White Supremacists who want to spread disinformation and overthrow democracy aren't victims of racism. Or having their civil rights violated. Your reply is offensive.
It was Democratic president who signed civil rights legislation into law. It's republiturds who are angered that "pesky negroes" are allowed to vote. And that those votes are actually counted. As opposed to throwing them out because of imaginary cheating. Because... Black people voting for Biden must be fraud.
Putin is known for running free and fair elections? HRC supporters marched to the Capitol and battled with police officers when their candidate wasn't declared the victor in 2016? donald tRump accepted the results of the 2020 election when all HIS advisors said there wasn't fraud that would swing the election in favor of Joe Biden? Who knew? I guess there is no way Qtard can be sure which side (Democrats or republicans) are pro-democracy. He is way too qtarded to figure it out.
HRC fabricated false evidence and used DoJ and FBI to hamstring the president and get him impeached. I think that pretty well defines the "spirit" of TREASON.
Actual true evidence. As confirmed by the bi-partisan Senate Intelligence report. Dotard donald's collusion with Russia pretty well defines the "spirit" of treason.
\\Putin is known for running free and fair elections?
Chinese, and many other "true democrats" can say yes... and how much is on YOUR side, Dervy? How many Nukes they have, to give to your words enough weight? ;-)
\\ I guess there is no way Qtard can be sure which side (Democrats or republicans) are pro-democracy. He is way too qtarded to figure it out.
No... that is your "democracy" is so teethless and scaredly wetting own pants... and cannot protect a zilch.
And NEED Ukrainians to do all you are INCAPABLE to do anymore(?).
\\Dotard donald's collusion with Russia pretty well defines the "spirit" of treason.
And WHY HE not in prison YET? That's it... because you are teethless. Wanna ask Ukrainians to help you with this too? ;-)
wtf? Flynn "kneecapped" himself by lying to the FBI. Nobody on the Senate Intelligence Committee forced him to lie. And (as far as I know) he was only interested in his own gravy trains.
I meant if Flynn had not lied to the FBI and stayed on as National Security advisor. Apparently you don't know, but Flynn is a Qanon nutter. Or a liar.
Still no idea this would have resulted in alleged gravy trains being tipped over. You offered no explanation. Apparently Flynn was stopped by the "bribe taking senators" on the intel committee via their honest and accurate report. Issued some time after Flynn left the National Security Advisor position. Huh?
Seems like he like to only ask. And blame others for doing the same. Clearly not a Golden Rule follower. ;-P Means, anything allowed, in talks with such twerp.
donald tRump hasn't been prosecuted yet because the republiturd-Putin party is completely corrupt. And because many (if not most) republiturd voters LOVE it. Though, according to Qtard, the (so far) non-prosecution of dotard donald is MY fault. Clearly Qtard is a moron.
Daily Caller article = fake news.
The Atlantic: On December 29, 2016... the Obama administration did at last announce punitive sanctions on Russia. The imminence of these sanctions triggered a flurry of communications between the Russian government and the Trump campaign. The Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, reached out to Flynn on December 28. Flynn was vacationing in the Dominican Republic, but on December 29, he spoke multiple times with Kislyak.
On December 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would not respond to the sanctions. That same day, Trump tweeted his thanks: "Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart". [5/8/2020]
Flynn lied to the FBI as part of the Russia collusion coverup. The disinformation campaign was run by the tRump campaign/administration, NOT by those trying to hold the colluders responsible.
NOTHING in the article about Flynn's plan to tip over alleged gravy trains, btw. I'll assume that Flynn was never going to tip over any gravy trains but was in fact (as has been proven) ALL ABOUT setting up gravy trains to himself. And that the allegation (re why the Senate bipartisan intelligence committee confirmed Russia collusion) and that their accurate conclusions nothing to do with alleged gravy trains.
\\donald tRump hasn't been prosecuted yet because the republiturd-Putin party is completely corrupt. And because many (if not most) republiturd voters LOVE it. Though, according to Qtard, the (so far) non-prosecution of dotard donald is MY fault. Clearly Qtard is a moron.
Thank you for that wordy self-revealing confession that you are nothing else but Teethless Demo-crite(from Dem and Hypocrite) with "not MY fault" motto. Make a big banner with it. And go to the streets with it. Proudly. ;-P
Simple and short would suffice, though. :-))))
\\On December 29, 2016... the Obama administration did at last announce punitive sanctions on Russia.
Yes. 8 year after Putin started war in Georgia. And 2 years after Putin started war in Ukraine. And that "punitive sanctions" was THAT MUCH __punitive__, that Putin started YET MORE wars... in Syria, and in Ukraine AGAIN. Isn't there something moronic... in that useless combination of words???
Thank you, Qtard, for that wordy self-revealing confession that you are nothing else but an absolute moron.
FYI, the article concerned Russia's collusion with the dotard donald 2016 campaign. The sanctions were in regards to Russia's interference in our election (to help dotard donald). Not in regards to the other things you mention.
Why didn't YOU (personally) do anything to stand up to Putin's aggression? You insist that I should be doing something in regards to tRump, yet you clearly REFUSED to do anything about Putin.
\\Thank you, Qtard, for that wordy self-revealing confession that you are nothing else but an absolute moron.
I was saying to you before -- keep away all shiny glassy things... and you will see no morons around you. ;-P
\\FYI, the article concerned Russia's collusion with the dotard donald 2016 campaign. The sanctions were in regards to Russia's interference in our election (to help dotard donald). Not in regards to the other things you mention.
And? Do you mean that he is... in jail? Or... in a court? Or... some public shame campagn in media for at least?
Ma-a-a-n, nobody cares.
Because nobody wants to follow fools and losers. Losers especially.
\\So how did Russia interfere again? Some troll farm got some clicks, and that changed the election? LOL!
They hacked your media system. And through it, your brains. And now using their "psychological warfare" on you. ;-P But. You do not see it. And will not admit it. Because very first rule of that brainwashing is "do not see into your mind intrusion"/"do not care about your mind being f*d with"/"keep spreading contagious memes futher". ;-P
\\All American media is a mind influencing operation. You're telling me that Putin's PsyOps are better than Hollywood USA's or Madison Avenue's?
Well, when you talk regarding matters of war in Ukraine... I feel like I watching Russian TV.
I think that is too much for randomly accidental similarity. Esecially, as I know that they HOW much attention they give to spreading mis- and dis-information in the Inet too.
And... I posoned by Hollywood a lot -- but do you see it in me? That much. That's interesting thing to know. ;-)
Why didn't YOU, Qtard, personally do anything to stand up to Putin's aggression? You insist that I should be doing something in regards to tRump, yet you clearly REFUSED to do anything about Putin.
it is totally NOT like something like Russian have you something NEW. They just took your OS. Mangled it to insert a rootkit. And returned it to you, with hope that that rootkit will help to control you.
Poor losers, who do not know how it works. :-))))))))))))
Hugo Weaving Sounds Off on Republicans, Alt-Right Twisting "The Matrix"... "Trump doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone else but himself", Weaving adds. "It's just unbelievable that he [was] the president". In a [9/11/2020] interview with The Daily Beast, "Matrix" actor Hugo Weaving says right wingers who are using "The Matrix" to express support for their political agenda have no idea what "The Matrix" truly represents.
"I am befuddled by it", Weaving said. "It just goes to show how people don't read below surfaces. They don't read between the lines. They will take something that they think is cool and they will repurpose it to fit themselves when the original intention or meaning of that thing was quite the opposite ... Trump is the classic, most unbelievable example. ‘Narcissist’ is a stupid thing to say, it's so obvious" :P
That's... not of you business, Derp.
Right. Like I said, there would be no response from Qtard. Pre-dick-table.
\\You are right about one thing. I'm sure I don't understand Lem very much at all.
That's pitty. While he is so simple. Maybe he'd better to write more complex and incomprehensible... :-)
Thing is -- OUR brains. BY design. DO NOT have direct access to reality.
That's why all kinds of viruses and rootkits overweight it, with inserting it's own purposes and distructions into it. To the level... what happen when TOO MANY viruses, or some nastiest one besaige computer, ah? It fails. ;-P
\\have no idea what "The Matrix" truly represents.
And you? Have an idea? Or you brain already overused it's miserly capacity by trying to holding all that useless little fact`about dRump??? :-)))
\\That's... not of you business, Derp.
\\Right. Like I said, there would be no response from Qtard. Pre-dick- table.
:-))))))) Chiken brains? That you cannot devise your own response, so you need to perrot mine? :-)))
It seems now we revealed your specie. You are parrot, Derpy, isn't it?
...if he had been a DNC transponder, he'd be selling out Biden for all his "classified document oooopsies" to make room for the next generation of corrupt politicians in 2024.
Only Qtard can have it both ways (Biden old = bad, tRump old = so what).
fyi, I wrote what I did because that is what dotard donald claimed. That he could declassify documents just by thinking about it. Due to his limited intellect Qtard is unable to understand sarcasm. Or when he's being mocked.
\\fyi, I wrote what I did because that is what dotard donald claimed. That he could declassify documents just by thinking about it. Due to his limited intellect Qtard is unable to understand sarcasm. Or when he's being mocked.
Definitely cognition problems... like I ever commented 'bout it. :-)))
But you continue-continue, giving more data on mentally impared dotards.
\\Only Qtard can have it both ways (Biden old = bad, tRump old = so what).
Not old. Sharp. Do Derpy thinks that DD... sharp??? :-)))) Seems like he is. And scorningly envious of DD's sharpness. ;-P (here is SARCASM fer ya... go pretend that you do (not) understand it)
No. donald tRump was born rich and continually bailed out by his father when his enterprises failed. Over and over. Then he stole from his dead brother's children -- when prior to his father's death from Alzheimer's -- got him to change his will. Then lied to his niece and nephew about the value of what they were supposed in inherit. Then he lost a lot of that money. He's good at scamming low information White Supremacists. He is a terrible businessman.
FYI, Barack Obama (who worked closely with Joe Biden) vouches for his mental sharpness. Via his endorsement. This bullplop about Joe Biden's "dementia" is nothing more than a tit-for-tat. People said the same thing about dotard donald. Though in dotard donald's case there is a LOT more evidence that dementia is likely :P
\\No. donald tRump was born rich and continually bailed out by his father when his enterprises failed. Over and over. Then he stole from his dead brother's children -- when prior to his father's death from Alzheimer's -- got him to change his will. Then lied to his niece and nephew about the value of what they were supposed in inherit. Then he lost a lot of that money. He's good at scamming low information White Supremacists. He is a terrible businessman.
See... how many details you know 'bout him. Clearly befit for a enviuos stalker. ;-P
\\FYI, Barack Obama (who worked closely with Joe Biden) vouches for his mental sharpness.
Again. Somebody-somebody talking about something-something presented as fact. ;-P
Qtard: Somebody-somebody talking about something-something presented as fact.
No. Not "somebody-sombody", dipshit. I gave you a name. Barack Obama. Someone who worked closely with Joe Biden and thus is in a position to know. Similar to Steve Bannon re donald tRump.
\\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said... Bizarro World is Qtard's home dimension.
Yep. This one. ;-P
And you are cross-dimention traveler it seems. :-))))))))))) One that lost memory and track if where he is now. ;-P (hint: Bizarro in his home ARE perfectly normal)
"Persecution complex" would be more accurate.
ReplyDelete...like those "pesky negroes" and all their yammering about "civil rights"?
ReplyDeleteNot at all. That was real persecution, not imaginary persecution.
ReplyDelete...or "real racism" as opposed to "institutional racism"?
ReplyDelete...so much for Arendt's "banaity of evil" theories.
ReplyDeleteWhite Supremacists who want to spread disinformation and overthrow democracy aren't victims of racism. Or having their civil rights violated. Your reply is offensive.
ReplyDeleteIt was Democratic president who signed civil rights legislation into law. It's republiturds who are angered that "pesky negroes" are allowed to vote. And that those votes are actually counted. As opposed to throwing them out because of imaginary cheating. Because... Black people voting for Biden must be fraud.
You forget who put Civil Rights over the top in '64/5.
ReplyDelete\\White Supremacists who want to spread disinformation and overthrow democracy...
ReplyDeleteHuh... but isn't that is what tyrants talk -- using THAT SAME WORDS,
that they protect people from "disinformation" and to give em "democracy".
Putin saying it, for example.
HOW I can know that you are REAL THING, real protector of democracy???
And not just a lowly tyrant wannabe.
Just How?????
Putin is known for running free and fair elections? HRC supporters marched to the Capitol and battled with police officers when their candidate wasn't declared the victor in 2016? donald tRump accepted the results of the 2020 election when all HIS advisors said there wasn't fraud that would swing the election in favor of Joe Biden? Who knew? I guess there is no way Qtard can be sure which side (Democrats or republicans) are pro-democracy. He is way too qtarded to figure it out.
ReplyDeleteHRC fabricated false evidence and used DoJ and FBI to hamstring the president and get him impeached. I think that pretty well defines the "spirit" of TREASON.
ReplyDeleteActual true evidence. As confirmed by the bi-partisan Senate Intelligence report. Dotard donald's collusion with Russia pretty well defines the "spirit" of treason.
ReplyDeletelol! Confirmed by a bunch of bribe-taking Senators anxious to keep Trump from tipping over their gravy train.
ReplyDeleteHow was he going to do that? Why didn't he?
ReplyDeleteHe had a guy named Gen Michael Flynn, whom they kneecapped on Day 1.
ReplyDelete\\Putin is known for running free and fair elections?
ReplyDeleteChinese, and many other "true democrats" can say yes... and how much is on YOUR side, Dervy? How many Nukes they have, to give to your words enough weight? ;-)
\\ I guess there is no way Qtard can be sure which side (Democrats or republicans) are pro-democracy. He is way too qtarded to figure it out.
No... that is your "democracy" is so teethless and scaredly wetting own pants... and cannot protect a zilch.
And NEED Ukrainians to do all you are INCAPABLE to do anymore(?).
\\Dotard donald's collusion with Russia pretty well defines the "spirit" of treason.
And WHY HE not in prison YET?
That's it... because you are teethless.
Wanna ask Ukrainians to help you with this too? ;-)
wtf? Flynn "kneecapped" himself by lying to the FBI. Nobody on the Senate Intelligence Committee forced him to lie. And (as far as I know) he was only interested in his own gravy trains.
ReplyDeleteHad Flynn not been kneecapped, the USIC wouldn't be the running the US Government, as it does today.
ReplyDeleteQanon would?
ReplyDeleteIf he got enough votes in the presidential election.
ReplyDeleteI meant if Flynn had not lied to the FBI and stayed on as National Security advisor. Apparently you don't know, but Flynn is a Qanon nutter. Or a liar.
ReplyDeleteStill no idea this would have resulted in alleged gravy trains being tipped over. You offered no explanation. Apparently Flynn was stopped by the "bribe taking senators" on the intel committee via their honest and accurate report. Issued some time after Flynn left the National Security Advisor position. Huh?
No answers from Derpy.
ReplyDeleteSeems like he like to only ask. And blame others for doing the same.
Clearly not a Golden Rule follower. ;-P
Means, anything allowed, in talks with such twerp.
ReplyDeleteBut hey, you love the politicization of the IC under the DNC.
donald tRump hasn't been prosecuted yet because the republiturd-Putin party is completely corrupt. And because many (if not most) republiturd voters LOVE it. Though, according to Qtard, the (so far) non-prosecution of dotard donald is MY fault. Clearly Qtard is a moron.
ReplyDeleteDaily Caller article = fake news.
The Atlantic: On December 29, 2016... the Obama administration did at last announce punitive sanctions on Russia. The imminence of these sanctions triggered a flurry of communications between the Russian government and the Trump campaign. The Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, reached out to Flynn on December 28. Flynn was vacationing in the Dominican Republic, but on December 29, he spoke multiple times with
On December 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would
not respond to the sanctions. That same day, Trump tweeted his thanks: "Great move
on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart". [5/8/2020]
Flynn lied to the FBI as part of the Russia collusion coverup. The disinformation campaign was run by the tRump campaign/administration, NOT by those trying to hold the colluders responsible.
NOTHING in the article about Flynn's plan to tip over alleged gravy trains, btw. I'll assume that Flynn was never going to tip over any gravy trains but was in fact (as has been proven) ALL ABOUT setting up gravy trains to himself. And that the allegation (re why the Senate bipartisan intelligence committee confirmed Russia collusion) and that their accurate conclusions nothing to do with alleged gravy trains.
ReplyDelete\\donald tRump hasn't been prosecuted yet because the republiturd-Putin party is completely corrupt. And because many (if not most) republiturd voters LOVE it. Though, according to Qtard, the (so far) non-prosecution of dotard donald is MY fault. Clearly Qtard is a moron.
ReplyDeleteThank you for that wordy self-revealing confession that you are nothing else but Teethless Demo-crite(from Dem and Hypocrite) with "not MY fault" motto. Make a big banner with it. And go to the streets with it. Proudly. ;-P
Simple and short would suffice, though. :-))))
\\On December 29, 2016... the Obama administration did at last announce punitive sanctions on Russia.
8 year after Putin started war in Georgia.
And 2 years after Putin started war in Ukraine.
And that "punitive sanctions" was THAT MUCH __punitive__, that Putin started YET MORE wars... in Syria, and in Ukraine AGAIN.
Isn't there something moronic... in that useless combination of words???
Thank you, Qtard, for that wordy self-revealing confession that you are nothing else but an absolute moron.
ReplyDeleteFYI, the article concerned Russia's collusion with the dotard donald 2016 campaign. The sanctions were in regards to Russia's interference in our election (to help dotard donald). Not in regards to the other things you mention.
Why didn't YOU (personally) do anything to stand up to Putin's aggression? You insist that I should be doing something in regards to tRump, yet you clearly REFUSED to do anything about Putin.
So how did Russia interfere again? Some troll farm got some clicks, and that changed the election? LOL!
ReplyDelete\\Thank you, Qtard, for that wordy self-revealing confession that you are nothing else but an absolute moron.
ReplyDeleteI was saying to you before -- keep away all shiny glassy things... and you will see no morons around you. ;-P
\\FYI, the article concerned Russia's collusion with the dotard donald 2016 campaign. The sanctions were in regards to Russia's interference in our election (to help dotard donald). Not in regards to the other things you mention.
And? Do you mean that he is... in jail? Or... in a court? Or... some public shame campagn in media for at least?
Ma-a-a-n, nobody cares.
Because nobody wants to follow fools and losers. Losers especially.
\\So how did Russia interfere again? Some troll farm got some clicks, and that changed the election? LOL!
They hacked your media system.
And through it, your brains.
And now using their "psychological warfare" on you. ;-P
You do not see it. And will not admit it.
Because very first rule of that brainwashing is "do not see into your mind intrusion"/"do not care about your mind being f*d with"/"keep spreading contagious memes futher". ;-P
Have you ever experience of your computer having virus?
ReplyDeleteOr... you do not know what anti-virus is, even? :-)))
All American media is a mind influencing operation. You're telling me that Putin's PsyOps are better than Hollywood USA's or Madison Avenue's?
ReplyDeleteBetter than CAA's?
ReplyDelete\\All American media is a mind influencing operation. You're telling me that Putin's PsyOps are better than Hollywood USA's or Madison Avenue's?
ReplyDeleteWell, when you talk regarding matters of war in Ukraine... I feel like I watching Russian TV.
I think that is too much for randomly accidental similarity.
Esecially, as I know that they HOW much attention they give to spreading mis- and dis-information in the Inet too.
And... I posoned by Hollywood a lot -- but do you see it in me? That much.
That's interesting thing to know. ;-)
Why didn't YOU, Qtard, personally do anything to stand up to Putin's aggression? You insist that I should be doing something in regards to tRump, yet you clearly REFUSED to do anything about Putin.
ReplyDeleteObviously there will be no response from Qtard.
That's... not of you business, Derp. ;-P
ReplyDeleteSee. It's easy to answer... when saying Truth.
I think that is too much for randomly accidental similarity.
ReplyDeleteWell, if Russia is responsible, I thank them for waking the American people up and showing us what's behind "The Matrix".
...and that's where we find ourselves at odds. You want to get in to the Matrix, and I want to get out.
ReplyDeleteYou do not understand neither Matrix, nor... anything Lem, it based on.
ReplyDeleteIt's impossible to "go out" of own brain. Even becoming crazy will not give it to you. Because that is just figural saying.
Only being reborn as somebody else... but that is only prophecy of Lem. Not 100% Truth. Yet(?). ;-P
ReplyDeleteit is totally NOT like something like Russian have you something NEW.
They just took your OS. Mangled it to insert a rootkit. And returned it to you, with hope that that rootkit will help to control you.
Poor losers, who do not know how it works. :-))))))))))))
gave you
ReplyDeleteYou are right about one thing. I'm sure I don't understand Lem very much at all.
ReplyDeleteHugo Weaving Sounds Off on Republicans, Alt-Right Twisting "The Matrix"... "Trump doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone else but himself", Weaving adds. "It's just unbelievable that he [was] the president". In a [9/11/2020] interview with The Daily Beast, "Matrix" actor Hugo Weaving says right wingers who are using "The Matrix" to express support for their political agenda have no idea what "The Matrix" truly represents.
ReplyDelete"I am befuddled by it", Weaving said. "It just goes to show how people don't read below surfaces. They don't read between the lines. They will take something that they think is cool and they will repurpose it to fit themselves when the original intention or meaning of that thing was quite the opposite ... Trump is the classic, most unbelievable example. ‘Narcissist’ is a stupid thing to say, it's so obvious" :P
That's... not of you business, Derp.
Right. Like I said, there would be no response from Qtard. Pre-dick-table.
\\You are right about one thing. I'm sure I don't understand Lem very much at all.
ReplyDeleteThat's pitty. While he is so simple.
Maybe he'd better to write more complex and incomprehensible... :-)
Thing is -- OUR brains. BY design. DO NOT have direct access to reality.
That's why all kinds of viruses and rootkits overweight it, with inserting it's own purposes and distructions into it.
To the level... what happen when TOO MANY viruses, or some nastiest one besaige computer, ah? It fails. ;-P
\\have no idea what "The Matrix" truly represents.
And you? Have an idea? Or you brain already overused it's miserly capacity by trying to holding all that useless little fact`about dRump??? :-)))
\\That's... not of you business, Derp.
\\Right. Like I said, there would be no response from Qtard. Pre-dick-
Chiken brains?
That you cannot devise your own response, so you need to perrot mine? :-)))
It seems now we revealed your specie. You are parrot, Derpy, isn't it?
Derpy smart, smart, smart.
Derpy wants cracker. ;-P
Other people think for Democrats and then send them their "talking points".
ReplyDeleteQtard isn't smart enough to realize when he is being mocked.
ReplyDeleteDervy is?
ReplyDelete\\Qtard isn't smart enough to realize when he is being mocked.
ReplyDeleteIn a way any brainless chick parrot can??? :-))))))))))))))
You give him too much credit (life form). He's a DNC transponder.
ReplyDeleteOr... Chinese/Kremlin bot. ;-P
Good point!
ReplyDelete...if he had been a DNC transponder, he'd be selling out Biden for all his "classified document oooopsies" to make room for the next generation of corrupt politicians in 2024.
ReplyDeleteJoe Biden is president. He retroactively declassified those documents with the power of his mind.
ReplyDeleteDid he use a tachyon beam?
ReplyDelete\\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
ReplyDeleteJoe Biden is president. He retroactively declassified those documents with the power of his mind.
Yet again.
You cannot use it BOYH ways. ;-P
Principle of exclusion of middle. :-)))
Only Qtard can have it both ways (Biden old = bad, tRump old = so what).
ReplyDeletefyi, I wrote what I did because that is what dotard donald claimed. That he could declassify documents just by thinking about it. Due to his limited intellect Qtard is unable to understand sarcasm. Or when he's being mocked.
Trump claims presidents can declassify documents "by thinking about it".
Barack Obama thought that any documents his VP Joe Biden viewed outside a secure environment were declassified. Prove me wrong.
\\fyi, I wrote what I did because that is what dotard donald claimed. That he could declassify documents just by thinking about it. Due to his limited intellect Qtard is unable to understand sarcasm. Or when he's being mocked.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely cognition problems... like I ever commented 'bout it. :-)))
But you continue-continue, giving more data on mentally impared dotards.
\\Only Qtard can have it both ways (Biden old = bad, tRump old = so what).
Not old. Sharp. Do Derpy thinks that DD... sharp??? :-))))
Seems like he is. And scorningly envious of DD's sharpness. ;-P (here is SARCASM fer ya... go pretend that you do (not) understand it)
Qtard: Definitely cognition problems...
ReplyDeleteYou? Sounds probable.
Qtard: scorningly envious of DD's sharpness.
No. donald tRump was born rich and continually bailed out by his father when his enterprises failed. Over and over. Then he stole from his dead brother's children -- when prior to his father's death from Alzheimer's -- got him to change his will. Then lied to his niece and nephew about the value of what they were supposed in inherit. Then he lost a lot of that money. He's good at scamming low information White Supremacists. He is a terrible businessman.
FYI, Barack Obama (who worked closely with Joe Biden) vouches for his mental sharpness. Via his endorsement. This bullplop about Joe Biden's "dementia" is nothing more than a tit-for-tat. People said the same thing about dotard donald. Though in dotard donald's case there is a LOT more evidence that dementia is likely :P
\\No. donald tRump was born rich and continually bailed out by his father when his enterprises failed. Over and over. Then he stole from his dead brother's children -- when prior to his father's death from Alzheimer's -- got him to change his will. Then lied to his niece and nephew about the value of what they were supposed in inherit. Then he lost a lot of that money. He's good at scamming low information White Supremacists. He is a terrible businessman.
ReplyDeleteSee... how many details you know 'bout him.
Clearly befit for a enviuos stalker. ;-P
\\FYI, Barack Obama (who worked closely with Joe Biden) vouches for his mental sharpness.
Again. Somebody-somebody talking about something-something presented as fact. ;-P
Qtard: Somebody-somebody talking about something-something presented as fact.
ReplyDeleteNo. Not "somebody-sombody", dipshit. I gave you a name. Barack Obama. Someone who worked closely with Joe Biden and thus is in a position to know. Similar to Steve Bannon re donald tRump.
\\No. Not "somebody-sombody", dipshit. I gave you a name. Barack Obama.
ReplyDeleteI don't f*g care. Even if that is Dalai Lama himself. Or Jesus. Or Muhamed. Or... Hoking. Or senator Palpatin himself. :-))))
If he do not talk with FACTS, he do not talk with FACTS.
\\ Someone who worked closely with Joe Biden and thus is in a position to know.
...and thus is in a position to cover his ass.
Here, I fixed it for you.
Don't thank me. ;-P
Qtard: I don't f*g care about facts.
ReplyDeleteThat is direct LIE from your side. Period.
ReplyDeleteBut thank you, for proving that you ARE in one boat with Putin's Propaganda.
Of heinous lyers.
No. Truth.
ReplyDeleteThat only shows that youi are user of Orwelian double-speak.
ReplyDeleteWhere "truth it's lie", "lie it's teut" and all that.
Or... you are from Bizarro World. ;-P
Bizarro World is Qtard's home dimension.
ReplyDeleteClown-world is Dervy's. :)
ReplyDelete...to him, straight white males are "bizarro".
ReplyDelete\\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
ReplyDeleteBizarro World is Qtard's home dimension.
Yep. This one. ;-P
And you are cross-dimention traveler it seems. :-)))))))))))
One that lost memory and track if where he is now. ;-P
(hint: Bizarro in his home ARE perfectly normal)