a shit about Qtard's trust. Don't want it.

    Then... you GOT what you want. ;-P

    Why so grumpy? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You EARNED it (being seen utter dumb ass). Be proud! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Only "trusts" when it twists my words. Claims I am making an assessment that is the OPPOSITE of my actual assessment\\Well... but that is YOU OWN DAMN WORDS.


    Counter-Factual Claim. AGAIN.

    Confirmation that Derpy is as said -- utter dumb ass.

    That trying to lie even about its own words being its. ;-P


  30. \\Qtard: Which I confirm EVERY TIME... with CORRECT quotes.

    \\Don't. Fakes quotes.

    And you can SHOW how it is "fake quotes"???

    Even if it THAT SIMPLE as pressing Ctrl-F on keyboard???

    What an utter dumb ass.

    Self-comfessed. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: HOW anybody can "twist" your words -- by pointing EXACTLY and CORRECTLY at that words??? HOW could it be??? YOUR WORDS... suddenly became NOT YOUR WORDS? HOW??!! **moronic

    \\I have never said My words are Not My words.

    JUST ABOVE!!!!!


    And you faking surprise from my words that I see your idiotic tricks so DAMN ENTERTAINING!!!!?????????????????


    When claimed that Copy-Pasted quotes of YOUR WORDS by me is FAKED... well, somehow. :-)))))))))))))))) Gawd of Idiots only know HOW it can be.


    Right away, YOU trying to make BOLD claim like "I NEVER DID IT"????

    Just a sentence afar from where YOU DID.

    What a blatant idiocy. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Noi end of laughing stock. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Or when it takes a quote and says "what Derpy really mean".

    Yeah. Because I do it in a logical way.

    And Derpy The Idiot -- fears Logic.

    USUAL for idiots. Their DEFINITE distinctive traits -- being scared of Logic.


    \\Like me pointing out that me (a White guy of European ancestry) and a Chinese person differ in appearance.


    To support its racistic creed.

    \\Don't give me this "HOW???!!" bullshit. You know. Because you've done it. Keep doing it.


    See. HOW allergic to Logic THIS idiot is.

    Definitely an idiot. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Try to not say that BS. And I will not be pointing at it.

    \\No. Can't. Because I have never said "that BS". Qtard says "that BS". And *I* point at it.


    Does it mean, that you will continue spouting frigging nonsense?

    It's O.K. with me.

    No... please, continue-continue. Entertaining me. ;-P

  31. \\Qtard: But it seems that is impossible... for idiots. **moronic laughter**

    \\I concur. It does seem impossible for the idiot Qtard.


    To devise what to say with own words... seems impossible for this Derpy The Idiot. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Impossible. "Concur" means to "be of the same opinion; agree"... with another person. Not yourself. "I concur with myself" is something an idiot would say\\Yep. I betcha, that you know it.

    \\Of course.


    Derpy The Idiot agreed?

    That it knows how idiots behave -- because it is idiot, itself.

    What a wise idiot. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Cause, that is what you do. AGAIN and AGAIN. **repeats "again" many times, thinking that proves what it says is true**

    \\Quote me. Where did I write that I concur with myself?

    JUST ABOVE!!!!!!


    \\Qtard: \\I don't need to make myself "look" virtuous\\Yap. You do. Cause you can't. Got naaaah brains for that.

    \\Don't need to. Like I already said.

    There where you "concur with yourself"? ;-P

    \\Qtard: That's why you not just a hypocrite, but idiotic hypocrite, Derpy.

    \\Example of what Qtard thinks is "idiotic hypocrisy" from me? Qtard can quote some of my "idiotic hypocrisy"? Naah. I didn't think so.

    Several comments ABOVE.

    Where you claimed that you "NEVER DID It". ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Doesn't work against people without virtues\\Yap.Correct.Trying to shame people -- do not affect people without shame.

    \\I concur with Qtard's admission about itself.

    Itself -- Derpy The Idiot? ;-P

    \\Not his tactic. He told you. Yet you still say it is. Because Qtard is an idiot.



    \\I don't "just" believe in facts. ONLY believe in them if the evidence supports belief.

    Means... you disbelieve em... if you don't like em?

    But, yeah, I know it already.

    \\Qtard: But when that facts is not to your liking. Or Demn Propaganda told you they must be. You... prefer to keep silence about such facts.

    \\How did Qtard arrive at this conclusion?

    THAT... APPARENT FACT... how Derpy The Idiot, stopping answering under certain posts comments -- when some desturbing questions arised in them.
    Like question... about APPARENT FACTS, that nowaday Democratic party in USA -- is the same historical Slave Owners Democratic party of 19th century. ;-P

    \\Bogus Religious Bonker's idea -- if it *IGNORE* unconvinient facts... that facts will desappear, somehow.

    \\I concur! Why Qtard ignores the reality of race being a social construct.

    Because. That is historical supestition of Racists.

    And I am not racist. ;-P

    Derpy ARE. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: One-to-one correspondence here. Idiots and Religious Bonkers trying to *IGNORE* unconvinient facts.

    \\I concur with Qtard's unintentional confession about itself.

    Itself -- Derpy The Idiot? ;-P

  32. Step 1: Dervish The much smarter opponent writes a smart comment.

    Step 2: Qtard, the much dumber opponent imagines (in its delusions) it is smashing its opponent's smart face by fabricating a fake quote (or lying about what smart opponent "really mean"). Calls it's lies OWN WORDS of opponent.

    Step 3: Dervish The Smart Opponent objects to dumb opponent's lies.

    Step 4. Qtard The Lying Idiot screams "those are your own Demn words!!!". Writes characters indicating it is laughing moronically.

    Rinse and repeat over and over.

  33. Not able... own backbites.

