Wednesday, May 31, 2023

RFK Jr proves that he "gets it".


  1. Do you think RFK JR gets appreciation from Putin for repeating his propaganda?

    1. But Dervish, RFK JR is one of your party boys. What's wrong, Dervish? Is RFK JR too smart for your party? After all, your party promotes the most extreme bottom feeders to the top positions in the Democrat Party.

  2. I think that Hillary has turned the DNC into a nest of Russophobes for one purpose only. A Joe-McCarthy-like thirst for power.

    1. You can say this Joe: Hillary turned the DNC into an organized crime family by planting her Brood Of Vipers into the Den Of Thieves.

  3. What power does Hillary Clinton have?

    1. Hillary Clinton is rumored to be a highly powerful witch in the occult underground. If that is true, those involved with the Clintons are screwed.

    2. Crooked Hildebeest enticed the RINOs to aid and abet the Clinton Crime Clan to snatch more power and usurp justice.

    3. "Crooked Hildebeest" is imaginary. No such person exists.

  4. I partially agree with RFK Junior on a number of stands he takes when he does things he thinks is good for the country. There are times when I'm fully on board with him as well. And naturally, there are times when I fully disagree with certain stands he takes.

    RFK Jr is one of the pragmatic Democrats who hasn't bought into the Crooked Cabal.

  5. Mystere: Hillary Clinton is rumored to be a highly powerful witch in the occult underground. If that is true...

    Here we have ACTUAL "religious bonkery", yet the qtarded dipshit continues to falsely accuse me. Regarding the quoted Mystere stupidity, Qtard will likely say nothing. Because Mystere is a fellow dotard donald supporter.

    Mystere will deny it was him who made the brain-dead comment about HRC being a "witch", yes? HRC cannot be a "witch" because witches do not exist. Yes, there are people who think they are witches, but they have zero actual powers. Because the "occult" is imaginary. HRC is not a witch. Or someone who thinks they are a "witch".

    Why didn't you make this comment as "Rattrapper", Mystere? Did you realize how stupid your absurd accusation was? I doubt it. The reason (my guess) is to avoid criticism from Qtard. But he won't make any. Because he is a lying hypocrite.

    Mystere: RFK Jr is one of the pragmatic Democrats who hasn't bought into the Crooked Cabal.

    RFK JR is a FULL member of the "crooked cabal" of fake Lefty Putin propagandists who are working to get dotard donald back in the White House. This is decidedly NOT good for the country. It is BAD for it.

    FYI, there will be no primary debates where our fantastic president Joe Biden faces off against his challengers. RFK Jr, Marianne Williamson and anyone else who thinks they can challenge Biden for the nomination can pound sand. Not because Biden is "afraid", but because he is the incumbent and the candidacies of these "contenders" is a joke.

    btw, regarding fear to face contenders, dotard donald is suggesting that he (even though he is not running as the incumbent) will likely not participate in the GOP primary debates.

    1. Who's this "Mystere" guy? My name is Ivan Chopapa. This "Mystere" guy never said anything here, as far as I can see.

    2. By the way, our superly fantastic President Joe Biden is a God! Joe Biden deserves to be worshipped.

    3. 🔺Derp¡$h bin §atan-§ander§666 shows his "religious bonkery"🔺

      Derp¡$h bin §atan-§ander§666 has declared that Biden is a god. And he accuses others of "religious bonkery." Derp¡$h bin §atan-§ander§666 shows us what kind of piece of work he really is.

    4. I just took a screenshot of Dervish's looney rants. "HRC cannot be a "witch" because witches do not exist. Yes, there are people who think they are witches, but they have zero actual powers. Because the "occult" is imaginary. HRC is not a witch. Or someone who thinks they are a "witch"." Well said Derpish! You just contradicted yourself. You claim Satan exists but evil spirits don't. You called Jesus a liar by denying witches and evil spirits exist. You're saying that Jesus never sent a legion of demons into a herd of pigs that ended up going off a steep cliff, drowning in the Sea of Galilee.

      You need to stop bending over to worship your fake god Joe Biden and turn to the real Yeshua the Messiah. You accuse Godly people of "religious bonkery" while you indulge in the occult and bow down to a fake god. Your Klan Burqa is stained with the blood of innocent people, Dervish.

  6. Minus: I think that Hillary has turned the DNC into a nest of Russophobes for one purpose only. A Joe-McCarthy-like thirst for power.

    Your "HRC is Joe McCarthy" analogy is false. McCarthy made false allegations of communist and socialist influence against Lefties and Lefty institutions. It is the republicans who CONTINUE to make false "communist and socialist" allegations against the Left and Leftist institutions.

    That is NOT analogous to HRC's fact-based proven allegations of Russian collusion against dotard donald. Putin continues to help dotard donald, btw. Because Putin wants his collusion buddy back in the White House in 2024.

    "A false equivalence or false equivalency is an informal fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning".

    fyi, Putin is not a Communist or Socialist. Putin's government ... is a reactionary and right-wing government.

    Also, HRC currently has no power. I very seriously doubt she will attempt to return to power.

  7. Please in 2009, Barrack Obama transformed the US Government into a 1-party loyalty State. Hillary took advantage as SoS and weaponized the US State Department for Ukraine against Russia. That way, she could keep the Intelligence Community chasing Republican collaborators. It was a power grab then. It's a power grab now.

  8. It's why Democrats since 2009 have become PRO-war, PRO-censorship and PRO-Deep State.

  9. They no longer want to OVERTHROW the US Government. They want to "milk it" for "personal profit".

  10. It's why RFK Jr. is about to upset the DNC half of the UniParty applecart.

  11. Russia is Biden's "Wag the Dog" path to electoral victory in '24.

    Rally 'round the flag, me boys!

  12. Trump, Manafort and Flynn are traitors. Manafort and Flynn were convincted. tRump will be convincted soon and sentenced to prison. Possibly for espionage :)

    "Make no mistake. This is squarely an Espionage Act case," RyanGoodman [a New York University law professor and co-editor-in-chief of the website Just Security] tweeted. "It is not simply an 'obstruction' case. There is now every reason to expect former President Trump will be charged under 18 USC 793(e) of the Espionage Act. The law fits his reported conduct like a hand in glove."

  13. Minus: 2009, Barrack Obama transformed the US Government into a 1-party loyalty State. Hillary took advantage as SoS and weaponized the US State Department for Ukraine against Russia. That way, she could keep the Intelligence Community chasing Republican collaborators. It was a power grab then. It's a power grab now.

    A "power grab" that never happened. What you describe is how your side spins tRump's betrayal of the United States by colluding with Russia. Manafort and Flynn are victims? Please. They were convicted. They didn't go to prison because the were pardoned by tRump. Otherwise they would have.

    FYI, Joe Biden "grabbed power" by getting the most votes in a free and fair election. The People chose him over dotard donald because dotard donald did a terrible job presidenting. Joe Biden did not need to (nor did he) cheat.

    dotard donald cheated. He's is going to be indicted in GA for one of his cheating attempts. Seditious Conspiracy charges are also a possibility :)

  14. \\Here we have ACTUAL "religious bonkery", yet the qtarded dipshit continues to falsely accuse me. Regarding the quoted Mystere stupidity, Qtard will likely say nothing. Because Mystere is a fellow dotard donald supporter.


    Your words are perfect example of Religious Bonkerism.

    I am ready to admit it being factual, EVEN. ;-P But, are you happy, of such possibility?

    \\That is NOT analogous to HRC's fact-based proven allegations...

    And? Where's that facts? And. Why anything of it still not presented in court?

    Are that HRC are nasty insurectionists and treacherous oath-breakers who cover such an apparent treason? ;-P

    Cause. You said that they KNOW facts. And that facts are so damning. WHY THEY NOT in court YET???? Isn't that is a criminal act -- to NOT persuade the criminal????????????????????

    I thought that it is. But who are me... just a loosy passerby, who do not know much about USA...

    \\"A false equivalence or false equivalency is an informal fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning"

    You know it very well, yeah, De-Ru-Pi. Because that is on the most oined from frequent usage page of rulebook you are using? :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\fyi, Putin is not a Communist or Socialist.

    The same as KGB -- his alma mater??? Maybe the same as Politburo and Communist's Party of Soviet Union???

    Are you an expert??? To claim something like that?


    You are just a religious bonker who like to babble about things it knows ZILCH about. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\It's why Democrats since 2009 have become PRO-war, PRO-censorship and PRO-Deep State.

    Hmmm.... just for clarity. And whose idea was Patriotic Act -- that one, that happened after 9/11?

    I beg myself a pardon. As miserly foreigner I know too little. And would appreciate clarification of such historical trivias. For the sake of bettering my understanding.

    Hope it will not trigger any misunderstanding...

    \\ tRump will be convincted soon and sentenced to prison. Possibly for espionage :)

    And you know that BECAUSE??? Because that is a "fact"? ;-P

    And what would be -- if it WILL NOT happened, ever???

    Would YOU admit that you was wrong? Or... you'd continue to pound it, like any religious bonker would do? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\RyanGoodman [a New York University law professor and co-editor-in-chief of the website Just Security] tweeted.


    I get it.

    That is that kind of "facts" you like that much. And mean to "believe in", when you declaring "I believe in facts".

    Something-somthing said by somebody-somebody. Something that you like. Or told to like, by Demn propaganda. That is... THE FACT!!!! For sure!

    Well... while you dismiss and trying to protest YOUR OWN saying something-something... because... you don't like it? you, don't "believe in"???

    EVEN... if and when -- THAT IS YOU OWN DAMN WORDS!!!!

  15. Michael Flynn was the greatest threat to the newly established Deep State. He had promised to completely reform the Intelligence community and return to the pre-9/11 non-reliance on domestic spying by CIA et al. With such reforms, there would be no ability of the FBI to spy upon and blackmail/coerce US citizen leaders into the totalitarian compliance enforced by Jack's Magic Coffee Shop today.

  16. Paul Manafort was simply the first victim in FBI's "get Trump" scheme. He had failed to register as a foreign agent when representing Ukrainian pro-Russian oligarchs... much as Hunter Biden (never prosecuted) failed to do so in aiding pro_European ones.

  17. The Patriot Act was meant to be a war-time suspension of US Civil Rights, not a permanent imposition of presidential war powers.

    In Rome, during a war, a dictator could be created... one of the two-consuls superior to all. At the end of the crises, the "dictator" would abdicate his powers and return to normality (ala "Cincinnatus"). That has not happened since 9/11. George Washington was the first to follow the example. He could have named himself "king". Deep staters today represent a complete betrayal of his legacy and all principles that made America great.

    West Pointers everywhere are turning over in their graves.

  18. \\The Patriot Act was meant to be a war-time suspension of US Civil Rights, not a permanent imposition of presidential war powers.

    Well??? Do terrorists stopped their attacks???

    \\In Rome, during a war, a dictator could be created...


    And later one became Emperor on the constsnt base. ;-)

  19. ...welcome to America's "Imperial" phase. The Republic is dead. Hail Biden!

  20. Well... there was good emperors too.

    And Pax Romana we have -- because of em. Not because of isolationists. ;-)

  21. ...and some pretty bad ones. For absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    The Pax Americana years are over. There aren't enough bread and circuses around to ever replace the ingenuity, might and autonomy of a free republic.

  22. Qtard: Your words are perfect example of Religious Bonkerism.

    As predicted you ignore actual "religious bonkerism" in Mystere's words and continue to falsely accuse me. No surprise.

    Qtard: And? Where's that facts? And. Why anything of it still not presented in court?

    To hear trumpturds (like Minus) tell it, it was HRC who "framed" dotard donald for collusion. So why didn't Robert Durham bring charges against HRC, Obama and Biden? His "facts" were not ready for a court of law? Minus continues to push this false narrative, yet you never criticism him for doing so. PROOF that your complaints (directed solely at me) are nothing but hypocrisy. You DO NOT CARE about "innocent until proven guilty". You only pound on this to defend donald tRump.

    Qtard: Are that HRC are nasty insurectionists and treacherous oath-breakers who cover such an apparent treason?

    No. republicans are insurrectionists and treacherous oath-breakers who cover for donald tRump's treason. Democrats have done everything they could to try to hold tRump accountable. Their efforts continue. Your comment is totally idiotic, btw. HRC was RUNNING for the presidency. She had no power then, she has none now. She sounded the alarm. She did not "cover such an apparent treason".

    Qtard: \\tRump will be convincted soon and sentenced to prison. Possibly for espionage\\
    And you know that BECAUSE??? Because that is a "fact"?

    It isn't a fact. It is a possibility. Why I used the word "possibly".

    Qtard: Would YOU admit that you was wrong? Or... you'd continue to pound it...

    I would not admit to being wrong. Because "possibly" already leaves open possibility that it might not happen. If I say "it may or may not happen" HOW can I be wrong? It isn't my prediction, in any case. I cited Ryan Goodman, though I've heard others are making similar predictions.

    Qtard: I get it. That is that kind of "facts" you like that much. And mean to "believe in", when you declaring "I believe in facts".

    You do NOT get it. At all. It is a fact that there have been predictions. How these predictions pan out remains to be seen. I never said it is a "fact" that donald tRump will definitely be charged. For anything other than what he has been charged with in NY by Alvin Bragg. That he has beeen charged in NY is a fact. That he will be charged with crimes anywhere else by anyone remains to be seen.

    Qtard: Are you an expert??? To claim something like that?

    I am not an expert. I do know the Soviet Union no longer exists. And I included a link to back up my claim. Which you ignored, I'm guessing. Because you always ignore links, yes? Because you don't want to see facts that counter the BS you spin.

    That Putin is a socialist/communist is something you HAVE to believe. Because it fits with your false assertion that "Leftist/Socialist economic polices ... [produce] GULAGs and starving people to death and putting Humankind on the verge of Atomic Holocaust".

    When did any of the Scandinavian countries or Iceland "put Humankind on the verge of Atomic Holocaust"?? How many people are locked away in gulags in any of these countries??

  23. Qtard: Well... while you dismiss and trying to protest YOUR OWN saying something-something... because... you don't like it? you, don't "believe in"??? EVEN... if and when -- THAT IS YOU OWN DAMN WORDS!!!!.

    "Somebody said something something" are YOUR words. That is YOUR way to dismiss facts you don't like. You are trying to gaslight me into believing YOUR words are MY words (by screaming)? It didn't work.

    Minus: Michael Flynn ... had promised to completely reform the Intelligence community and return to the pre-9/11 non-reliance on domestic spying by CIA et al.

    So donald tRump disagreed with Flynn about his? tRump didn't go ahead and push for this (or appoint someone else to push for it) after Flynn was ousted, so he must have disagreed. Anyway, that tRump was "spied" on has been debunked. The FBI "spied" on Russians. The FBI learned about tRump's collusion because his campaign was talking to the Russians they were spying on.

    "Blackmail" and "coercion" you refer to is holding people accountable for collusion with a hostile foreign power. OF COURSE you are opposed to this. Because you like that Putin helped tRump steal the election.

    Minus: Paul Manafort was simply the first victim in FBI's "get Trump" scheme.

    The FBI had (and still has) a "help tRump" scheme. Paul Manafort was convicted of failing to register as a foreign agent? He was charged, but Wikipedia doesn't mention a conviction. Quote: ...the jury found Manafort guilty on... five counts of filing false tax returns, two counts of bank fraud, and one count of failing to disclose a foreign bank account".

    Why should Hunter Biden be convicted of failing to register as a foreign agent if Manafort wasn't?

    Qtard: The Patriot Act was meant to be a war-time suspension of US Civil Rights, not a permanent imposition of presidential war powers.

    The Patriot Act was passed when gwb was president. During his presidency, dotard donald "signed [a] bill to renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act". Politico says "The measure passed over the opposition of privacy-minded Democrats and libertarian Republicans, who joined forces to argue that the 702 spying tools allow the government to conduct warrant-free searches on Americans".

    Michael Flynn would have stopped this? Sure...

    Minus: ...welcome to America's "Imperial" phase. The Republic is dead. Hail Biden!

    Hail tRump!

  24. Mystere (using his fake Dervish Sanders account): By the way, our superly fantastic President Joe Biden is a God! Joe Biden deserves to be worshipped.

    Joe Biden is NOT a god. Joe Biden should not be worshipped. I don't give a shit what you got a screen shot of. I have never "indulged in the occult". I don't believe in the occult. I have never worn a "Klan Burqa". You are an idiot.

    Also a certified religious nutter. Proven by the fact that you believe the fat Orange Turd is the "chosen one" and was sent by God to "save babies from being butchered". Your hands are stained with the blood of innocent women, Edward.

  25. Mystere (posting as Ivan Chopapa): Who's this "Mystere" guy? My name is Ivan Chopapa. This "Mystere" guy never said anything here, as far as I can see.

    Your name is Edward Endo (aka Mystere), dipshit.

  26. \\The Pax Americana years are over.

    Rome is dead?

    All hail to Constantinopol. ;-)

    \\As predicted you ignore actual "religious bonkerism" in Mystere's words and continue to falsely accuse me. No surprise.

    Well... that "religious bonkerism" showed in just couple of comments.

    While YOUR --- you keep showing... for a half a year. In this blog.

    Just a matter of amount of confirmation material. ;-P

    Yeah... but, you'd understand it your self, if ony you'd not be that unredeamable u.u.r.b. :-))))))))))))))))

    \\To hear trumpturds (like Minus) tell it, it was HRC who "framed" dotard donald for collusion. So why didn't Robert Durham bring charges against HRC, Obama and Biden?

    Why Yellow Press exist???

    Why YOU keep claiming absolutely counter-factual things here?

    Cause. USA that is Democratic country. Where Human Rights preserved. And talking bullshit AKA Free Speach Rights EXPLICITLY, NOT forbiden.

    An that makes you so sad and grumpy? Isn't it, Derpy?

    You'd like for ONLY YOU BULLSHIT being free from persecution? And any other thoroughly thwarted? As in any other totalitarian country.

    \\Minus continues to push this false narrative, yet you never criticism him for doing so.

    That is obviously a direct lie. Yawn.

    \\You DO NOT CARE about "innocent until proven guilty". You only pound on this to defend donald tRump.

    Well... if it broken for JUST ONE man... even if for such a nasty one as dRump -- it is broken FOR EVERYONE.

    Even more then that -- even if dRump -- with all his money and connections would not be able to protect itself -- what other small potatos could count on???

    So. My conviction toward Presumption of Innocent is pretty much solid.

    And your shitty accusation -- is basless as always and even is a direct lie. Yawn.

    \\HRC was RUNNING for the presidency. She had no power then


    I beg myself a pardon.

    As a foreigner, I didn't parsed it well. I though that HRC mean some acronim for some organization...

    And not one person.

    My bad.

    But well. Errare humanum est.


  27. \\Qtard: \\tRump will be convincted soon and sentenced to prison. Possibly for espionage\\
    \\And you know that BECAUSE??? Because that is a "fact"?

    \\It isn't a fact. It is a possibility. Why I used the word "possibly".


    You didn't said "possibly convicted". Not "would be convicted".

    And MY DIRECTLY PRECISE quote of your words -- shows it with impunity. ;-P

    And now you trying to squint and re-interpret YOUR OWN DAMN words. :-)))))))))))))))

    What a miserly liar you are! Shame on you! Shame on you! Nasty-nasty liar!

    \\I cited Ryan Goodman, though I've heard others are making similar predictions.


    And previously, you tryed to recieve from me agreement to admit all and any of such "somebody-somebody who said something-something" AS FACTS...

    but now, you saing that that is "just a possibility", "some predictions", "it might or might not be"??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ I never said it is a "fact" that donald tRump will definitely be charged.

    Ha-ha-ha... so now you trying to back off from your earlier claims?

    From all that bullshit talk about ME being "fake foreigner" and "dRump supporter"... JUST BECAUSE *I* dared to point to THAT EXACTLY FACT -- that there is no and cannot be a garanty that "tRump will definitely be charged."

    Aren't ya? De-Ru-Pi.

    \\ That he has beeen charged in NY is a fact.


    And what about ALL PREVIOUS "facts"???

    \\Because you always ignore links, yes? Because you don't want to see facts that counter the BS you spin.


    Because you showed many-many times - how unreliable your claims is. And how links you provide full of bullshit.

    Why do I need to dig through manure???

    Go structure your claims in accordance to rules of Logic.

    And give direct and precise reference to facts.

    And... I promice, I'll try to reconcider with this my conclusion about you being mere bullshit talker. ;-P

    But... I have my faith in you -- you NEVER will do it.

    Cause... you are just that u.u.r.b. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\When did any of the Scandinavian countries or Iceland "put Humankind on the verge of Atomic Holocaust"??

    And they have private property right abolished? They have human rights stripped? They declare their type of government as mandatory for all people on the Earth?

    On what base you call em Socialists???

    While admitting that you are NOT an expert in history of USSR. (Or China. Or any other country and system that was declaring itself being Communistic/Socialistic... Like national-SOCIALISTIC regime of Germany ;-P)

    \\"Somebody said something something" are YOUR words. That is YOUR way to dismiss facts you don't like. You are trying to gaslight me into believing YOUR words are MY words (by screaming)? It didn't work.

    Clearly what Religious Bonker would say.

    "Don't try to sway me from my rightful path... with your infidel's talks". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Try to think, would ya?

    WHY *I* need to concider your words, to try to found some sense behind it -- while YOU declare that you will not do that for my words???

    \\The Patriot Act was passed when gwb was president.

    Well... Holy 0-bama was JUST AFTER him... and did have 8(EIGHT) years to remove that nasty gwb's law, isn't it?

    And... even if that time was still NOT enough... for 0-bama to accomplish that great deed.

    There is, what year of presidency of next one Holy Biden???

  28. Qtard: While YOUR --- you keep showing... for a half a year. In this blog. Just a matter of amount of confirmation material.

    The of amount of confirmation material that I am a "religous bonker" is NONE.

    Qtard: but, you'd understand it your self, if ony you'd not be that unredeamable u.u.r.b. :-))))))))))))))))

    I don't and I'm not. If you were not such and unredeamable FM you'd realize that your continued derping of this false accusation does not make it true.

    Qtard: Why Yellow Press exist???

    To defend republicans. As per Wikipedia, "Frank Luther Mott identifies yellow journalism based on five characteristics". Characteristic #5 is "dramatic sympathy with the underdog against the system". The "underdog" is dotard donald. He continually cries "I am the victim", "there is a witch-hunt against me". "I am fighting the deep state (the system)".

    Qtard: Why YOU keep claiming absolutely counter-factual things here?

    Why do YOU keep claiming absolutely counter-factual things here?

    Qtard: USA that is Democratic country. Where Human Rights preserved. And talking bullshit AKA Free Speach Rights EXPLICITLY, NOT forbiden. An that makes you so sad and grumpy? Isn't it, Derpy?

    You keep trying to bully me into not using my free speech right to express my opinions. Like my opinion that donald tRump is guilty. That one offends you greatly. That I refuse to give into your bullying tactics makes YOU sad and grumpy.

    Qtard: You'd like for ONLY YOU BULLSHIT being free from persecution? And any other thoroughly thwarted? As in any other totalitarian country.

    No. NOBODY should be persecuted for bullshit. Unless it is their bullshit. And their bullshit breaks the law. Then they should be prosecuted. Prosecution for lawbreaking isn't persecution. It's justice.

    Qtard: \\Minus continues to push this false narrative, yet you never criticism him for doing so.\\ That is obviously a direct lie. Yawn.

    How is it a "direct lie"? The amount of confirmation material to the contrary is copious.

    Qtard: \\You DO NOT CARE about "innocent until proven guilty"\\. You only pound on this to defend donald tRump. Well... if it broken for JUST ONE man... even if for such a nasty one as dRump -- it is broken FOR EVERYONE.

    It isn't broken for tRump. I'm not saying it should be broken for tRump (by locking him up without a trial). That is your fact-free false narrative.

    Qtard: Even more then that -- even if dRump -- with all his money and connections would not be able to protect itself -- what other small potatos could count on???

    The right word here to use would be DEFEND. PROTECT Sounds to me like you're endorsing corruption. Saying, "of course a rich person should be able to use money and connections to PROTECT himself from accountability".

    Qtard: So. My conviction toward Presumption of Innocent is pretty much solid.

    Your dedication to defending donald tRump is pretty much solid.

    Qtard: And your shitty accusation -- is basless as always and even is a direct lie. Yawn.

    My accusation that "you DO NOT CARE about innocent until proven guilty. You only pound on this to defend donald tRump" is factual. Proven by your constant defending of tRump.

    Qtard: As a foreigner, I didn't parsed it well. I though that HRC mean some acronim for some organization...

    Which one? Why would you write, "Are that HRC are nasty insurectionists and treacherous oath-breakers who cover such an apparent treason?" if you did not know who HRC is (thought HRC was a WHAT)?

  29. Qtard: And now you trying to squint and re-interpret YOUR OWN DAMN words. What a miserly liar you are! Shame on you! ... Nasty-nasty liar!

    What is the lie? I know tRump ISN'T going to be convicted of anything and I "lied" and said he was going to be convicted? HOW would I know what will happen in the future? Not only am I a liar, but a "nasty" one? But HOW could this be something I COULD lie about? Unless Qtard thinks I can accurately predict the future (I am some sort of prognosticator) but lied about what my prognostications told me. Is that what you're saying?

    Qtard: \\That he has been charged in NY is a fact.\\ :-)))) And what about ALL PREVIOUS "facts"???

    Why laughter? You believe tRump has not been charged in NY? If so, WHY did he recently fly from FL to NY to show up in court?

    Qtard: And previously, you tryed to recieve from me agreement to admit all and any of such "somebody-somebody who said something-something" AS FACTS...

    I didn't. "Somebody said something-something" is what you stupidly call facts you don't like. I never thought I'd get agreement from you. I did think I'd get a cogent counter-argument though. "Somebody said something-something" is just "I don't believe you". "I don't believe you" isn't a counter-argument.

    Qtard: Ha-ha-ha... so now you trying to back off from your earlier claims?

    No. The predictions are not mine. I can't "back off" predictions I didn't make. I could back off agreement with them, but I'm not going to. It seems more likely than not that tRump will at least be charged. By GA AG Fani Willis and by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith.

    Qtard: Because you showed many-many times - how unreliable your claims is. And how links you provide full of bullshit.

    Zero times isn't "many many times". As for "unreliable claims", what are you going to say if tRump does face more charges? Because it sounds like you are saying he won't. As for links I provide being "full of bullshit", that's just according to YOU. A non-expert who THINKS he is smarter than the experts. A FM who thinks calling something "Demn propaganda" debunks what experts say. That is what is bullshit.

    Qtard: Clearly what Religious Bonker would say. "Don't try to sway me from my rightful path... with your infidel's talks".

    "I disagree with you" is what a "religious bonker" would say? You disagree with me constantly. So... to almost everything I say YOUR response is, "don't try to sway me from my rightful path with your infidel's talks". Qtard must therefore be a religious bonker (by his qtarded logic).

    Qtard: WHY *I* need to concider your words, to try to found some sense behind it -- while YOU declare that you will not do that for my words???

    When did I "declare" this? I often struggle greatly to make sense of the qtarded gibberish you write.

    Qtard: \\The Patriot Act was passed when gwb was president.\\ Holy 0-bama was JUST AFTER him... and did have 8 years to remove that nasty gwb's law, isn't it?

    No. "Holy 0-bama" had zero years to remove that law. Because there never was a US president named "Holy 0-bama".

    Qtard: even if that time was still NOT enough... for 0-bama to accomplish that great deed. There is, what year of presidency of next one Holy Biden???

    Why did you skip over the presidency of Holy dotard donald tRump? Holy dotard donald tRump had 4 years to remove the law. Instead dotard donald tRump signed a bill that renewed Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. This is legislation that reauthorized "sweeping warrantless programs that intercept the digital traffic of foreign targets [and] also incidentally hoovers up the personal information on an unknown number of Americans".

  30. \\The of amount of confirmation material that I am a "religous bonker" is NONE.

    +1 example of Religious Bonker talks. ;-P

    \\I don't and I'm not. If you were not such and unredeamable FM you'd realize that your continued derping of this false accusation does not make it true.

    Tch, tch, tch. Observation. Not accusation. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Why Yellow Press exist???

    \\To defend republicans.

    And you trying to protest against describing you being Religious Bonker... while demonstrating such behavior. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Why YOU keep claiming absolutely counter-factual things here?

    \\Why do YOU keep claiming absolutely counter-factual things here?

    See? Yet one time idiotic behavior showed. ;-P

    \\You keep trying to bully me into not using my free speech right to express my opinions. Like my opinion that donald tRump is guilty. That one offends you greatly. That I refuse to give into your bullying tactics makes YOU sad and grumpy.


    I like it.

    And wanna you talk it more, more MOAR!!!!! Even MOAR gibberish! Even MOAR idiotic! Even MOAR Religious Bonker's talks! MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    \\No. NOBODY should be persecuted for bullshit. Unless it is their bullshit. And their bullshit breaks the law.

    Err... there is NO bullshit that can break the law... in a Free Speach country. ;-P

    And that that you do not understand it -- reveals you as totalitarian... wannabe. ;-P

    All is pretty Demn simple, isn't it, De-Ru-Pi? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\The right word here to use would be DEFEND. PROTECT Sounds to me like you're endorsing corruption. Saying, "of course a rich person should be able to use money and connections to PROTECT himself from accountability".

    Dunno. You say. Is such corruption exist in USA?
    The same as corrupt courts -- that throw innocent people to jail.

    \\Qtard: So. My conviction toward Presumption of Innocent is pretty much solid.

    \\Your dedication to defending donald tRump is pretty much solid.

    I have neither need nor means. None, nada, zilch reasons to defend dRump. Yawn.

    So. Dunno what you are trying to talk about, even.

    \\My accusation that "you DO NOT CARE about innocent until proven guilty. You only pound on this to defend donald tRump" is factual. Proven by your constant defending of tRump.


    Don't care.

    I am foreigner... and have no reason to respond to you "inner jokes". ;-P

    \\Which one? Why would you write, "Are that HRC are nasty insurectionists and treacherous oath-breakers who cover such an apparent treason?"

    They know facts about dRump crimes? And do not present em in court?

    How'd you call such scumbags???

  31. \\What is the lie?


    Famous Derpy's "It's not my business" Defence. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And previously, you tryed to recieve from me agreement to admit all and any of such "somebody-somebody who said something-something" AS FACTS...

    \\I didn't. "Somebody said something-something" is what you stupidly call facts you don't like.

    Do. I. Need. To give definition of what fact IS??? Yet one time?

    FACTS... that is DIRECT pointing to reality. Pointing to somebody-somebody's talks... especially when that somebody-somebodys DO NOT give references to Reality -- it would be preposterously to call it facts. ;-P

    That is not an evidances even. Well, maybe, except in religious sense.
    Like... nobody saw Jesus alive... but ALL MUST believe and preach to others that hollow baseless belief -- that he is alive.

    Just because somebody-somebody saying that...

    \\I did think I'd get a cogent counter-argument though.

    And there was (and still is). My FACTUAL AKA open obvious and self-evidant argument -- that dRump still not in jail. And not under court trial (criminal one).

    That is... good common sense argument -- why that all somebody-somebody's talks is plainly non-factual BS.

    But... you do not take it as argument. Cause idiotic Religious Bonkers do not like common sense. ;-P YET ONE TRAIT!

    \\ "Somebody said something-something" is just "I don't believe you".


    That's just common sense knowledge -- that people say non-factual BS just too much often. ;-P

    That's why believing to mere words -- idiotic fit. FACTS need to be provided. No facts -- no conciderations.

    And you can call it "non-believing". It suit u.u.r.b.s. ;-P

    \\ "I don't believe you" isn't a counter-argument.

    Yap. ;-P

    That way you admitted that you provided NO counter-arguments. :-))))))))))))))


    \\No. The predictions are not mine. I can't "back off" predictions I didn't make. I could back off agreement with them, but I'm not going to.

    Yap. ;-P

    Cause you are Religious Bonker. And Religious Bonkers do not back off from false claims... EVEN, (or especially) IF that claims dumbfounded. Credo ipso adsurdum (tm) :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Because you showed many-many times - how unreliable your claims is. And how links you provide full of bullshit.

    \\Zero times isn't "many many times".

    Yet one dunbfounded claim.

    Yawn. ;-P

    \\As for "unreliable claims", what are you going to say if tRump does face more charges?

    Criminal? For treason? With facts provided in court?

    As I thought.... ;-P

    \\ A non-expert who THINKS he is smarter than the experts.

    There is NO expert that NEVER errs.

    ONLY facts do NEVER errs. Cause they are embodyment of Reality itself.

    So, to doubt experts (and especially "experts" -- self-proclaimed, loud, always certain) is only reasonable tactic. To admit facts -- only possible one. ;-P

    Well... if you'd not be an idiot, and would do some comlex deeply rooted in Reality actual job -- you'd know it yourself -- you CANNOT fool the Reality, only YOURSELF. ;-P

    \\When did I "declare" this? I often struggle greatly to make sense of the qtarded gibberish you write.


    Problem with understanding simple facts. Calling am "gibberish".

    Perfectly fitting of an Religious Bonker. For sure. ;-P

    \\Why did you skip over the presidency of Holy dotard donald tRump?

    What reasons have had Rep president to repel other Rep president law???

    That is, too damn obvious. That's why I omited it.

    Was I wrong? Well, I am foreigner, and can easily misjudge something about such an inner politics in USA matters.

    But I'm sure, you give me a factual and logical corrections. Not. :-))))))))))))))))

  32. Qtard: \\Me: The of amount of confirmation material that I am a "religous bonker" is NONE.\\ +1 example of Religious Bonker talks.

    How would a non-religious bonker talk? They'd say "Oh, yes, I AM a religious bonker"? F*ck off. I deny "religious bonkerism"... that PROVES I am a religious bonker. I admit "religious bonkerism"... that also proves I am a religious bonker. So, there is NO WAY the FM Qtard THINKS he can be wrong... with his FALSE allegations.

    Qtard: \\Me: If you were not such and unredeemable FM you'd realize that your continued derping of this false accusation does not make it true.\\ Tch, tch, tch. Observation. Not accusation.

    My correct observation is that Qtard is a FM. Qtard's "observation" is incorrect. Because there is zero evidence behind it. Except for Qtard's redefinition of the word "believe" to ONLY apply to religious belief.

    Qtard: \\Qtard: Why Yellow Press exist???\\ Me: To defend republicans. And you trying to protest against describing you being Religious Bonker... while demonstrating such behavior.

    Incomplete Quote! You cut off my explanation. PROOF that the Yellow Press exists to defend republicans. You cut off my quote to make it appear I gave no explanation.

    Qtard: \\Qtard: Why YOU keep claiming absolutely counter-factual things here?\\ Me: Why do YOU keep claiming absolutely counter-factual things here?\\ See? Yet one time idiotic behavior showed.

    Idiotic question. And (as per your prior response), evidence of religious bonkerism. To accuse me with no evidence to back up your accusation. I didn't cut off your quote like you did mine.

    Qtard: \\Me: That I refuse to give into your bullying tactics makes YOU sad and grumpy.\\ Naah... I like it. And wanna you talk it more, more MOAR!!!!! Even MOAR gibberish! Even MOAR idiotic! Even MOAR Religious Bonker's talks! MOAR!

    "It" (Qtard) does it "moar" to the extreme. You're going to amp up your gibberish and idiocy even "moar"? Go ahead. You'll just end up looking even crazier. And I might just stop replying. I grow weary of your lies, stupidity and gibberish.

    Qtard \\Me: NOBODY should be persecuted for bullshit. Unless it is their bullshit. And their bullshit breaks the law.\\ Err... there is NO bullshit that can break the law... in a Free Speach country.

    WRONG. Bullshitting law enforcement. Bullshitting people to steal from them. Bullhitting to cover up crimes. Such bullshitting can get you sent to prison. "Free speach" (as you call free speech) does not protect lawbreaking.

    Qtard: And that that you do not understand it -- reveals you as totalitarian... wannabe.

    That you don't understand reveals that you are a FM.

  33. Qtard: The same as corrupt courts -- that throw innocent people to jail.

    I see. That is going to be your defense of tRump if/when he is thrown in jail. Even though you said (many times previously) that "proven in court" is the best proof. Except when you dismissed the court case in which tRump's accusation of being "framed" for collusion with Russia by HRC was THROWN OUT by the judge. Because Qtard ALWAYS defends tRump. Even if he has to twist himself into a pretzel to do so.

    Qtard: \\Qtard: So. My conviction toward Presumption of Innocent is pretty much solid.\\ Me: Your dedication to defending donald tRump is pretty much solid. \\ I have neither need nor means. None, nada, zilch reasons to defend dRump. Yawn.

    LIE. You have the means. You have internet access. PROVEN by your comments here. And you CLEARLY have the need. If you didn't you'd stop doing it.

    Qtard: So. Dunno what you are trying to talk about, even.

    Because you are a FM.

    Qtard: \\Me: My accusation that "you DO NOT CARE about innocent until proven guilty. You only pound on this to defend donald tRump" is factual. Proven by your constant defending of tRump.\\ Yawn. Don't care.

    Of course not. Because you are a liar. I point it out. You deny it BUT keep doing it. And don't care that you got caught lying. donald tRump does the SAME thing. He doesn't care that he's an obvious liar either. He just keeps doing it. Like you.

    I am foreigner... and have no reason to respond to you "inner jokes".

    "Inner jokes"? I dunno what you are trying to talk about, even.

    Qtard: They know facts about dRump crimes? And do not present em in court? How'd you call such scumbags???

    I would call such scumbags republicans. The facts were presented by Robert Mueller in this report. And by the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee in their report. Scumbag Bill Barr lied about Robert Mueller's report.

    That you'd call the VICTIMS of donald tRump's collusion scumbags? As opposed to his enablers? This is proof that Qtard is a scumbag.

  34. Qtard: \\Me: What is the lie?\\ Famous Derpy's "It's not my business" Defence.

    I didn't say "it's not my business". I asked you what the lie is... and you dodge my question with gibberish.

    Qtard: Do. I. Need. To give definition of what fact IS??? Yet one time? FACTS... that is DIRECT pointing to reality. Pointing to somebody-somebody's talks... especially when that somebody-somebodys DO NOT give references to Reality -- it would be preposterously to call it facts.

    And ONLY Qtard (and people Qtard agrees with) can do the pointing. People Qtard disagrees with are pointing to "Demn propaganda". Meaning... Qtard can NEVER be wrong. Because Qtard is ALWAYS "pointing to reality". Or so he thinks.

    FYI, the definition of "fact" is "a thing that is known or proved to be true". "Direct pointing to reality" was added by Qtard. So he could then falsely claim that facts he does not like "do not give references to reality".

    Qtard: Like... nobody saw Jesus alive... but ALL MUST believe and preach to others that hollow baseless belief -- that he is alive.

    I have never brought up Jesus. Or said anyone MUST believe anything about him. Only you do this. Continuously.

    Qtard: And there was (and still is). My FACTUAL AKA open obvious and self-evidant argument -- that dRump still not in jail. And not under court trial (criminal one).

    So, getting away with a crime means you are innocent of that crime? Crimes that go unprosecuted never happened? That is some qtarded bullshit. Anyway, your "self evident argument" will change once donald tRump IS charged and convicted. Then you'll say (as you ADMITTED) that it was a corrupt court that threw the innocent donald tRump in jail. Because you are a bigly hypocrite.

    Qtard: That is... good common sense argument -- why that all somebody-somebody's talks is plainly non-factual BS.

    Qtard just proved he does not know what common sense is.

    Qtard: No facts -- no conciderations.

    LOL! With you it's "facts given but not liked -- no considerations".

    Qtard: \\Me: "I don't believe you" isn't a counter-argument.\\ Yap. That way you admitted that you provided NO counter-arguments.

    YOU admitted it.

  35. Qtard: \\Me: No. The predictions are not mine. I can't "back off" predictions I didn't make. I could back off agreement with them, but I'm not going to.\\ ...Religious Bonkers do not back off from false claims... EVEN, (or especially) IF that claims dumbfounded.

    Predictions based on known facts aren't "dumbfounded". Your prediction (that tRump will never face charges) is what is dumbfounded.

    Qtard: \\Qtard: Because you showed many-many times - how unreliable your claims is. And how links you provide full of bullshit. \\Me: Zero times isn't "many many times".\\ Yet one dunbfounded claim.

    You didn't even give ONE example of "how links you provide full of bullshit".

    Qtard: \\Me: As for "unreliable claims", what are you going to say if tRump does face more charges?\\ Criminal? For treason? With facts provided in court? As I thought.

    "As I thought" is Qtard saying tRump will NEVER face criminal charges "with facts provided in court". Which he "knows" because it has not happened YET (except in NY). HOW does Qtard now what is going to happen in the future? Does Qtard utilize his powers of precognition?

    Qtard: There is NO expert that NEVER errs. ONLY facts do NEVER errs. Cause they are embodyment of Reality itself.

    Translation: Experts err who disagree with Qtard. FYI, people disagree with what is a fact ALL THE TIME. If it was so obvious ALL THE TIME what a fact is, there would be zero disagreement. ONLY Qtard never errs. Because the all-knowing Qtard knows what facts are the "embodiment of reality itself". Qtard ALWAYS knows what facts are the "embodiment of reality itself" when others (those who disagree with Qtard) frequently get it wrong.

    Qtard: So, to doubt experts (and especially "experts" -- self-proclaimed, loud, always certain) is only reasonable tactic. To admit facts -- only possible one.

    The narcissist Qtard again claims he CANNOT be wrong. Because he is self-proclaimed (loudly and with certainty) to be "admitting facts".

    Qtard: CANNOT fool the Reality, only YOURSELF.

    What Qtard does.

    Qtard: \\Me: When did I "declare" this? I often struggle greatly to make sense of the qtarded gibberish you write.\\ Yap. Problem with understanding simple facts. Calling am "gibberish".

    Citations? No. Quotes? None. Only fact-free unproven bogus accusations. As always.

    Qtard: \\Why did you skip over the presidency of Holy dotard donald tRump?\\ What reasons have had Rep president to repel other Rep president law???

    How is that a reason to criticize Obama and Biden but not tRump?

  36. \\How would a non-religious bonker talk? They'd say "Oh, yes, I AM a religious bonker"? F*ck off. I deny "religious bonkerism"...



    The same as complete drunkards or complete narcomans... religious bonker would deny being religious bonker. ;-P

    If you'd not... you'd be able to give LOGICAL explanation why you are not.

    But. Logical explanations... the same as in case of sore delusional condintions of brains of that said drunkards and narcomans -- make it surely impossible for RB to give LOGICAL explanation.

    The same as to UNDERSTAND logic.
    Or even mere simple definitions of words. Like word "fact" for example.

    And you... produced A LOT of comments, that confirm that you are exactly like that. ;-P

    And... what IS even more funny... you'll CONTINUE produce em. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\that PROVES I am a religious bonker. I admit "religious bonkerism"... that also proves I am a religious bonker. So, there is NO WAY the FM Qtard THINKS he can be wrong... with his FALSE allegations.

    That's... because you do not know, do not understand what LOGIC is. ;-P

    Cause... you are u.u.r.b. And u.u.r.b. -- that's who you are.

    \\My correct observation is that Qtard is a FM.

    And HOW your observation are "correct"??? If you NOT basing em on facts (CORRECT quotes, which are ONLY factual).

    And that is freakingly impossible fer ya to produce LOGICAL explanation.

    That makes what you "observe" just your delusions.


    \\Qtard's "observation" is incorrect. Because there is zero evidence behind it.

    YAP. :-)))))))))))))))

    "Zero evidances". Because "evidance" that is "belief of being true". And you -- do not like to believe. Which is, predictable. For a u.u.r.b.

    But. Too bad. My logical conclusion -- based on FACTS, not some fleamsy "evidances", to which some can believe or not believe. ;-P

    That's why you trying to squint, to derail, to twist the meaning of words and to drown conversation into tons of verbal manure. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    Little you know... that it only PROVES my point. And giving only MORE material for my observations and confirmations of my conclusions.

    But... you'll continue doing that -- demonstrating how much you are u.u.r.b. Or simple an idiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Qtard: Why Yellow Press exist???\\ Me: To defend republicans. And you trying to protest against describing you being Religious Bonker... while demonstrating such behavior.

    \\Incomplete Quote! You cut off my explanation. PROOF that the Yellow Press exists to defend republicans. You cut off my quote to make it appear I gave no explanation.


    You can give LOGICAL explanation why that cutted out MEANS anything? Can change a meaning?

    Naah. :-)))))

    Quite contrary. I can disprove your "Yellow press is for defending Reps ONLY" in a jiffy. For example. Yellow Press do publish all kind of "truthful info" about aliens and UFOs... how that "To defend republicans."???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\WRONG. Bullshitting law enforcement. Bullshitting people to steal from them. Bullhitting to cover up crimes. Such bullshitting can get you sent to prison. "Free speach" (as you call free speech) does not protect lawbreaking.

    So? Non-freedom would be better?

    Well, naturally, for a totalitarian wannabe -- who dispise freedom. ;-P

    \\That you don't understand reveals that you are a FM.


    And you can explain? logically? How it, that your mere babbling, is anyhow true?


  37. \\Qtard: The same as corrupt courts -- that throw innocent people to jail.

    \\I see. That is going to be your defense of tRump if/when he is thrown in jail. Even though you said (many times previously) that "proven in court" is the best proof.

    Yep. It is. The best avilable.

    But... there is lots of infested with Religious Bonkerism in the world. And they trying to destroy insitutions and procedures that based on FACTS and LOGIC.
    Trying to substitute FACTS with "somebody-somebody who saying something-something". To drown it all in verbal manure. To twist and derail and destroy the very notion of Truth.

    Just because they was stirred by some nasty propaganda to want to put some "nasty-nasty dRump" in jail...

    Well... not just dRump. EVERYONE who would oppose to all said above.

    Totalitarian Counter-Revolution is on the march.

    And dRump -- is only a cannary in a case. To check poison in the air.

    \\Because Qtard ALWAYS defends tRump. Even if he has to twist himself into a pretzel to do so.


    And you can... no, you will, will ya??? demonstrate how that "twist himself into a pretzel" you see??? ;-P


    That is just a baseless factless verbal feces throwing.

    As always. ;-P

    \\\\ I have neither need nor means. None, nada, zilch reasons to defend dRump. Yawn.

    \\LIE. You have the means. You have internet access. PROVEN by your comments here. And you CLEARLY have the need. If you didn't you'd stop doing it.

    Well... go demonstrate. HOW that can help dRump. Anyhow???

    Well... what you just said -- that is PERFECT, just perfect example of "thought crime" accusation... which is so Demn natural thing -- for a totalitarian wannabe. ;-P

    \\Of course not. Because you are a liar. I point it out. You deny it BUT keep doing it. And don't care that you got caught lying.


    And you can... no, you will, will ya??? Demonstrate that "lie" with facts and logical explanation -- why that is lie?


    Feces throwing.

    \\"Inner jokes"? I dunno what you are trying to talk about, even.

    That is... perfectly what *I* feel... from all your such accusations. Like that I "defend dRump".

    So, I assume, that that is something important and what happen oftenly in your inner political brawls. Am I right?

    But I am foreigner... and don't get it, naturally.

    And do not have much interest to know more about it.

    \\Qtard: They know facts about dRump crimes? And do not present em in court? How'd you call such scumbags???

    \\I would call such scumbags republicans.

    But... that is Democrats who are in charge of the country -- NOW.

    Why they NOT put dRump in jail??? Are they colluding with him???

    Like... to make him easy target in time of next elections.

    To assure Biden's re-election.

    Isn't that is NOT honest behavior? And corruption of the system? And denying people their rights for a fair vote???

    \\The facts were presented by Robert Mueller in this report.

    Well... was that facts THAT apparent??? Ready to be used in court?

    dRump, is not a prezident NOW. And have NO protection of a prezident. There is NO need to ask Senate to take him in court. Isn't it????

    WHY THAT *NOT* HAPPENING?????????????????????!!!!!!

    If that facts are SO DEMN apparent and so damning criminal???

  38. \\Qtard: \\Me: What is the lie?\\ Famous Derpy's "It's not my business" Defence.

    \\I didn't say "it's not my business". I asked you what the lie is... and you dodge my question with gibberish.

    I gave your direct quote: "I *DO* deny...", remember now???

    But you denyed seeing it and produced a lot of verbal feces to cover for it. And derailed it into "I asked you what the lie is"...

    Perfect tactic of Demn Religious Bonker -- to produce a lot of SPAM talks.

    You thought I would not see it. That miserly idiotic tactics of yours.

    Tactis to throw off nagging FACTS off your tail... :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And here.

    You wasted a lot of time crying "dRump WILL be put in jail"...
    but here, suddenly, you proclaim that you NEVER did it...
    and that is "none of your business" so to say. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    All is such a miserly tricks.

    \\And ONLY Qtard (and people Qtard agrees with) can do the pointing.


    No. Of course not.

    ANYBODY could do that.

    BUT. Religious Bonkers DO NOT like to do that.... ;-P

    cause, they (prefer to) "believe in facts". To produce some "evidances". Instead of pointing to obvious to anyone manifestation of Reality itself

    \\Qtard can NEVER be wrong. Because Qtard is ALWAYS "pointing to reality". Or so he thinks.

    Well... naturally. Reality is ONE and ONLY. And it is exist.

    So... any pointing to it (in a correct way) would be Truth.

    Got some rebuff to it? ;-P

    Like... that there is NO Objective Reality? Or that is impossible to point to any FACT in it? OR that logical inferences not possible? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Yap. You could. Cause you are Religious Bonker. Religious Bonkers DO DENY Objective Reality existance. ;-P

    \\FYI, the definition of "fact" is "a thing that is known or proved to be true". "Direct pointing to reality" was added by Qtard.


    I was giving you a definition from dictionaries even.

    Well... anyway. HOW one would be able that FACTS are FACTS??? WITHOUT pointing to Reality???

    Cause FACTS -- are PARTS of that Reality.

    \\So he could then falsely claim that facts he does not like "do not give references to reality".


    False claim.

    By this time we stumbled on some other stages.

    Like... that "facts" you say you provided is NOT open -- cause that is just somebody-somebody saing that there is some facts -- but give NO access to that "facts".

    Such "facts" cannot be admitted being factual. Cause -- who know, exist they ot not. Or that people just telling lies.

    Or... that some other "facts" is not obvious. Like your claims about crimes of dRump. Without some apparent and damning, obvious to anyone TRUE fcts -- that is just your mere babbling that he is giuilty.

    And you know it... itself. ;-P

    So... NO... well, yeah... THERE IS moment where "pointing to Reality" happen -- but that is YOU are one who deny it.

    Like when I give DIRECT and CORRECT quotes of your Demn words, like: "I *DO* deny"... and your try to say that there was NO such words, or they mean something else, or that that is "a lie" from "a FM"... :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Sheer DENIAL proved! ;-P

    But, you'll deny it TOO. :-)))))))))))))))))))

  39. \\Qtard: Like... nobody saw Jesus alive... but ALL MUST believe and preach to others that hollow baseless belief -- that he is alive.

    \\I have never brought up Jesus. Or said anyone MUST believe anything about him. Only you do this. Continuously.


    I brought him just to demonstrate the logic.

    SAME as in your case -- when you giving words of somebody-somebody -- and claim that that is FACT... somehow. While that is just words of some people -- THE SAME as in case with Jesus.

    THERE IS NO FACTS that Jesus existed even.

    But. There is lots of Religious Bonkers who inclined to "believe in fact"... that he exist. ;-P

    That is -- what they call ONE to ONE corespondence.


    If that is NOT TRUE in case of Jesus -- people who just say that he exist WITHOUT providing FACTS of his existance.

    WHY it should be different in some other case???

    It not.

    Ergo. People who telling "something-something" without giving "references to Reality" -- they DO NOT provide facts.

    Most surely, they just lie. Or show how delusioned they are -- if they themself believe in their own lies. Religious Bonkers.

    Simple, isn't it? ;-P

    \\So, getting away with a crime means you are innocent of that crime?

    Why that who know that there was crime (and can prove it with facts, not his "I believe in facts" that there was crime) -- do not report that facts and do not take criminal into court? Isn't that is a crime??? To allow criminal to "get away" with his crimes.

    \\Anyway, your "self evident argument" will change once donald tRump IS charged and convicted.

    Well. Yeah. It could.

    But... with all given evidances -- it wan't. ;-P

    IT ALREADY did not.

    So... I conclude, logically, that either there is NO facts of such crimes.
    OR... Demn Party do cover dRump from being convicted for his crime.

    And I live to you, as native USAian, to decide -- what is more realistic?

    As I am fioreigner, not very knowledgible and interested in it.
    And cannot discern it myself. ;-P

    \\Qtard: That is... good common sense argument -- why that all somebody-somebody's talks is plainly non-factual BS.

    \\Qtard just proved he does not know what common sense is.


    That people do say lies, often. Especially when they feel that they will not be accountble for their lies -- that is not common sense knowledge. :-)))))))))))

    \\LOL! With you it's "facts given but not liked -- no considerations".

    And you can prove that?


    That is your direct lie.

    That is what common sense from above tells me. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Me: "I don't believe you" isn't a counter-argument.\\ Yap. That way you admitted that you provided NO counter-arguments.

    \\YOU admitted it.

    That same childishly-idiotic rebuff. "No, you are". :-))))))

    Well, fitting of idiotic Religious Bonker. ;-P

  40. \\Predictions based on known facts aren't "dumbfounded".

    Are they?

    That is that somebody-somebodies told you? ;-P

    WHAT "known only by them" facts their predictions was based.

    \\Your prediction (that tRump will never face charges) is what is dumbfounded.

    Direct lie.

    Plus strawmaning and gaslighting.

    There was no such prediction from my side.

    Only obvious fact stated -- to which even YOU was forced to admit being true -- dRump still not in jail, and not in a court trial even (criminal one).

    \\You didn't even give ONE example of "how links you provide full of bullshit".


    That's exactly why you keep whining about my "somebody-somebody who saing something-something".

    Because I did not. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ Which he "knows" because it has not happened YET (except in NY).

    Please, remind me? Was it CRIMINAL charges?

    Related anyhow to "collusion"? Or "treason"? ;-P

    \\HOW does Qtard now what is going to happen in the future? Does Qtard utilize his powers of precognition?

    Well... Logic.

    Can give some good "predictions".

    Like, by knowing that Sun rised in the morening today. Again.
    It's easy to conclude that it WILL rise tomorrow TOO. ;-P

    But.. u r idiot, who do not grasp what Logic is.

    So for you it might look like Black Magic, yes???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Some shaman Somebody-Somebody needed, to ensure you that Sun will rise again tumorrow. And you need to give scapegoat, in face of dRump, for it to happen, only? ;-P


  41. \\Qtard: There is NO expert that NEVER errs. ONLY facts do NEVER errs. Cause they are embodyment of Reality itself.

    \\Translation: Experts err who disagree with Qtard. FYI, people disagree with what is a fact ALL THE TIME. If it was so obvious ALL THE TIME what a fact is, there would be zero disagreement. ONLY Qtard never errs. Because the all-knowing Qtard knows what facts are the "embodiment of reality itself". Qtard ALWAYS knows what facts are the "embodiment of reality itself" when others (those who disagree with Qtard) frequently get it wrong.

    Gibberish bullshit.

    Why it gibberish?

    Cause it illogical. ;-P

    Naturally fit being speed by Religious Bonker, who do not get what Logic is about. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: CANNOT fool the Reality, only YOURSELF.

    \\What Qtard does.

    And you can demonstrate.... well, yeah, you can't. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Me: When did I "declare" this? I often struggle greatly to make sense of the qtarded gibberish you write.\\ Yap. Problem with understanding simple facts. Calling am "gibberish".

    \\Citations? No. Quotes? None. Only fact-free unproven bogus accusations. As always.

    \\Qtard: WHY *I* need to concider your words, to try to found some sense behind it -- while YOU declare that you will not do that for my words???

    \\When did I "declare" this?

    Just a comment away.


    \\You are trying to gaslight me into believing YOUR words are MY words (by screaming)? It didn't work.

    Already forgot?

    Texts of all previous comments -- at your service. ;-P

    But... you will paly dumb and will squoint. And will keep proclaiming that your words is not your wards. And etc. ;-P

    I... "believe in you". :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\How is that a reason to criticize Obama and Biden but not tRump?


    Of course.

    It only "reasonable" to blame dRump for all and any shit 0-bama and B-den dumped out... while sitting in Oval Office. ;-P

    Well... WHO was waiting for anything from dRump to accomplish???

    Not me, for sure.

    As I am foreigner. And there is nothing what dRump proposed or could propose to me. ;-P

    So, it's up to you USAians -- to decide.

    And you yourself declared that he accomplished nothing. That he is "worst prezident in history".

    And I silently agreed with you. Or what??? I need to start to "defend" him??? For you baseless accusation that I "defening dRump" would became somewhat meaningfool???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a BS!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))

  42. EXACTLY. The same as complete drunkards or complete narcomans... An embarrassed Trekkies would deny being a Trekkie.

    That is all. I don't have hours per day to respond to Qtard's lies and stupidity.

  43. Dodgy Derpy found final BS to blurt out? :-)))))))))))))))))))

  44. Qtard blurted out: From all that bullshit talk about ME being "fake foreigner" and "dRump supporter"... JUST BECAUSE *I* dared to point to THAT EXACTLY FACT -- that there is no and cannot be a garanty that "tRump will definitely be charged."

    Trump indicted on 37 charges including Espionage Act violations in classified records case. Former President Trump was indicted on 37 charges, including 31 counts of violations of the Espionage Act, as part of special counsel Jack Smith's investigation into Trump's handling of classified documents from his time in the White House.

    The 49-page indictment, released Friday [6/9/2023] by the Department of Justice, details accusations that Trump stored boxes containing classified documents in various locations at Mar-a-Lago, his Florida estate, including a ballroom, a bathroom and shower, his office, his bedroom and a storage room.

    According to the indictment, among the top-secret and other classified records were details on foreign nations' nuclear capabilities, as well as information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both U.S. and foreign countries, U.S. nuclear programs, potential vulnerabilities of the U.S. and its allies to military attack, and plans for possible retaliation in response to an attack.

  45. Every document was a "charge". Why wasn't it 1,000 if Trump was a Russian Agent? Are all the "other documents" in Moscow?

  46. 31 of 37 charges are individual documents. The rest is BS. Good luck with your case.... like hiding documents from NARA. LOL!

  47. \\Trump indicted on 37 charges including Espionage Act violations in classified records case. Former President Trump was indicted on 37 charges, including 31 counts of violations of the Espionage Act, as part of special counsel Jack Smith's investigation into Trump's handling of classified documents from his time in the White House.


    You DO NOT get it what Presumption of Innocence is about. ;-P

    Thanky-thanky for YET ONE confirmation.

    \\According to the indictment, among the top-secret and other classified records were details on foreign nations' nuclear capabilities, as well as information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both U.S. and foreign countries, U.S. nuclear programs, potential vulnerabilities of the U.S. and its allies to military attack, and plans for possible retaliation in response to an attack.

    And there'd be NO examples of that documents... because they "top secret"?

    Like secret documents that count number of tiolets and their tubes conditions... on some secret bases of Rusha and China??? :-))))))))))))

    Well... they say that there was "top secret" documents found in Biden'd homes... but that, doesn't counts? Because Holy Biden cannot hold em... for some vicious reasons???

  48. Qtard CLEARLY does not understand presumption of innocence. The court presumes innocence. Individual members of the public have the right to form whatever opinion they want. There is no way to stop them. No matter how much the totalitarian wannabe Qtard wishes there was.

  49. Derpy silently admits losing?

    Here too. ;-P

  50. No.

    "It is also an international human right under the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 11".

    ..that innocence should be presumed by the legal system. You think the UN is going to prosecute individual citizens (of the US or any other country) for having the opinion that donald tRump is guilty? Should I be afraid that the UN is going to do something to me for violating donald tRump's human right to presumption of innocence? I could be brought up on charges at the Hague? Should I be afraid to leave the United States because I might be arrested as a "violator of human rights"?

    "Presumption of innocence" serves to emphasize that the prosecution has the obligation to prove each element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt (or some other level of proof depending on the criminal justice system) and that the accused bears no burden of proof.

    donald tRump is being prosecuted by Special Council Jack Smith. I am not a member of his team. I am a private citizen unconnected in any way with the DOJ, Special Council Jack Smith, or the dotard donald trial. As such, I have the right to have any opinion I wish. Though the totalitarian wannabe Qtard CLEARLY wishes there was a law that would punish me for expressing my opinions about donald tRump's guilt.

    Qtard confirms his idiocy. OVER AND OVER.

    A non-response to any moronic comment you might author (in response to this comment) is NOT me "silently admitting to losing".

  51. \\..that innocence should be presumed by the legal system. You think the UN is going to prosecute individual citizens (of the US or any other country) for having the opinion that donald tRump is guilty? Should I be afraid that the UN is going to do something to me for violating donald tRump's human right to presumption of innocence? I could be brought up on charges at the Hague? Should I be afraid to leave the United States because I might be arrested as a "violator of human rights"?

    Why you screaming about "racists, nazists and White Supremacists" then?

    They doing nothing wrong? That's "just their opinion"? ;-P

    \\A non-response to any moronic comment you might author (in response to this comment) is NOT me "silently admitting to losing".

    And you can devise any logically sound excuse? Naah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You are loser.

  52. Dodgy Derpy runned away ahain. :-)))))))))))))))

  53. Qtard: And you can devise any logically sound excuse?

    Yes. I'm sick of your moronity. And there is no reason to continue a debate Qtard lost. Qtard cries because he lost. I don't care. It is NMP.

  54. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    Underdog barking... from a mere humster. :-))))))))))))))))))

    Isn't it funny as hell. ;-P
