Saturday, August 26, 2023

A Prophet for President

Rev. Osagyefo Sekou, "Cornel West, A Prophet For President"
Our nation has plunged into such dire straits that one of her harshest critics has sought to lead her.

Cornel West— one of the most influential public intellectuals in United States’ history—perhaps, second only to W.E.B. DuBois—has entered the race to seek the highest office in the land. West graduated from Harvard University in three years and was the first African American to receive a Ph.D. in Philosophy at Princeton University. For three decades, the New York Times bestselling author has been both a political gadfly and surrogate for a host of progressive presidential candidates. His analysis of politics, social issues and cultural phenomena represents a unique blend of Marxist thought and prophetic Christianity. He has written and edited some 40 books that range from the dense The Ethical Dimension of Marxist Thought to the erudite The American Evasion of Philosophy to the blockbuster Race Matters. As a philosopher, he has continued to have a lasting impact on the life of the mind, internationally. West will deliver the prestigious Gifford Lectures 2024 at the University of Edinburgh. He will be the first African American to do so.

Although he has taught at his alma maters, Yale, and the University of Paris, West has had an impact on popular culture. He has guest co-starred in popular TV shows such as 30 Rock and The Boondocks featured his likeness. The Cornel West Theory—a progressive hip-hop group—shares his moniker. In addition to recording songs with the likes of Prince, Andre 3000 and Jill Scott, he appeared in the two genre-defining Matrix films as “Councilor West” based on his persona. Simply put, Cornel West is an iconoclast with very few peers, save for Angela Davis, Noam Chomsky and Slavoj Zizek, “the world’s most dangerous philosopher” who ran for president in his native Slovenia. It could be said that Cornel West is the American Jean-Paul Sartre, a highly influential philosopher who has transcended the narrow confines of the academy and shaped popular culture.

Nevertheless, Cornel West 2024 has received significant pushback. I should say from the outset that I count Dr. West as a friend and guide. For many, like me, West is a political bellwether—a prophet with an unwavering critique of the American Empire. His unexpected entry into electoral politics is an act of desperation—West’s own word. Fascist elements have seized power in every level of government and desire to return the United States to its pre-1960s status quo.

Our nation has plunged into such dire straits that one of her harshest critics has sought to lead her. Having walked down the street with him in several cities, West is beloved by a broad range of folk—from unhoused persons to foreign diplomats. I have broken bread with him in an inner-city community center in St. Louis and we have lectured together in Istanbul, Turkey. More importantly, he has shown up when we called him to place his body on the line with us in the streets of Ferguson and when we confronted Nazis in Charlottesville. Equally, when I struggled to feed my family, he stepped in to help me out. With this said, in a manner, I pray, worthy of these dangerous times, that I shall attempt to reflect, critically, upon these overarching characterizations of West’s presidential ambitions.

Oddly enough, critiques of West’s candidacy have not questioned his qualifications or platform, the latter of which includes “fighting to end poverty, mass incarceration, ending wars and ecological collapse, guaranteeing housing, health care, education and living wages for all.” All these issues disproportionately affect Black folks in the United States. A focus on any or all of these would have invaluable impact on Black life. On social media and in private conversations, I have gleaned three overarching characterizations of West’s presidential run—ego, vanity, and selfishness.


“This is about his ego,” barked one very perturbed public theologian during an hour-long rant. “All Presidential candidates have huge egos. It is part of the job description,” was my impish retort. To be sure, the desire to become the president of the most powerful and lethal empire in human history requires a tremendous ego. Cornel West is not unique in that characterization.

Accordingly, another example of West’s egomania was his feud with younger Black public intellectuals, Michael Eric Dyson, Melissa Harris-Perry, and Ta-Nehisi Coates. In kind, West’s off-color remarks about President Barack Obama furthered his critics’ point. On May 11th, 2011, the leftist online journal published a fire and brimstone interview in which West called the first Black president a “Black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a Black puppet of corporate plutocrats.” In Black Prophetic Fire (2014), West characterized the Obama presidency as less than favorable, to say the least.

The age of Obama was predicated on three pillars: Wall Street crimes in the financial catastrophe of 2008; imperial crimes in the form of the USA PATRIOT act and National Defense Authorization Act, which gave the president sweeping and arbitrary power that resembles a police or neofascist state; and social crimes principally manifested in a criminal justice system that is in itself criminal (where torturers, wiretappers and Wall Street violators of the law go free yet poor criminals, such as drug offenders, go to prison). In other words, the Obama presidency has been primarily a Wall Street presidency, drone presidency and mass-surveillance presidency unwilling to concretely target the new Jim Crow, massive unemployment and other forms of poor and Black social misery.

Conversely, I believe, West—degrading word choice—distracted from the substance of his claim. The Obama presidency did not usher in a post-racist world, proved that representation was not enough to protect Black life and exposed the limits of neoliberalism. Elected during the 2008 economic downturn, Obama bailed out the banks while 6.4 million more families fell into poverty the following year, totaling 43.6 million. During a White House meeting in 2008, Obama told the gathered banker CEOs that he was “the only one standing between you and the pitchforks.” His policies protected the bankers while presenting young men as a social problem. According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Obama’s two terms saw between 384 and 807 civilians killed in a total of 563 strikes, largely by drones, targeting Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen compared to 57 strikes under his predecessor. In Obama’s last year in office, the United States dropped 26,172 bombs in seven countries.

The Black Lives Matter movement was birthed under a Black president, Black attorney general and a Missouri Democratic governor in a Democratic stronghold. The Democratic Party was inept in the face of police killings. The Age of Obama described by West proved to be accurate, though unkind. To reduce a cogent political critique to matters of ego makes us all ignorant and arrogant. For some, West’s “Black mascot” and “Black puppet” comments were crude—which may be true—but his analysis, however, was keen.


“He can’t win,” the public theologian bemoaned. This is, indeed, factual. The current two-party electoral system continues to obstruct any progressives or third parties. Ballot access laws—complex, state-specific filing requirements and deadlines—make becoming a presidential candidate a herculean task. After gathering enough petition signatures in all 50 states, the Republican and Democratic Parties often present legal challenges to third-party petitions and ballot applications.

Secondly, the amount of money needed to be a competitive presidential candidate is unseemly. reported that Trump-Pence 2020 raised $1.96 billion. Not far behind was the Biden-Harris campaign, which raised a combined $1.6 billion. Nearly $14.6 billion was spent on federal elections in 2020. These staggering numbers select out poor people and benefit the wealthy. It seems to me that the rage should be directed at a lopsided electoral system, not at any third-party candidate.

Now, to be sure, the Democratic Party has been the historical party of Black people since the Kennedy Administration because of its support for civil rights. Yet, the Democratic Party continues to be derelict in duties to the most vulnerable population in general and its most loyal voters—African Americans. With each federal election, there is short-lived debate in beauty and barber shops. It goes something like this: “We should just withhold our vote,” or “We should vote Republican because the Democratic Party ain’t doing nothing for us, anyway.” To end that in the post-civil rights era, Black candidates inside (Shirley Chisolm, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton) and outside (Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente, Ron Daniels and now Cornel West).

However, third-party or insider insurgent campaigns are never simply about winning. They raised issues and policies absent from the platforms of the two parties. Most Black left-of-center candidates have, explicitly, named the conditions of the Black poor and offered solutions. They have tended to oppose U.S. military adventures, particularly in the global south.

West’s campaign wants to raise issues and offer policies that improve the quality-of-life of everyday people and end U.S. imperialist intervention. These issues are not on the table in the Democratic Party platform. West has taken up the mantle of raising these kinds of concerns with the hope of shaping the political discourse. Winning then is secondary to witnessing.


“He is going to siphon off votes and hand it over to the (fascist) Republicans,” is the assertion made by many political observers. Democratic strategist James Carville called West “a menace, the threat to the continued constitutional order in the United States.” Former Senior Advisor to President Obama, David Axelrod, tweeted: “In 2016, the Green Party played an outsized role in tipping the election to Donald Trump. Now, with Cornel West as their likely nominee, they could easily do it again. Risky business”. The “spoiler” accusation has been thrown at third-party candidates for the last two decades. Ralph Nader and Jill Stein drew pointed ire for their “siphoning” votes from Democrats. This assessment is based on two assumptions: 1) votes belong exclusively to the major parties; and 2) more pointedly, most progressive voters who have voted for the Democrat.

The first fallacy is deeply undemocratic. Neither the Democratic nor Republican Party’s own democracy or our votes. Secondly, polling data of nonvoters and progressives yield a complicated analysis of the spoiler theory. In a roundup of the 2016 campaign season, electoral wunderkind Nate Silver noted that many Stein supporters would not have voted at all if they only had Clinton or Trump to choose from. “The breakdown might have been something like 35 percent Clinton, 10 percent Trump and 55 percent wouldn’t vote. That doesn’t wind up netting very many votes for HRC,” speculated Silver. The Pew Research Center’s study, “An examination of the 2016 electorate, based on validated voters,” revealed that the majority of nonvoters are Democrats or Democratic-leaning.

Among members of the panel who were categorized as nonvoters, 37% expressed a preference for Hillary Clinton, 30% for Donald Trump and 9% for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein; 14% preferred another candidate or declined to express a preference. Party affiliation among nonvoters skewed even more Democratic than did candidate preferences. Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents made up a 55% majority of nonvoters;

Moreover, recent polling does not fare well for Democrats. NBC News poll showed 70% of all Americans believe Biden should not run for a second term—including 51% of Democrats. A NewsNation/DDHQ poll found 49% percent of respondents would consider voting for a third-party candidate in 2024 if Trump and Biden were their parties’ nominees. So then contrary to the spoiler accusation, Democratic failure to capture the White House, will be their own fault because they ran a highly unfavorable candidate and could not convince most of their nonvoters to turn out.

Though both parties share in their bend toward privatization, militarism and ignoring the poor, there are distinctions between the two that have a real impact on people’s lives. I do not share the position that there is no difference between the Republicans and Democrats. Roe v. Wade would still be the law of the land if Hillary Clinton had won the 2016 election because she would have nominated pro-choice Supreme Court judges. As noted above, third-party candidates are not to blame for that reality. Democrats must make a compelling argument to the electorate that goes beyond fear tactics.

A path to the White House

Finally, electoral politics are filled with swift transitions. Poised the raise $70 billion by next year, the centrist No Labels Party is courting maverick Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), which has adverse effects on the Democratic and Republican establishment. Surprisingly, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (D) received 15% support among a sample of the Democratic Party’s primary in a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll. His bombastic personality and star power make him a prime candidate for an independent run after a Democratic primary that he is surely going to lose. Donald Trump’s legal troubles could shave off just enough confidence that he loses a tightly contested Republican primary, and he will not go quietly into the night. So then, if No Labels Party, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Donald Trump run independent candidacies, splintering the Democratic and Republican Parties, all bets are off. The popular vote and Electoral College could be divided in at least four ways. The basic challenge for West and the Green Party manifold: 1) gain ballot access; 2) create a comprehensive ground game; 3) raise enough money to be effective; and 4) build out a political discourse that will shape public conversations. In this scenario, there is a path to the White House for Cornel West.


  1. He could siphon away from Joe Biden the votes of Black Democrats. A bigly reason to support his candidacy, right Minus? If Cornel is a prophet, why doesn't he know he isn't going to win?

  2. Maybe the Democratic Party should advocate for his issues instead of brushing him off, think?

    Democrats are the party of white billionaires.

  3. White billionaires you say? So, Chinese billionaires? Qtard will likely think that's who you are talking about. It MUST be who Minus is talking about. Unless Minus is a racist (as per qtarded logic).

    Is donald tRump a Democrat? Is donald tRump not White? Is donald tRump not a billionaire? I'm pretty sure Elon Musk recently said he is a republican. Did he lie? Is Elon Musk not a billionaire? He looks White to me.

    Cornel is "advocating" for issues by helping get someone opposed to his issues elected? That doesn't seem to make sense.

  4. I think you should encourage Joe Biden to drop out of the race, and give the job to someone capable of doing the job of serving the Democratic Party's constituents, instead of its' donor class.

  5. \\White billionaires you say? So, Chinese billionaires? Qtard will likely think that's who you are talking about. It MUST be who Minus is talking about. Unless Minus is a racist (as per qtarded logic).

    Well... that is YOU are one. Who proudly called itself White and Europian.

    While UNABLE to admit that Chinese ALSO can be White... why not? if that is based on their skin color. And their skin is surely are "white".

    I can ask FJ about it too.

    But that is NOT he are one who pounding White Supremacists here.

    And "White billionaires" is clearly related to USA... or what? Racist Derpy think that there is NO B_l_akk Billionares? Cannot be? Must not be? ;-P

    \\Is donald tRump not a billionaire?

    Is he?

    As far as I know... he just a multi-millionaire.

    \\Elon Musk recently said he is a republican. Did he lie? Is Elon Musk not a billionaire? He looks White to me.

    Pin-pon! Pin-pon!

    People CAN change their political alignment. At will.

    Or, Religious Bonker Derpy think that that is like bapthising to a certain church??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    So then one becomes "slave" of that church and need to follow it to his death???

  6. Qtard: Well... that is YOU are one. Who proudly called itself White and Europian.

    Lie. I never did. And not because you spelled "European" wrong. I only stated what my ancestors are European. That is just a point-to-reality fact. I never said I was proud. I don't care.

    Qtard referred to "my people" what I asked it about what country it lives in.

    Qtard: While UNABLE to admit that Chinese ALSO can be White... why not? if that is based on their skin color. And their skin is surely are "white".

    I admit that NOBODY has white skin. Chinese people can have a light skin tone? Yes.

    Qtard: I can ask FJ about it too.

    You can. But will you? I suspect not. If you do, will he answer? I doubt it.

    Qtard: But that is NOT he are one who pounding White Supremacists here.

    My "pounding" is criticism. Qtard objects to this criticism because it does not like seeing people who think the same as it being criticized.

    Qtard: And "White billionaires" is clearly related to USA... or what? Racist Derpy think that there is NO B_l_akk Billionares? Cannot be? Must not be?

    Yes, the imaginary "racist Derpy" thinks there are and can be no Black billionaires. Apparently the "racist Derpy" idiot believes Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry and Kanye West don't exist. Those are three Black billionaires I can think of off the top of my head. There are probably others. 2 of them are Democrats. The third is a republiturd. Also an antisemite.

    Qtard: \\Is donald tRump not a billionaire?\\Is he? As far as I know... he just a multi-millionaire.

    donald tRump says he is a billionaire. Minus FJ believes he is. I don't believe he is.

    Qtard: \\Elon Musk recently said he is a republican. Did he lie? Is Elon Musk not a billionaire? He looks White to me\\... People CAN change their political alignment. At will.

    Can they? Flip back and forth? Be a Democrat on odd days and a republican on even days?

    Qtard: Pin-pon! Pin-pon!

    According to Google "Pin Pon is a doll very handsome made of cardboard". This is a lyric from a Mexican folk song. Is Qtard telling us it is a Mexican citizen?

    As per wikipedia, "Pin Pon is a 2003 Sri Lankan Sinhala children's thriller film". Is Qtard a citizen of Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka is a socialist country. Qtard must hate it in Sri Lanka if that is where it lives.

    Qtard: Or, Religious Bonker Derpy think that that is like bapthising to a certain church??? **moronic laughter**

    idk what the imaginary "religious bonker Derpy" thinks. I think people can change their political alignment AND their religion. The Idiot Qtard imagines that baptizing means that the person is stuck -- they cannot change their religion -- or decide they don't believe in any Gods at all?

    Qtard: So then one becomes "slave" of that church and need to follow it to his death???

    Is that what Qtard believes? Is Qtard a slave to Zeus?

  7. Minus: I think you should encourage Joe Biden to drop out of the race, and give the job to someone capable of doing the job of serving the Democratic Party's constituents, instead of its' donor class.

    Why don't you do that?

  8. \\Qtard: Well... that is YOU are one. Who proudly called itself White and Europian.

    \\Lie. I never did. And not because you spelled "European" wrong. I only stated what my ancestors are European. That is just a point-to-reality fact. I never said I was proud. I don't care.

    But... you showed that you VERY care... when it comes to posibility being compare with that "nasty asains", isn't it, Derpy??? ;-P

    \\Qtard referred to "my people" what I asked it about what country it lives in.


    So, what??


    \\Qtard: While UNABLE to admit that Chinese ALSO can be White... why not? if that is based on their skin color. And their skin is surely are "white".

    \\I admit that NOBODY has white skin. Chinese people can have a light skin tone? Yes.

    So... you just admitted that you calling itself White... and Euiropean...

    you just follow that damn racistic supestition.

    Yes, Derpy? ;-P

    \\My "pounding" is criticism. Qtard objects to this criticism because it does not like seeing people who think the same as it being criticized.

    Why ANYBODY should like hiden racists criticising some innocent people?

    Isn't that is menace of this age -- all kind of scum trying to use Freedom of Speach to smear with feces others.

    Like neo-nazi liliPut trying to call Ukrainians "nazis"... to placate its apparent imperialistic and nazists reasons to wage a war against them...

    \\Qtard: And "White billionaires" is clearly related to USA... or what? Racist Derpy think that there is NO B_l_akk Billionares? Cannot be? Must not be?

    \\Yes, the imaginary "racist Derpy" thinks there are and can be no Black billionaires.

    Thanky-thanky for confirmation. ;-P

    \\donald tRump says he is a billionaire. Minus FJ believes he is. I don't believe he is.

    Idiot Derpy still thinking that we talking about who belives in what here? ;-P

    Well... might be. Cause, idiot.

    \\Can they? Flip back and forth? Be a Democrat on odd days and a republican on even days?


    Why not?

    Do you know such maxima -- that politicians are... servant of the People?

    Why masters need to be loyal to mere servants???

    That's... ludicrous. :-))))))))))))))))))

    And is the source of all evils...

    \\Qtard: Or, Religious Bonker Derpy think that that is like bapthising to a certain church??? **moronic laughter**

    \\idk what the imaginary "religious bonker Derpy" thinks. I think people can change their political alignment AND their religion. The Idiot Qtard imagines that baptizing means that the person is stuck -- they cannot change their religion -- or decide they don't believe in any Gods at all?


    How Hypocrite Derpy AVOIDS direct answer. ;-P

  9. Why don't you do that?

    Biden listens to Trump supporters? Who knew?

  10. Qtard: But... you showed that you VERY care... when it comes to posibility being compare with that "nasty asains", isn't it, Derpy???

    No. I never said Asian people are "nasty". Qtard wrote that Asian people are nasty. Not what I believe. Therefore it MUST be what the anti-Asian racist Qtard believes.

    Qtard: Why ANYBODY should like hiden racists criticising some innocent people?

    "Hidden" obviously means "not at all". Calling out White Supremacy isn't racist. BEING a White Supremacist is racist.

    Qtard: Thanky-thanky for confirmation".

    Confirmation of Qtard imagining I am a racist -- when it is actually Qtard who is a racist? Proven by Qtard's ceaseless defense of its fellow White Supremacists as "innocent" -- and its slandering of Asian people as "nasty". You're welcome.

    Qtard: \\Can they? Flip back and forth? Be a Democrat on odd days and a republican on even days?\\Yep. Why not?

    Not insane.

    Qtard: SEE!!! How Hypocrite Derpy AVOIDS direct answer.

    I only see the liar Qtard denying that I directly answered. When everyone can see that I did.

    Minus: Biden listens to Trump supporters? Who knew?

    What I meant was, why don't you encourage donald tRump to drop out of the race and give the job to someone capable of serving the Republican Party's constituents, instead of its' donor class.

  11. Qtard: But... you showed that you VERY care... when it comes to posibility being compare with that "nasty asains", isn't it, Derpy???

    No. I never said Asian people are "nasty". Qtard wrote that Asian people are nasty. Not what I believe. Therefore it MUST be what the anti-Asian racist Qtard believes.

    Qtard: Why ANYBODY should like hiden racists criticising some innocent people?

    "Hidden" obviously means "not at all". Calling out White Supremacy isn't racist. BEING a White Supremacist is racist.

    Qtard: Thanky-thanky for confirmation".

    Confirmation of Qtard imagining I am a racist -- when it is actually Qtard who is a racist? Proven by Qtard's ceaseless defense of its fellow White Supremacists as "innocent" -- and its slandering of Asian people as "nasty". You're welcome.

    Qtard: \\Can they? Flip back and forth? Be a Democrat on odd days and a republican on even days?\\Yep. Why not?

    Not insane.

    Qtard: SEE!!! How Hypocrite Derpy AVOIDS direct answer.

    I only see the liar Qtard denying that I directly answered. When everyone can see that I did.

    Minus: Biden listens to Trump supporters? Who knew?

    What I meant was, why don't you encourage donald tRump to drop out of the race and give the job to someone capable of serving the Republican Party's constituents, instead of its' donor class.

  12. \\Qtard: But... you showed that you VERY care... when it comes to posibility being compare with that "nasty asains", isn't it, Derpy???

    \\No. I never said Asian people are "nasty". Qtard wrote that Asian people are nasty. Not what I believe.

    Then??? WHY you DENY em right to be called White??? And Suprime?

    \\Therefore it MUST be what the anti-Asian racist Qtard believes.

    Go try to un-wind that "therefore".

    Try to EXPLAIN. ;-P

    But you will not.

    Cause have no brains.

    And know that any attempt of explanation will only reveal how much an idiot you are. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Calling out White Supremacy isn't racist. BEING a White Supremacist is racist.

    And WHY???? Go try to explain. ;-P

    For now... it looks like a dodge of racist hiding from being revealed being racist. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Confirmation of Qtard imagining I am a racist -- when it is actually Qtard who is a racist?

    And HOW??? It "actually"? ;-P

    \\Proven by Qtard's ceaseless defense of its fellow White Supremacists as "innocent" -- and its slandering of Asian people as "nasty". You're welcome.

    Innocent Until Proven. Presumption of innocence.

    Derpy just CONFIRMED that it is totalitarian wannabe.

    And nasty -- why you dispise being compared to them, then??? If not because you think they are nasty? ;-P

    Well... and that is YOUR words... that they can be ONLY Asians...

    Though there is NO reason to say that.

    \\Qtard: \\Can they? Flip back and forth? Be a Democrat on odd days and a republican on even days?\\Yep. Why not?

    \\Not insane.



    Or you forgot comma here? ;-P

    \\I only see the liar Qtard denying that I directly answered. When everyone can see that I did.

    You are free. As always. To give correct quote. Of what you think is YOUR answer.


    YOUR OWN WORDS suggest that you not. ;-P

    Or... your brain can conmtain and produce innerly-contradicting claims.

    Which is an obvious trait of an idiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

  13. Qtard: Go try to un-wind that "therefore". Try to EXPLAIN. But you will not.

    YOU wrote that, not me. Asians are not "nasty".

    Qtard: And know that any attempt of explanation will only reveal how much an idiot you are...


    Qtard: Derpy just CONFIRMED that it is totalitarian wannabe.


    Qtard: \\Not insane\\Yawn. Gibberish. Or you forgot comma here?

    Qtard got confused by 2 words? That is pretty pathetic. Comma not forgotten.

    Qtard: You are free. As always. To give correct quote.

    Scroll back up, moron. My answer is right there. YOU quoted it. Now you want another quote?

    Qtard: YOUR OWN WORDS suggest that you not.


  14. \\Qtard: Go try to un-wind that "therefore". Try to EXPLAIN. But you will not.

    \\YOU wrote that, not me. Asians are not "nasty".

    WHY you oppose to calling em White then???? While they have whitish skin.

    EXPLAIN! ;-)

    \\Qtard: And know that any attempt of explanation will only reveal how much an idiot you are...


    Then... there is NOTHING that could EXPLAIN why you hesitate to give an explanation. ;-P

    That mean my observation is TRUE -- you FEAR to give EXPLANATIONS -- because you know that you can't, and it WILL reveal that you are miserly fool. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Not insane\\Yawn. Gibberish. Or you forgot comma here?

    \\Qtard got confused by 2 words? That is pretty pathetic. Comma not forgotten.

    I'll remind you. ;-P

    That was YOUR RESPONSE to my words.

    \\\\Yep. Why not?

    \\Not insane.

    SO??????? :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    I was NOT asking insane it or not.

    SO?????? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Do YOU admit with it... that you produced some gibberishg non-answer. That stems from your Delusion. That YOU CANNOT explain even. Because that delusions is damn fleeting, and you couldn't remember what you have thought in that moment??? ;-P

    \\Qtard: You are free. As always. To give correct quote.

    \\Scroll back up, moron. My answer is right there. YOU quoted it. Now you want another quote?


    That is CORRECT way of discussing things.

    FIRST. One gives references to what he wanna talk about -- that's quotes. Or some other way of REFERING TO a FACT.

    SECOND. One formulating arguments on the base of that facts. By confirming and concretising WHY he mentioned that fact and for WHAT he wanna try to using it.

    THIRD. Some logical conclusion proposed as hypothesis... for opponent to dig ones intellectual dents, to examine facts and logic, and either dismiss it (but again, on the base of facts and logic) or approve it.

    THAT IS.

    In short, that's how scientists DO IT. In their discussions of their scientific matters.

    Well... not all who call themself or called by other "scientists" can do it, nowaday. :-(((((

    That art become extinct more and more.

    "...elegant (and deadly) weapon for a more civilized age." (c) B-)

  15. What I meant was, why don't you encourage donald tRump to drop out of the race and give the job to someone capable of serving the Republican Party's constituents, instead of its' donor class.

    lol! Because he's serving MY interests. Why do you suppose you can't get rid of Trump? Because he's EARNED the loyalty of 30% of America, the "non-wealthy" 30% NOT already dependent upon government for their survival.

  16. Qtard: WHY you oppose to calling em White then???? While they have whitish skin. EXPLAIN!

    I'm not opposing Qtard's stupidity. Qtard can call Asian people White if it wants. Qtard can call Asian people "nasty" if it wants (and clearly it does). I can't stop it. I don't care. Qtard will likely use "logic" to prove that I do care. But I do not.

    Qtard: And know that any attempt of explanation will only reveal how much an idiot you are...\\Won't.\\Then... there is NOTHING that could EXPLAIN why you hesitate to give an explanation.

    I didn't hesitate. I already answered.

    Qtard: That mean my observation is TRUE -- you FEAR to give EXPLANATIONS -- because you know that you can't, and it WILL reveal that you are miserly fool **moronic laughter**

    Qtard's observation is false. Given that I can -- and already did -- answer.

    Qtard: \\Not insane\\Yawn. Gibberish. Or you forgot comma here? \\Qtard got confused by 2 words? That is pretty pathetic. Comma not forgotten\\I'll remind you. That was YOUR RESPONSE to my words.

    Yes. No reminding necessary.

    Qtard: \\Yep. Why not?\\Not insane.\\SO??????? **moronic laughter** I was NOT asking insane it or not. SO?????? **moronic laughter**

    I was referring to the possibility of people flipping back and forth between Democrat and republican. You said "why not". I said they would not because they aren't insane. Understand now? Or maybe Qtard will label my words "gibberish". Or "gibberush". Or "gibberishg". Due to its idiocy.

    Qtard: Do YOU admit with it... that you produced some gibberishg non-answer. That stems from your Delusion. That YOU CANNOT explain even. Because that delusions is damn fleeting, and you couldn't remember what you have thought in that moment???

    No. Impossible. I can't "admit" something that isn't true. None of that happened. I know what I was thinking. But, even if I didn't, I could reread what I wrote. It's only two words and is not "gibberish".

    Qtard: You are free. As always. To give correct quote\\Scroll back up, moron. My answer is right there. YOU quoted it. Now you want another quote?\\Because. That is CORRECT way of discussing things.


    Qtard: FIRST. One gives references to what he wanna talk about -- that's quotes. Or some other way of REFERING TO a FACT. SECOND. One formulating arguments on the base of that facts. By confirming and concretising WHY he mentioned that fact and for WHAT he wanna try to using it. THIRD. Some logical conclusion proposed as hypothesis... for opponent to dig ones intellectual dents, to examine facts and logic, and either dismiss it (but again, on the base of facts and logic) or approve it.

    What about "fourth"? Which would be (in Qtard's case) asking people to repeat both themselves and their opponents "quotes" over and over. Because it can't remember what it said. Even things it said it many many times.

    Or it lies about what it said when give an accurate summary (or paraphrase) of what it said. Screeches "those are not my words!!". And (let's not forget) it's lies about "what Derpy really mean". Used when it INACCURATELY summaries or paraphrases what I've said.

  17. Qtard: In short, that's how scientists DO IT. In their discussions of their scientific matters.

    They don't. Scientists don't arrive at conclusions after "debating" by calling each other liars and idiots all day long. Saying their colleagues' conclusions are "demn propaganda".

    Qtard: Well... not all who call themself or called by other "scientists" can do it, nowaday. :-(((((

    Why a frowny face? Didn't Qtard mean to type a smiling face? Because that is what the experts Qtard likes do. Manipulate data to get results pleasing to rightturds.

    Qtard: That art become extinct more and more.

    Which makes Qtard very happy.

    Qtard: "...elegant (and deadly) weapon for a more civilized age." (c)

    Qtard is always lying about owning copyrights on phrases. When Qtard does not own such copyrights. Anyway, Qtard is right. We live in an age where disinformation is on the rise. Which Qtard likes.

    "...for opponent to dig ones intellectual dents, to examine facts and logic, and either dismiss it (but again, on the base of facts and logic) or approve it"...

    That's what the peer review process entails. Yet Qtard dismiss peer-reviewed climate change research as "Demn propaganda".

    Minus: lol! Because he's serving MY interests.

    ...of maintaining White Supremacy and Patriarchy.

    Minus: Why do you suppose you can't get rid of Trump? Because he's EARNED the loyalty of 30% of America, the "non-wealthy"...

    tRump has fooled these people.

    Minus: ...30% NOT already dependent upon government for their survival.

    That's false. I know this firsthand. I have relatives who support tRump. They are very religious and opposed to gay marriage and a woman's right to chose. While also dependant on money from the government to survive. They get money because they have a disabled daughter, money for being lower income, and money for subsidized healthcare.

  18. ...and I now get Social Security money from the SSA. I doubt I'll ever get the over $500k I contributed is Social security and Medicare taxes back though. The point is, I'm not getting back nearly what's they've taken away in insurance premiums. If they privatized social security it would be a much less costly and more effective solution.

  19. ps - YOU are a part of the only political party in the US dedicated since it's inception to both white supremacy and the patriarchy. Go read some history.

  20. \\If they privatized social security it would be a much less costly and more effective solution.

    And much more crooked. ;-P

    \\Qtard: WHY you oppose to calling em White then???? While they have whitish skin. EXPLAIN!

    \\I'm not opposing Qtard's stupidity. Qtard can call Asian people White if it wants. Qtard can call Asian people "nasty" if it wants (and clearly it does). I can't stop it. I don't care. Qtard will likely use "logic" to prove that I do care. But I do not.


    Means that you not care anymore how racistic you are? ;-P

    \\Qtard: And know that any attempt of explanation will only reveal how much an idiot you are...\\Won't.\\Then... there is NOTHING that could EXPLAIN why you hesitate to give an explanation.

    \\I didn't hesitate. I already answered.

    Mere "Won't" it's NOT an explanation.

    Your Captain Obvious.

    And that that you do not give EXPLANATIONS... means that you either CANNOT, have not enough brain... or, hesitate to do that -- to give an explanation. ;-P

    \\Qtard: That mean my observation is TRUE -- you FEAR to give EXPLANATIONS -- because you know that you can't, and it WILL reveal that you are miserly fool **moronic laughter**

    \\Qtard's observation is false. Given that I can -- and already did -- answer.

    Derpy trying to dodge and squint.

    That is NOT an answering... but EXPLANING, was asked of it... EXPLAINING it is visibly NOT capable. ;-P

    Toom stooopid??? :-))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Not insane\\Yawn. Gibberish. Or you forgot comma here? \\Qtard got confused by 2 words? That is pretty pathetic. Comma not forgotten\\I'll remind you. That was YOUR RESPONSE to my words.

    \\Yes. No reminding necessary.


    As you keep crying that YOUR WORDS is (SOMEHOW%-))))) NOT your demn words, damn too often.


    You confirmed that you know that you have said "Not insane" -- and THAT IS your words... and they are... gibberish. ;-P

    \\I was referring to the possibility of people flipping back and forth between Democrat and republican. You said "why not". I said they would not because they aren't insane. Understand now?

    FIRST. Thank you for explanation.

    SECOND. It still stoopid. ;-P

    And gibberish.


    \\Or maybe Qtard will label my words "gibberish". Or "gibberush". Or "gibberishg". Due to its idiocy.

    Ya, ya... its -- Derpy's, idiocy. ;-P


  21. \\Qtard: Do YOU admit with it... that you produced some gibberishg non-answer. That stems from your Delusion. That YOU CANNOT explain even. Because that delusions is damn fleeting, and you couldn't remember what you have thought in that moment???

    \\No. Impossible. I can't "admit" something that isn't true.



    You have declared that you "believe in facts". For example.

    Though it's impossible, and uttely moronic, Religiously Bonkery, to say something like that. ;-P

    \\None of that happened.

    Not very credible from per... entity. That keep claims that it DIDN'T said words it just said... and that FIXED in-place as comments in this blog, ANYBODY can go in and double-check for themself that it was said.

    \\I know what I was thinking. But, even if I didn't, I could reread what I wrote. It's only two words and is not "gibberish".

    Yaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    TWO OPPOSITE. Contradicting to EACH OTHER claims.

    FIRST. You morinic claim "None of that happened."

    SECOND. Truthful one "I could reread what I wrote."

    It "never happened"... BUT, it happaned. SELF-CONTERADICTION. UTTELY illogical. And idiotic. ;-P

    \\\\Because. That is CORRECT way of discussing things.



    In a Derp's mind.

    For that Wisest of the Wise, DumbSpeak. :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\What about "fourth"? Which would be (in Qtard's case) asking people to repeat both themselves and their opponents "quotes" over and over. Because it can't remember what it said. Even things it said it many many times.


    If opponent not able to think consistently.

    Or even... like you here... trying to DENY saying HIS OWN WORDS...

    that is, pretty much inevitability -- that need to TURN BACK that lying b*h...

    to FACE its own damn words.


    You gotcha. ;-P


  22. \\Or it lies about what it said when give an accurate summary (or paraphrase) of what it said. Screeches "those are not my words!!". And (let's not forget) it's lies about "what Derpy really mean". Used when it INACCURATELY summaries or paraphrases what I've said.


    Go give quote.


    Means. ONE, that can be Ctrl-Fed... and full text of it would be found as result... in MY comment. As MINE words.

    But... such a lying twerp... completele INCAPABLE of it.

    Cause... idiot. ;-P You are.

    \\They don't. Scientists don't arrive at conclusions after "debating" by calling each other liars and idiots all day long. Saying their colleagues' conclusions are "demn propaganda".


    Do you want me to be Captain Obvious again, and say it out loud?

    Because, they do not spend their days talking with idiots... usually. ;-P

    \\Why a frowny face? Didn't Qtard mean to type a smiling face? Because that is what the experts Qtard likes do. Manipulate data to get results pleasing to rightturds.

    Or demnturds. ;-P

    \\That's what the peer review process entails. Yet Qtard dismiss peer-reviewed climate change research as "Demn propaganda".


    And since when Demn Political Propaganda of Climate Change been reviewed???

    Well... their political opponents -- their peers criticizing it, yes.

    But WHEN exactly Demn Propaganda crooks admitted and faithfully responded to ANY of that criticism????

    Have I missed someting??? :-))))))))))))))))))000

    \\tRump has fooled these people.

    And Bi-den not???

    Like to that Hawaiians? By saing in his progam "Build Back Better"... and then allwed their property to gone in a fire.

    Or... that is the plan??? Now it's possible to Build Back Better... on the ruins??? ;-P

  23. Build back better, with Oprah as your new landlord.

  24. Build Bl*ck Better... now I seems like start understanding WHY word bl*ack became censored out. ;-P

  25. Joe? Can you do something with this BOLD error?

    Like edit or delete that Derpy's comment -- September 1, 2023 at 7:39 PM

  26. By saing in his progam "Build Back Better"... and then allwed their property to gone in a fire.

    And how did Joe Biden "allow" the fire? They called and said "should we have a fire?" And Joe Biden answered, "I will allow that?"

    "Build Back Better" was not passed and did not become law, btw. Not that I know wtf Qtard imagines it has to do with the fire.

  27. Excuses! Excuses! Excuses!

    Lies! Lies! Lies! Lies!

  28. Gibberish. No explaining how Joe Biden "allowed" the fires in Hawaii. Or how legislation that wasn't passed "allowed" the fires either. What an idiot.

  29. Yeah... Because when Bi-den came up with that Build Back Better slogan, it was NOT presenting main goal of his program -- restoration of infrastructure, so things like that Hawaii Firestorm WOULD NOT HAPPEN.

    Or... that was a LIE??? All that Demn slogans and propaganda?

    Or... that was "as planned"? To burn it down... to Build Back Better, after that?

    Pbviously, Derpy will squint -- to not answer. ;-P

  30. Tinfoil hat conspiracy paranoid nuttery.

    Hawaiian Electric is a private company. Government money pays for government owned infrastructure, not privately owned infrastructure.

  31. Tinfoil hat conspiracy paranoid nuttery.

    Hawaiian Electric is a private company. Government money pays for government owned infrastructure, not privately owned infrastructure.

  32. Bullshit. You just argued that Nazi Germany was socialist because it paid for infrastructure. Which means you think this is bad. Now you criticize Biden (re legislation that was not passed because all republiturds voted no) for not paying to upgrade privately owned infrastructure. The reason is obviously because Qtard is an idiot. There is no other explanation.

  33. Yup.

    Thank you for confirming being idiot. AGAIN. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    Putting Nazis and Bi-den in the same contexts... not easy fit, not for every idiot even. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  34. Yes. I confirmed that Qtard is an idiot. Thank you for agreeing.

  35. And you saying that you NOT calling itself Qtard???

    Yet one obvious lie of an idiot, I see here. ;-P
