Saturday, June 3, 2023

Red Meat for Warmongers

The manufacturing of consent continues... as NATO and the US National Security State double down on war


  1. Putin is doubling down on war. NATO and the US are doubling down on the right of a sovereign nation to defend itself.

    1. Your boys Putin & Biden are doing an excellent job of destroying the United States and Europe, Dervish! Hail Biden, King of Fools!

  2. Sending drones to Moscow is self-defense? Blowing up Russian-owned pipelines in the North Sea is self-defense? Blowing up bridges in Crimea is self-defense? Who knew?

  3. It's Russia that's breaking the rules of war by targeting civilians.

    "Your boys Putin & Biden" = Mystere idiocy. donald tRump's claim that he would end the conflict in 24 hours makes HIM the king of fools, Mystere.

  4. Allied bombing in WWII didn't target civilians? Who knew? Tell it to the residents of Dresden.

  5. War is defined as "a continuation of diplomacy by other means".

  6. The US would NOT conduct honest diplomacy, so Russia resorted to "other means".

  7. \\Sending drones to Moscow is self-defense?

    That was "maskirovka". Or false flag provocation.

    Idea was: show "Ukrainian" miserly drones attacking Kremlin/Moscow(it came to me only now -- is it a pun??? mos-COW??? :-))))


    mighty Russian Rockets blow Kiev.

    But... Petriot happened. ;-P

    \\Blowing up Russian-owned pipelines in the North Sea is self-defense?

    False flag operation.

    We discussed it. Remember?

    And there was AND motive, AND means for FSB doing that.

    And neither motive nor means to everybody else... maybe apart from some judeo-masons, who rule over our planet in secrte and make all kind of nasty things (like terroristic attacks and even WWs) happen, for who knows what reasons. %))))))))))))

    \\Blowing up bridges in Crimea is self-defense? Who knew?

    Same thing.

    That it is only HALF-destroyed. And was fixed in just couple of months. And after it Putin's "retaliation attacks" started -- that is too much self-revealing, isn't it?

    \\It's Russia that's breaking the rules of war by targeting civilians.

    There is NO such rules. WARS targeting civilians in the first place. If not in time of battle as colateral damage... or direct attrocities. Then in after-war opression. That's whole reason of ANY war.

    Your Captain Obvious. Again.

    That is just a gentlmen's agreement.

    And Russian -- not gentlmens. Per se.

    And that is ONLY Demns thought that they can make a deals with Russians... as with gentlmens.

    \\Allied bombing in WWII didn't target civilians? Who knew? Tell it to the residents of Dresden.

    Well... bombing of Gernica and London happened MUCH before it.

    So, that is just an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.

    Or you are some Leftist... to not support talion? ;-)

    \\The US would NOT conduct honest diplomacy, so Russia resorted to "other means".

    Hmmm... Oxymoron? ;-)

  8. To repel any doubts -- I like Old Rep "honest diplomacy" -- Behave yourself... or we will bomb you out.

    And USSR, with all its nastiness, behaved itself. ;-)

    Ough, where is that good old time of operation "Crome Dome".

  9. So I guess Minus believes the accusations of "war crimes" being levied against Putin are bogus? Because past war crimes give permission for future war crimes?

    There were calls for diplomacy when Russia was massing troops on Ukraine's border? I don't remember this. As I recall, Putin denied there was going to be an invasion. Obviously Putin was lying. So there is your dishonesty.

    When did the US refuse to conduct "honest diplomacy"? When did Putin indicate he was all about "honest diplomacy" if only the US would consent? What would this "honest diplomacy" consist of? Ukraine's unconditional surrender?

  10. \\When did the US refuse to conduct "honest diplomacy"?

    They refused. And still refuse. To proclaim "Give us a reason... and we'll bomb you out!"

    Your Captain Obvious.

    LiliPut, that little thug -- do understand only that honesty -- that crashing his bones with a fair punch. ;-P

  11. My question was directed at Minus FJ. Yet you "burged in" with a gibberish response.

  12. New word learned? Are you, De-Ru-Pi? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    And again... without understanding of its meaning, you trying to throw it back at me.

    So funny... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) with ya brain. ;-P

  13. Qtad: And again... without understanding of its meaning, you trying to throw it back at me.

    I understand ALL the words I use. Not that I am sure what word you're talking about. "Gibberish"? You demonstrated that you don't know what the word means. Via your incorrect labeling of my comment using that word.

  14. gibberish
    unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.

    Well... for those who talk gibberish -- it might feel like having deep meaning. That is known phenomena. Yawn.

    Well... there is a way to show that talk was NOT gibberish. And that -- EXPLANING it with facts and logic.

    Like... for very basic example -- talking in foreign language to someone who do not know it, could look gibberish -- but can be easily explained, with words used and meaining of it explained in suitable lang. ;-)

  15. Qtard: gibberish. /ˈdʒɪb(ə)rɪʃ/ noun unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.

    Use of word without understanding. Even after Qtard cuts and pastes the dictionary definition. Did you READ what you borrowed, Qtard? I think not.

    "for those who talk gibberish" = Qtard.

  16. And you can EXPLAIN how???

    How that your "Use of word without understanding." is anyhow meaningfool? ;-P

    \\Yet you "burged in" with a gibberish response.

    That is. Either direct lie. Try to gaslight me into "being gibberish".
    Or... you are really THAT dumb... so even simple word comprehesion seems too Demn hard fer ya. ;-P

    Well... that second conclusion gets more and more confirmation.

    From time how you (and still) not able to comprehend simple definition of word FACT. ;-P

    Here. Explanation of my comment you tryed to call "gibberish".

    \\\\When did the US refuse to conduct "honest diplomacy"?

    \\They refused. And still refuse.

    Simple contradiction. To "When did the US refuse" stated "They refused"

    \\To proclaim "Give us a reason... and we'll bomb you out!"

    That is... short summary of Cold War "honest diplomacy" maxim. AKA Nuclear Detterence. AKA M.A.D. (mutually assured destruction)

    Today USA politics -- potponed it. And allowed all kinds of scumbag (like Un, liliPut, Iran mullas) to turn the table and to "dteer" USA with their terroristic threat.

    Now you gotcha? Or still not?

    If you not... well, that is sad thing to observe. But that just mean that you are that idiot, to whom such a direct but a little complex type of talks -- just TOO complex.

    And therefore, look "gibberish" fer ya.

    Well. Not my problem.

  17. Qtard doesn't know what Mutually Assured Destruction is. Even though it's right there in the name. It isn't "Give us a reason... and we'll bomb you out!". It is that neither side uses nukes because they know they will both be destroyed if they do.

    The US never threatened Russia with "Give us a reason... and we'll bomb you out!"

    This subject is obviously too complex for Qtard to understand.

  18. \\It isn't "Give us a reason... and we'll bomb you out!".

    \\It is that neither side uses nukes because they know they will both be destroyed if they do.


    That is good example how modern Demn propaganda blurred that aparent idea.

    And HOW that "they will both be destroyed", ahh????

    If not through ONE side would say to another "YOU gave us a reason... and we'll bomb you out!".

    And vice versa.

    IT IS ABILITY to perform that threat -- THAT is DETTERENCE.

    NOT teethless talks about "we both would be destroyed".

    THAT'S WHY. Criminal scumbags like Un of North Korea and liliPut of Rusha -- using that threat AGAINST YOU NOW!!! And you are one who bending to that threat.

    DETTERENCE working AGAINST you, against USA. Today.

    And that is... damn disturbing. :-(((((((((((((((

    \\The US never threatened Russia with "Give us a reason... and we'll bomb you out!"

    Demn Propaganda BS!

    Operation Chrome Dome - Wikipedia › wiki › Operation_Chrome_...
    Operation Chrome Dome was a United States Air Force Cold War-era mission from 1960 to 1968 in which B-52 strategic bomber aircraft armed with thermonuclear ...

  19. No Derpish ravings???

  20. Dodgy Derpy runned away ahain. :-)))))))))))))))
