Sunday, August 20, 2023

COVID Resurgent?

...or Government Officials need a new infusion of "patent cash"?


  1. There is no cost to people missing work due to being sick? Losing money having to go to a doctor? Losing money due to death (no future earnings, funeral costs)? In your tinfoil hat paranoid delusions this isn't about saving money (and lives) it's about making money? By amoral NIH scientists? Just because Minus FJ lacks morals, does not mean everyone else does.

    1. 🔺🔺Says the king of liars on blogger.🔺🔺

      Accusing truth tellers of being immoral again, Dervish? That's a very foolish move you made. Casting curses at people who don't deserve them boomerangs back with more severe punishment.

  2. COVID isn't a threat to anyone under 65. The vaccine is more of a health hazard than the disease to anyone under that age.

  3. The government's dirty plot to release a bacterial flesh eating virus got exposed a few months ago. Dervish mocked that exposure a few months ago on his hate site, calling it a conspiracy. He's now blushing because it's being further exposed.

    1. Why would I blush because Mystere is insane? There is/was no government plot to release a flesh eating virus. That is a delusion you are suffering from, Mystere. Due to being seriously mentally ill.

  4. \\Minus FJ lacks morals, does not mean everyone else does.

    Yep. Morals... and Moneis... let Demns have em ALL.

    They will share em with all other... fairly. Bu-ga-gah!!!!

  5. Qtard: Yep. Morals... and Moneis... let Demns have em ALL. They will share em with all other... fairly. Bu-ga-gah!!!!

    But you don't want them (Democratic morals). "Don't be mean to people"... but Qtard LIVES to be mean to people. Like its (and Minus FJ's) hero, donald tRump :P

    Mystere: Casting curses at people who don't deserve them boomerangs back with more severe punishment.

    Given that there is no such thing as as "casting curses", I am not worried. There is also the fact that I have never attempted to cast a curse. You'd think Mystere (due to his bonker belief that curses can be cast) would stop. Yet he continues, apparently unworried that his attempted curses will boomerang back on him. Because (he just said) some people "deserve" to have curses cast on them.

    Mystere probably thinks God gave him permission to "cast curses" and try to harm innocent people his delusions tell him are bad. Did God also tell you it is OK for you to "cast curses" on the pets of people you don't like? Pray for innocent animals to take "dirt naps"? Because they "deserve" it?

  6. I'm proud to have real morals, not 2nd order fake ones like Dervy. Real 1st order morals.

  7. \\Why would I blush because Mystere is insane? There is/was no government plot to release a flesh eating virus. That is a delusion you are suffering from, Mystere. Due to being seriously mentally ill.


    The same as there was no ticks with deadly desease released...

    it NEVER happened, because "truthful" reporters from CNN didn't said it?

    \\But you don't want them (Democratic morals)


    I don't buy hypocrisy. ;-P

    Have no need for such a counterfeits. :-))))))))))))))))

    \\but Qtard LIVES to be mean to people.

    And you can confirm that? With quotes? ;-P

    \\Given that there is no such thing as as "casting curses", I am not worried. There is also the fact that I have

    But... there lots of Religious Bonkers, who believe they exist...

    and ready to mimic work of that curses on people.

    Like directing jumbo jets into twins.

  8. Minus: I'm proud to have real morals, not 2nd order fake ones like Dervy. Real 1st order morals.

    White Supremacist "morals" are "real" morals? Obviously I disagree. Most people do.

    Qtard: Yep. The same as there was no ticks with deadly desease released... it NEVER happened, because "truthful" reporters from CNN didn't said it?

    Qtard is a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory nutter? Has that in common with the tinfoil hat conspiracy theory nutter Mystere? Also Minus FJ? No big surprise. rightturds often are conspiracy theory nutters :P

    Qtard: \\But you don't want them (Democratic morals)\\Yep. I don't buy hypocrisy. Have no need for such a counterfeits. **moronic laughter**

    I don't care about Qtard's delusions. What a hypocrite labels hypocrisy. Or that a person without morals calls the morals of others "counterfeit". Or "2nd order fake".

    Qtard: \\but Qtard LIVES to be mean to people.\\And you can confirm that? With quotes?

    Confirmed by my time reading Qtard's writings. Being the subject of Qtard's unending ad hominem attacks.

    Qtard: \\Given that there is no such thing as as "casting curses", I am not worried\\But... there lots of Religious Bonkers, who believe they exist... and ready to mimic work of that curses on people. Like directing jumbo jets into twins.

    What twins? Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen? The Property Brothers?

    Maybe you're talking about the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers? Terrorism committed by religious nutters worries Qtard? Worries me too. Especially rightwing terrorism committed by rightwing religious nutters.

    According to one recent poll, 30% of Republicans agree with the statement, "Because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country". This figure is especially high among those who believe Trump's false claim that President Biden and the Democrats stole the 2020 election. link

    Qtard, as it has stated many times, supports violence of this nature (J6 rioter's attempt to overthrow a democratically elected government). BELIEVES that J6 rioters were "wrongly convicted" without any proof at all. Maybe a burning bush whispered it to Qtard? Richard Jewell's ghost told it "J6ians was framed"?

    White Supremacist terrorism is a bigger threat than Muslim extremist terrorism. Especially since a White Supremacist was elected president (and is running for president again).

  9. Joe Biden's no longer hiding his white supremacist views. Good to know. How's he going to crush the black vore again? Barack gonna keep using his magical negro act to extoll the white savor?

  10. \\White Supremacist "morals" are "real" morals? Obviously I disagree. Most people do.

    Like... Chinese? Maybe africans? Some aborigens in deeps of Amazomia?

    Or... that is NOT people? Not humans, to a Derpy The Racist... which do not want to see em as equal, do not want to be compared with em?

    \\Qtard is a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory nutter? Has that in common with the tinfoil hat conspiracy theory nutter Mystere? Also Minus FJ? No big surprise. rightturds often are conspiracy theory nutters :P

    House orders Pentagon to review if it exposed Americans to ... › us-news › jul › pentag...
    A New Jersey lawmaker suggests the government turned ticks and insects into bioweapons to spread disease and possibly released them.

    Weaponized ticks: Investigation ordered into whether insects were ... › politics › lyme-disease-amendment-investigation
    During the amendment's debate, Smith said Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases were “exploding” in the US and that “Americans have a right ... › World › Americas
    US lawmakers have voted to demand the Pentagon discloses whether it conducted experiments to “weaponise” disease-carrying ticks – and ...
    Did Pentagon turn ticks into bioweapons that spread Lyme Disease ...

    So DO main USA media? ;-P

    \\I don't care about Qtard's delusions. What a hypocrite labels hypocrisy.

    There is NO such hypocrites. ;-P

    Toom dangerous.

    Because toom self-revealing. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Hypocrites... trying to AVOID even that word "hypocrisy". Anmd very allergic to talks about facts and revealing untruth.

    Like... Just like Derpy, isn't it? ;-P

    \\Or that a person without morals calls the morals of others "counterfeit". Or "2nd order fake".

    "People without morals" CANNOT call others "morals" counterfeits.

    Because they HAVE NO IFEA what that morals is.

    And cannot discern it in others.

    Just like... certain someone, again.

    \\Confirmed by my time reading Qtard's writings.

    That's... just your FEELINGS.

    Feelings are SUBJECTIVE... by definition.

    Confirmation need to be with something OBJECTIVE. ;-P

    \\Being the subject of Qtard's unending ad hominem attacks.

    See. Hypocritical lie.

    Saying objective truth (supported, CONFIRMED with CORRECT quotes and logical examination) is not "ad hominem attacks".

    That is ONLY hypocrite and liar WOULD call it that way. ;-P

    YET ONE confirmation.

    \\Like directing jumbo jets into twins.

    \\What twins? Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen? The Property Brothers?

    Twin Towers. Ruined in 9/11 terrorist's attack.

    So short memory?

    Or... that is Oruellian "forgetfulness". AGAIN???

    So... are you...

    \\Qtard: \\Given that there is no such thing as as "casting curses", I am not worried

    Or you are

    \\Maybe you're talking about the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers? Terrorism committed by religious nutters worries Qtard? Worries me too. Especially rightwing terrorism committed by rightwing religious nutters.

    Or that is JUST ANOTHER hypocritical lie? ;-P

    \\White Supremacist terrorism is a bigger threat than Muslim extremist terrorism. Especially since a White Supremacist was elected president (and is running for president again).

    Of course.

    Cause Muslims are your friends today. Same as Russians. ;-P

    Even though they killed much more americans. And pledged to kill even more.

    But... they are friend.

    To friend -- everything is allowed, that is to the foes -- strictest of the laws, and prohibition.

    Isn't it, Derpy?

  11. In the case of different "morals" we are judged by our "exceptions" to the proposition that it is "immoral" to impose one's will upon another without their consent. Most Western nations exempt children from this dictum until they reach a legal age of majority. And of course, most westerners believe:

    Western civilisation has rested upon the principle that, whatever else was permitted or forbidden, the one heinous act which would destroy the world was to do precisely this--the deliberate act of tampering with human beings so as to make them behave in a way which, if they knew what they were doing, or what its consequences were likely to be, would make them recoil with horror and disgust. The whole of the Kantian morality (and I don't know about Catholics, but Protestants, Jews, Muslims and high-minded atheists believe it) lies in this; the mysterious phrase about men being "ends in themselves," to which much lip-service has been paid, with not much attempt to explain it, seems to lie in this: that every human being is assumed to possess the capacity to choose what to do, and what to be, however narrow the limits within which his choice may lie, however hemmed in by circumstances beyond his control; that all human love and respect rests upon the attribution of conscious motives in this sense; that all the categories, the concepts, in terms of which we think about and act towards one another--goodness, badness, integrity and lack of it, the attribution of dignity or honour to others which we must not insult or exploit, the entire cluster of ideas such as honesty, purity of motive, courage, sense of truth, sensibility, compassion, justice; and, on the other side, brutality, falseness, wickedness, ruthlessness, lack of scruple, corruption, lack of feelings, emptiness--all these notions in terms of which we think of others and ourselves, in terms of which conduct is assessed, purposes adopted--all this becomes meaningless unless we think of human beings as capable of pursuing ends for their own sakes by deliberate acts of choice--which alone makes nobility noble and sacrifices sacrifices.

    Dervy wishes to make "the law" responsible for defining (and punishing) morality. "Impose" a morality. How "immoral" is that?

  12. ...of course, Dervy would only "enforce" his morality upon his enemies. hies friends would be shown caritas/ mercy. That way they would owe him "La Clemenza de Tito" and forever their undying "loyalty".

  13. Minus: Dervy wishes to make "the law" responsible for defining (and punishing) morality. "Impose" a morality.

    That is my wish? Why don't I know about my own wishes? If it were a wish of mine, you'd think I'd know. What would the full implementation of this alleged "wish" of mine look like? Minus FJ being arrested for what he posts on his blog? Minus just kicked off Blogger?

    I don't think Minus FJ should be arrested. Or kicked off Blogger. Are you sure this isn't YOUR wish? You want to force social media companies to abandon all content moderation. Even though they are private companies and therefore free to do what they please. Like Twitter/X under Musk. Or Rumble.

    Minus: How "immoral" is that?

    Yeah, immoral. Minus' desire to force social media companies to abandon all content moderation. Even though they are private companies. They MUST be compelled to do what Minus wants.

    Minus: ...of course, Dervy would only "enforce" his morality upon his enemies. his friends would be shown caritas/ mercy. That way they would owe him "La Clemenza de Tito" and forever their undying "loyalty".

    Conclusion of what *I would do* based on what? Minus FJ's paranoia? False narrative that trumpturds are the "real victims" and are being "oppressed" and "censored"?

    Minus: Dervy, to his friends, would be a "merciful god".

    Sounds to me like this is what Elon is doing. How Elon sees himself. Isn't that how Twitter/X is operating now? Why Minus supported (and was giddy about) Musk taking it over?

    Definitely that applies to tRump becoming president again. Minus is very excited about the prospect of donald tRump being his "vengeance". Minus very much likes individuals with God complexes. He calls them "masters". Do you have a God complex, Minus? You DID say "master" is your pronoun.

    "A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. The person is also highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they were unquestionably correct".

    Will Qtard start babbling about mirrors and its delusion that I am a vampire again?

  14. Dervy wants the US government to direct big tech's media censorship activities (make sure thay're "woke"). The government is Dervy's "proxy" for enforcing his god-hood.

  15. Minus: Dervy wants the US government to direct big tech's media censorship activities (make sure thay're "woke"). The government is Dervy's "proxy" for enforcing his god-hood.

    I am a mortal, not a "god". I never said "master" is my pronoun. You have expressed your desire to outlaw sodomy. You're obviously OK with this infringement on a person's freedom of association. Two consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes doing as they please. The Supreme Court is Minus FJ's "proxy" for enforcing his godhood.

    Minus FJ's blog is definitely not woke. Minus thinks I want his blog censored?

    Qtard: \\White Supremacist "morals" are "real" morals? ...\\Like... Chinese? Maybe africans? Some aborigens in deeps of Amazomia? Or... that is NOT people? Not humans, to a Derpy The Racist... which do not want to see em as equal, do not want to be compared with em?

    Qtard is referencing the comment it faked from me again. "Deducing" I am a racist based on its faked comment. WE are all humans. ALL the people referenced by Qtard are humans. Not only equal to, but in many cases SUPERIOR to me. If we compare based on wealth, intelligence, good looks, whatever. My being of White/European descent does not make me better than anyone who isn't White/European.

    This MUST be what Qtard thinks. Qtard keeps blabbing about White being superior (said it is "noble"). Qtard keeps babbling about not wanting to be compared. Qtard the racist is talking about itself. OBVIOUSLY. Obviously NOT talking about me. Because I never said anything like that. I ONLY pointed out that people of different "races" have different appearances. Not that these differing appearances make anyone better than anyone else.

    \\Qtard is a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory nutter? House orders Pentagon to review if it exposed Americans to ... A New Jersey lawmaker suggests the government turned ticks and insects into bioweapons to spread disease and possibly released them.

    OK. The republiturd-controlled House wants to look into this unfounded conspiracy theory? House republiturds also believe the 2020 US presidential election was "stolen". That Ukraine has bioweapons labs financed by Hunter Biden. Qtard thinks this is proof that the tinfoil hat nuttery that says lyme disease spread by ticks is a bioweapon is TRUE?


    Qtard: Weaponized ticks: Investigation ordered into whether insects were ...

    Qtard found more discussion of this conspiracy theory nuttery online. What a surprise! NOT.


    Qtard: **more links to nuttery**


    Qtard: So DO main USA media? ;-P


    Qtard: \\I don't care about Qtard's delusions. What a hypocrite labels hypocrisy\\There is NO such hypocrites. ;-P

    Qtard denies its own existence?

    Qtard: Toom dangerous. Because toom self-revealing. **moronic laughter**


  16. Qtard: Hypocrites... trying to AVOID even that word "hypocrisy". Anmd very allergic to talks about facts and revealing untruth.

    No, hypocrites accuse others of hypocrisy. Can't see it in themselves. Hypocrites like Qtard.

    Qtard: Like... Just like Derpy, isn't it? ;-P

    No. Qtard is very allergic to talks about facts and revealing untruth.

    Qtard: \\Or that a person without morals calls the morals of others "counterfeit". Or "2nd order fake"\\"People without morals" CANNOT call others "morals" counterfeits.

    Can. It just happened.

    Qtard: Because they HAVE NO IFEA what that morals is.

    I concur! Qtard has no "ifea" what morals are. Does not stop Qtard from thinking it has them.

    Qtard: And cannot discern it in others. Just like... certain someone, again.

    Two certain sombodies. Qtard and Minus FJ.

    Qtard: \\Confirmed by my time reading Qtard's writings\\That's... just your FEELINGS. Feelings are SUBJECTIVE... by definition. Confirmation need to be with something OBJECTIVE.

    Ad hominem... "refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. This avoids genuine debate by creating a diversion to some irrelevant but often highly charged issue".

    It certainly isn't subjective that Qtard's comments contain MANY Ad hominem attacks on me.

    Qtard: \\Being the subject of Qtard's unending ad hominem attacks\\See. Hypocritical lie.

    Self evident truth.

    Qtard: Saying objective truth (supported, CONFIRMED with CORRECT quotes and logical examination) is not "ad hominem attacks"\\That is ONLY hypocrite and liar WOULD call it that way.

    What bullshit. Qtard faked quotes. Told me "what Derpy really mean". When it is NOT what I mean. Qtard only FEELS that is a "logical examination". When it is an illogical examination.

    Qtard: YET ONE confirmation.

    Zero confirmations.

    Qtard: \\Like directing jumbo jets into twins\\What twins? Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen? The Property Brothers?\\ Twin Towers. Ruined in 9/11 terrorist's attack. So short memory?

    Qtard's short memory. Didn't know they were called the Twin Towers until I reminded it. Thought the two buildings were referred to as "twins".

    Qtard: Or... that is Oruellian "forgetfulness". AGAIN???

    Qtard's forgetfulness. "Oruellian" isn't a word, btw. If Qtard wants to accuse me of being Orwellian, it should be able to SPELL "Orwellian".

    Qtard: So... are you...

    No, Qtard is.

  17. Qtard: \\Given that there is no such thing as as "casting curses", I am not worried\\Or you are...

    No. Said I wasn't and meant it.

    Qtard: \\Maybe you're talking about the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers? Terrorism committed by religious nutters worries Qtard? Worries me too. Especially rightwing terrorism committed by rightwing religious nutters\\Or that is JUST ANOTHER hypocritical lie?

    No. Genuine concern. Qtard isn't worried about rightturd violence. Qtard LIKES rightturd violence. Like the violence that occurred at the Capitol on J6. Qtard is just disappointed that no Democratic lawmakers were murdered. VERY disappointed that the Electoral College vote wasn't stopped and the presidency retained by donald tRump.

    Qtard: \\White Supremacist terrorism is a bigger threat than Muslim extremist terrorism\\Of course. Cause Muslims are your friends today. Same as Russians. Even though they killed much more americans. And pledged to kill even more.

    Lie. Muslims did not pledge to kill even more Americans. Muslim extremists did. Muslim extremists aren't my friends. Friends aren't people who hate you. I'm not sure what Russians have pledged to kill Americans. There probably are some. But I have never heard of "Russian extremists". Russians successfully propagandized by Putin who think Ukraine needs to be denazified. They support killing Ukrainians. Would probably support killing American soldiers if any are ever sent to Ukraine. But that hasn't happened.

    Qtard: But... they are friend.

    Why not? I should hate non-extremist Muslims? People who expressed outrage in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Why? Qtard is pro-hate? Bigoted against Muslims? Wants to kill them? Similarly, Qtard hates Russians who are opposed to Putin's war on Ukraine? Even the ones who have spoken out and (as a result) were jailed by Putin? Qtard hates them too?

    Qtard: To friend -- everything is allowed, that is to the foes -- strictest of the laws, and prohibition. Isn't it, Derpy?

    No. What Qtard wants? Even for people who want to be friends but are Muslim or Russian? These people can't be friends with the bigot Qtard? To the bigot Qtard all Muslims are terrorists? To the bigot Qtard all Russians support Putin's war on Ukraine? Figures. Qtard likes telling people what they think. Like when Qtard tells me "what Derpy really mean".

  18. I am a mortal, not a "god". I never said "master" is my pronoun. You have expressed your desire to outlaw sodomy. You're obviously OK with this infringement on a person's freedom of association. Two consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes doing as they please. The Supreme Court is Minus FJ's "proxy" for enforcing his godhood.

    That was the law until SCotUS overturned it in Lawrence v. Texas. It's not my fault that SCotUS loves making Constitutional mistakes (like Roe v. Wade).

    But then, why should American's care about the spread of deadly STD's like AIDS? They have no interest in protecting the public health. They'd NEVER force me to get a vaccine or wear a mask of anything.... e-r-p-p-p!

  19. Minus: It's not my fault that SCotUS loves making Constitutional mistakes (like Roe v. Wade).

    RvW wasn't a mistake. It was a correct decision. A republican-majority ruling that became established precedent. A precedent that dotard donald's scotus nominees SWORE they wouldn't overturn. Obviously they lied and imposed their FAR right "handmaid's tale" extremist BS on the entire country.

    Minus: Meden agan...

    Moderation, definition: "the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behavior or political opinions".

    FAR right rulings don't represent moderation.

    You don't believe that. Moderation would be to leave in place a ruling that existed for 50 years. And was a ruling that was reached by a republican majority.

    It isn't moderation to take away a woman's bodily autonomy. It certainly would not be moderation to take away people's right to marry whoever they want.

    "Live and let live"... that's a moderate position. As opposed to IMPOSING one's "morals" on others.

  20. \\Dervy wishes to make "the law" responsible for defining (and punishing) morality. "Impose" a morality. How "immoral" is that?


    Two colliding forces in history of Humanity. Two antagonistic principles -- most visible on example of China, where it was openly defined in ancient times.

    That there TWO types of governments -- paternalists, and legalist.

    One who claim that "people are moral", and therefore all they need -- to have ONE (the most moral?) ruler, and piramid of moral bureacrats under him.

    And other claims that "people are immoral", and therefore all they need -- codex of strict and even stricter laws, and ONE, most wise, who would devise that codex of laws... and piramid of law-inforcing bureacrats under him. ;-P

    \\That is my wish? Why don't I know about my own wishes? If it were a wish of mine, you'd think I'd know.

    Well... you shoed many time that you DO NOT GET it... how idiotic your behavior is.

    So, go figure... is it possible for you to grasp anything like that too. ;-P

    \\What would the full implementation of this alleged "wish" of mine look like? Minus FJ being arrested for what he posts on his blog? Minus just kicked off Blogger?

    Well... you JUST SHOWED that you are perfectly O.K. with devising means. ;-P

    Even though you JUST ABOVE claimed that you couldn't.

    Means. Your behavior. YOUR OWN DEMN words TELL US, that it was hypocritical lie.

    \\I don't think Minus FJ should be arrested. Or kicked off Blogger. Are you sure this isn't YOUR wish? You want to force social media companies to abandon all content moderation. Even though they are private companies and therefore free to do what they please.

    Why Demn government banned TikTok then?

    And when we'd see Derpy on the street with transparant "UNban TikTok! Uphold Freedom of Speach"?

    Oh... I known. "It's not my business" Derpy's excuse for imposing totalitarian rule. ;-P

    \\Conclusion of what *I would do* based on what? Minus FJ's paranoia? False narrative that trumpturds are the "real victims" and are being "oppressed" and "censored"?

    Like your BEHAVIOR in this blog. Your cryes "go away", "I *DO* deny..." and etc.
    Give not enough facts...

    \\"A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility.


    Reminds certain someone. ;-P

    Isn't it, Derpy? :-))))))))))))))))

    \\The person is also highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they were unquestionably correct".


    "I do believe in facts". ;-P

  21. In Dervy's mind, the FAR FAR FAR Left is the "mainstream".

    What a maroon!

  22. In Minus FJ's mind the FAR FAR FAR right is the "mainstream".

  23. You know things are sad when a Classical Liberal is the far far far right.

  24. Qtard: Why Demn government banned TikTok then? And when we'd see Derpy on the street with transparant "UNban TikTok! Uphold Freedom of Speach"?

    Donald Trump–TikTok controversy: In 2020, the U.S. government announced that it was considering banning the Chinese social media platform TikTok upon a request from then-U.S. president Donald Trump, who viewed the app as a national security threat.

    Donald Trump left office January 20, 2021. The following June, new president Joe Biden signed an executive order revoking the Trump administration ban on TikTok. [excerpted from Wikipedia].

    Qtard lies again. Tik-Tok was banned by the republiturd donald tRump. Wa unbanned by the "Demn" Joe Biden. And Qtard doesn't know if I did go on the street with a sign expressing support for TikTok. It says it is a foreigner, so how could it see me here (in the USA) when Qtard is "far far away"? How would you even know if you saw me, given that you don't know what I look like?

    If I used TikTok (which isn't banned) I might be concerned about the Chinese Communist Party having access to my data. It probably would be OK to use it. But I don't. Don't have the app installed on my phone or my PC. Just not interested in it. Might be a good idea for government workers not to have the app on their phones or computers.

    btw, if I were to walk around with such a sign, I'd spell "speech" CORRECTLY. Because morans (people like Qtard) get laughed at, not taken seriously.

    Qtard: Oh... I known. "It's not my business" Derpy's excuse for imposing totalitarian rule.

    Qtard does not know. I (unlike Qtard) am opposed to totalitarian rule. I (unlike Qtard) strongly support democracy and free speech. The totalitarian Qtard supports the J6 rioters. Wishes they had successfully overthrown democracy. The anti-free-speech Qtard wants me to shuddup about my opinions about donald tRump's guilt or innocence. Says (idiotically) that the US will become like Nazi Germany because I think donald tRump is guilty of many crimes.

    Though there is no possibility for the USA to become like Nazi Germany because Minus FJ expresses his opinion that Joe Biden is guilty. Despite a lack of hard evidence. In the case of alleged corruption by Joe Biden, Qtard thinks a tape that doesn't exist might prove Joe Biden guilty. Cites "mincemeats".

  25. Qtard: \\Conclusion of what *I would do* based on what? Minus FJ's paranoia? False narrative that trumpturds are the "real victims" and are being "oppressed" and "censored"?\\Like your BEHAVIOR in this blog. Your cryes "go away", "I *DO* deny..." and etc.

    Bullshit based on Qtard's delusions of what my "behavior" "really mean". I have never told Minus FJ to go away. Only suggested Qtard go away because Qtard has said (and keeps saying) (re topics of discussion on this blog) things like "Yawn", "I don't care", "you are all of one face", "I don't care about your inner political brawls", "we aren't discussing politics here), etc. I was calling out Qtard's lies. Which those all are. If Qtard REALLY did not care it would go away. On its own. But it doesn't. I never thought it would. Don't care if it does or not.

    Qtard: Give not enough facts...

    Give compelling and exhaustive facts that Qtard doesn't like and therefore chooses not to believe.

    Qtard: \\"A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility...\\Yap. Reminds certain someone.

    Yes. Reminds me of Qtard.

    Qtard: Isn't it, Derpy? **moronic laughter**

    Is "it" Qtard's delusions? Then, yes. I have no doubt that Qtard's delusions tell it that "Derpy" has a god complex.

    Qtard: \\The person is also highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they were unquestionably correct"\\Yap. "I do believe in facts".

    WTF? Facts and personal opinions are different things. Qtard obviously thinks they are the same thing. Thinks its personal opinions ARE facts. They are one in the same.

    Minus: You know things are sad when a Classical Liberal is the far far far right.

    Isn't. donald tRump isn't a "classical liberal". He is a totalitarian wannabe. His supporters (Minus FJ, Qtard) are the same.

  26. \\I am a mortal, not a "god". I never said "master" is my pronoun. You have expressed your desire to outlaw


    Because you rely on "wisdom of masses" AKA mobs. ;-P

    Usual for Lefty Idiots. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\Minus FJ's blog is definitely not woke. Minus thinks I want his blog censored?

    But... IT IS censored. Like with comment with that "b_l_akk" word being deleted CONSTANTLY!!!

    \\Qtard is referencing the comment it faked from me again. "Deducing" I am a racist based on its faked comment. WE are all humans. ALL the people referenced by Qtard are humans. Not only equal to, but in many cases SUPERIOR to me.

    Well... except Chinese?

    Which CANNOT be neither White (though their skin is definitely WHITE) nor Supreme... cause Derpy The Racist CANNOT SEE em as anything else, except "Asians".

    \\If we compare based on wealth, intelligence, good looks, whatever. My being of White/European descent does not make me better than anyone who isn't White/European.

    Still... Derpy The Racist want em being thoroughly segregated into unmixable definite cathegories of "social construct race", or for the very least, on the base of their alleged ancestry.

    Even though there is LOTS of cross-marriages... which make people of European descent with brawn skin. Or African descent of pales of pale skin... like Mikle Jackson. ;-P

    Derpy The Racist will CONTINUE claiming that there is "races"...

    \\ I ONLY pointed out that people of different "races" have different appearances. Not that these differing appearances make anyone better than anyone else.

    Which is Bull Shit.

    Cause... Genetics talls US, that ANY human takes HALF of genes from mother and other HALF from father.

    Which eradicates ANY "differences in appearance"... right away, in case of cross-marriages... well, that is wrong supestitious word too.

    But... what can we do -- there is abindance of racists out there... and they still imposing their languistic quircks on us. :-(((

    \\No, hypocrites accuse others of hypocrisy. Can't see it in themselves. Hypocrites like Qtard.



    Just now.

    With that words.

    ACCUSED me being hypocrite.


    Buit YOUR very definition -- ONES who accuse other being hypocrites -- are hypocrites... ITSELF.

    Congrats Derpy, for admitting being Hypocrite. Idiotic one. Which do not grok Logic. ;-P


  27. \\No. Qtard is very allergic to talks about facts and revealing untruth.



    YOU are one who cannot give EVEN ONE fact, to base such claim ON it. ;-P


    What an idiot. You are.

    \\Ad hominem... "refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. This avoids genuine debate by creating a diversion to some irrelevant but often highly charged issue".

    Well... there is no viable argumant from Derpy The Idiot...

    which makes it inevitable -- that only thing of interest here -- to observe its idiotic behavior.


    Well... to debate, one need to know logic, and understand what facts is... so, it is natural thing -- that with Derpy The Idiots debates are impossible. ;-P

    \\It certainly isn't subjective that Qtard's comments contain MANY Ad hominem attacks on me.


    Derpy somewhat succeded with sarcasm.

    Or well, that was not sarcasm intended???

    Well... it's obvious -- I am person, so my assessment of Reality is subjective. Yes.

    That is BASIC of admitting Reality.


    But well, I'm sure, that that is just an accident. And you will continue shoeing yourself idiot...


    \\Qtard: \\Being the subject of Qtard's unending ad hominem attacks\\See. Hypocritical lie.

    \\Self evident truth.


    I'm glad that you agree with my assessment of your quote.

    \\What bullshit. Qtard faked quotes. Told me "what Derpy really mean". When it is NOT what I mean. Qtard only FEELS that is a "logical examination". When it is an illogical examination.

    Then... you should be able to SHOW where it LOGICALLY flawed. ;-P

    But... you can't... cause you are i-d-i-o-t. :-))))))))))))))))))

    Means... you words about something being logical or illogical -- have zero meaning. That is just some perroting.

  28. And well...

    \\This avoids genuine debate by creating a diversion to some irrelevant but often highly charged issue".

    like when Derpy called me "supporter of dRump", "liliPut's puppet" or "not a foreigner".

    That is ALL highly irrelevant, but also highly charged issues

    Do I need to EXPLAIN what it means?

    Surely I MUST.

    As Derpy The Idiot would not get it. ;-P

    But... I don't care. :-))))))))))))))))))

  29. Qtard: like when Derpy called me "supporter of dRump", "liliPut's puppet"...

    Logically deduced based on past behavior.

    Qtard: ...or "not a foreigner".

    Lie. Never called.

    Qtard: That is ALL highly irrelevant...

    Highly relevant re a discussion about American politics.

  30. \\Logically deduced based on past behavior.

    Then... it must be EASY for you, to EXPLAIN that "logic".

    But... you will not, cause you are low-brow idiot, which trying to use words meaning of which it do not get. ;-P

    \\Qtard: ...or "not a foreigner".

    \\Lie. Never called.

    And whom you trying to fool here? Me??? :-))))))))))))0 Or, yourself???


    \\Highly relevant re a discussion about American politics.

    Me being "liliPut's pupet"??? Or "supporter of dRump"???

    Yep. MY person... of foreigner from far-away is VERY important, for USA politics... SARCASM!!!



    That is TOTALLY my point from very beginning.

    That your USA politic bastardised THAT MUCH...

    that instead of discussing policies... you instigated to just stick a labels to each other.

    Means, you performed a half-step into totalitarian state.

    When people (willfully?) giving up their voting freedom... and instead of keeping in check politicians, they startting chanting proposed to them slogans.

    Next half-step... is in giving up their human rights too.

    And you... likes of you, Derpy... ready to do that too.


  31. Qtard is willing to give up its voting rights. Or, is eager to see them taken away in the United States, at least. Its support for overturning a democratic election by force is proof of that.

    If the USA was to transition from democracy to a totalitarian dictatorship under a "president for life" donald tRump? Say via a violent trumpturd coup? Qtard would definitely support it. It would say it was the insurrectionists "human right" to rise up and install donald tRump as "president for life".

  32. Qtard is willing to give up its voting rights. Or, is eager to see them taken away in the United States, at least. Its support for overturning a democratic election by force is proof of that.

    If the USA was to transition from democracy to a totalitarian dictatorship under a "president for life" donald tRump? Say via a violent trumpturd coup? Qtard would definitely support it. It would say it was the insurrectionists "human right" to rise up and install donald tRump as "president for life".

  33. \\Qtard is willing to give up its voting rights.

    In USA elections??? :-))))))))))))))))))))00

    Sure. ;-P

    Cause I never have had em. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Its support for overturning a democratic election by force is proof of that.

    Because previous examples that I saw -- that was NOT "overturning a democratic election", but trying to call absolutely rigged elections -- correct.

    All around the world. But most notoriously -- in Rush'A.

    Today, or even to bigger extent -- in Soviet time.

    Did you know, that in USSR there was "democratic elections"... where there was ONLY ONE candidate on baloots?

    Or... you, as faithful Demn, would like and desire it???

    To eradicate that nasty Reps... so people would be voting for Truthful Proptectors of Minors ONLY? ;-P

    \\If the USA was to transition from democracy to a totalitarian dictatorship under a "president for life" donald tRump? Say via a violent trumpturd coup?

    Do we discussing sci-fi? Or fantasy here???

    You tryed to say that we discussing ACTUAL Politics of USA?

    \\ It would say it was the insurrectionists "human right" to rise up and install donald tRump as "president for life".

    There is numerous examples in history. Like Napoleon. Or Pinochet...

  34. No derping? :-))))))))
