Tuesday, July 18, 2023

DoJ Steps Out of its' Depth...again!



  1. "My lawbreaking can't be prosecuted because I am president" is now "my lawbreaking can't be prosecuted because I'm running for president".

    The DOJ is only "out of its depth" if donald tRump does not end up in prison.

  2. This is GOOD NEWS for our country 😃👍

    1. I'm referring to what lying dotard donald says is "horrifying news for our country".

      This criminal MUST be prosecuted, convinced and imprisoned.

  3. Or... became POTUS. ;-P

  4. Contesting an election result isn't a crime. Criminalizing it, is.

  5. ...by attempting to illegally pressure states to change their official vote totals. And by sending militia members to the Capitol to stop the electoral count. Both DEFINITELY illegal.

  6. The same as aprise against King's power, and declare Independence. ;-P

    1. Only from the perspective of an idiot.

  7. January 6 was opposite of 1776, judge tells rioter who carried revolutionary flag into US Capitol. A federal judge slammed one of the January 6 rioters for waving a 1776 flag while storming the US Capitol, saying his attempt to overturn a democratic election betrayed the values of the American Revolution. ... Judge Amy Berman Jackson made the comments ... at a sentencing hearing for Andrew Wrigley, 51, from Philadelphia.

    "This isn't a good analogy ... In 1776, the people who went on to form a democracy didn't do that at the urging of a single head of state. ... The point of 1776 was to let the people to decide who would rule them", Jackson [said], contrasting it with January 6, where "the point was to substitute the will of the people with the will of the mob... It was not under the banner of 1776". [12/2/2021]

    Judge Berman Jackson rejected the qtarded argument that the J6 riot was "the same as aprise against King's power, and declare Independence".

    Did Judge Berman Jackson deny Andrew Wrigley the right to "decide for himself" and thus violate his "human rights"? Maybe Judge Berman Jackson will be charged in the Hague? Because she said (in essence) "I do deny em their human rights"?

  8. Of course. Because it more like Tea Party. ;-P

    Well... it not called "revolution" if it not successful... yawn.

  9. The Left LOVES to project its' own intentions upon others.

  10. Democrats are going to try to overthrow democracy? So far only republiturds have. And continue to threaten violence if they don't like election results. Re Qtard's comment. And past Minus FJ comments. If tRump does not get back in office there will be more White Supremacist terrorism. When the (fake) patriots start murdering people White-Supremacy-aligned democracy haters like Qtard will claim depriving people of life is a "human right".

  11. \\The Left LOVES to project its' own intentions upon others.

    That is natural for human bias... humanum errare est.

  12. Indeed. Qtard does this constantly on this blog. For example, when Qtard says I am a "totalitarian wannabe", it is obviously talking about itself. Given it's strong support for the overthrow of democracy in the USA. And absurd insistence that obvious collusion between donald tRump and Russia didn't happen. Why it angers Qtard so much that the authorities are attempting to hold donald accountable for his crimes.

    Ditto when Qtard claims I am a racist. Despite not being Black, Qtard has used the word "nigga" to describe itself. Qtard ridiculously asserted that "nigga" has nothing to do with race. Just recently Qtard claimed comparing a White person to a Chinese person is offensive. And that to be White is "noble". These are Qtard's words. Though Qtard tried to project it's beliefs onto me.

  13. Democrats attack the White House, it's a "peaceful protest" Republicans? an "insurrection".

  14. Democrats never attacked or breached the White House.

    republicans attacked the Capitol, not the White House.

  15. Wikipedia: On May 29, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the White House. Shortly after 7:00 pm, multiple protesters crossed temporary barricades near the Treasury Department, about 350 feet from the East Wing. More than sixty Secret Service agents were injured, and eleven were transported to the hospital, as protestors threw objects at them and pulled down temporary fencing. The Secret Service placed the White House on lockdown and recommended that Trump and his family move to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, an underground bunker, which they did. Trump spent almost an hour in the bunker.

    IDK how anyone can attack the White House while 350 feet away from it. I assume that is the incident you are referring to.

  16. \\Why it angers Qtard so much that the authorities are attempting to hold donald accountable for his crimes.

    Yeah. Really. Why they still not killed him. Or put in jail. Or asylum.

    That would SO democratic. ;-P

    \\Just recently Qtard claimed comparing a White person to a Chinese person is offensive. And that to be White is "noble". These are Qtard's words. Though Qtard tried to project it's beliefs onto me.

    Hah... but that was -- your words. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    What an idiot.

    Who still thinks that such a lame attempt of gaslighting would do it anything good... :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    \\IDK how anyone can attack the White House while 350 feet away from it. I assume that is the incident you are referring to.

    Please, say -- what distance is from surrounding WH fences? And building itself?

  17. Hours & Info | U.S. Capitol - Visitor Center
    www.visitthecapitol.gov › hours-info
    Admission and Passes - Admission is free. All visitors to the Capitol are required to go through security screening. Tours - Tour reservations can be ...

    Visit The White House
    www.whitehouse.gov › visit
    All White House tours are free of charge. The White House tour schedule is subject to change, with little notice, based on inclement weather or official use ...

  18. Rioters...e-r-r-r..."peaceful protesters" burned down the church across the street.

  19. They didn't.

    ...the 204-year-old “church of presidents” across the street from the White House in Washington, D.C., sustained minor damage during riots that followed peaceful protests against racial violence and police brutality on the night of May 31.

  20. Qtard: //These are Qtard's words// Hah... but that was -- your words.

    Qtard is a lying POS. Qtard knows those were it's words. Why it gives no quotes.

  21. And what was that silly thing that showed contempt for being standing close to Chinese???

    Tssss... that's Top Secret info. ;-P

  22. "And what was that silly thing that showed contempt for being standing close to Chinese???"


  23. And you can confirm that with quotes?

    Naaaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  24. It is YOUR accusation. YOU confirm I said ANYTHING like that. With PRECISE EXACT PERFECT quote(s) and links.

    Can Qtard do it? Naahh.

  25. This is an example of Qtard saying, "what Derpy really mean"... and then inserting lies.

    Why would I be "proud" that Asian people and White European people don't look the same? That's nature/evolution. Doesn't make any "race" better or worse than any other.

    What Qtard has confirmed is that he projects its biases onto others.

  26. \\This is an example of Qtard saying, "what Derpy really mean"... and then inserting lies.

    That's YOUR OWN WORDS.

    Directly Ctrl-Fed. And COPY-PASTED without being mangled/edited/put out of context.


    Heinous Liar Derpy trying to pretend. AGAIN. TOTALLY IDIOTICLY.

    That that is not its words. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Doesn't make any "race" better or worse than any other.

    There is NO such thing as race... with, or without brackets.

    Very idea that there is different races -- figment of moronic minds of RACISTS.

    Debunked by history ideas... some morons still trying to cling to.

    Like De-Ru-Pi. Here.

    \\What Qtard has confirmed is that he projects its biases onto others.


    My natural bias toward morons and racists, and totalitarians wannabe. ;-P

    Guilty as Hell. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  27. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/race

    see usage paragraph below :

    any one of the groups that humans are often divided into based on physical traits regarded as common among people of shared ancestry.

    It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer … to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual … because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

  28. Usage of Race

    Sense 1a of this entry describes the word race as it is most frequently used: to refer to the various groups that humans are often divided into based on physical traits, these traits being regarded as common among people of a shared ancestry. This use of race dates to the late 18th century, and was for many years applied in scientific fields such as physical anthropology, with race differentiation being based on such qualities as skin color, hair form, head shape, and particular sets of cranial dimensions. Advances in the field of genetics in the late 20th century determined no biological basis for races in this sense of the word, as all humans alive today share 99.99% of their genetic material. For this reason, the concept of distinct human races today has little scientific standing, and is instead understood as primarily a sociological designation, identifying a group sharing some outward physical characteristics and some commonalities of culture and history.

  29. rac·ist (noun) a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

    Qtard: There is NO such thing as race... with, or without brackets. Very idea that there is different races -- figment of moronic minds of RACISTS.

    There IS such a thing as race. Just as there is such a thing as a racist. Both in the dictionary (as quoted above).

    "And what was that silly thing that showed contempt for being standing close to Chinese???"

    Heinous Liar Qtard trying to pretend. AGAIN. TOTALLY IDIOTICALLY. That those is not its words. Says they are my words. Or, "what Derpy really mean". Like White being "noble". Again. Qtard's words.

    What's going on here? Why is Qtard denying that "race" (as a social construct) exists? Maybe because, if you get rid of race, then racists can discriminate as they please? Because... how can you discriminate based on race -- if race doesn't exist? Qtard wants to discriminate, yes? We do know he HATES it when I call out White Supremacists.


  30. \\It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer … to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual … because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.


    \\ Advances in the field of genetics in the late 20th century determined no biological basis for races in this sense of the word, as all humans alive today share 99.99% of their genetic material. For this reason, the concept of distinct human races today has little scientific standing... <<------------------


    \\and is instead understood as primarily a sociological designation, identifying a group sharing some outward physical characteristics and some commonalities of culture and history.


    By racists. ;-P

    \\rac·ist (noun) a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.


    Like Derpy... who dispise being compared with Chinese... even though their skin is same White as his own... BUT, still not enough, not correct Witeness.

    The same with Supremacy.

    People of mighty Chinese Civilization... which exists for 3000 years... in compare to miserly 300 of USA history.

    STILL cannot be seen as "suprime"... by racist Derpy standards. ;-P

    \\There IS such a thing as race.


    As historical supestition. YOU, share with other racists. ;-P

    The same as cannibalism and mizoginy toward women.

    \\Heinous Liar Qtard trying to pretend. AGAIN. TOTALLY IDIOTICALLY. That those is not its words. Says they are my words.


    THIS words???

    What is preposterous is Qtard's moronic assertions that Asian people don't exist. According to Qtard, I (as a White person of European descent) could go to China and pass for Chinese. Given that (according to Qtard) me and a Chinese person are both White.

    In any case, HOW could I possibly be racist toward a Chinese person, if there is no way to tell if a person is Chinese? Chinese people (as per Qtard) are White, so if me and a Chinese person are both White, why and how could I be racist toward this person? Because, if a Chinese person were standing if front of me, I'd just see a fellow White person.

    NOT yours??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Why is Qtard denying that "race" (as a social construct) exists?

    Captain Obvious says... beacause it... is not racist. ;-P

    \\ Maybe because, if you get rid of race, then racists can discriminate as they please?

    Spilled the bean of your own desire??? my little racist? ;-P

    \\Because... how can you discriminate based on race -- if race doesn't exist?


    YOUR OWN WORDS of NEO-racist rethoric.

    Like... lets blame "racists"... but then, completely counter-scientificly, DECLARE that there IS "social construct of race"...

    AND... continue our racistic practices.


    instead of calling poeple Yellow... and etc. We'd be calling em Asians... or Afroamericans. Or whatever.

    Because, what we really need -- it's to SEGREGATE people. To pretend that there is different kinds of people. And then... subliminally, assign some ideas about one being HIGHER... (like those who would support Demns) and other lower (deplorable).

    \\ Qtard wants to discriminate, yes? We do know he HATES it when I call out White Supremacists.

    Are Chinese White Supremacists???

    Why YOU discriminate EM... and not allow even a thought... htat they could be???

    Could be White (though their skin is UNDENIABLY white)?

    Could be Suprime (though their modern economic might and political stance)?

    Isn't that... LOOKS LIKE discrimination? ;-P

    Rethorical question.

    Cause... IT IS.

    That's why you labouring so desperatly. To mud the waters and to deny this obvious truth.

  31. Qtard: Yap. By racists.

    A social construct is "an idea that has been created and accepted by the people in a society".


    ...an idea that has been created and accepted by the [racist] people in a society.

    Qtard: THIS words??? [quotes my words] NOT yours???

    Those ARE my words. None of my words say "don't compare me to THAT (insert slur)" or that White is "noble". Those are Qtard's words.

    Qtard: Spilled the bean of your own desire???

    I spilled the beans re Qtard's racist desires.

    Qtard: Isn't that... LOOKS LIKE discrimination? Rethorical question. Cause... IT IS.


    That's why Qtard is labouring so desperatly. To muddy the waters and to deny obvious truths.

  32. \\A social construct is "an idea that has been created and accepted by the people in a society".


    \\...an idea that has been created and accepted by the [racist] people in a society.

    Embelishment of racism???

    Naaah!! How anybosy could DO THAT. (SARCASM!!!)

    \\Those ARE my words. None of my words say "don't compare me to THAT (insert slur)" or that White is "noble". Those are Qtard's words.

    You CAN give as quotes???

    That Those are Qtard's words.

    Naaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Means... this just another lie from heinous liar -- idiotic try to thrug off responsibility for FACTUALLY own words... and trying, same idioticly, to smear on opponent saying something wrong...

    \\I spilled the beans re Qtard's racist desires.


    I don't care about YOU imagining being me.

    It only confirms you being hypocritical idiot. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Isn't that... LOOKS LIKE discrimination? Rethorical question. Cause... IT IS.


    \\That's why Qtard is labouring so desperatly. To muddy the waters and to deny obvious truths.


    Do not know what "rethorical question" is. ;-P
