Monday, July 24, 2023

On Joe Biden's Bought and Paid for Mandarinate


  1. CNN Fact check: There is no evidence Joe Biden has received large sums of money from China or has otherwise gained wealth as a result of his son's business dealings abroad.

  2. And what can be an evidance? ;-P

  3. These bank records have been produced? Where are they? "Bank records" in your comment isn't a hyperlink. Tarl Warwick has the bank records (I didn't watch his video)? Where did he get them?

  4. Donald tRump Jr: "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. ... We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia".

    Putin groomed dotard donald for many decades. Funneling money into his failing businesses so dotard donald would be indebted to him. And eager to be puppeted to keep the money flowing. Later, so damning evidence wouldn't be released proving the puppetry (pee tape?).

    Meanwhile House republiturds claim to have proof that Joe Biden received money from China via shell companies. Where is the proof, Minus?

    PBS NewsHour: The smoking gun, according to the GOP, is recently obtained financial records connected to the president's son Hunter Biden, brother James Biden and a growing number of associates who received millions of dollars in payments from foreign entities in China and Romania. They suggest, without evidence, that the payments were part of a wide-ranging scheme to enrich themselves off the family name. ... Up until now, Comer and Republicans have not publicly revealed evidence to substantiate their claims of wrongdoing by the Biden family.

  5. And do you have such... about dRump???

  6. Evidence? Yes, lots of it. Qtard simply disbelieves it. Imagines it is something the idiot calls "Demn propaganda".

    Prosecutors would not bring charges if they had no evidence. It would be career suicide. Still the qtarded moron imagines the charges will go "poof".

  7. However, John Durham's charges did go *poof*. 2 of the 3 people he indicted were found NOT guilty. But trumpturds don't care. Whereas BOTH Democrats and Republicans WOULD care... if dotard donald charges went *poof*. It would be a bigly scandal. Total vindication for dotard donald.

    But Durham's charges going *poof*? NOT a vindication for Hillary Clinton. Why? Because of fact disbelievers like Qtard. The idiot called Qtard (despite Durham charges going *poof*) claims Durham said "dRump collusion Rasha FAKE". Even though he DID NOT. Qtard (by its OWN ADMISSION**) only imagined it.

    **Qtard will deny making this admission, but he did it. First he said Durham said it. Then the liar backtracked, saying it "never" claimed that. Said it was an unnamed reporter. A reporter Qtard REFUSES to name. Which is definitely an admission by Qtard that it lied. Otherwise it would give a link.

  8. Article Minus links to...

    The documents released... provide no evidence that President Biden was ever directly involved in the alleged schemes -- or even if the payments in question resulted in tangible impact on U.S. policy ... there is no smoking gun connected to the release ...

    Shortly after the release, right-wing media outlets were quick to allege that the documents demonstrated Biden and his family had been clearly implicated in an extensive money laundering scheme between themselves and foreign governments. The documents -- and even members of the committee -- point out that is not the case.

    Already, the alleged connections made by the committee have prompted some to suggest criminal activity like those lodged in a previous subpoena the committee filed for a document they claim will demonstrate explicit evidence of influence peddling.

    "If these allegations -- any of these allegations -- are proven true, someone with the last name Biden needs to be charged and prosecuted", South Carolina Republican Representative Nancy Mace said Wednesday.

    However, a lot of information appears to still be missing in order to get to that point. The form under subpoena is, in FBI parlance, nothing more than a tip sheet containing allegations of corruption. [end]

    Article also says "During the administration of President Donald Trump, members of his family declined to follow through on promises to divest from foreign businesses, while Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, continued taxpayer-funded travel to countries like Saudi Arabia while serving as an adviser to the president, later securing a mystery-laden $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince just six months after leaving the White House".

    Is this evidence that isn't evidence?

  9. \\Evidence? Yes, lots of it. Qtard simply disbelieves it. Imagines it is something the idiot calls "Demn propaganda".

    Of course. Because evidances... rationally speaking, its something real, material, factaul.

    While for Religious Bonkery just "somebody-somebody said something-something" is pefectly enough, as evidances.

    As "there is Jesus... and it is Great Gawd... beleive me, oe else...".

    Or as in case of witch trials.

    And... I just like how Derpy can speak like a rational person. Providing arguments, based on laws and lawful practices... when it comes to defence of Bi-den. ;-P

  10. Dervy thinks that if the evidence in a matter isn't conclusive, that it isn't really evidence. Whereas in most civil matters, conclusive evidence isn't required. Only a preponderance of evidence, is.

  11. pre·pon·der·ance
    the quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance:


    In other words, the jury must be virtually certain of the defendant’s guilt in order to render a guilty verdict. This standard of proof is much higher than the civil standard, called “ preponderance of the evidence,” which only requires a certainty greater than 50 percent.

  12. "...the jury must be virtually certain of the defendant’s guilt in order to render a guilty verdict".

    Which is what is going to happen in the documents case. LOL!

    "Former White House lawyer Ty Cobb said there is overwhelming evidence in the classified documents case against former President Trump..."

    "As "there is Jesus... and it is Great Gawd... beleive me, oe else...".

    No. No "or else". I DO NOT CARE whether or not Qtard believes in Jesus. Or Zeus on Mt. Olympus.

  13. Which is what is going to happen in the documents case. LOL!

    Really? Because a guilty verdict breaks the Constitution. LOL!

  14. The Authority of the people who "classify" documents is derived from the President. That said, their "authority" in Constitutionally convicting him is is Constitutionally inferior. :)

  15. Minus: Really? Because a guilty verdict breaks the Constitution.

    Yes, really. Without "breaking" the Constitution.

    In all cases... a formal procedure is required so governmental agencies know with certainty what has been declassified and decisions memorialized. A federal appeals court in a 2020 Freedom of Information Act case, NYT v. CIA, underscored that point: “Declassification cannot occur unless designated officials follow specified procedures"...

    Trump admits on tape he didn't declassify... LINK.

    Under the Espionage Act, the crime would be improper retention or disclosure of sensitive defense information, not classified documents, according to former Assistant U.S. Attorney Andy McCarthy, who told Fox News Digital that he's "argued for a long time that Trump's declassification claims are a red herring". LINK.

  16. If it is that simple, Ty Cobb must be an idiot. Seems that dotard donald hires lots of idiots. Jack Smith must also be an idiot. He's only relying on "deep state" corruption to get a conviction? What about the fact that the judge is dotard-appointed?

    "Critics have scrutinized Aileen Cannon, whom Trump appointed to the bench in 2020, questioning whether her previous rulings and nature of her appointment indicate bias in favor of Trump". LINK.

  17. Trump doesn't have to declassify anything. He is the "authority" from which all classification actions were derived.

  18. As louis XIV once famously said, "Le Etat c'est moi." :)

  19. ...and why is THAT true? It's what the Constitution says.

  20. \\Dervy thinks that if the evidence in a matter isn't conclusive


    But ONLY when it relates to holy Bi-den... or 0-bama.

    When it comes to dRump... is mere wirlwind in a threes goes as DEFINITE and CONCLUSIVE evidance -- that "dRump DID IT!!!!".

    The same as that wisper from a flaming bushes... was wispering to other Religious Bonkers. ;-P

    \\"Former White House lawyer Ty Cobb said there is overwhelming evidence...


    "Somebody-somebody who said something-something"

    And that is TOTALLY ENOUGH... for Derpy.

    But, ONLY if that is AGAINST dRump. ;-P

    Because... this self-confessed religious bonker "beleives in facts"... when they about "dRump DID IT!!!!".

    Means... anything that says "dRump DID IT!!!" -- is a fact. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And EVERYBODY just MUST believe in it... even if that is some foreigner from far-far-away, who do not give a damn shit -- about dRump being guilty or not. ;-P

    \\No. No "or else". I DO NOT CARE whether or not Qtard believes in Jesus. Or Zeus on Mt. Olympus.


    You are Religious Bonker/Nutter who DO CARE... and TOO DAMN VERY MUCH... (if ALMOST a year of tryes to preaching is NO enough to confirm it... then, I dunno what else...)

    that EVEN some foreigner from lands far-far-away... SHOULD believe in "dRump DID IT!!!!". ;-P

    \\In all cases... a formal procedure is required so governmental agencies know with certainty what has been declassified and decisions memorialized.

    And that procedure -- canot be revealed to public.
    Because that would be breaching all that classificatioin mechanism. ;-P

    So... again... that's "somebody-somebody who said something-something".

    WITHOUT possibility what so ever to PROVE it "beyond reasonable doubts".

    Exactly what totaliutarian wannabe would like -- kengaroo court trials, where people would be convicted just on the whim of judges...
    as it is in totalitarian countries elsewhwere.

    \\Trump admits on tape he didn't declassify... LINK.

    And that tape recieved by proper procedure? And independent expertise cofirms that words and their authetcity?


    Cause, disclosure of such tape OUTSIDE of court trial -- would be breaching of lawful procedure. And would ERADICATE possibility of use of it as evidance in a court trial.


    It's either FAKE.

    Or... that is someone clever trick to help dRump to defend itself in a court.

    \\What about the fact that the judge is dotard-appointed?

    So... you mean that ALL dRump's appointed judges is DEFINITELY corrupt?

    But... Demns still keep em on their places?

    But... Demns is somehow NOT corrupt themself. even THOUGHT they ALLOW such an apparent corruption?

    Is it that what you said and you mean? ;-P

    \\Trump doesn't have to declassify anything. He is the "authority" from which all classification actions were derived.


    Question is.

    When exactly??? He, as ex-president. And possible futire president.

    LOST his rights to access classified materials???

  21. Ex or current, doesn't matter. Once you've held the position, they still have to call you, "Mr. President". They just don't have to follow your "executive" orders.

  22. Access to classified materials -- much more severe problem.

  23. Onlly with a need to know, which expresidents lack.

  24. ...they still have to call you, "Mr. President".

    Really? So we will eventually hear "we find the defendant, Mr President (donald tRump), guilty"?

  25. Qtard: Because... this self-confessed religious bonker "beleives in facts"... when they about "dRump DID IT!!!!".

    Lies. I never "confessed" to being the qtarded notion "religious bonker". I never confessed to believe facts "when they about dRump DID IT!!!!".

    Qtard: Means... anything that says "dRump DID IT!!!" -- is a fact.

    What Ty Cobb said is his opinion, not a fact. He isn't involved in the case. He does not know the prosecution's strategy. He only knows information that is publically available. Though he is a lawyer. And did used to work for donald tRump. So, maybe he has some idea what he's talking about? Much more so than Qtard, that's for sure. Are you a lawyer, Qtard?

    Qtard: And EVERYBODY just MUST believe in it...

    Everyone does not believe it. "Must" isn't a possibility. Same as Qtard's MUST regarding innocent until proven guilty and public opinion. Public (somehow) isn't allowed to have one... if it is that tRump is guilty. Makes USA just like Nazi Germany.

    Qtard: even if that is some foreigner from far-far-away...

    You are commenting HERE. I'm supposed to ignore your comments?. CAN NOT reply because you claim to be a foreigner? Why not?

    Qtard: ...who do not give a damn shit -- about dRump being guilty or not.

    Then go away. Why comment on a blog where things you don't give a damn shit about are being discussed?

    Qtard: \\No. No "or else". I DO NOT CARE whether or not Qtard believes in Jesus. Or Zeus on Mt. Olympus\\Yeah... You are Religious Bonker/Nutter who DO CARE... and TOO DAMN VERY MUCH... (if ALMOST a year of tryes to preaching is NO enough to confirm it... then, I dunno what else...)

    Not "almost a year of tryes". No "tryes" at all. ZERO "tryes". Qtard can NOT be convinced by facts. It has made this VERY clear. From very early on.

    Qtard: ...that EVEN some foreigner from lands far-far-away... SHOULD believe in "dRump DID IT!!!!".

    I have never written "dRump DID IT!!!!". Not even once. Qtard comes to this blog and Qtard choses to argue with people here. Why does Qtard's location mean people who disagree with Qtard can NOT say so?

    Qtard: And that procedure -- canot be revealed to public. Because that would be breaching all that classificatioin mechanism.

    Huh? Where is it getting this from? It CAN be revealed. That's what happens when intel is declassified. Though revealing to public classified intel defeats purpose of classifying. Qtard is an idiot.

    Qtard: So... again... that's "somebody-somebody who said something-something". WITHOUT possibility what so ever to PROVE it "beyond reasonable doubts".


    "To make its case, the government is likely going to have to share key aspects of those documents with Trump and his legal team. Some may also be declassified and publicly revealed as part of the prosecution"...

    So case CAN be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

  26. Qtard: Exactly what totaliutarian wannabe would like -- kengaroo court trials, where people would be convicted just on the whim of judges... as it is in totalitarian countries elsewhwere.

    That isn't what's happening. I would dislike it if that was what was happening.

    Qtard: \\Trump admits on tape he didn't declassify...\\And that tape recieved by proper procedure? And independent expertise cofirms that words and their authetcity?

    tRump has been asked about the audio recording. He does not dispute it's authenticity. He disputes that he is holding classified documents (he does this because it is an audio and not a video recording). But he does NOT dispute that it is him on the tape.

    Qtard: Cause, disclosure of such tape OUTSIDE of court trial -- would be breaching of lawful procedure. And would ERADICATE possibility of use of it as evidance in a court trial.

    No. Audio recording was permitted by tRump. He knew it was happening and allowed it. Which means people who made it can do what they want with it.

    Qtard: MEANS. It's either FAKE. Or... that is someone clever trick to help dRump to defend itself in a court.

    Does not.

    Qtard: \\What about the fact that the judge is dotard-appointed?\\ So... you mean that ALL dRump's appointed judges is DEFINITELY corrupt?

    Possibly biased. Especially this one. Has demonstrated her bias previously.

    Qtard: But... Demns still keep em on their places?

    Democrats cannot remove them.

    Qtard: But... Demns is somehow NOT corrupt themself. even THOUGHT they ALLOW such an apparent corruption?

    No ability to not allow.

    Qtard: Is it that what you said and you mean?

    No. But why are you asking? As opposed to just to telling me "what Derpy really mean".

  27. \\Lies. I never "confessed" to being the qtarded notion "religious bonker". I never confessed to believe facts "when they about dRump DID IT!!!!".


    \\What Ty Cobb said is his opinion, not a fact. He isn't involved in the case. He does not know the prosecution's strategy. He only knows information that is publically available. Though he is a lawyer. And did used to work for donald tRump. So, maybe he has some idea what he's talking about?

    Or... he have some firm reasons for deliberate lying?
    Well... isn't he was hired by dRump to serve in his crimes?
    Because he IS liar.

    So... you tend to believe even open liar... if it helps you to believe in "dRump did it"?

    Isn't it even more safe bet, here? ;-P

    \\Everyone does not believe it. "Must" isn't a possibility. Same as Qtard's MUST regarding innocent until proven guilty and public opinion. Public (somehow) isn't allowed to have one... if it is that tRump is guilty. Makes USA just like Nazi Germany.


    Gibberish. :-)))

    \\You are commenting HERE. I'm supposed to ignore your comments?. CAN NOT reply because you claim to be a foreigner? Why not?

    And... how it relates???

    \\Then go away. Why comment on a blog where things you don't give a damn shit about are being discussed?

    That's... NOT up to you to decide. ;-P

    \\Not "almost a year of tryes". No "tryes" at all. ZERO "tryes". Qtard can NOT be convinced by facts. It has made this VERY clear. From very early on.


    I cannot be convinced by non-facts like "somebody-somebody said something-something".

    Equally as with sheer pressure of religious bonker, who want to impose ITS religious bonkery on people... ;-P

    Guilty as Hell.

    \\I have never written "dRump DID IT!!!!". Not even once.

    You... didn't said that dRump is totally surely 100% guily? Not even one time, here? Even though there is NONE (crimnal!) trial about ANY of that alleged "numerous guilts" of dRump even started???

    Well... that is NOT first of your COUNTER-FACTUAL lie here.
    When you tryed to lie about YOUR OWN WORDS. EVEN!
    And UNABLE to provide FACTS... even if such a basicly simple as quotes -- CORRECT and UNMANGLED, from this blog comments. ;-P

    Cause... idiot.

    Does any more confirmatioin even needed??? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Huh? Where is it getting this from? It CAN be revealed. That's what happens when intel is declassified.

    Because... HOW you'd be able to *incriminate* something to dRump... like holding classified materials... if they are declassifed? ;-P

    \\Though revealing to public classified intel defeats purpose of classifying. Qtard is an idiot.


    Clearly an idiot -- do not get what it babbling... itself, even. ;-P

    \\So case CAN be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Seeing is believeing. (tm) ;-P

    \\That isn't what's happening. I would dislike it if that was what was happening.

    Sarcasm? ;-P

    \\Possibly biased. Especially this one. Has demonstrated her bias previously.

    And that "possibliy biased"... is quite enough for you??? To judge.

    Well, of course. Because you totalitarian wannabe idiot... who do notn get what "beyond reasonable doubts" mean. ;-P

    \\Democrats cannot remove them.

    Because???? They are whiny losers, aren't they? :-)))))))))))))))

    \\No. But why are you asking? As opposed to just to telling me "what Derpy really mean".

    Because. That would be strawmaning and gaslighting -- idiotic tricks Derpy the Idiot using. ;-P

    And not... it thinks that by making me repeat ITS idiotic words... it, somehow, would make itself EQYUAL... with smart-ass opponent. Whose words it likes to repeat, totally without understanding, self-revealingly, showing that it wants to "sound smart" that stupid way.

    What a loser. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  28. Qtard: \\Lies. I never "confessed" to being the qtarded notion "religious bonker". I never confessed to believe facts "when they about dRump DID IT!!!!"\\**Moronic laughter**

    Minus FJ's continual screeching "Biden did it!!" gets no reaction at all from Qtard. Only bothers him when I point to the facts that prove dotard donald's guilt.

    Qtard: \\...Ty Cobb ... is a lawyer. And did used to work for donald tRump. So, maybe he has some idea what he's talking about?\\Or... he have some firm reasons for deliberate lying? Well... isn't he was hired by dRump to serve in his crimes? Because he IS liar. So... you tend to believe even open liar... if it helps you to believe in "dRump did it"? Isn't it even more safe bet, here?

    You say "he was hired by dRump to serve in his crimes?". So... Ty Cobb is a liar because he assisted tRump in his criming... yet (at the same time) tRump is innocent of any criming (as per Qtard)? Qtarded illogic. Has Ty Cobb been charged with anything for "serve in his crimes"? Convicted of anything? Lost his law license for this alleged lying? NO!

    Qtard: \\Everyone does not believe it. "Must" isn't a possibility. Same as Qtard's MUST regarding innocent until proven guilty and public opinion. Public (somehow) isn't allowed to have one... if it is that tRump is guilty. Makes USA just like Nazi Germany\\Yawn. Gibberish.

    Qtard's Escape. Pointed out the illogic of its comment. Can't respond, so uses it's escape.

    Qtard: \\You are commenting HERE. I'm supposed to ignore your comments?. CAN NOT reply because you claim to be a foreigner? Why not?\\And... how it relates???

    Relates to what? Gibberish.

    Qtard: \\Then go away. Why comment on a blog where things you don't give a damn shit about are being discussed?\\That's... NOT up to you to decide.

    I didn't decide. Qtard decided. Stated it's decision "do not give a damn shit". But that is an obvious lie. Qtard DOES "give a damn shit".

    Qtard: \\Not "almost a year of tryes". No "tryes" at all. ZERO "tryes". Qtard can NOT be convinced by facts. It has made this VERY clear. From very early on\\Yap. I cannot be convinced by non-facts like "somebody-somebody said something-something".

    "somebody-somebody said something-something" is gibberish Qtard uses when referring to facts it doesn't like.

    Qtard: Equally as with sheer pressure of religious bonker, who want to impose ITS religious bonkery on people...

    Impossible. Because (1) I am not the qtarded notion "religious bonker" and (2) not trying to impose anything on anyone. Only stating my opinions. As Qtard states its qtarded opinions.

    Qtard: \\I have never written "dRump DID IT!!!!". Not even once\\You... didn't said that dRump is totally surely 100% guily? Not even one time, here? Even though there is NONE (crimnal!) trial about ANY of that alleged "numerous guilts" of dRump even started???

    FOUR criminal trials upcoming. The Classified Documents Case, The Hush Money Case, The January 6 Insurrection Case, The Georgia Election Interference Case.

    One criminal trial completed. tRump Organization found guilty on all counts of criminal tax fraud.

    Qtard: Well... that is NOT first of your COUNTER-FACTUAL lie here.

    Cite ONE "counter-factual lie". Provide exact, precise, accurate, not out-of-context, complete, unmodified, unmangled quote AND link. Do not add "what Derpy really mean".

  29. Qtard: When you tryed to lie about YOUR OWN WORDS. EVEN!

    Never happened. I stand by all of my words. Qtard lies about my words aka "what Derpy really mean". Qtard lies about its own words too. Confronted about BS "dRump collusion with Rasha FAKE". First it denied it said John Durham said it. Tried to blame a reporter. Then denied it ever said it AT ALL!

    Qtard: And UNABLE to provide FACTS... even if such a basicly simple as quotes -- CORRECT and UNMANGLED, from this blog comments.

    Able to. Also HAVE. Many times. Even though Google's site search appears to be broken. Yes, I know about site search and have used many times in the past. Does not give me any results any more. Not for comments. Only for posts.

    Qtard: Cause... idiot. Does any more confirmatioin even needed??

    More "confirmatioin" than NO "confirmatioin". Yes. But Qtard can NOT give it.

    Qtard: Because... HOW you'd be able to *incriminate* something to dRump... like holding classified materials... if they are declassifed? Clearly an idiot -- do not get what it babbling... itself, even.

    Agreed. It has no idea. Is totally clueless re what it is babbling about.

    Qtard: \\So case CAN be proven beyond a reasonable doubt\\Seeing is believeing. (tm)

    Qtard does not hold the trademark on "seeing is believing". Or "Seeing is believeing". Also, Qtard won't believe even if he sees. Will say donald tRump was convicted by a "Kengaroo court". Whatever that is. Different than a Kangaroo Court?

    Qtard: \\That isn't what's happening. I would dislike it if that was what was happening\\ Sarcasm?


    Qtard: \\Possibly biased. Especially this one. Has demonstrated her bias previously\\And that "possibliy biased"... is quite enough for you??? To judge.

    I'm not a judge. Qtard was very offended that I called myself "Judge". Moron accused me of a crime similar to "stolen valor". Enough for me to form an opinion, however.

    Qtard: Well, of course. Because you totalitarian wannabe idiot... who do notn get what "beyond reasonable doubts" mean.

    The totalitarian wannabe idiot Qtard does not get what "beyond reasonable doubt" means. Isn't a standard for forming opinions. Only a standard to convict of a crime in court. Also, The judge isn't on trial.

    Qtard: \\Democrats cannot remove them\\Because???? They are whiny losers, aren't they?

    Because those are the rules. Something a totalitarian wannabe idiot like Qtard does not understand.

    Qtard: \\No. But why are you asking? As opposed to just to telling me "what Derpy really mean"\\Because. That would be strawmaning and gaslighting -- idiotic tricks Derpy the Idiot using.

    Revealing admission re idiotic tricks Qtard the idiot uses.

    Qtard: And not... it thinks that by making me repeat ITS idiotic words... it, somehow, would make itself EQYUAL... with smart-ass opponent. Whose words it likes to repeat, totally without understanding, self-revealingly, showing that it wants to "sound smart"...

    Totally WITH understanding. Qtard doesn't understand its own words. Continues to believe its words apply to me. When its words apply to itself. Makes laughable accusations about me "showing that it wants to sound smart".

  30. \\Minus FJ's continual screeching "Biden did it!!" gets no reaction at all from Qtard. Only bothers him when I point to the facts that prove dotard donald's guilt.

    And... quotes???

    As I thought.

    Yawn. :-)))))))))))))))

    \\You say "he was hired by dRump to serve in his crimes?". So... Ty Cobb is a liar because he assisted tRump in his criming... yet (at the same time) tRump is innocent of any criming (as per Qtard)? Qtarded illogic. Has Ty Cobb been charged with anything for "serve in his crimes"? Convicted of anything? Lost his law license for this alleged lying? NO!

    So... YOU are ABLE to see how counter-factual and contradicting your words are?

    I'm glad to see it. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Everyone does not believe it. "Must" isn't a possibility. Same as Qtard's MUST regarding innocent until proven guilty and public opinion. Public (somehow) isn't allowed to have one... if it is that tRump is guilty. Makes USA just like Nazi Germany\\Yawn. Gibberish.

    \\Qtard's Escape. Pointed out the illogic of its comment. Can't respond, so uses it's escape.

    "Pointed"??? With this dull gibberish non-sense? :-))))))))))))))))

    Well... you claimed that ANYTHING in that quote... is related to ME.

    But... where is quotes of MY WORDS... then??? ;-P


    What an idiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Relates to what? Gibberish.


    You are right.

    That questions are gibberish.

    Thank you for admitting that.

    I guess... I will not try to help you, and to ask confirmation questions then.

    \\I didn't decide. Qtard decided. Stated it's decision "do not give a damn shit". But that is an obvious lie. Qtard DOES "give a damn shit".

    And... how could you do that? ;-P

    If you not able to admit that you are religious bonker gone junky-doodle crazy on the base of dRump hating... :-)))))))))))))))

    I do not ask about any logic here, even.

    But... can YOUR words be taken as some (semi-)correct ovservations...

    and not just a delusions of a drunky-dunky-doodle??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\"somebody-somebody said something-something" is gibberish Qtard uses when referring to facts it doesn't like.


    So, you say that YOU KNOW definition of what fact IS.

    And you can DEMONSTRATE... with based on facts LOGIC...

    How that that "somebody-somebody said something-something" is a FACT???

    Naaaahh :-))))))))))))))))))))))))


    you demonstarted enough times, with your FACTUAL behavior, that yOU PERFECTLY KNOW that that "somebody-somebody said something-something" IS NOT a FACT. ;-P

    Now... it is proven fact that yopu are liar... and idiotic hypocrite. Who cannot bahave in accordance with its miserly stooopid lies. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Impossible. Because (1) I am not the qtarded notion "religious bonker" and (2) not trying to impose anything on anyone. Only stating my opinions. As Qtard states its qtarded opinions.

    Yeah... that moment when you accusing me in "helping dRump"... though it absolutely laughable.

    That is NOT demonstartation of you religiously bonerr's obsessions????

    Oh, yeah??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a bonker. ;-P

    \\FOUR criminal trials upcoming. The Classified Documents Case, The Hush Money Case, The January 6 Insurrection Case, The Georgia Election Interference Case.

    Yeah. Lots of popcorn need to be eaten. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  31. \\Cite ONE "counter-factual lie". Provide exact, precise, accurate, not out-of-context, complete, unmodified, unmangled quote AND link. Do not add "what Derpy really mean".

    What for?


    You have surpassed that limit... with your idiotic tryes to DENY even YOUR OWN WORDS...

    So what??? I need to believe... that you will change such your continious and constant pattern of behavior??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Never happened. I stand by all of my words.

    Oh... let's check it out.

    Did you said "I *DO* deny..."??? ;-P

    \\ Qtard lies about my words aka "what Derpy really mean".

    Well... that is logical conclusions.

    Like in case where Derpy showing that it do not like to stand alongside Chinese... and be compared.

    Cause... it's racist. ;-P

    Who else? What else? Could it be? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    (by logic of Derpy... itself)

    \\Minus FJ's continual screeching "Biden did it!!" gets no reaction at all from Qtard. Only bothers him when I point to the facts that prove dotard donald's guilt.

    And... quotes???

    As I thought.

    Yawn. :-)))))))))))))))

    \\You say "he was hired by dRump to serve in his crimes?". So... Ty Cobb is a liar because he assisted tRump in his criming... yet (at the same time) tRump is innocent of any criming (as per Qtard)? Qtarded illogic. Has Ty Cobb been charged with anything for "serve in his crimes"? Convicted of anything? Lost his law license for this alleged lying? NO!

    So... YOU are ABLE to see how counter-factual and contradicting your words are?

    I'm glad to see it. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Everyone does not believe it. "Must" isn't a possibility. Same as Qtard's MUST regarding innocent until proven guilty and public opinion. Public (somehow) isn't allowed to have one... if it is that tRump is guilty. Makes USA just like Nazi Germany\\Yawn. Gibberish.

    \\Qtard's Escape. Pointed out the illogic of its comment. Can't respond, so uses it's escape.

    "Pointed"??? With this dull gibberish non-sense? :-))))))))))))))))

    Well... you claimed that ANYTHING in that quote... is related to ME.

    But... where is quotes of MY WORDS... then??? ;-P


    What an idiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Relates to what? Gibberish.


    You are right.

    That questions are gibberish.

    Thank you for admitting that.

    I guess... I will not try to help you, and to ask confirmation questions then.

    \\I didn't decide. Qtard decided. Stated it's decision "do not give a damn shit". But that is an obvious lie. Qtard DOES "give a damn shit".

    And... how could you do that? ;-P

    If you not able to admit that you are religious bonker gone junky-doodle crazy on the base of dRump hating... :-)))))))))))))))

    I do not ask about any logic here, even.

    But... can YOUR words be taken as some (semi-)correct ovservations...

    and not just a delusions of a drunky-dunky-doodle??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  32. \\"somebody-somebody said something-something" is gibberish Qtard uses when referring to facts it doesn't like.


    So, you say that YOU KNOW definition of what fact IS.

    And you can DEMONSTRATE... with based on facts LOGIC...

    How that that "somebody-somebody said something-something" is a FACT???

    Naaaahh :-))))))))))))))))))))))))


    you demonstarted enough times, with your FACTUAL behavior, that yOU PERFECTLY KNOW that that "somebody-somebody said something-something" IS NOT a FACT. ;-P

    Now... it is proven fact that yopu are liar... and idiotic hypocrite. Who cannot bahave in accordance with its miserly stooopid lies. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Impossible. Because (1) I am not the qtarded notion "religious bonker" and (2) not trying to impose anything on anyone. Only stating my opinions. As Qtard states its qtarded opinions.

    Yeah... that moment when you accusing me in "helping dRump"... though it absolutely laughable.

    That is NOT demonstartation of you religiously bonerr's obsessions????

    Oh, yeah??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a bonker. ;-P

    \\FOUR criminal trials upcoming. The Classified Documents Case, The Hush Money Case, The January 6 Insurrection Case, The Georgia Election Interference Case.

    Yeah. Lots of popcorn need to be eaten. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Cite ONE "counter-factual lie". Provide exact, precise, accurate, not out-of-context, complete, unmodified, unmangled quote AND link. Do not add "what Derpy really mean".

    What for?


    You have surpassed that limit... with your idiotic tryes to DENY even YOUR OWN WORDS...

    So what??? I need to believe... that you will change such your continious and constant pattern of behavior??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Never happened. I stand by all of my words.

    Oh... let's check it out.

    Did you said "I *DO* deny..."??? ;-P

    \\ Qtard lies about my words aka "what Derpy really mean".

    Well... that is logical conclusions.

    Like in case where Derpy showing that it do not like to stand alongside Chinese... and be compared.

    Cause... it's racist. ;-P

    Who else? What else? Could it be? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    (by logic of Derpy... itself)

    \\Qtard lies about its own words too. Confronted about BS "dRump collusion with Rasha FAKE".

    SUCH a desperation. ::-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Try to call my words, that was properly attibuted -- that it was re-phrased headline from news... as containing ANY lie. :-)))))))))))))))

    What a bona fide idiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    So what, bonker??? So what??? People DO NOT ALLOWED to talk from themself??? When they describe this or that thing, as they see fit.

    Because some idiot... WHO demonstreated OWN hypocritical and lying natutre many-many times (like, about LYING about OWN WORDS... given to it as quotes), pretty much all of the time... would call it "lie"???

    :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))(ad infinitum)

    \\ First it denied it said John Durham said it.

    And... IT... can provide quote? ;-P

    Dumb ass... do you understand -- that you demonstrating only wirlwinds in your own minds -- how poor your memory is, and even worse your judgment is.

    Well... naturally... cause you'd not be a bonker-idiot -- if it was not the case. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  33. \\Tried to blame a reporter.

    Well... of course.

    Cause it was properly attirbuted from the very beginning -- that that was from some news headline.

    And well... we discussed that "blame a reporter". And you showed... itself. That you understand that reporters can twist meanings in their headlines.

    So... what's the point??? :-)))))))))))))

    \\Then denied it ever said it AT ALL!

    Of course... cause people tend to not call it "my words" when they just retelling something they heard/read elsewhere.

    What for *I* need to do that... here??? It would be a lie. Cause I couldn't know it myself... not from news.

    \\Qtard: And UNABLE to provide FACTS... even if such a basicly simple as quotes -- CORRECT and UNMANGLED, from this blog comments.

    \\Able to. Also HAVE. Many times.

    Well... if so.

    You can do that YET ONE time.


    This time.

    WITH factual CONFIRMATION. And with LOGICAL explanation.

    What you see as "fact" (based on proper definition of what FACTS is)

    What you see as "premice" (based on relevance and relation to that FACT)

    What you see as "logic" (based on common knowledge of logic rules)

    But, naaaah...

    IT... will not do that.

    Cause that is just miserly idiotic babbling. That only CONFIRMS idiot's INABILIT and NONUNDERSTANING of what FACTS, PREMICES and LOGIC is. ;-P

    Congrats, Derpy, now number of confirmations of you being idiot reached 99.9% limit. ;-P

    \\ Even though Google's site search appears to be broken. Yes, I know about site search and have used many times in the past. Does not give me any results any more. Not for comments. Only for posts.

    Well... there is Bing. And many-many other options of how to perform that searches... ;-P

    \\Qtard: Because... HOW you'd be able to *incriminate* something to dRump... like holding classified materials... if they are declassifed? Clearly an idiot -- do not get what it babbling... itself, even.

    \\Agreed. It has no idea. Is totally clueless re what it is babbling about.

    Trying to show that IT able to admit own deficiencies??? :-)))))))))))))


  34. \\Qtard: \\That isn't what's happening. I would dislike it if that was what was happening\\ Sarcasm?


    Sarcasm? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Possibly biased. Especially this one. Has demonstrated her bias previously\\And that "possibliy biased"... is quite enough for you??? To judge.

    \\I'm not a judge. Qtard was very offended that I called myself "Judge". Moron accused me of a crime similar to "stolen valor". Enough for me to form an opinion, however.

    Derpy showed YET ONE time... that it is just an idiot. Which cannot help it -- to understand words literally.

    To the level of not understanging of words usage in this or that context.


    Or... maybe you are not native English speaker??? ;-P

    \\The totalitarian wannabe idiot Qtard does not get what "beyond reasonable doubt" means. Isn't a standard for forming opinions. Only a standard to convict of a crime in court. Also, The judge isn't on trial.


    For an idiot.

    Idiots do not need standards... for anything.

    Except of standard being idiot -- and that is babbling delirious religious bullshit non-sence. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Democrats cannot remove them\\Because???? They are whiny losers, aren't they?

    \\Because those are the rules. Something a totalitarian wannabe idiot like Qtard does not understand.

    Rules??? That prevent JUSTICE???

    That... totalitarian rules ONLY can be, that way. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And not... it thinks that by making me repeat ITS idiotic words... it, somehow, would make itself EQYUAL... with smart-ass opponent. Whose words it likes to repeat, totally without understanding, self-revealingly, showing that it wants to "sound smart"...

    \\Totally WITH understanding. Qtard doesn't understand its own words. Continues to believe its words apply to me. When its words apply to itself. Makes laughable accusations about me "showing that it wants to sound smart".


    Then... how MY words appear chronologically FIRST.

    And this Wismen Donkey Junky-Doodle... Derpy.

    Can only REPEAT em after me. ;-P

    Oh... don't say... let me guess.

    That is like in that Star Twars-vers. Some kind of "time reversal" trick...

    when time starts flow backward, while people think it flows directly.

    That way it's Derpy The Wismen words appear FIRST... and then repeated by some stupid mokey.

  35. Qtard: \\I would dislike it if that was what was happening\\ Sarcasm?\\No\\Sarcasm?

    No. This "no" not sarcasm either.

    No need for it to ask again. Answer will still be NO.

    Qtard: Derpy showed YET ONE time... that it is just an idiot. Which cannot help it -- to understand words literally. To the level of not understanging of words usage in this or that context.

    Qtard talking about itself again. Does not understand use of the word "believe" in different contexts. In context of religion -- belief without evidence. Versus non-religious belief in facts -- completely dependant upon evidence. Yawn.

    Qtard: Or... maybe you are not native English speaker???

    Born in the USA and only ever spoke English.

    Qtard: \\The totalitarian wannabe idiot Qtard does not get what "beyond reasonable doubt" means. Isn't a standard for forming opinions. Only a standard to convict of a crime in court//Yap.For an idiot.

    For a smart person.

    Qtard: Idiots do not need standards... for anything.

    Idiot applies stardard for courts to people's opinions.

    Qtard: Except of standard being idiot -- and that is babbling delirious religious bullshit non-sence.

    Religious bullshit nonsense = "Only Clio know".

    Religious bullshit nonsense from me = None. Zero.

    Qtard: \\Democrats cannot remove them\\Rules??? That prevent JUSTICE???

    Rules that say the sitting president appoints judges.

    Qtard: That... totalitarian rules ONLY can be, that way.

    USA Constitution isn't totalitarian. Can be abused by totalitarians though. Like tRump and loyal republiturds.

    Qtard: Then... how MY words appear chronologically FIRST.

    Because Qtard is too dumb to realize it is talking about itself when it accuses me.

  36. Qtard: And... quotes??? As I thought. Yawn.


    LOOK at the title of the post. "On Joe Biden's Bought and Paid for Mandarinate". It's an accusation... that Biden did it!!

    If not sarcasm, then Qtard is a moron. Proven by asking for "quotes". When most of Minus FJ's posts are about how Biden did it.

    "Quotes???" = Qtard's escape. Escape from the obvious fact that Qtard is a lying hypocrite. Defends tRump. Only cares about "tRump did it!!" from me. Ignores "Bi-den did it!!!" from Minus FJ. For Qtard audio recordings that don't exist are proof of Biden's guilt.

  37. As louis XIV once famously said, "Le Etat c'est moi". ...and why is THAT true? It's what the Constitution says.

    That is false. It is not what the Constitution says.

  38. \\Qtard: \\I would dislike it if that was what was happening\\ Sarcasm?\\No\\Sarcasm?

    \\No. This "no" not sarcasm either.

    \\No need for it to ask again. Answer will still be NO. that that you are smart and sane person, and rational opponent? ;-P

    \\Qtard talking about itself again. Does not understand use of the word "believe" in different contexts.

    You are free to show what different contexts do you see...

    but, naaaah...

    not enough brains for that. ;-P

    \\In context of religion -- belief without evidence. Versus non-religious belief in facts -- completely dependant upon evidence. Yawn.

    And what if FACTS tell something OPPOSITE??? ;-P

    \\Born in the USA and only ever spoke English.

    And how I can believe you? ;-P

    You maybe born there. But must be from a familiy if nasty aliens...

    thjat's why you dispise Founding Fathers... and all they tryed to build, there.

    Isn't it, Derpy the Illegal Alien? :-)))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\The totalitarian wannabe idiot Qtard does not get what "beyond reasonable doubt" means. Isn't a standard for forming opinions. Only a standard to convict of a crime in court//Yap.For an idiot.

    \\For a smart person.


    Mere words of an idiot, which hypocritically trying to pose itself as "smart person".

    And fails. :-)))))))))))))))))


    You can try to disprove it.

    Say. What "reasonable doubt" mean? ;-P

    But naaah, you can't. Because facts and logic -- is forbiden blaaaack magic, fer ya. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Idiot applies stardard for courts to people's opinions.


    Number of idiots is so big. And their brain capacity is so little...

    \\Religious bullshit nonsense from me = None. Zero.

    Like "I believe in facts"??? :-))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Democrats cannot remove them\\Rules??? That prevent JUSTICE???

    \\Rules that say the sitting president appoints judges.

    And there is NO rules which tell how to eliminate rotten apples???

    Or... totalitarian wannabe Demns just don't like it? Don't like follow rules of Justice? And like to make excuses??? ;-P

    \\USA Constitution isn't totalitarian. Can be abused by totalitarians though. Like tRump and loyal republiturds.

    But not Demns???

    Who mlike you, dispisew Electoral College, for example? ;-P

    \\Because Qtard is too dumb to realize it is talking about itself when it accuses me.

    Accuses??? :-)))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And... quotes??? As I thought. Yawn.


    What a Disingenious Bonker. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But I like that I made you to learn a new trick. NOT. :-)))))))))))))))

    As you are an idiot, and not able to use it the right way. ;-P

    \\LOOK at the title of the post. "On Joe Biden's Bought and Paid for Mandarinate". It's an accusation... that Biden did it!!


    That's just news headline.

    Reporters... they like to use such fleshy lines...

    Only I-D-I-O-Ts do not know it, and making lots of fuss around it.

    Are you an idiot? Yes, you are.


    \\If not sarcasm, then Qtard is a moron. Proven by asking for "quotes". When most of Minus FJ's posts are about how Biden did it.

    Non-understanding what words "sarcasm" and "moron" mean.


    \\"Quotes???" = Qtard's escape. Escape from the obvious fact that Qtard is a lying hypocrite. Defends tRump. Only cares about "tRump did it!!" from me. Ignores "Bi-den did it!!!" from Minus FJ. For Qtard audio recordings that don't exist are proof of Biden's guilt.

    Gibberish cringing? :-))))))))))))

  39. \\\\LOOK at the title of the post. "On Joe Biden's Bought and Paid for Mandarinate". It's an accusation... that Biden did it!!


    does he doing something like that -- claiming (with own WORDS, not news headlines) something like "Biden is gulty, and MUST be put in jail"?

    And then, after being asked (many times, actually) "and what could be FACTS confirming it?", "isn't it need to be confirmed in court, beforehand?"

    Would still screaming "no, it all doesn't matter... Biden NEED to be put in jail".

    Is it????

    Where is quotes??? I missed.

    PS Obviously. And easy to see to any rastional observer here. That ONLY certain someone, under fake nickname of a judge... doing it, here. ;-P

  40. Qtard: \\I would dislike it if that was what was happening\\Sarcasm?\\No\\Sarcasm?\\No. This "no" not sarcasm either\\No need for it to ask again. Answer will still be NO\\ that that you are smart and sane person, and rational opponent?

    Qtard (due to his limited brain power) got confused again. Forgot what was being discussed. Started talking about itself again.

    Qtard: \\Qtard talking about itself again. Does not understand use of the word "believe" in different contexts\\You are free to show what different contexts do you see...

    Already did. Many times. Qtard didn't understand. Never will. Due to dumbness.

    Qtard: \\In context of religion -- belief without evidence. Versus non-religious belief in facts -- completely dependant upon evidence\\And what if FACTS tell something OPPOSITE???

    Opposite of what? What Qtard likes to believe? Then Qtard will ignore the facts. Call them "Demn propaganda". Babble "somebody said something something" nonsense.

    Qtard: \\Born in the USA and only ever spoke English\\And how I can believe you?

    Don't care.

    Qtard: ...must be from a familiy if nasty aliens... thjat's why you dispise Founding Fathers... and all they tryed to build, there. Isn't it, Derpy the Illegal Alien?

    No. Qtard despises the USA Founding Fathers. Qtards wants all they built to be gotten rid of. Admitted it.

    Qtard: \\...Qtard does not get what "beyond reasonable doubt" means. Isn't a standard for forming opinions. Only a standard to convict of a crime in court\\Yap.For an idiot\\For a smart person\\Mere words of an idiot, which hypocritically trying to pose itself as "smart person".


    Qtard: And fails.


    Qtard: You can try to disprove it. Say. What "reasonable doubt" mean?

    Qtard is trying to borrow some of my smart person knowledge. Look it up yourself, Qtard. You need to. You've already proven you don't understand it.

    Qtard: Because facts and logic -- is forbiden blaaaack magic, fer ya.

    No. Maybe it is forbidden black magic to Qtard?

    Qtard: \\Idiot applies standard for courts to people's opinions\\Yap. Number of idiots is so big. And their brain capacity is so little...

    I agree with Qtard's confession.

    Qtard: \\Religious bullshit nonsense from me = None. Zero\\Like "I believe in facts"???

    Yes. "I believe in facts" is not "religious bullshit nonsense". Except to an idiot like Qtard.

    Qtard: \\Democrats cannot remove them\\Rules??? That prevent JUSTICE???\\Rules that say the sitting president appoints judges\\And there is NO rules which tell how to eliminate rotten apples???


    Qtard: Or... totalitarian wannabe Demns just don't like it? Don't like follow rules of Justice? And like to make excuses???

    Totalitarian wannabe republiturds twist rules to their advantage.

    Qtard: \\USA Constitution isn't totalitarian. Can be abused by totalitarians though. Like tRump and loyal republiturds\\But not Demns??? Who mlike you, dispisew Electoral College, for example?

    Democrats abide by the Electoral College rules. Even though every time a potus candidate won the popular vote but not the EC vote (and was denied the presidency), it was a Democrat.

    Qtard: \\Because Qtard is too dumb to realize it is talking about itself when it accuses me\\Accuses???


    Qtard: And... quotes??? As I thought. Yawn.\\Sarcasm?\\What a Disingenious Bonker.


    Qtard: But I like that I made you to learn a new trick. NOT. As you are an idiot, and not able to use it the right way.


  41. Qtard: \\I would dislike it if that was what was happening\\Sarcasm?\\No\\Sarcasm?\\No. This "no" not sarcasm either\\No need for it to ask again. Answer will still be NO\\ that that you are smart and sane person, and rational opponent?

    Qtard (due to his limited brain power) got confused again. Forgot what was being discussed. Started talking about itself again.

    Qtard: \\Qtard talking about itself again. Does not understand use of the word "believe" in different contexts\\You are free to show what different contexts do you see...

    Already did. Many times. Qtard didn't understand. Never will. Due to dumbness.

    Qtard: \\In context of religion -- belief without evidence. Versus non-religious belief in facts -- completely dependant upon evidence\\And what if FACTS tell something OPPOSITE???

    Opposite of what? What Qtard likes to believe? Then Qtard will ignore the facts. Call them "Demn propaganda". Babble "somebody said something something" nonsense.

    Qtard: \\Born in the USA and only ever spoke English\\And how I can believe you?

    Don't care.

    Qtard: ...must be from a familiy if nasty aliens... thjat's why you dispise Founding Fathers... and all they tryed to build, there. Isn't it, Derpy the Illegal Alien?

    Don't know where the idea that I "dispise" the Founding Fathers came from. Qtard despises the USA Founding Fathers. Qtards wants all they built to be gotten rid of. Admitted it.

    Qtard: \\The totalitarian wannabe idiot Qtard does not get what "beyond reasonable doubt" means. Isn't a standard for forming opinions. Only a standard to convict of a crime in court\\Yap.For an idiot\\For a smart person\\Mere words of an idiot, which hypocritically trying to pose itself as "smart person".


    Qtard: And fails.


    Qtard: You can try to disprove it. Say. What "reasonable doubt" mean?

    Qtard is trying to borrow some of my smart person knowledge. Look it up yourself, Qtard. You need to. You've already proven you don't understand it.

    Qtard: Because facts and logic -- is forbiden blaaaack magic, fer ya.

    No. Is it forbidden blaaaack magic for Qtard? Does that explain why he refuses to use facts or logic?

    Qtard: \\Idiot applies standard for courts to people's opinions\\Yap. Number of idiots is so big. And their brain capacity is so little...

    I agree with Qtard's confession.

    Qtard: \\Religious bullshit nonsense from me = None. Zero\\Like "I believe in facts"???

    Yes. "I believe in facts" is not "religious bullshit nonsense". Except to an idiot like Qtard.

    Qtard: \\Democrats cannot remove them\\Rules??? That prevent JUSTICE???\\Rules that say the sitting president appoints judges\\ And there is NO rules which tell how to eliminate rotten apples???


    Qtard: Or... totalitarian wannabe Demns just don't like it? Don't like follow rules of Justice? And like to make excuses???

    Totalitarian wannabe republiturds twist rules to their advantage.

    Qtard: \\USA Constitution isn't totalitarian. Can be abused by totalitarians though. Like tRump and loyal republiturds\\But not Demns??? Who mlike you, dispisew Electoral College, for example?

    Democrats abide by the Electoral College rules. Even though every time a potus candidate won the popular vote but not the EC vote (and was denied the presidency), it was a Democrat.

    Qtard: \\Because Qtard is too dumb to realize it is talking about itself when it accuses me\\Accuses???


    Qtard: And... quotes??? As I thought. Yawn.\\Sarcasm?\\What a Disingenious Bonker.


    Qtard: But I like that I made you to learn a new trick. NOT. As you are an idiot, and not able to use it the right way.


  42. Qtard: \\LOOK at the title of the post. "On Joe Biden's Bought and Paid for Mandarinate". It's an accusation... that Biden did it!!\\Naaah. That's just news headline.

    Sarcasm? Or just Qtard's stupidity? Rhetorical question. It's Qtard's stupidity that causes it to mistake an allegation for "just news headline".

    Qtard: Reporters... they like to use such fleshy lines...

    Minus FJ isn't a reporter.

    Qtard: Only I-D-I-O-Ts do not know it, and making lots of fuss around it.

    Only idiot hypocrite trumpturd junkies like Qtard who pretend screaming "Biden did it!!!" is "just news headline".

    Qtard: Are you an idiot? Yes, you are.

    Qtard is having a conversation with itself?

    Qtard: \\If not sarcasm, then Qtard is a moron. Proven by asking for "quotes". When most of Minus FJ's posts are about how Biden did it\\Non-understanding what words "sarcasm" and "moron" mean.

    No. Complete understanding.

    Qtard: \\"Quotes???" = Qtard's escape. Escape from the obvious fact that Qtard is a lying hypocrite. Defends tRump. Only cares about "tRump did it!!" from me. Ignores "Bi-den did it!!!" from Minus FJ. For Qtard audio recordings that don't exist are proof of Biden's guilt\\Gibberish cringing?

    Qtard's escape. Again. Boring.

    Qtard: \\LOOK at the title of the post. "On Joe Biden's Bought and Paid for Mandarinate". It's an accusation... that Biden did it!!\\Well... does he doing something like that -- claiming (with own WORDS, not news headlines)...

    Post titles are not "news headlines". They are his own words.

    Qtard: ...something like "Biden is gulty, and MUST be put in jail"?


    Qtard: And then, after being asked (many times, actually) "and what could be FACTS confirming it?", "isn't it need to be confirmed in court, beforehand?" Would still screaming "no, it all doesn't matter... Biden NEED to be put in jail". Is it????

    This isn't about confirming or putting in jail. It's about slimming Biden with lies so he is weakened in the 2024 election.

    Qtard: Where is quotes??? I missed.

    "Missed" on purpose.

    Qtard: ...easy to see to any rastional observer here. That ONLY certain someone, under fake nickname of a judge... doing it, here.

    Not. I have never argued "no, it all doesn't matter... tRump NEED to be put in jail". That was Qtard screeching "what Derpy really mean". And babbling about USA being like Nazi Germany if donald tRump is held responsible for his crimes. Also, I never commented "under fake nickname of a judge".

  43. Qtard is obviously silently agreeing with my smart words.

  44. \\Qtard: \\Qtard talking about itself again. Does not understand use of the word "believe" in different contexts\\You are free to show what different contexts do you see...

    \\Already did. Many times. Qtard didn't understand. Never will. Due to dumbness.

    If you DID.

    That MUST mean that that explanation fixed here in some of your comments here.

    That MEAN that you MUST be able to give a link/quote.

    But... you CAN'T.

    Cause that all is merely pretentious lie of a complete dummy idiot -- Derpy. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And. It's damn Easy to see -- who show ultimate dymbness here. ;-P

    Isn't it, De-Ru-Pi?

    Or not? You CANNOT... cause you are I-D-I-O-T.

    \\Qtard: \\In context of religion -- belief without evidence. Versus non-religious belief in facts -- completely dependant upon evidence\\And what if FACTS tell something OPPOSITE???

    \\Opposite of what? What Qtard likes to believe? Then Qtard will ignore the facts. Call them "Demn propaganda". Babble "somebody said something something" nonsense.

    And... it, can give FACTUAL quotes where and logically explain how... that all happen???

    Naaah. :-))))))))))))))))

    Cause... idiot.



    Perfect example to the topic discussed -- how idiots tend to OPPOSE to open and definite FACTS. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. Qtard despises the USA Founding Fathers.

    YET ONE non-factual claim of an apparent isiot.

    Yawn. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\...Qtard does not get what "beyond reasonable doubt" means. Isn't a standard for forming opinions. Only a standard to convict of a crime in court\\Yap.For an idiot\\For a smart person\\Mere words of an idiot, which hypocritically trying to pose itself as "smart person".


    YET ONE confirmation being an idiot -- unable to give proper response based on facts and logic... and only babbling its hopeless opposite-to-reality "no". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a bonker. ;-P

    \\Qtard: You can try to disprove it. Say. What "reasonable doubt" mean?

    \\Qtard is trying to borrow some of my smart person knowledge. Look it up yourself, Qtard. You need to. You've already proven you don't understand it.

    YET ONE... :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Because facts and logic -- is forbiden blaaaack magic, fer ya.

    \\No. Maybe it is forbidden black magic to Qtard?


    I freely use facts and logic -- which looks like B_l_ack Magic to such an insufferables... as it. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Idiot applies standard for courts to people's opinions\\Yap. Number of idiots is so big. And their brain capacity is so little...

    \\I agree with Qtard's confession.

    YET ONE... :-)))))))))))))))))

  45. \\Qtard: \\Qtard talking about itself again. Does not understand use of the word "believe" in different contexts\\You are free to show what different contexts do you see...

    \\Already did. Many times. Qtard didn't understand. Never will. Due to dumbness.

    If you DID.

    That MUST mean that that explanation fixed here in some of your comments here.

    That MEAN that you MUST be able to give a link/quote.

    But... you CAN'T.

    Cause that all is merely pretentious lie of a complete dummy idiot -- Derpy. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And. It's damn Easy to see -- who show ultimate dymbness here. ;-P

    Isn't it, De-Ru-Pi?

    Or not? You CANNOT... cause you are I-D-I-O-T.

    \\Qtard: \\In context of religion -- belief without evidence. Versus non-religious belief in facts -- completely dependant upon evidence\\And what if FACTS tell something OPPOSITE???

    \\Opposite of what? What Qtard likes to believe? Then Qtard will ignore the facts. Call them "Demn propaganda". Babble "somebody said something something" nonsense.

    And... it, can give FACTUAL quotes where and logically explain how... that all happen???

    Naaah. :-))))))))))))))))

    Cause... idiot.



    Perfect example to the topic discussed -- how idiots tend to OPPOSE to open and definite FACTS. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. Qtard despises the USA Founding Fathers.

    YET ONE non-factual claim of an apparent isiot.

    Yawn. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\...Qtard does not get what "beyond reasonable doubt" means. Isn't a standard for forming opinions. Only a standard to convict of a crime in court\\Yap.For an idiot\\For a smart person\\Mere words of an idiot, which hypocritically trying to pose itself as "smart person".


    YET ONE confirmation being an idiot -- unable to give proper response based on facts and logic... and only babbling its hopeless opposite-to-reality "no". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a bonker. ;-P

    \\Qtard: You can try to disprove it. Say. What "reasonable doubt" mean?

    \\Qtard is trying to borrow some of my smart person knowledge. Look it up yourself, Qtard. You need to. You've already proven you don't understand it.

    YET ONE... :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Because facts and logic -- is forbiden blaaaack magic, fer ya.

    \\No. Maybe it is forbidden blaaaaaaaack magic to Qtard?


    I freely use facts and logic -- which looks like B_l_ack Magic to such an insufferables... as it. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Idiot applies standard for courts to people's opinions\\Yap. Number of idiots is so big. And their brain capacity is so little...

    \\I agree with Qtard's confession.

    YET ONE... :-)))))))))))))))))

  46. \\Yes. "I believe in facts" is not "religious bullshit nonsense". Except to an idiot like Qtard.

    Hoh... and that "I believe in facts" dummy can explain... WITH FACTS! How it possible???

    Naaah. Cause facts do "betray" that dummy, constantly. ;-P

    The same as they do to each and every religious nutter. :-))))))))))))))))

    \\And there is NO rules which tell how to eliminate rotten apples???



    In accordance to Totalitarian Wannabe Derpy -- there is no "checks and balances" that controls ANY power... under Democracy.

    Because it's natural for totalitarian wanna-bees... to not see, and to dispise... rules of democracy.

    \\Totalitarian wannabe republiturds twist rules to their advantage.

    Total bullshit. Totalitarians -- destroy rules.

    Rules of democracy.

    By sustituting it with "rules of authorities"... "unbreakable", "untwistable" and etc.

    Means -- totally corrupt and wishi-washi.

    \\Democrats abide by the Electoral College rules. Even though every time a potus candidate won the popular vote but not the EC vote (and was denied the presidency), it was a Democrat.

    Totalitarian wannabe wanna prise for abiding rules of democracy? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Because Qtard is too dumb to realize it is talking about itself when it accuses me\\Accuses???


    YET ONE... example of who is dumb... here.

    \\Sarcasm? Or just Qtard's stupidity? Rhetorical question. It's Qtard's stupidity that causes it to mistake an allegation for "just news headline".

    In what court? ;-P

    \\Only idiot hypocrite trumpturd junkies like Qtard who pretend screaming "Biden did it!!!" is "just news headline".

    Hmmm... isn't "hypocrite trumpturd junkies" should be calling that "truth anbd facts"... as demn-junky Derpy doing it?

    So, NOT screaming "Biden did it!" makes one "hypocrite trumpturd junkies".

    Then screaming "dRump did it!" should make one... which? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\If not sarcasm, then Qtard is a moron. Proven by asking for "quotes". When most of Minus FJ's posts are about how Biden did it\\Non-understanding what words "sarcasm" and "moron" mean.

    \\No. Complete understanding.

    No cmplete understanding? ;-P

    \\Post titles are not "news headlines". They are his own words.

    So... when pupils during writing lessons copy texts of... Heminguey.

    It makes "Old and sea" THEIR texts??? :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\This isn't about confirming or putting in jail. It's about slimming Biden with lies so he is weakened in the 2024 election.

    Same as with dRump? ;-P

    \\Not. I have never argued "no, it all doesn't matter... tRump NEED to be put in jail". That was Qtard screeching "what Derpy really mean".

    LIE. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ And babbling about USA being like Nazi Germany if donald tRump is held responsible for his crimes.


    \\Also, I never commented "under fake nickname of a judge".

    And LIE.
