Thursday, August 24, 2023

DNC Media Allies Throw Cloak of Gyges over RFK Jr's. Presidential Campaign

David Smith, "RFK Jr draws quite a crowd – what does it mean for 2024?"
President Kennedy’s nephew has struck an anti-establishment nerve but his anti-vax views and far-right flirtation have prompted outrage

Wearing a Robert Kennedy Jr campaign T-shirt, Kevin O’Keeffe found there was standing room only as the candidate, introduced as “Bobby Kennedy”, walked on a sunbaked stage decked with hay bales to whoops and applause.

“He supports freedom of speech, and he’s questioned the efficacy of the vaccine, which is legitimate at this point,” said O’Keeffe, 52, who works for a telecommunications company in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. “I like his views on foreign policy and keeping us out of the war. He cares about his fellow Americans in a way that a lot of the politicians nowadays I don’t think really do.”

He was far from alone in rooting for Kennedy at the Iowa state fair in Des Moines last weekend. The longshot challenger to Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination in 2024 drew one of the biggest and most energetic crowds, outnumbering conventional politicians on the Republican side. The shouts of “We love you, Robert!” and “Thank you, Robert!”, and subsequent mobbing of Kennedy for handshakes and selfies, hinted at the stirrings of a movement.

In a nation that has seen plenty of political convulsions over the past decade, Kennedy, a 69-year-old environmental lawyer who has never before run for public office, is proof that Americans’ appetite for insurgents and outsiders, mavericks and populists, remains undimmed. Even when a campaign traffics in anti-vaccine conspiracy theories and has been hit by antisemitism scandals.

Kennedy rose to prominence during the coronavirus pandemic because of his strident and widely condemned opposition to vaccines. He has styled himself as a hammer of the elites – quite a feat for a scion of one of America’s most storied political dynasties. He has scrambled old political allegiances, striking an anti-establishment nerve on the far left and far right over the Ukraine war and other issues.

Brandy Zadrozny, a senior reporter for NBC News, summed up his supporters as “anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, internet contrarians, billionaire tech bros, Camelot nostalgists and rightwing provocateurs who seem to be pumping Kennedy as a spoiler candidate”.

In his speech from the Des Moines Register newspaper’s political soapbox, Kennedy wore blue jeans and a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves. He spoke of his father, former attorney general Robert Kennedy, and uncle, President John F Kennedy, as figures from a golden age when America was the envy of the world.

His campaign chairman, Dennis Kucinich, held up a map as Kennedy railed against proposed pipelines that would run through Iowa to transport liquefied carbon dioxide away from ethanol plants for burial underground. It was a retro, 20th-century presentation but more locally targeted than many candidates offered.

Such is the celebrity-style clamor for Kennedy that, for an interview with the Guardian, he slipped away from the crowds and sat in the back of a black limousine with security detail present. Kucinich, a former congressman and past presidential contender, offered to take an Uber back to the hotel but Kennedy insisted that he climb in too, then asked an aide for some fried bacon from the fair.

His uncle, Ted Kennedy, was once floored by the simple question, “Why do you want to be president?” This Kennedy does have an answer for that one: “I’m running for president because I feel like I’m losing my country and because I feel like the Democratic party is going in a bad direction. In particular, it has become the party of war – the Ukraine war was an unnecessary war.

“It has become the party of censorship. It’s become the party of a pugnacious neocon-driven foreign policy and a Wall Street-driven domestic policy. Those are all the opposite of the Democratic party that I grew up with, so I’m running to bring the party back to its traditional values.”

The political class was rattled in 2016 by the two-headed insurgency of not only Donald Trump on the right but Bernie Sanders on the left, channeling frustrations with the status quo in very different ways. Kennedy argues that Democrats, once the party of the poor and middle class, now own most of the nation’s wealth and dominate its richest counties.

“Americans feel ignored by both political parties,” he said. “Their wealth is being strip mined by large corporations, corporate interests, and you’re seeing a level of desperation that I’ve never seen in this country. They just don’t feel that anybody’s listening, and they felt like Bernie was maybe listening, and they felt like Donald Trump was maybe listening as well.”

Many are disturbed by Kennedy’s flirtations with the far right, including racists and antisemites. He has appeared on Infowars, a channel run by Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and granted interviews to pro-Trump extremists Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson. A Super Pac supporting Kennedy’s presidential run owes half its money to a longtime Republican mega-donor and Trump backer, according to campaign finance reports.

Kennedy insists that he is happy to receive support from across the spectrum and focus on issues that united Americans rather than divide them. He said: “My message is a populist message. The Republicans are appealing to a populist base and I appeal to the same base. I appeal to working people, middle class people and the poor.”

So what did he make of Trump’s presidency? Kennedy seemed a little reluctant to reply and kept his answer short: “I don’t think it was the shining apex of American exceptionalism.”

Trump is facing 91 criminal charges across four cases, many related to an attempted coup after his 2020 election defeat. Democrats warn starkly that his return to the White House could spell the end of American democracy. But again Kennedy swerved: “There’s authoritarian impulses on both sides. On one side it’s the authoritarianism of rightwing demagoguery, and on the left it’s the authoritarianism of the elites, which is equally dangerous because it involves censorship.”

Equally dangerous? “I would say equally dangerous,” he reiterated. “What do you think is more dangerous? The attack on the Capitol building on January 6 or the revelations that the White House has been using the CIA and the FBI to censor its critics? What do you think is more dangerous for the republic? Both parties are doing things that are equally dangerous.”

He added: “Once a government can silence its critics it has licence for every atrocity and so it’s shocking to me that people in the Democratic party now think it’s OK to silence people. I’ve never thought that’s right. I’ve always spoken to people who I don’t agree with. That’s an important part of being American.”

It is an exercise in false equivalence fueled by personal animus. Kennedy accuses the government of colluding with social media companies to deny his freedom of speech, making him the first person censored by the White House after Biden’s inauguration. In reality he was suspended from platforms such as Instagram and Twitter for spreading coronavirus vaccine misinformation.

Without the pandemic, it might be argued, there would be no Kennedy candidacy. He has long promoted bogus theories linking vaccines to autism, antidepressants to school shootings and chemicals present in water sources to transgender identity. But now his anti-scientific views have moved from the fringe to resonate with millions of people, especially consumers of rightwing media.

His anti-vaccine charity, Children’s Health Defense, prospered during the pandemic, with revenues more than doubling in 2020 to $6.8m, according to filings made with charity regulators. Kennedy has repeatedly invoked Nazis and the Holocaust when talking about measures aimed at mitigating the spread of Covid, such as mask requirements and vaccine mandates. In 2021 he published a book, The Real Anthony Fauci, in which he accused America’s top infectious disease expert of assisting in “a historic coup d’etat against western democracy”.

In his Guardian interview, Kennedy is unrepentant, saying: “Show me where I got one thing wrong.” He tossed out far-fetched claims that might have been plucked from dark corners of the web: “The British study that just came out said 98% of the people who died were triple vaccinated”; “If you look at the data, countries that were least vaccinated had the least Covid deaths”. He did not take the vaccine himself and did catch the virus but “it didn’t stop me from skiing”.

Earlier this year the UN’s World Health Organization declared an end to Covid as a public health emergency, stating that immunity increased due to “highly effective vaccines” developed in record time. A modelling study by the Commonwealth Fund and Yale School of Public Health at the end of last year found that Covid vaccines kept more than 18.5 million people in the US out of the hospital and saved more than 3.2 million lives.

Kennedy’s own family have distanced themselves from him. Jack Schlossberg, President Kennedy’s grandson, said in an Instagram video: “He’s trading in on Camelot, celebrity, conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame. I’ve listened to him. I know him. I have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president. What I do know is, his candidacy is an embarrassment.”

But at the state fair there was a significant constituency thrilled to hear Kennedy keep saying the unsayable, renewing questions about what the rise of such candidates tells America about itself and its yearning. Gail Buffington, 62, wearing a white “Kennedy 2024” cap and “RFK Jr for president 2024” T-shirt, said: “I believe in freedom of speech, peace and civil liberties. Trump drew a large crowd too, and I was in that crowd, and I got nothing but thumbs up from everybody.”


  1. "Trump drew a large crowd too, and I was in that crowd, and I got nothing but thumbs up from everybody".

    rfkjr got thumbs up from trumpturds. That tells Democrats all they need to know.

    "The political class was rattled in 2016 by the two-headed insurgency of not only Donald Trump on the [fascist fake populist] right but Bernie Sanders on the left..."

    I voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2020 primary. Bernie lost and Joe Biden got the nomination. Bernie endorsed Joe. Is rfkjr going to endorse Biden when he does not get the Democratic nomination? Or is he going to endorse donald tRump?

  2. When's Biden going to stop playing Moochelle's stalking horse? November or December?

  3. Does not need him now. Michelle Obama does not want to run for president.

  4. She told you she does? Changed her mind?


    Just waiting for "white knight" moment.

  6. Fake news. Website says it is gossip.

  7. Dude, Joe Biden isn't running. He couldn't get elected dog catcher.

  8. Joe Biden announced he is running for reelection 4 months ago. He *IS* running. Right now. Has been for months. You said Joe Biden couldn't get elected dog catcher prior to his election in 2020. Though, according to you, he cheated to defeat the horrible dotard donald. So, this time around, Joe Biden isn't going to "cheat"? Why wouldn't he? Surely (as the incumbent) cheating would be easier.

    Dotard donald knows this. Given that he used the presidency to try and cheat his way to a second term. Still he lost. Joe Biden will be president for another 4 years. Most likely. republiturds will try to stop as many Democrats from voting as possible, of course. You think voter suppression will be enough to defeat Biden?

  9. Joe Biden is running.... as Moochelle Obama's stalking horse, keeping the field clear until she's ready to jump in at the final moment.

    btw - What would a brainwahsed political transponder like you know about politics anyway?

  10. I am smart enough to see that brainwashed trumpturds like Minus FJ are being controlled by rightturd propaganda. It works so successfully on them that they truly believe BS about Joe Biden not being able to be elected dogcatcher. When he already won in 2020. And is doing a great job as president.

    Joe Biden WILL be on the ballot in 2024. Michelle Obama will not be. I say the chance of Michelle Obama being on the ballot as the Democratic potus nominee in 2024 is 0.0%. Same probability for Cornell West and rfkjr.

  11. \\btw - What would a brainwahsed political transponder like you know about politics anyway?


    What a mere dogfood can know about barking and tale wiggling? ;-P

  12. \\Joe Biden WILL be on the ballot in 2024. Michelle Obama will not be. I say the chance of Michelle Obama

    Well... and what if old age will take its due?

    Dems will be like that... Our Best Choice, departed to early... so, lets give up this election, and wait for next chance??? :-)))))))))))

    Like in that colorful phrase about snatching defeat out of claws of victory? :-)))

  13. Or... they will use that DEMN dog's wistle "only NOT dRump!!!!".

    And you all will start chanting "we ALWAYS wanted Michelle! Michelle is the BEST!". ;-P

  14. Qtard: \\Joe Biden WILL be on the ballot in 2024. Michelle Obama will not be\\Well... and what if old age will take its due?

    What Qtard is praying happens? Qtard would be happy if Joe Biden were to die due to old age before getting elected to a second term? Even though donald tRump is only a few years younger -- and also not in as good shape as Joe Biden? donald tRump dying is more likely than Joe Biden dying.

    Qtard: Dems will be like that... Our Best Choice, departed to early... so, lets give up this election, and wait for next chance???

    If Joe Biden "departed early" Kamala Harris would become president. And then the next Democratic potus nominee. Minus FJ's speculation involved Joe Biden stepping aside, not dying. Dying AUTOMATICALLY makes Kamala Harris the president. And automatically the next Democratic potus candidate. Democrats wouldn't give up.

    Will republiturds say -- if donald tRump departs early -- "we give up"?

    And who said Democrats would just give up? There are only two choices here? Give up or force Michelle Obama to be the candidate? What about Kamala Harris? RIGHT NOW she would become president if Joe Biden died. She would therefore be the assumed potus candidate for reelection in 2024.

    Qtard does not know this because it is a foreigner. A foreigner trying to participate in conversations about things it is clueless about?

    Qtard: Like in that colorful phrase about snatching defeat out of claws of victory?

    There is no such colorful phrase. The phrase is "jaws", not "claws". Michelle Obama does not want to run for political office. Has said so. Qtard read her book? I read it. She does not want to be president.

    Qtard: Or... they will use that DEMN dog's wistle "only NOT dRump!!!!".

    Because he is disqualified. Attempted an insurrection bars him from running again. As per the Constitution.

    Qtard: And you all will start chanting "we ALWAYS wanted Michelle! Michelle is the BEST!".

    She is very popular among Democrats. But she doesn't want the job.

    Minus: All together now..."MOOOOOchelle!"

    *All* is no Democrats. Racist republiturds (like Minus) say she is a cow. Use that name. Not Democrats. Democrats love her. Would vote for her. Don't know why you keep saying she will be step in for Joe Biden. I would think this would be a big worry for you. Be very concerned that she would win.

    But Minus thinks misogyny would win out? Democrats who voted for Biden would say "a woman can't be president! Guess I'll have to vote for a third party MAN. Or just stay home. No, wait! I'll have to vote tRump! Have to be CERTAIN a woman doesn't get in!".

    If Michelle Obama were to replace Joe Biden, would Kamala Harris still be the VP? The ticket would be two women? Obviously we can't have that.

  15. Apparently now I'm anti-union. Another Qtard-fabricated position that it "logically" deduced I have? Because all the union leaders across the United States are demanding a general strike if donald tRump is convicted and/or sent to prison? And the union-hating "Derpy" is screaming "down with unions!"? Is that what your delusions are telling you, Qtard?

  16. \\What Qtard is praying happens?

    Not able of hypothetising? ;-P

    \\donald tRump dying is more likely than Joe Biden dying.

    And you praying about it happens?

    \\Will republiturds say -- if donald tRump departs early -- "we give up"?

    Dunno. You say?

    \\And who said Democrats would just give up? There are only two choices here?

    Well. YOU say?

    That is YOU are one who discussing persons, NOT policies.

    And doing it in such a way that it looking like "if not Biden... then End of the World".

    \\ RIGHT NOW she would become president if Joe Biden died.

    Yap. Lame duck.

    \\And automatically the next Democratic potus candidate. Democrats wouldn't give up.

    Dems already tryed that trick. "Vote for a girl".

    And now you have dRump -- that menace you cannot thrig off.

    Wanna try YET ONE time? To snatch defeat out of claws of victory? :-)))))

    \\Qtard does not know this because it is a foreigner. A foreigner trying to participate in conversations about things it is clueless about?

    Why not?

    There is only ONE method to learn new thing -- embark to sail in new waters. ;-)

    \\The phrase is "jaws", not "claws".

    In the Emblem of USA there is an igle, isn't it?

    And it catches its prey with claws, isn't it?

    \\Because he is disqualified. Attempted an insurrection bars him from running again. As per the Constitution.

    And who saying that? Dems.

    Very Convinient.

    Well, if I was USAian, I could be surprised.

    But, as foreigner from far-far-away, I saw too damn many cases... as in that Mark Twain text, about becoming governor.

    \\*All* is no Democrats. Racist republiturds (like Minus) say she is a cow. Use that name. Not Democrats. Democrats love her. Would vote for her. Don't know why you keep saying she will be step in for Joe Biden. I would think this would be a big worry for you. Be very concerned that she would win.

    Inner contradictions.

    As ever.


    \\Apparently now I'm anti-union. Another Qtard-fabricated position that it "logically" deduced I have?


    That they will be fired. Why so? Unions will not help em?

    \\Because all the union leaders across the United States are demanding a general strike if donald tRump is convicted and/or sent to prison? And the union-hating "Derpy" is screaming "down with unions!"? Is that what your delusions are telling you, Qtard?


    I still dunno what YOUR delusions can tell me. ;-P

  17. Dervy says that he read MOOchelle's book. That about sums it up.

  18. How'd everyone learn that Barrack Obama was running for President?

    He wrote a book.

  19. ...although I'm inclined to believe the rumours. He let Bill Ayers write it for him.

  20. Qtard: \\What Qtard is praying happens?\\Not able of hypothetising?

    No. There is no such thing as "hypothetising".

    Qtard: \\donald tRump dying is more likely than Joe Biden dying\\And you praying about it happens?

    No. I am hypothesizing.

    Qtard: \\Will republiturds say -- if donald tRump departs early -- "we give up"?\\Dunno. You say?

    No. Giving up was stupidity suggested by Qtard. Neither side will give up.

    Qtard: \\And who said Democrats would just give up? There are only two choices here?\\Well. YOU say?

    Already did. I said the nominee would be Kamala Harris. Qtard is not able to pay attention.

    Qtard: That is YOU are one who discussing persons, NOT policies.

    Qtard isn't paying attention again. This post is about rjfjr and Minus FJ's whines about the media not covering his "campaign". "Policies" discussed are rfkjr's anti-vaxx nuttery and support for rightturd disinformation.

    Qtard: And doing it in such a way that it looking like "if not Biden... then End of the World".

    Not doing that. "Looking like" that to Qtard because it can't follow the discussion. Apparently missed my pointing out Michelle Obama will not run and, that if Biden steps aside, the nominee will be Kamala Harris.

    Qtard: \\ RIGHT NOW she would become president if Joe Biden died.\\Yap. Lame duck.

    No. "Lame Duck" is obviously another term Qtard doesn't know the definition of.

    Qtard: Dems already tryed that trick. "Vote for a girl".

    Didn't. A girl can't run for a president. Nor can a boy. As per the Constitution a candidate for president must be an adult 35 years or older. Qtard calls a adult woman (with grandchildren) a "girl" due to its misogyny, yes?

    Qtard: And now you have dRump -- that menace you cannot thrig off.

    No, we can't. But only because "thrig off" isn't anything anyone can do. Though you have been writing (up until now) "thrug off". How is (in qtardese) "thrig off" different than "thrug off"?

    Qtard: \\Qtard does not know this because it is a foreigner? A foreigner trying to participate in conversations about things it is clueless about?\\Why not? There is only ONE method to learn new thing -- embark to sail in new waters.

    But Qtard has confirmed it hates learning. Wrote (many times) "I don't know and I don't want to know". Though once it joked and sarcastically wrote "I am a lifelong learner". I laughed. That was funny.

    Qtard: \\The phrase is "jaws", not "claws"\\In the Emblem of USA there is an igle, isn't it?\\And it catches its prey with claws, isn't it?

    Qtard thinks a sea urchin is the "emblem" of the United States? And that sea urchins have claws? An eagle is the national animal of the United States, idiot. And an eagle catches it prey with its talons.

    Qtard: \\Because he is disqualified. Attempted an insurrection bars him from running again. As per the Constitution\\And who saying that? Dems.

    The Constitution (14th Amendment, Section 3) says it.

    Qtard: Very Convinient. Well, if I was USAian, I could be surprised.

    I don't doubt it. Many Americans are pretty ignorant. A lot of these ignorant Americans are donald tRump supporters. Some ignorant (alleged) foreigners too (like Qtard).

    Qtard: But, as foreigner from far-far-away, I saw too damn many cases... as in that Mark Twain text, about becoming governor.

    Mark Twain's story didn't say anything about Candidate Twain attempting an insurrection and being disqualified from office for that reason. His story concerned false allegations, not factually accurate ones.

  21. Qtard: \\*All* is no Democrats. Racist republiturds (like Minus) say she is a cow. Use that name. Not Democrats. Democrats love her. Would vote for her. Don't know why you keep saying she will be step in for Joe Biden. I would think this would be a big worry for you. Be very concerned that she would win.\\Inner contradictions.

    There are no "inner contradictions" in the text of mine that you quote.

    Qtard: As ever. Yawn.

    You have yet to point out ANY of what you call "inner contradictions" from me.

    Qtard: \\Apparently now I'm anti-union. Another Qtard-fabricated position that it "logically" deduced I have?\\YOUR OWN DEMN WORDS.

    Lie. I wrote no words indicating I am anti-union. Why would I write such words when I am PRO-union?

    Qtard: That they will be fired. Why so? Unions will not help em?

    No. Why would they? Especially if they don't belong to a union. Most USA workers are not union members. WHY would unions help them if they aren't union members? Even if a union member, strikes decided on by individual workers are called "walking off the job". Minus wasn't talking about a union sanctioned strike. If the strike is union-sanctioned, then OF COURSE their union will help them. Maybe a police union would vote to strike (but I doubt it). Many police unions are pro-tRump. Their unions would help them in that case.

    Qtard: \\Because all the union leaders across the United States are demanding a general strike if donald tRump is convicted and/or sent to prison? And the union-hating "Derpy" is screaming "down with unions!"? Is that what your delusions are telling you, Qtard?\\Yap. I still dunno what YOUR delusions can tell me.

    I didn't bring up unions. Or claim unions should help non-union members who decide to not show up to work because they're mad about dotard donald being convicted/jailed. That is Qtard's delusion. Don't know why Qtard is bringing up alleged delusions of mine. When I didn't articulate any. Only speculated about what Qtard's delusions might be.

    Minus FJ: Dervy says that he read MOOchelle's book. That about sums it up.

    I never read a book authored by someone named "MOOchelle". I said I read a book authored by Michelle Obama. In any case, I thought you were insisting that HER name is "Michael" and that "Michael" is a man in drag. Because Barack Obama is gay. Mystere is running with that bullplop on his blog.

    I also remember (though this was a while ago) The Radical Racist (on Lisa's blog) linked to an article by an alleged Secret Service agent that lied about seeing Michelle's penis.

    Minus: How'd everyone learn that Barrack Obama was running for President? He wrote a book.

    He has written other books since leaving the presidency. He isn't running again. People can write a book without running for president. MOST people who write books never run for president.

    Minus: ...although I'm inclined to believe the rumours. He let Bill Ayers write it for him.

    I'm inclined to NOT believe that. A Promised Land by Barack Obama was released in 2020. Did Bill Ayers write that one too? Why can't Barack Obama write his own book? Too dumb? Because he's a mulatto?

    Do your delusions also tell you that Bill Ayers wrote Michelle Obama's books?

  22. \\No. There is no such thing as "hypothesising".

    \\No. I am hypothesizing.


    If you just said that there ios "not such word"??? :-)))))))))))))

    But well... no.

    YOU just showed that you DUNNO about meaning of that word. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\donald tRump dying is more likely than Joe Biden dying\\And you praying about it happens?

    \\No. I am hypothesizing.

    There is NO viable reason why younger dRump should die EARLIER them older Bi-den.

    At least... you NOT provided one, for it to be viable hypothesis.

    Means... that is just a wishi-washi wishful thinking of... its. ;-P

    \\No. Giving up was stupidity suggested by Qtard. Neither side will give up.

    THAT'S IT!

    \\pointing out Michelle Obama will not run and, that if Biden steps aside, the nominee will be Kamala Harris.

    That is not... how politics works. ;-P

    \\No. "Lame Duck" is obviously another term Qtard doesn't know the definition of.

    And who forbiding you to EXPLAIN a true one? ;-P

    \\Qtard calls a adult woman (with grandchildren) a "girl" due to its misogyny, yes?

    WAT??? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\How is (in qtardese) "thrig off" different than "thrug off"?

    Idiots trying to boast about not ability to see through minor mistypings? AGAIN.

    What a clever boy... NOT. You are. ;-P

    \\But Qtard has confirmed it hates learning. Wrote (many times) "I don't know and I don't want to know". Though once it joked and sarcastically wrote "I am a lifelong learner". I laughed. That was funny.

    Thanky-thanky for confirming being idiotic liar.

    Who CANNOT provide CORRECT, NOT cutted out of context quotes. ;-P

    \\Qtard thinks a sea urchin is the "emblem" of the United States? And that sea urchins have claws? An eagle is the national animal of the United States, idiot. And an eagle catches it prey with its talons.

    Well, whatever.

    You revealed my foreigner non-English-native-speaker error.

    But... idioticly you'd keep claiming that I am not one. :-)))))))))))))

    \\The Constitution (14th Amendment, Section 3) says it.

    And also it says that NO court verdict needed??? ;-P


  23. \\I don't doubt it. Many Americans are pretty ignorant. A lot of these ignorant Americans are donald tRump supporters. Some ignorant (alleged) foreigners too (like Qtard).

    And you are not ignorant???

    Even though you keep calling apparent foreigner "not a foreigner" (just an example of one of numerous of you ignorant idiocies)????


    \\Mark Twain's story didn't say anything about Candidate Twain attempting an insurrection and being disqualified from office for that reason. His story concerned false allegations, not factually accurate ones.


    And "factually correct" it, because???

    Because there is court verdict?

    Or... just a wishful thinking of Derpy, instilled in it by Demn Propaganda. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\*All* is no Democrats. Racist republiturds (like Minus) say she is a cow. Use that name. Not Democrats. Democrats love her. Would vote for her. Don't know why you keep saying she will be step in for Joe Biden. I would think this would be a big worry for you. Be very concerned that she would win.\\Inner contradictions.

    \\There are no "inner contradictions" in the text of mine that you quote.

    Just Above.

    TWO opposite messages in one text.

    1) Dems "Would vote for her". And "she would win".


    2) "Don't know why you keep saying she will be step in for Joe Biden."


    Is she a pretendent? Or not?

    It cannot be BOTH at same time.

    \\You have yet to point out ANY of what you call "inner contradictions" from me.

    Just Above.

    Well, you are idiot. And only will prove it -- inability to understand what is logical, and what is not.

    \\Qtard: That they will be fired. Why so? Unions will not help em?

    \\No. Why would they?

    Because... they are MEMEBERS of the Unuion! Isn't it?

    \\Because he's a mulatto?

    And who is mulatoo???

    I'm ready to listen to Derpy The Racist explanation -- in what cathegories he like to segregate people. ;-P

  24. Qtard:\\No. There is no such thing as "hypothesising". No. I am hypothesizing\\HOW???

    Easy. I can see that Joe Biden is in better shape than donald tRump. donald tRump is only a few years younger, but in much worse shape. I have never seen him on a bicycle. If you can ride a bike at 80 I think that says you are in excellent health.

    Qtard: If you just said that there ios "not such word"??? **moronic laughter**

    I did. Qtard is somewhat observant. Not observant enough to see that it spelled the word wrong.

    Qtard: But well... no. YOU just showed that you DUNNO about meaning of that word.

    I do know the meaning of the word "hypothesizing". I don't know the meaning of the word "hypothesising". Because "hypothesising" is not a word. It might be in qtardese, but I don't know that language.

    Qtard: \\donald tRump dying is more likely than Joe Biden dying\\And you praying about it happens?\\No. I am hypothesizing.\\There is NO viable reason why younger dRump should die EARLIER them older Bi-den.

    There is. Joe Biden is in better shape.

    Qtard: At least... you NOT provided one, for it to be viable hypothesis.

    I did.

    Qtard: Means... that is just a wishi-washi wishful thinking of... its.


    Qtard: \\No. Giving up was stupidity suggested by Qtard. Neither side will give up.\\THAT'S IT!

    Qtard thinks it made a breakthrough? I never suggested either side would give up.

    Qtard: \\pointing out Michelle Obama will not run and, that if Biden steps aside, the nominee will be Kamala Harris\\That is not... how politics works.

    As per Wikipedia, 19 (of 49) vice presidents decided to run for president. Of those 19, 11 won their party's nomination. That's a 57.895% success rate.

    Qtard: \\No. "Lame Duck" is obviously another term Qtard doesn't know the definition of\\And who forbiding you to EXPLAIN a true one?

    Why? I tried to explain what "cherry picking" is. Qtard got confused. Stopped at the first definition and ignored the second one.

    Qtard: \\Qtard calls a adult woman (with grandchildren) a "girl" due to its misogyny, yes?\\WAT??? **moronic laughter**

    The definition of "girl" is, "a young or relatively young woman". Hillary Clinton was 69 years old when she ran for the presidency. A 69 year old woman isn't a "girl".

    Qtard: \\How is (in qtardese) "thrig off" different than "thrug off"?\\Idiots trying to boast about not ability to see through minor mistypings? AGAIN.

    HOW should I know what nonexistent term Qtard meant to type? There is no such thing as "thrig off" or "thrug off". They are both gibberish. I think (although there is no way to be sure) Qtard means "shrug off".

    Google: Showing results for "shrug off". Search instead for "thrug off". phrasal verb. If you shrug something off, you ignore it or treat it as if it is not really important or serious. He shrugged off the criticism.

    Qtard: What a clever boy... NOT. You are.

    Right. Your "not" is accurate. Because I am not a "boy". I am an adult male.

  25. Qtard: \\But Qtard ... Wrote ... "I don't know and I don't want to know". Though once it joked and sarcastically wrote "I am a lifelong learner". I laughed. That was funny\\...CANNOT provide CORRECT, NOT cutted out of context quotes.

    Lie. I did not "cutted out of context" any Qtard quote. Cutted out of context would be when you quoted my "I *DO* deny...".

    Quoting out of context ... is an informal fallacy in which a passage is removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended meaning.

    Qtard: \\ eagle catches it prey with its talons\\...You revealed my foreigner non-English-native-speaker error. But... idioticly you'd keep claiming that I am not one. **moronic laughter**

    Impossible. Given that I have never claimed you aren't a foreigner. Only said I have no way of knowing if you are a foreigner.

    Qtard: \\The Constitution (14th Amendment, Section 3) says it\\And also it says that NO court verdict needed???

    Yes. It says "That disqualification argument boils down to Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment, which says that a public official is not eligible to assume public office if they "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against" the United States, or had "given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof..."

    "Court verdict" not mentioned.

    It is up to individual secretaries of state to decide. A secretary of state can keep tRump off the ballot without a court verdict. Though the tRump campaign would surely sue. But the court case would come secondly, not firstly.

    Qtard: \\And you are not ignorant??? Even though you keep calling apparent foreigner "not a foreigner" (just an example of one of numerous of you ignorant idiocies)???? **moronic laughter**

    Ignorance has nothing to do with believing (or not believing) unproven claims made by anonymous qtarded idiots.

    Qtard: \\Mark Twain's story didn't say anything about Candidate Twain attempting an insurrection and being disqualified from office for that reason. His story concerned false allegations, not factually accurate ones.\\Aha...And "factually correct" it, because???

    It happened. I verified it myself. Saw it with my own eyes.

    Qtard: Because there is court verdict?

    If Qtard and its husband were out walking by the street and someone Qtard was very familiar with approached and shot its husband, killing him -- but the authorities refused to prosecute the killer -- that would mean the killer is innocent? Qtard's husband wasn't murdered? Even though Qtard knew who it was/saw the killer with its own eyes?

    Qtard: Or... just a wishful thinking of Derpy, instilled in it by Demn Propaganda.

    "Demn propaganda" didn't tell me what I saw with my own eyes. My eyes told me.

    Qtard: \\...Democrats love her. Would vote for her. Don't know why you keep saying she will be step in for Joe Biden. I would think this would be a big worry for you. Be very concerned that she would win.\\Inner contradictions.\\There are no "inner contradictions"...\\Just Above. TWO opposite messages in one text. 1) Dems "Would vote for her". And "she would win". and "Don't know why you keep saying she will be step in for Joe Biden".

    Huh? Democrats would vote for her and she would win *IF* she ran. But she isn't going to. The messages aren't "opposite".

    So??? Is she a pretendent? Or not?


    Qtard: It cannot be BOTH at same time.

    Isn't. I didn't say it was.

    Qtard: \\You have yet to point out ANY of what you call "inner contradictions" from me.\\Just Above.


  26. Qtard: Well, you are idiot. And only will prove it -- inability to understand what is logical, and what is not.

    Qtard's "inner contradiction" claim is illogical.

    Qtard: That they will be fired. Why so? Unions will not help em?\\No. Why would they?\\Because... they are MEMEBERS of the Unuion! Isn't it?

    No. They aren't union members. Google: "The percentage of workers represented by a union was 11.3 percent in 2022, down by 0.3 percentage point from a year ago". idk why you think Unions would help non-union members.

    Qtard: \\Because he's a mulatto?\\And who is mulatoo???

    Nobody. There is no such thing as a "mulatoo".

    Qtard: I'm ready to listen to Derpy The Racist explanation -- in what cathegories he like to segregate people.

    Listen to the voices in your head. "Derpy the Racist" might answer. You won't get an answer from me. I'm opposed to segregation. Dislike it. Because (though not only because) "racial segregation can amount to the international crime of apartheid and a crime against humanity under the 2002 Rome Declaration of Statute of the International Criminal Court".

  27. \\Easy. I can see that Joe Biden is in better shape than donald tRump. donald tRump is only a few years younger, but in much worse shape. I have never seen him on a bicycle. If you can ride a bike at 80 I think that says you are in excellent health.

    Pin-pon! Pin-pon!

    Big news to you... if one riding bike in 80+... it's like asking Death to come closer.

    Especially if that is one who tripping oftenly.

    Well... anyway, thank you for confirming your confirmation bias, Derpy.

    \\I did. Qtard is somewhat observant. Not observant enough to see that it spelled the word wrong.

    We... discussed that thing -- about typing errors...

    but you still trying to use it that way.

    What a moron. You are. :-)))))

    \\I do know the meaning of the word "hypothesizing". I don't know the meaning of the word "hypothesising". Because "hypothesising" is not a word. It might be in qtardese, but I don't know that language.

    You just admitted not knowing English. ;-P

    Hypothesis Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › hypo...
    hypothesis implies insufficient evidence to provide more than a tentative explanation. a hypothesis explaining the extinction of the dinosaurs.

    \\There is. Joe Biden is in better shape.

    For a coffin?

    All people are mortal (c)

    \\Qtard: At least... you NOT provided one, for it to be viable hypothesis.

    \\I did.

    To be viable hypothesis?

    No, you not. ;-P

    And I'll prove it in a jiffy.

    I'll ask you here to give quote -- where that "I did" happened?

    And why you think its viable hypothesis?

    And YOU will confirm that there was NONE. With not giveing that quote and not discussing that hypothesis. ;-P

    \\Qtard thinks it made a breakthrough? I never suggested either side would give up.

    You are free to give quote or just refer to that moment when we have discussed it...

    but IFAIK, that is FIRST time YOU stateed it THIS honestly -- that you see your fellow Reps as foes.

    \\As per Wikipedia, 19 (of 49) vice presidents decided to run for president. Of those 19, 11 won their party's nomination. That's a 57.895% success rate.


    And what that should mean?

    \\Why? I tried to explain what "cherry picking" is. Qtard got confused. Stopped at the first definition and ignored the second one.

    Why I should care about your wishi-washi definition?

    But I... took it into my concideration... as confirmation of your idiocy.

    And lying hypocrisy. ;-P

    You just DESCRIBED your own behavior -- that means, you anderstand what you do.

    Means, you conscious, fooolly functional liar. ;-P

    And I... admit that fact.


  28. \\The definition of "girl" is, "a young or relatively young woman". Hillary Clinton was 69 years old when she ran for the presidency. A 69 year old woman isn't a "girl".

    Go say it to here... to any women at all. ;-P

    \\HOW should I know what nonexistent term Qtard meant to type? There is no such thing as "thrig off" or "thrug off".

    Well... thank you foe bettering my English. ;-P

    But well... that doesn't mean that I am foreigner, no-no? :-))))))))))))

    \\Lie. I did not "cutted out of context" any Qtard quote. Cutted out of context would be when you quoted my "I *DO* deny...".

    That is... a lie.

    BEFORE I started giving that shortcutted version. I provided a full one.

    Couple of times.

    So, that is just your lying pretence -- that you do not know, do not remember of which YOUR DEMN words this quote is.

    That's why I calling you Lying Hypocrite Derpy.

    By your ntural behavior -- to lie, then trying to prewtend that that is not lie. (mistypings I decided to leave intact here, for your pleasure) ;-P

    \\Quoting out of context ... is an informal fallacy in which a passage is removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended meaning.



    YOU KNOW what you do.

    Means -- YOUR lies ARE deliberate.

    \\Only said I have no way of knowing if you are a foreigner.

    Because you are idiot? And a dumb ass?

    \\Yes. It says "That disqualification argument boils down to Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment, which says that a public official is not eligible to assume public office if they "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against" the United States, or had "given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof..."

    \\"Court verdict" not mentioned.

    \\It is up to individual secretaries of state to decide. A secretary of state can keep tRump off the ballot without a court verdict. Though the tRump campaign would surely sue. But the court case would come secondly, not firstly.

    Well... isn't rigging the election is like insuredtion???

    Well... you just fully aquited dRump of any possible guilt -- he, as POTUS, was not only allowed, but pretty damn obliged -- to rise against such thing. ;-P

    YET ONE time YOU confirmed being an idiot.

    \\Ignorance has nothing to do with believing (or not believing) unproven claims made by anonymous qtarded idiots.


    YET ONE time. When Derpy CONFIRMED being idiot.

    When it likes what "unproven claims made by anonymous qtarded idiots" AKA sombody-somebodys saying -- it call em "experts".

    When not... it unlish its wrath of "disbelieving in facts" on em. :-)))))))))))))))))


  29. \\.\\Aha...And "factually correct" it, because???

    \\It happened. I verified it myself. Saw it with my own eyes.


    But have you ANY smarts to discern -- what you did see???

    Clearly, not.

    What YOU confirmed many-many times.

    YOU... unable to understand even SIMPLE (not that simple at all) notion of what FACTS is. ;-P

    \\"Demn propaganda" didn't tell me what I saw with my own eyes. My eyes told me.

    Your lying eyes. ;-P


    YOU already confirmed MANY times how distorted is your cognition of that Reality. ;-P

    \\Huh? Democrats would vote for her and she would win *IF* she ran. But she isn't going to. The messages aren't "opposite".

    thank you for this doubling-down on this inner contradiction. ;-P

    \\Qtard: It cannot be BOTH at same time.

    \\Isn't. I didn't say it was.

    Just Above. ^^^^^^THERE!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\You have yet to point out ANY of what you call "inner contradictions" from me.\\Just Above.


    YET ONE confirmation of how distorted your cognition IS. ;-P

    \\Qtard's "inner contradiction" claim is illogical.

    Hah... and you can EXPLAIN? Naaaah. ;-P

    \\No. They aren't union members. Google: "The percentage of workers represented by a union was 11.3 percent in 2022, down by 0.3 percentage point from a year ago". idk why you think Unions would help non-union members.

    And they could not unionize?

    \\Qtard: \\Because he's a mulatto?\\And who is mulatoo???

    \\Nobody. There is no such thing as a "mulatoo".

    Derpy The Racist trying to run away and hide? ;-P

    \\Listen to the voices in your head. "Derpy the Racist" might answer. You won't get an answer from me.

    Definitely... it is. ;-P

    \\I'm opposed to segregation. Dislike it.

    But... YOU USING it. ;-P

    \\Because (though not only because) "racial segregation can amount to the international crime of apartheid and a crime against humanity under the 2002 Rome Declaration of Statute of the International Criminal Court".


    That's why you trying to run away and hide -- when your openly racistic verbiages demonstrated. ;-P

  30. I'm inclined to NOT believe that. A Promised Land by Barack Obama was released in 2020. Did Bill Ayers write that one too? Why can't Barack Obama write his own book? Too dumb? Because he's a mulatto?

    Sounds like you're finally copping to your unacknowledged racist views, Dervy, cuz I didn't say anything of the sort.

  31. Who actually wrote Dreams From My Father? The book cover says Barack Obama, but one corner of the right-wing blogosphere thinks Obama had a ghostwriter—and that it was Bill Ayers, onetime Weatherman, current academic, perpetual radical. National Journal caught up with Ayers at a recent book festival where he was exhorting a small crowd of listeners to remember that they are citizens, not subjects. “Open your eyes,” he said. “Pay attention. Be astonished. Act, and doubt.” When he finished speaking, we put the authorship question right to him. For a split second, Ayers was nonplussed. Then an Abbie Hoffmanish, steal-this-book-sort-of-smile lit up his face. He gently took National Journal by the arm. “Here’s what I’m going to say. This is my quote. Be sure to write it down: ‘Yes, I wrote Dreams From My Father. I ghostwrote the whole thing. I met with the president three or four times, and then I wrote the entire book.’” He released National Journal’s arm, and beamed in Marxist triumph. “And now I would like the royalties.” —Will Englund

  32. republicans are the scapegoating party.

    "Sounds like you're finally copping to your unacknowledged racist views, Dervy, cuz I didn't say anything of the sort".

    You did. Why else would he not be able to write his own life story?

    I was going to write "black" but thought you'd say he isn't. Because his mother is White. I'm not sure, but I think you did give that response in a prior discussion.

    I have nothing but admiration for Barack Obama. He is a very intelligent person. Unlike the fat orange turd. Who is obviously a moron.

    FYI, Bill Ayers lied.

  33. Not able... own backbite.


  34. ...says an idiot who does not even know what "backbite" means!

    Backbite: talk maliciously about someone who is not present.

    Well, what can you expect from someone who does not know what a fact is!

  35. \\...says an idiot who does not even know what "backbite" means!

    \\Backbite: talk maliciously about someone who is not present.

    Backbite Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › back...
    The meaning of BACKBITE is to say mean or spiteful things about a person (such as someone who is not present). How to use backbite in a sentence.


    1. : to attack or criticize someone after being attacked or criticized by them. Weary of her rival's accusations, the candidate bit back with an aggressive ad campaign. often + at. She bit back at her rival with an aggressive ad campaign.
    Bite back Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › bite back


    Backbiting - Wikipedia › wiki › Backbiting
    Backbiting may occur as a form of release after a confrontation. By insulting the opposing person, the backbiter diminishes them and, by doing so, restores ...



    Thank you for helping me with understanding English some more.

    As foreigner, I am most appareciating it.

    Thank you. ;-P

  36. Why else would he not be able to write his own life story?

    I give up, maybe we should ask Prince Harry.

  37. I think Dervy's taken up hating on "experts" now. He thinks that ANYONE can write a best-selling biography.

  38. Naaah... that's just his idiot's idea of what being expert mean (as he showed once on example of dictionary makers): that being expert it basicly a SUPER-power of being capable of anything and everything, NOT just having some above average prooves in some narrow area, PLUS nearly ANYBODY can be an expert, in anything, anytime... like being an expert in "dRump is guilty!!!".

    Basicly, that experts is that people who'd step out and say "listen to me... I'm an expert". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  39. Dictionary publishers are experts in everything. Thesaurus publishers don't know anything. They only use words as "alternative facts".

  40. So a White guy used a ghost writer -- proof Obama needed one? Even though he has written several books since that one -- and I've never heard about them being ghost written. Was it just his own life story that needed ghost writing -- or all his books?

    Michelle Obama has written two books. Are her books ghost written too? If not, why wouldn't it have been her who ghost wrote "Dreams from my Father"?

  41. ...the memoir, entitled A Promised Land, apparently clocks in at 768 pages and is the first of two volumes.

    This massive, epic novel-like length raises questions about whether Obama, already a prolific writer, employed the expertise of a ghostwriter to help flesh out the turbulent years between his political campaign in 2008 and the death of Osama bin Laden in 2011. In a piece in the Atlantic from May of 2019, sources close to Obama said that he occasionally drops in conversation that he’s writing the book himself, whereas Michelle used a ghostwriter in order to finish Becoming. In the acknowledgements of Becoming, it does indeed state that a team of people had a hand in finishing the book, but unless the former president has changed course since, May, it appears A Promised Land will be all his own words.
