Saturday, January 14, 2023

On the True Nature of Our Scared "Democracy"


  1. Matt Gaetz fixed Congress? Why didn't donald tRump lobby for him to be Speaker?

  2. After he serves a lengthy prison sentence for sex trafficking minor girls he's going to get reelected to the House and THEN run for Speaker?

  3. You really need to cut back on your FAKE NEWS consumption, Dervy. You talk as though lobotomized.

  4. Joel Greenberg confessed and got an 11 year prison sentence. He implicated Gaetz. What "fake news" did I consume? Did Joel Greenberg falsely confess to crimes he and Matt Gaetz didn't commit? Or are you simply gloating because Matt Gaetz hasn't been charged yet (and may not be charged)? Apparently you are only outraged when (according to you) Democrats get away with such crimes as committed by Gaetz (and donald tRump).

  5. Why isn't Gaetz in jail then, since testifying against Gaetz was part of Greenberg's "plea deal"?

    Probably for the exact same reason the DNC fabricated Steele Dossier didn't result in Donald Trump's impeachment.

  6. btw - Was Greenberg blackmailing Roger Stone, too. or did he just pimp for Gaetz?

  7. donald tRump was impeached because he tried to extort Ukrainian president Zelenskyy into opening a bogus investigation into Joe Biden. They had a transcript of the call. This occurred AFTER tRump became president, whereas the Steele Dossier was compiled BEFORE the election.

    In any case, the Dossier wasn't "fabricated", but VERIFIED by the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee re Russian collusion. As per the report, "The Russian government disrupted an American election to help Mr. Trump become president, Russian intelligence services viewed members of the Trump campaign as easily manipulated, and some of Mr. Trump's advisers were eager for the help from an American adversary".

    Michael Cohen pled guilty to "one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) for the principal purpose of influencing [the] election".

    AT THE REQUEST OF tRump. Yet tRump still has not been charged with anything, while Michael Cohen was convicted and went to prison. If Gaetz isn't charged (re crimes Joel Greenberg is going to prison for) it won't be because he's innocent.

  8. I recommend you call someone who gives a sh*t. A pimp went to jail for pimping underage girls. And you want to arrest the john for not carding her?

    And there was a reason why Trump asked the Ukrainians for an investigation. Does millions of $ to Hunter ring any bells for you?

  9. \\Probably for the exact same reason the DNC fabricated Steele Dossier didn't result in Donald Trump's impeachment.

    Because 50 of his frends from Senat aquited him? Or... how it looks like for anyone from outside world. ;-P

    \\And there was a reason why Trump asked the Ukrainians for an investigation. Does millions of $ to Hunter ring any bells for you?

    He NOT only asked... he sent his minion to "fix" that investigation to "find" something incriminating.
    Something like "millions of $ to Hunter ring".

    Admit it... you was not looked into it closely.
    Or what? You saying it while knowing all too well that that realy was SUCH a low-brow crookery? And support such a way of deal making?

  10. Prostitution is legal? The pimp just needs to card the woman to make sure she's of the legal age of consent? That's why Matt is innocent? Who knew?

    Also, it's illegal for an American to take a job in a foreign country? Why didn't tRump simply have Hunter Biden arrested? Why did the Ukrainian government need to investigate?

    Who is investigating the 2 Billion that Jared got from Saudi Arabia? The US government or the Saudi government? Perhaps Joe Biden should make a "perfect phone call" to the Saudi king to get them to look into it. People might be interested in knowing what the big guy dotard donald's cut was. Surely it must be big, given how he covered for MBS ordering the murder of a Washington Post reporter.

  11. Rudy Giuliani is nobodies "minion". He put more organized criminals and corrupt government officials behind bars that any other US Attorney in the SDNY.

    He prosecuted Bonanno family boss Phil Rastelli and capo Anthony Indelicato; Colombo boss Carmine Persico and member Ralph Scopo; Gambino boss Paul Castellano; Genovese boss Anthony Salerno and member Gennaro Langella; Lucchese boss Anthony Corallo, underboss Salvatore Santoro and consigliere Christopher Furnari.

    Before leaving office in January 1989, Giuliani also successfully prosecuted cases of alleged illegal insider trading on Wall Street and corruption in New York political circles. In 1987, Ivan Boesky, a Wall Street arbitrager who amassed $200 million investing in companies about to be taken over or bought out, was convicted of conspiring to file false documents, served two years in prison and was fined $100 million. In 1988, Giuliani then focused on a Boesky associate, Michael Milken, known as the “king” of selling unsecured “junk” bonds to raise funds for businesses. Milken was indicted on 98 counts including racketeering, insider trading and securities fraud, went to prison for nearly two years and paid $900 million in fines. Giuliani prosecuted and won racketeering convictions against Bronx Democratic leader Stanley Freidman and others in a bribery scheme involving the city’s parking meter violations agency. In 1988, four executives of the defense contractor firm Wedtech pleaded guilty to federal charges filed by Giuliani in illegal payoffs to public officials in exchange for no-bid contracts. The case also ended with the conviction of Congressman Mario Biaggi, a New York Democrat, for extorting payoffs from Wedtech.

  12. No Dervy, prostitution isn't legal. It's "common". And getting a pimp to lie about customers in return for a reduced plea deal is even "commoner".

  13. \\Rudy Giuliani is nobodies "minion".

    Whatever. I this actual scenario he played role of miserly minion and behind the curtain shady deals making.
    Bear with it. ;-P

    \\He prosecuted Bonanno family boss Phil Rastelli and capo Anthony Indelicato; Colombo boss Carmine Persico and member Ralph Scopo; Gambino boss Paul Castellano; Genovese boss Anthony Salerno and member Gennaro Langella; Lucchese boss Anthony Corallo, underboss Salvatore Santoro and consigliere Christopher Furnari.

    Means... he have had A LOT of chances to learn best ptactices of shagy deals making from them. ;-P

    And of course... you know that verse -- "The end justifies the means". ;-)

  14. \\Prostitution is legal?

    In some countries -- yes. They even have unions there. WHY you ignore such a positive experience? ;-P

  15. Insider: ...prosecutors were examining if the congressman [Matt Gaetz] committed three separate crimes: if he sex-trafficked a 17-year-old; if he violated the Mann Act, which prohibits the transportation of "any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose" across state lines; and if he obstructed justice.

    The existence of the investigation first became public last year, when The New York Times reported that investigators were examining if Gaetz had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old in 2019 and paid for her to travel with him. [9/23/22].

    Apparently none of this happened?

    Rudy Giuliani is an joke and an embarrassment in addition to being a conduit for Russian disinformation. Giuliani is another trumpturd criminal who should have been arrested awhile ago.

  16. \\...who should have been arrested awhile ago.

    And? Why he still not? Because of friends/contacts/shady deals among/with Dems? ;-P

  17. If you locked up every adult male who's had sex with an "underage" (what's the age of consent vice majority?) prostitute, half the adult population of the US would be behind bars.

  18. Even though it looks like Gatez isn't going to be prosecuted he is still a scumbag :P A White male supremacist in the same mould as dotard donald. Why Minus admires him.

    2:32 Chenk Uygur: ...somebody not pressing charges doesn't mean that that person is innocent. For example, Michael Cohen went to jail for paying hush money. His co conspirator was Donald Trump, well they both definitely did it. There's no question about it, it's just that Trump didn't go to jail and wasn't charged and Michael Cohen was. It's actually a very similar case.

    So and why? Because one of them is a politician and among the elites and prosecutors get scared, they're really scared of people in the elite. So what if we lose and what are they scared of? Are they gonna get sent to a gulag? No, they're just scared because they're obsessed with their reputations.

    But ironically here they blew it... I saw this from CNN... [Elie Mystal] said, well they already gave Joel Greenberg... a deal to testify against Gaetz. And now they're saying they're not gonna charge press charges on Gaetz because Greenberg is just not reliable enough as a witness. Then what the hell did you give him a deal for?

    I mean he confessed to tons of crimes and got a much reduced sentence and that is an absolute fail on the prosecutor's part ... obviously you shouldn't have given the guy a deal if you're not gonna use his testimony.

    4:41 Nina Turner: He should not be taking a 17 year old anywhere that is the main point. He wouldn't even be caught up in this mess had he not taken the 17 year old somewhere, without her parents or chaperone doesn't make sense. So that only add up to me...

    5:07 John Iadarola: ...we will never know for sure exactly why he sent messages to Greenberg saying hit up blank, the girl, and then sent money to Greenberg and then the next day Greenberg sent that same amount of money and 3 payments that said "tuition", "school", and "school". ...It just looks incredibly suspicious and damning and pervy.

    9:06 ...this being a continuing example of one of the most ridiculous sort of hypocrisy... that's really at the core of the Republican Party ... that they have decided that the thing they're gonna be about is save the children.

    ...they all believe that satanists are raping and killing and eating children. And they occupy every position of authority and the Democratic Party in Hollywood, all of that. And so they really care about saving the children so long as the children are hypothetical...

    9:57 ...with Ghislaine Maxwell, you could wish her well, doesn't matter, that's not suspicious. With Matt Gaetz. ...if there was a Democratic congressman who was even alleged to have done this sort of thing, they'd be losing their minds, but the actual, like alleged predators don't care...

    12:08 Chenk Uygur: All in all in the only thing I care about actual people sleeping with underage girls on your side couldn't care less.

    John Iadarola: Roy moore. Not interested. Doesn't matter. Don't care about it, not interested.

    12:23 Senator Nina Turner: much for the party of family values. [end]

    Minus says he doesn't give a shit. EXACTLY. He only cares when it's a Democrat being accused.

  19. Sorry, but where were you when Clinton was boffing Monica Lewinsky, Dervy?

  20. Monica Lewinsky was 22. You and I had no interaction back in 1997. I didn't tell you "I don't give a shit" when the affair was revealed. Clinton was impeached but not convicted. Therefore innocent. By your logic Clinton's impeachment was a hoax.

  21. \\I mean he confessed to tons of crimes and got a much reduced sentence and that is an absolute fail on the prosecutor's part ... obviously you shouldn't have given the guy a deal if you're not gonna use his testimony.

    If you have NO fear that your charges will be dismantled in court by a bunch of clever lawyers. ;-P
    Your Captain Obvious.
    Don't thank me.

    \\4:41 Nina Turner: He should not be taking a 17 year old anywhere that is the main point. He wouldn't even be caught up in this mess had he not taken the 17 year old somewhere, without her parents or chaperone doesn't make sense. So that only add up to me...

    And what about "my body, my rules" of that girl??? ;-))))

    Bleh... you are so pretentiously hypocritical, Derpy.

    \\Monica Lewinsky was 22.

    So? Adultering is O.K. for Dems? ;-P Or that is only when THEIR prez did it?
    Trump was allaged in "grabing pussy"... while that was miserly old man bragging.
    While Clinton DID ACTUALLY grabbed one. UNDENYABLE. ;-P
    But proudfool and faithfool Dem will not allow such a (ill)logical paradox to visit his mind even. It will not be allowed even to ring the door. ;-P

    An what about lying to a court? ;-P NOT GUILTY!!! I hear that war cry of hypo-demon-rats. ;-P :-))))))

  22. Monica Lewinsky was also an employee/intern at a government office that Clinton was responsible for preventing sexual harrassment at. His "pass" didn't fail, like Sleepy Joe's did.

  23. Qtard: Adultering is O.K. for Dems?

    It's "OK" for everyone. Any married person who engages in adultery risks divorce if their spouse finds out. Not jail time. donald tRump committed adultery in ALL of his marriages. Remember Stormy Daniels? Did tRump admit that affair to the American people or did he lie to them? Should he have been impeached? fyi, "my body, my rules" don't apply when you're under age. It's called statutory rape.

    Qtard: An what about lying to a court?

    donald tRump has never lied under oath? Who knew? There was also the bigly obstruction of justice as noted in the Mueller Report. BFD, right Qtard?

    Minus: ...Clinton was responsible for preventing sexual harrassment... His "pass" didn't fail, like Sleepy Joe's did.

    As per Lewinsky, "I blurted out, ‘You know I have a crush on you?’ And he laughed and smiled and then asked if I wanted to go into the back office. And I did. It was dark, and he eventually asked me if he could kiss me, and I said yes".

    Lewinsky: "I realized the top inch or two, oh my God, of my underwear was showing, my thong underwear, and I thought, ‘Well I'll up the game’. I knew [Bill] was walking out of a room, and instead of pulling my trousers up as I would have done in any other instance, I didn't. It was unnoticeable to anyone else in the room, but he noticed".

    Lewinsky made the pass. The "pass" you're referring to re "sleepy joe" never happened.

  24. The 17 year old prostitute made no "passes" at Gaetz? Who knew?

  25. Gatez sent her money (via Greenberg) for tuition and school. Wasn't she a student? She was a minor, not an adult (like Lewinsky). Why Gatez was investigated -- for being involved with a minor. While relationships between 2 consenting adults are usually not investigated.

  26. Intern's are adults? You watch too many DeNiro movies, Derv.

  27. While relationships between 2 consenting adults are usually not investigated.

    Unless they're slipping cigars up their coozies in the workplace...

  28. Monica Lewinsky wasn't a 70 year old intern (as Robert De Niro was in the movie you reference). She was 22. As I previously stated. 22 is an adult. 17 is not. That's the law.

  29. Bill Clinton didn't abuse his office by boffing her in the Oval? Who knew? Next time I visit a government facility, I'll ask for the intern bj.

  30. btw - Wasn't Paula Jones over the age of 22? How that bj request work out in AK?

  31. Still not getting the "failed pass" vs "successful pass" thing yet?

  32. Cuz Bill Clinton was definitely a "Grab 'em by the pussy" kinda guy.

  33. ...and you NEVER had a problem with him.

  34. I NEVER said I had no problem. That is what you said re Gaetz. That you don't give a shit. I did have a problem with what Bill Clinton did. I only think it was bullshit for him to be impeached. A consensual affair between 2 adults isn't a "high crime". donald tRump committed many high crimes and YOU never had a problem with him. You gloat that he got away with abusing his office (so far).

  35. \\22 is an adult. 17 is not. That's the law.

    So? Laws ARE higher then Woked Principles?

    Or... UNTIL they lower? :-))))

    \\I only think it was bullshit for him to be impeached.

    The same as some other people though that "that is bullshit" -- to be impeached for a not proved tit-for-tat.

    But... YOU obviously KNOW that in their case -- they are wrong-WRONG-WRING!!!! And crimibal.

    Isn't it, Dervy? ;-)

    Captaon Obvious, no need for thanks. ;-P

    \\A consensual affair between 2 adults isn't a "high crime".

    And what avout lies before high court? (sneaky question)

    \\donald tRump committed many high crimes and YOU never had a problem with him.

    Proofs! Proofs! Proofs!

    Or better.

    Court judgment.

    Or better.

    I want to see Trump in prison robe.

    You CAN'T

    Because you are useles teetless demo-crite. "Not my business" is your motto. ;-P

  36. I don't give a sh*t about Gaetz. I don't live in Florida and he's not my Representative.

  37. Bill Clinton is not your representative. He left office a long time ago. Also, you lie about Gatez. You DO give a shit. About him becoming Speaker one day. "Give him time", you said.

  38. Bill Clinton was never in Congress. And ps - I don't give a sh*t if Gaetz becomes Speaker, either.

  39. How proficient Derpy are with ignoring unconvinient questions.

    Isn't it just fascinating, ah Joe? ;-)

  40. He's very proficient at keeping to his talking points and ignoring everything else.

  41. Desho.

    He know his cathescisms well. :-))

  42. How proficient Qtard is at ignoring unconvinient facts. According to him facts without court judgements count for nothing. Qtard obviously has great confidence in court judgements. They are the be-all and end-all when it comes to determining guilt or innocence. Apparently he is convinced that nobody has ever been wrongly convicted. Or not convicted when they are actually guilty.

  43. Jeff Epstein went to prison but wasn't convicted of anything. There never was a trial. As per Qtard, he must have been innocent.

  44. must have been all his guests at Club Kiddieporn.

  45. \\How proficient Qtard is at ignoring unconvinient facts. According to him facts without court judgements count for nothing.

    What facts? That Trump is a free man, and can do whatever it wants???
    YOU are one who screaming about it to no end.
    So what, YOU are happy that he is free? Not in jail? And even can nominate itself for a next POTUS.

    Seems like it... other way, where'd you find such a perfect chance to continue your endless buzz "trump-zzz is bad, trump-zzz is crime, trump-zzz, trump-zzz, trump-zzz". :-)))))))))))

    \\Qtard obviously has great confidence in court judgements. They are the be-all and end-all when it comes to determining guilt or innocence. Apparently he is convinced that nobody has ever been wrongly convicted. Or not convicted when they are actually guilty.

    Ah. Yes.
    Woke judgments are ONLY perfect.
    I see. I see.

  46. ...get with "the Narrative", Q! ;)

  47. Dervy thinks that the CIA and USIC is still holding on to their "Trump Kompromat" taken at Epstein Island.

  48. Qtard: What facts?

    The facts that lead the IC and the Senate Intelligence committee to conclude (with high confidence in the case of the IC) that the dotard campaign colluded with Russia. How DENSE are you?

    Minus: Dervy thinks that the CIA and USIC is still holding on to their "Trump Kompromat" taken at Epstein Island.

    I haven't seen the evidence, but I KNOW it's damning. Actually... I have no idea what was found on Epstein's island. But it's certainly possible evidence incriminating tRump was found and is being covered up.

    Minus still thinks the FBI is covering for Bill Clinton. LOL.

  49. Those Guards didn't go to sleep at Rikers when Epstein committed suicide because they were "tired".

  50. The Epoch Times is fake news.

    Wikipedia: The Epoch Media Group's news sites and YouTube channels have spread misinformation and conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation, and false claims of fraud in the 2020 United States presidential election.

    Misinformation tracker NewsGuard said that The Epoch Times "fails to gather and present information responsibly, rarely corrects or clarifies errors and remains opaque as to its ownership and funding".

  51. lol! ABC/NBC/CBS is ALL fake news ALL the time. NewsGuard is a CIA PsyOp.

  52. \\Qtard: What facts?

    \\The facts that lead the IC and the Senate Intelligence committee to conclude (with high confidence in the case of the IC) that the dotard campaign colluded with Russia. How DENSE are you?

    I see now.
    That you freakingly do not know what facts is.
    While I pointed to one right away -- that Trump not in jail and free to do anything like a free man.

    Fact -- that is obvious visible self-explaning and self-evidant reference to Reality.

    Your "The facts that lead the IC and the Senate Intelligence committee to conclude (with high confidence in the case of the IC) that the dotard campaign colluded with Russia. How DENSE are you?"

    Contain only THAT fact -- that sombody-sombody have said something-something.

    Something that have NO legal force. Or even meaningless.

  53. Minus: NewsGuard is a CIA PsyOp. [link to "Veterans Today"].

    Veterans Today is an American anti-Semitic and conspiracy theory website. It describes itself as a "military veterans and foreign affairs journal", but the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) had said "the anti-Israel bent on VT can slide pretty quickly into overt anti-Semitism." Multiple sources describe it as a pro-Kremlin outlet.

    Qtard: Something that have NO legal force. Or even meaningless.

    donald tRump sued Hillary Clinton (and others) "accusing them of trying to rig the 2016 US presidential election by linking his campaign to Russia". Qtard places so much value on court judgements (they alone determine facts). So here is a court case for you, Qtard. donald tRump filed a lawsuit alleging HRC and other co-defendants were "conspiring to weave a false narrative".

    The lawsuit was deemed frivolous and thrown out. Additionally, donald tRump was fined 1 million dollars.

    Ergo HRC (and others) did NOT conspire to weave a false narrative. Ergo the "narrative" that the dotard campaign conspired with Russia must have some basis in fact.

    "...federal prosecutors are investigating Trump for his bid to reverse his loss in the national election to President Joe Biden, and his taking government documents to his Florida residence when he left office".

    No doubt that, whatever legal judgements are ultimately arrived at, Qtard will find a way to discount them. He is obviously wedded to the narrative that donald tRump is innocent of all allegations against him. Regardless of all the evidence to the contrary.

  54. \\Qtard places so much value on court judgements (they alone determine facts).

    Not alone. But officially. And with good measure of provability.
    Because people in court ACCOUNTABLE for the facts they present... means, they can be put in jail, if they try such a fraud. Isn't it?

    What responsibility weights on that other somebody-somebody you like to refer to???

    \\The lawsuit was deemed frivolous and thrown out.

    So, what?
    At least he tryed to do it through court. Means, he have balls.
    While you are throwing your frivolous accusation here and there... but as teethless, pennyless and balles coward, have no guts to escalate em into something definite.
    'Cause "not MY business" is your motto. ;-P

    \\Ergo HRC (and others) did NOT conspire to weave a false narrative. Ergo the "narrative" that the dotard campaign conspired with Russia must have some basis in fact.

    In your illogical logic of wishful (th|st)inker -- yes. :-)))

    \\He is obviously wedded to the narrative that donald tRump is innocent of all allegations against him. Regardless of all the evidence to the contrary.

    "Innocent UNTIL verdict in court". YES, I AM.

    Go try to dissude it. Mock it. Call it wrong.

    To show more of your adherance to a principles of Law and Democracy, and Order. NOT.

    Just DO IT.

  55. Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

    THAT is a DNC PsyOp.

  56. The FBI CounterIntelligence branch chief that charged Trump with Russian Collusion has been indicted for Russian Collusion.

    What irony.

  57. Qtard is full of shit. I just cited a court verdict and he praised the guy who lost (was proven wrong). Bringing a frivolous lawsuit and being fined a million dollars means donald tRump "has balls" Qtard says.

    Meanwhile Minus makes many allegations (none backed up with court verdicts) and Qtard usually says nothing. Yet he defends donald tRump vigorously. Also he has somehow determined that Putin is a tyrant. What court convicted Putin of any crime, Qtard?

    fyi, any investigation of donald tRump is not my business. I am not an employee of the DOJ or any government prosectoral body. "Balls" has nothing to do with it.

  58. Comment from the Time website...

    Phil: Everyone involved admits that Trump's campaign managers worked with Deripaska. Manafort went to jail for working with Deripaska before Trump pardoned Manafort. Same with Papadopoulos.

    McGonigal was put in charge of the MAGA filled FBI office to help kill the Russia investigation, which he accomplished with the help of Barr.

  59. You shoud open the Mueller II investigation, Dervy! I'm sure you'll catch Trump the next time. BWAH!

  60. Deripaska didn’t trust anyone related to intelligence operations in either the U.K or the U.S, and Deripaska had previously been burned by the FBI in 2009 after they asked for his help.

    In 2009 the FBI, then headed by Robert Mueller, requested the assistance of Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska in an operation to retrieve former FBI officer and CIA resource Robert Levinson who was captured in Iran two years earlier. The agent assigned to engage Deripaska was Andrew McCabe; the primary FBI need was financing and operational support. Deripaska spent around $25 million and would have succeeded except the U.S. State Department, then headed by Hillary Clinton, backed out.

    In the summer of 2016, Steele was under retainer by Deripaska and also working for Fusion-GPS. In hindsight, the conversation was almost certainly part of the research Steele was doing for his Fusion-GPS assignment and assembly of the dossier into Trump. Oleg was an easy and obvious source, and Anastasia Vashukevich just happened to be with Oleg when the conversation took place. She snagged the tapes upon departure, she was busted in Thailand and tried to use the info to get out.

    Keep in mind, in September of 2016 Andrew McCabe was Deputy Director of the FBI, when two FBI agents approached Deripaska in New York – asking for his help. The FBI request was for Deripaska to outline Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort as a tool of the Kremlin. Deripaska once hired Manafort as a political adviser and invested money with him in a business venture that went bad. Deripaska sued Manafort, alleging he stole money. However, according to a John Solomon article, despite Deripaska’s disposition toward Manafort, he viewed the FBI request as absurd. He laughed the FBI away, telling them: “You are trying to create something out of nothing.

    After Trump won the 2016 election, the entire apparatus of the U.S. intelligence system and DOJ turned on Deripaska because he now represented a risk

    1. John Solomon article aka fake news.

  61. Deripaska as cooperative FBI Informant never makes the MSM news? I wonder why?

  62. I wonder if Hillary ever paid him his $25 million back?

  63. \\Qtard is full of shit.

    Being called shit by a shithead... :-))) Well, yeah.

    \\I just cited a court verdict and he praised the guy who lost (was proven wrong).

    But... that showed that he is ACCOUNTABLE.
    Unlike you.
    Unlike your precious "truth-tellers".
    Unlike regular Dem-junky. ;-P
    And when in a supermarket they'll advertise to me "combo sell option" -- in a big box with flashy advertising poster -- BUT no way to look inside, to chose...

    I'll better go to a shelfs with fruits and vedgies.
    Even if they are half-rotten. ;-P
    My choice will be MY problem. But I'm O.K. with it.

    \\Bringing a frivolous lawsuit and being fined a million dollars means donald tRump "has balls" Qtard says.

    Because he can push his views into reality... while you can only buzz.
    And that is the reason of you contempt -- you just envious of him. ;-P

    \\Meanwhile Minus makes many allegations (none backed up with court verdicts) and Qtard usually says nothing.

    Because I don't care.
    Because I even do not know, and do not want to know that names.

    Your Captain Obvious.

    \\Yet he defends donald tRump vigorously.

    WHERE??? :-))))
    Are you an idiot? Is my claims that I'd like to see him in jail, in prison robe, doing that silly job your prisoners forced to do in movies. ;-P COUNTS as "vigorous defend"??? :-))))
    Well, I know already, that in eyes of Dem-junky it's... YES!!!

    \\Also he has somehow determined that Putin is a tyrant. What court convicted Putin of any crime, Qtard?

    Now you decided to play it both ways... to protect heinous murderer and genocide scum.
    Thank you, now I saw it all and know it all about Demo-crite SCUMBAGS.
    Who ready to protect injustice... just if they think that that can help em to win in a "battle of words".

    You are amoral scumbag. Derpy. Now I know it for sure.

    \\Hillary did hit the "Russia Reset" button once...

    And that is AFTER Putin's war against Georgia. Collusion with Russia? YES!! if it helps Dem's political causes.
    Yep. Like all Dems. It seems. :-(((

  64. I never defended Putin. I know he is a heinous murderer and genocidal scumbag. Even without a court judgement against him. Same as I know the insurrectionist donald tRump colluded with Russia simply by looking at the available facts. Qtard condems Putin even without a court judgement but continues to defend donald tRump. ALL facts pointing to donald tRump's guilt are "somebody said something something". Because Qtard is an amoral lying scumbag. Now proven for sure.

    "I'd like to see him in jail, in prison robe" = 🐂 💩

  65. \\I never defended Putin.

    I never defended DD... but does it stopped YOU, from claiming that *I*am*????

    Well... you are using Putin-style mechanism of producing lies. That's enough for me.

    \\Even without a court judgement against him. Same as I know the insurrectionist donald tRump colluded with Russia simply by looking at the available facts.

    There's difference.
    Trump -- mere human. Now especially.

    While Putin is at helm of heinous and genocidal machine of mass-killing.
    Which WILL continue to work even after his miserable death.
    If not be stopped. Firmly. And decisevly. And ASAP.

    Both of this claims is obvious, self-evidant refs to Reality. FACTS.

    That do not need additional admission from a court.

    \\ALL facts pointing to donald tRump's guilt are "somebody said something something".

    Not "All facts".
    But all provided by YOU "(non)facts".
    See the difference? No?
    I'm sure you don't.

    \\Because Qtard is an amoral lying scumbag. Now proven for sure.

    Yeah. Thank you. For demonstrating how you using tools of lying putin's propaganda.
    They do it EXACTLY this same way.

  66. Qtard: Putin is at helm of heinous and genocidal machine of mass-killing.

    You know this because Putin was tried and convicted by the lnternational Court of Justice? Was there a trial and conviction of Putin in ANY court?

    Somebody said something-something about Putin and Qtard believes it. Yet he continues to defend donald tRump. A "mere human" who was USA potus and could be again. Yet Qtard insists he's an innocent man being falsely accused.

    A "non-fact" is a fact Qtard doesn't like. "Propaganda" is a fact-based narrative Qtard doesn't like.

  67. \\You know this because Putin was tried and convicted by the lnternational Court of Justice? Was there a trial and conviction of Putin in ANY court?

    First. Thank you for demonstrating MORE of how Putin's Propaganda works.

    Second. No.


    Obvious -- means needs no futher elaboration or special explanations.

    Self-evidant -- as in "here it is", means if you pointing your finger at hyppo in a zoo, you mean "here's hyppo in THIS zoo, HERE... do you see it, dumbass???!!!".

    Reference to Reality -- in actual zoo, at actual hyppo. Not somebodies talks/memories like "sombody-sombody when was in Africa saying somthing-something like he saw hyppo there... or that was jiraffe, or crocodyle, dunno... but that somebody-sombody is VERY TRUTHFUL one, so you have my word... well, HIS, VERY TRUTHFUL WORD -- that he saying Truth". :-)))))

    Another word -- absolutely and totally opposite to that how religious prople talk about "Jesus said it". ;-P

  68. \\"Propaganda" is a fact-based narrative Qtard doesn't like.

    Yes. "Narrative". That is how Putin's Propagandists call their "flow of (non)thoughts" screeds. In part with "fact-based". While pushing for more and more "narrative" and elimination more and more of "fact-based".

    \\A "non-fact" is a fact Qtard doesn't like.

    Yes. Exactly. How Putin's Propagandists saying that their non-facts are "facts", "true facts", "only important facts", "facts that nobody should be criticising".

    \\Yet Qtard insists he's an innocent man being falsely accused.

    Yet Exactly. How Putin's Propagandists distort Reality and substitute true meaning with their concockted one.

    \\Yet he continues to defend donald tRump. A "mere human" who was USA potus and could be again.

    Yes. Exactly. Direct lies and "putting in a mouth" of opponent words that they didn't said, as Putin's Propagandists do it.

    \\Somebody said something-something about Putin and Qtard believes it.

    Yes. Exactly. How Putin's Propagandists trying to blurr the facts and even Reality itself, to subvert it all into "it's all mere words". To make Reality and Facts unaccessible and showed from the table, sweeped under carpet, buried under tons of verbal shit, whatever.

    Because that way LIE can prevail. Without fight. Because that way THERE'D be nothing to oppose to it. Nothing to base anything opposing it. Nobody would have any weapon against it. For THE LIE to rule in Eternity, Today and Forever.

  69. Qtard: How Putin's Propagandists trying to blurr the facts and even Reality itself, to subvert it all into "it's all mere words".

    In Qtardese: "somebody said something something".

    Qtard describes himself.

  70. I was sure that YOU... will not understand. And will try to subvert in a jiffy of time. ;-P

  71. No. I understand.

  72. I understand what you "understand".

    That such definition (obvious and self-evidant) of Truth and Facts -- is dangerous for your world of lies.

    That's why you will bend yourself into pretcel (well, you already are in that form... but I'm sure your spine flexible enough to do it second time) in tryes to subvert, divert and flood it over with a pile of bull,cow,sheep and all other kinds of shit. :-))))

  73. Qtard is talking about himself again.

  74. Yep. I see. Brain bent into pretcel. Well Mebius tape. ;-P
