Thursday, July 20, 2023

How Low Can the 1st Family Go?

Faces of Corruption


  1. How low can the tRump crime family go? How low can House republiturds go re their weaponization of government?

    rightturd nazis like Minus FJ want our innocent president Joe Biden impeached and jailed. Or sent to a gas chamber like a Jew living in Nazi Germany. For what? Doing a great job as president, I presume.

    rightturd nazis are desperate to get their Orange Fuhrer back in the White House so he can resume persecuting, imprisoning and killing the people they hate -- Hispanics, Muslims, African Americans, gays, poor people, trans kids and their parents, trans adults, women who value their bodily autonomy, women who miscarry, women with ectopic pregnancies, women who are raped, women in the military who are raped, gay and trans people in the military, Democratic voters, Democratic politicians, Never trumper politicians (who they falsely label RINOs), people concerned about covid, people concerned about global warming, government workers, the intelligence community, indebted college students, feminists, Black people convicted of minor drug crimes and the Ukrainian people.

    The rightturd nazis also want their allies and fellow haters rewarded -- straight white men and women who want to preserve the patriarchy, bigots and racists who want to legally discriminate, racist and bigoted business owners who want to discriminate, fake christians, "nationalists", the J6 insurrectionists, rightturd billionaires and 1 percent rightturds, Vlad Putin and other totalitarian world leaders (brutal dictators who murder their citizens and are admired by dotard donald), rightturd fans of gun violence and gun deaths, gun manufacturers, corporate polluters and criminals, rich tax cheats, private prison owners, corrupt rightturd politicians and supreme court justices, spreaders of misinformation, White vigilantes who kill minorities, cops who execute suspects and neo-confederates and their fellow nazis/White Supremacists (bigots like those who marched at the "unite the right" rally in Charlottesville).

    In regards to the IRS "whistleblower", he knows about the monies cited because it is all legitimate reported income, yes? Like (you have argued) all the money dotard donald was paid by Chinese and Russians for tRump properties. All legit, according to you. No problemo, because dotard donald was a private citizen. So, even if it was corrupt, it was public sector corruption, which you don't care about. As opposed to politicians and their family members "selling influence".

    Though while dotard donald was in office, dotard donald did not divest from his businesses (as former presidents had). And -- now that he is out of office but running to return to office -- business deals he and family members make aren't "selling influence"? Corporations and rich people who give money to dotard donald and family aren't investing in a potential future president -- and expecting rewards when dotard donald returns to the White House?

  2. Why did MBS give Jared 2 billion dollars? Only because dotard donald and Jared helped him smooth over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi? Or perhaps in return for future favors (if he returns of the White House)? dotard donald is still the de facto head of the republiturd party, so he retains influence. btw, 2 billion is significantly more than 17 million.

    Also, you argued that dotard donald did NOT have to disclose any tax returns, so what business is it of anyone what is in Hunter Biden's tax returns? Isn't this IRS "whistleblower" violating Hunter Biden's privacy rights? Perhaps this "whistleblower" should be fired and prosecuted? If not, maybe the Democrats should look into tRump crime family corruption after they regain control of the House in 2025, yes?

  3. Faces of Corruption: The tRump crime family. Overwhelming evidence proves that the former first family is hopelessly corrupt.

  4. He is. Trump earns his money honestly through the privately held Trump Corporation. Biden earns it through the sale of his political office at the expense of the public good.

  5. Tax fraud is honest? Ripping off customers (tRump university) is honest?

    "Dec 7, 2022 · A Manhattan jury has found two Trump Organization companies guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records ..."

    That's what happens when you conduct your business honestly? You get convinced of multiple crimes? Customers sue you for defrauding them? Who knew?

  6. Did Biden file taxes on the $10m bribe he got from Burisma? LOL! least Trump files his taxes.

  7. You don't have to pay taxes on imaginary bribes.

  8. donald tRump files fraudlent tax returns.

    Joe Biden has released many years of tax returns. And undergone (as president) mandatory audits.

    "The Internal Revenue Service failed to audit former President Donald J. Trump during his first two years in office despite a program that makes the auditing of sitting presidents mandatory..."

  9. It's pretty easy to audit a tax return that contains no 1099s reported for illegal income.

    Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.

  10. There is no form to report imaginary income.

    Absence of evidence of the pee tape isn't evidence the pee tape isn't real.

  11. But you are supposed to report all real income, even income of the "illegal" variety. And when you work with foreigners (like Burisma), you're supposed to register as a foreign agent. Isn't that what got Trump's campaign manager into such hot water?

  12. So why wasn't Hunter Biden charged when tRump was president?

  13. How many budgets did Joe Biden, as head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, approve for DoJ? Sounds like someone in the Deep State "owed" him.

  14. Joe Biden chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee from January 3, 1987 to January 3, 1995. donald tRump wasn't president at that time.

  15. "Didn't Disclose" almost sounds like some kind of tax-cheating "pattern"...

  16. Hunter Biden didn't disclose. We were talking about Joe Biden. They aren't the same person.

    Hunter Biden paid back taxes owed. Plus penalties and interest.

    dotard donald is the one with the bigly tax cheating pattern. He and his father might be 2 of the bigliest tax evaders in US history :P

  17. And still not in jail...

  18. So where did Joe disclose his $5 million extorted bribe from Burisma?

  19. WHY would he report a bribe he never extorted nor received?

    Are House republiturds ever going to release the supposed "evidence" that there was a bribe? Will it happen before the next presidential election? Or is this just to help whoever the republiturd potus nominee is?

  20. The same as Demon-rats... would they give some... ANY smoking gun evidances.

    And not just "somebody-somebody said something-something" "experts said it -- you must believe" Religious Bonkery Bullshit????


    Another word.

    Why "republiturds" MUST stop playing game YOU, Demon-rats started?

  21. Correction: game playing republicans started.

    Jimmy Carter: Ronald Reagan negotiated with Iran to hold hostages until after the election.

    Bill Clinton: Dubious Juanita Broaddrick rape allegation (now a trumpturd nutter), Whitewater (land deal in which the Clintons lost money), Monica Lewinsky consensual affair, persecution by scumbag Ken Starr resulting in a bogus impeachment.

    Hillary Clinton: Benghazi unending "investigations" (vindicated each time), private server classified documents scandal vindication (cleared by James Comey), bogus accusations of "framing" dotard donald for collusion (basis for a lawsuit filed by dotard donald and THROWN OUT by the judge), Durham Report vindication (2 people connected to the HRC campaign charged by Durham and found NOT guilty).

    Barack Obama: Birth Certificate BS, "Obamagate" debunked conspiracy theory, "Obama spied on me" dotard donald accusation debunked (spying was on Russians who were found to be helping dotard donald's 2016 campaign).

    Joe Biden: helped "frame" dotard donald false allegations, debunked Burisma conspiracy theory, debunked "laptop from hell" conspiracy theory, debunked Tara Reade sexual assault accusations, debunked conspiracy theory he stole the 2020 election, unproven accusations of son Hunter "selling influence" and the "big guy" getting a cut.


    Richard Nixon: Committed treason to win the 1968 election, Racist Southern Strategy, Watergate, Would have been impeached (though removed by Democrats AND republicans).

    Ronald Reagan: Stole the election from Jimmy Carter by illegally negotiating with Iran to hold hostages until after the election (October Surprise), Iran-Contra (illegally sold weapons to Iran to fund Nicaraguan Contras), actually senile.

    George W Bush: Went AOL while in the Air National Guard (which he joined to avoid Vietnam), Used WJC surplus to buy votes, Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy (used private Internet domain and deleted emails as part of the coverup), Illegally invaded Afghanistan and Iraq.

    To be continued...

  22. donald tRump: Lifelong tax evader/cheat, Serial Sexual assaulter, Raped Katie Johnson when she was 13yo at an Epstein property, Raped E Jean Carroll (as proven in court), Russian money laundering, Paid off Stormy Daniels to keep quiet (lawyer Cohen went to prison for the crime), Stole money from his 2016 campaign (Campaign overpaid tRump corp for services), tRump fake University scam, Colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, Emoluments Clause violations, Personally benefited from tax cut bill he signed, Personally benefited from coronavirus stimulus bill he signed, dotard and Jared helped MBS cover up murder of Jamal Khashoggi (for which Jared was paid 2 billion), Betrayed Kurdish allies who were then slaughtered, Threatened Ukraine president unless he announced a fake investigation into Joe Biden and his son (reason for the 1st impeachment), Bigly violated the Hatch Act during the 2020 campaign, Henchman Rudy G dummied up a fake laptop to hide source of hacked Hunter Biden data, Tried to steal the 2020 election (slow down USPS to disqualify mail-in ballots), Attempted to illegally retain his office ("find" votes in GA), ripped off supporters raising money to "stop the steal", Stole money from his 2020 campaign, fake electors, Wanted VP to reject electors, Sent a mob to attack the Capitol to stop the EC vote (2nd impeachment), Stole classified documents and tried to hide them when asked for their return.

    BREAKING NEWS: Maintenance man at Mar-A-Lago says, "the boss wants the server deleted. What are we going to do?". Purpose of deleting the server? Erase video evidence of documents hiding.

  23. \\Correction: game playing republicans started.


    That is just another... or just part of the same game. Of passing blame.

    Well... that all, is like history archive. And not of much interest for me. A foreigner.


    PS Like... it happens ANY DIFFERENT elsewhere.

    No, elsewhere they add some unlawful court trials and detention, and even political killing.

    So... be happy Derp, that your USA politics is not that bloody... maybe just yet, while Demns not lost their sanity completely, and noit started eradicating their political opponents the way red khmeres did. ;-P

  24. Or his Bitcoin wallet. ;-P

  25. republiturds HAVE lost their sanity completely, and HAVE started eradicating their political opponents. Or threatening it. Try and "inspire" followers to commit violence and even kill on their behalf. Like tRump does.

    secret bank account exposes money trail from China to Donald Trump... why [has] Trump... been trying so hard ... to falsely paint his rival Joe Biden as being a Chinese financial puppet: Trump is in fact a Chinese financial puppet. ...Trump International Hotels Management LLC has a secret bank account in China that he tried to keep under wraps by keeping it off his financial disclosure forms. ...Chinese banks are controlled by the Chinese government, which means Trump is literally banking with the communist Chinese regime. ...Trump's decision to hide this account suggests that it's particularly shady. But it gets worse. 2017, Trump's company saw a sudden $17.5 million spike in revenue, and that Trump then withdrew $15.1 million of it. ...this is some kind of money trail from China to Donald Trump.'s more clear than ever that he's a financial puppet of hostile foreign governments [10/20/2020].

  26. Or... "taxes optimization" corporate games. ;-P

    1. No. Illegal tax avoidance games. What the tRump organization was criminally convicted of. But that was obviously just the tip of the iceberg.
