Sunday, August 20, 2023

Only the Last Fools Still Suffer Gell-Mann Amnesia...

... and their foolishness becomes more and more obvious to others, daily.
They're Addicted to Left-Wing Gaslight.


  1. Minus is addicted to "alternative facts" media. Tells him lies he likes.

    1. Minus is an imaginery delusional hallucination Dervish Sanders sees.

    2. DERVI$H BIN §ATAN-§ANDER$666 is an imaginery delusional hallucination Mystere sees.

  2. I will no longer follow the recommendations of ANY MSM outlets or Government officials. I will no longer wear a "courtesy mask" either.

  3. Minus isn't going to keep current on his vaccinations either? Maybe Minus will contract covid? Maybe it will develop into a case of "long covid"? If Minus FJ disappears (stops posting here) I should assume it is because he caught covid and died? I thought your family wanted you to get vaccinated and you said "yes, dear". Also, you said something about getting paid by your employer to get the vaccine. Going to say "no, dear" now?

    I don't wish death on anyone, unlike Mystere. I wouldn't cry either (if Minus died). Especially when he is defiant in his opposition to taking precautions. Meanwhile Mystere is furiously "casting curses" at me, praying to Satan that I die a horrible death (and am sent to Hell). Thinks the "gawd" he worships hates the same people he hates.

    Mystere said on his blog that I have "full blown AIDS". I asked Mystere if he "knows" I have AIDS because God told him, but Mystere refused to answer. The bonker said God speaks to him once in a while. God tells Mystere to delete comments from his blog. I looked, but did not see "God" listed as one of Mystere's "blog team members". Maybe Mystere should add him, so God can delete comments he does not like himself. He could also author posts.

  4. \\Mystere said on his blog that I have "full blown AIDS". I asked Mystere if he "knows" I have AIDS because

    And what is the difference with you, Derpy?

    He knows thar you have AIDS. Knowledge not based on any facts. And even counter factual.

    And you, who keep insisting that anonimous foreigner... is not foreigner. Not based on anything.

    So... what's the difference???

    That he is Rep... and you are Demn???


    I don't care about SUCH difference. As foreigner. You are all in one face to me.

    But... that Mistere do not haunting me, and do not trying to spew some bloody bullshit in my direction.

    Same as FJ.

    That is HELLA big difference. Definitive difference. As I see it. ;-P

  5. You're not reading and accepting Dervy for his "profile", Q. His profile says dems are GREAT, and he's a Dem, so he's GREAT, too. You must "accept" his profile. If you don't, you're a "bad person" lacking in all morals.

    btw - Do you use "his" pronouns?

  6. Qtard: And you, who keep insisting that anonimous foreigner... is not foreigner. Not based on anything.

    Lie. I have never insisted this. Said I have no way of knowing. Especially given that Qtard won't say what country it lives in. And the fact that Qtard is a proven liar, so disbelieving anything Qtard says is a safer bet than believing it.

    Qtard: So... what's the difference??? That he is Rep... and you are Demn??? But. I don't care about SUCH difference. As foreigner. You are all in one face to me.

    More proof that Qtard is an idiot. Why are you here discussing American politics if you don't know the difference between republicans and Democrats? Why do you blame "Demns" and "Demn propaganda" for everything if you don't know the difference between the right and Left in America? Because Qtard lies. It DOES know the difference.

    Qtard: But... that Mistere do not haunting me, and do not trying to spew some bloody bullshit in my direction.

    Why do you write tried as "tryed"? A "Y" where it shouldn't be versus the absence of a "Y" where it should be (in Mystere)? The reason is because Qtard is an idiot, yes? And didn't you say that I *am* "Mistere"? "Mistere" is my alter ego. Going to deny that? Demand quotes? Don't care.

    More stupidity is Qtard's claim that I am "haunting" it. When (when I don't reply) it BEGS me to comment. Says it wants "MOAR" comments from me. Apparently it likes "haunting". If Qtard doesn't like my (alleged) "bloody bullshit" it could go away. By its own choice. Or ask Minus FJ to ban me.

    Apparently Qtard likes echo chambers. If I go away Qtard and Minus FJ can debate among themselves just how innocent donald tRump is. How guilty Joe Biden is. Agree that not helping (re Ukraine) is much better than helping. Agree that Democrats are helping Putin by arming Ukraine.

    Qtard: Same as FJ. That is HELLA big difference. Definitive difference. As I see it.

    Don't care. All I see is Qtard begging for comments from me. Demanding "MOAR". Because (it claims) I am entertaining it. Not "haunting" it.

    Minus: You're not reading and accepting Dervy for his "profile", Q[tard]. His profile says dems are GREAT...

    So what? Your posts don't say trump is great and trump-supporting republicans like MTG are great?

    Minus: ...and he's a Dem, so he's GREAT, too.

    My profile doesn't say that. Implied, maybe. Though, to you, isn't the implication that I'm terrible? You just said my morals are fake.

    Also, you just bragged about your White Supremacist morals. Though, according to you, White Supremacist morals are great.

    Minus: You must "accept" his profile. If you don't, you're a "bad person" lacking in all morals.

    Who says Qtard has ever looked at my profile? Well, I don't care if it has. Or if it has "accepted" it. Said above it rejects my "greatness". Calls my morals "counterfeit".

    Qtard: btw - Do you use "his" pronouns?

    Qtard doesn't. Calls me "it". You haven't noticed?

    Also, you don't like pronouns? You'd prefer to be called "it"?

  7. \\You're not reading and accepting Dervy for his "profile", Q. His profile says dems are GREAT, and he's a Dem, so he's GREAT, too. You must "accept" his profile. If you don't, you're a "bad person" lacking in all morals.


    Well... I would be banned, long ago. If I'd do that not anonimously. ;-P

    \\btw - Do you use "his" pronouns?

    Dunno. What that mean?

    \\Lie. I have never insisted this. Said I have no way of knowing.

    Then... with that you admitted that you are damn fool. ;-P

    Cause for smart fellows there is TONS of methods.

    \\ Especially given that Qtard won't say what country it lives in.

    And why I should show such courtesy to such a hypocritical liar???

    To here slurr in direction of my ethnics, my people, my nation???

    I have had ENOUGH of it. From your fellow Demns. ;-P

    \\ And the fact that Qtard is a proven liar



    One heinouis liar CANNOT GIVE EVEN ONE truthful quote to confirm.

    SUCH kind of facts... which exist ONLY inside that liar's delirious religious bonker's mind. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\, so disbelieving anything Qtard says is a safer bet than believing it.


    "disbelieving in facts".

    THAT IS your CREED. ;-P

    \\More proof that Qtard is an idiot. Why are you here discussing American politics if you don't know the




    We have agreed in other thread.

    That WE discussing YOUR IDIOCY here.

    Here. You ADNITTED it... itself

    \\I thought Qtard said it was discussing my idiocy? My idiocy has nothing to do with politics.

    Or what??? That is NOT YOUR WORDS??? AGAIN. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ It DOES know the difference.


    "It"... Do Not Know. And... don't care to know.

    Cause -- foreigner.

    THE SAME... as you do not know and do not care about difference between hutu and tutsi. ;-P

    THAT IS IT -- Derpy The Idiot... trying to USE that call-names... without defining, without explaining... what it mean.

    Go figure that idiot. ;-P

    \\Why do you write tried as "tryed"? A "Y" where it shouldn't be versus the absence of a "Y" where it should

    Maybe... because I am foreigner? (sneakily) ;-P


  8. \\ The reason is because Qtard is an idiot, yes? And didn't you say that I *am* "Mistere"? "Mistere" is my alter ego. Going to deny that? Demand quotes? Don't care.

    Well... is that was statment? Or question?

    Bur, whatever. Derpy do not recognize and do not distinguish statments. From questions.

    Thjat idiot. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\More stupidity is Qtard's claim that I am "haunting" it. When (when I don't reply) it BEGS me to comment.


    YET ONE delirious delusion. ;-P

    \\Says it wants "MOAR" comments from me. Apparently it likes "haunting". If Qtard doesn't like my (alleged) "bloody bullshit" it could go away. By its own choice. Or ask Minus FJ to ban me.


    There is Freedom of Speach.

    ONLY Totalitarian Wananbe CAN suggest such a breaching of Freedom of Speach. ;-P

    And Derpy trully are one. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Apparently Qtard likes echo chambers. If I go away Qtard and Minus FJ can debate among themselves just how innocent donald tRump is. How guilty Joe Biden is. Agree that not helping (re Ukraine) is much better than helping. Agree that Democrats are helping Putin by arming Ukraine.

    Joe... do you like it? That Derpy cringing like that? :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Don't care. All I see is Qtard begging for comments from me. Demanding "MOAR". Because (it claims) I am entertaining it. Not "haunting" it.


    When stray dog barking at me... it surely thinks that it scarring me off its grounds... ;-P

    \\Minus: ...and he's a Dem, so he's GREAT, too.

    \\My profile doesn't say that. Implied, maybe. Though, to you, isn't the implication that I'm terrible? You just said my morals are fake.


    Because there is such virtue -- humility.

    And IT, obviously LACKING it. ;-P

  9. I don't think Dervy knows that you and I don't care to talk about Trump or Biden, Q. It's just not very important to us.

    Ukraine/ Russia, perhaps more so. And in that context, Biden or trump could arise as a topic for discussion, as the two men would follow very different Executive policies.

  10. Qtard: \\btw - Do you use "his" pronouns?\\Dunno. What that mean?

    Minus is referring to his transphobia. "His" in quotes. Thinks I am a woman who has (or is) transitioning to male? I dunno. About that part. Am sure Minus is transphobic.

    Qtard: \\Lie. I have never insisted this. Said I have no way of knowing\\Then... with that you admitted that you are damn fool. Cause for smart fellows there is TONS of methods.

    Aren't. There is only one. Which is to take your word for it. Another of Qtard's idiotic lies. Qtard admitted it is a damn fool.

    Qtard: \\Especially given that Qtard won't say what country it lives in\\And why I should show such courtesy to such a hypocritical liar??? To here slurr in direction of my ethnics, my people, my nation???

    I don't give a shit about Qtard's "ethnics". The other things, yes, I'd criticize if criticism is applicable. As Qtard criticizes me for being a Democrat who supports Joe Biden. Why Qtard has not (and will never) say. It is a hypocrite who can dish it out but is very afraid of any criticism I might be able to lob its way -- if I had that information.

    Qtard: I have had ENOUGH of it. From your fellow Demns.

    Huh? Qtard is asserting that USA Democrats criticize its country and its people? Why would they do that? I assess this to be another likely Qtard lie. republiturds are bigots who don't like foreigners, not Democrats.

    Qtard: \\And the fact that Qtard is a proven liar\\Yap. "fact". One heinouis liar CANNOT GIVE EVEN ONE truthful quote to confirm.

    Qtard slurred me as a racist. Took a quote of mine and told me what I really meant by it. Which is that I am a racist who does not want to be compared to a Chinese person. Just one example. I could give many more.

    Qtard: SUCH kind of facts... which exist ONLY inside that liar's delirious religious bonker's mind. **moronic laughter**

    I concur! That I do not like being compared to a Chinese person is a kind of "fact" that only exists in the liar Qtard's delirious religious bonker mind.

    Qtard: \\so disbelieving anything Qtard says is a safer bet than believing it\\Yap."disbelieving in facts".

    Disbelieving Qtard's lies.

    Qtard: THAT IS your CREED.

    Disbelieving facts is Qtard's creed. Calls them "Demn propaganda". Slanders reporters as liars and "biased" when they report facts Qtard doesn't like.

    Qtard: \\Why are you here discussing American politics if you don't know...\\But.But?BUT???We have agreed in other thread.That WE discussing YOUR IDIOCY here.Here. You ADNITTED it... itself

    Lie. I never agreed or "adnitted" (or admitted). I said that is what Qtard claims is being discussed. You cut off my quote.

    Qtard: \\I thought Qtard said it was discussing my idiocy? My idiocy has nothing to do with politics.\\Or what??? That is NOT YOUR WORDS??? AGAIN. **moronic laughter**

    Incomplete quote. I went on from there to say that is what Qtard alleges. I never agreed. TWO lies. One is the cutting off of my quote to make it look like I was agreeing with Qtard calling me an idiot. TWO (one that Qtard repeats frequently) is that I have ever denied my own words. Qtard a proven liar? Check. Proven.

  11. Qtard: \\It DOES know the difference\\No."It"... Do Not Know\\don't care to know. Cause -- foreigner. THE SAME... as you do not know and do not care about difference between hutu and tutsi.

    We are not discussing Hutu and Tutsi. We are discussing republicans and Democrats. And you DO know the different. Proven by your constant criticism of "Demns". You even know all the slurs to refer to Democrats by... "libtard", "Demon-rats", etc.

    How I know Qtard lies when it says it doesn't care? Or when it claims "you are all of one face to me"? Qtard ONLY says this as a dodge. When I bring up a fact about republicans Qtard doesn't like but can't refute. Then the "I don't care" escape is deployed.

    Qtard: THAT IS IT -- Derpy The Idiot... trying to USE that call-names... without defining, without explaining... what it mean.

    Huh? What "that call-names"? Qtard can't figure out that, when I refer to "republiturds", I mean republicans who support tRump? Why not? Dumb? It has figured out the "call-names" of "libtard" and "Demon rat". Feigns confusion when the name-calling concerns republicans? Even though (Qtard claims) it doesn't know the difference (we are all of one face)? Qtard is bullshitting me. Again.

    Qtard: Go figure that idiot. ;-P

    I figure that Qtard's idiocy explains it.

    Qtard: \\Why do you write tried as "tryed"? A "Y" where it shouldn't be versus the absence of a "Y" where it should Maybe... because I am foreigner? (sneakily)

    I don't believe you. Being a "foreigner" has nothing to do with it. The reason is that Qtard is an idiot.

    Qtard: \\The reason is because Qtard is an idiot, yes? And didn't you say that I *am* "Mistere"? "Mistere" is my alter ego. Going to deny that? Demand quotes? Don't care\\Well... is that was statment? Or question? Bur, whatever. Derpy do not recognize and do not distinguish statments. From questions.

    Take it however you want. Qtard demanded I take its question as "rhetorical". Meaning it didn't want an answer. I was just supposed to take what Qtard was saying as correct. Even though it was not. It was a lie. Qtard tried to use a dirty pig trick to prevent me from answering. "Oh, he said rhetorical... guess I can't reply". Gaslighting me.

    Qtard: Thjat idiot. **moronic laughter**

    Who/what is "Thjat"? A person's name? I don't know him/her. Or why Qtard is saying him/her is an idiot. Don't care.

    Qtard: \\More stupidity is Qtard's claim that I am "haunting" it. When (when I don't reply) it BEGS me to comment\\**moronic laughter** YET ONE delirious delusion.

    Qtard's delirious delusion.

    Qtard: \\Says it wants "MOAR" comments from me. Apparently it likes "haunting". If Qtard doesn't like my (alleged) "bloody bullshit" it could go away. By its own choice. Or ask Minus FJ to ban me\\How???

    With words. "Joe, I think you should ban Derpy". Couldn't figure that out?

    Qtard: There is Freedom of Speach.

    Tell that to Mystere. I can't comment on his "Moonbat Slayer Club blog". I put my cursor in the box to write a comment and I get a message that says I can't. Because I am banned.

  12. Qtard: ONLY Totalitarian Wananbe CAN suggest such a breaching of Freedom of Speach.

    Pffft. Qtard doesn't know what "freedom of speech" means. Unless "speach" is different than "speech". Is Blogger totalitarian? Blogger allows censoring of comments. Comments can be deleted. Minus can delete any comment he wants. Mystere does it. Though you have to use Discus to prevent people from commenting (Discus is a program that replaces the basic commenting on Blogger. You can choose to use it though the dashboard).

    FYI, "While the public has a right to freedom of speech when it comes to the U.S. government, the public does not have this right when it comes to private entities".

    Blogger is privately owned. Blogger can censor or allow bloggers to censor. If Minus decided to ban Qtard, this would NOT be a breach of Qtard's freedom of speech. Or of Qtard's "freedom of speach".

    Qtard: And Derpy trully are one. **moronic laughter**

    Qtard truly is one. Proven by its declaration that I should not be allowed to have an opinion about donald tRump's guilt. Might want to have me punished for having the opinion that donald tRump is guilty. To prevent America from becoming like Nazi Germany.

    Qtard: \\Apparently Qtard likes echo chambers. If I go away Qtard and Minus FJ can debate among themselves just how innocent donald tRump is. ... \\Joe... do you like it? That Derpy cringing like that? **moronic laughter**

    "Cringing"? When was I "experiencing embarrassment or disgust"? Dunno wtf Qtard is talking about. Gibberish?

    Qtard: \\I see is Qtard ... Demanding "MOAR". Because (it claims) I am entertaining it. Not "haunting" it\\Well...When stray dog barking at me... it surely thinks that it scarring me off its grounds...

    Whaaat? This is Minus FJ's blog. Not my blog.

    Qtard: \\Minus: ...and he's a Dem, so he's GREAT, too\\My profile doesn't say that. Implied, maybe. Though, to you, isn't the implication that I'm terrible? You just said my morals are fake\\Yap. Because there is such virtue -- humility.

    I meant that it could be taken that I am implying I am great. Wasn't my intention though. Just filled in info about myself. To give people an idea of where I'm coming from. That I think I'm great was Minus FJ's words.

    Qtard: And IT, obviously LACKING it.

    To me it is obvious that Qtard lacks humility.

    Minus: I don't think Dervy knows that you and I don't care to talk about Trump or Biden, Q[tard]. It's just not very important to us.

    Sarcasm? Serious? Either way, obvious bullshit. Reminds me of Qtard denying its own damn words. Now Minus is doing it?

  13. Dervy,

    Q and I discuss subjects of actual interest to us over at Farmers Letters. It's seldom politics.

  14. My original concept for this blog was to focus on local Maryland politics. I should probably try and get back to it.

  15. \\I don't think Dervy knows that you and I don't care to talk about Trump or Biden, Q. It's just not very important to us.

    Yap. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    As True and Authentic, Genuine IDIOT.

    IT CANNOT grok it -- that there could be DIFFERENT people, and that DIFFERENT people -- do not think and have other interests... than that idiot... itself. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    IT... agitated to think and talk about dRump -- so ALL other people NEED TO think and talk, and be interested to think and talk, and to see ALL OTHER people through that smoking mirrirs of "thinking and talking about dRump". :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Like most important thing in the world. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a moron.

    And Deamon Strator.

    Of spectacular moronity.

    \\Qtard: \\Lie. I have never insisted this. Said I have no way of knowing\\Then... with that you admitted that you are damn fool. Cause for smart fellows there is TONS of methods.

    \\Aren't. There is only one. Which is to take your word for it. Another of Qtard's idiotic lies. Qtard admitted it is a damn fool.

    Self-admitted dumnbness.

    Cannot be helped.


    \\I don't give a shit about Qtard's "ethnics". The other things, yes, I'd criticize if criticism is applicable. As Qtard criticizes me for being a Democrat who supports Joe Biden.

    That's... your delusion.

    Idiotic one.

    Inability to admit that there is OTHERS.

    Other people with differ views.

    Like foreigners... who do not give a damn shit about your inner political brawls. ;-P

    \\ Why Qtard has not (and will never) say.

    Of course.

    Because that all are in Derpy's mind.

    I have no access to. And not interested (so much) to.

    So, most surely that question will remain without answer. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\And the fact that Qtard is a proven liar\\Yap. "fact". One heinouis liar CANNOT GIVE EVEN ONE truthful quote to confirm.

    \\Qtard slurred me as a racist.

    Cause... You behave like one. Trying to segregate people into "races". Do not like to be compared. Insisting that there is such "social construct as race". And etc.

    \\ Took a quote of mine and told me what I really meant by it.

    Well... you NEVER disproved it.

    And only CONTINUE pounding at that what you said in that quote -- was right thing ti say.

    So... WHY I should CHANGE my assesment of your words -- if you only repeating em, again and again????

    \\Which is that I am a racist who does not want to be compared to a Chinese person.

    And you are not?

  16. \\I concur! That I do not like being compared to a Chinese person is a kind of "fact" that only exists in the liar Qtard's delirious religious bonker mind.


    Delusions are not prone to double-checking.

    But FACTUAL QUOITES -- are.

    And everybody can just go into that thread -- and see YOUR OWN WORDS!

    \\Qtard: THAT IS your CREED.

    \\Disbelieving facts is Qtard's creed. Calls them "Demn propaganda". Slanders reporters as liars and "biased" when they report facts Qtard doesn't like.

    And you can show it as fact??? Naaah. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Why are you here discussing American politics if you don't know...\\But.But?BUT???We have agreed in other thread.That WE discussing YOUR IDIOCY here.Here. You ADNITTED it... itself

    \\Lie. I never agreed or "adnitted" (or admitted). I said that is what Qtard claims is being discussed. You cut off my quote.

    Well. O.K.

    I'll cut MORE of it...

    """Qtard: Ideas like what Politic is. And what discussing politics could be.

    I thought Qtard said it was discussing my idiocy? My idiocy has nothing to do with politics.

    My alleged idiocy. A discussion Qtard's confirmed idiocy wouldn't be about politics either."""

    Well... like it change anything.

    \\Qtard: \\I thought Qtard said it was discussing my idiocy? My idiocy has nothing to do with politics.\\Or what??? That is NOT YOUR WORDS??? AGAIN. **moronic laughter**

    \\Incomplete quote. I went on from there to say that is what Qtard alleges. I never agreed.


    So you mean that that your statement "My idiocy has nothing to do with politics." is NOT actually true?

    And your iodiocy HAVE someting to do with politics?

    Like, You became idiot on the base of your inner USA political brawls?

    Well... I can believe it to be true TOO. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ One is the cutting off of my quote to make it look like I was agreeing with Qtard calling me an idiot.

    Non sequtur.

    You being or not being able to admit being idiot -- independent from your being idiot.

    Well, most surely it is counter-confirming -- the more you struggle to oppose to it, the more sure it becomes. ;-P

    \\TWO (one that Qtard repeats frequently) is that I have ever denied my own words. Qtard a proven liar? Check. Proven.


    I'll place it here repeatable for your narrow mind to not blow.

    """ Took a quote of mine and told me what I really meant by it. Which is that I am a racist who does not want to be compared to a Chinese person. Just one example. I could give many more."""

    That is your complain.

    That I made in BOLD exactly.

    Isn't that that is your DIRECT denial that YOUR OWN WORDS mean something else???

    Jsyut becuse you, through my commenting em, saw for yourself how bad they sounds? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\It DOES know the difference\\No."It"... Do Not Know\\don't care to know. Cause -- foreigner. THE SAME... as you do not know and do not care about difference between hutu and tutsi.

    \\We are not discussing Hutu and Tutsi. We are discussing republicans and Democrats.

    YOU... not we. ;-P

    Is it SO hard to grok??? :-))))))

    It seems. For an idiot.

    \\And you DO know the different.

    No, I don't.

    \\Proven by your constant criticism of "Demns".


    Based on you being examplar of them. ;-P

    Why I shouldn't??? To talk it back on you. Your tryes to bath me in feces.

    \\You even know all the slurs to refer to Democrats by... "libtard", "Demon-rats", etc.


    Cause I'm smart. ;-P


  17. \\How I know Qtard lies when it says it doesn't care? Or when it claims "you are all of one face to me"? Qtard ONLY says this as a dodge. When I bring up a fact about republicans Qtard doesn't like but can't refute. Then the "I don't care" escape is deployed.

    Non sequtur.

    You just making it up in your mind -- that explanation.

    Because it is more pleasant to you. And you do not want, do not like, fear to admit Reality. Even as hypothesis.

    That's all.

    \\Huh? What "that call-names"? Qtard can't figure out that, when I refer to "republiturds", I mean republicans who support tRump?

    I can.

    Again, I'm smart. ;-P

    But... isn't that NOT polite... and quite opposite -- offensive way to call people???

    \\I figure that Qtard's idiocy explains it.


    You showed enough that confirmation bias is everything... to it.

    \\I don't believe you. Being a "foreigner" has nothing to do with it. The reason is that Qtard is an idiot.


    Confirmation Bias is Strong Withing YOU. ;-P

    \\I was just supposed to take what Qtard was saying as correct.


    \\Even though it was not. It was a lie. Qtard tried to use a dirty pig trick to prevent me from answering. "Oh, he said rhetorical... guess I can't reply". Gaslighting me.

    Confirmation bias. AGAIN.

    \\Qtard's delirious delusion.

    Inability to understand opponent's wors and to devise OWN way to respond to it.


    \\Qtard: There is Freedom of Speach.

    \\Tell that to Mystere. I can't comment on his "Moonbat Slayer Club blog". I put my cursor in the box to write a comment and I get a message that says I can't. Because I am banned.

    And he... not banned in your?

    Or... maybe there is possibility to write as anon in your blog?

    Naaaah. ;-P

    \\Blogger is privately owned. Blogger can censor or allow bloggers to censor.

    Very Conviniently.

    Well, what one could wait from Demn Slave Owners Party. ;-P

    \\Proven by its declaration that I should not be allowed to have an opinion about donald tRump's guilt.

    Opinion... like something in your mind?

    Or as political agenda, one need to go everywhere screaming "hang him up"?

    Well, whatever. Not my business. As foreigner.

    \\ Might want to have me punished for having the opinion that donald tRump is guilty. To prevent America from becoming like Nazi Germany.


    BS you NEVER was and never will be able to confirm with CORRECT citation of my words.

    I just STATED CONCERN -- that such a breaching of safety nets of preserving justice -- can be bad NOT ONLY for USA, but for all World.

    As there is millions who looking at you... and many of them eager to use you as example, or excuse... for their evil deeds.

    So, if WHOLE ex-POTUS would be judged injustly... cases like that Prezident of Niger became hostage -- will only rise.

    NOW under excuse "see, USA doing it TOO. So, WHY WE can't???"

    \\Qtard: \\I see is Qtard ... Demanding "MOAR". Because (it claims) I am entertaining it. Not "haunting" it\\Well...When stray dog barking at me... it surely thinks that it scarring me off its grounds...

    \\Whaaat? This is Minus FJ's blog. Not my blog.


    You got that stray dog metaphor (at least partially) right.

    Congrats! :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\To me it is obvious that Qtard lacks humility.

    Not able... own back-bites.

  18. No Derp's ravings?
