Sunday, July 23, 2023

A New Type of Violence?

Jazz Shaw, "Baltimore experiencing "a new type of violence""
Violence on the streets of Baltimore, Maryland has been a problem for a very long time and we’ve covered it here extensively. The annual murder count has been slowly but steadily rising for the past decade or more. You literally have a better chance of living the day out on the streets of Kabul. But there has been one notable shift in the violent crime statistics that is perhaps even more alarming. Both the people being shot and the ones doing the shooting are growing increasingly younger on average. This led Lee Sanderlin of the Baltimore Sun to declare that Charm City is experiencing “a new type of violence.”
Those 19 and under in Baltimore are being killed and shot in 2023 at a pace not seen in at least a decade, according to a new Baltimore Sun analysis of police data. There have been so many victims that it’s the equivalent of one being shot about every two days and one being killed every week…

The shootings happen all over the city: At the Inner Harbor, at parties, at bus stops, at restaurants. Shots ring out near schools and at home.

The victims are almost always students or recent graduates. Sometimes they have jobs. Sometimes they’re athletes or artists. All of them are someone’s kid.
There’s no doubt that the numbers are stark. As of the first week of July, there had been 28 “young people” (aged 19 or younger) killed in Baltimore and another 91 who were shot. At the same time, the total number of murders and shootings was down slightly from the same period in the previous year. That means that young people killing and being killed make up an even larger percentage of the total. The number of minors (under the age of 18) who have been arrested during the same period more than tripled from the same months in 2019.

So the trends demonstrate that more and more young people are involved. But is this really a “new type of violence?” I would argue that it’s the same “type” of violence that has plagued Baltimore for decades. It’s gang violence, though the author appears hesitant to apply the label. And the gangs in many cities have been recruiting new members at younger and younger ages, so these trends, while alarming, should have been wholly predictable.

The gangs see great value in recruiting boys in their early teens and putting them out on the streets to “work.” They know that if they wind up getting caught, the liberal policies in nearly all of the large, blue cities will see them back out on the streets in no time. And the older gang leaders can shake them down for the profits they produce without risking arrest themselves.

Sanderlin focuses much of his attention on the number of guns there are on the streets in Baltimore. While that’s certainly part of the problem, it’s worth noting that there isn’t a single gun shop operating anywhere in the city. Maryland already has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. But more gun laws don’t do anything about gun violence precisely because gang members don’t pay attention to those laws and they buy their weapons on the black or gray markets. None of those gang bangers are canceling their plans for the evening because they noticed a “gun-free zone” sign on the way to their next robbery.

Mayor Brandon Scott has attempted to curb the violence by instituting another curfew for young people over the summer. But when gang members don’t pay attention to gun control laws, do you really think they’re going to go home when curfew time rolls around? On top of that, even the Baltimore Sun grudgingly admits that the data shows that curfews don’t reduce crime rates.

The people who are making the most noise about this and proposing solutions continue to focus on gun control and “more services” for young people in the community. More money has been flushed into those efforts than can be tallied and yet the problem persists. What none of them, including the Mayor want to talk about is the need to reinvigorate the police and get them out on the streets in force. Start rounding up gang members of all ages and locking them up for a good long time. Let them know there is a price to be paid for that “lifestyle” and the cost will be steep. And if they decide to start shooting at the cops, they likely won’t live to see the inside of a cell. But that all sounds “too mean” so nobody is going to do it.


  1. More guns are needed. A LOT more. That will fix the problem. The problem being that the gun manufacturers aren't making enough money.

  2. They're selling no guns in Baltimore. Not "legal" ones anyway. Besides, they don't charge gun possession there either. Unless it's some white vigilante.

  3. ...or shop owner defending his store.

  4. Well... Chinese was banished from having weapon. Any weapon.

    What happened? They invented kung fu. ;-P

    An "Art" to kill people with their bare hands.


  5. I prefer nunchucks. The art of killing people with farm tools. ;)

  6. Minus likes violence. Especially violence against alleged lawbreakers. White cops and White vigilantes should be able to kill who they want.

  7. Dervish like to get beat up. He hates weapons of all types. Muggers love Dervish. He just gives up his cash, every time.

  8. ...but then again, Dervy does belong to a victim cult that thinks the greatest moral achievement a person can achieve is to have been a victim, or the descendant of one.

  9. I don't carry cash. I have never been mugged. Have you? Did you teach the mugger a lesson?

  10. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    ...but then again, Dervy does belong to a victim cult that thinks the greatest moral achievement a person can achieve is to have been a victim, or the descendant of one.

    He is totalitarian... wannabe, who wants only nanny state to milk him.

    But, do not want to go to already existing nanny states to feel it foolly. ;-P

    Wants USA to became such state. To spare him moving. What a lazy loser. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  11. No cash? They're going to enjoy beating the cr*p out of you, Dervy.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Qtard: He is totalitarian... wannabe, who wants only nanny state to milk him.

    I want the USA to remain a democracy, Qtard. And I don't want to be milked.

    Qtard wants the USA to become a totalitarian state. It has expressed its strong desire for this many times.

  14. \\I want the USA to remain a democracy, Qtard. And I don't want to be milked.

    Do you pay taxes?

    That is... abolutely official "milking" you... by nanny state. ;-P

    \\Qtard wants the USA to become a totalitarian state.

    And your facts is???...

    NONE present. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Means. AGAIN. Amd as always. Just your idiotic delusions.

    And who can have idiotic delusions -- if not idiots... itself. ;-P


  15. "Means again"... No, does not mean again. That Qtard wants the USA to become a totalitarian state is proven by it's support for the J6 insurrectionists. They were there to help dotard donald illegally stay in office.

    That is not a delusion. It is a Qtard desire stated many times. Idiocy about overthrowing democracy being a "human right".

  16. \\"Means again"... No, does not mean again. That Qtard wants the USA to become a totalitarian state is proven by it's support for the J6 insurrectionists.

    Just interesting. And how that "support" thing works??? :-)))))))))))

    \\That is not a delusion. It is a Qtard desire stated many times.


    And you can confirm that "many times"... with quotes??? :-)))))))))))))0


    And what about being milked by the state? ;-P

    does it mean that Derpy "silently disagree" with being milked by a state?

    Or... it just like it... being milked. ;-P

  17. Or... maybe... Derpy do not pay taxes? ;-P

  18. Qtard: Or... maybe... Derpy do not pay taxes?

    Person who does not pay taxes? dotard donald. Because he is a bigly tax cheat.

    Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for tax fraud.

    Trump Took Tax Losses He Knew Were Fraudulent by David Cay Johnson. Donald Trump knowingly committed dozens of brazen tax frauds during the six years when he ran for office and was President, my analysis of the Congressional report on his tax returns and other documents shows. This explains why he fought all the way to the Supreme Court in a failed effort to keep his tax information secret.

    One technique he used at least 26 times between 2015 and 2020 was as simple as it was flagrant. Trump filed sole proprietor reports, known as Schedule C, that showed huge business expenses despite having zero revenue. That created losses which Trump used to offset his income from work and investments, thus lowering his income taxes. Additional Schedule Cs had expenses exactly equal to revenues while only a few showed profits.

    Trump knew this was unlawful because he lost two trials over his 1984 income taxes in which he did the exact same thing, a story I broke in June 2016. Both judges, in scathing opinions, ruled that Trump committed civil tax fraud. [12/27/2022].

    Qtard likes being "milked"? Or is Qtard a tax cheat like dotard donald? Qtard probably thinks dotard donald getting away (as much as he has) with being a tax cheat means dotard donald is smart. Like it admires dotard donald for getting away with colluding with Russia?

    Qtard: does it mean that Derpy "silently disagree" with being milked by a state?

    No, I agree with "milking". I think the government needs to "milk" wealthy people a LOT more. Or start milking (re non-tax payers like dotard donald).

  19. \\Person who does not pay taxes? dotard donald. Because he is a bigly tax cheat.

    \\Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for tax fraud.

    Why he not in jail... then?

    Or... becoming POTUS is the best taxes evasion method... in USA?

    Oh, shi-i-i-it. Bi-den...

    \\Qtard: does it mean that Derpy "silently disagree" with being milked by a state?

    \\No, I agree with "milking". I think the government needs to "milk" wealthy people a LOT more. Or start milking (re non-tax payers like dotard donald).


    Then... why not go to Rush'A... or China. Or North Korea.

    They do milking of fat asses quite well there. ;-P

  20. Qtard: \\Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for tax fraud\\Why he not in jail... then?

    Because the Trump Organization (the corporate entity) and not donald tRump (the man) was charged and convicted. Corporations can't be imprisoned. A large fine was assessed. Should have been larger, in my opinion. fyi, there was a GUILTY verdict. Yet the dummy Qtard suggests innocence because donald tRump wasn't sentenced to prison. Proof that Qtard lied when he said he believes in trials. That and the statement, "fair trial, my ass".

    Qtard: Then... why not go to Rush'A... or China. Or North Korea. They do milking of fat asses quite well there.

    Qtard lies. Yet again. Russian oligarchs are extremely wealthy because THEY milked the state. With the state's cooperation. Does Qtard's extreme stupidity explain why he does not know this? Or maybe he lies because he thinks this is awesome -- but realizes most people don't agree. So he tries to deceive to make sure it continues? Like its lie about White Supremacists -- absurdly claims they are victims of discrimination? (implied I was bad-mouthing them by correctly labeling them as bigots).

    btw, money "milked" should go to poor and middle class people (social safety net programs). Not the rulers (as in North Korea). Many North Koreans are starving. Why the f*ck would I want to go there?

    "Rush'A", "Rasha"... probably spelled it other ways. Dummy said misspelling was a "nickname". Why so many "nicknames"? Sign of Qtard's affection? Why doesn't Qtard move to Russia?

  21. \\Because the Trump Organization (the corporate entity) and not donald tRump (the man) was charged and convicted. Corporations can't be imprisoned. A large fine was assessed. Should have been larger, in my opinion. fyi, there was a GUILTY verdict.

    Criminal one?

    \\Qtard: Then... why not go to Rush'A... or China. Or North Korea. They do milking of fat asses quite well there.

    \\Qtard lies. Yet again. Russian oligarchs are extremely wealthy because THEY milked the state.


    Ignorant Derpy.

    There is NO "oligarchs" in Rush'A.

    Oligarchs -- that is people who gained their wealth on a free market.

    They are ten? eleven? hundred? "friends of liliPut".

    Who gained their riches through being "favorites of a king".

    And... free to loose that riches, either on the whim of liliPut. (like Progojin lately, or Chodorkovsky long ago... and that is just two most widely known of names)

    Or... in case of his death.

    As it did happened many-many times, in many countries.

    Your Western... Demn propaganda -- calling em wronmgly "oligarch" -- just
    TO NOT disclose that there is favorites in your "democratic" countries TOO. ;-P

    \\Does Qtard's extreme stupidity explain why he does not know this?

    I... just live MUCH closer to the place...

    and my knowledge is much more from first hands.

    And without a drop of Western/Demn Propaganda in it.

    Just bare facts.

    Calling BARE FACTUAL FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE... "extreme stupidity", defitting of such an apparent idiot -- as Derpy IS. ;-P

    \\Or maybe he lies because he thinks this is awesome -- but realizes most people don't agree.


    Religious Nutters and Slurpers of Demn (read liliPut's) Propaganda -- definitely would not agree. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... who cares?????!!! %))))

    \\Like its lie about White Supremacists -- absurdly claims they are victims of discrimination? (implied I was bad-mouthing them by correctly labeling them as bigots).


    MY inquiring WORDS was ONLY that you seems like DISCRIMINATING Chinese... by not allowing em to be White... and/or Suprime. ;-P

    \\btw, money "milked" should go to poor and middle class people (social safety net programs). Not the rulers (as in North Korea). Many North Koreans are starving. Why the f*ck would I want to go there?

    To watch HOW all you desirable (for a Demn Propaganda infested mind) things: no-human-rights, no-fair-trial, punishment-for-being-rich ideas ACTUALLY work. ;-P

    Of course... you WOULD NOT like to go there... you only want (because ofa Demn Propaganda infested mind) that moronic ideas to be tryed YET ONE time... in USA.

    With idiotic resolve -- that THIS TIME... it would be different.

    It not.

    Garbage in, garbage out.

    Moronic ideas, moronic (and horrible) results.

    But... when it did stopped Leftists??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    The same as any other Religious Nutters.

  22. ol·i·garch noun... (1) a ruler in an oligarchy. (2) a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence (particularly with reference to individuals who benefited from the privatization of state-run industries after the collapse of the Soviet Union).

    republican (read Putin's) Propaganda.

    " all you desirable (for a Demn Propaganda infested mind) things: no-human-rights, no-fair-trial, punishment-for-being-rich..."

    Qtarded lies. All strongly opposed by me.

    " only want (because of a Demn Propaganda infested mind) that moronic ideas to be tryed YET ONE time... in USA. With idiotic resolve -- that THIS TIME... it would be different".

    That is bullplop Qtard imagined using his rightturd-propaganda-infested mind.

    Moronic ideas that will yield moronic (and horrible) results are pushed by rightturds.

    Like taxing rich people being "punishing". When it is highly detrimental to society to allow wealth to concentrate in a few hands.

    FYI, the religious nutters are rightturds. Qtard never heard the term "Godless Communists"?

  23. \\ (particularly with reference to individuals who benefited from the privatization of state-run industries after the collapse of the Soviet Union).

    Thanky, thanky for this example of brainwashing, history-rewritten Demn Propaganda. ;-P

    LiliPut's Propaganda. Which obviously glad -- tha his obviosly criminal and out of the law regime... would be placated as that "a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence" on the West.

    \\republican (read Putin's) Propaganda.


    And you can confirm that with proper quotes and links? ;-P

    \\Qtarded lies. All strongly opposed by me.


    Like when you declared that "I *DO* deny..." them their rigths. ;-P

    Or... when you declared that "social construct of race" DO EXIST. ;-P

    Yeah... you are right.

    You DO "strongly opposing" to that FACT that that all is your OWN WORDS.

    Self-revealing. WORDS. ;-P

    \\That is bullplop Qtard imagined using his rightturd-propaganda-infested mind.

    Yes... "imagined".

    Like that that Demn totalitarian censure of Google banned mere color. b_l_a_c_k

    Or... that righturd's censure??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Moronic ideas that will yield moronic (and horrible) results are pushed by rightturds.

    Like which exactly??? ;-P

    Can you quote? Or give links?


    \\Like taxing rich people being "punishing". When it is highly detrimental to society to allow wealth to concentrate in a few hands.


    Of course.

    ONLY. Allowing ALL wealth (and ALL political power) concentrated in a hands of few LEFTY populists, under pretence of "making better world"... EVEN MORE "highly detrimental to society".


    It IS deadly.

    It creates Gulags. Death Fields. Re-teaching camps. Smoking tubes of furnaces...

    \\FYI, the religious nutters are rightturds. Qtard never heard the term "Godless Communists"?

    Remind you... I'm foreigner.

    Who saw USA only on TV screens.

    And on that screens... I see only Lefty Demns ubiqiuotously. How that happens, dunno? YOU tell me.

    "Righturds" is so mighty and sneaky... BUT, only Demn Propaganda is everywhere. ALL AROUND THE WORLD, everywhere...

  24. No Derpy's ravings???

  25. Qtard: Thanky, thanky for this example of brainwashing, history-rewritten Demn Propaganda.

    Not. Just definition of "oligarch"...
    1. a member or supporter of an oligarchy.
    2. in Russia and other countries that succeeded the Soviet Union.

    Qtard: \\republican (read Putin's) Propaganda\\Yeah??? And you can confirm that with proper quotes and links?

    Deleted tweet proves the GOP's Putin propaganda knows no bounds. ...CPAC claimed Russian President Vladimir Putin had announced the annexation of four "Ukrainian-occupied territories", which, to be clear, are lands internationally recognized as belonging to Ukraine. The U.S. has adamantly refused to acknowledge Russia's annexation of the territories (which already seems to be falling apart) as legitimate. CPAC seemed to disagree with that position. The tweet accused Democrats of "gift-giving" to Ukraine, seemingly a reference to aid the Biden administration has authorized for the country amid the Russian invasion. [10/3/2022].

    I predict that Qtard won't believe this. Call it "Demn propaganda". Continue to insist that republicans "stormed" the White House to demand F-16s. Despite providing ZERO evidence to back up this absurd claim.

    Qtard: \\Qtarded lies. All strongly opposed by me\\Yep. Like when you declared that "I *DO* deny..." them their rigths.

    Never declared. Declared opposite.

    Qtard: Or... when you declared that "social construct of race" DO EXIST.

    Sure. Because it does. Qtard quoted the Wikipedia page. Now Qtard says that Wikipedia page doesn't exist?

    Qtard: You DO "strongly opposing" to that FACT that that all is your OWN WORDS.

    No. I don't deny my own words. I stand by them. I only oppose Qtard's conclusions "what Derpy really mean". Qtard denies its own words. Like "dRump collusion with Rasha FAKE". White being "noble".

    Qtard: Self-revealing. WORDS.

    Sure. They reveal that I'm smart and believe facts.

    Qtard: \\That is bullplop Qtard imagined using his rightturd-propaganda-infested mind\\Yes... "imagined". Like that that Demn totalitarian censure of Google banned mere color. b_l_a_c_k

    Qtard delusion.

    Qtard: Or... that righturd's censure???

    Nobody's. Qtard's delusion. The word "black" isn't censured. Or censored. Whichever one it meant.

    Qtard: \\Moronic ideas that will yield moronic (and horrible) results are pushed by rightturds\\Like which exactly???

    People dying due to a lack of healthcare. OK with people dying from covid. Wage slavery. Supreme court corruption being great because rights rightturds don't like can be rolled back. Allowing wealth to concentrate in a few hands. Taking away rights by suppressing the vote (stealing elections). Religious nuttery made into law.

    Qtard: Can you quote? Or give links? Naaaah.

    Indiana Republican Richard Mourdock: "I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that's something God intended to happen" link.

    Qtard: Allowing ALL wealth (and ALL political power) concentrated in a hands of few LEFTY populists, under pretence of "making better world"... EVEN MORE "highly detrimental to society". NO! It IS deadly. It creates Gulags. Death Fields. Re-teaching camps. Smoking tubes of furnaces...

    NO! Concentrating political power and wealth in the hands of The People leads to happiness. Longer lives.

  26. Qtard: \\FYI, the religious nutters are rightturds. Qtard never heard the term "Godless Communists"?\\ Remind you... I'm foreigner.

    I'm foreigner = Qtard's escape. Desperate to escape from stupidity of accusing the Left of "religious bonkery".

    Qtard: Who saw USA only on TV screens. And on that screens... I see only Lefty Demns ubiqiuotously. How that happens, dunno? YOU tell me.

    I can not. I have no insight into Qtard's delusions. I am not a psychiatrist.

    Qtard: "Righturds" is so mighty and sneaky... BUT, only Demn Propaganda is everywhere. ALL AROUND THE WORLD, everywhere...

    republiturd propaganda is everywhere. On the rise everywhere around the world.

    The Global Expansion of Authoritarian Rule. Global freedom faces a dire threat. Around the world, the enemies of liberal democracy -- a form of self-government in which human rights are recognized and every individual is entitled to equal treatment under law -- are accelerating their attacks. Authoritarian regimes have become more effective at co-opting or circumventing the norms and institutions meant to support basic liberties... In countries with long-established democracies, internal forces have exploited the shortcomings in their systems, distorting national politics to promote hatred, violence, and unbridled power. ...if democracy's defenders do not work together to help guarantee freedom for all people, the authoritarian model will prevail.

    In a curious contrast to authoritarian regimes' attempts to impose a façade of electoral credibility, leaders who fear losing power in a democratic system have taken to sowing distrust in elections. The assault on the US Capitol was the culmination of a months-long campaign by outgoing president Donald Trump to cast Joe Biden's victory as illegitimate and fraudulent. ...investigators have revealed a well-organized effort to block the certification of election results that involved dozens of state and local officials from the Republican Party and was promoted by the then president himself.

  27. Not. Just definition of "oligarch"...
    1. a member or supporter of an oligarchy.
    2. in Russia and other countries that succeeded the Soviet Union.

    Etymology, origin and meaning of oligarch by etymonline › word › oligarch
    1600, from French olygarche, oligarque, from Latinized form of Greek oligarkhēs, which is related to oligarkhia "government by the few" (see ...

    Easy to see... that that is not related ti Rush'A... which pretty much all of the time was either autocracy... or under "rule by commitie".

    And rule by commitie -- it's preferencial type of rule, for Demns.

    That's why they tryed too much to twist and divert that usage of word. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Qtarded lies. All strongly opposed by me\\Yep. Like when you declared that "I *DO* deny..." them their rigths.

    \\Never declared. Declared opposite.

    Yeah, yeah... I belive you. (SARCASM!!!)

    \\Qtard: Or... when you declared that "social construct of race" DO EXIST.

    \\Sure. Because it does. Qtard quoted the Wikipedia page. Now Qtard says that Wikipedia page doesn't exist?

    Depry The Idiot proudly demonstarting YET ONE time that... it is an idiot, and do not understand what "being social construct" is about. ;-P

    \\Qtard: You DO "strongly opposing" to that FACT that that all is your OWN WORDS.

    \\No. I don't deny my own words. I stand by them. I only oppose Qtard's conclusions "what Derpy really mean".

    Yeah, yeah, yeah... with screaming "it... didn't daid that"? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Self-revealing. WORDS.

    \\Sure. They reveal that I'm smart and believe facts.

    Inner contradiction -- "smart", while "believing facts". ;-P

    \\Qtard: Or... that righturd's censure???

    \\Nobody's. Qtard's delusion. The word "black" isn't censured. Or censored. Whichever one it meant.

    Well... IT... can try it itself -- write anonimous comment, containing word black....

    Well, it can be installed filter for non-USA addresses too...

    Well, whatever.

    Continue "believing in facts". ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Moronic ideas that will yield moronic (and horrible) results are pushed by rightturds\\Like which exactly???

    \\People dying due to a lack of healthcare. OK with people dying from covid. Wage slavery. Supreme court corruption being great because rights rightturds don't like can be rolled back. Allowing wealth to concentrate in a few hands. Taking away rights by suppressing the vote (stealing elections). Religious nuttery made into law.

    In USSR:

    There was "healthcare for everyone"... but people was dying anyway.

    Wage slavery??? In USSR peasant was not allowed to move from their villages. And workers, while for them it was somewhat relaxed -- was prohibited to change their job.
    And that... while payed pennies.

    Well... all wealthy people was eradicated, and their wealth nationalised.
    To be governed by non-elected few.

    Elections in USSR? Yes, most democratic ones... with only ONE case to choose of. ;-P

    Yeaah... Marxism. With chuirches blowed down and clergy put into Gulag.

    So??? Is non-wanting Gulag -- moronic??? We-e-e-e-elll

    \\Indiana Republican Richard Mourdock: "I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that's something God intended to happen" link.


    Try as people born after rape.

    Well... you cannot ask ones "born" after aborts, anyway. ;-P

    \\NO! Concentrating political power and wealth in the hands of The People leads to happiness. Longer lives.

    This World is not perfect... yawn.

    \\The Global Expansion of Authoritarian Rule. Global freedom faces a dire threat. Around the world, the

    Not surprising to me.

    After DEEDS of 0-bama and Bi-den that placate unhumane crimes of that authoritarians...


  28. In a santence. Like "black magic".

  29. In a santence. Like "b_l_ack magic".

  30. 120 Comments in Spam folder restored.

  31. Qtard: //Not. Just definition of "oligarch". *merriam-webster Oligarch definition quoted*//...meaning of oligarch by etymonline ... Easy to see... that that is not related ti Rush'A... which pretty much all of the time was either autocracy... or under "rule by commitie".

    Qtard imagines that Merriam-Webster has some connection to the Democratic party? Qtard imagines that they alter definitions to include "demn propaganda"? And Qtard puts forward this conspiracy evidence-free conspiracy theory, why? Because it suffers from paranoid delusions?

    Qtard: And rule by commitie...

    Definition YOU cite says "government by the few", not "committee".

    Qtard:'s preferencial type of rule, for Demns.

    Of course. When the committee is made up of representatives elected by The People. Democrats believe in Democracy.

    Qtard: That's why they tryed too much to twist and divert that usage of word.

    This "tryed too much to twist and divert that usage of word" only occurred in Qtard's paranoid delusions.

    Qtard: \\All strongly opposed by me\\Yep. Like when you declared that "I *DO* deny..." them their rigths\\Never declared. Declared opposite. Yeah, yeah... I belive you. (SARCASM!!!)

    Of course you aren't going to believe me when I push back on your obvious lies. Don't care. I never said I deny anyone their rights. I said I deny they HAD the right in the first place. No "right" to overthrow a democratically elected government. I cited John Locke to support my denial.

    Qtard: Or... when you declared that "social construct of race" DO EXIST\\Sure. Because it does. Qtard quoted the Wikipedia page. Now Qtard says that Wikipedia page doesn't exist?\\Depry The Idiot proudly demonstarting YET ONE time that ... do not understand what "being social construct" is about.

    I understand. Qtard does not.

    Qtard: \\No. I don't deny my own words. I stand by them. I only oppose Qtard's conclusions "what Derpy really mean"\\Yeah ... with screaming "it... didn't daid that"?

    Never said (or screamed) "didn't daid that".

    Qtard: Self-revealing. WORDS\\Sure. They reveal that I'm smart and believe facts\\Inner contradiction -- "smart", while "believing facts"

    No. Dumb to disbelieve facts. Smart to believe them.

    Qtard: Or... that righturd's censure???\\Nobody's. Qtard's delusion. The word "black" isn't ... censored\\write anonimous comment, containing word black....

    Wrote "anonimous" comment containing word "black". Wasn't censored.

    Qtard: \\Moronic ideas that will yield moronic (and horrible) results are pushed by rightturds\\Like which exactly???\\People dying due to a lack of healthcare... [etc]\\In USSR: There was "healthcare for everyone"... but people was dying anyway *blah blah blah* Yeaah... Marxism. With chuirches blowed down and clergy put into Gulag. So??? Is non-wanting Gulag -- moronic??? We-e-e-e-elll

    Putting "religious bonkers" in a gulag sounds like it would be something pleasing to Qtard. If they are "Demn" "religious bonkers", yes? So, gulags are good, so long as it is people Qtard doesn't like who are put in them. Yes?

    As for Russians having free healthcare... not really.

    "On paper, Russian citizens are entitled to free universal healthcare. In practice, however, they are required to take out compulsory private medical insurance, while it's also common for patients at state hospitals to bribe doctors for adequate treatment". link

  32. Qtard: \\Indiana Republican Richard Mourdock: "I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that's something God intended to happen"\\Dunno. Try as people born after rape. Well... you cannot ask ones "born" after aborts, anyway.

    What? People "born after rape" will say, "yeah, I'm glad my mom was raped. God intended it"?

    Qtard: \\NO! Concentrating political power and wealth in the hands of The People leads to happiness. Longer lives\\This World is not perfect... yawn.

    Perfection isn't possible. But greater happiness and longer lives IS. If rich pay more taxes. Pay workers higher wages. STOP hoarding wealth. It's bad for society.

    Qtard: \\...Global freedom faces a dire threat. Around the world...\\Not surprising to me. After DEEDS of 0-bama and Bi-den that placate unhumane crimes of that authoritarians...

    After DEEDS of dotard donald and his republiturd cohorts to overthrow democracy in the USA.

  33. To demand justice overthrows the democracies of the Identitarian Intersectionalicists...

    That's "social justice" for ya!

  34. Overturning the Will of The People would have been a grave injustice.

    Identitarian Intersectionalicists = people opposed to your Identitarian White Supremacy.

  35. Under White Supremacy, Identitarian Intersectionalicists should not be ALLOWED to demand justice. "Justice" should only be for White Identitarians ("race neutral" people like Minus) yes?

  36. \\Qtard imagines that Merriam-Webster has some connection to the Democratic party? Qtard imagines that they alter definitions to include "demn propaganda"? And Qtard puts forward this conspiracy evidence-free conspiracy theory, why? Because it suffers from paranoid delusions?

    And this all gibberish bullshit spouted because Derpy dunno what word "etymology" mean?

    What an idiot. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And rule by commitie...

    \\Definition YOU cite says "government by the few", not "committee".


    Because Politburo. The same as Biden & Co. today.

    Was committee. ;-P

    \\Of course. When the committee is made up of representatives elected by The People. Democrats believe in Democracy.

    Same as Committee of Founding Fathers? :-)))))))))))))))))00

    \\Of course you aren't going to believe me when I push back on your obvious lies. Don't care.

    Lies you'd not be able to show being lies...

    Of course you "Don't care" to confirm your lie spewage. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Same as liliPut. Who like to blame USA and all West in telling lies.

    Isn't it funny as hell... that you are the same as liliPut??? :-))))))))))))

    In your behavior.

    \\I never said I deny anyone their rights. I said I deny they HAD the right in the first place.

    And I explained it to you -- that that EVEN WORSE.

    That is definite nazism, racism and anti-humane claim.

    YOU -- do not see em as humans even... and proud of it.

    \\No "right" to overthrow a democratically elected government. I cited John Locke to support my denial.

    And who said that that Locke would be supporting YOUR claims???

    He DIED long ago. He CANNOT make own judgment.

    But in your claim you using his words in a way like he'd do.

    That is -- DEFINITE Religious Nuttery.

    SAME. As when Cristians claim that died long ago (if ever lived) Jesus -- still SUPPORT each and every their claim...

    \\I understand. Qtard does not.

    Same as perrot. Who was trained to babble word "understasnd".

    But freakingly unable to explain... with logic and facts especially... and what exactly it "understand".


    \\No. Dumb to disbelieve facts. Smart to believe them.

    For junky-doodle idiot? Yes. Probably. :-))))))))))))

    \\Wrote "anonimous" comment containing word "black". Wasn't censored.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    In a santence. Like "black magic".

    August 4, 2023 at 12:50 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    In a santence. Like "b_l_ack magic".

    August 4, 2023 at 12:51 AM

    \\Putting "religious bonkers" in a gulag sounds like it would be something pleasing to Qtard. If they are "Demn" "religious bonkers", yes? So, gulags are good, so long as it is people Qtard doesn't like who are put in them. Yes?


    \\As for Russians having free healthcare... not really.

    \\"On paper, Russian citizens are entitled to free universal healthcare. In practice, however, they are required to take out compulsory private medical insurance, while it's also common for patients at state hospitals to bribe doctors for adequate treatment". link

    That is -- today.

    I mentioned times of USSR.

    \\What? People "born after rape" will say, "yeah, I'm glad my mom was raped. God intended it"?

    I. Dunno.
    Go make your own research, if you want to know it so bad.

    MY POINT... that "born after abort" people, whould not be able to say ANYTHING. ;-P

    \\Perfection isn't possible. But greater happiness and longer lives IS. If rich pay more taxes. Pay workers higher wages. STOP hoarding wealth. It's bad for society.

    Or... even better, if their wealth would be expropriated, and shared among poor, isn't it? ;-P

    Well... little idiot, please say -- do you know how Commercial Enterprise works??? And what role of taxes in it? WHO paying taxes... in the end of the day?

  37. \\Qtard imagines that Merriam-Webster has some connection to the Democratic party? Qtard imagines that they alter definitions to include "demn propaganda"? And Qtard puts forward this conspiracy evidence-free conspiracy theory, why? Because it suffers from paranoid delusions?

    And this all gibberish bullshit spouted because Derpy dunno what word "etymology" mean?

    What an idiot. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And rule by commitie...

    \\Definition YOU cite says "government by the few", not "committee".


    Because Politburo. The same as Biden & Co. today.

    Was committee. ;-P

    \\Of course. When the committee is made up of representatives elected by The People. Democrats believe in Democracy.

    Same as Committee of Founding Fathers? :-)))))))))))))))))00

    \\Of course you aren't going to believe me when I push back on your obvious lies. Don't care.

    Lies you'd not be able to show being lies...

    Of course you "Don't care" to confirm your lie spewage. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Same as liliPut. Who like to blame USA and all West in telling lies.

    Isn't it funny as hell... that you are the same as liliPut??? :-))))))))))))

    In your behavior.

    \\I never said I deny anyone their rights. I said I deny they HAD the right in the first place.

    And I explained it to you -- that that EVEN WORSE.

    That is definite nazism, racism and anti-humane claim.

    YOU -- do not see em as humans even... and proud of it.

    \\No "right" to overthrow a democratically elected government. I cited John Locke to support my denial.

    And who said that that Locke would be supporting YOUR claims???

    He DIED long ago. He CANNOT make own judgment.

    But in your claim you using his words in a way like he'd do.

    That is -- DEFINITE Religious Nuttery.

    SAME. As when Cristians claim that died long ago (if ever lived) Jesus -- still SUPPORT each and every their claim...

    \\I understand. Qtard does not.

    Same as perrot. Who was trained to babble word "understasnd".

    But freakingly unable to explain... with logic and facts especially... and what exactly it "understand".


    \\No. Dumb to disbelieve facts. Smart to believe them.

    For junky-doodle idiot? Yes. Probably. :-))))))))))))

    \\Wrote "anonimous" comment containing word "black". Wasn't censored.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    In a santence. Like "black magic".

    August 4, 2023 at 12:50 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    In a santence. Like "b_l_ack magic".

    August 4, 2023 at 12:51 AM

    \\Putting "religious bonkers" in a gulag sounds like it would be something pleasing to Qtard. If they are "Demn" "religious bonkers", yes? So, gulags are good, so long as it is people Qtard doesn't like who are put in them. Yes?


    \\As for Russians having free healthcare... not really.

    \\"On paper, Russian citizens are entitled to free universal healthcare. In practice, however, they are required to take out compulsory private medical insurance, while it's also common for patients at state hospitals to bribe doctors for adequate treatment". link

    That is -- today.

    I mentioned times of USSR.

    \\What? People "born after rape" will say, "yeah, I'm glad my mom was raped. God intended it"?

    I. Dunno.
    Go make your own research, if you want to know it so bad.

    MY POINT... that "born after abort" people, whould not be able to say ANYTHING. ;-P

    \\Perfection isn't possible. But greater happiness and longer lives IS. If rich pay more taxes. Pay workers higher wages. STOP hoarding wealth. It's bad for society.

    Or... even better, if their wealth would be expropriated, and shared among poor, isn't it? ;-P

    Well... little idiot, please say -- do you know how Commercial Enterprise works??? And what role of taxes in it? WHO paying taxes... in the end of the day?

  38. Comment eaten out by spam bot.

    Who knows what word it "disliked" this time... commettee???

  39. Ah... I know.

    I copy-pasted that comment with b*l*ack ma-a-agic :-))))))))))))))

  40. What an idiotic censure... but let's hope it will not became much smarter... soon. :-/

  41. No derping? :-)))))
