Saturday, June 3, 2023

Why the War on Russia has FAILED.

...and how the rest of the world could learn a lesson from the de-corporatization of their economies.


  1. Because there isn't one? It is Russia that is waging war on Ukraine. Ukraine is defending itself.

  2. Hail Biden, the god of Dervish Sanders!

  3. ...just as America was defending herself in the Gulf of Tonkin!

  4. Minus: ...just as America was defending herself in the Gulf of Tonkin ...or at Pearl Harbor! ...or at the Alamo!

    I don't see how any of those examples compare to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    Mystere: Hail Biden, the god of Dervish Sanders!

    Joe Biden is my president, not my God, Mystere. Joe Biden is a man, not a diety. No Democrats view him as one.

    A different situation than exists between trumpers like you and YOUR god, the fat Orange Turd. Democrats have never claimed that Joe Biden is "the Chosen One".

  5. \\Joe Biden is my president, not my God, Mystere. Joe Biden is a man, not a diety. No Democrats view him as one.

    Well... Jesus Christ was a man... or so they say. ;-P

    You know... Religious Nutters. ;-P

    So... you must do something else, something more -- to show that you disavow it, to prove that you do not have that false faith.

    Something like stepping on foto of Biden... with a dirty boots.

    Or... call him "nasty old fart". Yes. Go call Biden -- nasty old fart.
    To prove that you words can be accounted as somehow truthfull. ;-P

  6. Qtard: Well... Jesus Christ was a man... or so they say.

    Yup. That is what I meant. Joe Biden is a man... now. But when he dies he will ascend to be with his brother, Gawd. Then Gawd and Joe Biden will rule in Heaven for the rest of eternity.

    Qtard knew what I "really" meant because he is so smart. No, excuse me, Qtard is a moron. Because I said no such thing.

  7. Derpy's Famous Gibberish Attack. Again. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue, De-Ru-Pi. You are flawless, in your idiocy.

    G hone that your genuine ability. ;-P

  8. 100 percent understandable. Unless you are an FM. "De-Ru-Pi" is what is gibberish.

  9. You have a false delusioned perception. ;-P

    I understand (reasons of) your babbling perfectly well.

    To my flawless snark to you "rebuff" that "Biden is a man" I pointedly admitted that fact, you as USAian know perfectly well too -- that your u.u.r.b.s like to pound that "Jesus is a man".

    That way, it disavoves your claim "Biden is a man".

    To which you responded with gibberish talks. ;-P

    All is perfectly understandable -- you are u.u.r.b. -- and that is ALL you can answer to my humoristic countre-arguments to your bullshit claims. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Ha.. and where's you calling Biden old fart? ;-P

  10. :-)))))))))))))))

  11. Qtard: Well... Jesus Christ was a man... or so they say.

    "They" (religious believers) did not say Jesus was ONLY a man. They say he is the son of God (or "gawd" as you say). I NEVER discussed religion with you. I NEVER discussed Jesus with you. YOU keep trying to insert religion into discussions about politics, NOT me. The religious right could be brought up in discussions about politics, but (if the religious right was brought up) I'd condemn them.

    Qtard: You have a false delusioned perception.

    In regards to what? What is your evidence that supports this allegation?

    YOU have a false delusioned perception. For example, your delusional perception that I am this thing you call "religious bonker". When you have presented zero evidence to support this allegation. Only use of word "believe", which means "to consider to be true or honest" or "to accept the word or evidence of". While the word "believe" CAN be used in a religious context, that is NOT the context I used (or use) it in.

    Minus: He would NEVER blaspheme a Democrat...

    Or a republican. Because that word is generally only used in a religious context.

    blasphemy: the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God; the act of claiming the attributes of a deity; irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable.

  12. Qtard: That way, it disavoves your claim "Biden is a man".

    You cannot disavow comments I've made on my behalf.

    Qtard: All is perfectly understandable -- you are u.u.r.b. -- and that is ALL you can answer to my humoristic countre-arguments to your bullshit claims.

    You've never made any "humoristic countre-arguments". I have never made any "bullshit claims". "u.u.r.b" is qtarded nonsense.

    *I* made a humorous counter-argument. You called it gibberish. Perhaps because you don't know what's funny? Seems likely. Also, bullshit claims are YOUR speciality.

    Qtard: Ha.. and where's you calling Biden old fart?

    I don't take orders from you. You're ordering me around and trying to bully me into not exercising my free speech rights because you are a totalitarian wannabe, yes?

  13. Yep. Democrats... sacred... inviolable.

  14. Isn't sacred and inviolable how you view your cult leader, dotard donald tRump? You just said you would like him to be president for life. Not that "for life" will probably be that much longer. dotard donald is going to be 78 in 2024. Maybe he'll keel over from a heart attack before then? While I don't want him to escape accountability (and prison) by dying, I'd rather he be in the grave than president again.

  15. \\"They" (religious believers) did not say Jesus was ONLY a man. They say he is the son of God (or "gawd" as you say).

    That is a second stage. For those who'd been cought in a tenets of cult. ;-P

    \\ I NEVER discussed religion with you. I NEVER discussed Jesus with you.

    You said "I believe in facts".

    And fervently protecting that faith.

    I see it... as definitely religious. (and you have not provided any rational reason -- why I shouldn't) ;-P

    \\ YOU keep trying to insert religion into discussions about politics, NOT me.

    YOU said "I believe in facts".

    YOU started all that poundung about "something-somethng said by someone-someone SHOULD be admitted as facts".

    \\but (if the religious right was brought up) I'd condemn them.

    See... that is -- religious behavior. ;-P

    Cause. Religious people DO condemn followers of other religions. Often.

    \\For example, your delusional perception that I am this thing you call "religious bonker". When you have presented zero evidence to support this allegation.

    You use words like "I believe", "I condemn" and etc.

    And in general -- your attitude resemble that of other religious people I was talking before.

    For me... that do not look like "zero evidance". ;-P

    \\Only use of word "believe", which means "to consider to be true or honest" or "to accept the word or evidence of".


    "Concider true", "accept as evidance" -- that is NOT the same as "being true".

    Humanum errare est -- means, it's natural for people to drown in self-delusions. ;-P

    \\While the word "believe" CAN be used in a religious context, that is NOT the context I used (or use) it in.

    And you CAN... and you will?? explain what the difference???

    With facts and logic???


    I don't see it possible. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Means. That is just a baseless babbling of yours.

    THE SAME... as religious people DO USE. Often.

    Not just from general common knowledge. But from my own talks too.
    YOUR BEHAVIOR is that of a religious. ;-)

    And behavior... cannot be faked that simple. ;-P

    \\Qtard: That way, it disavoves your claim "Biden is a man".

    \\You cannot disavow comments I've made on my behalf.

    Could be... I'm foreigner, and can use this or that English word not precisely... :-(

    I admit it.

    \\You've never made any "humoristic countre-arguments". I have never made any "bullshit claims". "u.u.r.b" is qtarded nonsense.

    Well... lack of sense of humor. Also is one of traits. ;-P

    \\*I* made a humorous counter-argument. You called it gibberish.

    That one: "Yup. That is what I meant. Joe Biden is a man... now. But when he dies he will ascend to be with his brother, Gawd. Then Gawd and Joe Biden will rule in Heaven for the rest of eternity."?

    Of course it is gibberish.

    You have had opposed to that very idea. And then, suddenly, you produce this gibberish text.

    Where is punch line??? In it. For it to be concidered a joke??? :-))))))))))))))))

    Well... cross-culture humor is hard. So, let's FJ decide -- is there something funny in that whole comment? Something that can be concidered kidding?

    \\Qtard: Ha.. and where's you calling Biden old fart?

    \\I don't take orders from you. You're ordering me around and trying to bully me into not exercising my free speech rights because you are a totalitarian wannabe, yes?

    See? Gibberish.

  16. Qtard: \\While the word "believe" CAN be used in a religious context, that is NOT the context I used (or use) it in.\\ And you CAN... and you will?? explain what the difference??? With facts and logic??? Naah. I don't see it possible.

    Of course not. Because you are an proven FM. I've explained the difference before. That is part of your FM game. I give quotes and you pretend I never did. Or you claim that aren't "correct". I explain things to you with facts and logic, but you pretend I never have.

    btw, you take exception to my condemnation of the religious right because you approve of their hate, yes? The religious right thinks their hatred (for gay people, for trans people, and for the right of a woman to control her own body) should be legislated... and Qtard agrees with that idea. Because he is a totalitarian wannabe. And that kind of behavior cannot be easily faked.

    \\I don't take orders from you. You're ordering me around and trying to bully me into not exercising my free speech rights because you are a totalitarian wannabe, yes?\\ See? Gibberish.

    I see a dodge. I pointed out how you are trying to order me around like a totalitarian, and you dodged the point by (incorrectly) using your favorite new borrowed word "gibberish".

  17. \\Of course not. Because you are an proven FM. I've explained the difference before.

    Naah. You didn't. You just showed that you are unredeamably dumb idiot.

    You do not understand meaning of word "BECAUSE" even.

    EXPLANATION -- must contain word "because". AND. Correct logical inference after that.

    \\I explain things to you with facts and logic, but you pretend I never have.

    Than... go say -- what is Logic? What do it mean?

    Just any babbling of such a "logically wise" person as you are?

    Naah. :-))))))))))))))))

    You do not get EVEN what FACTS is.

    Facts -- is VERY BASIC things needed for Logic.

    But you are complete dunce even about such basic things.

    So??? HOW can you "explain things to you with facts and logic"????!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    In what idiotic world that is possible???? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\btw, you take exception to my condemnation of the religious right because you approve of their hate, yes?


    I even dunno -- what are you talking about???

    I am foreigner, remember? I don't know what are you talking about here?

    Dare to explain?

    \\The religious right thinks their hatred (for gay people, for trans people, and for the right of a woman to control her own body) should be legislated... and Qtard agrees with that idea.

    Older people tend to be that grumpy and opinionated about new things.

    The 2,500-Year-Old History of Adults Blaming the Younger Generation › 2500-years-of-people-com...
    Here are 25 quotes, going back to ancient Athens, that prove it: ... “Youth were never more sawcie, yea never more savagely saucie . . . the ...

    \\ Because he is a totalitarian wannabe. And that kind of behavior cannot be easily faked.

    Just copy-cating my logical words -- do not make it Logic. ;-P

    Ya dumbass. :-))))))))))))

    But, continue-continue. Ya r sa funny. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    You don't get even. That by using my words -- you only admitting em as being smart, and confirming your own intellectual misery. ;-P

    So... KEEP DOING that. That is, damn successful path. To confirm what a biggly u.u.r.b. you are. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I see a dodge.

    Go check your eyesight. That is... disturbing. ;-P

  18. No Derpish ravings???

  19. Qtard: you take exception to my condemnation of the religious right...\\ WAT???? I even dunno -- what are you talking about???

    You quote my explanation right after you write "dare to explain".

    The religious right thinks their hatred (for gay people, for trans people, and for the right of a woman to control her own body) should be legislated...

    WHY would you "dare" me to explain when I JUST DID? You saw the explanation. You quoted it!

  20. \\You quote my explanation right after you write "dare to explain".

    Correction. Your NON-EXPLANATION.

    Do I need to EXPLAIN to you what REAL explanation is? AGAIN???!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\The religious right thinks their hatred (for gay people, for trans people, and for the right of a woman to control her own body) should be legislated...

    And on what base you do deny em their lawful desires???

    Isn't that on that same base -- Naturally Human Rights... of gay people, of trans people, and of all females??????

    Or... I am wrong here. And you just repeat Demn Propaganda points.

    As you are nothing else but miserly totalitarian wannabe... and just aligned to use such topics to incite division and to break unity and to "in a dark chains to bind em", yes??? ;-P

    \\WHY would you "dare" me to explain when I JUST DID? You saw the explanation. You quoted it!

    Well... even if that'll be an explanation -- which it not.

    There could be some unsure parts of it, so request to explain the explanation, explain some more... IS JUSTIFIED too.

    And you'd know it yourself... if you'd not be that unredeamable idiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  21. Qtard: Do I need to EXPLAIN to you what REAL explanation is? AGAIN???!!!

    You can NOT explain anything "again" that you never explained in the first place. Not even once. You don't even know what an explanation looks like.

    Qtard: And on what base you do deny em their lawful desires???

    Who? What "lawful desires"? You think it's a "lawful desire" to legislate hate? I guess it is. Given the fact that they're doing it. I have no power to "deny em". All I can do is vote for Democrats.

    Qtard: Isn't that on that same base -- Naturally Human Rights... of gay people, of trans people, and of all females??????

    Qtard stands up for the rights of haters because he is a hater.

    Qtard: Or... I am wrong here. And you just repeat Demn Propaganda points.

    How could I be repeating "Demn propaganda points"? I don't know what "Demn propaganda points" are.

    Qtard: As you are nothing else but miserly totalitarian wannabe... and just aligned to use such topics to incite division and to break unity ... yes?

    No. That's what the religious right does. I stand in opposition to their incitement of division. I also stand in opposition to totalitarianism. Unlike Qtard (who strongly supports it).

    Qtard: Well... even if that'll be an explanation -- which it not.

    NMP that Qtard does not know what an explanation looks like.

    Qtard: There could be some unsure parts of it, so request to explain the explanation, explain some more... IS JUSTIFIED too.

    I have no idea what you are "unsure" of.

    Qtard: And you'd know it yourself... if you'd not be that unredeamable idiot.

    I don't know it. Your unredeemable idiocy is why you can't recognize an explanation when you see one. Or know how to ask for clarification re things you are "unsure" of.

  22. \\You can NOT explain anything "again" that you never explained in the first place. Not even once. You don't even know what an explanation looks like.

    I even gave you definition from dictionary.


    Here... you can have it AGAIN.

    EXPLAIN | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › explain
    to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it: [ I ] If there's anything you don't understand, I'll be happy to ...

    Explain Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › expl...
    explain, expound, explicate, elucidate, interpret mean to make something clear or understandable. explain implies a making plain or intelligible ...

    Explain definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary › dictionary › explain
    1. to make plain or clear; render understandable or intelligible. to explain an obscure point · 2. to make known in detail. to explain how to do something · 3. to ...

    \\Who? What "lawful desires"? You think it's a "lawful desire" to legislate hate? I guess it is. Given the fact that they're doing it. I have no power to "deny em". All I can do is vote for Democrats.

    Hah... you can't "I have no power to "deny em"" spreading hate....

    But you can scream "I *DO* deny..." Human Rights.


    Why totalitarian would deny hating... as totalitarianism BASED on hate. ;-P

    \\I don't know what "Demn propaganda points" are.

    Like "dRump is criminal", "Ukrainians are Nazis", "Reps are haters" and etc???

    \\I don't know it. Your unredeemable idiocy is why you can't recognize an explanation when you see one. Or know how to ask for clarification re things you are "unsure" of.

    Well... I'll admit it.

    I really do not know "how to ask for clarification"... as you showed many times how much you inclined to IGNORE question marks "?"!!!

    HOW ELSE it was possible to ASK???? If not with placing question marks???

  23. Dodgy Derpy runned away ahain. :-)))))))))))))))

  24. I am silently disagreeing. As is my RIGHT. I have never runned away ahain. I don't know what or where "ahain" is.

    Google says AHAIN is the Affordable Housing Association of Indiana. I have never heard of AHAIN before. I did not run to Indiana.

  25. Derpy throwing verbal shit at opponent -- like that dirty monkey -- just to not answer to a smart questions... because it knows too damn well, how stoooopid it is. ;-P
