Sunday, January 15, 2023

Happy Birthday Dr. King!


  1. "The oneness of all people" is a concept Minus vociferously opposes. Because it is a threat to White Supremacy and White culture. As per Minus, if Black people have equal rights then White people have "nothing left to lose" and are justified in using violence to get their way.

  2. I'm all FOR the oneness of all American people. The rest of the world can go 'f itself, black, white, yellow or brown.

  3. "American people" = The White men and (under them) White women (as per Minus).

  4. No, ALL US Citizens, regardless of colour or creed.

  5. You're "mind reading powers" aren't very good, Derv.

  6. "Mind reading" has nothing to do with it. Proven by your support of the status quo. "Anti-Identity" is about maintaining the status quo -- which is White Supremacy.

  7. The why is the status quo all about coupling "affirmative action" with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and making corporation's values Environmantal, Social, Governance (ESG) "compliant"?

    Anti-identitarians looking to impose a status quo White Supremacy?

    Non- Sequitur after non sequitur.

  8. NMP.

    And seems like I need to be happy 'bout it. If I'd give a damn. :-)))

  9. Minus: Anti-identitarians looking to impose a status quo White Supremacy?

    You continue to pretend "Anti-identitarian" is a thing. It's a smokescreen. White Supremacy is already in place. No need to "impose" it.

  10. Yep, and it's run by the Uniparty DNC/NeverTrump Republicans.

  11. donald tRump is a "uniparty DNC/NeverTrump Republican"?

  12. Donald Trump Is (Still) President of White America. The culture of white supremacy has gone fully mainstream. And Trump has presided over this phenomenon as the official culture-warrior-in-chief. ... Trump was, and continues to be, the chief executive not of a nation, or of the Republican Party, or even of a cult, but of a culture — namely a culture of white supremacy. [11/20/2022]

  13. It gave its' last gasp in '65 when the Civil Right Act passed (by Republicans).

  14. LBJ was a Republican? Nixon and tRump were/are Democrats? Who knew? :P

  15. There were no Republicans in office in '65? All House and Senate seats were held by Democrats? Who knew?

  16. So LBJ was a Republican? Who knew?

  17. A brilliant political analyst, Johnson foresaw the consequences of his civil rights legislation on the day he signed it into law. He is said to have remarked: "We've lost the south for a generation". Indeed, the south has become steadily more Republican since then.

    Studies show that some Southern whites during the 1960s shifted to the Republican Party, in part due to racial conservatism. Majority support for the Democratic Party amongst Southern whites first fell away at the presidential level, and several decades later at the state and local levels.

    "when the Civil Right Act passed ... by Republicans" = false.

    On May 26, the Senate passed the bill by a 77–19 vote (Democrats 47–16, Republicans 30–2); only senators representing Southern states voted against it (most of which now vote Republican).

  18. lol. Racial conservatism? Republicans voted 15:1 FOR the Civil Rights bills.

  19. Neither the Democratic nor the Republican parties of today are like their 19th century forebearers. By the late 1960s, the national Democratic Party had abandoned its former support for legal segregation and enjoyed strong support from Black voters, while Republicans had embraced a white backlash to voting and civil rights to build their party in the South.

    "One has to wrap your mind around the fact parties evolve, and they change, and they have points of view and they’re not same in one century as they are in another", said Eric Foner, a professor of history at Columbia University who is considered the preeminent scholar of the Reconstruction period.

  20. Yep.

    You are evolved.

    Into Orwelian double-thinkers. :-)))

    My hypothesis.

  21. Orwelian double-thinking is the trumpturd area of expertise. Democrats prefer to stick with the truth.

  22. 1 Democrat/Dixiecrat Senator switches parties, and the Democrats build a myth of Republican racists to assuage/absolve their guilt...


  23. Dervy is the world champion of Doublethink deNile-ism.

  24. Minus is a world champion of Doublethink denialism. For example, in his comment above he insists a fact is actually a myth. Black voters overwhelmingly chose Democratic candidates because they know the GOP is the party of White Supremacy.

  25. \\Democrats prefer to stick with the truth.

    Likew that Ukrainians are Nazis? And Jews of Israel are Zionists?
    THAT kinds of "truth"?

  26. That Ukrainians are Nazis and Jews of Israel are Zionists is republiturd "truth".

  27. Why I heared it from Dems then??? Who was citing Dem-sources.

    While Trump was one who moved USA embassy to Erusalem???

    And media hysteria about "Ukrainian Nazis" was in Dem media too.

    Unconvinient truth -- isn't Truth. For Demo-crites. I know.
