Saturday, August 19, 2023

Does ANYONE Trust the Democrat Spin of the MSM Anymore?

...or do we all, like Dervy, suffer from permanent/ pathological Gell-Mann AMNESIA?

from Wiki:
Gell-Mann amnesia effect

In a speech in 2002, Crichton coined the term "Gell-Mann amnesia effect", after physicist Murray Gell-Mann. He used this term to describe the phenomenon of experts believing news articles written on topics outside of their fields of expertise, yet acknowledging that articles written in the same publication within their fields of expertise are error-ridden and full of misunderstanding:
Media carries with it a credibility that is totally undeserved. You have all experienced this, in what I call the Murray Gell-Mann Amnesia effect. (I refer to it by this name because I once discussed it with Murray Gell-Mann, and by dropping a famous name I imply greater importance to myself, and to the effect, than it would otherwise have.)

Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them.

In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.

That is the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect. I'd point out it does not operate in other arenas of life. In ordinary life, if somebody consistently exaggerates or lies to you, you soon discount everything they say. In court, there is the legal doctrine of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, which means untruthful in one part, untruthful in all. But when it comes to the media, we believe against evidence that it is probably worth our time to read other parts of the paper. When, in fact, it almost certainly isn't. The only possible explanation for our behavior is amnesia.
The Gell-Mann amnesia effect is similar to Erwin Knoll's law of media accuracy, which states: "Everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true except for the rare story of which you happen to have firsthand knowledge."


  1. Does ANYONE trust the republiturd spin of the Alternative Facts Media? Besides brainwashed trumpturd cultists like Minus FJ?

  2. No. I am knowledgeable in regards to the inaccuracy of the rightturd media. Can confirm for myself that it spreads lies. Like donald tRump not colluding with Russia. When I saw him do it live on TV ("Russia, if you're listening"). Also the Capitol attack not being what it seems (just people "going by street" into a free admission building). When I saw (on TV with my own eyes) trumpturds attacking the police. Breaking windows. Scaling walls. Those things not needed if you could just walk in because the building was open for admission.

  3. Like black bloc protesters never mixed it up with police... more cops were hurt in the blm protestors burnd the DC church than on J6. Fuckinf Democrats always pretending to be "victims". Nobody's listening to your crocodile tears anymore, Dervy.

  4. White republiturd dotard supporters pretending to be victims. NOBODY EVER bought your White Supremacist tears. Or your false allegations of election theft. Because crybabies' White Supremacist leader lost. Trying to justify an attack on the Capitol as (Qtard's stupidity) their "human right" or "double-checking". UNLIKE BLM protestors. Weren't trying to overthrow democracy. Only protesting, which is their Constitutional right. Not burning churches. A criminal act that the peaceful protestors were not responsible for, btw.

  5. More like Pravda Newspaper Effect... especially in Derpy's case.

    Low-brow, low-intellectual people... tend to OVERestimate verasity and truth-foolness of "official" sources. ;-P

    \\ Trying to justify an attack on the Capitol as (Qtard's stupidity) their "human right" or "double-checking".

    YET ONE confirmation being idiot.

    Thank you Derpy, for your laborous efforts of self-revealing. ;-P

  6. Qtard: \\Trying to justify an attack on the Capitol as ... their "human right" or "double-checking"\\YET ONE confirmation being idiot.

    Qtard is confessing its idiocy? Because Qtard's assertion that the attack on the Capitol was a "human right" or "double checking"? DEFINITELY a confirmation of being an idiot.


    Your concern for "democracy" is a sick joke.

  8. Meanwhile, Dervy call his next expert witness to "the truth".

  9. Minus thinks that I am Klaus Schwab? Agree with Klaus Schwab?

  10. dotard donald, 1/26/2018: Thank you, Klaus, very much. ... Well, first of all, Klaus, I want to congratulate you. ...So this has been really great what you've done and putting it together, the economic forum. [excerpts from Remarks by tRump to the World Economic Forum].

    It occurred to me, after I commented, maybe you were agreeing with Klaus Schwab? I mean, you did endorse the idea of donald tRump being "president for life".

    Minus: How come none of this was investigated? **re: "Findings": The November 3, 2020 election was chaotic and the results cannot be trusted**

    Already was. Votes in numerous states were counted multiple times. All confirmed Joe Biden the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. There will be more of this bullshit after Joe Biden wins reelection in 2024, yes? Minus crying about how Democracy is dead? More of Minus talking about how violence will be justified?

    You think Joe Biden will be playing a lot of Super Mario Kart in preparation to kick dotard donald's ass (if he is the republiturd candidate) in 2024?

  11. \\Qtard: \\Trying to justify an attack on the Capitol as ... their "human right" or "double-checking"\\YET ONE confirmation being idiot.

    \\Qtard is confessing its idiocy?

    Derpy The Idiot doubling down on its confession? And it even says it do not like Double-Checking.


    Cause that question is CLEARLY idiotic.

    Or... Idiot Derpy can EXPLAIN how that words ¨YET ONE confirmation being idiot¨? Naaah.

    It EVEN cannot understand why that is truthful confirmation.

    And trying to respond with ¨no, you are fool¨ -- which only CONFIRM that non-understanding. :-))))))))))))))

    \\Because Qtard's assertion that the attack on the Capitol was a "human right" or "double checking"? DEFINITELY a confirmation of being an idiot.

    Yep. You are right.

    That is obvious confirmation of your idiocy -- because that ¨Qtard's assertion¨ is just your bonkery -- both fake and idiotic, cannot be confirmed with any truthful quotes put there. ;-P

  12. Counting phony ballots created AFTER the election isn't very difficult. Neither is tearing up the other candidates.

  13. Qtard: Derpy The Idiot doubling down on its confession?

    I made no confession to double down on.

    Qtard: And it even says it do not like Double-Checking **moronic laughter**

    There was no double checking. There were no plans by the J6 rioters to double check. J6 rioters never said "we're here to double check the results". And, most importantly, there was no ability for the J6 rioters to double check. Because double checking of the votes cast could ONLY take place in the states. The voter's ballots weren't there. Only the ballots of the Electors. And those ballots could have been checked thousands of times -- and EVERY time they would have shown that Joe Biden won.

    btw, double and triple checking WAS done. In the states. All the double and triple checking by the states confirmed that Joe Biden won. Yet, Qtard, the complete MORON that it is, thinks that maybe (if the J6 rioters had double-checked) they'd have found that donald tRump actually won? The news would report that J6 rioter double checking uncovered the "truth" that donald tRump won? They'd have been hailed as heroes who saved democracy?

    The ONLY way there could have been any more checking is if Mike Pence had said he was rejecting the "contested" Electoral College votes and asking those states to double check again. But (as Mike Pence pointed out) there is no provision in the Constitution providing for that. Mike Pence RIGHTLY assessed that he had no authority to do that. The votes had been certified and were FINAL.

    Qtard: \\Cause that question is CLEARLY idiotic\\Or... Idiot Derpy can EXPLAIN how that words ¨YET ONE confirmation being idiot¨? Naaah.

    Yes. Just explained (see above). No more double checking was possible. The votes had already been double and triple checked. The J6 rioters could NOT have done any double checking. Because the ballots cast in the states weren't there at the Capitol. Only the Electoral College votes were there. And those votes said Joe Biden was the winner.

    Qtard: It EVEN cannot understand why that is truthful confirmation.

    No. I cannot. Because it is not.

    Qtard: And trying to respond with ¨no, you are fool¨ -- which only CONFIRM that non-understanding **moronic laugher**

    My FULL and COMPLETE understanding has been confirmed. Qtard's FULL and COMPLETE misunderstanding has been confirmed. Qtard being completely clueless has been confirmed. Via his idiotic comment about double checking.

    Qtard: \\Because Qtard's assertion that the attack on the Capitol was a "human right" or "double checking"? DEFINITELY a confirmation of being an idiot\\Yep. You are right. That is obvious confirmation of your idiocy -- because that "Qtard's assertion" is just your bonkery -- both fake and idiotic, cannot be confirmed with any truthful quotes put there.

    Denying AGAIN things we BOTH know you said. Qtard using its "dirty pig tricks" AGAIN. Qtard never said anything about double checking? Qtard never said anything about the J6 rioter's human rights? That is a laughable lie. Minus FJ, if reading this, knows Qtard wrote it. Knows Qtard is a liar. Won't say anything though. Because Minus FJ likes Qtard's lies.

    Minus: Counting phony ballots created AFTER the election isn't very difficult. Neither is tearing up the other candidates.

    So, phony tRump ballots were created? Ballots that had votes for Joe Biden on them were torn up? Joe Biden was cheated out of an even bigger win? Is that what you're saying? Maybe. It does seem odd to me that the election was as close as it was. The results should have shown that Joe Biden won in a blow out. Given the TERRIBLE job dotard donald did as president. The worst president in US history should have been trounced by ANY candidate running against him.

  14. When Ruby and her daughter finished faking a Biden win, they spent the next few days printing up fake ballots and adding them to Biden's pile.

    How do we know? There's no chain of custody for the ballots. They just blew it off. The officials certified a bogus count, and re-count.

  15. Qtard: Low-brow, low-intellectual people... tend to OVERestimate verasity and truth-foolness of "official" sources.

    Study links low intelligence with right-wing beliefs. ... The study, published in the journal Psychological Science, examined data from two large-scale British studies, and found lower intelligence scores in childhood were predictors of greater racism in adulthood, which the researchers controversially explain is brought about by adopting right-wing ideologies.

    A secondary analysis of data from a US study also showed those with poor abstract-reasoning skills were more likely to have anti-homosexual prejudice, partially linked to authoritarian attitudes. [Article by Health Reporter, Wency Leung].

    Minus: The officials certified a bogus count, and re-count.

    REPUBLICAN officials who wanted tRump to win. How I know your assertions are complete bullshit. The republican brad raffensperger wanted donald tRump to win. He just wasn't willing to break the law to help donald win. Not so blatantly, at least.

    raffensperger might be in trouble with the law now and be a defendant in the Fani Willis RICO case if he had done that. Though, without his release of the phone call (in which dotard donald incriminated himself) there probably would be no case. You must really hate him. Consider him a "deep state" RINO. If not he would have "found" the votes dotard donald wanted him to "find".

  16. donald tried to get brad to commit election fraud. Rudy and her daughter were CLEARED of any wrongdoing. donald has been charged and will be convicted and sent to prison. Ruby has NOT been charged and therefore will not go to prison. Prevail in her lawsuit against Rudy and receive bigly compensation because he lied about her and her daughter. Hopefully she gets a LOT more than just compensation for her legal fees. Whether or not Rudy will be able to pay is another matter. I've heard he has bigly financial problems. And he is going to prison too. LOL!!

  17. You can't find crimes that you never look for. Of course the Democrats have been looking for Trump's crimes for years, but never find any that they didn't invent just for him!

  18. \\Qtard: Low-brow, low-intellectual people... tend to OVERestimate verasity and truth-foolness of "official" sources.

    \\Study links low intelligence with right-wing beliefs. ... The study, published in the journal Psychological Science, examined data from two large-scale British studies, and found lower intelligence scores in childhood were predictors of greater racism in adulthood, which the researchers controversially explain is brought about by adopting right-wing ideologies.

    \\A secondary analysis of data from a US study also showed those with poor abstract-reasoning skills were more likely to have anti-homosexual prejudice, partially linked to authoritarian attitudes. [Article by Health Reporter, Wency Leung].


    Perfect examples of what I have said.

    Thank you.

  19. I see that Qtard is ignoring my refutation of his "double check" stupidity. I support double checking. If the results are close it should be done. It WAS done in the contested states. Double and triple checking. They found MORE votes for Joe Biden. No Ability to "double check" after the results were certified. And there was DEFINITELY no ability for the J6 rioters to do any double checking. Qtard ran away from that comment, realizing how STUPID its "double checking" claim is?

    Re "Perfect examples of what I have said"... Qtard confessed to having low intelligence? I don't remember that. But I will take Qtard's word on this. Because it does not matter. What matters is that Qtard is admitting it's stupidity now. I commend Qtard for its honesty. And I CONCUR!

  20. Q's obviouslt too intelligent to buy any of the sh*t. you're shovelling, Dervy. :)

  21. \\I see that Qtard is ignoring my refutation of his "double check" stupidity. I support double checking.

    How could I do otherewise.

    While you KEEP contradicting itself.

    Even in next sentence.


    First you stated that you "my refutation of his "double check" stupidity"

    Then IMMEDIATELLY claimed "I support double checking."

    And BOTH... without ANY facts stated and/or logic provided.

    Go figure... appart obvious conclusion -- you know -- that you are idiot.

    Because ONLY idiot can spout such self-contradicting BS, with straight face, and thinking that that is "smart" thing to say. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Re "Perfect examples of what I have said"... Qtard confessed to having low intelligence? I don't remember that. But I will take Qtard's word on this. Because it does not matter. What matters is that Qtard is admitting it's stupidity now. I commend Qtard for its honesty. And I CONCUR!

    YET ONE demonstration of delirious self-contradicting talks... which Derpy The Idiot apparently thinks being "smart". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Thouigh, it apparently gibberish. ;-P

  22. \\Q's obviouslt too intelligent to buy any of the sh*t. you're shovelling, Dervy. :)

    But... I showed myself respectable buyer of its idiocy... and more, and MOAR of it. ;-P

  23. Continue-continue barking at that tree... stooopid dog. :-)))))))))))))))))

    (just for stimulation of Derpy's delightfully idiotic responses ;-P)

  24. Qtard has referred to me as both a pig and a dog. Obviously this bigot does not see me as human. Qtard sees me, as a Democrat, as an "unhuman" monster. A "Demon rat" that should be exterminated. That Qtard strongly desires "Demon rats" be killed it OBVIOUS. Though, the coward that it is, attempts to blame me for its wishes that "Demns" be killed. By insisting that I want republiturds killed. When I never expressed any such desire.

    The IDIOT Qtard says insurrection is "double checking". The MORON Qtard says non-support for insurrection is being against "double checking". When (1) The double checking had ALREADY occurred - the ballots were double and triple checked by the states and, (2) the insurrectionists were NOT at the Capitol to double check. They were there to stop the Electoral College vote as part of the plan for their Orange Turd cult leader to illegally hold onto power.

    Qtard's claim that "you KEEP contradicting itself" is BULLSHIT. Qtard is a heinous liar. Qtard LIED when it said "appart obvious conclusion -- you know -- that you are idiot". I do NOT "know" this. What I KNOW is that the obvious conclusion is that Qtard is an idiot.

    But Qtard obviously does not know this. Why should it? When Minus FJ feeds its delusions of smartness? One tinfoil hat nutter "sees" smartness in another tinfoil hat nutter. Both agree they are "smart" because they both wrap their heads securely in tinfoil to protect themselves from truths they don't like. Like donald tRump being guilty of collusion. Guilty of stealing documents when he left the White House. Guilty of covering up hush money payments to a porn star because he knew it would harm his election chances. Guilty of trying to illegally pressure state officials to "find" votes for him in states he LOST.

  25. \\Qtard has referred to me as both a pig and a dog. Obviously this bigot does not see me as human.

    Metaphors, Derpy, metaphors. ;-P

    \\ Though, the coward that it is, attempts to blame me for its wishes that "Demns" be killed.

    Well... YOU asked that question. ;-P

    \\Qtard's claim that "you KEEP contradicting itself" is BULLSHIT.


    It not called contradiction if one clames A... then not-A in a very next sentence... oh, shi-i-it.

    Well, idiots -- they do not groke Logic. And call it BS. :-)))))))))))))

    Derpy doing it too.

    So, children (smart one), how we can call that id... ehm, Derpy? ;-P

    \\Qtard is a heinous liar. Qtard LIED when it said "appart obvious conclusion -- you know -- that you are idiot". I do NOT "know" this. What I KNOW is that the obvious conclusion is that Qtard is an idiot.


    Perrot repeating words without knowing what they mean.

    Children (clever ones), HOW do we call such people?

    Idiots, isn't it?

    Don't be idiots, go study logic and science...

  26. Qtard: It not called contradiction if one clames A... then not-A in a very next sentence... oh, shi-i-it.

    That did NOT happen. I said your "double checking" claim concerning the J6 insurrectionists was stupidity because they had no ability to do any double checking.

    I said I support double checking -- by the states, which was done.

    That isn't "A then not-A". They are completely different situations. Checking by the states versus checking by rioters when electoral votes (not individual votes) were being counted.

    Qtard does not understand because it is a cretin. A cretin that THINKS it is smart.
