Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Does CNN Have a "Blind Spot" for Joe Biden?

Since nasty Americans meddled in other countries internal affairs and conversations, perhaps in this post and in the spirit of tit-4-tat, Q will not be "shy" in speaking his mind about ours... or perhaps the rest of us should all follow Q's previous example and develop a quasi-permanent "blind spot" about talking politics.


  1. Did CNN hold a town hall for dotard donald and fill the audience with trumpturds? Did Minus call it the "Best Town Hall Ever"?

  2. Does Russell Brand Have a "Blind Spot" for donald tRump?

    During his four years in the White House and in the more than 2 1/2 years since, Trump and his relatives have been on the receiving end of money from around the globe in sums far greater than anything Hunter Biden, the president's son, reportedly collected.

    Unlike other modern presidents, Trump never gave up control of his sprawling business with its interests in multiple countries, nor did he forswear foreign business even as president. He shattered norms in his money making and unabashed boosting of his family's company. The luxury hotel he opened down the street from the White House, for example, became the favored destination for lobbyists, dealmakers and foreign governments, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain, which paid handsomely for accommodations, galas and more.

    Trump also permitted his family to take positions in government that blurred the lines when it came to their private interests. Unlike Hunter Biden, Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner both served on the White House staff, where they could shape policies of concern to overseas businesses.

    Kushner was heavily involved in setting the administration’s approach to the Middle East and made multiple contacts in the region. After turning in his White House badge, Kushner started a private equity firm with $2 billion in funds from Saudi Arabia and hundreds of millions more from other Arab countries that stood to benefit from U.S. policies and have an interest in a possible second Trump administration.

    "The Trump family foreign commercial entanglements were far more numerous, involving dozens of foreign business conflicts", said Norman Eisen, a lawyer who led unsuccessful court challenges to the former president's practice of taking foreign money while in office.

    The entanglements "implicated those like Jared and Ivanka who were actually working in government, whereas Hunter never did", Eisen added. "Indeed, Trump himself openly benefited, whereas there's not a shred of evidence that Biden the elder ever did". [NYT 8/23/2023]

    Russell Brand is an English citizen currently living in England. Maybe he should be barred entry into the United States? Maybe Glenn Greenwald and Aaron Mate be banned from entry into the United States? I don't know why Putin-loving America haters be allowed to travel here. If unvaccinated, I say they definitely should not be allowed in (See #4).

    Russell Brand has been arrested, so he could be denied entry for that reason (See #1).

    The woman in that video... I didn't watch but a few seconds. Looked at the YouTube page and see she doesn't like "woke". So... when she sings about "internet crazies", she doesn't mean herself? Her song isn't about people like Minus FJ?

  3. That is ordinary courtesy. To not talk about dirty laundry... is it different in USA??? already?

  4. The internet has lowered former "polite" social barriers. It's easier to type insults from a distance than voice them face-to-face.

  5. Her song is about all of us Dervy. Show a little self-awareness.

  6. Qtard whines about dotard donald's "dirty laundry" (aka his corruption) being aired in public? What does it mean by "already"? Only a "courtesy" among protectors. Why Minus FJ ignores and denies dotard donald's corruption. Why Qtard denies dotard donald's corruption. Both also admirers of Vlad Putin who want his puppet to be USA president again.

  7. You acknowledge Joe Biden's corruption? Who knew?

  8. Never have. Unlikely that I will. I'd have to see compelling evidence first. Like I have with donald tRump.

  9. liliPut's Useless Idiot -- Derpy.


  10. So long as he never admits his errors, he's always right. lol!

  11. Laughing at donald tRump? So your first choice now is rfkjr?

  12. Qtard: liliPut's Useless Idiot -- Derpy. Yawn.

    Yawn, indeed. More stupidity from the Idiot Qtard. Qtard is unquestionably an idiot for Putin. One of his many puppets. Happy to eat Putin's poop and spread his propaganda. Re its defending of the bigly Putin puppet, dotard donald. Whether useless or useful, I donno. You strongly defend dotard donald on many blogs, Qtard? Or just this one? Do you speak out in favor of overthrowing democracy in the USA on many other blogs? Or just this one?

  13. "So long as he never admits his errors, he's always right"

    Sounds like donald tRump to me. If there is an error, does donald tRump own up to it, or does he blame someone else? LOL!

    If you want to see an unhinged mind, look no further than a trumpturd. Or a Qtard's mind. They are the most unhinged of all. Well, there are also the "minds" of religious nutters like Mystere. Their "minds" are completely unhinged.

  14. I don't have to look nearly that far. I need simply read your posts to uncover an unhinged mind.

  15. You have to be pretty unhinged to think there was any possibility of a general strike because dotard donald was ordered to turn himself in to be arrested. Do you still think (in your unhinged mind) that's a possibility? Or is it just that there hasn't been a general strike... yet?

  16. Do me a favor. Convict or jail him. Then we'll find out the truth pretty damned quickly.

  17. I seriously doubt that would happen. If it did, the number of people participating would be small. And they'd quickly regret it. After getting fired and losing their income. You think people are so loyal to dotard donald that they'd destroy their lives and hurt their families for him?

    If it happened in the numbers your delusions tell you, then what? donald tRump would be freed and all charges dropped? Maybe Joe Biden would step aside so donald could assume the presidency?

  18. \\"So long as he never admits his errors, he's always right"

    \\Sounds like donald tRump to me.

    Well, he used your leftist tactics.

    Why shouldn't he?

    Wanna blame him for breaching copyright?

    But for that you'd need to admit being ptented liars. ;-P

    \\And they'd quickly regret it. After getting fired and losing their income.

    YET ONE definite trait of totalitarian wannabe -- dismiasal of unions. ;-P

  19. The boycotter's would have nothing to lose, for the writing's already on the wall. It reads "DEI, no white males need apply".

  20. ...or "Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin". What does it mean, Daniel?

  21. Qtard: Well, he used your leftist tactics.


    Qtard: dismiasal of unions.

    Unions are not calling for a "general strike" due to donald tRump being arrested, idiot. I support unions. A "general strike" over tRump being arrested is a rightturd delusion.

    Minus: reads "DEI, no white males need apply".

    White Supremacist delusion.

  22. You really need to stop believing your own propaganda.

  23. Religioud Bonker to betray its Holy Faith??? :-)))))))))))

  24. The religious bonkers Minus and Qtard will never betray their rightturd holy faith.

  25. Well...

    Go do it, be our guest, EXPLAIN it -- HOW anything we say is demonstration of religious dogmatism?

    But... you will NOT. ;-P


    Attention, explanation here!

    Your this claims based on religious dogmas (and religious mind delusions). And dogmas -- by definition. Is something taken on faith. Without explanations.

    See... I(we) am ABLE to explain myself. And provide logical conclusion. Which can be examinated. Can be checked and double-checked for truth.

    You -- not.

  26. Me -- Yes.
    Qtard -- No.

  27. "Your this claims based on religious dogmas (and religious mind delusions). And dogmas -- by definition".


    Google: "Examples of Dogmas include Papal Infallibility, the divinity of Christ, the Immaculate Conception, the Assumption of Mary and the real Presence of the Eucharist".

    I have never talked about any of these things.

    "Is something taken on faith. Without explanations".

    I do not believe any fact on faith. I need explanations and evidence. Which I pass along to Qtard. Though the idiot keeps demanding the same evidence over and over. Which I'm not going to do. Especially given that Qtard ALWAYS forgets and claims I have never provided any.

  28. \\I have never talked about any of these things.


    And "I'm right and you are not" -- this is NOT dogma you using frequently? ;-P

    \\"Is something taken on faith. Without explanations".

    \\I do not believe any fact on faith. I need explanations and evidence.


    You not.

    And your comments, your words in this blog -- are material evidances of it.

    Like... most usual thing:

    how you deem dRump being guilty... and do not need ANY evidances or counter-evidances of it. EVEN, while he NOT proven guilty through court due procedures

    and the same, but opposite -- you deem Bi-den and 0-bama NOT guilty -- despite all that APPARENT facts and evidances provided.


    This two you claims -- is false.

    Because -- you DO NOT behave any way any closer to that.

    And. Your Behavior -- it is FACT.

    Your mere words -- NOT.

    They are like that screams of heinous criminal in mere seconds before it will be hunged "I'm innocent!!!! Believe me! I'm innocent!!!". ;-P


  29. And.

    \\\\I do not believe any fact on faith.

    There is your EARLIER claim: "I believe in facts".

    Which mean it Innerly Contradicting.

    Means... ONE of TWO -- is false.

    And making such Innerly Contradicting claims -- means your are liar. Or just idiot. Who cannot think and talk logically -- to not allow such contraditions piling up in own words. ;-P

  30. Qtard: \\I have never talked about any of these things\\Yeah??? And "I'm right and you are not" -- this is NOT dogma you using frequently?

    So... Qtard has not been disagreeing with me? What has all our back and forth been about? Qtard thinks it has been agreeing with everything I've been saying all along? Never saying that I'm wrong and it is right? Doesn't look that way to me.

    But, if that's what Qtard is saying now (we are in 100% agreement), I will accept Qtard's retraction of everything it has previously said. Qtard came to its senses? Naaah. That will NEVER happen.

    Qtard: \\I do not believe any fact on faith. I need explanations and evidence\\ Naaah. You not. And your comments, your words in this blog -- are material evidances of it.

    Bullshit. Qtard isn't referring to words I wrote. It is referring to words it IMAGINED I wrote. Proof that "Derpy" isn't a nickname, it is a fictional person Qtard created in its imagination. Based on words I have written PLUS other words (and meanings behind those words) that Qtard made up. Also probably feelings Qtard mistook for conclusions based on logic.

    Qtard: Like... most usual thing: how you deem dRump being guilty... and do not need ANY evidances or counter-evidances of it.

    Bullshit. I gave lots of evidence. Though just scratching the surface, as far as all the evidence that is available goes.

    Qtard: EVEN, while he NOT proven guilty through court due procedures.

    But Obama "colluding with his master" was? Obama was tried and convicted in court? Do Qtard's delusions tell it Barack Obama is in prison now?

    Obviously Qtard's alleged support for "court due procedures" is total bullshit. Proven by Qtard's total dismissal of the court cases that are proceeding against donald tRump. Said "charges will go *poof*" and "fair trial, my ass". Also insisting that "court due procedures" will mean that the USA is just like Nazi Germany. Well, for these proceedings in regards to donald tRump. Almost certainly not (if there are ever any charges, which I seriously doubt there ever will be) in regards to Joe Biden.

    I should care about proving collusion in court while Qtard doesn't care? Does not give a shit about proving in court anything regarding Barack Obama or Joe Biden? Qtard pronounces them guilty because it imagines (re "mincemeats") there is evidence. Or because Qtard imagines Barack Obama referred to Putin as his "master"? Get bent, Qtard.

    Qtard: and the same, but opposite -- you deem Bi-den and 0-bama NOT guilty -- despite all that APPARENT facts and evidances provided.

    Flat out lie. I have provided FAR more evidence of tRump's guilt than Qtard or Minus FJ have provided re the phony accusations against Obama and Biden. Far, FAR more. You might even say "MOAR!!".

    Qtard: MEANS. This two you claims -- is false.

    BULL SHIT. republiturds have admitted they have no hard evidence that Joe Biden has ever accepted bribes for changing US policy. And there aren't even any accusations against Barack Obama of "colluding". NONE made, except by Qtard. I have never seen any on this blog made by Minus FJ. Qtard just pulled that accusation out of its ass. Based on President Obama talking about political realities with Vlad Putin.

  31. Qtard: Because -- you DO NOT behave any way any closer to that. And. Your Behavior -- it is FACT. Your mere words -- NOT.

    "Behavior" that exists only in Qtard's delusions. It won't be able to cite anything proving this alleged "behavior".

    Qtard: They are like that screams of heinous criminal in mere seconds before it will be hunged "I'm innocent!!!! Believe me! I'm innocent!!!" **moronic laughter**

    WTF is "they"? Behavior that Qtard imagined? Screams that Qtard imagined? I presented strong evidence and Qtard dismissed it. Just chose not to believe it. Dismissed it based on babbling about "somebody somebody said something something". Without even knowing what it was. Probably why it can't remember anything except my pointing to the time donald asked Russia for help. Which is pretty damning by itself, but that wasn't all the evidence by a longshot.

    Qtard: And. \\I do not believe any fact on faith\\There is your EARLIER claim: "I believe in facts". Which mean it Innerly Contradicting.

    Doesn't. Because belief based on facts and belief based on faith are not the same. At all. Explained to Qtard many many times. But Qtard is too STUPID to understand.

    Qtard: Means... ONE of TWO -- is false.


    Qtard: And making such Innerly Contradicting claims -- means your are liar. Or just idiot.

    Qtard's false allegations of "innerly contradicting claims" means Qtard is a liar AND an idiot. ZERO "innerly contradicting claims" shown.

    Qtard: Who cannot think and talk logically -- to not allow such contraditions piling up in own words.

    A "pile" of zero examples. That isn't a pile, Qtard! While the examples of Qtard's delusions continue to pile up. Might be leaving the atmosphere soon. Like Qtard's delusion that it thinks and talks logically.


    Qtard: No derping?

    LOTS and LOTS of derping... by Qtard. More (or "MOAR") very likely to come. Though I don't know that I will reply. I might decide to "rin away". Can't take any more of Qtard's unending lies and unending idiocy.

  32. \\So... Qtard has not been disagreeing with me? What has all our back and forth been about? Qtard thinks it has been agreeing with everything I've been saying all along? Never saying that I'm wrong and it is right? Doesn't look that way to me.


    Because there is NO facts behind your words. Only wishi-washi wishfull DEMN LYING OPINIONS...

    Well, I see only TWO possibilities of agreement:

    1) I would be SAME demn-junky idiot, to agree with all that propaganda... but I'm foreiner.


    2) I would be a lying crook, trying to suck up to that demn-junky. ;-P

    \\But, if that's what Qtard is saying now (we are in 100% agreement), I will accept Qtard's retraction of everything it has previously said. Qtard came to its senses? Naaah. That will NEVER happen.


    You DEARLY want me to be fellow demn-junky... or lying crook, maybe? :-))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\I do not believe any fact on faith. I need explanations and evidence\\ Naaah. You not. And your comments, your words in this blog -- are material evidances of it.

    \\Bullshit. Qtard isn't referring to words I wrote. It is referring to words it IMAGINED I wrote.


    You NEVER have said "I *DO* deny...", you NEVER denied Chinese to be White (and Suprime ;-P) and etc-etc-etc. :-)))))))))))))))

    Even if just anybody can come here. Press Ctrl-F... and FIND that words in comments of certain someone here. ;-P

    Derpy... just KEEP insisting that ITS open idiotic lies... is not lies? is not... its???

    What an idiot. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Proof that "Derpy" isn't a nickname, it is a fictional person Qtard created in its imagination.

    YOU... contradicting to... itself.

    WHY youi use that "Qtard" then??? There is NOBODY who would write under such nick here.

    Demn Derpy JUST CANNOT groke it... that IT CANNOT have it BOTH ways -- accuse opponent for doing something, then doing it... itself. ;-P

    That's... YET ONE definite trait being I-D-I-O-T -- inability to understand that simple thing. ;-P

    \\Based on words I have written PLUS other words (and meanings behind those words) that Qtard made up.

    You are FREE to EXPLAIN... HOW that words YOU WROTE was "made up".

    Like that "I *DO* deny...". ;-P

    But well... I am smart, and I devised it already -- you using NewSpeak dictionary. In which words have different, OPPOSITE even meaning (like "NO", means "YES" in that DumbSpeak)... and that, EXPLAINS it all... perfectly.

    I only need to make you spout as many as possible of that NewSpeak words... and then I would be able to translate and devise ALL truth from your demn words.

    So, continue-continue... my little lying piggy, to reveal your laying nature. ;-P

    \\Also probably feelings Qtard mistook for conclusions based on logic.

    Like heinous liar which visibly NOT ABLE to get -- that it's IMPOSSIBLE, its deeply UNLOGICAL, to have things BOTH WAYS!!!

    Can know ANYTHING about Logic, about being logical. :-))))))))))))))))))

    What a moron. :-)))))))))))))))))


  33. \\Qtard: Like... most usual thing: how you deem dRump being guilty... and do not need ANY evidances or counter-evidances of it.

    \\Bullshit. I gave lots of evidence.


    But ONLY that "evidances"... you deem as PROOF of dRump's guilt.

    That is what "being biased with confirmation bias" is.

    \\Though just scratching the surface, as far as all the evidence that is available goes.


    And ALL of em only PROVE dRump's guilt?

    Or... as that muslim fanatic said: 'If the books of this library contain matters opposed to the Koran, they are bad and must be burned. If they contain only the doctrine of the Koran, burn them anyway, for they are superfluous.'

    \\Qtard: EVEN, while he NOT proven guilty through court due procedures.

    \\But Obama "colluding with his master" was? Obama was tried and convicted in court? Do Qtard's delusions tell it Barack Obama is in prison now?

    Did I suggested it? CAN YOU give a quote? ;-P

    Well... it's up to you -- USAians to decide -- what to do with POTUSes colluding against Ams with sworn enemies... who knows, maybe that is 'business as usual' or even venerable thing... I dunno. :-)))))))))))))))

    \\ Almost certainly not (if there are ever any charges, which I seriously doubt there ever will be) in regards to Joe Biden.

    And there ARE proceedings against Joe??? Where?????? That's big news for me. ;-P

    \\Qtard pronounces them guilty because it imagines (re "mincemeats") there is evidence. Or because Qtard imagines Barack Obama referred to Putin as his "master"? Get bent, Qtard.


    Perfectly MY emotions... when you trying to call me "supporter of dRump". ;-P


    \\Qtard: and the same, but opposite -- you deem Bi-den and 0-bama NOT guilty -- despite all that APPARENT facts and evidances provided.

    \\Flat out lie. I have provided FAR more evidence of tRump's guilt than Qtard or Minus FJ have provided


    Because what you "provided" (no, sucked up out of Demn Propaganda sources) is just a politically charged smearing.

    Why I... pointed to FACTUAL words and FACTUAL deeds. Of 0-bama and Bi-den.

    Bi-den HAVE said it. "Ukraine not need planes"(tm)

    And that is... FLAT OUT LIE. Ukraine NEED planes. From the 24th of February of Anno Domini 2022.

    NEED EM... to protect their elderly, women and children from indiscriminate terroristic bombing.

    That is OPEN and OBVIOUS TRUTH.


    Bi-den. That heinous liar. Have said: "Ukraine NOT need planes" -- which is OPEN and OBVIOUS lie.

    \\Qtard: MEANS. This two you claims -- is false.

    \\BULL SHIT. republiturds have admitted they have no hard evidence that Joe Biden has ever accepted bribes for changing US policy. And there aren't even any accusations against Barack Obama of "colluding".

    *I*... have stated it pretty much clear...

    what I mean that 0-bama and Bi-den is guilty of...

    And that is NOT your bogus inner political games "smear opponent with feces" bullshit.


    Their open lies. And placating WAR CRIMES. Of certain someone.


  34. \\Based on President Obama talking about political realities with Vlad Putin.


    Not with liliPut... with its minion.

    And in a tone of subordinate seeking for excuses. (or... you can give YOUR, alternative EXPLANMATION -- what that words could mean, can ya?) :-))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Because -- you DO NOT behave any way any closer to that. And. Your Behavior -- it is FACT. Your mere words -- NOT.

    \\"Behavior" that exists only in Qtard's delusions.

    Idiot Derpy trying to go ALL-OUT with dmonstrating own idiocy???
    YOUR WORDS HERE... in YOUR comments HERE... HOW they are "delusions"???
    They WRITTEN BY YOU. And they REMAIN on some physical server of Google, somewhere.
    SO, EVERYONE can come here, to this place, to this blog -- and confirm em being PART OF REALITY.

    And ONLY I-D-I-O-T can try to oppose to such an obviousness.

    Ergo... you are, such an idiot. ;-P


    \\It won't be able to cite anything proving this alleged "behavior".

    JUST. ABOVE. ;-P

    \\ I presented strong evidence and Qtard dismissed it.

    No. You are not. ;-P

    Because it either:

    Not open (like "honest" words of some spyes or crooks)

    Not obvious (like talks of some "experts", like "something-something... means dRump is guilty")

    Not self-evidant... and NOT a ref to Reality EVEN. :-)))))))))))))))))


    Your "strong evidence" is either your delirious wishful thinking (like dRump saying "Rush'A, if you listening") OR some political crooks talks.

    But NO. Period. *NO* material evidances. No facts. No smoking gun.

    And it becomes ONLY MORE and MORE apparent... that there was NONE, from the very beginning.

    \\ Just chose not to believe it.

    But... that is YOUR claim. "I do not believe in facts". ;-P

    \\ Dismissed it based on babbling about "somebody somebody said something something".



    YOU... ITSELF, USED that excuse too. ;-P

    YOU showed perfectly O.K. that YOU understand... that sometimes (all of the time?) words of news/truth reporters... it's just mere babbling. Unresponsible and misleading.

    But... you DEEM it as necessary, to hypocritically pretend -- that that is ONLY while it about Holy Bi-den or that Saint 0-bama. ;-P

    Because EVERY crooked babbling about "dRumnp is guilty"... IS TRUTH!!!! Burn in hell infidel which DO NOT want to believe it!!!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\but that wasn't all the evidence by a longshot.

    It was ALMOST a year... LOTS of time... for you to provide ALL and ANY of such evidance.

    Did you did it? Naaaah.

    You did, and only continue... babbling.

    \\Doesn't. Because belief based on facts and belief based on faith are not the same.




  35. \\Explained to Qtard many many times. But Qtard is too STUPID to understand.


    I cannot read your mind directly. To know HOW it came up with such deluded "arguments".

    Therefore... I'm "too STUPID to understand."

    Though there is NO... even ONE of such person.

    Means such "smartness" is unachievable.

    \\Qtard: Means... ONE of TWO -- is false.


    Idiot Derpy that it do not know what Lodic says.

    Central idea of Logic -- it's that thing, ANY thing in the World... CANNOT be A and not-A.

    Like... sky CANNOT be blue AND NOT blue... same time.

    Or Sun... CANNOT rise AND NOT rise in the morning.

    And that is SELF-EVIDANTLY TRUE.

    But... idiots trying to oppose EVEN to such self-evidantness... because they idiot.

    ULTIMATE CONFIRMATION that Derpy is just an idiot.

    \\Qtard's false allegations of "innerly contradicting claims" means Qtard is a liar AND an idiot. ZERO "innerly contradicting claims" shown.

    Of course.

    Cause you are idiot. And do not grok what "inner contradiction is".

    YET ONE... well, does in needed, after ULTIMATE one being spot on... :-)))

    \\Qtard: Who cannot think and talk logically -- to not allow such contraditions piling up in own words.

    \\A "pile" of zero examples. That isn't a pile, Qtard!

    There is a pile of air... pressing on you.

    Do you see it? Do you known it?

    Naaah. Cause you are I-D-I-O-T. ;-P

    That... that you are blind to Logic... does not eleminate Logic.

    Only confirming that apparent reality -- that you are militant I-D-I-O-T. (wide grin)

    \\While the examples of Qtard's delusions continue to pile up.


    In your idiotic mind.

    Cause... you STILL unable to provide EVEN ONE non-faked quote of that "delusions" (which would mean delusion in ordinary English dictionary... non-NewSpeak one) ;-P

    \\Might be leaving the atmosphere soon.

    Seems... like you already did. ;-P

    \\Like Qtard's delusion that it thinks and talks logically.


    That's REALLY funny.

    This you moronic claim. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-cntinue like that, my little lying piggy. ;-P

    \\LOTS and LOTS of derping... by Qtard. More (or "MOAR") very likely to come. Though I don't know that I will reply. I might decide to "rin away". Can't take any more of Qtard's unending lies and unending idiocy.


    IT... can do it right now.

    To not show how IT have zilch understanding what Logic is about.

    That's quite right time. For you to perform your Derpy's Escape.

    And you even start preparing to it.

    Which mean -- you still can learn to be more and MORE, MOAR masterful... my little piggy. ;-P

    Under my ingenious control and thorough training. ;-)

  36. "Under my ingenious control and thorough training".


  37. Qtard silently agreed that IT lied when IT wrote I am "Under my ingenious control and thorough training".
