Saturday, July 22, 2023

"Democrat" Represents American's Newest Luxury Brand

Noah Rothman, "The Democratic Party Is Becoming a High-End Lifestyle Brand"
The Biden administration has embarked on a crusade against the unrelentingly bleak excesses of the capitalist enterprise. It vows to confront a feature of the marketplace imposed on us by avaricious pirates in control of the economy’s commanding heights: the scourge of fees associated with luxury goods.

“Biden says U.S. capitalism treats workers, consumers like ‘suckers,’” Reuters declared this week. That was how the outlet characterized what it described as President Joe Biden’s “attacks on corporate greed and power.” More specifically, the imposition of “junk fees” on consumers in the market for discretionary indulgences has captured the Democratic Party’s attention. “I’ve said before,” Biden said again, “capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism. It’s exploitation.”

Pairing the uncompromising Marxian flourishes of Slavoj Žižek with the effete tastes of the party’s donor class, Democrats are waging war on the hidden charges that producers tack onto premium goods and services. They are the champions of the frequent flier for whom fees and delays are a dreadful inconvenience. They serve as tribune for the vacationers who find themselves gouged at the hotel checkout counter. Indeed, they “aren’t even resorts,” Biden complained. The gall.

This White House and its Democratic allies have styled themselves advocates for America’s downtrodden concertgoers. “Fans are incredibly frustrated by how hard it has become to buy event tickets,” said Illinois representative Jan Schakowsky in support of a Biden administration effort to impose transparency on ticket vendors. “With every ticketing debacle, from Beyoncé to Taylor Swift, and so many more, their frustration grows.” Indeed, the simmering rage of the “Beyhive” portends a reckoning the likes of which this country hasn’t seen since the Rodeo Drive riots of 2020.

These initiatives provide Democrats with the opportunity to show off their proletarian instincts, according to Democratic pollster Celinda Lake. “When you’re a longtime politician, and you’re in office, people think you get out of touch with their lives, you don’t have any commonsense,” she said of the anti-fee campaign. “This shows, ‘Hey, I am in touch. I do have commonsense.’” Rather, what it illustrates is the Democratic Party’s devolution from coherent political program to high-end lifestyle brand.

Bemoaning the hidden costs in air travel, hotel accommodations, and A-list concerts is the battle cry of the matriculated, beating out Gramscian missives on their iPhones from the backseat of an Uber. The president and his party are self-consciously ornamenting their crusades against the irritations that vex the disposable-income class with the language of the revolutionary vanguard. It would be a bizarre phenomenon in isolation. But in the context of other faddish left-wing causes, progressivism’s evolution into a luxury brand becomes difficult to ignore.

So many of the Left’s remedies for supposed modern maladies involve increasing the costs for consumers with jejune tastes. What else explains the effort to force you into purchasing reusable shopping bags? Certainly not the alleged environmental benefits, which are worse than negligible. The attack on cost-effective home appliances is emotionally manipulative: As all right-thinking people know, the cost of contributing to social virtue is a contemptibly small-minded consideration. It’s not the atmosphere that benefits most when your dark-blue municipality compels you to ditch your gasoline-powered lawn equipment but your neighbors, who can finally hear the ambient Mozart in the air over the roar of combustive efficiency.

The costs of their lifestyle choices present you with a barrier to entry — it’s the price of admission into the upper echelons. But those costs cannot be so high that they become obstacles to adopting the political program their lifestyles afford them. By contrast, the cost of everyone else’s day-to-day existence must grow lest the lifestyles of the hidebound hill folk appear too attractive.

This is increasingly the core message of the Democratic Party. It is the Christian Audigier limited-edition Che Guevara T-shirt, the Rage Against the Machine show brought to you by Capital One bank. It is the secret handshake that offers absolution to those of means — the enlightened embourgeoisement of paranoid class-consciousness.

“Americans are tired of being played for suckers,” the president insists. Nonsense. If the Democratic Party’s bet on the psychology of its voters is any indication, the marketplace for suckers is far from tapped.


  1. So, junk fees and gouging... are good?

  2. President Joe Biden is doing an awesome job! Even according to MTG, who recently (in a campaign ad released by the Biden campaign) sang his praises, pointing out what a fantastic job Joe Biden is doing. Obviously Marjorie believes Joe Biden is working hard on behalf of the American people and she wanted to get the word out!

    Marjorie is also really turned on by Hunter Biden's nude photos. She brought some with her to a recent House hearing and passed them around for others to marvel at. Greene is divorcing her husband (who accuses her of "serial cheating"). Is she interested in hooking up with Hunter?

  3. Shop the official marketplace for suckers here.

  4. Only Clio will know... ;-)

  5. ∆ religious bonkery ∆

  6. The DNC sells third world solutions to 1st world problems.

  7. Only Clio will know... ;-)

    Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    ∆ religious bonkery ∆

    idiot. Yawn.

  8. How could an imaginary God know anything, Qtard? Yet Qtard claimed one could. Looks like religious bonkerism to me.

    The RNC sells more problems to "solve" problems.

  9. Not true. Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others.
    - Ambrose Bierce

  10. \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    How could an imaginary God know anything, Qtard? Yet Qtard claimed one could. Looks like religious bonkerism to me.

    Lack of imagination. Again.

  11. Qtard is bigly imaginative. For example, Qtard imagines I am something it calls a "religious bonker". Qtard also imagines that donald tRump did not collude with Russia, despite donald's admission that he did ("Obama spied on me"). Qtard imagines that overthrowing democracy is a "human right". Although Qtard also imagines that democracy can't be overthrown. If a government is overthrown, it is apparently because that government is totalitarian. Which the J6 rioters knew the incoming Biden administration was going to be... in Qtard's imagination.

    On the topic of branding, looks like idiot Elon is renaming Twitter. Why buy Twitter in the first place if not for brand value?

    Fortune: It's rare for corporate brands to become so intertwined with everyday conversation that they become verbs. It's rarer still for the owner of such a brand to announce plans to intentionally destroy it.

    ...Elon Musk decreed that Twitter's product name would be changed to "X", and that he is getting rid of the bird logo and all the associated words, including "tweet". Musk's move wiped out anywhere between $4 billion and $20 billion in value, according to analysts and brand agencies.

  12. \\Qtard is bigly imaginative. For example, Qtard imagines I am something it calls a "religious bonker".

    Well... you are right here. To understand and use Logic -- one need to have imagination.

    That's right!

    And you, showing traits of religious bonkers. And how we name things which show some certain traits of some special things... if not the name of that special things? ;-P

    Just for bravety.

    \\Qtard also imagines that donald tRump did not collude with Russia, despite donald's admission that he did ("Obama spied on me").

    Go with that to the court... and get that damn dRump into jail... basing on that mere words. ;-P

    Go do something, to re-make USA democracy into totalitarism.

    Because... under Democracy -- YOU PROHIBITED to use mere words to convict people. ;-P

    But you... oh, my little totalitarian wannabe, dispise it... SO MUCH.

    YET ONE... trait of totalitarian wannabe. CONFIRMED!

    \\Qtard imagines that overthrowing democracy is a "human right".


    Democracy CANNOT be overthrowed. Democracy -- that is "rule of we the people" -- how it can be... my imagination betrays me.

    Like, people themself, decide -- we do not want to govern over ourself... let's install some king/despot/tyrant over us???

    Is it that way???

    \\ If a government is overthrown, it is apparently because that government is totalitarian.

    Well... YOU said this. ;-P

    \\Which the J6 rioters knew the incoming Biden administration was going to be... in Qtard's imagination.

    Dunno what you talking about.

    There is NO such words from my side.

    I presume... that is just another of lacking imasgination but overbrown with delusions Derpy. ;-P

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Qtard: To understand and use Logic -- one need to have imagination. That's right!

    What does imagining all kinds of qtardedly illogical things have to do with logic?

    Qtard: And you, showing traits of religious bonkers. And how we name things which show some certain traits of some special things... if not the name of that special things?

    "Religious bonker" was made up by Qtard. Admitted that he made it up. Called it a "notion". So, of course I have the traits. Because Qtard made up the traits.

    Like if I said I have a "notion" that an extremely dumb person is called a "qtard". And that a trait of a qtard is that they call themselves "Q" because they are Trekkies. PROVEN!

    Qtard: If a government is overthrown, it is apparently because that government is totalitarian\\Well... YOU said this. ... There is NO such words from my side.

    I logically deduced that is what YOU must mean. Because you said democracy can't be overthrown. Or "overthrowne". But, if the J6 insurrectionists had been successful, that would have been an overthrow of democracy. NOT replacing democracy with another democracy. Because The People did not want tRump. They selected Joe Biden. He won the EC and the Popular Vote. But Qtard doesn't know how democracy works. Only that he hates it.

    Qtard: I presume... that is just another of lacking imasgination but overbrown with delusions Derpy.

    Delusions don't come from our imaginations? PubMed says "imagination is considered to be the dynamic origin of delusion and hallucinations".

  15. \\What does imagining all kinds of qtardedly illogical things have to do with logic?


    What a pure self-revealing admitting of own mental deficiency... :-))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And you, showing traits of religious bonkers. And how we name things which show some certain traits of some special things... if not the name of that special things?

    \\"Religious bonker" was made up by Qtard. Admitted that he made it up. Called it a "notion". So, of course I have the traits. Because Qtard made up the traits.

    Didn't IT said "I believe in facts"?

    Doesn't it obvious and all known -- that religious believers main trait is that they -- believe.

    They called "believers".


    \\Like if I said I have a "notion" that an extremely dumb person is called a "qtard". And that a trait of a qtard is that they call themselves "Q" because they are Trekkies. PROVEN!


    Just Derpy's idiocy demonstrated.

    Idiots do not know what Logic is.

    "extrimly dumb person", ehhh??? one who can learn to use foreign language? and to the level of even native speaker would not able to see that that is foreigner?

    For any non-idiot it would be apparent, that something do not add up here. ;-P

    \\Qtard: If a government is overthrown, it is apparently because that government is totalitarian\\Well... YOU said this. ... There is NO such words from my side.

    \\I logically deduced that is what YOU must mean.


    If that'll be true... that you "logically deduced"... somthing.

    You'd be able to explain HOW you did that "logically deduced".



    You are idiot. And idiotic hypocrite. Who trying to use smart words.

    While totally oblivious to the meaning of that smart words. ;-P

    \\Because you said democracy can't be overthrown. Or "overthrowne".

    Of course.

    Democracy -- it's literaly "rule of the we the people".

    Like there is a bunch of fellows, who decided among themself where and how they'll party: at the ocean, or maybe some meadows, or whatever.

    They democratically decide... and go.

    HOW that can be overthrown???

    \\ But, if the J6 insurrectionists had been successful, that would have been an overthrow of democracy.

    And who'd be deciding???

    New *DEMOCRATICAL* government formed by them -- as that did Founding Fathers when proclaimed Independence of USA?

    Or some outsiders and nasty anti-DEMOCRATIC contre-revolutioners? ;-P

    \\NOT replacing democracy with another democracy.

    That's... just your opinion.

    There's lot of states around the world that call themself "democratic".

    Like North Korea for example.

    And if you'd go there, and try to say that they are not -- they'll put you in jail... very democratically. ;-P

    But, idiot Derpy do not understand what's the catch.

    What distinguishing really democratic countries from not that much... isn't it, Derpy? ;-P

    \\Because The People did not want tRump. They selected Joe Biden. He won the EC and the Popular Vote. But Qtard doesn't know how democracy works.

    Oh... shuddup. :-))))))))))))))))))

    Like you are one who know. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Only that he hates it.

    False "demon-cracy" that trying to call itself democratic... like liliPut's or that same North Korea "democracies".

    Yes, I don't like it.

    The same as all kind of fringy people all over the world. Religious Bonkers. Who proclaim that THEY ONLY know what Democracy is... while showing apparent disdain toward Human Natural Rights...

    like you are, my little totalitarian wannabe. ;-P

    \\Delusions don't come from our imaginations? PubMed says "imagination is considered to be the dynamic origin of delusion and hallucinations".


    That's why we need Logic... to keep our imagination in check -- to not destroy sanity of our minds...

  16. No, Qtard, YOU shuddup. Your incessant idiotic babbling is just annoying. That J6 rioters were exercising their "human rights" is only your moronic opinion. Unsupported by any facts whatsoever. Contradicted by facts. John Locke's publications on the topic, for example. But Qtard cites no experts, only his own incorrect opinion. Opinions based on imaginings and delusions.

  17. Didn't IT said "I believe in facts"?

    No. IT did not.

    I said that, but not in a religious context. Faith is belief without evidence. I never said "I have faith that these facts are true". Because I need evidence before believing anything.

    But I have explained this to Qtard many many times. The religion-obsessed idiot can't get it. Never will. Too dumb to understand the difference.

  18. "extrimly dumb person", ehhh???

    No. That is a fake quote. I spelled "extremely" correctly. I did not spell it "extrimly". Because I am not an idiot.

    "one who can learn to use foreign language? and to the level of even native speaker would not able to see that that is foreigner?"

    I am able to see. That you are a very very bad speller. Possibly because your native language is not English. Possibly because you are a idiot. As I recall, it claimed that misspellings were "on purpose".

    "...Religious Bonkers. Who proclaim that THEY ONLY know what Democracy is... while showing apparent disdain toward Human Natural Rights".

    So, not me. I strongly support human rights. Yet Qtard moronically suggests I am "notion" he calls a "religious bonker".

    btw, I have never said only I know what democracy is. All smart people know what it is. So... Not Qtard.

  19. ...Who proclaim that THEY ONLY know what Democracy is...

    Many people know what democracy is. NOT Qtard. It thinks people "walking by the street" and entering a building open to the public with free admission... these people are then "free" to do hand-to-hand combat with police officers, vandalize the building and attempt to stop the counting of Electoral College votes... that's "democracy" too. According to qtarded idiot.

    If the J6 rioters "walking by the street" and entering a free admission public building HAD been successful in stopping the counting of votes that made Joe Biden president... and (instead) donald tRump had remained president... that would also be "democracy". Because (as per the qtarded idiot) that would be replacing one democracy with another democracy.

    And (again, as per the qtarded idiot) it was up to the rioters to "decide for themselves" if the votes of everyone else (people who wanted Joe Biden to be president) should be invalidated. These people apparently have no rights at all.

    Though maybe Joe Biden voters should have also "gone by the street" and entered the free admission Capital too? Then the two sides could have engaged in "trial by combat" (as per Rudy G). And Whichever side won would have determined who the next president would be.

  20. \\No, Qtard, YOU shuddup.


    Derpy trying to deny my Freedom of Speach. ;-P

    \\ That J6 rioters were exercising their "human rights" is only your moronic opinion. Unsupported by any facts whatsoever.


    Perfectly an opinion of totalitarian wannabe -- who want to impose censure and shuddup dissidents. ;-P

    \\But Qtard cites no experts, only his own incorrect opinion. Opinions based on imaginings and delusions.


    "Delusions". Based on facts and logic, you freakingly CANNOT disprove with any facts and/or logic.

    That is what totalitarians of all times dislike the most -- facts, and logic, and those who use em... and trying to shuddup, and even to kill...

    \\Didn't IT said "I believe in facts"?

    \\No. IT did not.

    \\I said that, but not in a religious context.

    Bull Shit.

    Religious people saying "I believe...". And YOU saying "I believe...".

    They DO NOT saying "I believe... but only in religious contexts".

    THAT... THAT they say it "I believe..." -- putting it in religious context. Immediately.

    Or... you can (try to) disprove it with any logic and facts you "believe" into. ;-P

    But naaah...

    You can't.

    Because you are merely a funny brains Religious Bonker/Nutter/Junky-Doodle. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Faith is belief without evidence. I never said "I have faith that these facts are true". Because I need evidence before believing anything.


    That way it could mean that you do not believe... but you stated it, and proudly, and many times... that YOU... "believe in facts".

    Even though I many-many times explained that facts DO NOT need to be believed. They just IS.

    But your reaction... was perfectly of that religious nutter -- "your facts mean nothing to me... only what I believe is THE TRUTH". ;-P

    \\But I have explained this to Qtard many many times.

    Naaah, you not.

    With basing it on facts and logic for sure... or, you are free to disprove it, with giving a link, a quote of where you think you did it... with facts and logic.

    So I would have fun to disprove it -- with facts and logic.

    Or... just point. AGAIN. That there is NO facts and logic. ;-P

    \\The religion-obsessed idiot can't get it. Never will. Too dumb to understand the difference.

    Well... maybe you did it the wrong way? ;-P

    While it SO easy-peasy.

    Just give TWO factual easy distinguishable EXAMPLES.

    Which objectively confirm that that differences exist.

    And then...


  21. \\So, not me. I strongly support human rights.

    Yap. But only for your own tribe.

    And loathe it for magaturds, righturds, racists, white-supremacists, or whatever... to have.

    Isn't it?

    That is PERFECTLY totalitarian political stance -- everything for own kin, and punishment to all outsiders. ;-P

    \\Many people know what democracy is. NOT Qtard. It thinks people "walking by the street" and entering a building open to the public with free admission... these people are then "free" to do hand-to-hand combat with police officers, vandalize the building and attempt to stop the counting of Electoral College votes... that's "democracy" too. According to qtarded idiot.

    Please. Remind me. How Revolutions happen???

    Isn't they start EXACTLY like that... "hand-to-hand combat with police officers, vandalize the building and attempt to stop" something people deem as unlawful?

    So... do you agree that ALL revolutions is a CRIME. And like your USA independence gained through it -- is a crime too? ;-P

    And to fix that heinous TWO century thread of crimes... you need to throw it aside, and bend your knees before ONLY TRUE power, power of a King?

    \\that would also be "democracy".

    Well... let's see.

    People of France.

    Stormed into King's palace. Vandalised it. Took king out of it. And cut his head.

    And declared that Democracy.


    \\And (again, as per the qtarded idiot) it was up to the rioters to "decide for themselves" if the votes of everyone else (people who wanted Joe Biden to be president) should be invalidated. These people apparently have no rights at all.


    Perfectly totalitarian idea...

    \\Though maybe Joe Biden voters should have also "gone by the street" and entered the free admission Capital too? Then the two sides could have engaged in "trial by combat" (as per Rudy G). And Whichever side won would have determined who the next president would be.

    That would be civil war.

    Happened MANY times through History.


  22. Human rights are for ALL humans.

    Again Qtard tries to equate J6 insurrection with America's revolutionary war. Which is bullshit. J6 crybabies angry because their candidate in a democratic election lost. While American colonists were angry about taxation without representation.

    It is a "perfectly totalitarian idea" to be upset that J6 insurrectionists wanted candidate I voted for (and who won) to not assume the presidency? Instead the president should be the candidate that lost? What bullshit.

    "That would be civil war"... Maybe. If tRump had remained president. Though there would have been more steps in between. Like going to the Supreme Court. If the corrupt Supreme Court had ruled for dotard donald things could have spiralled out of control. Mass protests, work stoppages, civil unrest, etc. There would not have been an immediate civil war.

  23. Qtard: But your reaction... was perfectly of that religious nutter -- "your facts mean nothing to me... only what I believe is THE TRUTH".

    Not my reaction. Not a quote. Words Qtard made up and dishonestly trying to attribute to me.

    "Your facts mean nothing to me" is Qtard's mindset. Immediately dismisses facts he does not like as "Demn propaganda". Usually doesn't even try to refute it. Even when the facts come from a republican. Or person whose political affiliation isn't disclosed. Still... "Demn propaganda".

  24. \\Human rights are for ALL humans.

    Except "nasty 6J insurrectionists"?

    Or they are seen as non-humans, to likes of you?

    \\Again Qtard tries to equate J6 insurrection with America's revolutionary war. Which is bullshit.

    Not equate. Compare.

    That is how History works.

    You COMPARE cases from different times and places... of what happened in this mundane World in previous milenias.

    To gain some *understanding*.

    But well... such a knowledge wasted on such an idiot, Demn junky-doodle and totalitarian wannabe... who dislike KNOWLEDGE, and like people to be brainless slurpers of any nasty propaganda "those, who know better" would devise to feed to that brainless crowds...

    \\While American colonists were angry about taxation without representation.

    And??? WHO said it to you???

    Not Demn Propaganda? ;-P

    \\It is a "perfectly totalitarian idea" to be upset that J6 insurrectionists wanted candidate I voted for (and who won) to not assume the presidency?

    Like... *I*... EVER... was saying something like that.

    That's... YOUR own words. You trying to smear and gaslight and strawman on me. Miserly foreigner, from far-far-away. Who know too damn little about your inner political brawls. And care even LESS! ;-P

    \\"That would be civil war"... Maybe. If tRump had remained president.

    And how'd that be???

    We the People of USA... would SUDDENLY forgot about RULES they electing their POTUSes???
    Whole armies of lawyers would SUDDENLY forgot all they know about rule of law?
    Army itself, full of people in uniform and insignia -- would SUDDENLY forget their pledges?

    Well... IF, that is the case... it COULD be.

    But *I*, as foreigner... CANNOT confirm it. Cause *I* physicly NOT there (for you, here) in USA.

    And know VERY LITTLE about your inner political affairs. And care... well, you know, zilch. ;-P

    \\Mass protests, work stoppages, civil unrest, etc. There would not have been an immediate civil war.

    Another word... just the same as it happens elsewhere. Like in Europe.

    And NOBODY dare to NOT call it Democracy. Or "owerthrowning of democracy". Or, whatever.

    ONLY "totalitarian wannabe" Demns in USA... want to make lots of fuss about such natural things... well, that is my working hypothesis. ;-P

    \\Not my reaction. Not a quote. Words Qtard made up and dishonestly trying to attribute to me.

    Well... you are heinous hypocrite. Who trying to give idiotic lying response EVEN to YOUR OWN words given to you as quotes...

    \\"Your facts mean nothing to me" is Qtard's mindset. Immediately dismisses facts he does not like as "Demn propaganda".

    And you can give EXACT quote? ;-P

    \\Usually doesn't even try to refute it.

    Why I need to refute your "somebody-somebody said something-something" non-facts???

    Can you cite RULE of LOGIC that prescribe it? ;-P

    \\Even when the facts come from a republican.






    references to Reality itself???


    \\Or person whose political affiliation isn't disclosed. Still... "Demn propaganda".

    Like Demn Propaganda CAN repeat ONLY Demns???

    Propaganda -- is designed to be WIDESPREAD. For more and more people to repeat it. Unconsciously.

    It's like a PLAGUE. Like a COVID virus.

    To unfect AS MANY AS POSSIBLE. Better if everyone. And KILL those who would oppose to it, would refuse to spread it further. And make THOSE who are carrier -- to want to kill.

    Zombie Virus. ;-P

    And YOU ARE Zombie of Demn Propaganda, Derpy. ;-P

  25. No Derpy's ravings???

  26. Qtard: \\Human rights are for ALL humans\\Except "nasty 6J insurrectionists"? Or they are seen as non-humans, to likes of you?

    "6J insurrectionists" being "non-humans" are Qtard's words. I strongly disagree with this stupidity. If not humans, what could they possibly be? Pod people?

    Qtard: \\Again Qtard tries to equate J6 insurrection with America's revolutionary war\\Not equate. Compare. That is how History works. You COMPARE cases from different times and places ... To gain some *understanding*.

    Or misunderstanding. As is the case with Qtard's comparing.

    Qtard: ...such a knowledge wasted on such an idiot, Demn junky-doodle and totalitarian wannabe... who dislike KNOWLEDGE, and like people to be brainless slurpers of any nasty propaganda "those, who know better" would devise to feed to that brainless crowds...

    I like knowledge. Very much. Qtard dislikes it. Why he hates experts.

    Qtard: \\While American colonists were angry about taxation without representation\\And??? WHO said it to you???

    History books. History teachers in school.

    Qtard: Not Demn Propaganda?

    No. Qtard thinks history books are "Demn propaganda"?

    Qtard: \\It is a "perfectly totalitarian idea" to be upset that J6 insurrectionists wanted candidate I voted for (and who won) to not assume the presidency?\\Like... *I*... EVER... was saying something like that.


    Qtard: That's... YOUR own words.

    My accurate summary of Qtard's words. HOW, if the J6 insurrectionists had been successful, would that NOT mean that Joe Biden (candidate I voted for) would be denied the presidency?

    Qtard: You trying to smear and gaslight and strawman on me. Miserly foreigner, from far-far-away. Who know too damn little about your inner political brawls. And care even LESS!

    Qtard is trying to strawman and gaslight ME. Don't care? Then go away. Otherwise shut the f*ck up about not caring. I care. Minus FJ cares. It is a main topic of discussion here. Why burge into conversations to say "I don't care what you're talking about"? This is what an idiot does.

    Qtard: \\"That would be civil war"... Maybe. If tRump had remained president\\And how'd that be???

    You tell me. That is what YOU said would happen.

    Qtard: We the People of USA... would SUDDENLY forgot about RULES they electing their POTUSes???

    Qtard is one of "we the people"? Admits it has been lying about being a foreigner?

    Qtard: Whole armies of lawyers would SUDDENLY forgot all they know about rule of law?
    Army itself, full of people in uniform and insignia -- would SUDDENLY forget their pledges?


    Qtard: ...IF, that is the case... it COULD be. But *I*, as foreigner... CANNOT confirm it. Cause *I* physicly NOT there (for you, here) in USA.

    Qtard just said it is one of "we the people of the USA", didn't it?

    Qtard: And know VERY LITTLE about your inner political affairs. And care... well, you know, zilch.

    Go away then. Find a blog where everyone is talking about Star Trek. Engage in discussions there.

    Qtard: \\Mass protests, work stoppages, civil unrest, etc. There would not have been an immediate civil war\\...just the same as it happens elsewhere. Like in Europe. And NOBODY dare to NOT call it Democracy. Or "owerthrowning of democracy".

    Governments are continuously being overthrown and replaced in Europe? 1848 was a long time ago. Is that what Qtard is talking about? Those revolutions overthrew monarchies, not democracies.

  27. Qtard: ONLY "totalitarian wannabe" Demns in USA... want to make lots of fuss about such natural things... well, that is my working hypothesis.

    If the opposite had happened (tRump legitimately won and Biden supporters attacked the Capitol in an attempt to reverse the election results)... Qtard thinks republicans would be OK with that? Rhetorical question. Of course they would not.

    Also, wanting the results of a democratic election to not be overturned (and the loser, as opposed to the winner, taking power) does not make Democrats "totalitarian wannabe". That is qtarded stupidity.

    Qtard: \\Not my reaction. Not a quote. Words Qtard made up and dishonestly trying to attribute to me\\ are heinous hypocrite. Who trying to give idiotic lying response EVEN to YOUR OWN words given to you as quotes.

    Qtard describing what it does.

    Qtard: \\"Your facts mean nothing to me" is Qtard's mindset. Immediately dismisses facts he does not like as "Demn propaganda"\\And you can give EXACT quote?

    Did. Qtard has written "Demn propaganda" many many times. Qtard denies this?

    Qtard: \\Usually doesn't even try to refute it\\Why I need to refute your "somebody-somebody said something-something" non-facts??? Can you cite RULE of LOGIC that prescribe it?

    The tu quoque fallacy (Latin for "you also") is an invalid attempt to discredit an opponent by answering criticism with criticism — but never actually presenting a counterargument to the original disputed claim.

    Criticism: I cite an expert that disputes what Qtard says.

    Qtard's criticism: That is a "somebody-somebody said something-something" non-fact.

    Qtard never actually presents a counterargument.

    Qtard: \\Even when the facts come from a republican\\Yeah???? FACTS??? Like: open, obvious, references to Reality itself??? WHERE??????!!!

    Qtard is incapable of recognizing when a fact is obvious. Qtard has no idea what "reality itself" even is.

    Qtard: \\Or person whose political affiliation isn't disclosed. Still... "Demn propaganda"\\Like Demn Propaganda CAN repeat ONLY Demns???

    Like republiturd propaganda can only be repeated by republiturds? Qtard repeats it, even though it is from "far-far away". Or so it claims (maybe Qtard is a pod person??).

    Qtard: Propaganda -- is designed to be WIDESPREAD. For more and more people to repeat it. Unconsciously.

    Is that Qtard's excuse? It's repeating of republiturd propaganda is "unconscious"?

    Qtard: It's like a PLAGUE. Like a COVID virus.

    Doesn't Qtard believe the covid virus is harmless?

    Qtard: To unfect AS MANY AS POSSIBLE. Better if everyone. And KILL those who would oppose to it, would refuse to spread it further. And make THOSE who are carrier -- to want to kill.

    donald tRump's cultists want to kill Democrats. They want to kill anyone who doesn't go along with trumpturd propaganda. They send death threats and leave racist threats on the voicemails of Black Democrats. Send Black Democrats racist threats by snail mail and by email. Sometimes packages containing bombs. Send death threats to both Democratic and republican election officials who tell the truth and refuse to say there was cheating in an election (and that is why a Democrat won).

    Qtard: Zombie Virus. And YOU ARE Zombie of Demn Propaganda, Derpy.

    Qtard is a zombie carrier of republiturd propaganda viruses.

  28. \\Or misunderstanding. As is the case with Qtard's comparing.


    In a minds of that who don't know history.

    To those who took propaganda preachings INSTEAD of proper historical lessons.

    Religious Bigot.

    They... tend to repeat History. Make it going round and round. :-((((((

    Like liliPut who trying to cosplay Hitler.

    \\I like knowledge. Very much. Qtard dislikes it. Why he hates experts.

    "somebody-somebody who saying something-something" that is NOT experts.

    Experts -- responsible for their words. That's why EVEN courts take their words as evidance.

    Those "experts" you tryed to call experts here, do not.

    And that... shows perfectly what "knowledge" you like. SAME as "facts".

    Some religious nuttery something-something. And... propaganda.

    \\History books. History teachers in school.



    State propaganda.

    That preach myths devised to have a firm grip on power, into minds of innocent youth.

    To make em idiots.

    Because it's damn easier -- to rule over idiots. And religious nutters.

    \\Qtard: That's... YOUR own words.

    \\My accurate summary of Qtard's words.

    IF... that would be "accurate summary"

    it MUST been possible, to give DIRECT FACTUAL links and quotes, and EXPLAIN LOGICALLY, how it comes out of that FACTS.

    But... NOTHING like that is presented here.

    So, just a YET ONE pretentious LIE.


    \\HOW, if the J6 insurrectionists had been successful,

    Successful? With what?

    Coming into public building, enter to which NOT prohibited?

    \\Qtard is trying to strawman and gaslight ME. Don't care? Then go away. Otherwise shut the f*ck up about not caring. I care. Minus FJ cares. It is a main topic of discussion here. Why burge into conversations to say "I don't care what you're talking about"? This is what an idiot does.

    Well... we can go back historically, and confirm with facts -- who burged into which conversations... here. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And know VERY LITTLE about your inner political affairs. And care... well, you know, zilch.

    \\Go away then. Find a blog where everyone is talking about Star Trek. Engage in discussions there.

    Trying to breach my Right of Free Speach. AGAIN.

    Why you do it???

    Even though you know perfectly well, how loathsome it is.

    Are you an idiot, maybe? ;-P

    \\Governments are continuously being overthrown and replaced in Europe? 1848 was a long time ago. Is that what Qtard is talking about? Those revolutions overthrew monarchies, not democracies.

    THAT'S IT!

  29. \\Qtard: \\Not my reaction. Not a quote. Words Qtard made up and dishonestly trying to attribute to me\\ are heinous hypocrite. Who trying to give idiotic lying response EVEN to YOUR OWN words given to you as quotes.

    \\Qtard describing what it does.


    And you can give a quote of my words where I saying that this or that quote of my words -- is not my words??? ;-P

    Naaah. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\"Your facts mean nothing to me" is Qtard's mindset. Immediately dismisses facts he does not like as "Demn propaganda"\\And you can give EXACT quote?

    \\Did. Qtard has written "Demn propaganda" many many times. Qtard denies this?

    Well... we confirmed here, that for example that article on CNN -- that was Demn Propaganda.

    Because... today it CHANGED, and demns not mentioning "Ukrainian nazis" any more.

    Why so? How it could be??? If that "Ukrainians are NAZIS!!!" would be FACT???

    Facts... they do not change over time.

    \\Qtard: \\Usually doesn't even try to refute it\\Why I need to refute your "somebody-somebody said something-something" non-facts??? Can you cite RULE of LOGIC that prescribe it?

    \\The tu quoque fallacy (Latin for "you also") is an invalid attempt to discredit an opponent by answering criticism with criticism — but never actually presenting a counterargument to the original disputed claim.

    \\Criticism: I cite an expert that disputes what Qtard says.

    \\Qtard's criticism: That is a "somebody-somebody said something-something" non-fact.

    \\Qtard never actually presents a counterargument.

    Ohhh... semi-logical explanation.

    AT LAST. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well, it is only SEMI-logical. But not logical AT ALL.

    Because... for example I gave counter-argument just above -- "Experts -- responsible for their words."

    As well as many previous times.

    But... by idiot-Derpy, they was ignored. Because that heinous religious bonker -- just FEARS to talk with facts and logic.

    And prefer non-facts and semi-logical nonsense. ;-P

    Natural... for idiots.

    \\Qtard is incapable of recognizing when a fact is obvious. Qtard has no idea what "reality itself" even is.

    That's why...

    There is books known as dictionaties.

    Which give definition to every possible word.

    And there is other books -- which teach Logic. And other sciences.

    Also, there is books with historical facts.

    And many-many other.

    And people... who study diligently all that books, and can support conversation, based on that knowledge from that books...

    But... not that people, idiots, like Derpy.

    Yawn. ;-P

    \\Like republiturd propaganda can only be repeated by republiturds? Qtard repeats it, even though it is from "far-far away". Or so it claims (maybe Qtard is a pod person??).

    Which exactly.

    Can you CITE it? ;-P

    And give a cross-reference -- MY words AND source which says that it is "republiturd propaganda?

    \\Is that Qtard's excuse? It's repeating of republiturd propaganda is "unconscious"?

    So... you CAN??? *CONSCIOUSLY* point where and in what you see "republiturd propaganda".

    Or you can just keep babbling. Unconsciously. ;-P

    \\donald tRump's cultists want to kill Democrats. They want to kill anyone who doesn't go along with trumpturd propaganda. They send death threats and leave racist threats on the voicemails of Black Democrats. Send Black Democrats racist threats by snail mail and by email. Sometimes packages containing bombs. Send death threats to both Democratic and republican election officials who tell the truth and refuse to say there was cheating in an election (and that is why a Democrat won).

    An example of Demn Propaganda? ;-P
